Eleventh Session of the Human Rights Council

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Eleventh Session of the Human Rights Council

Eleventh Session of the Human Rights Council Item 3

Update by the High Commissioner (3 June 2009)

Intervention by H.E. Mr. Andrej Logar, Ambassador/Permanent Representative of the Republic of Slovenia

Thank you Mr. President, Mme High Commissioner,

Slovenia fully subscribes to the statement delivered by Czech Republic on behalf of the European Union. In our national capacity we would like to thank Mme High Commissioner for its today’s update on the actions of the Office.

Let me reiterate that my country will continue to work for the strengthening of the OHCHR, for its necessary independence, integrity and impartiality of action in compliance with your mandate outlined in resolution 48/141. We highly value your work and we wish to encourage you to continue with our common efforts to achieve the respect of all human rights for all.

We appreciate that in your statement to this distinguished panel special attention was given to the plight of the civilians. We strongly support the efforts of your Office regarding the women and children in armed conflicts, and we urge your Office to work closely with countries in concern to fully implement the UNSC resolutions 1612, 1325 and 1820.

We fully agree with you, Madam High Commisisoner, with your statement about the accountability. Ending impunity is a precondition for sustainable peace and security. As a principle, all alleged breaches of international law must be lawfully investigated by credible, independent and transparent accountability mechanisms.

In your statement you also highlight the fight against racism and discrimination. For Slovenia, combating racism and discrimination is a priority not only in our national framework, but also in our role as the current Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. You rightly say that respect for the human rights of migrants is to be addressed in the context of all current international challenges, including the economic and financial crises; climate change; human trafficking; and counter-terrorism. The human rights of migrants must be protected in countries of origin, transit and destination. This is a complex issue in which different all stake-holders need to play their role. What is in your opinion the role of regional human rights mechanisms in this regard? How can your Office contribute to the further strengthening of the cooperation between these mechanisms?

Thank you.

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