Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Its Applications
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1 , 2 Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication, SSGMCE, Shegaon.
ABSTRACT : This paper describes a single-antenna low-power single-chip radio frequency identification (RFID) reader for various applications. The reader integrates an RF transceiver, data converters, a digital baseband modem, an MPU, memory, and host interfaces. The direct conversion RF receiver architecture with the highly linear RF front-end circuit and DC offset cancellation circuit is used to give good immunity to the large transmitter leakage. It is suitable for a mobile phone reader with single-antenna architecture and low- power reader solution. The transmitter is implemented in the direct up-conversion architecture. The frequency synthesizer based on a fractional-N phase-locked-loop topology offering 900 MHz quadrature LO signals is also integrated with the RF transceiver. The reader is fabricated in a 0.18 m CMOS technology, and its die size is 4.5 mm 5.3 mm including electrostatic discharge I/O pads. The reader consumes a total current of 89 mA apart from the external power amplifier with 1.8 V supply voltage. It achieves an 8 dBm, 1dBm, an 18.5 dBm IIP3, and a maximum transmitter output power of 4 dBm.
Index Terms—Mobile RFID Reader, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), RFID Reader, Single-Antenna UHF Reader, Single-Chip CMOS Reader.
I. INTRODUCTION size, much attention has been given to the UHF Radio frequency identification (RFID) application frequency band RFID system. It is suitable for the is growing rapidly in many areas, such as supply mobile phone reader which requires a small form chain factor.To meet the demands of longer battery life managements, antifraud systems, and object and lower cost of mobile communication devices, tracking systems. The mobile RFID technology the low-cost, low-power, single-chip reader draws currently integrates the RFID technology with the great attention and thus the CMOS technology is mobile communication network and it enables one believed to be the most promising candidate toward to access the information from the tag with the the system-on-a-chip (SoC), which integrates all mobile phone. A mobile RFID reader reads tags the functions of a RF transceiver, data converters, a attached to the various applications in all places digital baseband modem, an MPU, memory, and through an RFID reader-embedded mobile phone. host interfaces. In this paper, a CMOS RF The tag data contains a unique service code and the transceiver for a single-antenna UHF mobile RFID mobile phone acquires the relevant information and reader operating at 900 MHz is designed and contents corresponding to the service code using fabrication results in the 0.18 m CMOS process are the mobile network. The mobile RFID technology reported. will enable users to receive real-time information II. RF IDENTIFICATION on consumer products or data services through the TECHNOLOGY mobile RFID reader chip embedded in their RFID is similar in concept to bar codes. While bar handsets. Customers can receive information on codes are optically scanned with a laser and contain digital music content by touching the RFID tags at product- identification alphanumeric strings, RFID record shops. The mobile RFID service will enable tags also contain identification information but are users to obtain traffic information by recognizing read via RF. There are four main parts of a RFID RFID tags at bus stops. A user can send the plate system. The tag is affixed to the item being tracked. number of a taxi he is riding in to his The reader, or coupler, is the device that reads the acquaintances, just by touching an RFID-enabled tag, or writes information to it. The third part of the tag in the taxi. RFID applications can be used for system is the antenna. The fourth part consists of a travel and tourism information, and for verification database computer system that manages the of the authenticity of medical products. The RFID information provided by tags. The basic system systems operating at low frequencies (125 kHz or components are shown in Figure 1. The reader, or 13.56 MHz) are limited in their data rates and coupler, with an antenna emits a command to the distances. Due to the great demand for higher data tag and waits for a response. The command can be rates, longer reading distance, and small antenna in an addressed or nonaddressed mode. In other
