Nice Work Karen; the Onion That Is the Skyhawk Athletic Club (SAC) Needs to Be Peeled No

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Nice Work Karen; the Onion That Is the Skyhawk Athletic Club (SAC) Needs to Be Peeled No

 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 13:30) They don't appear to have ANY standards for the conduct of FCS employees!

Ms. Gayheart has been unabashedly using her personal Facebook page to call those who don't support the levy names! She thinks she's clever by lumping us all as "Tea Party" people - although most are not. But she also dares to call us "extremists." In this day and age of terrorism and security concerns, I consider her careless name-calling to be beyond the pale!

And she defends this by saying she has a "right" to her "opinion"! She actually tried to draw a comparison between her reckless and unprofessional conduct as a PAID public employee to mine as a private citizen! She truly doesn't seem to realize that her behavior reflects upon her employer!

I also heard she posted a picture of the home of a BOE member! If so, she should have been FIRED ON THE SPOT!!!

Well, at least the public is getting to see what kind of THUGS are running our schools. VOTE NO on May 7 and then let's work like crazy to get the incompetents out of the FCS administration and BOE!!! We can - we must take back Fairborn!

 #99 Shadow (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 13:05) Nice work Karen; the onion that is the Skyhawk Athletic Club (SAC) needs to be peeled no matter how much FCS "leadership" cries about it. Simply put, the district begs poverty regarding the athletic program, yet the amounts of $$$ FCS athletics receives from this organization are sure not part of any eight page levy ads, I mean, "school newsletters." There is a Greene Giving account for paying participation fees and SAC money has paid for uniforms, equipment and facility improvements. It is Used Car Sales 101 at FCS; Use supposed "cuts" in athletic spending to guilt voters into voting for the levy, whose collections are not earmarked in any way. Take the SAC money and use it to operate the sports program, then take the money taxpayers believe they are providing for sports and deposit it...Right into the pockets of administrators, faculty and staff in the form of increased salary and benefits!  #98 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 12:14) My latest correspondence with the hapless Board of Education:

Fairborn Board of Education,

I am writing to seek to removal of Pamela Gayheart as President of the Skyhawks Athletic Club. According to School Board policy Section K - File KMB - Relationships with Booster Organizations, at #3: "District officials should not have a leadership role in booster organizations."

Webster's defines a "booster" organization as "an organization formed to contribute to an associated organization; common in American schools below the university level..." It is clear that the Skyhawks Club meets this definition, serves as a Booster organization and, therefore, falls within the scope of the Board policy. As a member of the school administration, Ms. Gayheart obviously never should have been permitted to become President -nor hold any leadership role whatsoever - in this Club. Please enforce your own policy and request her immediate removal. Thank you.

 #97 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 08:23) “Election Time” – Thanks for acknowledging the excellent quality of research presented here on Fairbornspeaks! I owe it ALL to the many concerned citizens who submit materials, tips and ideas to me. Luckily, I enjoy writing and type quickly, so I am able to convert info in a timely manner. Absent any urgent news, I can work on drafting site changes at my own pace and stop or break as needed. I also keep a small “stockpile” of completed items for days when I don’t have much time or don't feel well.

The rest of your points are a bit off. Many citizens who want to improve Fairborn HAVE run for office or plan to in the future. Of course, this is a tough battle since there is a well- greased ($$$) “machine” that selects, grooms, promotes and spends big money to keep the current BOE and Council regimes afloat. It is a disgusting scheme and it is ever-so- transparent! Who is about to run for Council? Well, just watch who suddenly starts appearing at Council meetings (or, if they are obnoxious, who stops appearing!), gets appointed to their bogus “charities” and zero-accomplishment “committees,” appears in the newspaper at an alarming pace, etc. Case in point: Paul Keller. Who would have ever seen THAT one coming? Hahahaha.

Running for elected office is not the only way to contribute to the community. Indeed, given the incompetence displayed by Fairborn officials, it can often be more hindrance than help! But providing quality information to the public in a free, entertaining and easily-accessible format IS “stepping up to the plate.” If you prefer some political hack who will promise you the moon, take your tax dollars in salary and public retirement, and ultimately deliver nothing -then you already have plenty of those to choose from in Fairborn!

As for my physical health, if it is all the same to you, I will take the advice of my highly- skilled physicians over some anonymous blogger! You have NO IDEA of the challenges I face! For one thing, anyone who knows me will tell you that I have great difficulty sitting for long periods of time and could never endure the meetings required of these positions. Sure, I could run for office and then just not show up or bow out of every meeting – but Fairborn has had officials like that before and I would NEVER do that to the people! Finally, you don’t know much about being a responsible citizen if you think there are only two kinds of people in a community: those who hold office and those who don’t matter. I profoundly disagree. You should be grateful that your fellow citizens are trying to educate you about what is going on in this city! And you should strive to remove those who have been dragging this town into the abyss. And that is what is REALLY NO BULL around here!!!  #96 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 08:21) Shadow - the good news is that I heard someone got a plate number - their days may be numbered!  #95 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 08:20) To the lady who sent an e-mail today, please know that I am working on some ideas for you and consulting with a few others. You WILL receive an e-mail reply ASAP!  #94 Shadow (Tuesday, 30 April 2013 21:27) On the subject of sign theft, here is an historical article detailing the possible punishment:

"Police Warn Against Political Sign Removal

UPDATED: Wednesday December 21, 2011 4:15 PM

WESTERVILLE, Ohio - Police spoke about the consequences of removing political signs on Tuesday.

According to police, several signs encouraging people to vote "no" on Issue 20, the Westerville City School District's levy, have been taken, 10TV News reported.

Police said the removal of political signs is considered theft.

According to the Westerville Division of Police, police sign theft is a first-degree misdemeanor punishable with up to a $1,000 fine and 180 days in jail.

Criminal trespass is a misdemeanor in the fourth-degree which is punishable up to a $250 fine and 30 days in jail, according to police.

Police also said placement of signs in the right-of-way is not allowed. "

No surprise it would involve signs placed in opposition to a school levy!

Keep a sharp eye out there, troops.  #93 Election time (Tuesday, 30 April 2013 21:25) I would just like to ask all these wonderful people who have all the time in the world to research, post and argue all the points, WHY in the world are YOU not running for the BOE? You seem to have all the answers! As a Fairborn citizen, I would LOVE to hear how YOU would "fix" everything. You might even get a vote from me. Karen, you always speak of being "disabled", but that doesn't stop YOU from being a wonderful researcher, and a Monday morning quarterback. How about YOU run? Wait, I forgot. YOU are "disabled" and can't. BULL!! Nothing like "FINGER POINTERS" who cry foul but are never willing to "STEP UP" and answer the bell.  #92 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 30 April 2013 20:11) Thanks, Asbury Hills - I will let the CFFF know. It is so low for the pro-tax folks to interfere with an election! Looks like they know they can't argue any merits of the levy!

Reminder folks: PLEASE don't post on the Archives page as I then have to "cut and paste" the posts back over here! I created the Archives page because many people wanted to review old posts. I can't remove the "form" without destroying the page, but I would rather just keep up with one board at a time! THANKS!  #91 Asbury Hills homeowner (Tuesday, 30 April 2013 20:07) --- I have personally witness signs being removed from Armstrong Road (dark blue, black or green GMC SUV) on Sunday 4/20. Since then the signs have been replaced & are now gone again. Really wish someone would get the license plate number of the culprit. Just putting it out there in case someone wants to replace the signs ---  #90 Shadow (Tuesday, 30 April 2013 18:51) The nail on the proverbial head, Poor Senior. Lord $carberry has no motivation to tell the truth; with a vassal manor court (BOE), he doesn't have to answer to anyone regarding the disastrous academic, financial and safety state HE has LED FCS into during his near decade long reign...As long as the Mcmansion is cooled to 68 Degrees, the condo is ready for every spring and summer weekend and the Jumbo SUV is filled with gas, everything is GOOD IN THE LORD's WORLD! IT ought to be for making TEN TIMES the average district resident's income.

Kudos to RMZ for her letter to the editor in today's Loyal Royal Scribe Herald. Not only did she succinctly breakdown the current burden district property owners face, but her emphasis on this being a NINTH tax just for the schools was brilliant. A person like her, whose acumen in real estate matters is undeniable, should be a a real counterweight to those constant fairy tails the Lord's minions spin about home values and schools. Expensive and wasteful underperforming schools are not a good value...Unless you are a school employee, that is!

Yeah, got my CFFF TRUTH flier, delivered right to my mailbox! Lord $carberry's "Do it like we did in '07" stealth and stuff levy campaign takes on more water!

Remember folks, they are COUNTING ON US NOT KNOWING ABOUT THE VOTE AND NOT MAKING IT TO THE POLLS HOME! The union and the administration are colluding and trying to GROW ($$$) their GRAVY TRAIN arrangement.

Tell your friends and neighbors the FACTS and drive them to the polls yourself if need be! Keep our proud, fixed income, home owning seniors away from having to cut their budgets even more to fund FCS shameful largesse! VOTE "NO" on May 7th!  #89 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 30 April 2013 16:50) The mailer against the school tax levy sent out by the Citizens for Fairborn's Future is awesome! Thanks to this hard-working group of concerned citizens for all their efforts! If you didn't receive one, it is the same hand-out available at the link at the top of this page.  #88 jon (Tuesday, 30 April 2013 10:41) Has anyone wondered who wrote the last two articles from the city on the front page of the Fairborn Daily Herald? No byline is given so it begs to be questioned. Was it an out and out press release from the city that no one bothered to read? Is it even fact checked? And if anyone questions these things, how do they get equal coverage? A letter to the editor on page 4 is hardly equal coverage. I wonder if there is some give and take between the city and the paper? So much for journalistic honesty. But then, why should we expect any difference from national to local coverage?  #87 Poor senior (Monday, 29 April 2013 23:58) No Danger Combs Lord Scarberry has NEVER been boxed in by the truth. Lying has always been one of his chief character traits and this inept BOE continues to SIGN OFF on his dishonesty and incompetence.Totally agree no chance of improvement for FCS until Lord Scarberry is in our rear view mirror.The man is an unmitigated disaster.Unbelievable that a Long time educator like Swaim is soooooo unbelievably WEAK.Swaim is obviously wanting to please someone other than the taxpayers of the district.He has been a horrific board member.Absolutely horrific!  #86 Danger Combs (Monday, 29 April 2013 08:58) The FCS have been claiming that employees pay 15% of healthcare premiums. Since when? This is from the STATE AUDIT for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012: Employee Medical/Dental Benefits: The School District has elected to provide employee medical/surgical benefits through Anthem. The School District pays 90% of family or single plans with the exception of 9 month employees. For employees working less than 10 months the board pays 90% for a single plan and 50% of a family plan. The School District provides 100% of the cost dental insurance to employees.

Looks to me like they pay 10% - or did until just recently! Do they tell the truth about ANYTHING?  #85 Danger Combs (Monday, 29 April 2013 07:57) Did anyone else notice in the FDH article about Dan Kirkpatrick running for mayor that he said he was having a "celebratory meet and greet" soon because of his candidacy?!? WHAT?!?! The election isn't until November. How arrogant! Also not surprised to see Paul Keller running for council - that was predicted already. They have been grooming him - appointing him to various of their half-baked "charities" to get him some self- promotion. I have a campaign slogan idea for these two - "Kirkpatrick/Keller - More of the same destruction for Fairborn." Catchy.  #84 Shadow (Sunday, 28 April 2013 12:03) I am not at all shocked regarding the OSBA’s lack of response to Karen...Quite literally, the FCS BOE takes a lot of its direction from the OSBA, an organization who jealously protects its quasi-government status to promote the “interests” (READ: $$$$) of its members. The FCS BOE is also beholden to the FCS administration, especially since BOE members can receive, as detailed by real state law, school employee retirement benefits. To understand the “figurehead” role of the BOE, take a look at the two newspaper quotes attributed to Lord $carberry, the ones concerning minority and low-income students, which have been highlighted by Fairborn Speaks! According to the Licensure Code of Professional Conduct for Ohio Educators (LPCOE), David Scarberry, Superintendent of Fairborn City Schools and a professional educator, could be accused of a violation of Paragraph 2, Professional Relationship with Students, Conduct Unbecoming of an educator for making comments in the article which fall under section d), “Disparaging a student on the basis of race or ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, political or religious affiliation, physical characteristics, academic or athletic performance, disability or English language proficiency.”

Has the Fairborn BOE, under Tess Little’s “Leadership” undertook a preliminary inquiry into whether or not Scarberry made the statements attributed to him? Have the contacted the reporters in question who interviewed him? Have they at least contacted the State Board of Education for Ohio to report the remarks? The answer, as far as we can tell from the opaque BOE, is NO.

Both the OSBA-sponsored sham of a using a supposed “law” that prevents Board members from speaking to their constituents and the failure to report Lord $carberry to the State Board of Education for a REAL professional conduct standards violation shows the FCS BOE can’t be trusted with any more of the district citizens hard earned money! Vote “NO” on May 7th; Lets hasten regime change at FCS by denying them the one thing they crave more than anything else: OUR MONEY!  #83 Danger Combs (Sunday, 28 April 2013 09:34) One thing I just noticed in glimpsing through the posts, I e-mailed Tess Little on April 12. She doesn't answer me until April 23 and tries to say I sent her a letter "last week." How many days in YOUR week, Ms. Little?  #82 Karen Combs (Sunday, 28 April 2013 09:13) On 4-12-13, I sent the following e-mail to legal counsel for the “Ohio School Board Association,” the group that seems to promote the idea that Boards need not speak to their constituents:

“I was wondering if you - or a member of your staff - might be able to assist me. I am an Ohio resident. We have a school board that believes it is "against the law" for them to speak to members of the public during the course of a board meeting! I am not an attorney, however, I could find no such law in my research of ORC 3313 or related statutes. I understand that a single member of a board should not speak on behalf of the entire board, but is there ANY law preventing a member from speaking for themselves? Likewise, is there ANY law preventing the Board from providing an update to the public after they have reached consensus on an issue raised by the community? If so, could you direct me to this law? Finally, is it possible for a member of the public to obtain a copy of the OSBA materials for new board members? It is my understanding that our tax money goes to support the organization through Board-approved dues. Thank you so kindly for your time and attention.”

The same date, I received this reply from her:

“I am currently out of the office and will return on Tuesday, April 16, 2013.”

And that was the last thing I heard from them.

Looks like this MYTH has been BUSTED WIDE OPEN!!!

 #81 RW (Saturday, 27 April 2013 21:42) Karen, I watched the April 13 Board meeting video and Tess Little is an embarrassment to our community. How did she ever get voted into office. She argues with Dave Criner that she CANNOT have a 'discussion' with him and then proceeds to DISCUSS why she cannot have a discussion! If that isn't bad enough, Parks gets in on the discussion and makes himself look like an idiot as well. And then there's Swaim (or Swain) as Tess calls him, who doesn't say a word (which is probably best in the long run because he would look as bad or worse as the rest of them). Thank you Karen for taking time to confront Tess in writing about her 'laws' that don't exist. In fact, The Sunshine Law states that a request for information does not have to be in writing and can be made verbally. If our Board is skirting the issue and failing to provide information as required by The Sunshine Law, how can they serve in their positions? They all need to resign or be fired. And kudos to Dave Criner. It was great how he kept his composure and did not let Tess or anyone else on the Board intimidate him into just giving up on the 'issue' or 'question' or whatever Tess wanted to call it. What a bunch of clowns we have on our School Board. What an embarrassment!  #80 Janice (Saturday, 27 April 2013 17:12) This remains the ONLY site for REAL news in Fairborn!  #79 Danger Combs (Saturday, 27 April 2013 10:57) Oh, trust me, Centurion - Dan Kirkpatrick doesn't handle it too well when ANYONE disagrees with him! Then again, that's just my opinion and my opinions are generally "dangerous" according to Danny-Boy!

As an employee of Calamityville - he should not even be on the Council, let alone running for Mayor. He is up to his neck in a conflict-of-interest. He is just more of the "same old, same old," and high priest of the Debbie McDonnell fan club. NO THANKS.  #78 Centurion (Saturday, 27 April 2013 10:46) Ashes- It's good to hear from you again. I agree with your assessment in #69. Further, I think this is a good time to repeat one of my earlier comments, about the reference to complacent voters and lazy reporters. "I too, hear these lazy reporter's often inappropriately taking as truth the remarks of either the city government officials or school officials. Investing nothing in the stories themselves, and printing it as gospel. No one wants to see a dying city or a failing school system. However, to support our community and schools, all we ask is the truth. I agree, we are victims of "conventional wisdom". Sad but true, just because something has always been done a certain way, or common thinking has always held to a certain belief, no one ever questions it anymore. Unfortunately great harm is often done through this seemingly innocent acceptance of obsolete thinking. What happens all too often, complacent voters fail to demand something other than these accepted means of accomplishing a goal, and in doing so miss out on an even better way of achieving a better solution. It seems to be the same, whether it's a city government issue or a school issue, leaders and their supporters lack of any suggestion of an alternative which can accomplish the same goals, is evidence they're bias in any fact offered as proof. These remarks and statements by either city government leaders or school leaders and their supporters have nothing to do with citizen concerns or concerns of your school children, whichever the case may be, but to further an unreasonable bias against those of you that question conventional wisdom. They suggest that your advice is flawed in viability because of your bias to an increase in your taxes. However, their unreasonable bias to your advice only continues to do further harm to your community and sadly your children, by the fact of their monetary motivation. Just like the talk going around now, that your community needs new school buildings. First, where is the money coming from? Second, if these obsolete thinking school leaders and supporters believe you need new school buildings to better educate your children, than their priorities ARE NOT your children. Could it be, they are willing to let the best interest of your children suffer simply to try and to maintain your current educational funding method that has proven a failure? Further, in their reliance on conventional wisdom, they will not refute a single factual statement as they resort to misrepresentation in order to diminish the effectiveness of the facts. They will deliberately avoid the facts in order to further their attack against the truth and anyone not supportive of their misrepresentation. This effectively discredits the facts before the voter has a chance to review them. Through this process, citizens give in to the conventional wisdom. Not only will your children suffer, truth will suffer from a clear lack of definition". Finally, In another story in today's Fairborn newspaper, your city councilman Kirkpatrick announces his bid for mayor of your city. Not much of a story until you read his quote on page 2, "If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem". In other words, if you disagree with him or your city council you have no right to be heard. This coming from a man who wants to be mayor. Or does he expect to be dictator? Is Fairborn still a democracy? If so, let the democracy decide what constitutes a problem. One thing for sure, it's not the residents of your city that exercise their right to voice a different view point. Maybe the real problem with your city isn't these residents, as suggested by Mr. Kirkpatrick, but is your city council which he is part of?  #77 Karen Combs (Saturday, 27 April 2013 10:24) A three-parter...

Part I: I debated over whether to post all of this, but then felt that such gross incompetence and THIN SKIN by an elected official is the PUBLIC’S BUSINESS. For the background summary, I am pulling quotes from the videotaped meetings – follow the link above to watch them yourself. Approximate times of the interactions are listed so you can “toggle” directly to those parts if you wish. Background Summary: On 1/10/13, a citizen (I believe her name was Joyce Lawson) approached the board with concerns about security at the Middle School. She described how she had entered the building several times to pick-up her grandson and was never stopped by staff, even though she had no visitor’s badge and did not check-in at the office. She also asked whether the Board had ever entered the school buildings unannounced (presumably to check security themselves). In response, Board President Tess Little said (at time 24:50) “we’re not supposed to respond at these meetings- that’s part of the law, okay?” A couple minutes later (27:39), she tells Ms. Lawson that her concerns will be taken and “those are good questions.” The woman calls out “how will we know?” Tess Little says “we will announce it.” Remember that– it becomes important. Incredibly, she then goes on to make false accusations against the citizen, saying “to say things like your board is inactive and we want an active board is very insulting….” The woman calls out “I never said that,” and Little replies “no, but other people have” and “you said perhaps we’ve never been in the schools.” She never said THAT either. She asked if the board had been in the schools UNANNOUNCED. Big difference. Now, fast forward to the last board meeting of April 11, 2013. If you watch nothing else, I urge you to watch the PRICELESS exchange with Dave Criner, beginning at 35:29. This contains such Tess Little gems as “if I answer your question, then you ask another question and that constitutes a discussion and it is illegal for us to have a discussion.” When asked whether the public is updated on board decisions concerning issues WE raised, she says “we are not required by law” to do so! Ah, so much for the “we will announce it” – eh? Looks like spinning everything in favor of the Superintendent makes the gal dizzy! So, this brings me to my correspondence with her. Given the above, I sent an April 12, 2013 E-mail to Fairborn Board of Education President Tess Little, stating: On at least two occasions, you have publicly indicated that there is a "law" concerning your communication as a School Board member with the public. Can you please direct me to this law within either the Ohio Revised or Administrative Codes? Thank you.  #76 Karen Combs (Saturday, 27 April 2013 10:23) Part II: April 23, 2013 reply from Tess Little to Karen Combs – (note how she REFUSES to answer the real question – why she believes it is “illegal” to talk to her constituents(!) and chooses an entirely different subject instead!)

I have received your email communication sent last week in which you have asked for clarification regarding communication by residents to Fairborn Board Members at Board meetings.

As a general rule, there is no Ohio Statute that provides a right for members of the general public to be heard at meetings of a governmental body such as a board of education. Boards of Education, however, are allowed to adopt rules and regulations which would allow members of the public to participate actively in board meetings. The Fairborn Board has determined to voluntarily provide such a right to its residents, and such “laws” have been adopted by the Fairborn Board of Education, and are available on our Website for your perusal. (I have also included the webpage at the bottom of this email.) I have also attached a pdf from Anderson’s Ohio School Board Law Guide on public participation.

There are laws, however, which regulate what comments can be made at our Board meetings by either the general public or members of the Fairborn Board of Education.

The first is the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The Fairborn Board complies with the First Amendment by not denying any person the right to speak at Board meetings, so long as such person is in compliance with the reasonable rules, manner, and regulation of the Board.

