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Southern Connecticut State University 501 Crescent Street New Haven CT 06515 Department of Nursing
“Pre-Nursing” Information Packet
Mcw 05/13 1 Definition of SCSU “Pre-Nursing “Student - A “Pre-nursing” student at SCSU is defined as an individual who has declared “Nursing” as a major when applying to the university. Pre –Nursing students have not been evaluated or accepted by the Department of Nursing. Rather, they are students who intend to apply to the Department when BSN admissions requirements have been met .
Definition of SCSU “Nursing” Student - A “Nursing “ student at SCSU is defined as a student who has met Department Admission requirements, made application to the nursing department and been formally accepted in the Upper level only program.
2 Welcome to the Department of Nursing at Southern Connecticut State University. SCSU’s traditional nursing program offers a Bachelor of Science (BS) with a major in nursing. The nationally fully accredited program at SCSU is aimed at preparing professional practitioners of nursing. It offers students a program built upon a solid foundation in the sciences and expanded by a liberal arts perspective. The program includes prerequisite courses, general university requirements, upper level courses in nursing theory and clinical experience at various healthcare and health related agencies. The faculty work closely with students and offer continuous advisement and support. After review of the information packet, please contact the Nursing Information Coordinator, at (203) 392-8954 or [email protected], if you have further questions.
Schedule - During the freshman and sophomore years a student will take nursing prerequisites and LEP requirements. Many potential nursing students find they need to take summer courses in order to apply to the nursing program at the end of their sophomore year. Others decide to attend SCSU an extra year in order meet the requirements and apply to the BSN program at the end of their junior year. The level of class standing (sophomore vs. junior yr) does not have any bearing on your application into the program. If accepted into the BSN program you have an additional two years of nursing courses and clinical rotations if studying full-time.
Advisement- During the freshman year, Pre-nursing students will be advised by their Inquiry faculty, academic advisement, the nursing department or in combination of the 3 units. After freshman year pre-nursing students will be advised by representatives from Academic Advisement and the Department of Nursing. Notifications of Advisement dates will be posted in Jennings Hall outside of Room 135, on the website, and will be listed on the online SCSU calendar. If a pre-nursing student does not have a minimum GPA of 2.7 at the end of freshman year we recommend considering alternative programs at SCSU.
3 Curriculum – “Pre-Nursing” students at SCSU follow an intense curriculum prior to making application to the nursing program. Listed below are all the required Nursing Prerequisite courses. These courses must be completed with a C+ or above (If a student utilizes the Grade Replacement policy for a Nursing prerequisite because of receiving a C or below, it will be noted on nursing application) but the higher GPA will be used for calculation purposes. The 11 Nursing Prerequisite courses are as follows:
English 112 Composition II * 3 credits Math 107 Elementary Statistics * 3 credits Math 108 Math for Natural Sciences 3 credits Biology 110 Human Biology I 4 credits lab Biology 111 Human Biology II 4 credits lab Biology 120 Basic Microbiology 4 credits lab Chemistry 120 General Chemistry I* 4 credits lab Chemistry 125 Prin/Appl. of General, Organic and Biochemistry* 4 credits lab Psychology 100 Intro to Psychology* 3 credits Psychology 219 Lifespan Development 3 credits Physics 103 Elements of Physics * 3 credits lab
In addition to meeting the above nursing pre-requisites students must also complete one course in each of the below subject areas in order to fulfill LEP requirements. Students are encouraged to complete most if not all prior to making application to Nursing. Choose one course from each of the following subject areas: Tier I First Year Experience – INQ 101 Critical Thinking-Ant 100, Art 106, Env 101,Geo 105,His 150, Jst 110, Mds 101, Phi 100, 215, Phy 111,123, Psc 140, 150 or Soc 102 Multilingual Communication – World language at the 200 level or passing the STAMP exam at the Intermediate-low level Quantitative Reasoning – Math 107* (Elementary Statistics) (C+ or better required) Technological Fluency –Physics 103*(C+ or better required) Written Communications – English 112* (C+ or better required)
Tier 2 American Experience – Ant 321,Eng 218, His 110, 111, 248, Jrn 101, Jst 210 or Psc 210 Creative Drive- Ant 211,Art 150,220, 250,264 Eng 201,209, Ids 110,Mat 260, Mkt 350, Mus 250, Phi 222,242 Thr 227 or Thr 228 Cultural Expression –Art 104, 105, Eng 217, Geo 200, Jst 200, Mus 110 or Thr 100 Global Awareness – Ant 201, Eco 101,Geo 102, His 104, 105, 106, Jst 204, Mus 115, Phi 211, 212, Psc 130, 230 or Wll 208 Mind and Body –Psy 100*(C+ or better required) Natural World I Physical – Chem 120* (C+ or better required) Natural World II - Life and Environment- Chem 125* (Prin/App. Of Gen.,Org, BioChem)(C+ or better ) Conflict and Consensus – Ant 101, Eco 100,Edu 200,206, Geo 260, PSC 100,200, Soc 203,216,235,251 or SWK 200 Time and Place – Ant 205,Eng 219, Esc 210, Geo 100, His 100, 101 or Phi 296, 297 4 Tier 3 Connections-Nur 443 Nursing Capstone
*serves as LEP and Nursing Prerequisite
Additionally students must complete 3 “W” courses for graduation. “W” courses are writing intensive courses offered in various subject areas which change each semester. It is recommended that you complete at least 2 of these prior to entering the nursing program, as there are limited opportunities within the Nursing department to obtain “W” courses. Students will also need to complete 7 credits of free electives.
