Chapter # 26.1 Guided Reading Questions (Pp. 539-584)

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Chapter # 26.1 Guided Reading Questions (Pp. 539-584)

Chapter # 26.1 Guided Reading Questions (pp. 539-584)

1. The Clash of Cultures on the Plain Indian Territory- Sioux- Great Sioux Reservation- Tenth Cavalry-

1. Describe the effect of westward expansion on Native Americans.

2. Receding Native Americans George Armstrong Custer Bozeman Trail- Sitting Bull- Battle of Little Big Horn- Chief Joseph- Geronimo- 2. How was the West "won?"

3. Bellowing Herds of Bison Buffalo Bill Cody-

3. How were the Buffalo reduced from 15 million to less than a thousand?

After the Civil War, over 15 million bison grazed the western plains. By 1885, fewer than 1000 were left after the bison had been slaughtered for their tongues, hides, or for amusement. 4. The End of the Trail Helen Hunt Jackson- Ghost Dance- Battle of Wounded Knee- Dawes Act- Carlisle Indian School- Indian Reorganization Act-

4. What did the government do to try to assimilate Native Americans?

Makers of America: The Plains Indians How was the culture of the Plains Indians shaped by white people?

Chapter # 26.2 Guided Reading Questions (pp. 584-594)

5. Mining: From Dishpan to Ore Breaker Pike's Peak- Comstock Lode- Silver Senators-

 Where did the 59ers or Pike’s Peakers go?

 What was a helldorado like?

 In what six ways did the mining frontier play a vital role in subduing the continent?

5. How did the discovery of precious metals affect the American West? 6. Beef Bonanzas and the Long Drive Long Drive- Wild Bill Hickok-

 What was the Long Drive?

 What were the names of some cow towns?

 What intruders built barbed wire fences which helped end the Long Drive?

 What was the equipment of the cowboy?

6. Why was cattle ranching so profitable in the 1870's?

8. The Farmers’ Frontier Homestead Act- Great American Desert- John Wesley Powell- Joseph F. Glidden-

 What did the 1862 Homestead Act do?

 In what ways was the Homestead Act a success and failure?  Who were the sodbusters?

 What was dry farming?

 Who invented barbed wire and what problem did it solve?

8. Did the Homestead Act live up to its purpose of giving small farmers a descent life on the plains?

9. The Far West Comes of Age Boomer- Sooners-

 In 1890 and 1896 what new states were admitted to the union? What three continental states remained to be admitted?

 Who were the sooners and boomers and what did they do?

9. What were some milestones in the “closing” of the West?

10. The Fading Frontier 1890 – Frederick Jackson Turner- Yellowstone- Francis Parkman- George Catlin- Frederic Remington-

 When did the “frontier line” end. Who wrote an influential essay about this?

 What is the safety value theory of the West?

10. What effects has the frontier had on the development of the United States?

Chapter # 26.3 Guided Reading Questions (pp. 594-606)

11. The Farm Becomes a Factory Montgomery Ward-


 Farmers changed after the Civil war from being jacks of all trades to doing what?

 What three industries were farmers tied to and how?

 Why did farmers have difficulty with the businesses side of this mechanization? Who did farmers blame for their problems?

 What swelled the ranks of America’s new industrial work force?

 How big were some farms? 11. Explain the statement, "The amazing mechanization of agriculture in the postwar years was almost as striking as the mechanization of industry."

12. Deflation Dooms the Debtor Deflation-

 What determined a wheat farmer’s price for their crop?

 What were the two chief worries of farmers?

 How did low farm prices affect farmer’s mortgages?

 How did a static money supply harm farmers?

 What vicious cycle did farmers face because of their farming machines?

12. What problems faced farmers in the closing decades of the 19th century?

13. Unhappy Farmers  In what four ways did Mother Nature hurt farmers?

 How did local taxes and protective tariffs burden farmers?  What trusts hurt the farmers? How?

 How did railroads hurt the farmers?

13. How did nature, government, and business all harm farmers?

14. The Farmers Take Their Stand The Grange- Cooperatives- Greenback-Labor Party- James B. Weaver-

 What was the Grange and who was its leading spirit?

 Politically, what did the Grange hope to accomplish?

 Were the so called Granger Laws successful? If so, how, if not, why?

 What was the Greenback Labor Party all about?

14. How did the Grange attempt to help farmers?

15. Prelude to Populism The Farmers’ Alliance- Mary Elizabeth Lease-

 What was the Farmer’s Alliance about? How did the Farmer’s Alliance weaken itself?

 What was the Colored Farmer’s National Alliance?

 What was another name for the People’s Party?

 Who did the Populists attack?

 What did the Populists attack?

 What three fiery prophets led the Populist cause?

 How successful were the Populist politically?

 Among whom did the Populists see potential political allies?

15. What steps did the Farmers’ Alliance believe would help farmers?

16. Coxey’s Army and the Pullman Strike Coxey’s Army- Eugene V. Debs- Pullman Palace Car Company-

 What was Coxey’s army all about? What was his platform?  What happened to General Coxey and his “lieutenants”?

 Who was Eugene V. Debs?

 Explain the Pullman Palace Car Company strike?

 What was the Pullman Strike about, who were its principle players and what was the result of the strike?

 What is an injunction? Both Populists and Unionists believed the strike proved an alliance existed between whom as a result of the Pullman Strike?

16. Why did President Cleveland send in federal troops during the Pullman Strike?

17. Golden McKinley and Sliver Bryan Mark Hannah- William McKinley- William Jennings Bryan- Cross of Gold speech-

 What issue loomed large in the Presidential election of 1896?

 Who ran as the Republican candidate for President in 1896? You was his political handler?

 What did Hanna belief the role of government was? What name was given to his economic policy?

 What three things did the Republican Presidential platform adopt?

 For what reasons was President Cleveland not well liked by his own party in 1896?  What “Boy Orator of the Platte” got the Democrat nomination for President in 1896?

 What was his famous speech? What were the planks in the 1896 Democratic platform?

 Who were the “gold bugs”?

 What did 16-1 mean?

17. Was William McKinley a strong presidential candidate? Explain.

18. Class Conflict: Plowholders versus Bondholders

 What was the “Stop Bryan, Save America” crusade all about? What “dirty tricks” were employed?

 Who won the Presidential election and why?

 The outcome was a resounding victory for whom? Bryan’s defeat marked what?

 What did the Republican victory of 1896 heralded?

 What was the “fourth party system”?

18. “The free-silver election of 1896 was probably the most significant since Lincoln’s victories in 1860 and 1864.” Explain. 19. Republican Standpattism Enthroned

 What was the Dingley Tariff all about? Why did the trusts and Treasury department want it passed?

 What was The Gold Standard Act of 1900 all about?

19. Did McKinley possess the characteristics necessary to be an effective president?

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