1. the 4Th Noble Truth Touches On

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1. the 4Th Noble Truth Touches On

MBE Junior 2010

1. The 4th Noble Truth touches on: C May D October A Cause of Suffering B Suffering 10. One of the causes of poverty is by breaking the ..... C The Noble Eight fold Path precept. nd st rd th D End of Suffering A 2 B 1 C 3 D 4

2. Why did Kondana raise a finger during the Naming 11. The Noble 8fold Path when practised will gradually Ceremony of Prince Siddhattha? lead us to ..... Kondanna knew that the infant prince will A Eternal heaven B Nibbana A live for a year only C Human realm D B have a son only Pure Abodes C certainly become a Supreme Buddha in the future 12. Why was Ven. Sariputta known as ‘Dhamma Senapati’? He was so called as he ..... D be in danger

st 3. Attha Parikkhara means ..... A was the 1 Chief Disciple of Sakyamuni Buddha A 8 Requisites B expounded the Buddha Dhamma second only to B 8 Precepts Sakyamuni Buddha C Noble 8fold Path C was most patient D 8 Individuals D aspired for it

4. What did the 4 Signs of Life signify to Prince 13. What is the last blessing in the Mangala Sutta? Siddhattha? They signify to him to ..... A to have a mind that is sorrowless A eat, sleep, enjoy & be merry B to have a mind that is stainless B socialise, do good, be prepared for old age & C to have a mind that is secure death D to have a mind that is not flattered C do his duties, be serious, be strict & enjoy D birth, disease, decay & death 14. We hear Buddhists utter ‘Sadhu!’ which means ..... A Excellent! B Uncle C 5. How did Princess Yasodhara come to marry Prince Well being D Charity Siddhattha? The Prince won her hand ..... A by visiting her 15. Prince Siddhattha said, “ ..... ” when a son was born B by preaching to her unto him. C by giving her gifts A Sorrowful is repeated birth D through the art of warfare B Strive on heedfully C Peaceful are the parents 6...... , a scavenger, was admitted to the Sangha. D A fetter has arisen A Sunita B Ambapali 16. We may become ..... in the future if we break the 5th C Subha D Angulimala Precept. A sloth & torpor B sleepy & happy 7...... was Chief in matters pertaining to the Vinaya. C heedless & foolish D active & heedless A Punna B Upali C Capa D Rahula 17. 'Anatta' means ..... A temporary B sorrow 8. Sakyamuni Buddha attempted to abolish ..... for the C soulless D happiness first time in the known history of the world. A women B happiness 18. Buddha's ministry lasted for …. years C corruption D slavery A 2554 B 45 C 100 D 2010 9. Wesak full moon day of ..... is the most important day to all Buddhists in the world. 19. Why did Sakyamuni Buddha appoint Vens. Sariputta A April B March and Moggallana as his 1st and 2nd Chief Disciples after their Ordination? It was the result of C Lord Buddha should stop ordaining anyone at their ..... once A firm aspiration made before Buddha D Lord Buddha should not ordain any one without Anomadassi the prior permission of his parents B practising the 10 Parami together C wholesome relationship with the Buddha 28. Who received the special ordination ‘Ehi Bhikhu D being virtuous Pabbajja’? Ven. ... A Angulimala B Khema 20. The 3rd Chief Disciple of Sakyamuni Buddha was C Rahula D Upali foremost in the practise of ..... A loving-kindness B resolute 29. Angulimala chased Sakyamuni Buddha until he C wide knowledge D dhutangas was so tired although the Lord was walking in His usual that gait, he said tiredly, ‘Halt, 21. The physical relics of Vens. Sariputta and Samana.’ Lord Buddha replied, ‘I am eve Moggallana are enshrined at ..... today standing still.’ A new stupa in Sanchi, Sri Lanka What did the Buddha mean by this? Lord Buddha ... B stupa in India A is using Iddhi to deceive Angulimala so that he C Himalayas D Lumbini Park can’t hurt Him B is just saying to appease Angulimala so that he nd 22. The 2 Council of Arahants was held in the year .... can stand still B.C. C has overcome all defilements & will not be A 543B.C. B 553B.C. reborn anymore while Angulimala will. C 443B.C. D 588B.C. D wished to let Angulimala realise He has Iddhi so that Angulimala would stop. 23. ‘When this exists, this is with the arising of this, this arises.’ This is found in the ..... 30. Who instigated Ajatasattu to cause the death of his A Sigalovada Sutta B Mora Paritta innocent and devout father, King Bimisara, a Sotapan? C Maha Janaka Jataka D Paticca Samuppada A Ven. Kondanna B Ven. Devadatta C Ven. Yasodhara D Visakha 24. I undertake to observe the Precept to abstain from incelibacy. What is it in Pali? 30. Today may I receive as much instructions from my A Uccasayana Mahasayana Veramani teacher as there are here grains of sand in my hand.’ Sikkhapadam Samadiyami Who uttered this and to who? B Abrahma Cariya Veramani Sikkhapadam A Ven. Rahula to Sakyamuni Buddha Samadiyami B Ven. Ananda to Ven. Mahakassapa C Sura Meraya Majja Pamadatthana Veramani C Anathapindika to Ven. Sariputta Sikkhapadam Samadiyami D Ven. Sariputta to Sakyamuni Buddha D Kamesu Micchacara Veramani Sikkhapadam Samadiyami 32. The father of Arahants Mahinda & Sanghamitta was ..... 25. Sakadagamin is a ..... A King Suppabuddha B King Suddhodana A Worthy One B Brahmin C King Kosala D King Asoka C Once Returner D Stream Enterer 33. Who uttered the Narasiha Gatha (Stanzas of the 26. What is described as ‘The Unsupassable Field of Lion of Men) to Prince Rahula? Merit’? A King Suddhodana B Princess Yasodhara A Anathapindika B The Sangha C Channa D Maha Pajapati Gotami C Jetavanarama D Lumbini Park 34. When do monks observe Vas Retreats? During the 27. What was King Suddhodana’s request to Sakyamuni rainy season from ... Buddha when he found that He had ordained A] June to October B] August to November C] his grandson, Prince Rahula? King Suddhodana July to November D] July to October requested that ... A Lord Buddha should continue ordaining as He 35. Sakyamuni Buddha spent ... Vas in wished Jetavanarama. B there must be a limit to ordaining people A 19 B 20 A taking food at unseasonable times C 18 D 17 B false speech C using high & luxurious seats 36. A Samanera must observe the ..... D killing A Panca Sila B Atthanga Sila C Caritta Sila D Patimokkha Sila 46. In which Parami can we find the name Porisada, the man-eater? 37. How many virtues are there in the Triple Gem? A Sacca B Viriya A 21 B 24 C Metta D Dana C 20 D 23 47. How can Nibbana be attained? Through one of 38. What are the elements which all of us have in our the following Yanas: bodies? A Samma Sam Buddhahood, Pacceka A flesh, bones, blood and spaces Buddhahood, Bodhisattahood B skin, bones, wind and saliva B Samma Sam Buddhahood, Pacceka C earth, heat, water and wind Buddhahood, Arahantship D matter, fire, blood and flesh C Samma Sam Buddhahood, Pacceka Buddhahood, Brahmaship 39. Arati virati papa means ..... D Samma Sam Buddhahood, Pure Abodes, A to cease and abstain from evil Arahantship B blameless actions C steadfastness in virtue 48. When was the Tipitaka first commited to writing? D support of parents About ... B.C. 40. What benefit can one get by giving up intoxicants? A 18 B 88 C 100 D 80 One ... 49. Who was the chief female supporter of Sakyamuni A live a longer life Buddha? B can be trusted A Sujata B Ven. Khema C have a good health C Visakha D Kisa Gotami D becomes careful and have a very clear mind 50. Sakyamuni Buddha preached the ..... Jataka to 41. The compassionate Buddha preached the His relatives. Dhamma to him saying, ‘Consciousness will A Vessantara B Samkhapala leave you, your body C Temiya D Maha Sutasoma will become useless like a log & lie on the ground.’ Who did He speak to? 51. Did Prince Rahula say anything to Sakyamuni Buddha A Ven. Putigatta Tissa B Ven. Angulimala when he approached Him for his inheritance? He said, C King Suppabuddha D Ven. Yasodhara ‘ .....’ A I shall beat the Drum of Deathlessness 42. All worldly beings who have not attained to even B O Ascetic, even your shadow is pleasing to me Sotapan can acquire ..... C Thy rafters are broken A lokuttara panna B lokiya panna D Happy is the wife who has such a husband as He C puthujjana D Pacceka Buddhahood 52. Did Lord Buddha go to see Princess Yasodhara 43...... is listening to the Buddha Dhamma. when He visited His birthplace? Yes, out of ... A Dhammadesana B Discourse for her. C Dhammadayada D Dhammasavana A love B equanimity C long separation D compassion 44. What is ‘Dasa Kusala Kamma’? A 10 kinds of Kamma 53. When did Maha Pajapati Gotami join the Sangha? B 10 Precepts A after the death of King Suddhodana C 10 Unwholesome Acts B when Princess Yasodhara passed away D 10 Skillful Deeds C when Prince Siddhattha renounced the world D on the Supreme Enlightenment of Sakyamuni 45. Uccasayana Mahasayana Veramani Sikkhapadam Buddha Samadiyami means I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from ... 54. Dhammacakka means ..... A wheel of Dhamma II close association with the Buddha B Teachings of Lord Buddha III listening to almost all the discourses of the C the establishment of Wisdom Buddha D belief in the Buddha Dhamma 66. The requisites of a monk are : 55. ‘He ... me best who practises my teachings best’ I belt II towel III knife spoke Sakyamuni Buddha with regards to Ven. 67. Choose the correct pair/(s) Dhammarama. I Ven. Ananda - resolute A loves B honours II Ven. Rahula - Iddhi C offers D wish III Ven. Upali - good memory

