Similes and Metaphors

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Similes and Metaphors

Name ______English I Teacher ______Fall 2012 Date ______Novel Period ______Similes and Metaphors

Similes: comparisons using “like” or “as” as smart as a fox as quiet as a mouse as strong as an ox as gentle as a lamb as busy as a bee swims like a fish as blind as a bat walks like a duck as wise as an owl fly like a bird as slippery as an eel

Directions: Underline the object being compared and then put parentheses around the comparison. 1. Karen was offended when I said that she was as flaky as a snowstorm.

2. Be careful when you go out. The sidewalk is as slippery as greased glass.

3. I really like Patty. Her heart is as soft as a feather pillow.

4. Cheryl’s smile is as sweet as a lullaby.

Metaphors: direct statement of comparison without the helping words “like” or “as.” the apple of my eye a heart of stone the heart of a lion time is money a blanket of snow

Directions: choose the letter of the correct answer for each metaphor. 1. Brian was a wall, bouncing every tennis ball back over the net.

This metaphor compares Brian to a wall because ______. a. He was very strong. c. He kept returning the balls. b. He was very tall. d. His body was made of cells.

2. We would have had more pizza to eat if Tammy hadn’t been such a hog.

Tammy was being compared to a hog because she ______. a. looked like a hog c. smelled like a hog b. ate like a hog d. was as smart as a hog

3. Cindy was such a mule. We couldn’t get her to change her mind.

The metaphor compares Cindy to a mule because she was ______. a. always eating oats c. raised on a farm b. able to do hard work d. very stubborn 4. The poor rat didn’t have a chance. Our old cat, a bolt of lightning, caught his prey.

The cat was compared to a bolt of lightning because he was ______. a. very fast c. not fond of fleas b. very bright d. very old

5. Even a child could carry my dog, Dogface, around for hours. He’s such a feather.

This metaphor implies that Dogface ______. a. is not cute c. is not heavy b. looks like a bird d. can fly

Directions: label each statement from Shakespeare as either a simile or metaphor.

1. “How like the winter hath my absence been”

2. "My love is as a fever, longing still For that which longer nurseth the disease"

3. "My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep”

4. "As sparrows eagles, or the hare the lion."

5. “So are you to my thoughts as food to life”

6. "I am constant as the northern star"

7. “As cannons overcharged with double cracks,/ So they doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe"

8. "And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths"

9. “a sea of troubles”

10. “All the world's a stage”

Directions: Re-write each sentence using either a simile or a metaphor. EX: The mountain range rose out of the valley. The mountain range, like a man's craggy profile, rose out of the valley.

1. The trees made shadows.

2. The building looked sleek and new.

3. I felt sad.

4. There were some scary noises.

5. The carpet was soft.

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