ISSN: 0975 – 6779| NOV 09 TO OCT 10 | Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 38 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING words, the reader can look for certain tags. Any the MOSFET, which then energizes the resonant corresponding tag in the vicinity of the reader circuit formed by the antenna and capacitor C1. detects the signal and uses the energy from it to The electromagnetic field sent out by the tag is wake up. If the tag is of passive type, it rectifies the received by the reader, filtered using a bandpass RF signal and uses it to supply operating power to filter and demodulated. As presented in Figure 1, the internal circuits. Active tags use an internal the output signal from the reader is then sent to a battery to power their circuits and may also initiate computerized database management system. The the communication with the reader. The tag size of the tag integrated circuit (IC) can be very decodes the signal, ensures that it is valid, and small (e.g., some passive tags are 0.4 mm on the replies to the reader. The reader demodulates the side). However, the overall tag size is defined by information received from the tag and sends it to the size of its antenna. Typically, tag antennas are the computer or database management system. shaped as loops. Tag substrates can be paper, PVC, or Teflon. The antenna can be made from copper, aluminum, or conductive ink or paint. Once the chip is applied, an overlay of PVC, paper, or epoxy is added to protect everything from the elements. RFID tags are classified by their ability to read and write data. The standards body EPCglobal categorizes RFID tags and readers into six different Figure 1-System components classes, which are outlined below The scanning of RFID tags does not require line- . Class 0 tags are read-only tags and are of-sight access and can be done within a range of preprogrammed by the manufacturer. These are the up to 30 ft, or simplest form of tags. The data is an alphanumeric even longer, depending on the characteristic of the identification string. The factory determines the system. In addition, RFID can contain a lot more numbers and programs the tags. The factory then information than the typical bar code. The disables the memory from any further updates. electronic product code (EPC) stored in They do not have an ID number but announce their commercial tags has a range from a mere 96 b to presence when passing through an antenna field. over a megabit or 125 kB. The typical universal Class 0 tags can also be used for electronic article product code, known asUPC and referring to the surveillance (EAS) or antitheft devices. data of a bar code, contains between 12–30 . Class 1 is a WORM (write once read many) tag. alphanumericcharacters or about 30 B max. For They can be programmed by the manufacturer in example, in product inventory applications, the the factory by the user, but data are written to the UPC has a field in the alpha-numeric sequence that tag one time. These tags are usually used for identifies the manufacturer (e.g., Dell, Kodak, etc.) simple product identification or for access cards or and a field that identifies the particular type tokens (e.g., office access badges). product (e.g., computer, film, etc.). Due to the . Class 2 is a read/write tag. Users have access to larger amount of data that an RFID tag can store, read and write into the tag memory. Class 2 tags the EPC can have a unique ID for each individual typically have more memory and can be used as product that rolls off the assembly line—much like data loggers. For example, in a manufacturing line, a serial number for each and every unit. For all the tag can be updated at every step of production. these reasons, RFID can provide a lot more functionality than bar codes. Figure 2 illustrates a technical block diagram of the communication between a reader and a passive tag. The reader generates an electromagnetic field that is received by the tag antenna. The RF voltage induced in the tag RF resonant circuit (i.e., antenna and C1) is rectified and converted to dc by the diode and capacitor C2. This dc voltage stored on capacitor C2 is used to power the tag chip, which contains the memory that carries the ID information. The Figure 2-Block diagram of the principle of chip also includes the necessary electronics (e.g., communication between a reader and a passive clocks, counters, parallelserial conversion, drivers, tag etc.) to address the memory and drive an RF modulator that actuates the tag antenna to send the Class 3 tags are also read/write but can also contain ID information back to the reader. In the example onboard sensors. They contain more electronics to shown in Figure 2, a simplified modulator is record data from its onboard sensor, like included that consists of a MOSFET. The ID temperature, pressure, or motion. The sensor data is information is used to modulate the gate voltage of recorded into the tag memory. Such tags have