For questions 56 to 75, please select : 68. Who were the royal patrons of Sakyamuni A if only I is correct Buddha? B if only I & III are correct I King Kosala C if only I, II & III are correct II King Ajatasattu D if only II & III are correct III King Bimbisara

69. Pick Blessings from the Mangala Sutta

56. The root/(s) of evil : I Let none deceive another I charity II ill-will III desires II a highly trained discipline III to reside in a suitable locality 57. The colour[s] of the Buddhist flag : I white II green III resplendent 70. Choose the ones which are ‘Attha Loka Dhamma’. I Sorrow II Meditation III Gain 58. The Buddhist symbols : I Bodhi Tree II Swastika III Buddha image 71. Pick the correct pairs I bhavana – charity 59. The initial words spoken by the infant Prince II straightening one’s views – ditthijjukamma Siddhattha were : III Transference of merit – pattidana I Chief am I in this world ...... II No teacher have I 72. Sila is mentioned in the ..... III A fetter has arisen I None of the answers II Dasa Kusala Kamma 60. The year(s) related to Sakyamuni Buddha : III Dasa Paramita I 623B.C. II 588B.C. III 543B.C. 73. Sakyamuni raised the status of women to let the 61. Choose those related to the 5 Precepts : realise their importance in society; women are I Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadam called: samadiyami I society of mothers II Iti pi so bhagava araham sama Sambuddho II home carers III Musavada veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami III mother-folk

62. The 1st Council of Arahants was held in ..... 74. Sakyamuni Buddha delivered the ... Sutta on the I Rajagaha II VesaliIII Isipatana 11th year of His Ministry at Ekanala. 63. We must avoid ..... to develop Right Speech. I Kasibharadvaja I Mindfulness II idle gossip III falsehood II Sigalovada III Paticca Samuppada 64. Choose the correct pairs. I Viriya Parami - Maha Janaka Jataka 75. The evil effects of ill-will are II Nekkhamma Parami - Makhadeva Jataka I manifold diseases III Sacca Parami - Maha Sutasoma Jataka II a detestable nature III ugliness 65. What were the rare privileges Ven. Ananda had among the Bhikkhus? I loyal attendant

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