LIVES-SNNPR-Monthly Update-May-2014
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LIVES-SNNPR-Monthly Update-May-2014 LIVES Monthly Field Activities Update Month: May 2014 Region: SNNPR Activities on Capacity Development Observations/action required LIVES focal person (M) and 2 SMS staff (M) of the Continuous engagement on coaching Office of Agriculture of Arbegona district [Sidama and mentoring extension workers on zone] have been coached on preparation of plots for improved forage development improved forage (Desho, alfalfa and vetch) planting LIVES focal person (M) and livestock production Continuous engagement on coaching expert (F) of the Office of Agriculture of Bensa district and mentoring extension workers on [Sidama zone] have been coached on household improved forage and grazing land selection and seedbed preparation for improved forages development (alfalfa both as homegrown fodder and seed production) and intercropping Desmodiem (perennial legume) with coffee plantation, and rehabilitation of private grazing land (area closure and enrichment).
Irrigation expert of the district (M) and development Continue with coaching and mentoring agents (2M) of Batcha and Hatche PAs of Bona Zuria of the expert and extension workers District [Sidama zone] who attended the practical training on avocado nursery management and grafting technique in the previous month have been coached on avocado grafting for farmers involved on avocado nursery management.
Three AI technicians of Arbegona District [Sidama zone] who participated on refreshment training earlier have been coached by senior AI technician from other district [Dale] on PD test of dairy animals inseminated during the OSMAI program in 2 kebeles (Riqame and Shafamo Kebeles).
Four households who are engaged in fruit seedling Continue coaching of these households. production in Sadama zone were coached by the LIVES staff (both through physical visit and tele- extension approaches) and SMS.
In Gamogofa zone, a private pesticide supplier Continuous engagement on coaching [Messay Wordofa] was coached on how to store and and mentoring the supplier make agro-chemicals available for customers [producers] during the different seasons. It was observed that the shop is small in size and the room is not well ventilated. This coupled with the ambient temperature of Arbaminch city is expected to influence the effectiveness of pesticides. Although the supplier collects agro-chemicals from Ziway area, he has weak linkage with the producers. Thus, coaching also
Page 1 LIVES-SNNPR-Monthly Update-May-2014 included on how to establishing marketing linkage with producers.
Discussion has been made with the office of Continuous engagement to influence Agriculture of the 3 clustered districts of Sidama zone the district to select female candidates on possible approaches to identify female candidates for the program. for MSc/BSc education during the coming summer season. Two MHHs (both husband and wife), drawn from The trained extension staff will Bacha kebele of Bona Zuria and Hache kebele of continue coaching of farmers who are Bensa districts, who have attended the practical training engaged in grafted seedling production. on avocado nursery management and grafting The zonal expert is expected to coach technique in the previous month and started own TOT participants and initiate the same avocado seedling production have been coached activity in other districts of Sidama directly and indirectly [through trained extension zone where Avocado is a potential workers] on grafting their own seedlings. crop.
One household (the wife) already established apple Creating linkages between the pilot orchard at Yaye Kebele of Arbegona District has been farmers who are producing grafted coached for proper weeding, compost application and Avocado seedlings and potential mulching of the established apple. buyers. Moreover, promotion will be undertaken within the districts and beyond. Two Households (two wives) at Yaye kebele of Provide the farmers with planting Arbegona district [Sidama zone] have been coached on materials and fodder seeds (legumes). cutting frequency and feeding of improved forage Continuous coaching of the pilot (Elephant and Desho grass) to dairy animals, and households and extension workers on introduction of legumes (source of protein) into the improved forage establishment, established Desho and Elephant grass. production and utilization Activities on Knowledge management Observations/action required
It is to be recalled that LIVES imported Demonstration of the chopper/shredder chopper/shredder and distributed one for each zone for in selected districts of both zones demonstration. After receiving the equipment’s the regional team [SNNPR] realized that the same equipment’s are available and being used by research centers of SARI for various purposes. Thus, LIVES zonal (Sidama and Gamogofa) coordinators have visited Areka and Jinka Agricultural Research centers to share experience on operation and use of motorized feed chopper /shredder. It was learnt that the motorized chopper/grinder uses benzene at Areka center but electric power at Jinka center to chop/shred feeds. Except source of power, the machines at both research centers are similar and imported from the same company. During the demonstration session, the team observed that the machine chops different types of feed
Page 2 LIVES-SNNPR-Monthly Update-May-2014 resources at Areka (sugar can [both stem and leaves], grasses [elephant, guatemala, desho and rhodes grass hay], maize and sorghum stalk) and banana leaves. With the exception of banana leaf, other feed types were chopped very well. It was learnt that chopping of the bulky fodders improves its intake by animals. However, the performance and cost effectiveness of the machine has not been studied, which LIVES should consider. The team also observed manual balers (produced by SELAM) at the research centers although they are not properly functioning currently due to maintenance related problems (e.g. lack of spare parts etc.) The team had an opportunity to visit improved forage establishment/production sites, goats crossbreeding program (Boar X Woito Guji) coordinated by Jinka research center, and briefings on community based sheep breeding program coordinated by Areka research center. Three different types of irrigation documents (crop The list of important websites will be technology applications, fruit technology, and highland posted in the AKCs. fruits management), all in Amharic language, were duplicated and distributed to 7 Agricultural Knowledge Centers in the region. Moreover, relevant websites to be listed and posted in each of the AKCs were identified. Activities on Promotion Observations/action required
LIVES Sidama zone coordinator participated in AGP- Strengthening the collaboration with LMD Regional MSP Meeting held at Furra AGP-LMD and other stakeholder in the Management Institute, Yirgalem. During the workshop region and zones the coordinator introduced about the approach, strategy and focus areas of LIVES project, and the progress made so far to workshop participants. LIVES shared its experiences on OSMAI program undertaken in 2013 and introduction of individual animal card. The workshop was attended by stakeholders drawn from AGP-LMD operating districts and zones including service providers at regional level. The number of participants were about 40 (M=36; F=4).