The second law, or rule, is a decision by the Ohio Supreme Court that a Board of education should not permit persons to address the Board concerning specific individuals employed by the Board, particularly where such comments are in the nature of a complaint.

The Fairborn Board of Education has established a clear process and procedure for both listening to the general public and resolving any issues of concern or complaint. However, Board meetings are only for listening to the general public, not for the purpose of engaging in debate or problem solving. That procedure goes through our Superintendent, Mr. Dave Scarberry. Sincerely, Tess Little

[Note: both attachments were documents dealing with the public’s right to participate (NOT the issue).

 #75 Karen Combs (Saturday, 27 April 2013 10:23) Part III: This was my reply to her on 4/23: Ms. Little, I received your "reply." I am not sure whether you had difficulty comprehending the question at hand or if you are merely trying to wiggle around it? No one asked what laws might impact the ability of the public to speak at a Board of Education meeting. Those are obvious. I asked, along with other citizens, a straight-forward question - what law(s) prevent Board members from replying to their constituents? After all, you clearly and repeatedly stated at public meetings that it was "against the law" to do so! You went into great detail about not answering questions, a prohibition against "discussions," etc. Perhaps you should watch the videos to refresh your recollection?

Well, I simply asked you to cite the law which you so dramatically and confidently asserted. Of course, there is no such law, Ms. Little. It flies in the face of reason, common-sense, and basic founding principles of this nation! You need not lecture me about the Constitution as it seems to be a stranger to you! As an elected official, you are FREE to communicate with your constituents. I am shocked that you would claim otherwise! If there was a specific prohibition about sharing certain details - as might occur with DETAILS about school security, then you should explain that to the public. But certainly NOTHING prevents you from advising the public of the overall resolution of ANY issue. Indeed, that is what you were elected to do!

Have you received the mandatory state training on Sunshine Laws? Given your confusion - and the equally disconcerting comments made recently by Board member Parks, I suggest the entire Board is unaware of the REAL laws in this state! I think the public has had enough of those being abused!

Finally, Ms. Little, Mr. Scarberry does not set Board policies or procedures. You are the elected official. YOU set those policies as our legislative representatives. He answers to you; not the other way around! Your confusion about this matter is very alarming! But it surely goes a long way toward explaining the Board's failure to recognize the will of the people and to do your duty to contain the over-reaching grasp of Mr. Scarberry and those who got into yet another FISCAL CRISIS. Sincerely…..

Note: Ms. Little is quick to be “insulted” -I guess she ran out after Frank Gilbert when the last BOE meeting was over, stopping him in the foyer and screeching at him, accusing him of saying things he never said also and then settled for complaining about THIS website! Ms. Little is FINALLY getting some heat for the YEARS of bad decisions she has been making! You won’t believe how many people I’ve talked to who supported her original campaign for the Board and say “who IS this woman? Not the woman who asked for my support, that’s for sure!” Face the facts – these clowns have done nothing but drag these schools into the abyss. WE ARE THE ONES WHO DESERVE TO “TAKE OFFENSE” AT THEM! The best thing that could EVER happen to FCS is if this BOE would RESIGN IMMEDIATELY.  #74 Shadow (Friday, 26 April 2013 12:29) Part I

Did You Know? FCS propaganda disguised as a school newsletter edition:

Page 1:

“Start of a downward spiral?” Funny, when FCS was pushing for its last off month, off year levy in May 2007, the buzz from the district leadership was how the district had then just reached the ODE’s “Effective” rating and how an “Excellent” rating was just around the corner if the district taxpayers would vote to pass the levy. Back then, FCS employees and their families stuffed the ballot box and got an 8.6 mil levy passed… SIX YEARS LATER FCS IS STILL A BELOW AVERAGE “Effective” rated district! Even the renewal of this levy in 2012 has still not changed the district’s rating upward! Do not be led astray by Lord $carberry and his minions; IT IS NOT MONEY WHICH LEADS TO STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT, IT IS LEADERSHIP AND ACCOUNTABILITY AT THE TOP WHICH IS LACKING AT FCS!

“1.6 Million eliminated” As I have highlighted in prior post #15, according to the National Center of Educational Statistics, (NCES) FCS Revenues in Fiscal Year 2008- 2009 (last available) were just under $51 million. This has undoubtedly risen in the last four years, but for sake of argument we will use the 2008-2009 figures. So FCS, in such dire fiscal straits to need an EMERGENCY LEVY, highlights a 1.6 million cut, which corresponds to a middling 3.2% of its revenues (in reality, probably much less a percentage cut, since revenues have climbed in the intervening years)

“Loss of students and funding received for each” Yes folks, FCS minimally qualified, non-CPA Treasurer Eric “The Beav” Beavers still can’t grasp the concept that if you have less children to educate, it SHOULD cost you less due to the LOWER number of students you have to teach. FCS Math 101: The numbers of enrolled students keeps dropping, yet we need MORE money to line our pockets with, uh we mean “operate” on.

Page 2:

“Our Excellent ratings are at Risk and our educational programs will be negatively impacted said David Scarberry”  #73 Shadow (Friday, 26 April 2013 12:28) Part II

Yes, Lord $carberry likes to cherry pick and fail to mention Baker Middle is still in “Continuous Improvement” and the district as a whole (OF WHICH HE IS THE BOSS) is “effective.”

Lets posit a question here: Who is the person who decides where the cuts will be made? Yes, it is Lord $carberry himself who makes the decisions to, in his words, “negatively impact” programs. He wants to inflict the most amount of PAIN on students and parents in an effort to enrich himself and his cronies further via the passage of the massive levy.

The newsletter reveals that his measures include consolidated bus stops at THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL, an area previously denied as being cut. Yes, nothing like compromising child safety when you are desperate to find ways to keep lining ($$$) your pocket!

The levy ad, I mean “newsletter,” also makes mention of the upcoming “devastation” to befall the FHS and BMS sports programs without levy passage. It mentions $500 participation fees for each sport. Funny thing, it doesn’t mention how a the booster organization, the Skyhawk Athletic Club (SAC) has offset Athletic Department participation fees in the past and continues, through their Greene Giving account, to pay participation fees for current athletes. They also have bought team uniforms for the soccer and basketball teams, equipment for the track, football and volleyball teams and funded a $10,000 baseball stadium renovation. Remember, these are the people who just had their Spring Fling Monte Carlo night a couple of weeks ago.

This is a bait and switch campaign a used car salesman would admire; District taxpayers are conned into believing the money goes to support sports programs, but lo and behold, the SAC is already funding a big portion of it. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out where the taxpayer-provided money voters are led to believe is being earmarked for sports goes…Into the general FCS revenue fund and then right into the pockets of administrators, faculty and staff in ever increasing pay and benefits.

In addition to the SAC, a 501(c) tax-exempt Skyhawk Soccer Club membership form is included on the FCS website. It is  #72 Shadow (Friday, 26 April 2013 12:27) Part III known they use school facilities for games, but it is not apparent if this organization provides any money to FCS. This may be another “Revenue Stream” Davey and "The Beav” don’t want voters to know about, especially with a MASSIVE LEVY TAX INCREASE Vote coming up on May 7th.

Finally, Treasurer and CFO (Chief Financial Officer; nice attempt at an important sounding title FCS’ incumbent wouldn’t have a prayer of holding in the real, outside of a school district, world) Eric Beaver’s has his own little box to use in an attempt to explain how his ineptness requires $$$ NOW as opposed to other district’s more prudent “wait and see” policies. Funny, he states the proposed budget INCREASE from the state will not cover the “projected defecit (sic).” Interestingly enough, Page 1lists the exact deficient (learn to use spell check Mr. CFO) amount at $4.1 Million, but “The Beav” wants AN ADDITIONAL $7 Million a year for TEN YEARS to cover it…So where do you think the additional $$$ will be going folks? Yep, higher salaries and more lavish benefits.

Page 3

Ah, the look what we have cut page. Standing out is the District Overall Cuts:

It states Over $3 Million was cut in 2004-2005 and Over $3 Million was cut in 2011-12. Now think about this for a minute. Lord $carberry, the great mind that he is, must surely realize the Tangible Property Tax (TPT) phase-out is already on the books when he takes over FCS in 2003, correct? Notice how there is no “glideslope” to the cuts to reflect TPT phase-out and declining district enrollment. It is cut, get a levy passed, spend to high heaven, then cut right before another levy vote. The RIFs listed on the page are missing a key fact: We don’t know how many people RIF’d were RE-INSTATED once funding was put back on the positions they held. We do know the student to teacher ratio, per federal statistics is 15-1, so obviously there is no teacher shortage at FCS. This preponderance of teachers coupled with the BELOW AVERAGE DISTRICT PERFORMANCE IN OBJECTIVE ACADEMIC MEASURES shows it is not a shortage of  #71 Shadow (Friday, 26 April 2013 12:26) Part IV money holding FCS back, but a shortage of QUALITY LEADERSHIP!

Page 4

Ah, the Bus page. Routing efficiency is gained by reducing the number of stops (i.e. junior walks more and gets closer to traffic) and load efficiency means the busses are packed. Yes, make the students suffer more so more $$$ can go into the pockets of Lord $carberry (it costs money to cool his Sanctuary Mansion in the summer, you know) and his minions.

Page 5

The Boo-hoo page. Yes, we get you don’t like the fact of a third-grade rating “guarantee,” but if YOU DO YOUR JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE, you won’t need to retain the student or provide extra tutoring.

MEMO: You are not the only school district in Ohio; every other district has to budget for this also. Maybe if salaries and benefits were not so high, money would be readily available to make sure Johnny CAN read in the Third Grade!

This one takes the cake:

“Cannot be “Excellent with Distinction” and continue with massive cuts”

Lets call this what it is: A boldfaced lie and an insult to the district taxpayer! During Lord $carberry’s reign, FCS has NEVER been rated “Excellent,” much less showed the continued superior performance to earn an “Excellent with Distinction” rating. Massive cuts? 3.2% of your revenues is a massive cut? Massive cuts would be paying Lord $carberry what his performance earns him: $0.00, down from $250K a year! It is a spending and lack of leadership at the top issue at FCS that is hampering OUR students, not a lack of taxpayer support!  #70 Shadow (Friday, 26 April 2013 12:25) Part V

Page 6

The sports and state page.

Again, it is bait and switch, with FCS showing it is spending over $10,000 dollars per athlete above what it is already spending on them, per capita, as students about $10,000. No mention is made of SAC offsets or how much money is coming in from the Skyhawk Soccer club, Valarie Cute tournament, etc. Please don’t forget that when discussing dollar amounts per student, the student isn’t getting it spent directly on them; in fact, as the state auditor has shown, over 80% of ALL FCS spending goes to administrator, faculty and staff pay and benefits, with this percentage rising to over 90% in the next five or so years!

Of course," The Beav" chimes in that this latest levy will “put us on track to meet our budgetary needs and prevent further disruption and devastation…” Yes folks, we have heard this all before, from the school income tax to levy after levy…”This levy will finally solve all our problems!” has been a recurring mantra since the last fiscal crisis, LESS than a decade ago.

No, "The Bead" wasn’t here for this time period, he has been hopping from district to district making sure his wallet is appropriately fat. I expect him to move on to his SIXTH district treasurer job when the good people of this district say “NO!” to him continuing the reckless spending of our tax dollars!

Page 7 and 8

Wow, you mean there was school news contained in a levy ad? Genuinely happy that the football player got his “full-ride” (grant in aid); my question concerns the student who are not blessed with athletic talent and a 6’5”/300Lb frame. The biggest shocker is the coach winning 100 games; A Dayton Daily news article from 2010 states he is a civilian employee at FCS Boogeyman (154 transient students out of 4000 total students cost us a fortune) WPAFB! You couldn’t make this stuff up!  #69 Ashes to Ashes (Friday, 26 April 2013 09:04)

road to progress

In your statement in post # 41, you said,

"apparently your followers don't read the newspaper. if they did they would read in today's fairborn paper, that as a result of the city’s leadership to increase business focus, a new economic development strategic plan has been developed for 2013".

Your post would suggest you are in alignment with the philosophy of our city government. As this is the same type of uneducated governing the current city government partakes in. However, I find your statement cannot go unaddressed.

The first thing readers will notice about the article you mentioned is no one took credit for writing it. What editor in their right mind would print an article written by a reporter, and not list that reporter's name? The Fairborn paper is notorious for this. The Fairborn paper prints these articles given to them by the city, for word, without checking into the facts. The article does explain the biggest reason municipalities justify tax increases, because they claim not to have the proper resources. All this was made possible with the $10 million a year blank check given to the city manager with the passage of the Nov. 2011 property tax levy. Therefore, this is another PR story written by The City Of Fairborn to cover up the lack of progress within our city. In fact, it is more like a Highway to He** than a road to progress.

A sign of good leadership will take a given set of certain circumstances and will work within prescribed parameters to meet a given goal. When a leader starts stating, or giving excuses as to why these goals are not met it is a sign that the leadership is not working within the prescribed parameters of the given set of certain circumstances to meet the goal.

This story shows a great deal of a LACK OF LEADERSHIP. Just like the current Board of Education. We are here, in this present situation, not because of what they promised to do, but because of what they DID OR DIDN'T DO!!!!

I would also like to point out the philosophy to ignore a serious problem in our society only leads to the decay of our society. As such, you cannot change the fact of the defenseless murder of our great city at the hands of our city council, and our city school board, by the lack of use, and even worse, the use of their government power which has not advanced our progress.

However, everything depends on the direction in which progress is made, as mere progress is not necessarily good. Such as your philosophy, so too, is the progress of a disease an undesirable progress. Our only aim should be the advancement of progress from bad to good.

 #68 Poor senior (Friday, 26 April 2013 07:17) VOTE NO ON MAY 7th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  #67 RW (Thursday, 25 April 2013 20:08) GMAB, YOU are grasping at straws and are the one not paying attention to what is really going on in the FCS. And yes! I have volunteered at the FCS, numerous times, while my children attended FCS. And, I was smart enough to pull them out of the failing District with low scores and below average education attempts, and provided them an education that far exceeded the FCS. Oh, and if you can get an appointment with our sore excuse for a Supt, PLEASE let me know how you did it. Myself, and many parents in the District tried for months to reach him by phone and requested meetings in person, but guess what? he was never available. There were many issues I wanted to talk to him about and he wouldn't even answer emails. He was probably so busy vacationing at his Lake Erie condo that he doesn't have time for us peasants in little ole' Fairborn! GMAB - give a huge donation to the FCS if you're so sure they need the money. Leave the rest of us alone who are living within our means because we don't have a choice. VOTE NO ON MAY 7th.  #66 Karen Combs (Thursday, 25 April 2013 19:55) Ah - election time is upon us....all the "one-hit wonders" jumping on here to make a fuss that they can't sustain past the MILDEST challenge! Awesome.  #65 Poor senior (Thursday, 25 April 2013 17:37) Incredible!!!!! Unsustainable!!!!!  #64 Shadow (Thursday, 25 April 2013 17:27) Ahh, our latest Sycophant, GMAB...I went from the Ad hominem of "people who are uneducated" to the latest Ad hominem of "grasping at straws." I'm glad Karen doesn't get sick of explaining the fallacy of ad nauseam TPT argument you syc's keep bringing up. Ever helped close a major Air Force base, GMAB? No? Here is how it goes: You know your budget is going to progressively get smaller and you use a pilot term, "glideslope" to reflect how you gradually reduce your outlays as the money shrinks. You also do "attrition planning," which means you plan for Higher Headquarters to accelerate your actions as other funding priorities come up. You plan ahead and you plan for contingencies. Pretty remarkable a bunch of GIs with relatively low pay can outthink a school administration just under a cool $1 Million a year, eh?

As the person who PAYS for this message board has implied, she envisions it as a lively discussion forum where people can bring FACTS to the table to help inform other citizens. Thanks to our pro-levy, anti-1st Amendment hackers, not all of my previous posts are available in the archives yet, but I have strived to provide sourced material which "doesn't grasp at straws" but equips my fellow citizens with information concerning School Treasurer Eric "The Beav"/"Leisure Suit Larry" Beaver's many misstatements, omissions, and plain disingenuousness with regards to motives. I have highlighted Lord $carberry's lavish life style, while running FCS financially aground TWICE during his reign, I mean "tenure." I have also highlighted the tactics FCS uses year after year in obtain bigger and bigger levies passed, resulting in bigger and bigger paychecks for administrators, faculty and staff. Just because you don't like the truth GMAB, doesn't mean you can ignore it.

The FHS play? Don't you mean the production of "How to Eat Like a Child?" By stating "...attending school events such as the FHS play...", you insinuate people against the levy are somehow against "the kids" and don't attend any school functions. You realize this dirty tactic goes way back at FCS. Trust me, there were plenty of anti-levy people in attendance and even a pro-levy introduction by a member of the city council did not make any levy opponents jump up and leave. Swing and a miss on that one, GMAB!

In fact, GMAB, I am most proud of the research I have done which shows that despite exceeding Beavercreek City Schools in revenue dollars per student, FCS IS BELOW AVERAGE IN OBJECTIVE SCHOOL MEASURES, to the Beavercreek City Schools, an issue which should be the most important to parents. Some of my past FCS research "lowlights?" How about FCS' "Effective" rating being BELOW AVERAGE when compared to the majority of Ohio districts, who are rated "Excellent" or "Excellent with Distinction." FCS IS ALSO BELOW AVERAGE IN COMPARISON TO STATE AND NATIONAL ACT AND SAT AVERAGE SCORES. FCS ALSO HAS A DISMAL 1-2% MATRICULATION RATE TO TOP 50 NATIONAL UNIVERSITIES AND LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGES. As a parent yourself GMAB, isn't the quality of education a child receives the most important measurement of a school system? FCS is FAILING OUR KIDS and more levy money which will go for increased administration, faculty, and staff pay and benefits won't correct the FAILED LEADERSHIP POLICIES in student safety, fiscal responsibility, and student achievement that are the hallmark of the Superintendent, DAVID $CARBERRY.

So my question to you GMAB is simple: When are you going to replace the straw in your spine with some real backbone and book your own appointment with Lord $carberry? when are you going to ask him why your child is receiving, by objective measures, a BELOW AVERAGE EDUCATION? With Spring upon us, you may only get to see his Lordship at his summer holiday residence on the lakefront in Ottawa County. Maybe he will invite you to take a boat ride even! I would advise wearing a lifejacket, however, if you are going to ask him what I suggested.  #63 Shadow (Thursday, 25 April 2013 16:23) Poor Senior, Karen is spot on (thanks Karen!) regarding the figures being salary only, with most of the salaries listed being in the 182 or less days worked category and all of the 174 listed being over twice to four times the average individual income for a Fairborn resident!

STOP THE GRAVY TRAIN...TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS THEIR LIVELIHOOD IS UNDER ATTACK...VOTE "NO" ON MAY 7TH!  #62 Karen Combs (Thursday, 25 April 2013 11:52) Poor Senior - Not trying to speak for Shadow, but salaries on Buckeye Institute (where he got info) ARE separate from all benefit packages. They do not list healthcare benefits and only estimate retirement benefits. So those huge salaries you are seeing are ONLY for salary - no benefits! Nice work, if you can get it!  #61 Poor senior (Thursday, 25 April 2013 11:41) Shadow are the benefit packages in addition to the salaries?  #60 Shadow (Thursday, 25 April 2013 10:48) So Common Sense, did you ever take the time to look at FCS ACTUAL salary structure?

Here is a repost of some FCS Salary FACTS, originally posted prior to pro-levy THUGS hacking Fairborn Speaks! (That pesky 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution is such a drag when you want only your side’s propaganda to define the issue). The data is courtesy of the Buckeye Institute for the last year available (2011). Thanks to step increases, the actual salaries for 2013 are higher, but FCS' own Leisure Suit Larry doesn't exactly make it easy to find the most up to date numbers:

5 FCS employees make over $100,000 a year

3 FCS Employees make between $90,000 and $100,000 a year

12 FCS Employees make between $80,000 and $90,000 a year

58 FCS Employees make between $70,000 and $80,000 a year (Note: The vast majority of these employees only work about half the days in a year and only for 7.5 hours per day vice 8 hours a day)

96 FCS Employees make between $60,000 and $70,000 a year (Note: Virtually all these employees only work about half the days in a year and only for 7.5 hours per day vice 8 hours a day)

Of special note is the 96 $60,000 and $70,000 a year group. This is the largest bulge of salaries; the $50,000 to $60,000, $40,000 to $50,0000 and $30,000 to $40,000 group sizes are nowhere near as large as those in the "96" group.  #59 Karen Combs (Thursday, 25 April 2013 10:14) Jon- 1) The FCS’ choice to abuse taxpayer moneys on levy ads disguised as school newsletters is not technically “against the law.” As long as they do not overtly promote the levy – such as saying “Vote Yes,” – school districts have “gotten away with” such devices. Is it morally bankrupt? Yes. Teetering on the edge of unethical? Sure. But haven’t we come to expect such low-rent thinking from this regime? Both the City of Fairborn and the FCS have embraced the “why bother doing what is right? Just do whatever you can get away with” philosophy – and it shows ALL OVER TOWN. Is it a coincidence that they share legal advisors?

2) “Eric Beavers” does not appear as a licensed CPA on the Ohio Accountancy Board listing. (Source: . Some school treasurers DO have such credentials, including Xenia, Huber Heights, etc.

But overall, I was shocked at what I consider rather lax credentials to become a “licensed school treasurer” through the Ohio Department of Education (source: ODE, School Treasurer License). A CPA is NOT required. All it takes to be put in charge of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars is:

-Baccalaureate in business with 3 semester hours in school law, 3 in school finance OR -BA in non-business major with 9 semester hours of accounting plus the law and finance requirements above -Both require a 300-hour “internship,” but I am not sure when that was instituted. -Both require continuing education in the field.

