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L'Ivresse du pouvoir (A Comedy of Power). Dir. Claude Chabrol. Written by Odile Barski and Claude Chabrol. Cast: Isabelle Huppert, François Berléand, Patrick Bruel, Marilyne Canto, Robin Renucci, Thomas Chabrol, Jean-François Balmer, Pierre Vernier, Jacques Boudet, Philippe Duclos, Roger Dumas. Photog. Eduardo Serra. Music by Matthieu Chabrol. Music dir. Laurent Petitgirard. Ed. Monique Fardoulis. Prod. des. Françoise Benoît-Fresco. France: Alicéléo / France 2 Cinéma / AJOZ Filmss / Integral Film, 2006. Journals

Power, Politics, & Organizational Behavior eJournal 2015


Capmany, Emilio. ¿Quién mató a Efialtes? Historical novel. Madrid: Ciudadela, 2011.* Kolbert, Elizabeth. The Prophet of Love: And Other Tales of Power and Deceit. Leinster, Murray. "The Power." SF story. 1945. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as THE FUTURE IN QUESTION and SPACE MAIL. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House- Gramercy Books, 2006. 769-86.*


Castells, Manuel. "Presentación del libro Comunicación y poder a cargo de Manuel Castells." YouTube (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) 8 Nov. 2010.* 2014

See also Power and language.