Indiana University South Bend
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October 2, 2015 Called to order at 9:01am.
Attendance Present
Executives: President Van, Vice President Kassem, Treasurer Wagner
Senate: Atem, Bhagat, Bogard, Cope, Cagle, H. Klopfenstein, L. Klopfenstein, Kuric, Salisbury, Santos
Tardy: Roach (9:06am) Advisor Strittmatter (9:19am)
Secretary Early asks for approval of meeting minutes from August 14, 2015. All in favor, so moved.
1) Voice of Constituents a) History Club Funding Request: a.i) Thankful for 2,400 for the other true. This government wanted us to share with this campus. a.ii)We want to extend our club with even more of the campus. The struggle to get Lincolns 15th amendment passed. Lincoln tried to abolish slavery in the US. They will be playing a movie. Tuesday October 14th. Senator Cope asks about dining services giving a free 2 liter with every pizza. a.iii) Extra Credit will be offered in the history department. Using Scotts account for over half off. Scott is trying to get it reduced even more. Up to 310 is what they are asking. He doesn’t think that there will be any other request coming from the department/ Maye a little bit for transpiration in the future, but likely not. Request for the rest of the will be minimal. The balance of the account is 331. a.iv) Senator Cagle asks if they will provide food. a.v)History Club says they will have no food unless the popcorn machine begins to work. Senator Sailsbury motions to fund the request. a.vii) All in favor, so moved. b) Finance Club Association b.i) Kanteh from Finance association will be presenting. Introduction of himself, he is the president of the finance association. He is asking for funding for a trip to Chicago for the Chicago board of options exchange. They are requesting $900; registration is $350 per person. Dean Ortiz agreed to match up to $300. b.ii) You see all the transactions and deals made. Options are very similar to stocks. One of the biggest trading centers in the United States. Federal Reserve Bank and the money museum. The Federal Reserve makes the sure that banks have the reserves. Other clubs want to join this club. Spoke with Dean and would like to pass this along to other students. b.iii) Senator Salisbury asks what the $1,500 is covering. b.iv) Finance club says it will cover a minimum of 10 students and a maximum of 50 students. Because the class taught by the opinions administrator there is a limit. b.v) Finance club says that he has spoke with Dean and Dr. Yen and wanted to pass along the registration form to other students who are interested in going. Senator Atem asks for clarification if it is one or two trips. b.vii) He responded one trip, two places. b.viii) Senator Bhaget asks if he has went to other departments. b.ix) Finance club responded yes. b.x)Finance club was asked if they will to carpool and they said yes. b.xi) Senator Klophenstien asked if they expect all twelve to go. b.xii) Senator Cagle motion to table request for next week because it is over $1,000. b.xiii) Senator Bogard second. b.xiv) All in favor. c) RHA c.i) We are having a Halloween party and we wanted to offer the clean fun because a lot of Halloween parties have drinking. There are a lot of student who really look forward to it. The request is for $400. The original said $500 but they got the security guard for cheaper than expected. Usually have a lot of student living off campus attend as well. They would like to table all over campus to get student to attend. They have 125 students in the past. c.ii)We have been doing fundraisers for this and for the conferences that we attend. c.iii) We do have funding that covers most of our events but they thoughts that it seemed a little unfair to have just housing students pay for everything since other student would be attending as well. So we wanted to reach out to you to help a little more. c.iv) We will be covering around $140 for decoration and prizes c.v)Senator Atem asked about fundraisers. RHA said that car wash funds will go to conference. They aren’t asking for funds for that though. c.vii) She knows two students that don’t live in housing but are excited to come. Stated that maybe around 30% of students there aren’t from housing. c.viii) VP Kassem: Is there a reason you don’t want to use your own funds for this. She has two questions but this is one. c.ix) Because we are offering it to all students and we don’t think its fair to be offering it to student who don’t live there with their funds. c.x)So do you think its far for the students who aren’t coming to pay for the dance. You guys have over $1000 in the account and each student pays into the fund and then c.xi) In the past I went to them a volunteered but the food is always wasted. Shail and Devin can attest that the food always wasted over half of it, but I’m just bringing light to it. I don’t think it a good use of the student funds to have not necessary a negative effect but I want to make sure we are using the funds for what is best. c.xii) RHA: I don’t remember left over food. You said its not fair that all the student aren’t benefited but it’s the same as any other funding request. c.xiii) Senator Roach asked price difference for pizza and snacks. c.xiv) Time extended, abstention, Senator Bogard. c.xv) Senator Cagle: Do you plan on using swipes. c.xvi) RHA: Going to try and track attendance. c.xvii) Senator Bogard: Don’t think its fair for students on this side to go. Hard to tell if it is or isn’t a resident. c.xviii)RHA: If you are saying we are all one campus it should make it more likely that you want to fund us. c.xix) Senator Bhaget: Its just a financial things. c.xx) Treasure Wagner: Actually a great event. They have money but that’s for events that are private for them. c.xxi) President Van: There are obviously different opinions and it’s based on what’s happened in the past but we can create what ever we want for the future and come together as a campus and this event attracts all students. We are getting caught up in the small things. This is a great event and we need to think about supporting the event based on a personal opinion and what the event brings to our students. c.xxii) Senator Atem motions to cover the food for the Halloween dance put on by RHA. c.xxiii)Senator Baghet seconds. c.xxiv)Senator Roach we need to more frugal. c.xxv) Senator Sailsbury says we should stay balanced. c.xxvi)President Van: consider that they