Recap for pre-nursing students planning on applying to Nursing Admission to the nursing program is competitive Overall GPA must be a 3.0 or better All prerequisite courses must be completed with a C+ or better. Admission decisions are based on overall GPA, prerequisite courses GPA, entry testing. Number of pre requisite course repeats may also adversely affect application Interviews are not part of the admissions process Outside work, volunteer or paid, sports related activities, are not considered in Nursing Admissions decisions Admission into the university does NOT GUARANTEE admission to the upper level nursing program The Department receives more qualified applications than available spots. Traditionally approximately 50% of the applicants are offered admission
Nursing applications are accepted once yearly for start in the following fall semester
Students who want to change or declare Pre-Nursing as a major- Students within SCSU who want to change or first time declare nursing as a major must meet with a nursing advisor. All students switching to Pre-Nursing major must have a minimum GPA of 2.7. In order to apply to the nursing program all nursing prerequisite, university requirements and admission criteria as listed above must be met.
Transfer students must first apply and be accepted to the university before making application to the BS program. They must complete or transfer the LEP’s and Nursing Pre requisites as outlined on page four and are required to meet all criteria as above.
Detailed information about the Nursing Program may be found on the website, or in the undergraduate catalog. For further questions or information, please contact the Department of Nursing at (203) 392-8954, Jennings 135 or [email protected] 5 PRE-NURSING ADVISEMENT
As a freshman pre-nursing student, who is my advisor?
During your 1st year you will work in conjunction with your Inquiry instructor, the Academic Advisement office and the Nursing Advisement staff in choosing your courses and helping you meet your academic goals. Please remember that as a prospective Nursing major the Pre-Nursing Advisor in Jennings 135 or a faculty member would be glad to meet with you if you have questions or concerns.
I understand that every semester I need to get a new Pin Number in order to register for the following semester’s classes. Where and how do I get that?
Advisement for the following semester takes place in late October, early November for Spring registration and in late March, early April for Fall registration. Information will be posted on the nursing website.
Should I bring anything to the Advisement ?
Yes, it is very important that you bring a copy of your detailed requirements. You may access your detailed requirements by going on Banner Web and following the instructions. It is also helpful if you have an idea of the courses you think you may want to take the following semester.
When can I register for the next semester classes?
The registration dates on posted on the registrar’s page as well as listed on the Nursing page under Pre- Nursing.
6 I have decided that I want to change my major to Nursing? Who should I contact?
Make an appointment with the Nursing Advisor in Jennings 135 who will discuss the future courses you need to take and give you a Change of Major form to complete and submit to the registrar. Please be aware that Nursing is very competitive and if you are transferring to the nursing department, you should have a minimum GPA of 2.7.
I have decided that I do not want to be a nursing major, what should I do?
During your 1st semester you would contact your Inquiry instructor who would guide you to the appropriate department. If this happens after your 1st semester you should contact the department that is of interest to you and receive academic advisement from them. If you are unsure of your major please contact Academic Advisement.
The appropriate department will give you a Change of Major form to complete and submit to the registrar.
In the summer may I take courses at other schools?
Yes, you need to obtain from the registrar’s website a Credit Transfer Approval form, complete the form, and submit it to the registrar. If you are taking a Biology, Math, English, World Language or a Business course you must receive departmental approval as well.
I cannot get into all the classes that I want? What I should do?
You should continue checking online for course additions and student drops. Also, during the add/drop period students are often able to get into a class they need. Many students will take required classes during the summer.
Why do I have to take LEP requirements, in addition to my nursing pre-requisites?
The nursing program at SCSU educates students not only in their field but enables individuals to expand oneself by a liberal arts perspective.
Do I have to maintain a certain GPA to continue taking nursing pre-requisites?
No, but at the end of your Freshmen year if you do not have a GPA of 2.7 we recommend that you research other programs at SCSU. Academic Advisement would be glad to discuss with you alternative majors.
7 When I be considered a Nursing student?
You will be considered a Nursing student when you have been accepted into the Nursing program .You are eligible to make application to the SCSU nursing department once you have completed 7 of your 11 nursing pre-requisites. This usually occurs either in the spring of your sophomore or junior year. The nursing pre-reqs are English 112, Biology 110, Biology 111, Biology 120 or 233, Chemistry 120, Chemistry 125, Math 107, Math 108 or Math 120, 122, 139, 150 or 151, Psychology 100 and Psychology 219. If accepted into the upper level program you would need to complete any remaining pre-requisites prior to beginning the nursing courses. For more questions and details concerning Admission to the Nursing program please refer to the Pre- Nursing page under or contact Marenda C Weaver, Pre-Nursing Advisor, Jennings 135,[email protected] 203 392- 8954.
