SME 1013 Programming for Engineers - Semester II 2009/2010
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LECTURE PLAN SME 1013 Programming for Engineers - Semester II 2009/2010
Part Week Topic Notes 1 Programming Concept 1-2 Introduction to computers and programming Programming concept Algorithm Pseudocode 2 Programming with Fortran 3-4 Data types, Constant, Variables Test 1 Arithmetic Operations and Functions 18/01/2010 (Monday) Assignment Statements 9.00 - 11.00 pm DK7, N24 4-5 I/O + Introduction to File I/O Program composition and Format 5-6 Program Control IF, IF-ELSE Program Control DO Loop 6-7 Formatted I/O Functions Subroutines 8 Mid Semester Break 9-10 Arrays Test 2 Project 3 Programming with Matlab 11 Introduction to Matlab Array and Matrix Operations 12 Files, Functions and Data Structure 13 Programming with Matlab 14 Plotting and Model Building Test 3 21/03/2010 (Sunday) 9.00 - 11.00 pm DK8, N24 15 Project
Course Assessment: Test 1 10% Test 2 20% Test 3 20% Project 1 20% Project 2 20% Assignments 10% ______Total 100%
Course Text: 1. Schaum’s Outline of Programming with Fortran 77, William E. Mayo & Martin Cwiakala, McGraw-Hill (2005). 2. Introduction to Matlab 7 for Engineers, William J. Palm III, McGraw-Hill (2005). 3. Xenophontos C., “A Beginner’s Guide to MATLAB”, Clarkson University, 1999.
Lecturers: 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abu Hasan Abdullah C25-333 x34740 2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Shafiek Yaacob C24-323 x34561 3. Dr. Mohd Yusoff Senawi C25-323 x34747 4. Dr. Kahar Osman C23-212 x34658 5. Dr. Koh Kho King C23-315 x34541