ISSN: 0975 – 6779| NOV 09 TO OCT 10 | Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 39 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING internal power supplies but are semi-passive, data with the microwave range achieving rates of meaning that they cannot initiate the up to 2 Mb/s. communication process with a reader. . Class 4 are read/write but have integrated TRANSCEIVER ARCHITECTURE transmitters. These are the most sophisticated kind of tags. They can communicate with other tags and devices without the presence of a reader. To run independently they must contain their own power source or battery. . Class 5 represents the readers. A more commonly used classification categorizes tags considering how the communication process is initiated. Based on this criterion, there are three different classes : . Passive tags have no onboard power source and do not initiate communication. A reader must first Figure 3- Block diagram of the single-chip RFID query a passive tag, sending electromagnetic waves reader that form a magnetic field when they “couple” with the antenna on the RFID tag. Currently, depending Fig. 3 illustrates the block diagram of the single- on the size of the antenna and the frequency, chip RFID reader, which integrates an RF passive tags can be read, at least theoretically, from transceiver, data converters, a digital baseband up to 30 ft away. However, realworld modem, an MPU, memory, and host interfaces. environmental factors, such as wind and Baseband modulator and demodulator are interference from substances like water or metal, implemented in hardware logic. Most of the other can reduce the actual read range for passive tags to digital functionalities are implemented in software 10 ft or less. Passive tags are already used for a to support multi-protocols and flexibility. The wide array of applications, including building- external power amplifier and directional coupler access cards, mass transit tickets, and, increasingly, are used for high power transmission and isolation. tracking consumer products through the supply The designed UHF mobile RFID reader supports chain. Depending on the sophistication of the chip, ISO/IEC 18000-6 type C and type B with software such as how much memory it has or its encryption multi-protocol support. capability, a passive tag currentlycosts between 20 Fig. 3 illustrates the receiver architecture of the RF cents and several dollars. transceiver. Among the various receiver . Semipassive tags, like passive tags, do not initiate architectures, the direct conversion receiver is communication with readers, but they do have adopted due to the backscattering communication batteries. solution. In the direct conversion receiver This onboard power is used to operate the circuitry architecture, the transmitter carrier leakage to the on the chip, storing information from various receiver input is directly down-converted to DC. It sensors, such as ambient temperature. Semi-passive can be removed by the DC offset cancellation tags can be used to create “smart dust”—tiny (DCOC) feedback loop. However, the large wireless sensors that can monitor environmental transmitter carrier leakage leads to the saturation of factors. A grocery chain might use smart dust to the receiver RF front-end block. Hence, the low- track energy use or a vineyard to measure noise amplifier (LNA) is bypassed detection mode incremental weather changes that could critically for high P1dB characteristics to cope with very affect grapes. Devices using smart dust, also known large transmitter carrier leakage. The transmitter is as motes, currently cost about US$100 each but, in implemented in the direct up-conversion a few years, reportedly could drop to less than architecture as illustrated in Fig. 4. Baseband US$10 a piece. signals are transmitted to digital-to-analog . Active tags can initiate communication and converters (DACs) followed by the low-pass filters. typically have onboard power. They can Two identical mixers up-convert the baseband communicate the longest distances—100 ft or quadrature signals directly to the 900 MHz band, more. Currently, active tags typically cost US$20 which is combined by current summing at the or more. A familiar application of active tags is for output. The transmitter supports both the SSB and automatic toll payment systems, like E-ZPass, the DSB modulation for the reader-to-tag which allow cars bearing active tags to use express communications and sends an unmodulated carrier lanes that do not require drivers to stop and pay. for the tag-to-reader communications. In the DSB- RFID tags can also be differentiated by their ASK transmission, baseband signal is tied zero. In operating frequency range. Lower frequencies are the SSB-ASK better able to penetrate and read through materials. Higher carriers can support faster bit rates of the
Figure 4-Receiver architecture