Coursework to be completed once accepted into the BSN program: Fall Semester
Nur 340Theoretical Foundations of Professional Nursing (LAB) 3 credits Nur 341Health Assessment(LAB) 3 credits Nur 342Evidence-Based Nursing Interventions 3 credits Nur 343Intergrated Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I 3 credits Nur 344Gerontological Nursing (CLINICAL) 2 credits TOTAL CREDITS 14 credits Spring Semester Nur 350Therapeutic Nutrition 2 credits Nur 351Nursing Research 2 credits Nur 352Adult Health (CLINICAL) 4 credits Nur 353Intergrated Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II 3 credits Nur 354Mental Health Nursing (CLINICAL) 3 credits TOTAL CREDITS 14 credits Fall Semester Nur 430The Childbearing Family (CLINICAL) 3 credits Nur 431The Childrearing Family (CLINICAL) 3 credits Nur 432 Adult Responses to Complex Stressors (CLINICAL) 4 credits Nur 433Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice with Families Across the Lifespan 3 credits Nursing Elective 1 credit TOTAL CREDITS 14 credits Spring Semester Nur 444 Leadership,Management & Health Care Issues in Nursing 3 credits Nur 442Community Health Nursing (CLINICAL) 3 credits Nur 443Nursing Capstone (CLINICAL) 4 credits Nursing Electives 2 credit TOTAL CREDITS 12 credits
8 Addendum for some Transfer students Based on the number of credits transferred into SCSU you may be “catalogued “ prior to Fall of 2011 and required to complete AUR’s instead of LEP’s. If you are catalogued prior to Fall of 2011 you must meet all pre-requisite grade and GPA requirements currently in place. The grade requirement for pre-requisite course work is a C+ or better and a minimum GPA of 3.0 in order to apply
Curriculum – “Pre-Nursing” students at SCSU follow an intense curriculum prior to making application to the nursing program. Listed below are all the required Nursing Prerequisite courses. These courses must be completed with a C+ or above (If a student utilizes the Grade Replacement policy for a Nursing prerequisite because of receiving a C or below, it will be noted on nursing application)but the higher GPA will be used for calculation purposes. The 11 Nursing Prerequisite courses are as follows:
English 112 Composition II 3 credits Math 107 Elementary Statistics 3 credits Math 108 Math for Natural Sciences 3 credits Biology 110 Human Biology I 4 credits lab Biology 111 Human Biology II 4 credits lab Biology 120 Basic Microbiology 4 credits lab Chemistry 120 General Chemistry I 4 credits lab Chemistry 125 Prin/Appl. of General, Organic and Biochemistry 4 credits lab Psychology 100 Intro to Psychology 3 credits Psychology 219 Lifespan Development 3 credits Physics 103 Elements of Physics 3 credits lab
Students must also fulfill University requirements. You are encouraged to have most if not all completed prior to making application to the nursing department. The university requirements are as follows: Select ONE out of each subject area.
American Political Foundations: Select one: His 110, 112, 162,248,251:Psc 110, 140
Communication Skills: Eng 112(C or better) and Speech Communication: and Com 100, 105 or 205 or Jrn 101
Exercise Science: Two of Exs 001-099, 332, 334 or 336 or Rec 140
Fine Arts: Art 104, 105: or Mus 110, 112, 113 or 115 or Exs 140 or Thr 100,211,212, or 313
Foreign Language: One second semester or more advance language course History of World Civilizations: His 100, 101,104,105,229, 231, 232, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247
Literature: Eng 217 or 400 level foreign language literature course
Philosophy Phi 100, 120, 200, 207, 211, 212, 215, 296, 297, 325
Social Sciences A Eco 100, 101 or Geo 100, 102, 200, 201, 260 or Psc 100, 110, 130
Social Sciences B Ant 101, Soc 100, 211
Additionally students must take 3 W courses. W courses are writing intensive courses offered in a variety of disciplines. Students also need to complete 4 general elective (12 credits) courses for graduation. 60 transfer credits waives 1 W, 90 transfer credits waives 2 W’s.
Recap for pre-nursing students planning on applying to Nursing Admission to the nursing program is competitive Overall GPA must be a 3.0 or better All prerequisite courses must be completed with a C+ or better. Admission decisions are based on overall GPA, prerequisite courses GPA, entry testing and may include but not limited to overall academic record i.e. course withdrawals, prerequisite course repeats . Interviews are not part of the admissions process Outside work, volunteer or paid, sports related activities, are not considered in Nursing Admissions decisions Admission into the university does NOT GUARANTEE admission to the upper level nursing program Nursing applications are accepted one yearly for start in the following fall semester
Detailed information about the Nursing Program may be found on the website, or in the undergraduate catalog. For further questions or information, please contact the Department of Nursing at (203) 392-8954, Jennings 135 or [email protected]