3) According to the Middletown Journal of 11/5/10, Eric Beavers only worked in Springboro from August 1 – November 18 of 2010—a little over just THREE MONTHS. He resigned as soon as a levy failed. He was replaced by a consultant, Tracy Jarvis, who specializes in efficiency audits. It appears she was hired as the permanent Treasurer (or at least appears as such on the Springboro Schools website). The Springboro district went from constant pressures for property tax levies to a BUDGET SURPLUS. Their latest five-year forecast shows MILLIONS in available funds. The district is rated "Excellent with Distinction."

Part of the turn-around was due to anti-tax Springboro Board Member Kelly Kohls. Here is an excerpt from a speech she gave in February of 2011. Note how similar the problems that were plaguing Springboro are to those that now impact Fairborn – right down to the IGNORED suggestions of state auditors!

“Our district paid for an outside organization to conduct a performance audit. The audit report stated that we should adopt a healthcare cost split more in line with the national average such is published in the National Kaiser report. The Kaiser report combines public and private sector cost splits and reported in 2010 that the national average cost split is 70/30. Employees paying 30% of the health care costs. Our districts are nowhere near that national average.

This audit report also stated that we should stop the STRS and PERS pick-up. The amount of $’s we pay for this extraordinary benefit is equal to the HS busing costs. Instead of continuing to safely bus our students, some of our staff gets this bus money as an annual bonus!

Collective bargaining has taken our community to a very negative environment where the majority of our community votes no to paying more in property taxes because they simply cannot afford more and they totally disagree with continuing a pay and benefit system they themselves do not have. We have decided as a community that we cannot, and will not, sustain this collective bargaining way of life. The consequences have hurt the children of this school system across the state. We believe that this is an unethical, unrealistic and unsustainable choice the collective bargaining unit makes and it must be stopped.”

We sure could use Kelly and Tracy here!  #58 Karen Combs (Thursday, 25 April 2013 09:18) Jon - I am working on a post on this subject. Stay tuned.  #57 Karen Combs (Thursday, 25 April 2013 09:15) GMAB - I won't give you a break, but I will give you some FACTS:

What are YOU talking about? Go read the FCS’ latest (2013) 5-year forecast, dear. The Personal Tangible Property Tax is STILL being collected as far out as 2017!!! The FCS’ failure to make ANY adjustments to address the LONG-ANTICIPATED PTPT cuts is typical of this IRRESPONSIBLE regime! Until we stop bailing them out, they will keep right on making DEVASTATING decisions. Get your head out of the sand!

Any “cuts” to Tangible PPT are being made up with a new state funding formula. Maybe you slept through the last Board meeting, but the Treasurer announced that FCS expected to receive $1.5 million in ADDITIONAL FUNDS! Fairborn is expected to get the LARGEST finding increase in the county. And state revenue per pupil to FCS actually INCREASED between 2011 and 2012 too! Your pro-tax side thinks they can win by bamboozling the people. Enough! Stop drinking their kool-aid and check out the FACTS.

As far as “rumors” go – I don’t think anyone reported them as gospel here! But if your kid attends that school and you STILL don’t know what happened, that speaks volumes about FCS “leadership” – eh?

And how about their great "shelter-in-place-during-a-bomb-threat" plan!?!? Yeah, ya' know, ya' sure would hate to GET AWAY from a BOMB! The students and teachers should evacuate and let Dave $carberry and the Beav "stay put" for the conflagration! Maybe they can invite the BOE over too!

And we don’t need to “taint” public perception of the schools. They have done a DANDY job of that for YEARS all by themselves! From various staff having to re-pay funds that were wrongfully accepted to simply IGNORING the sound fiscal advice of a highly-respected state auditor, we have all watched in horror as the FCS sunk into the abyss! We have ZERO Board of Education leadership – they seem to think they were elected to be mere bobbleheads for Mr. Scarberry!

MANY people on the ANTI-BAD-REGIME side here have volunteered over the years at the schools. And I’ve also talked to MANY who tried to volunteer and got the impression – some flat-out told - that they were not wanted. After all, they are so "highly-trained" to teach the ABC's, they clearly wouldn't want help from mere mortals! So why bother?

Whenever students come around selling stuff, I buy it. I’ve been in each school in town. Why would I need a tour? Do you think if enough people smile at me and tell me how great they are that I will magically open my wallet and give them whatever they want, no matter HOW BADLY THEY MISUSE FUNDS? Guess again. I physically can’t sit through a long meeting or even a movie, so how can I go to school plays? Are you suggesting that the MASSIVE FISCAL DISASTER somehow cures itself if our group starts going to school plays? Wow – you have quite the creative streak!

Most of us are FCS alumni. We are EMBARRASSED by what has become of our schools and how this regime continues to drag them down. I saw the other day where there were new nominees to the “Hall of Honor.” I feel sorry for them. That ceased to be much of an “honor” when they inducted some local preacher simply because he ran a LEVY CAMPAIGN!!! Then they trotted his arrogant behind up there to chastise people for not supporting each and every MASSIVE TAX they want! WHAT GALL!!!!

As for “meeting with Mr. Scarberry” – WHATEVER FOR? This man hauls home a quarter-of-a-million in ILL-GOTTEN GAINS and can’t even muster a grunt at the last Board meeting before HIS “bail-me-out” levy is on the ballot! Until he is GONE, there is NOTHING that can POSSIBLY fix these schools!

GMAB - you seem to suffer from the delusion that things get better by "going along to get along," never expecting much, and accepting critical errors without demanding accountability. That defeatist, com-whatever-may philosophy will NEVER help restore the FCS or the City of Fairborn!  #56 Karen Combs (Thursday, 25 April 2013 09:08) “Common Sense” – how did the average teacher salaries increase BEFORE the cuts? Well, let me explain THAT to YOU. Despite their claims of a “pay freeze,” they have gone right on receiving increases AND “stipends” for every finger they lift. Professionals working in the REAL WORLD do not expect money for staying a few hours late. But these union-coddled teachers have come to demand it.

Another reason their salaries increase is the UNNECESSARY “over-education” of the teachers – again, at the insistence of their money-grubbing union. Does a kindergarten teacher require a Master’s? Well, they not only say so, but they want US to pay for the teacher to get it – then eternally pay higher salaries to that teacher for having it! WHAT A RACKET!!!

The guy at the car wash might be a trained Neurosurgeon, but I am NOT paying him $200,000 to dry my windshield! We keep getting told how highly-educated these teachers are, but if that made so much difference – why aren’t we “Excellent”?

Let me explain another little “creative accounting” trick used by our friends at the FCS. They will tell you all about what they “cut,” but they never tell you what they ADDED! It changes NOTHING to cut five teachers and then hire ten more!

Finally, you CANNOT fix bad leadership by throwing more money at it. NONE of you seem willing to admit that this regime HAS GOT TO GO!!! They cost us MILLIONS by failing to adhere to the COMMON-SENSE suggestions of the state auditor back in 2005. If you hand them more money now, they will just blow it all again and come back whining for more. If you can’t figure THAT out, you may need an electron microscope to find your alleged “COMMON-SENSE”!  #55 Common Sense (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 21:45) Obviously the average teacher salary is going to increase when you cut teachers! When you cut teachers, the ones at "the bottom of the totem pole" are cut, A.K.A. the younger, newer, lower payed teachers. SO, that means that when a teacher gets cut, usually its the lowest payed it seems like common sense to me! And surely a person as smart as you could figure that out.

Let's do some math: 6+7+8+8+8+9=46 46/6=7.67 If you cut teachers, it would be the 6 and 7... 8+8+8+9=33 33/4=8.25

SO IT'S COMMON SENSE MATH PEOPLE! OBVIOUSLY THE AVERAGE TEACHER SALARY WILL INCREASE BECAUSE WHEN A TEACHER GETS CUT, IT IS THE LOWEST PAID TEACHER BECAUSE THAT IS HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS! SO THAT EXPLAINS THE AVERAGE TEACHER SALARY RISING.  #54 GMAB (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 21:30) @RW post 45-What are you talking about? The schools did lose funding when Governor Kasich cut the overall education budget.(Google-"did ohio public schools lose funding in the state budget" and go through the results.) That is not a lie...And they were preparing for the phasing out of the tangible personal property tax but when Kasich took office,he sped the phasing out process up and the money was completely wiped out sooner than they had previously thought.

Second-I have a child who goes to the Intermediate School and I heard about the events through the grapevine such as you have heard. Immediately I was furious that they wouldn't call us if this happened. So of course I called the office at FIS and they asked me what I was talking about...So I'm not sure where these rumors are coming from but from what I've heard, they are not true.

The bottom line is that "you guys" (CFFF, Karen, shadow, etc.) are grasping at straws. You are trying to find everything you can to taint the schools' public perception. Meanwhile, what are you doing to make the schools better other than complaining about the levy? Have you volunteered? Have you run for school board? Have you scheduled a meeting with Mr. Scarberry? Have you toured the schools? Probably not. There is lots of ways to help. I understand that some of you feel you are helping but regardless of the tax issues, we all should still help our schools by volunteering when we can, attending school events such as the FHS play, etc.  #53 jon (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 21:25) Was looking at the Skyhawk Newsletter that was sent out by the schools For the levy (which I thought was against the law). On page 3, they talk about all the cuts they have made. What is absent is the cuts in administrative pay, cuts in benefits, cuts in the pick- ups, etc...

And while I do not begrudge people making what they can, what does it say about our superintendent that he would retire from this job to be rehired right away (something else that smells to high heaven)? Just who's interest is he really looking out for?

I do not know it for a fact and I hope someone can help me. I understand Mr. Beavers isn't a CPA, but many other treasurers are. What is the standard here? Was he really the treasurer at Springboro who after he left, the district turned around? Was there someone in between him and that school system's rebound?  #52 RW (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 20:27) Karen - Post #49 - I agree 100% although I feel they should be recalled NOW because of the lies they are feeding the public, not only about the funding cuts they 'did not' get and Tess Little telling everyone it is illegal to discuss matters with the public! This is beyond belief!  #51 Poor senior (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 19:35) Amen Karen Amen! May be the only way out of this misery!  #50 Shadow (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 18:43) Thanks for the CFFF Facebook link, Karen. I noted Ms. McCoy wasn't too happy when she lost the argument regarding FCS employees and their Ferrari health insurance plan.

A quick internet check shows another case of quid pro quo; FHS gave Ms. McCoy's daughters use of the school's auditorium to video a performance for uploading on YouTube. It seems Ms. McCoy's girls are an aspiring Bluegrass group trying to make $$$ in music. Nothing wrong with capitalism, mind you, but we see Ms. McCoy isn't telling us the whole story behind her support for FCS' MASSIVE, 10 YEARS IN DURATION TAX INCREASE!

Vote "NO!" on May 7th!

 #49 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 10:38) RW - if this levy is defeated and the BOE tries to put another one on the next ballot, we must ALL band together and try to get them RECALLED!!! Better yet, maybe they will RESIGN and save us the trouble!  #48 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 08:33) I've heard that the police were called. Does anyone know more about this incident?  #47 jon (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 21:21) RTP #41, I read the article. Long on rhetoric, short on details...... as usual.  #46 Shadow (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 21:12) From VS:

"I have not been back on here since I have much more important things to do than banter back and forth with people who are uneducated about a lot of these subject and solely basis their reach on surveys and other publishing."

Your calling us "uneducated" but, YOU can't tell the difference between "surveys and other publishing" and peer-reviewed research? Of course you can't VS, because unlike most of the posters on Fairborn Speaks!, you can't cite any FACTS which support your arguments. Therefore, you are reduced to the fallback of the feeble-minded, the Ad hominem ("people who are uneducated") argument.

Too bad you blindly accept Lord $carberry's leadership of FCS; instead of your children realizing their potential to exceed your knowledge level, they are handicapped by the BELOW AVERAGE EDUCATION they receive from FCS.  #45 RW (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 20:41) Following is a post on the "Fairborn City Schools" Facebook page made by Pam Gayheart "Thank you for the comments. Fairborn has made extensive cuts to staff, programs and administration and we are cutting over $1 million this spring. The state STILL has not fixed the funding issue for all of Ohio's public schools; so even with cuts the district will be on the ballot again" This was posted as recent as April 16th. How can the employees lie through their teeth about the cuts and the lack of state funding when they actually got an increase in funding. This is criminal and everyone in the FCS district who makes these false statements should be fired!  #44 HOT TIP (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 15:14) The FCS "Security Plan"? Supposedly an over-developed Palmer South student was claiming to have a gun today. Supposedly all the FCS staff did was conduct their "own" investigation - never even contacting police! Seriously? Is this true? When are teachers and staff going to speak up and put an END to this insanity???

Recall that not too long ago, a school official was on the evening news claiming that "nothing could be done" about a student who was grabbing girls in a sexual manner! AGAIN- how about calling the POLICE??? Newsflash - they actually CAN respond to the schools!

Is the safety of our kids being jeopardized because the FCS wants to keep such CRIMES out of the public eye while they try to pass a tax levy? Scary stuff!

 #43 Pythagoros (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 14:07) Let me check my math.....500 athletes and let's say another 500 in band/music, etc. = 1000 total (surely this is more than enough) times $500 each for "pay to play" = $500,000 per year to be raised x the next 10 years = $5 million. The HUGE TAX increase the FCS is seeking over the next ten years? $70 MILLION!!!! How STUPID would we have to be to allow sports and music to EXTORT us out of the other $65 million????

Alas, my only regret is that the ballot does not have a "NO and He** NO!" option!  #42 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 12:05) RTP (if we are discussing progress in Fairborn, it's more like R.I.P.!) - the Strategic Plan is old news. I'm not sure how much "progress" will be involved since the company paid big money to formulate it is UNLICENSED to even do business in the State of Ohio! Personally I can't invest much faith in business advice from someone who isn't savvy enough to get properly registered!

And "credentials"? Well, calling them "vague" would be a compliment. Most professionals list the TYPE of degree and the UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE where they earned it. But, hey, don't expect our Council or useless City Manager to look into such things before inking big contracts and handing over OUR money to such ventures! Is this a legitimate business or someone's frat buddy?

Some parts of the Strategic Plan are interesting. Those parts will NEVER occur under the dismal "leadership" of Debbie McDonnell. And it all unravels in my eyes anyway when one considers the ILLEGAL advice it offers to the Council for communicating with the public. Telling an elected body to formulate agreements in advance of public meetings? Urging them to avoid sharing debates and discussions with the public? These are ALL examples of EXTREME violations of the Sunshine Laws!

How many times do Fairborn officials have to have their hands smacked for ignoring these laws? Why weren't Council members OBJECTING -- loudly and REPEATEDLY - to this section of the "plan" BEFORE bragging about it? The BOE is guilty of the same thing! This veil of secrecy - making their BAD decisions in private - is EXACTLY what is KILLING this town!

Stop worrying about what I know, RTP, and educate yourself about what is really going on with this city government and school leadership! SOG - you wouldn't know an intelligent post if you saw one - you've surely never posted one!  #41 road to progress (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 10:09) apparently your followers don't read the newspaper. if they did they would read in today's fairborn paper, that as a result of the city’s leadership to increase business focus, a new economic development strategic plan has been developed for 2013.  #40 Some Other Guy (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 09:27) I've also heard that there were intelligent posts on this blog. But, like the big box store, it was merely another fantasy.  #39 Danger Combs (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 07:06) Frank - that depends. I've heard about the so-far imaginary "big box" store, the "strip mall," the convention center and, of course, the "$750 million in 5 years economic impact" associated with Calamityville. Then again, I've also heard of unicorns and Santa's elves and there seems to be far more evidence of the latter!  #38 Frank Gilbert (Monday, 22 April 2013 21:47) Karen, I wish there was a like/dislike button for posts. Some of these hit the nail right on the head. Others.... not so much. And has anyone heard anything more about the mysterious store coming in?  #37 Karen Combs (Monday, 22 April 2013 18:45) Confused - The focus of this site and the similar one before was almost exclusively the poor leadership of the Fairborn City Government. But right now we are days away from an OPPRESSIVE school levy - so we are focused on them for now. The lack of leadership in BOTH entities is killing this town!  #36 Frank Gilbert (Monday, 22 April 2013 18:37) The levy vote approaches fast. Hopefully, we have sent out enough information to make the difference. And maybe, just maybe, the school board will start taking us seriously. Let's keep in mind as well that we'll have to start gearing up for another levy fight if this one fails. When will government at any level learn to live within its means? Not until we FORCE them to.  #35 Confused???? (Monday, 22 April 2013 18:14) Could someone please help me understand something??? I have lived in this city my entire life and I can't see why every comment here is "focused" on the lack of leadership from FCS (only). Is Fairborn the same place you remembered it to be 20 years ago???? Yeah, me neither! Is there some correlation between the city leadership too?? It seems that this site is only used for brow-beating the schools. How about we combine rock throwing at the lack of leadership from the city government "ALONG" with your arguments about the schools. Seems that FCS don't have much of a chance when more "low income housing" families are being carted in. Is there any correlation between these two things???? Low income families (brought in by FAIRBORN CITY GOVERNMENT) and FCS.  #34 RW (Monday, 22 April 2013 17:50) I have a great idea - all you PRO-LEVY people get together and make a huge donation to the Fairborn City Schools. Obviously you have tons of money to just 'give away' since you are ready to vote for every levy the stinking school system asks for. You guys who are so gung ho to have more taxes need to take all your extra money (the Pam Gayhearts, Lord Scarberrys and all the other high and mighty, rich and getting more rich every day off our taxes). You guys give all you want to the FCS and solve this problem entirely. Don't keep asking for money from the poor, fixed income senior citizens and those who are barely making it on the income they have now. Enough is enough!  #33 Shadow (Monday, 22 April 2013 16:56) Using FCS' own numbers (I know, I know, extremely dangerous) there are 500 students athletes...This means THOUSANDS of property owners have to play HUNDREDS of dollars more in addition to the THOUSANDS of dollars they already pay for just these 500.

Of course FCS isn't letting the public in on the dirty little secret of such entities/events like the Skyhawk Athletic Association, Skyhawk Soccer Club and Valerie Cute Tournament. All of these entities and events use school/city grounds and buildings to fund athletics and/or additional coaches compensation, regardless of how much additional levy money comes FCS way. The tax money goes into the general fund and what isn't spent on athletics is used as most FCS tax money is expended on...Administrator, faculty and staff pay and benefits...

Sorry Lord Davey, we are not fooled!

Vote "NO" on May 7th!  #32 Karen Combs (Monday, 22 April 2013 12:50) Thanks, Janice, they never cease to amaze. First, they say that a retired VICTIM ADVOCATE posted porn on a school website and now they insinuate that they are checking out my house and security. Sick little thugs, for sure!  #31 Janice (Monday, 22 April 2013 11:00) Look how the tax promoters are going all THUG on those of us who can't afford to finance their luxury lifestyles! Hang tough, Karen, your dog isn't the only creature that will take a piece out of them if they bother you!  #30 Karen Combs (Monday, 22 April 2013 09:56) Fairborn - We can't let the thieves win! Donate NOW to the Citizens for Fairborn's Future - drop-off or mail checks to: 61 S. Grand Avenue, Fairborn, OH 45324 to help pay for MORE signs and flyers to fight this ENORMOUS levy!!!  #29 Danger Combs (Monday, 22 April 2013 08:58) VY – Before calling others “uneducated,” you might want to learn to spell, use plurals, and structure a sentence. And yes, readers here base their opinions on FACTS as supported by SOURCES. Try it sometime. I also had a professional job, have a family and volunteer too. The same applies to all of my readers that I’ve met. Whoop-de-do. None of us feel the need to constantly boast about it. This seems to be so some self- soothing device among sycophants.

So if your post was intended to show that your side is long on hysterical emotion and short on facts – mission accomplished. Indeed, we have seen dozens of your strain come and go – you jump on here, probably at the behest of someone else – figure out that you can’t win an argument on mere rhetoric – and run off. I thought you were going to show where the research presented here was wrong. What happened to that? Couldn’t hack it, I see. Yawn.

YVAK – Oh goodie, ANOTHER illiterate sycophant (it would be “you’re,” genius)! And how clever using your nickname to try to insult me! Yawn. I think what is truly arrogant is taking a $6-figure salary/benefit package and doing a half-brassed job. If the schools can’t afford to run the channel, and are too lazy to find other funding sources, then take it down entirely. It’s an EMBARRASSMENT.

“Really” – Boy, your side is S-L-O-W. I don’t get Social Security. How many times do I have to say it before you grasp it? You aren’t just deliberately trying to mislead people, are you?

Yes, some teachers will have to be cut. The district is down to about 3700 students, so we can’t support hundreds of teachers with their above-average salaries and “unheard of” benefits. As for the “pay-to-play” extortion, why do you folks fall for that? Has it ever occurred to you that the FCS – and the parents, like you, who have kids in sports - can do fundraisers? The community is very generous for LEGITIMATE needs. But we do not need to hand the MISMANAGERS another $70 million so that your kids can play sports or for an elementary orchestra! If it costs THAT MUCH, then we will have to do without. Better that than people losing their homes or seniors and the sick being unable to afford their medications.