Figure5- Transmitter architecture transmission, baseband signal is generated by the Figure6 . (a) Digital baseband receiver Hilbert transformer from the baseband signal. For architecture. generating 900 MHz LO signals with 200 and 500 (b)Transition filter characteristics compared to kHz channel spacing, a frequency synthesizer matched filter. (c)BER simulation result based on a fractional-N phase-locked loop (PLL) derived from a 19.2 MHz crystal is implemented. A The transition filter maximizes the transition 1.8 GHz LO signal is generated by an integrated component of an input signal and the DC offset voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) in the PLL and component is suppressed as shown in Fig. 6(b). As then the 900 MHz differential LO signals are a result, it is robust to DC offset from transmitter obtained by a divide-by-two circuit. The leakage than conventional digital baseband receiver conventional digital baseband receiver based on based on matched filter. Fig. 6(c) illustrates BER matched filter estimation has certain advantages simulation result.The 1000 bits FM0 coded tag that lead correlation gain by integrating the responses were received 100 times. The BER of the received signal over the symbol period while matched filter is superior to the transition filter in averaging out the zero-mean additive white absence of the DC offset. However, DC offset Gaussian noise (AWGN). It is effective when there severely degrades the performance of the matched is only AWGN in the noise component. When filter as illustrated in Fig. 6(c) while the transition considering other noise components such as DC filter shows good immunity. offset, SNR is seriously decreased if there is correlation gain between an impulse response of III. HEALTHCARE APPLICATIONS the matched filter and DC offset. In the healthcare industry, RFID tracking The proposed digital baseband receiver is designed technologies are seen as having the potential to be based on transition detection with windowing widely used for asset and inventory tracking, correlation as shown in Fig. 6(a). The receiver patient tracking, and drug counterfeiting consists of three parts: a transition filter, a deterrence. For a variety of reasons, adoption of threshold comparator, and a transition-to-symbol RFID technology by the healthcare industry has converter. The transition filter estimates a transition been sluggish because payback is less immediately component of a received signal and it determines visible than what most companies prefer. Although whether transition occurred or not. The transition costs are decreasing, many companies are reluctant filter calculates the correlation between the to invest in a technology not yet widely adopted. received signal and the transition reference signal However, recent developments have made RFID as follows: applications more compelling. RFID tags costs dropped from US$1 in 2000 to US$.20 in 2004 and Where are expected to fall to US$.05 in 2006. In 2004, readers cost about US$1,000 but are expected to fall to only US$200 in 2006. Coupling the RFID technology with the EPC standardized
ISSN: 0975 – 6779| NOV 09 TO OCT 10 | Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 41 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING requirements will provide the capability to locate and track items throughout the supply chain, allowing significantly more data to be attached to items at the pallet and case level. EPCGlobal and EAN International are writing specifications on the content for 96-b EPC tags. New regulatory requirements mandate that important information accompany each drug throughout the supply chain. Using RFID will allow healthcare companies to capture required information such as drug name, dosage, container size, number of containers, lot/control numbers, etc. Tampered or adulterated products entering the healthcare supply chain is a Figure 8- (a) See-through view of the VeriChip growing concern. In light of the terrorist attacks RFID tag. (b) The VeriChip RFID tag device and the anthrax-tainted mail found in the United rests on a patient’s hand. States, both consumers and manufacturers are looking for ways to keep drugs safe. Asset and Inventory Tracking Applications RFID has strong application potential with medical device companies as it would facilitate the identification of units by serial number. Return of implants on consignment with hospitals can occur more than 50% of the time. RFID technology that improves visibility into returns could enable faster redeployment since the company would know sooner when an unused product could be returned. Surgical instruments and other devices must be properly cleaned and packaged between uses. Tags on the instruments and readers on the sterilization chambers and storage cabinets can validate proper cleaning and help locate needed instruments. Figure 7- Hand-held reader Various errors would be completely traceable from used as part of the VeriChip system. manufacture to use, and preventative maintenance on equipment characteristics of the