Learning Activities

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Learning Activities

Supervisory Principles

Assessing - Competency 1B

Apply organizational policies and procedures.

Due: September 10, 2012

LEARNING ACTIVITIES: Read Chapters 6 in textbook on management functions. Participate in classroom lecture/discussion. Complete the performance assessment using material provided.

ASSIGNMENT: Given the list of policies and procedures and the two situations presented, complete a written application of the policies and procedures to use in each situation. The written report must meet all the criteria on the organizational policies/procedures criteria checklist. You may use any references necessary.

Situation 1: You are the supervisor of XYZ Corporation. One of your employees, Susan, has come to you very upset. She was in the break room earlier today and Stephen, a co- worker, deliberately brushed up against her, feeling parts of her body. Susan says this is not the first time he has done this. She has told him not to do this and he just laughs and walks away. How would you handle this situation?

Situation 2: Yesterday, 15 inches of new snow fell in your community. Employees discovered (it was announced on the local radio station at 5:00 a.m.) that your place was closed for the day. As a supervisor you must deal with the questions from your employees today. How will you respond and handle this situation?

FORMAT: The written analysis should be word-processed using proper business report format. This includes the cover sheet, identifying class, student, date and competency number and topic. Length of this report is optional. Report should be double-spaced.


FORMAT Application is word processed? ______Application is double spaced? ______Application uses proper grammar? ______Application has no spelling errors? ______Application includes proper paragraph headings (per situation) ______

INFO INCLUDED Application identifies policy/procedure? ______Application quotes procedure? ______Application communicates components & reasons for policy? ______Application explains the purpose in relationship to the given situation? ______Application explains what would happen if policy is not complied with? ______

Use this checklist to make sure all information is properly addressed. GIFTS POLICY

In the course of doing business, it is not unusual for employees to be offered gifts from vendors/organizations.

Employees should inform all persons doing or desiring to do business with the company that XYZ Corporation discourages gifts to employees or to members of their family.

If a gift is made in cash, it must be returned at once.

Under no circumstances may an employee seek any type of gift from an organization.

All gifts received, no matter how token they are, should be reported to the Controller. Information required includes name of recipient, organization providing the gift, description of the gift, reason for the gift, and market value.


The purpose of the Retirement Gifts Policy is to recognize the significant contribution made by all individuals within the XYZ Corporation and especially to thank those employees who are retiring after years of dedicated service.

Employees who have worked five years or longer and who are retiring from active service to participate in a retirement program are eligible for a recognition day. This day will include the presentation of a company gift and time to say good-bye to their long- time fellow employees.

The retiree, as defined above, will be invited to join in the Employee Appreciation Week dinner and the annual company picnic.


XYZ Corporation is committed to providing a professional work environment free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment.

This commitment continues XYZ’s long-standing policy to offer fair and equal opportunity to age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, veteran status, citizenship status, and mental or physical disability.

Harassment can occur as a result of a single incident or a pattern of behavior where the purpose or effect is to create a hostile, offensive or intimidating work environment. Harassment encompasses a broad range of physical or verbal behavior which can include, but is not limited to, the following:  Physical or verbal abuse  Racial, ethnic, or sexual jokes  Religious slurs, or other slurs directed toward the groups set forth above  Unwelcome sexual comments, advances, or innuendo  Taunting, intended to provoke an employee  Requests for sexual favors used as a condition of employment or affecting any personnel decisions such as hiring, promotion, compensation, etc.

Our policy regarding employee harassment states:

XYZ Corporation prohibits any form of harassment by employees, co-workers, and supervisors, and views such actions in the most serious manner… Actions that result in discrimination for or against an employee on the basis of conduct not related to job performance will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

If you feel you have been the subject of harassment, report the incident as soon as possible. If you feel comfortable talking to your supervisor, discuss the situation with him or her. If this is not appropriate, you should seek the assistance of your department manager or the Human Resource Department. All complaints will be investigated in as confidential a manner as possible. Where investigation confirms the allegation, prompt corrective action will be taken.


Ample parking has been provided for all employees. You should park in your designated area. Parking in these areas will help protect your safety and the safety of your vehicle.

XYZ Corporation is not liable for any damage or theft of personal property on company property. Damage or theft should be reported to your management resource immediately.