Activities on Value Chain Development Observations/action required
Based on 2014/15 intervention plan and targets set, the Identification of suitable HHs for newly included PAs have been visited and discussion introduction of the interventions, and was held with livestock and crop extension workers continuous engagement with extension (DAs) of the respective PAs in Gamogofa zone. workers
Page 3 LIVES-SNNPR-Monthly Update-May-2014 During the meeting, LIVEs zonal coordinator and focal person from the office of agriculture briefed about LIVES focus areas, strategies and planned interventions for both livestock and irrigation commodities. Discussion was also made on how to quickly start implementation of the interventions as the rainy season begins soon. Given the fact that feed (finishing diet) is the major Continue providing the necessary factor limiting the performance of fattening animals technical backstop in collaboration with (both large and small ruminants), LIVES has made the office of agriculture. continuous effort to raise the level of awareness by the community on the importance of concentrate/finishing diet (commercial/homemade) and strategies on how to make it available to producers in Gamogofa zone. Although fattening is an important farming activity in this zone, the production system is traditional. Since there has been no supplier in the zone, different approaches (organized/private) have been pursued to introduce and supply concentrate. In this reporting month a private volunteer (engaged in commercial fattening) with a better capital and experience showed an interest to supply concentrate to producers. The list of producers who wish to use concentrate has also been compiled by the extension staff. So far, a total of 215 interested farmers (urban/peri-urban areas) have been registered from 8 PAs in Mirab abaya district. The supplier is expected to get concentrate from Wolaita Sodo feed processing plant. LIVES has also been facilitating meetings among representatives of the producers, supplier and extension staff to make the linkage effective and sustainable It is to be recalled that improved harvesting tools for - Identifying and coaching of the Mango and Avocado fruits were designed and pilot households on improved demonstrated to producers in the previous month. harvesting of Avocado and Mango During this reporting month, 66 (33 for each zone) fruits. more tools were duplicated. Further discussions were - Organizing field days to also made with the designers about the possibility of disseminate the knowledge among preparing a light-weight metallic ladder to be used with many fruit producers at both Gamo the harvesting tools. The presence of the ladder will Gofer and Sidama zones. enable to easily harvest fruits even from very big trees. It is planned that the ladder will be owned by a group of Avocado (Sidama) and Mango (Gamogofa and Sidama) producers on a rotation business. The improved harvesting of Mango and Avocado is considered as part of the action research aiming at enhancing the value chains of these fruits. The producers groups will be liked with potential collectors, traders or restaurants for better prices.
Page 4 LIVES-SNNPR-Monthly Update-May-2014 As reported earlier, there was lack of awareness among Training of extension staff to fill skill livestock producers on the use of improved forage gap, and continue coaching and materials in Gamogofa zone. Through continuous mentoring of extension staff and engagement the attitude of producers has been producers changing whereby they are showing interest to plant and use improved fodder. Thus, in this reporting month, elephant grasses accessions have been distributed and planted by 15 HHs in Mirab abaya (Saragossa, Fura and Delbo PAs) and A/minch zuria districts (Shellemela PA).
Group of farmers who had been coached on vegetable Continue with coaching/mentoring production in Dembileotora PA of Bonke district farmers and extension workers on [Gamogofa zone] last year were also coached on proper spacing of fruits improved fruits [banana and mango] production techniques (mainly proper spacing) this year. The farmers had achieved better result last year due to continuous engagement by LIVES [separate report will be produced for this shortly]. The farmers have been considered for fruits interventions too since they have banana and mango plants and have better attitude for technology uptake.
