Name Date Class .

Multiple-choice 15pts

1.) Which of the following affirmed the legality of racial segregation and prompted the passage of the Jim Crow laws?

A. The Fourteenth Amendment

B. The Civil Rights Act of 1875

C. The decision in Plessy v. Ferguson

D. The decision in Morgan v. Virginia

2.) Which doctrine relating to public education was overturned by the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education?

A. Due process of law.

B. "Separate but Equal".

C. "All deliberate speed".

D. Equal protection of the law.

3.) The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made segregation illegal in which of the following?

A. Housing.

B. Churches.

C. Private universities.

D. Public accommodations.

4.) The Civil Rights Act of 1968 banned discrimination in which activity?

A. Hiring an employee

B. Selling or renting a home.

C. Awarding a construction contract.

D. Admitting students to state universities. Name Date Class .

5.) What was the main type of pressure exerted by the Montgomery Improvement Association in response to segregation on buses?

A. Social

B. Economic

C. Political

D. Physical force

6.) Which of the following was NOT advocated by the Black Panthers?

A. Nonviolence

B. Black Power

C. Black nationalism

D. Community development

7.) Which of the following is an example of de facto segregation?

A. Poll taxes.

B. Jim Crow Laws.

C. A concentration of urban African Americans in slum areas.

D. A voter literacy test given to African Americans in the South.

8.) To achieve victory in the struggle for civil rights, Martin L. King, Jr., and other members of SCLC encouraged a policy of

A. Armed confrontation.

B. Lawsuits.

C .Nonviolent protest.

D. National strikes.

9.) Martin Luther King, Jr., was a founder and the first president of the ___.

A. Nation of Islam.

B. Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party.

C. Southern Christian Leadership Committee.

D. Students Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Name Date Class .

10.) One accomplishment of the ____ was bringing about a federal ban on segregation in all interstate travel facilities.

A. Little Rock Nine.

B. Freedom riders.

C. Black Panthers.

D. Freedom summer.

11.) De jure segregation is segregation that results from ___.

A. Laws.

B. Random choice.

C. Habit and custom.

D. Inequalities in education.

12.) Appealing to many African Americans' anger and frustration over a lack of social and economic power, ___ preached a militant approach to civil rights.

A. Martin Luther King, Jr.

B. Malcolm X

C. Medgar Evars.

D. Fannie Lou Hamer.

13.) A major turning point in the civil rights movement was marked by ____.

A. The conversion of Malcolm X to orthodox Islam.

B. The drifting apart of SNCC and SCLC.

C. The assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

D. The assassination of Robert Kennedy.

14.) One legacy of the civil rights movement that has been challenged in recent years is ____.

A. Equal opportunity in housing.

B. Affirmative action programs.

C. Black participation in politics.

D. Separate but equal facilities. Name Date Class .

15.) In what way were CORE and SCLC alike?

A. Both relied on militant tactics.

B. Both were founded by church leaders.

C. Both promoted nonviolent protest.

D. Neither was interracial.

True False 5pts

1.) True or False - The black power movement taught that African Americans should emigrate back to Africa, similar to Marcus Garvey.

2.) True or False - Racism in the South coming to an end was a result of the civil rights movement.

3.) True or False- Stokley Carmichael called on African Americans to support black power.

4.) True or False- Civil rights activists used sit-ins to force segregated establishments (businesses) to serve African Americans.

5.) True or False- In the 1920s and 1930s, the NAACP had success in challenging segregation laws.

6.) True or False - The Congress of Racial Equality pursued its goals through congressional committees.

7.) True or False - The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) was organized by white and African American businessmen.

8.) True or False- Martin Luther King, Jr., influenced by Gandhi, believed in nonviolent protest.

9.) True or False - The Freedom Rides were organized to test the safety of buses.

10.) True or False- After Freedom Riders were violently attacked in Alabama, they received federal protection.

Matching 10 pts

C Malcom X believed that A. Ordered public schools to desegregate A Greatest achievement of the NAACP B. Offending southern senators G Groups goal was equal rights based off C. The races should be separated Gandhi’s philosophy I Organization focused on immediate D. Have Federal Marshals escort to finish change J Sit-ins were mostly conducted by E. Propose a strong civil rights bill Name Date Class .

H Freedom Rides main purpose was F. Police Action in Alabama D Government response to Freedom Rides G. SCLC B Kennedy moved slowly to avoid H. Test states compliance with Supreme Court E Brutality against blacks forced Kennedy to I. SNCC F Opposition to Civil Rights J. Students

Short answer 5pts

1.) "We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of "separate but equal" has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." This quotation expresses the decision in the case of Brown v. The Board of Education.

2.) "We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of "separate but equal" has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." The decision was based on the idea that segregated schools are likely to cause members of a minority to feel inferior.

3.) "We will match your capacity to inflict suffering with our capacity to endure suffering... we will not hate you, but we cannot obey your unjust laws..." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The above quotation advocates: Civil disobedience.

4.) The "I Have a Dream" speech of Martin Luther King, Jr., during the March on Washington, in August 1963, began, “I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation“.

5.) Urban rioting by blacks from1964 to 1968 occurred where and was a result of frustration with discrimination in jobs, education, and voting.

Essay 10pts

Explain ONE of the following effects of the Civil Rights movement

a.) Black pride and black studies programs in schools

b.) Right to vote and what it meant for African Americans

c.) Increase in elected African American officials