Please do not park in the assigned parking spaces or any areas reserved for disabled individuals and visitors.


These general safety rules are established for the protection of all employees. Employees who violate them will subject themselves to disciplinary action.

1. Report all accidents and unsafe conditions to your supervisor. No matter how minor an accident or an unsafe situation seems, you should report it for your protection and the protection of others in the office. Reporting these items immediately can reduce or eliminate accidents and injuries.

2. Observe all warning signs. Signs are posted for the protection of all employees. They alert you to various conditions and you should act accordingly. 3. Dress properly when going through the plant. Canvas shoes, sandals, open toe/open heel, or elevated shoes and jewelry are not allowed in operating areas. Avoid loose clothing that could be caught in machinery.

4. Practice good housekeeping. Accidents are less likely to occur when items are in their proper places and work areas are neatly arranged. You should not hesitate to advance ideas for improvement of housekeeping.

5. Running, horseplay, and practical jokes are not permitted on XYZ property. Tripping accidents can be avoided if you walk—do not run—and if you always look where you are walking. Stay in aisle ways throughout the plant. Do not take shortcuts or go through hazardous places to save time. Jokes can hurt; a practical joke or horseplay can result in serious injury.

6. Use the personal protective equipment if required for your job. Whenever personal protective equipment is needed for safe performance of a job, it becomes a requirement of the job.

7. Follow departmental rules. It is your responsibility to be aware of the rules for your department and to follow them.

8. Do not endanger yourself or others. No employee shall perform any act which endangers himself/herself or other employees. Do not operate machinery unless properly trained.


Solicitations and distribution of literature by nonemployees of the company is prohibited at all times on company premises.

Employees may not distribute literature on behalf of nor solicit other employees to join or contribute to any organization or cause during working time or in any working areas. Working time is that time during which both the employee doing the soliciting and/or the employee to whom it is directed are working. This does not include break periods, lunch periods, and time before and after the employee’s working day.

This policy is to be enforced for all solicitation and distribution of literature for any purpose, including solicitations for charity drives and fund-raising campaigns. The company generally supports one community drive – the United Way – which is the only exception to this policy. VISITORS

Main Office/Plant Visitors must check in with the Receptionist and sign the Visitor’s Log before entering the facility. Employees may meet with visitors during nonpaid periods, except in emergencies.

The Plant Manager must approve any tour of the plant for any visitor or tour group.

Off-Site Buildings

Visitors must call contact person to access the building.


Off-duty nonexempt employees who are called in by the company for work outside their regular shift will receive not less than two hours of pay for a scheduled event (i.e., Communications Meetings, Task Force Meeting, etc.), or four hours of pay for an emergency call-in.

The exception to the above would be the employee who is called in on a scheduled or emergency basis, prior to their regularly scheduled shift and then proceeds to work their regular shift immediately following the call-in. This case would fall under overtime provisions rather than call-in guidelines.


When there is a significant storm or other serious weather problem, the company will make an assessment of the situation and decide whether to open late, close early, or not open for business at all. General guidelines have been established for pay for nonexempt employees in these situations. The guidelines are:

Situation Pay Guidelines You are at work when company decides to close Pay for full day. early because of a storm.

You request to leave early because of storm and Pay for hours worked the company has not closed early.

You come in late because of storm and the company Pay for hours worked opens at regular hours.

You come in late because of storm and the company Pay for full day opens late. You do not come in because of storm. Not paid, but you may elect to take a day of vacation or a personal holiday to avoid any loss of pay.

You do not come in because of storm and the company Pay for full day. does not open for business.


Funeral Leave

A death in the immediate family may require you to be absent from work. To protect your earnings during this period, regular full-time employees may be granted up to three days of funeral leave absence with pay. If the period of bereavement occurs on a weekend, a holiday, or during a vacation period of sick leave, you will normally not receive a full three days time off with pay.

For purposes of administering this benefit, the immediate family is defined as spouse, child, stepchild, parent, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, or relative who has filled the role of parent to the employee or the employee’s spouse.

Funeral leave pay of up to one working day may be granted to attend the funeral of an employee’s grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, or niece.

Part-time employees are not eligible for funeral leave pay.

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