asset. For assets such as could be more accurately tracked. Large amounts wheel chairs, it may be of inventory typically can be found in hospital . facilitate the identification of counterfeit drugs operating and biologics rooms. Lack of visibility in the supply chain . minimize the exposure of consumers to coupled with the unauthorized purchase of certain counterfeit drugs and biologics. items often . avoid the addition of unnecessary costs to the results in the proliferation of “unofficial” inventory prescription drug distribution system or that could be reduced by properly managing the unnecessary restrictions on lower-cost sources of materiel ordering process. Utilizing active RFID, drugs. tags can be placed on those assets which are most The FDA reported that the number of counterfeit valuable, whether due to cost or operational drug investigations increased to over 20 per year in necessity. In a typical 200-bed hospital, that could early 2000, as compared to about five per year in mean approximately the late 1990s. The Counterfeit Drug Force 3,000 assets. The active RFID tags beacon on a concluded that “the adoption and use of RFID as periodic basis and, in some cases, may offer the standard track-and-trace technology, which is ability to detect certain conditions such as feasible in 2007, would provide better protection.” movement, tamper, or particular environmental The timeline conditions through the use of sensors that can be for RFID adoption released by the FDA is as incorporated into the tags. Active RFID tags are follows: able to be read from distances ranging from 20– . 2004: pilots and feasibility studies 1,000 ft or more, based on the surrounding . 2005: RFID deployed on pallets, cases, and environment and the packages of highrisk products . 2006: RFID on most pallets and cases of high-risk products and on some pallets and cases of other products
ISSN: 0975 – 6779| NOV 09 TO OCT 10 | Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 42 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING . 2007: RFID on pallets and cases of all products adults with Alzheimer’s disease to help hospital and most packages. In January 2006, Pfizer Inc., staff identify people who cannot identify the largest drug manufacturer in the world, themselves. The VeriChip implant costs introduced RFID technology to track drug approximately US$200. The VeriChip reader shipments. In a bid to halt counterfeiting of Viagra currently costs about US$700. In another step shipped to pharmacies and wholesalers, the drug towards facilitating use of RFID technologies for maker attached RFID tags to all packages of its patient tracking, the FDA is moving rapidly to anti-impotence drug. Pharmacists in the United issue regulation to determine how hospitals can use States are now able to use RFID readers to verify RFID systems to identify patients and/or permit that their package of Viagra is genuine. relevant hospital staff to access medical records.
IV. PRIVACY CONCERN Drug Counterfeiting Deterrence An article about RFID technologies would be Pharmaceutical companies, distributors, and remiss if it did not mention the privacy concerns hospitals need technology to deter drug surrounding this topic. The use of RFID technology counterfeiting. The World Health Organization has engendered considerable controversy and even estimates that between 5–8% of global product boycotts by consumer privacy advocates pharmaceuticals are counterfeit. In some countries, such as CASPIAN Founder Katherine Albrecht, the percentage of counterfeit drugs is significantly who refers to RFID tags as “spychips.” Perhaps, higher at between 25–40%. Thus, the the statement made by Debra Bowen, California pharmaceutical industry reports that it loses several State Senator, at a 2003 hearing summarizes these billion U.S. dollars per year due to counterfeit concerns most eloquently: drugs. Recognizing the seriousness of the problem, “ How would you like it if, for instance, one day in July 2003, the FDA established a Counterfeit you realized your underwear was reporting on your Drug Force having the goals to: sufficient to simply know that they are within the . prevent the introduction of counterfeit drugs and building or perhaps are on a particular floor as the biologics in the U.S. distribution system primary goal may be to prevent them from leaving whereabouts?”