Finally, “Really,” are you trying to intimidate me by describing my home and dog? Has your side really become THAT desperate? What kind of a CREEP implies a threat against a disabled woman and is too cowardly to even sign a name? Well, that pretty much sums up the "character" of the pro-tax side!  #28 Really? (Sunday, 21 April 2013 20:50) So Karen-(please look at this from my point of view) you don't want to support my kids, and yes the levy is for the kids because they/we could lose 2 of our favorite teachers and pay $1500 a year to play sports, meanwhile living in the Palmer south neighborhood. So I'm just gonna ask, can I not support your benefits either? I mean, it is my tax dollars going towards this website and for you to just sit at home and I much rather have my money going towards kids and hardworking teachers than some anti-sycophant who likes to toot her own boat and blog and complain. Oh, by the way-I stopped by your street to sell fundraising cards...nice house, and you might want to get a muzzle on that dog of yours, my taxpayer money for buying food obviously isn't keeping him quiet either.  #27 Your very arrogant karen (Sunday, 21 April 2013 20:22) Karen-it is free access to the cable channel 6 but they have to pay for a system to run it! And clearly they shouldn't be wasting money on a tv channel when they can't even afford teachers and an excellent rating! You can't have it both ways either support the schools and want them to have good people and nice supplies/buildings, or you don't support them! You can't tell people to vote no on a levy but then get mad that the schools aren't spending money! Sounds like common sense to me!  #26 Vote_Yes (Sunday, 21 April 2013 19:02) And I need to say one note. I have not been back on here since I have much more important things to do than banter back and forth with people who are uneducated about a lot of these subject and solely basis their reach on surveys and other publishing. I have a professional job (not a teacher or an administrator), a family, kids, and volunteer activities in this community. I am using my spare time to volunteer. Justifying an argument does not make me "puff out my cheat" as this is doing for most. You completely took my first statement by trying to make fun of my point on stating the positives about your site. I will not be here everyday, and these are seconds and moment I will not have with my loved ones and the things I cherish. You seriously need to understand how to intelligently argue your points without taking offense. My posting did exactly what I wanted it to do.  #25 Poor senior (Sunday, 21 April 2013 18:57) Good golly princess tessie illegal to talk to the wonderful people of Fairborn who pay taxes at an effort level of 131% of the average state level!!!!! What a leader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  #24 Karen Combs (Sunday, 21 April 2013 17:46) I was astonished to learn that Mr. Beavers does not seem to have a CPA either! Apparently, this is not required to be a School Treasurer, but many (like Treasurers in Huber Heights and Xenia schools) do have CPAs. Given the financial situation in Fairborn - a school district that has the UNIQUE SHAME to have been in fiscal caution TWICE, I think we need it!  Recently, I have been asked a couple questions from new readers, so here is some info to clarify: 1) Who is "Danger Combs"? This is a silly nickname I gave myself some time ago after two things: a) Councilman Kirkpatrick called my ideas about the rights of the public "dangerous" and b) a Revolutionary War ancestor named Nick "Danger" Combs. So I use that when I am feeling particularly snarky! 2) Why won't I post all of "JD's" comments? JD is no longer posting here - period. He has abused the privilege with excessive posts, insane accusations, threats, etc. If you look back through the posts here and on the archives page, I have been more than generous with access to JD - even while he harped on topics NO ONE else was interested in discussing. But he has gone too far. I have never asked the website host about how to assist law enforcement in tracking posts, but I may have to make an exception for JD. I advise him to MOVE ON. 3) Some of your posts seem "harsh" - why? I have explained COUNTLESS times that my posts may use humor, satire, sarcasm, and boldness to describe how I see the political state in Fairborn. Like many of you, I have watched my beloved hometown corrode under the corrupt and misguided "leadership" we endure. It isn't always "nice" to pull the curtain back on Oz, but it is time to reveal the farce! If my posts anger you, make you curious enough to do your own research, or provoke you in any way, then I succeeded! That is a far, far better thing than ignoring your surroundings for another minute! I am not interested in being "popular." I am interested in saving Fairborn! 4) Where can I find the rules about posting? The top left hand column of each page. 5) What info do I receive when you post? I receive an e-mail alerting me that a post has been received. I can then approve or delete the post. I CAN NOT edit submitted posts.  #275 Frank Gilbert (Tuesday, 04 June 2013 10:29) While I applaud the decision of the school board and super in allowing the kids to participate in the 4th of July parade, I still question their decision to NOT allow the kids to participate in the Sweet Corn Festival. This is another event that costs the school nothing, but benefits the kids greatly. Of course, they are allowing the kids to man an "informational" booth at the festival. Hmmm, I wonder what kind of information they'll be sharing? Does the union have something to do with the decisions that are being made? If not, why this see-sawing decision over the band?  #274 Harvey (Tuesday, 04 June 2013 07:19) I wish there was a lawyer willing to go up against the FCS & city. If they got in trouble for how they abuse the public trust, things might improve. They have been getting away with it for too long.  #273 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 04 June 2013 05:25) "Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence." -Thomas Jefferson

The partially-reversed decision to cancel the school involvement in the parade/festival AND the deleting of public comments from a public website (and exclusion of taxpayers from that public forum), are the very kinds of corrupt consequences that Jefferson had in mind. A total abuse of power.

We made a HUGE mistake, Fairborn, in allowing a very small group of people to consolidate power here - from the City to the Schools. And the result of their decaying influence is everywhere you look. But it is not too late.

It is time to take this town back for the people of Fairborn - to rid ourselves of those who would continue to make poor decisions on our behalf. So don't let their sudden "reversal" of one policy make you complacent again! Continue this important struggle and let's get off the path to destruction!  #272 Karen Combs (Monday, 03 June 2013 19:14) P.S. - Look at the eloquent and exceedingly gracious message from our former Mayor - posted above. Was that "bullying" too? What a complete cop-out and HOAX!  #271 Karen Combs (Monday, 03 June 2013 19:11) On Saturday, the FCS posted their latest press release on the FCS facebook page, trying to explain their incredibly bad decision to cancel the band performances at two hometown events. About 70 people chimed in. Suddenly, the entire thread - including the FCS' own info - disappeared.

I requested copies of the posts in a public records request and was told none was available. I asked whether the posts were a public record in TWO separate e-mails and have yet to receive a reply.

When asked why posts were deleted and how the FCS determined which people to block from the site, the FCS provided a copy of their "bullying/hazing" policy!! But the FCS could not provide copies of the deleted records. If they don't even have copies of the posts, how can they accuse ANYONE of "bullying or hazing"? And are they seriously making this claim??? Were all 70 posts "bullying," including the half dozen or so that the FCS posted???!!! If you disagree with the pro-tax, pro-teacher union, pro-spending FCS, does that make you a "bully"? Aren't they ashamed to dilute this powerful word by abusing it like this?!?!?

Step up to the plate, Ms. Gayheart, and explain. From what I see, this is just another DISASTROUSLY bad decision!

We saw them level FALSE accusations against citizens at a school board meeting, claiming we interrupted or accosted students who spoke in favor of the levy. Their own videotape of the meeting showed NO SUCH THING. Nor did the meeting Chair or ANY member of the Board call for decorum in the room! What nonsense! If they intend to "CRY WOLF" every time they are faced with opposition, then let us know. We will keep some pacifiers handy.  #270 Karen Combs (Monday, 03 June 2013 10:49) Frank - I haven't heard that, but I would say to them "that's a great decision for the KIDS - but the goose of the Board and administration remains COOKED. The people of Fairborn will NOT be "forgetting" that they tried this levy blackmail on us!"  #269 Frank Gilbert (Monday, 03 June 2013 10:36) Had a call from a past band member parent who told me that the board is going to allow the band to participate in the 4th of July parade and the Sweet Corn Festival. I'd appreciate any confirmation. I have not seen this on the news or the schools facebook page yet.It would be a good thing for the kids. I think its also interesting how our financial picture has changed so much in the past couple of weeks.  #268 re-Publius (Monday, 03 June 2013 07:37) So it begins.

The endless shame to be meted out to a cold and un-caring community. What a GREAT weapon to wield against your neighbors and families. "Parade" the children in their down-trodden state for all the world to witness. "We Matter" plastered on their shirts. I think I'm gonna cry.

Oh wait... I remember now! Fairborn City Schools has mismanaged, overstaffed, overcompensated, and abused their taxing authority for decades and now there last weapon of mass distraction is to hide their short-sightedness, their incompetence, behind the veil of children they are meant to nurture, guide, and protect!

How low can you go? Pretty low when you use children as Teacher's Union pawns. Get it through your thick skulls FCS's---The status quo is dead. Its a new world you are living in and we need new ideas, a far reaching game plan, and a sustainable financial future for our much maligned (and deservedly so) School District.

Bring it, Scarberry.  #267 Karen Combs (Sunday, 02 June 2013 10:26) "Confused" - good question!

I agree Dave and Janice! When is the FCS going to hold a meeting to discuss the LOOOOONNNNGGGG overdue cuts to the employee's outlandish healthcare plan? You can see that their sense of priority is to harm the kids FIRST!  #266 Confused (Sunday, 02 June 2013 10:20) Can someone tell me what the school does with all the money from ticket sales from sports?  #265 Janice (Sunday, 02 June 2013 10:15) I just read where some students will march anyway but aren't allowed to represent the Skyhawks. They will wear t-shirts saying "I Matter." I hope the back says "Just not to this BOE or administration!" Mr. Criner has it right and this is real "school bullying"!  #264 dave criner (Sunday, 02 June 2013 09:52) i find it shameful and pathetic that students are not going to be in the parade and at the sweet corn festival. this is clearly a thumb-in-the-eye, smack-in-the-face, from the school board over the failed levy. 'its for the kids..' WRONG.. what a crock. these kids have done nothing wrong and the excuses are just that - excuses. how much lower can the school board go? everyone of the school board members should resign - but of course they will not..they are too full of their own miserable importance.. i hope citizens show up at the next board meeting and tell them what you think of this outrageous behavior...  #263 Karen Combs (Sunday, 02 June 2013 08:53) "Band parent" - There was only 24-hour notice given to the public for this "special meeting." That IS last-minute, no matter how you try to spin it!

Why not simply conduct this business at the last regular board meeting? They already knew the levy had failed by then. They were OBVIOUSLY trying to sweep it under the rug by doing this outside a regular, televised meeting. I am sure they appreciate your compliance!

I know the FCS teaches reading and writing, but it seems clear they DON'T teach "how to read the writing on the wall" or even you sycophants would see that this EXTORTION ATTEMPT backfired big-time!  #262 Band Parent (Sunday, 02 June 2013 07:47) A lot of us were actually at the meeting, so it wasn't last minute our shoved under the bus.  #261 Karen Combs (Sunday, 02 June 2013 06:48) Speaksfan - no need to apologize - no one is perfect - keep speaking your mind (which you're entitled to change too!)  #260 Speaksfan (Saturday, 01 June 2013 22:50) I apologize for my comment on boycotting. I have been a avid reader of this page for awhile. When I read the info from FCS about the band I was upset! I think I will go back to being just a bystander.  #259 Poor senior (Saturday, 01 June 2013 20:51) It actually does seem the community if not the BOE is grasping the community wrecking ball answering to the name of David Scarberry! The sooner this incompetent thug is in the community rear view mirror the better!!!!  #258 Centurion (Saturday, 01 June 2013 20:36) Your board of education approved a revised five year forecast at a special meeting of the school board Wednesday morning. The school board unanimously approved the revised five year forecast presented by your school treasurer Eric Beavers. While this may seem like a housekeeping measure to some, to others it appears this BOE plays with the numbers of the forecast. As this forecast will be the one submitted for the state audit. This is why they didn't ask for an emergency levy in August, your BOE wouldn't have time to play with the numbers before the audit took place. Playing with the numbers and creating expenditures that never will be expended, to create a need for a levy. The revised forecast has an INCREASE of revenue of $420,058. It also has a decrease in expenditures of $1,370,152. Doesn't that seem odd? Up until, and during the May 7 levy (less than a month ago) your BOE proclaimed a $4.1 million deficit for fiscal year 2014. Now, not even 30 days later, and since the revised forecast must be submitted for an audit, an increase of $2.6 million just magically appeared. Reporting your school district with only a $1.5 million deficit for fiscal year 2014. This corrected forecast was done in time before the deadline of the audit. I think more people should ask questions of your school board.  #257 Janice (Saturday, 01 June 2013 20:24) Karen - Why worry when thousands here already know the score?  #256 Karen Combs (Saturday, 01 June 2013 15:20) "Actually" - answer ANY of my questions first - post #254 and then I will gladly entertain your further comments. No more free passes for sycophants!  #255 Karen Combs (Saturday, 01 June 2013 13:57) Amen Janice!

"Confused" - Thanks for echoing my sentiments - although we must wonder why reps of those events aren't willing to come on here and stand up for themselves? I can't imagine why ANYONE hasn't received the message that Fairborn has HAD ENOUGH!!  #254 Confused (Saturday, 01 June 2013) To Speaksfan: Why boycott the 4th of July Parade and the Sweet Corn Festival? I think that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The 4th of July Parade and the Sweet Corn Festival had nothing to do with the decision of the School Board and the Superintendent. The Sweet Corn Festival is run by two non-profit organizations who donate the profits to charities and scholarships. You would be hurting the non-profit organizations, not the school.  #253 Janice (Saturday, 01 June 2013 08:56) Amazing days in Fairborn! Looks like all that is rotten is coming home to roost for the "powers that be."

As usual, all the school/city sycophants can never answer any questions or provide any facts. Glad you banished JD that guy is a total drag and doesn't know what he's talking about.

Thousands of people are getting the word out and the tide is changing! Go Fairborn!  #252 Karen Combs (Saturday, 01 June 2013 08:03) I was very glad to see former Mayor Jack Wilson speak out publicly about the dreadful band decision.

The fact that the FCS "leadership" would even contemplate doing this proves conclusively that they are NOT worthy of our support. What a disastrous "public relations" move!  #251 Karen Combs (Saturday, 01 June 2013 06:39) "Speaksfan" - Hurting the community further isn't the answer! We need to act against the source of the problem - the pitiful school "leadership." A nice march on the Board building would do.  #250 Speaksfan (Friday, 31 May 2013 22:29) I think Fairborn Citizens should boycott the 4th of July parade and the Sweet Corn Festival because Scarberry made the decision to not include our own marching bands, cheerleaders and sports teams! WHAT?  #249 Karen Combs (Friday, 31 May 2013 20:20) Concerned (doubtful) Citizen (equally dubious): 1) We have never been given the opportunity to vote on funds for new buildings. 2) According to the OH Dept. of Education's recent Staffing Analysis, we have 21.57 full-time equivalent custodians and 8 FTE maintenance folks. This is very close to the number in similarly-sized districts and, don't forget, we supposedly only have four buildings. 3) If I wanted to waste money, the two fastest ways I can think to do that are to roll my car window down and hurl my purse into the woods or vote in a levy while this INCREDIBLY INCOMPETENT "leadership" remains in charge. There is no point to funding another fiscal crisis - let's start by getting rid of the #1 problem, shall we?  #248 Concerned citizen (Friday, 31 May 2013 20:07) It's quite evident that you would never vote for money for new buildings, so why are you unwilling to even pay for upkeep? The enrollment is down, but the buildings didn't shrink, they are just getting older-which means dealing with problems all aging properties have. And, I just read your post on Facebook that nothing matters until Scarberry is gone. So, are you saying you are willing to "throw Fairborn's kids under the bus" to get what you want?  #247 Karen Combs (Friday, 31 May 2013 18:45) WOW - the internet is absolutely ROCKING with people FURIOUS about the FCS and their LOW-DOWN LEVY EXTORTION SCHEME!! I have NEVER seen a public reaction like this! Now they issued another press release saying it wasn't the band director's fault or decision (hey, WHO threw him under the bus? The FCS!) and trying to back-peddle about the reasons THEY USED in the first place!

I don't have much money to donate items to the schools, but I would gladly donate empty boxes for Scarberry and Company to pack up and LEAVE!  #246 Beth (Friday, 31 May 2013 18:17) What about Scarberry's last contract renewal? I mean the guy was awarded this five year contract just two months after the May 3, 2011 levy defeat. Is the district being fiscally responsible with such a long term contract? What are the terms of his contract? Can we find out? I'm sure there are excesses being awarded here, can this be renegotiated? Are the terms of the contract binding? Was it even a valid contract?  #245 Karen Combs (Friday, 31 May 2013 18:05) Personally, I support a public protest to demand the removal of Scarberry and new leadership on the Board of Education. Any thoughts on this idea?  #244 Feet (Friday, 31 May 2013 17:17) Is there a way to get Scarberry out? Is there a vote? Is there something someone can do? The citizens of Fairborn are done with him. The teachers at FCS don't even want him there and they see all that he DOESN'T do. However, it seems like everyone is stuck with someone they don't want. Is there anything that can be done?  #243 fairbornspeaks (Friday, 31 May 2013 00:09) Forgot to include in the post below that the annual total cost for a single FCS plan is $8,465 and for the family plan it is $21,163. Keep in mind that the median income in Fairborn, according to the Oh. Dept. of Education is about $26,921.  #242 Karen Combs (Thursday, 30 May 2013 23:55) I received a request for this info and will provide it here as well as under the "School Levy Info" tab above:

The following info is from public records requests made to the FCS Treasurer in April 2013, unless otherwise noted: FCS Anthem healthcare premiums: The monthly premium for a single plan is $705.45; for a family plan it is $1,763.61.

In Ohio, the average cost for a single premium for a public employee is $506 and for a family, $1,339. (Source: State Employee Relations Board 2012 healthcare report;

In 2005, then state auditor Betty Montgomery’s office urged the FCS to seek lower cost healthcare plans. The failure to do so, caused us to overpay by hundreds of dollars each month, for every employee - cost us millions. (Source: and search Fairborn City Schools for the 2005 “Special Audit.” Read it and weep over all the ignored recommendations.)

Most* FCS employees pay 15% of the premiums, as follows: Single - $52.91 and family = $132.37. Premiums are paid from the first and second pay each month for 24 pays each year. *Part-time employees may pay higher premiums, up to 50% if they choose the family plan.

The following is from the FCS website Anthem Benefits (not updated since 2010):

Benefits include (listed by single plan benefit/family plan): Annual Deductible $150/$300 Annual Out-of-pocket maximum $1000/$2000 Office visit co-pay $15 Co-pays for the following services are: Unlimited inpatient care $0 Surgery $0 Home Care $0 Hospice Care $0 ER visit $75 Ambulance $0 Urgent Care $15 Maternity $0 Behavioral Health $0

The following info is again from the records requests to the Treasurer of April 2013:

The total FCS cost paid to Anthem is $5,248,078 annually for employee healthcare, dental and life insurance benefits.

The FCS picks-up 100% of administrator’s portion (10% total cost) for State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) and/or State Employee Retirement System (SERS) and 50% (of the 10% total cost) for building administrators and supervisors.

Overall costs to the FCS for the STRS are: Administrators = $470,802; Certified Staff = $2,569,516 and for the SERS: Administrators $98,020 and Classified Staff = $934,667  #241 Karen Combs (Thursday, 30 May 2013 23:07) "Actually" - it seems obvious you are a school administrator or staff member --probably the gal who is so fond of "correcting" things that don't need correcting! This is no exception. I said the FCS was hiring and LO AND BEHOLD, they are! Thanks for confirming it!! Why are they replacing all these retiring workers since enrollment has dropped so much? Since we only have four school buildings, do we really need 8 full- time maintenance staff PLUS custodians? Why would you think citizens should have to call the BOE office to get information? Shouldn't it just be posted on the FCS website, facebook page, TV channel or other forms of public communication? How come you always have the time to publish info on your levies and threats about levies, but not other info of interest to the community? Let me guess - as a common sycophant, you just ran on here to pretend that I said something that wasn't accurate -- but you will not be back to answer any questions yourself.....keep running....

Scott/JD - Did you have an actual issue you wanted to post about? I'm sure he is going to start his own website if he/you would like to discuss him - we aren't doing that here ANYMORE! Google him. As far as not discussing city issues, I posted part one of a multi-part article on poverty this week as well as post #227 on the last Council meeting. So that unravels your claim that nothing has been posted on it lately.

Of course, as far as the topics on the Message Board go, the post-ers dictate that to some extent (I just try to keep content fresh). Since this has been the BEST MONTH EVER for website readership, it seems clear that the school topic is of special interest right now. I have no doubt that school sycophants wish we would move on, but I think that's unlikely.  #240 Frank Gilbert (Thursday, 30 May 2013 21:51) So as not to push the point, I'll keep it short regarding the band article. If you haven't figured it out, this is a punishment for defeating the school levy (in my opinion).

Perhaps just as important was a column on the editorial page about "Common Core". May I suggest folks read this and ask questions? That's the FDH edition of 5-30-13 "The real school scandal is our testing addiction".  #239 Actually... (Thursday, 30 May 2013 21:40) Actually Karen: Corrections to post #251: The first job posting is replacing a retiring custodian(Toya Riggs). The 2nd posting is also replacing a retiring custodian. The Job at FPS is replacing a retired custodian. The Custodian @FIS is up for grabs because the original guy was promoted to be a maintenance guy because two of them retired, and guess what-one of the retirees was-a plumber. And FCS only has 8..thats right, EIGHT full time maintenance staff. The Special Ed. Asst. Is a position for the MH kids...again replacing someone that was retiring, and usually special ed kids are required to have a certain student to teacher ratio. The Tech coordinator is replacing Randy Durrum who will be retiring after 42 years with FCS. We only have 2 tech people for the schools. The summer maintenance workers are always hired that way the guys can keep up with the mowing, which I'm sure you would complain about if it wasn't mowed.

All you have to do is read the past 2 board meeting agendas and if not listed there, call the board office! Yes folks, it's that easy to get ACTUAL, FACTUAL information! So bottom line is, the only additional jobs are the summer school and summer maintenance but those are only temporary. Please folks, if you are reading information on here, check it for yourself too!  #238 Danger Combs (Thursday, 30 May 2013 09:17) Feeling blue about all the recent "job cuts" at the FCS? Check this out (from a local church bulletin):

Further details on job postings at Fairborn High School:

12 month evening custodian @ Fairborn High School (3-11pm) - $13.64/hour

12 month evening custodian @ Baker Middle School (2:30-10:30pm) - $13.64/hour

12 month evening custodian @Fairborn Primary School (2:30-10:30pm) - $13.64/hour

Head custodian @ Fairborn Intermediate School - $14.76/hour

Plumber – Maintenance Department, 8 hours per day - $15.26/hour Special Education Assistant @Fairborn Intermediate School, 7 hours /day - $10.99/hour

Special Education Assistant @ Baker Middle School, 7 hours/day - $10.99/hour

2 positions for Summer Maintenance Workers, 8 hours/day - $7.91/hour

Tech Coordinator/Network Administrator - $31,368- $74,089

14 part-time positions for Summer School Teachers @ Fairborn High School (3 week terms) $23.72/hour

All applications are to be submitted to the Fairborn Board of Education by May 22, 2013.

