Region D DAC Only Meeting
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Region D DAC Only Meeting Tuesday May 11th 4:00 PM PST Sands Convention Center Las Vegas, NV Casanova Room # 607
Sheila Roberson, DAC Chair opened the meeting by introducing herself and the members of the Executive Committee and Administration. Teri Jamison, Treasurer, Sharon Nichelson, Past Chair, and Barb Stockert Administration were in attendance. Vice Chair, Gemma English, and Secretary Leslie Rigg were unable to attend.
Sheila reviewed our meeting protocols.
Roll call of State Leaders, A Team Leaders, and membership was held. (Attendees are attached to the minutes).
The membership approved the minutes from the 10/09 DAC Only Meeting in Atlanta. Reid Bellis made motion to approve and Deanne Birch seconded it. All were in favor.
The Treasurer’s Report was given by Teri Jamison. Troy Paz made a motion to approve this, and Rosalie Weber seconded it. All were in favor.
Connie Lind-Fraher thanked the Executive Committee and Administration for the time they committed to getting the budget in order.
Sheila reminded the membership to thank VGM for the sponsor ship of our meeting rooms. If they had not done this we would have been responsible to pay $1000.00 for our meetings at Med Trade.
Sheila thanked Barb for the work she has done administratively for the DAC, and also thanked Troy for his work on the website. Barb also thanked Troy for his time and commitment to the DAC and also thanked the A Team Leaders and membership for responding to her requests on updating our membership. We need to have a precise list of who our members are and what teams they participate on. Barb is working on this and should have it completed and sent to A Team Leaders for their review within the next few weeks.
Troy told the membership that he enjoys working on the website and for the most part it is pretty complete. At times it is hard to keep up but he is doing the best he can. He has hopes of having everything completed within the next few months.
Sheila discussed state dues. All states have paid with the exception of Hawaii and Utah. Deanne Birch and Evan Call said that Utah’s dues would be paid by them as Champion Members at this meeting. Sheila asked the membership if we could turn off information to non-paying members. Troy reported that Cigna had said this could not be done when the DAC was formed. Discussion followed, Rick Graver suggested getting a Champion Sponsor for Hawaii. Kimberlie Rogers-Bower stated she could support one state and if it was easier to collect dues from Alaska we could do that and she would sponsor Hawaii. Rick Graver said he would discuss with Laura Steelquist about what needs to be done and report back.
Members from the state of Utah were in attendance for the first time ever and the DAC membership welcomed them.
Sheila stressed the importance of recruiting members and manufacturer’s. The DAC needs active members and those who want to get involved. Our Coalition Articles state that members have to remain in good standing. Currently we have some members that do not participate at all. Our teams need to develop questions for each round and we need dedicated A Team Leaders and Assistant A Team Leaders. It is important that our Leaders educate their teams on this, and show dedication by example. ‘ RAC Update: Dr. Whitten has gotten the RAC Medical Director Ellen Evans to participate with the DAC. Dr. Evan’s is tentatively scheduled to come to our meeting tomorrow.
PDAC Update: Sheila has been in email contact with the PDAC Manager Pat Pollert. Currently the PDAC has no money for travel but they may participate in the June teleconference. Sheila will report to the PDAC team and DAC membership current updates on this situation. The next DAC Only Meeting will be in Atlanta in November, 2010. The exact date and time of the meeting will be sent out as we get closer to this date.
. Chuck Gunther spoke to the DAC membership. He was one of the primary founders of the DAC that started 16 years ago. He reported that there are more things happening in our industry today than ever before. We need to stand up and get people involved to work on the problems. They had this same situation a number of years ago and they recruited members from every council, mfg’s, consultants, attorneys, etc. to represent our industry. If we do not do this all of these things will eventually destroy us, and we may not be here in the next 10 years. We need to get every DAC involved, along with National Associations, Mfg’s etc. We need to get some of these laws changed.
Discussion followed and the membership felt Chuck brought up a valid point. Chuck suggested creating a list and having those members, Associations, and Manufacturer’s that are interested to sign up. We need to submit to other Councils and come up with a strategy. Chuck also stated that all four DAC Chairs used to have regular meetings and this should not have gone away.
Bob Clock reported that Competitive Bidding was his main issue. Sheila said white papers are one way to bring this information forward but it will take everyone to get involved.
Connie Lind-Fraher said the last five years have shown more changes than before. We have to remember our purpose is to work with our carrier and that we have many things that are positive for this group. We all have a lot on our plate. We have to remember we have gone through 3 medical directors since Noridian received the DME Contract.
It was suggested that Administration send out an email and gather the top five concerns our members have in our industry today.. Barb will compile these and the Executive Committee will pass on to the other Council’s, Manufacturer’s, Associations etc.
Troy recognized the significance that we have just about every state at this meeting. It is important to remember that we went from Cigna to NAS and had lots of changes. He recognized that the current board has done outstanding job.
Diane Guth asked if all regions have a similar format as Region D. It was reported that all but Jurisdiction A. She said it is great to see the relationship that has been established. Mary Stoner asked if the relationship between the other councils needed to be reestablished. Laura McIlvaine suggested giving our minutes to the other Jurisdictions.
The meeting was adjourned and team meetings followed with a discussion of the Q & A’s for tomorrow’s meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barb Stockert