have a lot in there account because they are fundraising for another event. c.xxvii) All in favor. d) Japanese Club i) Requesting for sushi presentation. Free event held in the grill. Open to all student. All expense are food or utensils. ii) Has been funded in the past. iii) Senator Roach discussed the funds in the account. What do you intend to use the funds for? iv) Japanese club plans to put together a group to play at the Asian heritage festival. Couldn’t do a fundraiser last year because low attendance but hope to this year. v) Senator Cagle: Asks for him to explain event for those who have not been there in the past. vi) Build your sushi and high attendance that keeps growing every year. Displays culture and is educational it is also fun to attend even if you don’t like sushi. vii) Senator Atem asked about fundraisers. viii) Japanese club said they are not doing fundraisers for this. ix) Where is food purchased? x) At the Japanese market. Avoid raw fish this year so buying from martins as well. xi) Senator Bogard motions to fund the Japanese club for the sushi demonstration. xii) Senator Cagle seconds. xiii) All in favor e) Boo to you e.i) Thank you to Kalvin for all the hard work. Gave a presentation with all of the years past. Power point on the box. e.ii)Senator Bogard: Do you do advertisement in the community. e.iii) Kalvin: Its become more expensive. e.iv) Senator Bogard: How about getting a local radio station on campus? e.v)Kavlin: We can definlty work to do that. Senator Sailbury: Where are the funds coming from? e.vii) Treasure Wagner: Regular club funding from student allocation. e.viii) Senator Roach: What about props that VP Kassem has? e.ix) Senator Cagle is excited for an amazing event and wanted the hard work that the committee has put into it. e.x)Senator Sailsbury motions to fund the Boo to you event. e.xi) VP Kassem: From my point of view this is the best event on campus. We do a lot of events for young students but this event is probably the only one throughout the entire year that focuses on bring families around. e.xii) Senator Kurig agrees. e.xiii) All in favor.
2) President’s Report a) President Van has been meet with the Deans on campus. It has been productive. b) Dean Curtis and I discussed his plan for a pep band and what it would bring to student life. c) We discussed the demographics of students, what effects retention for them. Looked at why students may not be retaining. d) Meeting with Dean Dunn and Monica and we discussed student communication. We can up with the idea of creating a survey for students. The efficiency of the survey is being looked at before being sent out. e) I wanted to get your feedback on the edop. We brainstormed ideas for putting a waiting period on the edrop. It makes it easy to drop a class and give up when they don’t have to talk with anyone. This could save many students on our campus. I would love to hear all of your feedback. f) I want you feedback on ideas that are being discusses with a goal to increase student success on our campus. g) Indiana Small Business Support is now hosted on our campus and is eager to help student. h) The ITS on US event is October 24th. Senator Sailsbury is willing to car pool on the morning on the 24th.
3) Vice President’s Report a) Thanks Amanda for covering me when I missed. b) Special shout out to Senator Roach c) I have reached out and been in communication with Scott for academic senate. I have been in contact for all the committees and waiting for their response on the detail. d) Everything was good at hospital e) Senator Roach said she would go and get bursar totals. f) Scott questioned that and asked if we create a process. g) VP Kassem talked with Karen White and Whitney and made sure it was okay. h) Scott said that he would check into it because it shouldn’t be public knowledge. i) VP Kassem ended conversation because out of order
4) Treasurer’s Report a) We currently have 100% allocation programming budget.
5) Secretary’s Report
VP Kassem: While waiting for advisor report I would like to bring up chief justice statues. Yield to me in new business.
6) Advisor’s Report a) Advisor Strittmatter says that you can go to an event similar to brave. It is creating student led discussions. Spirit week will be pushed back to next Sunday. Come on the 11th. Hope to have an SGA banner. Wish with chancellor is on Monday night. Need more students for Volleyball game. Also on Tuesday where red and white and go to Volleyball game. Lip sing battle is on Wednesday at 5. b) NACA conference. President Van will be attending and will be looking for another member. c) Check out money smarts and list to pod cast. d) Check out the stop sexual violence.
7) Old Business
8) Committee reports
a) Senator Cagle says the appeal committee discussed doing magnets rather than shirt. Didn’t know if it would office supplies or not.
b) VP Kassem wants to not have names so next SGA can use it.
c) Senator Bogard discussed having names and not making decision for next SGA.
d) Senator Cagle said to spread word about boo to you!
e) Needs volunteers Sunday October 11th from noon to 3 for family fun week.
9) New Business a) VP Kassem: All in favor of appointing Kalvin to the committee. b) VP Kassem: I would like for a senator to motion to discuss the status our Chief Justice. I would like to bring it to attention that he has not filled. He committed to it then continue to miss and he sent me and apologize for my excessive absences. c) VP Kassem: I know Hannah has chosen him. d) Brady will set up a meeting between Justices. e) Motion to expend meeting ten minutes. f) All in favor. g) President Van: Yes it was a decision I made to appoint him and I won’t say it’s a bad choice. I don’t know his circumstance. I let me know and have continued to try and reach out, but again I won’t assume and we should take a nice approach. I think we should all assume the best. h) Senator Bogard: I think we need to take a step back and not bring it up in the minutes. He might be having financial or family situations and it might be better to do it in a small group. i) Brady does not want to see him be kicked out of office, just contact him. j) Senator Bogard, we should do this ethically and be considerate. k) Status of the Senator Bogard motions to adjourn the meeting. l) Senator Klopfenstein seconds the motions. m) All in favor, so moved to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting adjourns at 11:12am.