And these are just jobs at the High School - how many are they hiring for at the other schools? What a bunch of crooks - they whine to the media about making job cuts, but they are still hiring away!  #237 Karen Combs (Thursday, 30 May 2013 09:08) JD - There is something seriously wrong with you! Yesterday, you attempted to post ELEVEN times. This morning, you are already at THREE and it is not even 10 AM yet! (Get back on your meds!) Obviously, you are merely trying to distract from the TIMELY and RELEVANT info posted here and I simply won't have it.

Alas, JD, you are back in time-out where you will remain from now on. Every time I give you an opportunity to participate, you abuse it. I guess you'll have to find another way to earn brownie points for junior. I bet Captain Davey's lakeside condo could use a scrub.

No one said the median income of a community played no role in school performance, but the fact is that COUNTLESS schools succeed despite poverty. If you want to let FCS use that as a crutch, I can only say that I am not surprised. Any old excuse that doesn't lead to accountability seems to be good enough for you!

Some Other Guy - you can enjoy time-out with JD too. Unless you intend to post on an ISSUE relevant to the city or schools, you can scrub too. I'll let the two of you fight over who wears the French maid outfit. (EW. I just threw up a little).  #236 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 20:15) JD - The fact is that I did check out your claimed source. The top schools are NOT the wealthiest, nor are the worst the poorest. The 1997 list you provided is NOT the same as the new list. In short, I can't find a single point you tried to make that "added up." Ohio has great schools among poorer districts. You can't explain that, so you want to pretend it isn't true. You are the one who is morally lying here. End of story.  #235 JD (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 20:05) Karen,

Your not a stupid person. I know that you can look at those sources and are smart enough to know that the student poverty rate and the median family income of a school correlates to the schools state ranking. It's not brain surgery. What I don't understand is why you refuse to agree, unless it is just because you would rather blame the teachers for school performance. That is underhanded and morally wrong. I also do not understand why you let Ashes attack me about not being a help to neighbors etc; and do not post my defense of myself. That is also moraly wrong. Everyone will have to answer to a higher power someday for their behavior on this earth. You are not excluded. Now go ahead and throw this one in the trash bin like you did the other four. You would have fit right in with the Gestapo.  #234 Andrea H. (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 19:46) Hey everyone - just wanted to invite you all out to the Greene Mall in Beavercreek this Friday evening, May 31 at the "Town Center" for the hot local group the Eric Jerardi Band. Free fun for the whole family - great music in a great atmosphere! Why stay home? Come see the band! Go to for more info!  #233 Danger Combs (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 19:06) JD - when you find a source that proves your make-believe point (we call that a "correlation"), let me know. In the meantime, posting info that proves nothing is as meaningless as a conversation with you!  #232 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 17:57) Every time "JD" gets put in his place, he thinks he will clog the successful system here with his UNSOURCED posts. Not happening. CITE A SOURCE or move on.  #231 Danger - P.S. (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 14:14) There is no "censorship" of your 16-year old study, JD -you FINALLY provided a title (which I used and I have no doubt anyone else can use to locate it), review it, and conclude the obvious - this data is too old to be meaningful and you can't seem to back it up with a legitimate current source. Now go teach junior how you discovered fire.  #230 Danger Combs (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 14:10) JD - I made clear why I wasn't posting your old info and you have not cited a SINGLE source for your claim that it "holds true today." As usual, JD, you do not know how to do research, interpret data, or present the TRUTH.  #229 Ashes to Ashes (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 13:53)


In reply to your comment in #228,

Unlike your ignorance and placing blame on those in poverty JD, I'm saying your ignorance is the problem with poverty in Fairborn!

In regards to your comments in #223,

"The bottom line is that poverty has a major effect on student and overall school performance which in turn affect school funding as well as local property values. This, in addition to higher crime rates, and poorly maintained housing brought on by poverty creates a snowball effect, resulting in the Fairborn area and other districts in similar situations becoming undesirable places to locate a business or a family".

It is with such ignorance that Fairborn remains at the bottom of desirable places to call home.

Such residents that choose to stay ignorant and uneducated about this issue are the ones that choose to turn their head and look the other way. Further, other residents that don't understand can be easily manipulated about the true extent and reasons behind the poverty in our community. Further, such residents are the ones that believe our community is fine when all the facts prove that we are a very poor community. Finally, such residents as yourself, that can make a statement, as the one you made above, shows how little you know about our history and the high poverty rate Fairborn has dealt with for decades.

You might think it's poverty holding Fairborn back, when in reality it is the ignorance of people like you that ignore the problems of their neighbor and do nothing to help the situation, but instead, stand on their soap box and dribble out nonsense with no solutions. You talk about poverty as if you are well off. I have yet to see real wealth in Fairborn. As real wealth would not allow for a fellow citizen to live in poverty in the first place.

As for your Johnny Come Lately postings, you will never match up to the research that others have posted in the last 3 years. Do your research about previous discussions and prior Fairborn history, before posting your ignorant comments about poverty.

Here is some history on the City Government of Fairborn as a slumlord.

Mr. Claude Malone, city manager of Fairborn from 1970 to 1976 acknowledged that "Hebble Homes was a city-owned slum." In late 1971 Councilman Eldred Heck stated, "The City of Fairborn, as a responsible unit of local government, can no longer justify the continued operation and support of Hebble Homes as it presently exist." Further the City established the Fairborn Housing Corporation which built Landmark Village and relocated Hebble Homes residents to Landmark Village.

With your logic that poorly maintained housing equates to poverty, than poverty can be eradicated in Fairborn if the City of Fairborn were to do a better job of property maintenance enforcement. This type of logic is rubbish.

 #228 JD (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 13:49) And by the way Karen. Your censorship of the 1997 Study, which still holds true today, confirmed my statement in POST 232 which stated that your reason for not allowing anyone else to post links is to control information that you do not want seen. It should be up to the reader to determine if the study results are stil applicable today....not the web site dictator. I'm sure you will not post this comment either.  #227 JD (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 13:34) Karen - POST 237 - "Here are some, based on latest 2011-2012 OAA test scores and OH Dept. of Education profiles (see"

JD - Run the latest "Overall State School Rankings" and compare them to the schools "Student Poverty Rate" as I did on POST 218 and you will see that the 1997 Study on the Poverty affect on School Rankings still stands today.

You are cherry picking data and using OAA Test Scores to claim that the schools you cite are the Top Schools in the State which is not what the "Overall State Rankings" reflect.  #226 JD (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 13:17) Karen - POST 236 - "The little article you wanted to talk all about is from 1997! I'll pass. And now, folks, you know why I don't post links!

JD - The article is a study on how poverty affects school rankings which still holds true today. You can run todays State School Rankings against Median Family Income or Student Poverty Rate and get the same results.  #225 John (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 13:13) Historically the Fairborn HS band has marched in the July 4th parade, at the Corn Festival and are (were) invited to perform at the first Jazz Festival in Fairborn. Each of those events pays the band $400.00. In their usual end-around play the Board has decided to not allow their participation. I haven't heard their rationale but turning down $1400 in tough times seems irrational.  #224 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 12:31) JD - I am proud that you have finally learned to use cut-and-paste, but I think we are best served by stats from this century! Here are some, based on latest 2011-2012 OAA test scores and OH Dept. of Education profiles (see

The overall best school district in Ohio is Bloomfield-Mespo with a median income of $26,484.

Half of the top ten districts have a median income under $50K

The best elementary school scores are tied between Westerville with median income of $41,785 and Steubenville with just $23,217

The best middle school is a charter school

The best high school is a 3-way tie with Bloomfield $26,484; Toledo Early College Prep $24,550 and Walnut Hills in the Cincy District at $27,819.

Looks like that "overriding" link between poverty and school scores just isn't panning out for JD.

 #223 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 11:44) JD - You are SOOO sad. The little article you wanted to talk all about is from 1997! I'll pass. And now, folks, you know why I don't post links!  #222 JD (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 11:29) For your info Shadow, JD Jr. is not a member of the FHS Band or ROTC, so your premis that I am only interested in the school activities that he is involved in is wrong. If you want the studies and peer reviews on the correlation of poverty to school performance,or to property values, you can google them yourself. There are enough out there on google to keep you busy educating yourself on the subjects for several weeks.

And, one other thing. The majority of my income IS taxed by the state. I doubt that you can say that for yours.  #221 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 10:36) Speaking of why the FCS doesn't have much money, I return to the issue of our "Grant Coordinator." Ms. Gayheart was proud to boast that she has secured "over $300K in grant funding" over her career. Sounds impressive. Problem is, she has worked here over 11 years, making her annual average a paltry $27K. Probably not enough to cover her benefit costs! You see, the point of having someone to seek grant funds is that they bring in FAR MORE than they are paid! What a concept!

There are literally THOUSANDS of programs that offer grant funding to schools. We have established that FCS is poor, so surely we qualify for more than most. Yet, we aren't getting many. And that is because someone is more worried with SELF-PROMOTION than school promotion!  #220 Danger Combs (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 10:35) JD - If you are dissatisfied with the rules on my FREE website, go elsewhere. Rest assured, you will not be missed! Teachers are PAID (quite well!) to check student resources - I am NOT PAID to check yours! Given my great site stats, I could probably get advertising here, but I choose not to accept it. Just as I choose not to accept links. The fact that it upsets you so much is just a bonus!

You are the only one who seems to find my perfectly reasonable system so difficult to manage. The most logical reason for that is that you rarely have ANY source for your NONSENSE.  #219 JD (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 10:20) Karen - POST 231 - "JD - Don't be silly, you can post INFO on any reference you'd like - just not the links. I don't plan to spend all my time checking out links that probably lead to irrelevant data you've misinterpreted anyway!"

JD - You are being childish Karen. The schools even require reference links from the students. Linking the reference and writing out a road map for the reader to get to the reference, many times multiple references, are the same thing. Only the second is more time consuming and not error proof when the reader is forced to google and find the posters references for themselves. It is up to the reader,if they are interested in the post...not you, to vet the references and determine if they agree or not. You've taken that requirement upon yourself for God only knows what reason. Control of information that you would prefer not be seen, I would assume.  #218 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 09:08) JD - Don't be silly, you can post INFO on any reference you'd like - just not the links. I don't plan to spend all my time checking out links that probably lead to irrelevant data you've misinterpreted anyway! Of course, any 6th grader would know that you don't need to say "google the universe of documents and hope to find it." You could narrow it down by saying, for example, "Oh Dept. of Education website, Cupp Report 2012." See how that works? Gosh, and I though you fancied yourself a smart fellar!

As for poverty supposedly being an "overriding factor" in performance, your premise is flawed since Tecumseh - which you note is about as poor as FCS - is rated EXCELLENT.

Yes, Tecumseh receives more state funding than FCS does - probably because they are smart enough to APPLY for state grants like "Race to the Top" which the FCS did not. You see, JD, no matter how you slice it - the root of the problem here is poor leadership ---period.

 #217 Shadow (Wednesday, 29 May 2013 00:13) Ah, more pearls of wisdom from JD, courtesy of his bottomless shot glass:

“Fairborn is in a downward spiral, and once the city schools lose their STEM, AP, Band, and ROTC programs, which are some of the better ones in the area, the only ones left in the city to turn the lights off will be the low income, and retirees.”

Well we now know what activities JD Jr. is involved in. Too bad the AP exam pass rate at FHS is less than 50% (US News), The Band is really about average compared to others in the area, and JROTC participation is not mandatory for ROTC Scholarships (they will teach you how to march, the GPA and ACT/SAT scores are key).

Note that JD, like most $carberry sycophants, only cares about what is in it for his child; hence the slobbering adulation of his Lordship. JD could care less about the other students, it’s “Turn the lights off” for them.

“As has been proven in many studies, there is also a direct correlation between a communities property values and the performance of its schools”

cum hoc ergo propter hoc: Someone forget that teensy bit of critical thinking study known as a logical fallacy; Correlation does not imply causation. Name the studies and who performed the peer reviews oh master of Lynchburg whiskey

“Unfortunately and regardless of the pro or con position that one might take concerning the local school levy debate, our states discusting (sic) school funding process is also exacerbating this problem for low income communities.”

Ahh, JD always blames the state…Of course, a good portion of his income is NOT taxed by the state, hence his willingness to let the Lord $carberry and his minions largesse continue…On someone else’s back, of course.  #216 JD (Tuesday, 28 May 2013 21:48) Karen - POST 226 - "JD - Using the little chart you posted, I fail to see the big difference between Tecumseh ranking at 24.6% poverty and Fairborn ranking at 28.92%. If anything, it makes the gouging of Fairborn residents by our schools MORE of a problem! (Tecumseh $2,920 versus Fairborn $4,881!!)"

JD - The subject was Tecumseh which I did not have on the chartin my earlier post. The subject of late has been poverty. The point is that Tecumseh is ranked in the bottom third as is Fairborn and that both are ranked remarkably in line with where their student poverty rating indicates that they should be, as it is with most all schools excepting minor deviations. Proof that poverty is an overriding factor in school performance/rankings.

As for the local funding support that you cited, a better comparison of the two schools would be overall per pupil expenditures; Fairborn $10,126 and Tecumseh $9416 and more importantly to some, per pupil expenditures for instructional purposes; Fairborn $5782 and Tecumseh $5168.

So, Fairborn spends $5782 on each kid and $4344 on Salaries etc; per pupil. Tecumseh spends $5168 on each kid and $4248 on salaries etc; per pupil.Doing the math, Fairborn spends $614 more on each kid but only $96 more on salaries per pupil. I'm not trying to prove any points with this. Just saying that it is a better way of comparing the two schools and where the money is spent.

Comparing the amount of local revenue is a separate subject and would require analyzing additional data such as the amount of state funding etc; to get a true per pupil funding comparison between the two schools.

 #215 JD (Tuesday, 28 May 2013 20:13) Ashes to Ashes - POST 225 - "Your placing blame and lack of citing were you get your information is typical of followers of failed leadership. The true problem with poverty in our community is this FAILURE IN LEADERSHIP. Not the residents living in poverty themselves."

JD - Ironic, or should I say hypocritical, that you accuse me of laying blame and then turn around and lay blame yourself in your very next sentence...LOL! It appears, Ashes, that you need a remedial class in reading comprehension as well as critical writing skills. Take your time and re-read my post and you will see that I did blame poverty in our community on a FAILURE IN LEADERSHIP as you did. Read the first sentence of the third paragraph of POST 218. Take your time, comprehend it slowly, and let it sink in. As for how the poverty rate lines up with school rankings etc;, all I did was cite the facts which are available to you through Google.

And, as for citing references, I'm sure you are well aware that Karen does not allow any posters except for herself to link references. All of the data cited is easy to find. Just spend some time like others do and google it. It's not brain surgery. Even the FCS Primary kids know how to use google. If your nice to Karen, maybe she will google your questions and link the references for you.  #214 Danger Combs (Tuesday, 28 May 2013 08:25) Flipping through the channels yesterday and ran across a Council meeting where they were voting on spend about $63K on MORE "remodeling" of the city building. I guess another part of this project came in under-budget and hey, we wouldn't want to SAVE THAT MONEY, would we? Nah!

As mentioned before, they toss the poor Parks Director up to do this. Does this mean they realize how much the people despise Ms. McDonnell? I fail to see how such a project would not fall under her - or Pete Bales. But the Parks? Insane. Then again, from what I hear, Ms. McDonnell is rarely in her office actually working, so they probably have a hard time pinning her down on anything!

This latest project is for the Finance Office, Engineering (why do we even have one instead of just using the county?) and "fire training room." What? There is still a fire training room at the city building? Did they not think to put one of those in ANY of the huge new fire stations?

I especially loved their justifications for blowing all this money. They needed new furniture like desks because some of them had "holes drilled into the desktops and they had to write on those." Ummm.....ever think of just getting a cheap sheet of clear or smoky plastic and securing it to the desktop? Nah - just buy new desks! And they needed "matching" furniture because it would be in the "public's line of sight." And God knows, when I go to the city building, my #1 concern is whether their furniture matches! No wonder we are in such a dire shape!

I will have to watch the rest of this meeting some other time. Just a few minutes of that was enough to make me sick. All this news was just released about our sinking poverty rate - companies like Teleperformance are doing "feed the poor" campaigns and these dips are spending all this money on "matchy, matchy" furniture! Unreal.  #213 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 28 May 2013 08:01) JD - Using the little chart you posted, I fail to see the big difference between Tecumseh ranking at 24.6% poverty and Fairborn ranking at 28.92%. If anything, it makes the gouging of Fairborn residents by our schools MORE of a problem! (Tecumseh $2,920 versus Fairborn $4,881!!)

SOG - We've left Fairborn to your ilk - those who can neither identify nor solve a problem - for too long. That's how we got in this mess! I would never wish YOU upon my fellow Fairbornites!  #212 Ashes to Ashes (Tuesday, 28 May 2013 07:45)

JD & Couldn't Agree More!,

Your placing blame and lack of citing were you get your information is typical of followers of failed leadership. The true problem with poverty in our community is this FAILURE IN LEADERSHIP. Not the residents living in poverty themselves. A few questions on your comments.

First can you cite where you got your information that we have 40% or 42% of the federal housing in the county?

Second, of the 32,000+ residents living in Fairborn, how many people does your 40% or 42% represent?

This comment about 40% or 42% federal housing in Fairborn, is what our community leadership use to distract from their failed policies on the extent of poverty within our community. As I believe more Fairborn residents live in poverty than there are residents that represent your 40% or 42% living in federal housing.

If you cannot provide this info, I'm sure Karen can!

 #211 Some other guy (Monday, 27 May 2013 18:18) Karen, By george you have made a splendid point about Tecumseh Schools. When can I come over to help you pack up and move up there? Rest assured, me and Mr. Gilbert will stay back and fix this mess.  #210 JD (Monday, 27 May 2013 13:49) For comparison purposes to the 2011 ranking/poverty chart I posted earlier, Tecumseh ranked 439th in the state with a 24.6% poverty rate among students. That ranking was next to last among Clark County schools, beating out only Springfield City Schools who were ranked 597th with a student poverty rate of 39.81%. Tecumseh's ranking/student poverty rate would place them in a glide slope position that they would be expected to be on a graphing of state rankings verse their schools student poverty rate.

The bottom line is that poverty has a major effect on student and overall school performance which in turn affect school funding as well as local property values. This, in addition to higher crime rates, and poorly maintained housing brought on by poverty creates a snowball effect, resulting in the Fairborn area and other districts in similar situations becoming undesirable places to locate a business or a family. Unfortunately and regardless of the pro or con position that one might take concerning the local school levy debate, our states discusting school funding process is also exacerbating this problem for low income communities.

Now....How did we get in this position? How did Fairborn become the King of HUD in Greene County, and a magnet for the low income, and the impoverished which has in turn put our schools at the mercy of the state. I think many of us know some of the answers, but I'm interested in seeing Part 2 of Karen's article on Poverty in Fairborn.  #209 Shadow (Monday, 27 May 2013 10:44) Following Karen's lead:

Student/Teacher Ratio:

Fairborn 15.94 Tecumseh 18.15

Far less teachers, but better educational outcomes then FCS...Surprised? NO!

 #208 Karen Combs (Monday, 27 May 2013 09:22) Someone urged me to compare FCS with the Tecumseh Local district because of the similarity in median incomes. Wow. Take a look at this:

Median Income: Fairborn $26,921 Tecumseh $28,989 only slightly higher

Local Revenue per pupil: WOW- Fairborn $4,881 Tecumseh $2,920

School Income Tax charged: Fairborn YES Tecumseh NO

Total Per Pupil Spending: Fairborn $9886 Tecumseh $9416

Rating: Fairborn Effective Tecumseh Excellent

Percentage of students with....

Disability: Fairborn 14.2% Tecumseh 16.0%

Economic Disadvantage: Fairborn 54.3% Tecumseh 52.3%

So they make more, spend less overall and FAR less in local revenue AND have better schools! They also have gorgeous new school buildings. Shame on FCS!  #207 Poor senior (Monday, 27 May 2013 09:07) Karen agree 100% the grade level decision EXPLODED Fairborn exacperating poverty and destroying positive growth.May be the worst and most DEVASTATING leadership decision in the history of our once fair city.Lord Scarberry has basically blown up the town and the schools in record time! The grade level decision can't be reversed fast enough.  #206 Karen Combs (Sunday, 26 May 2013 21:47) I don't have time this evening to adequately respond to Shadow or JD, but I would also add that the decision to go to "grade-level" schools, closing Black Lane (which used to be a "draw" for families moving to the area) was suicide. Scarberry should be fired for this alone. More tomorrow...  #205 JD (Sunday, 26 May 2013 21:27) "Couldn't Agree More" is correct, only it is 42% of the counties HUD housing that Fairborn owns. He/she is also correct on how the poverty rate negatively affects school rankings.

As proven below from 2011 State statistics that I researched, there is a direct correlation between school district rankings, and the school district poverty rate for children ages 5- 17 years old regardless of the efforts of district teachers at educating children. As has been proven in many studies, there is also a direct correlation between a communities property values and the performance of its schools.

Fairborn has become a magnet for low income families in recent years due to what "appears" to be.....decisions made by city leaders involving Community Development Block Grants, and Low Income Housing. From what I can tell through google, this trade off for funds in exchange for supporting HUD's re-suburbanizing effort with low income, and government supported housing actually started as early as around 1981 with the Wright View Project. It has increased steadily over the years, and dramatically since around 2007. Contrary to the opinion of some, Fairborn also has one of the lowest "overall" tax bases in the Metropolitan area, ranking 22nd according to the DDN, which also is an attraction to low income families. As long as Fairborn Citizens and leadership are satisfied with being a haven for the low income, and impoverished, and remain willing to take those off the hands of other cities as they did in 2008 with the Dayton Parkview HUD Demolition Project (Landmark and Fairborn Apartments), our schools, city, crime rate, and property values will suffer. What knowledgeable Military or Federal Employee moving into the area would choose Fairborn over Beavercreek with their 6.92% poverty rate compared to our 28.92% rate right next door? According to Mondays Dayton Daily News, Fairborn has even recently passed Trotwood in the poverty rate. An occurrence that I’m sure no one ever dreamed would happen. Fairborn is in a downward spiral, and once the city schools lose their STEM, AP, Band, and ROTC programs, which are some of the better ones in the area, the only ones left in the city to turn the lights off will be the low income, and retirees. Unless your home equity and mortgage are already under water, the time to get out is now, before Fairborn property values fall completely through the basement floor. These are just the facts, like them or not.