. The four main privacy concerns with patients. Other assets such as intravenous regarding RFID are: pumps or certain surgical equipment may require . the purchaser of an item will not necessarily be that the location be determined and narrowed to a aware of the presence of the tag or be able to particular area within the facility. With currently remove it available . the tag can be read at a distance without the RFID technologies, a solution can be implemented knowledge of the individual whereby a nurse or technician can quickly . if a tagged item is paid for by credit card or in determine the location of an asset by utilizing any conjunction with use of a loyalty card, then it computer that is tied into the hospital network. In would be possible to tie the unique ID of that item addition to locating assets, a variety of queries and to the identity of the purchaser reports can be run by anyone who is provided . The EPCglobal system of tags create, or are access to the system, whether onsite or remote. proposed to create, globally unique serial numbers for all products, even though this creates privacy Patient-Tracking Applications problems and is completely unnecessary for most RFID has been used in the form of chip implants applications. Most concerns revolve around the fact for many years in animals for tracking and that RFID tags affixed to products remain identification purposes. VeriChip Corporation functional even after the products have been provides 80% of the animal tags in the United purchased and taken home and thus can be used for States. In 2002, New Jersey surgeon Dr. Richard surveillance and other nefarious purposes unrelated Seeling injected two VeriChips into himself. He to their supply chain inventory Functions. As it placed one chip in his left forearm and the other pertains to the healthcare industry, the main near the artificial hip in his right leg. Dr. Seeling concerns related to the use of RFID technologies was motivated to find a better ID modality after he stem from the need to protect patients’ medical saw firefighters at the World Trade Center in histories and information. As concerns such as September 2001 writing their Social Security those listed above have not been fully addressed numbers on their forearms with Magic Markers. In yet by applicable regulations and industry October 2004, the FDA approved the VeriChip standards, states such as California voted to limit RFID tags for subcutaneous implantation in the use of RFID technologies . Although healthcare patients. The VeriChip system provides a unique companies are slowly adopting RFID, usage is identification number that may be used to access a expected to accelerate when RFID technology database containing the patient’s identity and prices drop and companies and advocacy groups health information. Per VeriChip Corporation, the become more confident of the applications. RFID chips could be implanted in young children or in strong functionality can clearly improve
ISSN: 0975 – 6779| NOV 09 TO OCT 10 | Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 43 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING operational efficiency. Over the next few years, FDA recommendations for tagging drugs and managing hospital inventory and patient information should have a ripple effect on the healthcare industry adoption of RFID technology. V. REFERENCES [1] Guillermo Gonzalez, Microwave Transistor Amplifiers, Analysis and Design, 2nd ed. Prentice- Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1984. An excellent engineering reference for transistor amplifier design. [2] Joseph F. White. High frequency techniques: An Introduction To RF And Microwave Engineering [3] Kai Chang, RF and Microwave Wireless Systems. [4] David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering (second edition), John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1998. [5] B.M. Baveja, A. Chakravarthy (Department of Information Technology, New Delhi) WiMAX Technology- Emerging Wireless Broad band solution. [6]A. Jayaraman et ai., "Linear High-Efficiency Microwave Power Amplifiers Using Bandpass Delta-Sigma Modulators.'' IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letter. [7] A. Wyne, “Radio frequency identification,” Rollpack Corp. [Online]. Available: aper[8] “Radiofrequency identification: Applications andimplications for consumers,” Fed. Trade Comm.,Mar. 2005 [Online]. Available: [9] “What is RFID?” [Online]. Available: [10] A. Gonsalves, “Wal-Mart takes first shipments of RFID tagged products,” howArticle.jhtml?articleID=19400083 [11] “Combating counterfeit drugs,” U.S. Food DrugAdmin., Feb. 2004 [Online]. Available: 02_04.html [12] T. Kontzer, “California senate OKs bill to limit RFID- e.jhtml?articleID=19205578 [13] Implantable Radio Frequency Transponder System, 510(k) Premaket Notification Database, K033440, U.S. Food Drug Admin. http://www.accessdata.fda. gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfpmn/pmn.cfm?ID=13528 [14] VeriChip Corp. Web site [Online]. Available: [15] V. Chachra, “Experiences in implementing the VTLS RFID solution in a multi-vendor environment,”World Library and Information Congress:69th IFLA General Conference and Council, Aug.2003, Berlin [Online]. Available: Chachra.pdf
ISSN: 0975 – 6779| NOV 09 TO OCT 10 | Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 44