All Councillors Are Summoned to a Meeting of Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council on Tuesday
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KIBWORTH HARCOURT PARISH COUNCIL 25th September 2015 All Councillors are summoned to a meeting of Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council on Tuesday 6th October 2015 7.15pm at the Studio, Kibworth Grammar School Hall
Agenda 1. Apologies for absence 2. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 1st September 2015. 3. Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests on items included in the agenda. 4. Public participation session in respect of items on the agenda. 5. To nominate and co-opt Pauline Lindsay as member of the Council. 6. Enforcement matters – Christine Zacharia from Harborough District Council. 7. Reports from District and County Councillors. 8. Report from local police. 9. Reports from Heritage & Tree Wardens. 10. Reports from Committees & Clerk: a. Joint Burial b. Joint Recreation c. Grammar School Hall d. Village Hall 11. Kibworth Neighbourhood Planning Group: resolution to approve (1) the actions and decisions of the Kibworth Neighbourhood Planning Group as recorded in the Group’s draft minutes for August and September 2015, (2) the questionnaire for clubs produced by Janet Riley and (3) the statement of expenditure produced by Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council. 12. Joint submission to HDC Cabinet with KBPC. 13. Response to Harborough District Council’s Local Plan & Housing Options Consultation. 14. LCC Highways data collection – update. 15. Remembrance Sunday Service – wreath & attendance. 16. Planning – All current applications to be considered: a. 15/01345/FUL (and LBC) – 41 Main Street, b. 15/01152/OUT and 15/01153/OUT-Manor Oak Homes c. 15/01170/FUL –Kibworth Health Centre d. 15/01423/FUL – Windmill Farm e. 15/01432/FUL – 13 Nursery Court f. 15/01458/TPO – 43 Main Street g. 15/01273/FUL – 45 Main Street h. 15/01361/FUL – 3 Langton Road i. 15/01398/OUT – Barratt Homes application off Wentworth Close, Kibworth Beauchamp. 17. Stepping Stones project. 18. KB/1 Matters: a. Open spaces and responsibility for future maintenance b. Anti-social behaviour c. Litter bins update d. Royal Mail post box e. Noticeboards f. Dropped kerbs 19. Jubilee Green - monthly report and cleaning and surfacing repairs. 20. Finance and Admin matters – a. External audit recommendations b. Approval of bank and budget reconciliation c. Accounts and Invoices for payment 21. Joint Parish Councils meeting on 20th October 2015. 22. Correspondence for Information. 23. Councillors’ reports. 24. Date of the next meeting – Tuesday 3rd November 2015 MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ARE VERY WELCOME TO ATTEND THIS MEETING AND MAY SPEAK REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS AT THE INVITATION OF THE CHAIR.