Missaukee County Board of Commissioners s1
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Missaukee County Board of Commissioners Commissioners Room, Lake City, Michigan Finance Meeting April 5, 2012 @ 4:00 PM
Present: Vivian, Rogers, Cairy, Vanderwal, Bridson, Zuiderveen, Hughston, Flore, Bosscher, Mosher, Hancock, Bevier, Schwartz, Odom, Blaszak.
John Bevier, citizen presented a proposal to the Board on the Veterans Park and requested a 2/10 millage be put on the August 7th, 2012 ballot. He reviewed his proposed changes, estimated costs and presented petitions from several hundred county citizens. Also would like to start construction this year and wondered if it would be possible to borrow money from the county to be paid back with the millage money. Sheriff Bosscher updated the board on the new technology project that he will be completing with the patrol cars and dispatch. It will run approximately $100,000 and will be done June or July this year. Elisia Schwartz, candidate for Prosecutor, asked the board to consider a progressive and cost saving idea for the current prosecutor’s office. She thought it should be moved on to county property with no need to pay rent and no need to shovel the sidewalk. Initially there would be a cost to provide the room and furnishings, but could result in a paperless world between the Sheriff and the Prosecutor and the courts. Barb Hancock, Treasurer needs a receipting computer and would like to purchase a Dell under the government contract. She would also like to go ahead with BSA software for her Treasurers department that would upload with the townships. Would like the money to come from the TRF funds in the amount of $94,000.00 Review of land division proposal and letter from the AFSCME Supervisors union in regards to Dale Mosher. Review of possible contract with Dale between the County. Also talked about doing independent work on county time as a union employee and what that would mean for possible others in the union. Dean Vivian would like to see it say as is and leave his work with the townships a separate job from 7:30 in morning to 8:30. Cathy Odom, Housing, requested the housing grant be renewed and the fair housing resolution. It will be more difficult this year since the Governor wants the majority of the housing renovations to be made in walk-able communities. She also asked if the county could pay a per diem to the housing members to make it more appealable to sit on the housing commission. Carolyn will look up revenues. Sherry Blaszak, Recycling is working on an agreement with waste haulers to bring their recyclables to the center. There would be a payout to them after $85. min per ton had been reached. She will research percentages to the haulers and service charges. The recycling committee will assist. Laptops for Commissioners will be discussed at the budget meetings. Carolyn Flore, Clerk reported on the health challenge and requested that the board spend $37. per interested employee to have a health screening. Also to do a contest on weight loss. She was asked to look into any programs that BCBS might have currently. Rap grant came in at $5,000 for cameras. Request by Carolyn to use that money as a down payment on the $8,100 system and that she would reapply for the balance. Budgets and a budget timeline are going out for the 2012-13 year this Friday. Request by Carolyn that the board review the dates to see if they fit into their calendars. Jack Cairy asked for a letter and a resolution to the director of DHS in regards to a directive that says DHS people can not attend local board meetings on State time. Carolyn and the Board will be working at next finance meeting on a 5 year plan Carolyn reported on the NACO prescription cards and how popular they already seem to be – project starts April 15th. Carolyn requested the board consider Tuesday the payout to park director Larry Richardson on his 2011 overtime hours. Reviewed the Contract Employee Agreement and asked that it be considered for approval at the next board meeting. Reviewed the appointment of new housing members
Meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm
______Dean Vivian, Chairman Carolyn Flore, Clerk