2011 Ohio State School District Rankings versus 2011 Ohio School District Poverty Rate (Ages 5-17)

School______Rank______Poverty Rate Oakwood______8______6.94% Bellbrook______43______6.10% Springboro______44______4.30% Centerville______69______9.18% Beavercreek ______102______6.92% Cedar Cliff______103______11.95% Kettering______134______15.98% Yellow Springs____150______16.27% Valley View______162______10.43% Northmont______174______12.30% Vandalia______190______15.16% Greenon______243______16.97% Miamisburg______282______16.66% Huber Heights_____477______18.55% West Carrolton____502______26.30% Mad River______516______22.92% Fairborn______520______28.92% Xenia______544______24.94% Northridge______557______47.58% Springfield______597______39.81% Trotwood______602______40.24% Jefferson Twp_____604______38.92% Dayton______608______43.75%  #204 Shadow (Sunday, 26 May 2013 14:53) Couldn't Agree More!,

A caution regarding the stunning poverty stats and how it relates to the schools. I'm almost the certain the FCS "Leadership," whose REAL CONCERN is their own enrichment (McMansions, Big Suvs, luxury cars, condos on the lake, etc.), and not the education of "the Kids" (my recent post #201 is just the latest example), is sure to hypocritically use the poverty issue to try and create a "homeowners vs. renters" class warfare issue. The Manor Court's Ideologue, Sir Babble a Lot Parks, has already said as much in a meeting with their master, Lord $carberry. However, economic hardship in a community doesn't mean we have to put up with the BELOW AVERAGE performance FCS provides. Here is a copy of data I posted on the Archive Board some months ago:

"FCS is listed by the ODE as a 54.3% economically disadvantaged district. HOWEVER, strong leadership can overcome it. Take a look at the following Ohio districts selected from the ODE's preliminary report:

Lancaster City Schools, 56.2 % economically disadvantaged, Excellent rating, Mean ACT 22

Geneva Area Schools, 53.5% economically disadvantaged, Excellent Rating, Mean ACT 22

Gallion City Schools , 57% economically disadvantaged, Effective Rating, Mean ACT 22

Washington Court House City Schools 60% economically disadvantaged, Excellent Rating, Mean ACT 22

Bethel-Tate Local Schools, 46% economically disadvantaged, Excellent w/Distinction Rating, Mean ACT 23

To varying degrees, these districts are not playing the blame game, but are making progress in educating their students despite financial hardship in their particular areas.

What is wrong with the residents here asking the same of FCS? The teacher's contract is up in June 2013, it is now time for REAL LEADERSHIP at FCS, not the feudal system currently in control.

LEADERSHIP is the key, not throwing more $$$ down the same hole, err, to pay Lord $carberry's McMansion heating bill."

Again, with strong leadership, whose primary goals are fiscal responsibility, educational performance accountability, and student safety, an ABOVE AVERAGE school district is possible. As long as FCS is led by the $250K a year, lavishly living Lord $carberry and his rubber-stamp BOE, the decline of schools (and the community) will continue unabated.  #203 Karen Combs (Sunday, 26 May 2013 13:41) Couldn't Agree More - Some of those very issues will be discussed in the future segments on this topic! Thanks for your input!  #202 Couldn't Agree More! (Sunday, 26 May 2013 12:33) I agree completely with the featured article above! It's all the federal housing vouchers and slum lords not taking care of their properties that has killed us...and the city has allowed them to do it! I also just recently read an article on how poverty affects school performance! Once again, I believe that our poverty rate, low income housing, and slum lords have absolutely killed our town. We have whatever percent of the county's population, but we have 40% of the federal housing in the county...clearly there is a problem that the city needs to start fighting!  #201 Karen Combs (Sunday, 26 May 2013 11:12) A new featured article about Fairborn's poverty rate is now up under the "featured article" tab. We've been warning about this for years, folks! Can you imagine how our town has been allowed to crumble and no one has been held accountable? Let's end that sentence with YET and start throwing the bums out!  #200 Shadow (Saturday, 25 May 2013 20:12) Our new friend, Seriously, Look at the Facts., needs to learn some critical thinking skills, specifically when it comes to False Analogies...Of course, if you take your cue from the FCS "leadership team," then critical thinking is the last thing you would learn...Enrichment via higher taxes? Yes! Critical Thinking? Not so much...  #199 Janice (Saturday, 25 May 2013 17:49) Seriously - The FCS needs to sticking to that "pay now or pay more later" L-I-E. What about "CUT now and pay less later"??? They don't want to cut their precious big salaries and $150 annual deductibles. As long as they can bully people like you - they hope they won't have to.  #198 Karen Combs (Saturday, 25 May 2013 17:30) Seriously - so then you ARE saying FCS is just like this other district and all the same things will happen to us, right? It couldn't be clearer that you are arguing a difference without any distinction! They posted this article claiming the situation in the Little Miami District was the same as in the FCS. It isn't and never has been! That's like saying we posted an article about Hurricane Katrina for Hurricane Sandy victims. Entirely different scenarios -- admit it.

Jeremy - I have always posted my own links because I have checked them out. I just don't plan to check out all the others submitted here, so no, they won't be posted! I don't get paid to do this!  #197 Seriously, Look at the Facts. (Saturday, 25 May 2013 14:28) The reason it was posted to their facebook page was to COMMUNICATE WHAT HAPPENS when a school system goes into state fiscal oversight....It seems pretty obvious to me!  #196 Jeremy S. (Saturday, 25 May 2013 14:26) Good to see that links are now allowed to be posted again as long as they are relevant to city issues!  #195 Karen Combs (Saturday, 25 May 2013 08:28) Here is a link to the article describing the differences between red-light and traffic flow cameras: cameras/

The Council approval was on August 5, 2012 - you can read the minutes on-line at the city's website.

Given the fact that I haven't seen a single person come forward complaining about receiving a red-light violation from a camera here - I think the evidence is conclusive that these are traffic flow cameras!  #194 Karen Combs (Saturday, 25 May 2013 08:03) Centurion and Shadow- Amen.

Jon - not only are there weeds coming through all the bricks on our $50K, year-old signs, but they left DEAD shrubs in the planters there too! Nothing says "welcome to Fairborn" like half-messy and half-dead! Maybe we can get a few panhandlers out there to complete the look? We have 235 city employees and NONE of them notice this and suggest some action? What a joke.

To my understanding, (and I've asked the people claiming otherwise to show me where I am wrong with no takers!) the cameras are NOT red-light cameras, they are to monitor traffic flow and help coordinate signals. They were approved at a City Council meeting in August of 2012. has a good article about the difference in cameras and these appear identical to the traffic flow model they depict -NOT the kind capable of still- photographs of moving vehicles. Apparently, ODOT required these for a grant the city was receiving.

Now, whether you like cameras of any kind, anywhere is another issue. A handful at busy intersections does not bother me personally. I think Fairborn has so many SERIOUS issues that need to be addressed that I am distressed that any citizen groups are wasting time on THIS!  #193 Jon (Saturday, 25 May 2013 07:41) Saw a couple of new things that got me wondering.

1. Those fancy entry ways to downtown Fairborn. They got weeds. And its only a year old.....if that. 2. Noticed our new cameras at some of the Central Ave. intersections...... nice. I thought cities were outlawing those now.

Oh, and did anyone notice all the business that is rushing downtown?  #192 Shadow (Friday, 24 May 2013 19:20) Per the Federal DOE, Little Miami has a Student to teacher ratio of 22.3 students to one teacher while FCS has a 15.94 students to one teacher ratio...Yet, Little Miami has exceeded or equalled FCS BELOW AVERAGE "Effective" rating while under state control and the Little Miami High School's Mean ACT score is 23 with 77% of the eligible students taking the test, compared to FCS' BELOW AVERAGE Mean of 21 with only 50% eligible taking the test.

Hmm...Fewer expensive teachers, but better educational outcomes while under state control.

Man, lets hurry up and bring in the state, so "THE KIDS" can get a better education!

Thanks Much Mr. Seriously Look at the Facts, please be sure to and meet your buddy Lord $carberry at his Royal Retreat on the lake this holiday weekend...I'm sure he will want you to tell him that district expenses will be REDUCED while educational performance will IMPROVE once state oversight replaces his Manor Court, uh, BOE. Oh, by the way, please make sure to bring a good, USCG-approved, lifejacket.  #191 Centurion (Friday, 24 May 2013 19:10)

There has been a lot of dispute over the school levy, can the residents afford an increase in taxes? Or can they not afford not to have an increase in taxes? This however, is not the most important question. The most important question for this community right now, is why has there been a substitution of the will of an enlighten community in possession of the facts, for interest whose influence takes from the welfare of the community? There are only two types of government. There is the government that governs in the open and that takes into its confidence the people for which they govern. That transacts it business in such a way the people can easily understand the matters submitted to government. Then there is the other kind of government that governs in secret, with the quiet transactions that occur which no one knows. This is the type of government that governs so that people are unaware of the particular influences that really act in the matters submitted to government. Your citizens have been educating themselves on school and city government matters and have been discussing such things amongst themselves. After your last board of education meeting, it is apparent that authority has not been delegated to the board members. If anything, I would have to say your board acts with assumed powers. Powers they assumed, whether correctly or not, are naturally theirs. Don't you think it's funny, a school board that states that it is illegal to have a discussion with citizens during the visitor recognition part of the meeting, were so eager to reply to what Mr. Gilbert had to say about the two and a half million dollar bonuses being paid to departing school teachers? At your last school meeting, Mr. Eucker's anticipation overwhelmed him. As he thought he knew the correct answer, like a school child that waves their hand with the correct answer. He was so eager to share his knowledge with the rest of the classroom. But had to wait as he was told by the teacher, Mr. Parks, to wait his turn. After all citizens spoke, the other teacher, Ms. Little, gave him permission to speak, (or to have an illegal discussion). When he spoke, (had an illegal discussion), he did not speak of the issue at hand or the correct resolve for the problem mentioned by Mr. Gilbert, he spoke the words of information that was shared to him on a topic he knew little about. I watched as Mr. Eucker and Mr. Scarberry made hand gestures to one another during the course of Mr. Gilberts comments. Gestures that would indicate the board had colluded on an agenda item that had yet been discussed. No, that agenda item would not be discussed until toward the end of the meeting. An agenda item that was added at the last minute and was not on the agenda handout of those citizens in attendance. This was an addendum to the agenda that gave another bonus to more departing school teachers. However, Mr. Scarberry and Mr. Eucker knew all about the topic, and was ready with an answer for Mr. Gilbert. Mr. Eucker even mentioned that it was one that was brought to his attention that morning, by Mr. Scarberry no doubt. As Mr. Eucker, at the end of his illegal discussion, turned and said is that not correct Mr. Scarberry. To which Mr. Scarberry replied. Finally, ask yourself, why does the true cost of your government have to be disguised? If you read the front page of Mondays Dayton paper you will see why the truth of the cost of your government has been disguised. Over 25% of your residents are living in poverty, the highest in the Miami valley. Yet your government constantly attempts to labor you with additional tax burdens. If the generous citizens of your community knew they were voting to further burden this 25% of your residents living in poverty, they would surely stop to think how this would impact the children living in poverty.  #190 Karen Combs (Friday, 24 May 2013 17:00) Seriously - I'll play your game....if not to imply that the FCS is like Little Miami and that we will have a similar fate - what possible reason is there for the FCS to post this article on their facebook page AND website and beg parents to read it? I'll look forward to your explanation!  #189 Seriously, Look at the Facts. (Friday, 24 May 2013 16:03) Karen; the article posted to FCS Facebook page is not comparing Little Miami to Fairborn at all! It is CLEARLY stating what happens when schools go into state fiscal oversight and why it was tough on the local community, and now they are glad they are out of it. It is not comparing Fairborn to Little Miami in any way whatsoever. I don't necessarily agree that it was posted to the FCS facebook page, but that is besides the point.  #188 Shadow (Friday, 24 May 2013 14:02) The graduation of the class of 2013 is upon us. Congratulations to all the graduates, and best wishes for a successful future.

Unfortunately, this graduation and the accompanying Fairborn Daily Prop Sheet article highlight the continued poor performance of FCS in graduating students who can take advantage of the same educational opportunities as their peers in other districts, let alone the state and the nation. According to the article, the number of FHS graduates matriculating to a Top 50 National University is ZERO. The number going to a Top 50 Liberal Arts College? Yes, also ZERO!

Trust me, I’ve heard all the sycophant excuses about why our graduates don’t go to such schools, with my favorite being is “Today’s students don’t want to go far away from home!”

In Ohio, there is a Top 50 National University and three Top 50 Liberal Arts Colleges. If we include bordering states in the calculation (Indiana, Pennsylvania and Michigan) the numbers climb to seven Top 50 National Universities and 11 Top 50 Liberal Arts Colleges. If you go one additional state over, (i.e. Illinois, New York) you’re into the twenties in each category. In the national universities category, 199 universities are ranked, with the Top 50 being roughly analogous to the top quarter of ranked schools. The fact our school district can’t put even ONE graduate into this top quarter group is disgraceful. We are told over and over by the FCS “leadership” about how qualified our district’s teachers are, then when it finally comes to graduation, our students fall short again and again!

Next I hear, “It really doesn’t matter where the graduates go to college, college is college”

Do you think these top schools are just picked out of a hat? Sure, perceived prestige is a factor in their rank, but these schools back it up with High Freshman retention rates (Johnny doesn’t come back home after the first year), High graduation rates (Joanie gets her degree in four years or so) and peer students who are some of the best in the country and in the world (If you want to be the best, you need to study with the best). I for one am tired of our graduates being shortchanged by an administration and BOE whose whole focus is how they can enrich themselves and their fellow “educators” while using ”The Kids” as bargaining chips, not the future leaders of tomorrow. Want more proof of Lord $carberry failing our students? In continual dollar terms, the scholarship money our graduates are receiving is way down. The article says $2.6 Million in accepted scholarships for “roughly” 275 graduates, which sounds great until you go back and realize over five years ago, graduating classes of “roughly” similar size were getting similar amounts of accepted scholarship money. The difference? The cumulative inflation rate from the start of the economic downturn until now has been over 10% and that is not counting tuition and fee inflation OVER AND ABOVE that 10%. rate. Per The College Board, the tuition/fee inflation rate for public institutions has been 5.2% EVERY YEAR during the same period, while private schools (those get rich quick schemers Swami Swaim says are out to get our kids $$$) has grown at only an annual 2.4% clip above the standard inflation rate. Similar money awarded, but more costly tuition and fees for today’s graduates. Heck, Greenon High had far LESS graduates than FHS, yet their scholarship award money was significantly HIGHER than the FCS student awards.

The taxpayer’s Return on Investment from FCS is poor. Per the Federal Department of Education, FCS receives MORE money per student then Beavercreek schools, but our students fall further and further behind their peers. It is not more money that FCS needs, but real accountability regarding the BELOW AVERAGE educational performance the district provides.

Don’t believe me? Crank up the Internet and search K-12 School District and School Building ratings provided by independent providers. Ratings of 4 out of 10 and 5 out of 10 are common when it comes to FCS. We don’t even need to wait on the new state ratings formula; one service already has FCS at a C-.

Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results is insanity. Our schools will continue to falter with this “leadership” team. They only want more money for themselves; the stats show the kids are irrelevant to them. We need new leadership that will demand excellence in results from our well-compensated faculty and administrators. Vote “NO” on every levy until real regime change occurs!  #187 Karen Combs (Friday, 24 May 2013 12:01) Yawn- Here we go again - the FCS is trying to spread panic by comparing us to the Little Miami School District (see their Facebook page). That district recently SUCCESSFULLY ended state control and has their budget back on track. Since we have such POOR local leadership, we will have to do the same.

But they never compared to the FCS anyway. For example, the LMSD refused to pass ANY levy for eight years. Of course, here in Fairborn, we just passed a renewal levy last year. Likewise, even AFTER passing a 2011 levy, the LMSD scores a dismal .46 on the "local effort index" while FCS EXCEEDS the state average at 1.13.

The key differences don't end there either. We have a school income tax, the LMSD doesn't. They are far wealthier than we are, with an average assessed home value of over 186K and median income of $49,772. The median Fairborn income is roughly half that at $26,921. The Dayton Daily News recently featured an article saying Fairborn suffers the WORST poverty around! (More on that later).

If you want to read how Fairbornspeaks further unraveled that comparison long ago, head over to the "School Levy Info" tab above and go to the end of the posts - the last few deal with this claim.

Here is what is happening, folks, and it couldn't be clearer. The public schools - NOT limited to the FCS alone, but all of them, statewide - are determined to promote the MYTH that if you don't pass their initial levy requests, they will "only go higher." We saw this in the last two attempts by the FCS and their threats to put a higher one on the next ballot.

They love to point to Little Miami as an example of this - of course, it is NOT. The district itself sought a far HIGHER levy than the one voters ultimately approved AFTER state control. So much for that nonsense. You see, it turns out that one way to REDUCE the levy request is to actually MAKE CUTS.

But have we seen plans to STOP the luxury benefits? Not a one. All they have done is jack up the pay-to-participate fees, hoping to use this as leverage against the STRUGGLING people of Fairborn. How could it get more despicable?

Don't be fooled by their baloney. Demand cuts. Demand leadership change. And don't give them a CENT until we get it!  #186 Karen Combs (Friday, 24 May 2013 10:11) One other thing - Jon - yes, this sick pay conversion is out of control! We could fund 5 years of extracurriculars for what we spent on this in just 3. I think it is absurd for teachers who only work 181 days a year (less than half the days on a calendar) to have so much sick leave anyway! But they should NOT be allowed to stockpile it and then dodge taxes on it too! Tell me, tell me - HOW is THIS "for the kids"? What thugs!  #185 Karen Combs (Friday, 24 May 2013 10:03) Sally C. - I love it when brave anonymous sycophants crawl out of the ooze and try to “correct me.” Maybe you believe that there are TWO people who happen to both be teachers in this area and spell their names this way, but in 2003, a Cyndy Hamilton WAS a Certified Substitute in the FCS (see the Board of Education Minutes, Resolution 242-03 approving her contract). So my post said “was (is?)…” - ought to be clear enough-- even for a genius like you.

I can also report that Cyndy Hamilton, as recently as this year, was also a PAID cheerleading advisor for the FCS and has been for several years. I’m pretty sure this would also be the same person since her interview stated her daughter was a cheerleader. So, my post was 100% correct - she BOTH was and is an FCS employee! Note: Pam Gayheart, FCS “PR/Grants” person is also a volunteer cheer advisor - a big coincidence, no doubt.

As for whether such people have a “right” to speak - of course they do. And they also have an obligation to be honest and reveal their connections to the FCS. Trying to dupe the public into believing that they have no ulterior motives for their comments is so dishonest!

If the FCS could find “plenty” of people who AREN’T current/former employees or related to one to speak on behalf of their extortion efforts, then I wonder why don’t they? It should be getting embarrassing to them by now to constantly have their “sources” exposed!

Now - on to someone fun - Speaksfan - You are soooo right! My terrier is more of a conversationalist than Paul Keller! I had the misfortune of attending a lunch with him and his wife a few years ago when he was thinking of running. My conclusion at the time was “not impressed” and that remains the case. The eviction thing was on point too. Since 2001, I found 14 cases where he filed to evict tenants. Either he IS a slumlord or he doesn’t know how to screen for decent tenants! In either case, this kind of thing is definitely part of the problem in Fairborn. BTW, his attorney on all these cases was none other than Michael Mayer, our City Solicitor. Nice to see he is just fine with representing people who are aiding in the destruction of our town.

 #184 Sally C. (Friday, 24 May 2013 08:18) Karen: Cyndy Hamilton was my daughters kindergarten/preschool teacher at First Baptist Wee School behind Speedway on Broad Street. She is not a substitue with FCS. I know this because my other daughter was in her class last year, and I also keep in touch with her on Facebook.

Second: SO what if the Board's kids are talking! They are citizens here just as you are, and if they "aren't allowed to have an opinion" then you shouldn't be allowed either. You can't have it leaning one way Karen. Also, I could probably find plenty of supporters out in the community who are not employees.  #183 SpeaksFan (Thursday, 23 May 2013 22:08) Paul Keller running for Council? Where can I find information on him? If he is the same Paul Keller who I think he is, he needs to get a personality first. Blah, blah, blah!

My children attend school in Fairborn. It seems to me that after they take the required tests (May) the remaining days of school they do nothing. (Glorified Babysitters)  #182 Karen Combs (Thursday, 23 May 2013 21:58) Good article on pay-to-play fees by Steven Matthews in today's Dayton Daily. I let him know that the "parent" who was quoted saying we should pass the levy next time - one Cyndy Hamilton - was (is?) a substitute teacher in the FCS! This keeps happening - like the Board of Education's daughter and granddaughter giving comments to the FDH!! Looks like the FCS can't find a SINGLE supporter who isn't a current or former employee!  #181 Danger Combs (Thursday, 23 May 2013) Despite the Council’s prayerful fasting, tribal dancing, and goat slaughtering, it seems Fairborn has still not atoned for whatever we did to be cursed by God. (I hope someone had fun because the rest of us are sure paying for it!) This is evidenced by the council candidates on the horizon. In addition to being hand-selected, endorsed and propped up by the “Church of What’s Happenin’ Now,” they share a few other common characteristics. So I felt the least I could do was offer a few suggestions for their campaign slogans….. here are my top twenty (feel free to submit others): Campaign Slogans for Current Candidates:

Kirkpatrick for Mayor – look what he’s done for Fairborn so far!

Donna “Chapstick” Wilson for Council – finally limber enough to kiss her own.

Dan Kirkpatrick for Mayor – who says you have to deserve it?