Discussion was held with the owner of Friendship Demonstration of improved fruit Restaurant, one of the famous juice houses in storage technologies and linking him Arbaminch town. His juice shop mainly uses Papaya, with producers group who are using the Mango and Avocado fruits for juice making. new harvesting tools. Accordingly, the major challenges associated with fruit purchasing processes, handling and storage were thoroughly discussed and possible interventions on improved post-harvest handling and marketing were identified. It was understood that the juice house does not have a constant seller. He mentioned that buying from different retailers and traders exposed him to highly fluctuating prices. Moreover, getting good quality fruits is always a challenge. Because of this, he showed interest to get linked with Mango producers group who are being established by the LIVES project and with whom demonstration of improved harvesting is being initiated. He stressed that accessing properly harvested Avocado and Mango fruits is very crucial for him as the current harvesting system is negatively affecting the quality of his juice. The possibility of demonstrating improved fruit storage and transporting system was also discussed with him. Three households were selected to demonstrate potato Introduction and demonstration of the (Belete variety) seed production at Arbegona district of new potato variety Sidama zone. These households were selected based on
Page 5 LIVES-SNNPR-Monthly Update-May-2014 the following criteria: their access to water for irrigation, innovativeness, market orientation, previous engagement in potato production and interests. They will be provided with improved potato seeds (Belete), which will be obtained from CIP-Hawassa office. While the short-term objective is to enable some households in input production and supply, the ultimate objective is to introduce and disseminate the new variety among many farm households in the area. PD test has been conducted on those animals which Coach extension staff to support were inseminated during the recent OSMAI program in producers on improved management 2 PAs (Toshine and Riqame) of Arbegona district in and documentation following the Sidama zone. The PD test was conducted through the format involvement of district level [Arbegona] and senior Introduce and demonstrate HHs with technicians from Dale District. Discussion has also improved forage planting materials been made with the same HHs to allocated piece of TOT training on identified skill gap and land for establishment of improved forage coaching and mentoring extension staff on improved forage establishment Four MHH households, 2 couples from Bacha PA of Continuous follow up, and provide Bona Zuria district and Hache PA of Bensa district selected farmers with scions of avocado (n=4), and 2 males from Osole and Dembi PA of Bensa and technical support. districts (n=2), who attended practical training on avocado grafting and nursery management techniques have started grafting avocado on their plot. They have been provided with technical support by district level irrigation expert and the development agents of the respective PAs who have attended the avocado grafting training previously.
Activities on Documentation/Research Observations/action required
A delegate from CIDA (composed of 2 staff-both females) visited LIVES activities in Sidama zone [SNNPR]. During the visit, LIVES regional staff made presentations on LIVES approach and LIVES regional engagements in SNNPR in general and in Sidama zone in particular. The team held discussion with partners (regional/zonal/district), visited AKCs, including the one set up by Bensa district, and field activities (improved forage production integrated with dairy and apple nursery). LIVES regional staff facilitated the visit. It is to be recalled that concept notes were initiated for Communicate the concept notes to HQ action research in the area of livestock and irrigation team for further enrichment commodity value chains earlier. In this month the concept notes have been enriched further by the regional team.
Page 6 LIVES-SNNPR-Monthly Update-May-2014 Data base has been updated through collection of data from the intervention areas following annexes developed earlier Activities on Project Management Observation/action required
Compiled and submitted monthly activity report (April/2013) to HQ Compiled and submitted 2014/15 LIVES intervention plan, targets and budget requirement to HQ Given the fact that LIVES follow participatory approach for planning interventions and setting targets, the regional team had been engaged on planning process (district up to national) during the last couple of months. In this month, the plans developed by each region for both livestock and irrigation commodities were compiled and discussed during the annual PSC meeting held in Addis Ababa. During the workshop, LIVES regional team made the necessary preparations and presented progress on LIVES regional engagements (2013). The regional staff also participated in revising 2014 annual plan and held meeting with project management. Online and offline performance evaluation (2013) of regional staff and colleagues from other centers have been completed in this month. Further, online and offline KRA have also been completed for LIVES regional staff in this month. LIVES regional team organized a daylong meeting to discuss on the 2013 annual progress report and 2014 plan. The discussion was a follow up of the PSC and project management meetings held in Addis Ababa in the same month. It was realized that although several activities had been undertaken by LIVES at regional level in 2013 it was not properly documented and addressed in the report. The fact that using annexes for reporting started late (after January 2014) and the narrative section of the monthly report was qualitative contributed to the discrepancies. Thus, it was agreed to give full attention to annexes and make effort to make the narrative section as objective as possible. Discussion was also made on LIVES targets and consolidated intervention plan (2014) and the strategy on how to implement the plan.
Additional information on crosscutting issues – gender & environment: In Gamogofa zone, Yayike PA of MiraAbaya district, many farmers (about 60 HH) use high dose fungicides to control tomato and onion pests. They are producing these crops Page 7 LIVES-SNNPR-Monthly Update-May-2014 just adjacent to lake Abaya. During the rainy season, chemicals are washed away from the crop land and contaminate water bodies. Thus, in this month, efforts were made to coach 25 HHs (23 male headed and 2 female headed) on how to use proper agronomic measures to solve the problem. In the same PA [Gamogofa zone] farmers usually use saline water from the lake with the help of pumps (n=53) to irrigate crops. During the reporting month, since there is abundant rainfall in the area, they were coached to use flood water to minimize the buildup of salinity. In Sidama zone, while selecting fodder planting and seeding areas, improving soil fertility and rehabilitation of degraded lands have been considered. Desmodiem seed has been purchased to demonstrate rehabilitation of degraded grazing land at Hache kebele of Bensa district in addition to intercropping the legume under coffee that contributes to improved fertility of the soil. ______Any other relevant update not captured above: ______Report compiled by: L I V E S S N N P R T E A M
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