Paul Keller for Council – Face it, Fairborn could use an experienced slumlord.

“Calamity Dan” Kirkpatrick for Mayor – his employer needs a few more city favors.

Donna Wilson for Council – just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse.

Kirkpatrick for Mayor – A meteoric rise to mediocrity.

Donna Wilson for Council - More effective at “dissolving” public efforts than Typhoid Mary!

Vote Keller for Council – or he will evict you.

“Calamity Dan” for Mayor - Because No Ethics = no ethical problems!

Donna Wilson for Council – because one dingbat just isn’t enough.

Kirkpatrick for Mayor - Fairborn’s undisputed expert in creating disasters.

Paul Keller for Council - he already attends meetings and contributes nothing - why not go ahead and pay him to do that? Donna Wilson for Council - Look boys and girls, you CAN grovel your way up the ladder!

Kirkpatrick - Evil with Civility.

For the joint campaigns of Kirkpatrick for Mayor and Donna Wilson and Paul Keller for Council: - Hey, it’s too late for Fairborn anyway.

- Yes, they WILL at least buy you dinner first.

- Fingers Crossed: The only thing that could make this better is if Dave Taylor runs for School Board again.

- Fairborn has been slowly dying. This is your team for real progress in that process.

- Only one horseman left.  #180 Jon (Wednesday, 22 May 2013 22:28) 2 1/2 million dollars in sick leave conversion in 2 years? How do we have any experienced teachers left? And since they are now in contract talks, shouldn't this "little" item be up for negotiation? Shouldn't any pick-ups also be up for negotiations as well? Is this "negotiation" going to be like the immigration debate?  #179 re-Publius (Tuesday, 21 May 2013 21:50) Greetings my Fairbornian Fellows!

Things that make me go huh?:

1. If Scarberry is paid by taxpayers and is currently negotiating with teacher's and staff's Unions (who are paid by taxpayers ALSO) for their pay and benefits... umm... who is representing the taxpayers at this negotiating table? WHO has got our back? Who is making sure we are getting the best value for dollars spent? Double-Dipper-Dave the head plunderer? Oh wait... The Scrool Bored gets to vote on it to approve it (LOL). Did I say vote? I meant to say rubberstamp it a go-go-go!!!

2. If Public Sector Unions are so great then why do they hide their contract in it's final and approved form from the public? What's in there to hide? Aren't you so proud of it? It's all about the kids, right? Open it up! Let us see it!

It won't happen here because getting a simple answer to a simple question is almost impossible at this school's administration. There is ZERO TRANSPARENCY here and until that changes they will struggle to gain community support.  #178 Shadow (Tuesday, 21 May 2013 17:47) The growing public discontent with the Manor, err, FCS Board of Education and its abject refusal to even attempt to try and openly address the voter's will in the last TWO elections is pretty evident. I think the frustration is creating a cynicism regarding anyone or anybody associated with FCS "leadership."

Sure enough, I say something positive about Mr. Uecker's last meeting and Karen sees it differently...Heck, my criticism of him earlier was commented on as not being accurate in some people's minds...BOTTOM LINE: We all have our opinions, can voice them freely (Thanks Karen!), and these opinions are shaped by our interpretations, experiences, etc. I was unable to attend Karen's meeting so I didn't see Mr. Uecker's interaction with her guests, her first "strike." I have, as I alluded to previously, been critical of his BOE interactions as it relates to Sir Babble-a-Lot Parks and was one of the first to call out the futility of the his pursuit of additional federal dollars during sequestration. He, like all of us, views things through the prism of his life; one of program management and acquisition, where a good proposal receives federal funds. Unfortunately, this is not the reality of a disastrously-run school district in 2013. We see the prisms of Baroni Carrico, Swami Swaim and Princess Tessie-Do-Little: "Professional Educators" who believe, despite FCS' BELOW AVERAGE PERFORMANCE IN REAL, OBJECTIVE MEASURES, that the administration, faculty and staff, just because they are fellow educators, deserve a very handsome compensation package no matter what the cost to the taxpayers. Sir Babble-a-Lot is an activist ideologue, whose position as a federal employee limits him to non-partisian elected office; no matter, he will still treat his position it as if he WAS a partisan office holder. At the head, of course, is our friend Lord $carberry! He may need to be prompted by a flunky on a whole host of matters, but he plays this BOE group like a fiddle. The 400 Lbs Gorilla in the room? The upcoming $4.1 MILLION deficit. The Manor Court, I mean BOE, meekly murmurs when Court Jester "The Beav" (no 100% man-made material suit this meeting) relays that he will TELL THEM the next levy amount; the BOE discusses no other ways to solve it, even though the other animal in the room, the 15,000 Lbs Elephant that is the expiring FEA (teacher's union) contract, could go a long, long way towards solving the deficient. Nope, all we get is barely audible "negotiations" as part of Princess Tessie's laundry list of topics needing to be addressed in executive session (Read: Away from the Public's Eyes).

Maybe the state, in seeing how dysfunctional this "Leadership Team" is, will correctly read that the public is fed up and will vote down any and all levy proposals, meaning loaning ANY money to this spending-addicted bunch is tantamount to throwing it down a deep, deep hole. It's time for a cleaver, not a blank check!

 #177 Janice (Tuesday, 21 May 2013 08:31) Good article on Mr. Uecker. I also notice he misses every meeting where something controversial is going to be voted on. I guess he figures if he is never there, the stink won't stick to him! I agree that we don't have any real leaders on that board - and it shows.  #176 Shadow (Saturday, 18 May 2013 15:23) Two more quick Manor Court meeting impressions:

- Kudos to Mr. Uecker for trying to promote concepts such as school choice and Home schooled student participation. It is obvious the manor court will continue with their lordship's "my way or the highway" thought process, but it is refreshing to see at least somebody on the BOE uses their brain to think about ways to improve our children's education rather than as a recording device used to parrot the same old ineffective policies which continue to make FCS a BELOW AVERAGE academically performing and financially inept district effectively controlled by one man who could care less...As long as he is getting his $250K a year, everything is wonderful!

- Speaking of his lordship, the amount of times he had to have an assistant come over and brief him (via whisper) about everything from his buses on blocks to education policy was quite instructive. Make no mistake, POWER, and its use to accumulate personal wealth is what is important to our Lord, not details about actual operations. His throwing up of his hands after another lament about how it is inconceivable that he deal with the same mandates the other 600+ superintendents in the state showed non-verbal communication is sometimes the most truthful there is.  #175 Shadow (Friday, 17 May 2013 22:38) Hope Karen is feeling better...This is a valuable forum a great many of us appreciate!

Trying to get through the Manor Court Meeting by viewing in small chunks…It is less nauseating that way.

First impression “lowlights:"

Lord Scarberry made sure the court KNOWS who is BOSS! His tone regarding board members making sure they hurry up on questions to his curriculum director leaves no doubt who is REALLY IN CHARGE at FCS!

Mr. Swaim, in a rare movement of lips and utterance of sound, makes the following contention in regard to colleges and universities, prefacing it with the contention he “went to a reputable, certified university “

“Most of these private schools are get rich quick schools for the guy who is running it … It’s been proven”

1. As a gentle reminder, Swami Swaim, Colleges and universities are “accredited” not “certified”

2. Reputable? Of the Top 50 nationally ranked universities, nearly 70% are PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES! Top 50 Liberal Arts Colleges? Nearly 95% are PRIVATE COLLEGES!

Maybe this help explain why FHS graduates have a dismal 1 – 2% matriculation rate to such top schools every year…Our own school district “leadership” is completely CLUELESS about school stratification issues our graduates face as the receive their diplomas.

Out of touch and out of ideas…  #174 Frank (Thursday, 16 May 2013 22:29) Glad to see Fairbornspeaks is back. Hoping you can get someone to assist for you or take it over.  #173 Janice (Thursday, 16 May 2013 16:42) Yes! Yes! YES! The Board is back!  #172 Shadow (Saturday, 11 May 2013) It seems the Loyal Royal Scribe has installed her latest Manor Court “Special Correspondent.” In this case, a writer known more for covering short track school bus races and demolition derbies was hired…No; I am not making this up! At any rate, here are the lowlights from the court, I mean, BOE meeting write up:

The most insightful quote came from the women who champions educational quality for “our kids” above all else… Princess Tessie Do-Little:

“We’re against the expansion of educational choice scholarship programs. There are two new programs that will significantly increase the number of publicly funded vouchers for students to attend private or parochial schools,”

No matter what future pronouncements Lord $carberry’s #1 TOOL makes, this is the one future levy voters must always remember…Tessie ONLY cares about MONEY, not your children’s future. If the BELOW AVERAGE PERFORMANCE OF FCS, DESPITE MORE REVENUE PER STUDENT THAN BEAVERCREEK SCHOOLS wasn’t a huge enough alarm bell for some, this statement should wake the most slumbering of citizens to the true purpose of FCS’ administration; IT IS TO ENRICH THEMSELVES! THE STUDENTS ARE PAWNS IN A GAME DESIGNED TO MAKE THE MOST $$$$ FOR $CARBERRY AND HIS MINIONS! Speaking of his Lordship, check out his latest “mischaracterization” quoted in the article:

“…one of the other situations that we have just staring us in the face right now is, all of this is going to be implemented next year…The testing for next year, all of it is going to be based on the Common Core (Curriculum),” Superintendent Dave Scarberry said. “The ship has sailed if you will. It’s another unfunded mandate, it’s another big change to things that we, again, have to do that we don’t get the funding for.”

A quick check show’s the State of Ohio BOE adopted Common Core in 2010, i.e. THREE YEARS AGO. Similar to the Tangible Property Tax ruse he continues to perpetrate, we are supposed to believe “recent” state law changes again caught our $250K per year superintendent with his proverbial fiscal pants down. Sorry your Lordship, we are not as stupid as your inner circle of bootlicking lackeys. We have long ago realized Lord $carberry uses such “rapidly mandated” changes as leverage to extort more money out of the public, all the while increasing the pay and benefits of his administrators and teachers. In fact, a line item in Kasich’s budget specifically addressed funding the Common Core IT buy, however, the specificity of using the money only for this purpose was changed by the legislature because districts complained they didn’t want to be told how to spend the money! The money, in the millions of dollars, is still in the budget, but who knows how it will be REALLY spent when it gets to districts like FCS. Hmm…“ship has sailed?” Does someone’s Lake Erie boat needs a new paint job?

Finally, Lord $carberry’s #1 TOOL, Princess Tessie, is quoted again:

“The public has to realize that our budget is being cut to the bone already.We simply can’t operate without levy money to help us.”

Yes, folks, “cut to the bone,” but NO MENTION OF THE FEA’s EXPIRING CONTRACT! PRIVATE SECTOR WORKERS, FIXED INCOME DISABLED/RETIREES, AND FEDERAL EMPLOYEES HAVE ALL FELT REAL CUTS, IT IS TIME FOR FCS TO MAKE SIMILAR SUBSTANTIVE REDUCTIONS TO ITS BLOATED, OVERCOMPENSATED, UNDERPERFORMING “WORKFORCE.”  #171 Frank Gilbert (Friday, 10 May 2013 22:55) I am under no illusion that I have all the answers. It will be a combined effort by (eventually) like minded board members. And I am at least willing to make that effort now. And I will take any help I can get to find solutions that make sense in educating ALL our kids AND controlling our costs. Hard decisions will have to be made. And any decisions that effect the work force darn well better START at the TOP. And the longer we wait to fix this problem, the harder the fix will be. So let's get started now for the benefit of all.  #170 Ashes to Ashes (Friday, 10 May 2013 20:12) Karen,

I would like to suggest a FOIA request for the mentioned item in your post #180:

"Article 16.02 of the Administrators Compensation and Benefit Provisions provides a list of administrators’ whose share of SERS contributions on behalf of the covered administrators will be pickup 100% by the Board"

This way Karen, the next time you mention how well compensated the school employees are, you will be able to inform us, just how much it actually does cost us.

 #169 CC (Friday, 10 May 2013 19:41) I think it is very revealing that the first cut announced will be to penalize the athletic and music departments. This is a well known tactic taught by high priced consultants. Rather than make the real cuts that are needed to bring this district into compliance, it is much more important to hurt the parents of the kids that are the most involved in their school experience. Once again, leadership by punitive action.  #168 Snake Pliskin (Friday, 10 May 2013 18:41) When is the next election to get Frank on board to solve this mess? I have high hopes that Frank will show these folks how it's done.  #167 Karen Combs (Friday, 10 May 2013 17:55) In response to my feature article and my reply:

Good morning Karen!

First-I do not receive 100% of the pick up-this is not the truth-check your facts!

Second-Pay to participate will be $500 per student/per season no family cap-not $560

Third- I have applied for and received over $300,000 in grants; most recently the McKinney Vento Homeless grant to support our homeless population

Thank you!

Pam Gayheart

Ms.Gayheart, 1) Mea culpa. I guess they just tried to give you a 100% retirement pick-up, but apparently did not succeed right away (see state audit report below). It seems you were ordered to re-pay the ill-gotten gains! Then I guess you had to ask for a payment plan when that scheme didn't pan out? Anyway, are you sure they didn't subsequently arrange to give you this full pick-up at a later point? Well, it is very confusing for a simple citizen like me! Just out of curiosity, do you take advantage of the FCS' family health benefits even when your family owns a successful real estate company? Well, after all, I am not a highly-paid professional like you! Golly, I never got a benefit I wasn't entitled to!

FINDING NUMBER 2003-005 - (State Auditor's Report)

Finding for Recovery – SERS (School Employees Retirement System) withholding

The Board of Education approved a one year administrative contract for Pamela Gayheart as a Grant Writer/Public Relations position at their March 21, 2002, Board meeting. The contract was renewed for 1 year at the March 13, 2003, Board meeting. For the period of July 1, 2002 through January 31, 2004, the Board picked up 100% of Ms. Gayheart’s employee portion of SERS. Article 16.02 of the Administrators Compensation and Benefit Provisions provides a list of administrators’ whose share of SERS contributions on behalf of the covered administrators will be pickup 100% by the Board. Ms. Gayheart’s position does not qualify for retirement pickup under this provision.

For FY03, the Board paid $3,402.82 to SERS for employee contribution benefits on Ms. Gayheart’s behalf. For the period of July 1, 2003 through January 31, 2004, the Board paid $2,347.82 to SERS on Ms. Gayheart’s behalf. This resulted in her being overpaid a total of $5,750.64.

In accordance with the foregoing facts, and pursuant to Ohio Rev. Code Section 117.28, a Finding for Recovery for public monies illegally expended is hereby issued against Pamela Gayheart and in favor of Fairborn City School District’s General Fund.

2) Again - $500 or $560 - is a $60 difference in the amount of the extortion really at issue? To me, it seems so terribly vile at any amount! I think the parents/students of FCS deserve some effort to alleviate this cost! Don't you?

3) I was clear in asking for the grant totals you applied for to deal with athletic/music programs that YOU KNEW were going to encounter a crisis when the people of Fairborn stopped funding the insanity of $150 healthcare deductibles and 85 sick days accumulations. So - thank you for taking the time in your full-time, year-round job to apply for a grant for homeless kids. But we have other needs too.

I don't understand HOW you have time to be the Chamber of Commerce "President" when we have such pressing needs in the school district that employs you!?! I guess being "seen" means a lot more to you than the kids!  #166 Shadow (Friday, 10 May 2013 12:02) The embarrassing fact (which May 7 levy voters were well aware of) that FCS receives more revenue per student than other “Excellent with Distinction/“Excellent” district’s, yet scores BELOW AVERAGE in the state report card, sure must be something Lord $carberry wants to marginalize. Right on cue, the Loyal Royal Scribe at the Fairborn Daily Prop Sheet published a teacher-written opinion piece in today’s edition. The subject? Why of course, the “inaccurate” Ohio School Report Card System! The piece is littered with derogatory buzz words (“bureaucrats,” “bean-counters” “politicians” and “rich, opportunistic friends”) to describe the current systems proponents. It decries that in the current system, “Test scores bear too much weight.” Does the writer, an Alliance City Schools English Teacher named Chris Schillig, back up his assertions with peer-reviewed research or long-term studies? Nope, it is an ANECDOTAL list of students “(debating) issues of equality and gender,” of students “earn(ing) full-ride scholarships to prestigious colleges and universities” (though he doesn’t mention if they were academic or athletic scholarships, the names of these “prestigious” schools and the percentage of these students in comparison with the total number of graduates), and students “cook(ing) phenomenal meals.” He lauds his fellow teachers as “first-rate graphic artists, home economists, mathematicians, journalists…” and he nobly proclaims he and his fellow teachers “share a common goal: to give kids what they need to succeed.”

His proposed fair and equitable district evaluation system? As can be expected from a loyal teacher’s union soldier, he states “teams of teachers and administrators” should be used to evaluate districts. Yep, the foxes guarding the hen house will have a visiting team of more foxes come see what a terrific job they are doing. Additionally, he lambasts businessman Bill Gates for donating money to education “with strings attached.” I guess the concept of expected performance after monetary investment wasn’t in our English teacher’s Liberal Arts college curriculum. Indeed, a check of Mr. Schillig’s Twitter feed shows he advocates studying comic books above any other written communication.

Oh, and that pesky “performance” issue? A check of the Alliance School District’s mean college admission test scores, the district Mr. Schillig promotes as “giv(ing) kids what they need to succeed,” shows an ACT mean of 19(!) with only 50% of graduates tested. Only 2.5% of the district’s graduates took the SAT, so no representative sample is even available to see what the mean score was of the few students who took it.

Is the Fairborn Daily Prop Sheet going to feature next week’s piece from Mr. Schillig? I’m sure that one will advocate the elimination of college admissions tests in favor of applicants submitting a video critique…Of their favorite comic book.  #165 Karen Combs (Friday, 10 May 2013 09:00) Check out the new featured article on the criminal "pay-to-play" extortion scheme!  #164 Karen Combs (Friday, 10 May 2013 07:04) Due to health issues, I made it to the parking lot of the meeting, but just couldn't make it in. So I will try to convert my intended remarks to an article later today. I have LOTS of INCREDIBLE info to pass along. Stay tuned.

Frank - what kind of dossier are these school thugs building on people that they know whether we have kids or grandkids in the system? I hope they aren't out to bully and torment yours! Yeah, the FCS opposes school choice, except it is fine for people to send students - even those who don't live in Fairborn - the THEIR Charter School - the Digital Academy!

The sick leave conversion issue is INSANE. More on that later. The way the administrators and teacher union has been bleeding this town dry, it is a wonder we were able to stay afloat as long as we did. Layer by layer, it is unraveling for them and being exposed. The only thing worse than their payola schemes is the COMPLICIT Board of Education allowing it to happen!  #163 Frank Gilbert (Thursday, 09 May 2013 22:35) Total of BOE meeting tonight;

1. Just because we don't support the spending of our money without accountability, we hate kids and don't have any in the school system. 2. This school board opposes choice (for the poor)....even if the school isn't doing its job. 3. Common Core is good because the government says so. 4. Two and a half MILLION dollars in sick leave conversion.... in two and a half years. 5. Roland Parks is a black man.

Did I miss anything?  #162 Karen Combs (Thursday, 09 May 2013 17:10) JD and "Fairborn" (JD Jr.) - This is my website so looks like I decide what violates the rules! I do not intend to post JD's personal attacks against me, info about my home, etc. Complain all you'd like. JD drops the readership every time he comes around. End of story.  #161 Danger Combs (Thursday, 09 May 2013 14:35) JD - The rules for posting are located at the top of every page on the left column. If you don't like them, I suggest you create your own site. Feel free to submit your post to the Fairborn Daily Herald, but keep in mind that they do not publish anonymous letters. You will have to fly out in the sunshine, little birdie boy.  #160 Fairborn Forever (Thursday, 09 May 2013 13:42)

In the propaganda struggle, School leaders enjoy unlimited access to the minds of Fairborn Citizens. Ms. Little, as well as Mr. Beavers and Mr. Scarberry's pronouncements about the financial state of our school district are invariably given wide newspaper coverage. The Fairborn Citizens, on the other hand, do not enjoy this same unlimited access and have no scope for presenting their point of view to the public. Aside from being an increasingly effective and potentially dangerous political weapon, fairbornspeaks along with Citizens For Fairborn's Future, poses to help correct problems plaguing our school district. With long range planning to address ignored and overlooked problems by the board of education, things just may start improving. These problems were never brought forward nor revealed as a deliberate attempt to disrupt a normal course of school activity. But after many of these problems were revealed, one starts to realize, many of these problems are not from the normal course of school activity. But are however, are a byproduct of arrangements conducted between two fundamentally different social and economic systems: The school district and the Fairborn citizen. After the three levy defeats in a row for new money, 5-3-2011, 11-6-2012 and 5-7-2013, the united citizens of Fairborn, are now demanding accountability from the school district.  #159 Frank Gilbert (Thursday, 09 May 2013 10:54) Scott #168 Meet with me and I will tell you why I don't speak out in public about certain issues. And I have made some suggestions. Have you? And NO, we are NOT finished. If all we were concerned with was defeating the levy, we would be. But we want to help FIX our schools. Where are YOUR solutions? Where is YOUR involvement?  #158 Karen Combs (Thursday, 09 May 2013 10:49) The only thing the DDN left out of the story today was one key thing - until Scarberry and his top lts. are FIRED, there will NEVER be a levy in this town!  #157 Danger Combs (Thursday, 09 May 2013 10:47) JD- Not posting your nonsense, dear. Other than the obvious head injury, did it hurt when you fell off the turnip truck? I’ve explained it to you a HUNDRED TIMES – we AREN’T discussing state funding of schools here. And we aren’t discussing my property value either. As usual, you can’t play well with others and need to go back in time-out.

Scott - I don't understand your question. Why are there poor people? That's above my pay grade. Consult your Bible.  #156 Karen Combs (Thursday, 09 May 2013 10:32) NOTE TO READERS: DeAnn Greene-Beal's post was not approved earlier here because she posted on the ARCHIVES page - despite ALL the notes asking people NOT to post there. I didn't realize this until someone called and asked who I was responding to in post #163. Here is her original submission:

DeAnn Greebe-Beal: Looking at these posts are an embarrassment. If you are going to post such nasty words, have enough courage to use your own name. You all are going at each other like rabid dogs. You seem to be missing the big picture...the 4000 children we have the responsibility to support, whether it be a shoulder to cry on, an ear to lend or opening already tight purse strings to make sure the kids have the classes that they are due to make sure they can compete with others when they begin college. This goes way beyond health insurance costs. It goes beyond the senseless name calling that is occurring here. It is literally going to touch every individual who lives in Fairborn and the surrounding communities. We either invest money into our children now or put money into our justice system later. I have an 8th grade and a 4th grade student in Fairborn. I've lost a lot of sleep over what is going to happen to their education. I'm not even thinking about the clubs and sports they participate in but the honors classes they fully deserve. They work hard. I have heard "I don't have kids going to school there. Why should I care?" Care because those kids you are turning your back on are bright, wonderful students at every level who need our support. And for the love of all that is good and holy, if you do not want to support our kids financially, volunteer to work an hour so the library can be open. If you are great playing an instrument, singing, or using a paint brush, VOLUNTEER!!! But those who vote no or speak terribly about our school district rarely help in any other way. Finally, whichever way you cast your vote, whatever you think of our teachers and administrators, keep it classy. Our kids are reading, posting this stuff and mimic us to a fault. Be someone they can not be mortified of when they read you words.  #155 Scott (Wednesday, 08 May 2013 19:39) Ok. So now on to OTHER IMPORTANT ISSUES here in this town of "so called" money sucking teachers rapping the community of money and benefits. I have been waiting for these wonderful people who do great research (albeit some are spun in a positive light for the viewers) to get what they have been fighting for. The levy has failed. Yes. Are you finished? Is there any time and effort left for this great "research" and "accountability" standard for the CITY???? I certainly hope that there is SOME sort of focus on IMPROVING our city. I asked for some REAL answers that I would love to see HERE on this forum for ALL viewers to see.

Response to post #118 by Mr. Gilbert Why is it NOT appropriate to post your views and suggestions here? It is obvious that the good folks on here post their opinions without the fear of "upsetting/offending" others (and I am fine with it). So I will ask again for your reason(s) as to why Fairborn has this "low" average income and what WE as a community could do to help the people of Fairborn in this undesirable plight.  #154 Shadow (Wednesday, 08 May 2013 19:11) The DDN is now running an article entitled "State takeover closer after levy defeat" about FCS. Of great interest is the quotes by the First Lady of Fairborn Speaks! If I am reading her correctly, Karen makes use of the discernible political power shift last night's vote created by offering a "dangling carrot" the BOE will have a hard time ignoring. I believe I "get" the very beneficial purpose behind the offer, but Princess Tessie Do- Little's comments in this same article give me serious pause:

“We need community support,” Little said. “The schools can’t do it by themselves. We need people to fight for our schools — people who are in the know and understand what it costs to run a school — because we have to pass a levy. The state told us the only way to get out of this is to pass a levy.”

Yep, she implies we are just stupid country bumpkins who don't understand real costs of schools...Sorry Princess, I have dealt with contracts totaling in the BILLIONS of dollars and in my estimation, you are the fiscal dunce for not seeing the corruption right under your nose. "Only way to get out of this is to pass a levy.” Man, crank up the Thompson Twin's "Lies and take out a calculator. Remember a while back when "The Beav" "mischaracterized" his payroll numbers so bad, even the Loyal Royal Scribe at the Fairborn Daily Prop Sheet had to print a correction? He stated his payroll was $1.7 million every two weeks. Now we don't know if it was just during the school year, but that adds up to $44 MILLION if it is over the whole 26 weeks! Lo and behold, the FEA contract is due for renewal next month! If you coupled an FEA 10% pay cut with a 10% administrators and staff pay cut you get $4.4 MILLION in savings! What was that deficit again? Oh, $4.1 Million. If there is a period where the payroll is less in the summer, oh well, maybe it needs to be a 15% pay cut to make up the difference. MEMO TO SCHOOL EMPLOYEES: It is time you felt the pain private sector and federal employees in this town have been feeling since 2008! The Levy failed and the FEA contract is up!!! I believe there is no room to negotiate with the likes of Lord $carberry, "The Beav" and FEA "rubber stamps" like Tess Little, Swaim, Carrico and Parks.

Unless there is REAL REGIME CHANGE, "NO" to a levy in November, "NO" to a levy in May '14, NO TO A LEVY PERIOD!!!!!  #153 re-Publius (Wednesday, 08 May 2013 17:17) Prepare yourselves my fellow citizens!

Much wailing and gnashing of teeth your way comes!

You have grasped from the rapacious cleave $70 millions of booty and plunder.

The teacher's union and their administrative enablers will not suffer this indignity quietly! They will inflict as much pain on the parents and families of their students as they can muster. Punishment for their not getting to the polls. Beatings (metaphoric... hopefully) for questioning their benevolence, their omniscience, their RIGHT to loot their communities to maintain the status quo.

The cuts will be prioritized for maximum infliction of inconvenience, suffering, even safety if they can at all rationalize it! Teacher's positions will be cut, not by ability or repoire, but simply by their seniority in the system. What a waste.

Lastly and most important, they will blame ALL this on a cold, hard-hearted and terrible community (instead of decades of mismanagement and near-sightedness).

Let the games begin!  #152 Shadow (Wednesday, 08 May 2013 17:09) Per The Fairborn Daily Prop Sheet, Loyal Royal Scribe Amanda Crowe's quote from her beloved Lord $carberry:

“What this means now is that we won’t have any choice but to be back on the ballot in November and we’ll have to borrow money from the state to make it through the rest of 2013,” Scarberry said.

Yes, his Lordship is giving the fait accompli to his manor Court, the BOE. If we had ELECTED school leadership more akin to the rest of the United States, a school superintendent would make mention that they needed to "go to the Board of Education for further direction" after such a lopsided LOSS, but, hey, FCS is a feudal kingdom designed to enrich his Lordship; they don't burden themselves which such democratic frivolity.

 #151 Janice (Wednesday, 08 May 2013 16:18) Careful, Karen, you criticized the Channel 6 and suddenly - after 1+ years with a loud hum and a snow message, they put up new slides (still no audio). If you call the website out, they might improve that too! The FCS employee in charge of all this, Pam Gayheart, was featured in the paper as being the new "President of the Chamber of Commerce." Seems to me she needs to focus on her day job!  #150 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 08 May 2013 11:10) Ms. Greene-Beal, I am so relieved there is a new “website cop” in town! No doubt, you are already “hot on the trail” of the FCS for the recent PORN link on their facebook page and Board member Roland Parks for his charming, curse-filled post. I am so glad you are here to keep em’ “classy!” Please forward a copy of the letters of concern you sent to THEM so I can reprint them here. ….. (dang, I’m funny!).

Hey, while you’re at it, fire off a letter to the local newspaper that featured a councilwoman talking about what would “pi**” people off and comparing people to the male anatomy. They could sure use a finger-waggin’ from you too!

What kids view on the internet is, of course, a PARENTING issue. But I am quite proud of this site and the forum it offers. So if your kids are learning about important local issues and viewing lively political discussions, then that is a far better use of their time than looking up the latest hip-hop video or serial killer.

So let’s move on to your other fairytales, shall we? The levy wasn’t about the kids, Ms. G-B. It was about whether the people of this town were going to continue handing money to INCOMPETENT leaders. Until we solve that dilemma, all the money in the world will not fix the problems here! So, yes, it IS about things like the healthcare benefits. If you cared about the kids, you should be OUTRAGED that MILLIONS and MILLIONS were wasted on premium benefits – when this district was told by the state auditor to STOP doing so nearly a DECADE ago! And that was but ONE SINGLE EXAMPLE of the MANY strongly-worded recommendations from that 2005 audit that went utterly ignored by Mr. Scarberry and his merry band of malfeasants. How, in good conscience, a mother of school children could possibly support this kind of mismanagement is beyond me! Don’t you care about all that money that should have been going to the kids?

Finally, we have had several post-ers here who have discussed how they were treated by the FCS when they attempted to volunteer. So you can put a big ole sock in that myth, honey. The FCS doesn’t want volunteers – they just want money. In fact, go to the FCS website home page and show me where there is even a link for info on volunteering. What’s that, dear? There ISN’T ONE??? That’s right and that would be because they don’t want volunteers. The LAST THING they want is people from the community seeing how these schools are being run! Even if you take the extra step to search the word “volunteer” on the webpage, a soccer flier and a bunch of old school board minutes is all that comes up. I’m sure the odd are slim that you know the person responsible for the FCS website (stop, Karen, you’re killing me!), but you might want to mention this to her. After all, if you sycophants are going to keep up the “volunteer” mantra, you might want to check out what the FCS actually offers to people FIRST.

Good grief. It's fish in a barrel time again.  #149 Danger Combs (Wednesday, 08 May 2013 10:29) Hey, JD - you lost - get over it!

And boy, HOW you lost! Two to one! Over $21K to even get on the ballot, untold THOUSANDS in abused taxpayer dollars for the eight-page, full-color levy ad. Despite hundreds of FCS employees, the most votes you could muster was 1500? Yikes! Looks like people are "on to" what an absolute waste of money it is to keep funding Scarberry and his regime!

What did you pay per vote? $30? $40? More? How many sport fees could have been covered with the amount WASTED on this POINTLESS campaign? And all your "anointed one" has to say is that they will try again in November. Someone get the net out! This guy is pushing the definition of insanity to grand new limits!

So your latest desperate act is to try to paint ME as the villain? Well, it is YOU, JD, who couldn't care less about the kids! This was NEVER about them - it was only about funding a GREEDY UNION and OVERPAID ADMINISTRATORS to pass out salaries and benefits that are UNSUSTAINABLE in a community like Fairborn.

You have NEVER dealt with the real issues causing problems in Fairborn, JD. Explain to us all HOW you could support a regime that ignored the state auditor's advice since 2005, cost us MILLIONS, and created the current mess? Explain it. Just once, grow a pair and answer a question. Ha! Not gonna happen from you, is it, JD?

In my opinion, the city has not had a truly great leader since Jack Wilson was Mayor. He genuinely cared about Fairborn. And things were SOOOOO much better then, it is hard to imagine that this the same town! That crew at City Council now cares only for themselves and their little posse. As for the schools, Mike Uecker is the lone voice of fiscal sanity on the School Board now. What have Tess Little, Roland Parks, Bob Carrico and Tom Swaim done for the schools? They just sit there playing fiddle while the FCS burns. Useless.

Here is what I REALLY "damn," JD. Damn the school leadership that WASTED MILLIONS instead of doing everything possible to keep us financially sound. Damn the Board that hasn't held them accountable. Damn the unions that have bled this town dry. And most of all, JD, damn sycophants like you for licking the boots of all the above. Now, THAT, JD is what is REALLY sickening!  #148 Mister B (Wednesday, 08 May 2013 08:47) The levy went down by two to one. Good for the citizens of Fairborn! Now let's finish the job and go charter. The best way to keep government from destroying our schools is to get government OUT of our schools!  #147 RW (Wednesday, 08 May 2013 06:20) Thank you Karen, Fairborn Speaks, CFFF and everyone who presented facts on this website which helped defeat this levy. The flyer being sent to every home was phenomenal! You all did a great job and I knew the truth would prevail!  #146 Patrick Craig (Tuesday, 07 May 2013) Congratulations, Speakers, on the defeat of this latest levy attempt. This is the way we show our young people that we care about their education. The so-called leadership of Fairborn Schools needs to be held accountable.

Personally, I don't expect these victories to continue. In war, when an enemy tortures prisoners, some of those prisoners will eventually break and confess to anything. The tactic is essentially the same here - keep thrusting the levy in the faces of the voters until they are so sick of it that they vote 'yes' just to make it go away. I will hope that we can continue to stand strong, but with the increasing apathy I see on a daily basis, I lose a little more faith each day.

'Sycophants' may make fun of me as they wish, since, as we all know, ridicule is such an amazingly effective way to change hearts and minds.

Until the next torture session- er, I mean, election...  #145 JD (Tuesday, 07 May 2013 22:45) You are so full of it Karen. You spin lies as well as a crooked politician. You could care less about putting the kids first. Regardless of how good or how bad leadership is in city council or the school board, you will always rant and rave against them. Quality does not matter to people like you....only the almighty dollar. At least be honest. You could care less about anything as long as your taxes are as low as you can get them. Damn the kids, damn the city, damn your own property values, and damn any possible progress for Fairborn if it cost you a dime. Sickening.  #144 Frank Gilbert (Tuesday, 07 May 2013 22:37) School board meeting Thursday night, 6:30 at the city's council chambers. We must not gloat over the levy defeat(and I have yet to see anyone gloating). But we need to do something different than just putting another levy on the ballot in November for even more millage. Throwing money at the problem IS NOT the solution.  #143 Poor senior (Tuesday, 07 May 2013 21:43) Great job Fairborn!! No more money to this horrific school district that has been mangled by this superintendent and BOE!! Absolutely mangled.  #142 Shadow (Tuesday, 07 May 2013 21:35) Next Manor Court meeting is on 5/9/2013 from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM.

Somebody had better alert Kleenex to start implementing three shifts at every plant! They just might be able to make enough facial tissues in time to meet Princess Tessie Do- Little's sobbing fit this Thursday!  #141 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 07 May 2013 21:33) Thanks to ALL who learned the FACTS, made a WISE decision and opted to PUT THE KIDS FIRST BY DEMANDING QUALITY LEADERSHIP! This Board of Education BETTER get the message from the voters. Otherwise - next up - RECALL.

JD - Oh, yes, the kids who are so disabled they can't attend school but aren't even considered disabled. Makes, wait, it's utter NONSENSE! Looks like common sense prevailed tonight, JD!!!

 #140 Shadow (Tuesday, 07 May 2013 20:55) 66% Against the school levy vs. 34 % For the school levy, with 100% of the precincts reporting

Are Lord $carberry, The Beav and the Lord's Manor Court getting the message yet?!?  #139 JD (Tuesday, 07 May 2013 15:15) All of the FDA students that have disabilities which prevent them from attending a public school are not rated as disabled by the state. I know some of them through having coached youth sports, etc;  #138 Danger Combs (Tuesday, 07 May 2013 14:22) As usual, JD, you couldn't find your own rump with two hands, a map and a Sherpa. According to info the Digital Academy provides to the State of Ohio (Ohio Department of Education report card data), only 10.7% of their students have disabilities. Indeed - among all the categories of "at-risk" students they serve, the ones you describe are evidently so rare that they are not even mentioned in the enrollment info on the school's website! So, if THAT was the "best you had to offer," JD - I would strongly advise going back to your shuffleboard game!  #137 JD (Tuesday, 07 May 2013) Karen POST 134 - "*By warehousing low-performing students in an OUTSIDE school, FCS doesn’t have to count their test scores and low graduation rates, nor allow such scores to impact the Ohio “report card” for FCS. Ask yourself – if we had to include these students, would the FCS even be rated “Effective”? Probably not."

JD - Your statement is not true. Many of these Fairborn Digital Academy students are high performing students that for medical reasons are not able to attend full day classes at a public school. You yourself are in a similar situation to that of some of these kids. Maybe you should do a little better research before spouting off.  #136 fairbornspeaks (Tuesday, 07 May 2013 07:50) There are two things that induce vomiting really well: syrup of Ipecac and today's Fairborn Daily Herald! It was a photographic parade of sycophants and town-destroyers! It should have had a warning label!!!!  #135 fairbornspeaks (Monday, 06 May 2013 21:10) This massive levy is NOT "for the kids" - it is for the greedy teacher union and overpaid administrators who have been dragging the FCS into the abyss. VOTE NO! And with that, we will close the debate until the election is called! See you tomorrow night, folks!  #134 Karen Combs (Monday, 06 May 2013 21:09) Vote - I wonder why NONE of you have the courage to sign your names? Do they train you to do that in sycophant school?  #133 Karen Combs (Monday, 06 May 2013 21:07) Polls open May 7 from 6:30AM - 7:30 PM. VOTE NO! Tell the FCS that the first step to better schools is better leadership! Until we have that, NOT A CENT!!!  #132 VOTE YES! (Monday, 06 May 2013 20:24) Just reminding everyone to get out and support our schools tomorrow! VOTE YES FOR FAIRBORN CITY SCHOOLS, but most importantly, OUR KIDS! PUT FAIRBORN KIDS FIRST!!!  #131 CFFF (Monday, 06 May 2013 16:27) We are out of signs!!!-- Tueday evening I will be going by picking up sign so if yours come up missing hopeful I have it or you can put them back for the next round in 6 months-- Thank you all  #130 Danger Combs (Monday, 06 May 2013 10:45) YOU are wrong, Sycophant! There is NO deficit projected this year. The deficit is projected - and, as Ashes so correctly noted - this means it is a GUESS - in fiscal year 2014 - which does not end until June of 2015. In the meantime, let's look at what it's based on, shall we? For starters, it predicts increased staff costs. But they just CUT some staff, didn't they? Claimed to save over a $1 million, right? So that guess won't be right. Then it claims increased benefit costs, but when this levy FAILS, the unions will be forced to negotiate on those (which, of course, should have been done by this "fiscally responsible-hahhaha" regime EIGHTS YEARS AGO. So that guess won't be right either. It is also based on flat funding from the state when we already know that the FCS will be getting INCREASED funding from the state, perhaps more than $1.5 million. So, crikey, that guess doesn't hold water either! Looks like, if they make some MORE CUTS - which is what they should have been doing EVERY DAY ANYWAY - we won't really have a deficit at all! Now who is the "liar"?!?!?!

No one can stop FOOLS from supporting this massive levy, but don't come on here calling me names and pretending you are smart. You will just get served.  #129 Karen Combs (Monday, 06 May 2013 10:45) Repost and correction: The vile post described was actually after the November 2010 - not 2012 - election. Either way, it should have been REMOVED by Mr. Parks.

Given the appalling facebook posts by the "Public Relations" Director of FCS, I decided to take a peek at a few others. Imagine that a SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER, Roland Parks, posted on his page which is OPEN TO VIEW by all, including school children, the following (after the 2010 elections): Under his own "headline" of my reaction to Tuesday's election: it shows a picture of President Obama and reads WITHOUT CENSORED LANGUAGE: "Sit ya A** down, I'm trying to fix this SH**

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, THIS is what represents YOU on the School Board!! And he left it up there AFTER the controversy over Facebook postings by another school official!!! DISGUSTING!!!!!  #128 Poor senior (Monday, 06 May 2013 09:06) Vote no on may 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  #127 Ashes to Ashes (Sunday, 05 May 2013 21:33)


I would like to thank you for having this site. A place for citizens to share valuable information and a source of TRUTH. Without regard to whom your facts apply, you give the FACTS exactly as they are. You however, have taken it further than most citizens would. You are holding our elected officials accountable. For this, thank you. The citizens cannot rely on their government nor the news media for truth in information. That task has proved too great for either. You however have taken on the task they refuse to do. Please continue with the TRUTH in our government.

If not for you, WHO?

Thank you, for standing up for what is right!!!!

Some Other Guy,

In your post #124, I believe you incorrectly stated Mr. Gilbert, never answers any questions or provide solutions. Here is what I interpreted from the last school board meeting, and I believe he did both.

Here is the question I believe he asked the school board:

What is happening to our tax dollars within the school district and why is there a deficit?

I believe he even provided you with the answer to his own question:

The appearance for the need of a levy was made possible through the budget forecast process. A 5 year forecast is a prediction of the financial future of the school district. This financial forecast can show what would happen if monies were transferred to different accounts.

By the transfer of monies into a BOARD approved and established retirement plan, to pay for the pickup (the 10% employee part) of the school employee retirement contributions in the STRS. This alone will cost the TAXPAYERS $1.25 MILLION.

By the transfer of monies into a capital improvement fund that never occurred before this year. For a total of $4.8 MILLION.

These two little bookkeeping procedures total SIX MILLION 50 THOUSAND DOLLARS. ($6,050,000) an expenditure that would create a shortage, on paper. This is how they came up with the so called deficit. The creation of an expenditure!!!!!

I also think he provided the solution; holding the school board accountable to the taxpayer (their employer) for the way they spend the monies put in trust to this board.


In reply to your post #136:

The paper's complicity is not only shown by their representations made in this story, but also by the extent to which they failed to reveal facts material in the story to which readers lack of, would have a consequence on the outcome of the election.

For the paper and Our Great Leaders, such propaganda comes with a mutual understanding that neither expect a business relationship nor services from one another. As such arrangements would lead to the obvious conclusion that the paper is over influenced by Our Great Leaders, who can easily determine the attitude of the paper.

Imagine nothing being printed contrary to their wishes. Or they would withdraw their legal advertisements and endanger the existence of the paper. This is why Our Great Leaders consider themselves immune from criticism, and therefore, able TO ACT AGAINST THE PUBLIC INTEREST!

Proof of this influence is difficult, as most readers, without knowledge, make their decisions based on emotion rather than logic. The experienced reader will immediately pick up on it. But among the readers that are initiated and take the story at face value, they are robbed of the truth.

 #126 Your statement above about math is wrong Karen, and you know it. (Sunday, 05 May 2013 21:21) Obviously the levy wouldn't go into effect until next year, and they would have to borrow money from the state for the rest of the year. So the levy covers the deficit for next year/this year, and the money to be repaid to the state. So you are wrong once again Karen.  #125 Janice (Sunday, 05 May 2013 18:36) Is anyone surprised that Mr. Parks would do something like that? He is a RENTER who had the gall to approve placing a property tax issue on the ballot! He also said he didn't understand why renters don't support the levy since they don't have to pay for it! That isn't even true since their rents will eventually go up to cover the tax, but just the whole lack of "principles"!!

Q: When's the recall starting? A: Not soon enough.  #124 Shadow (Sunday, 05 May 2013 14:00) More information on Fairborn Digital Academy, per the National Center of Educational Statistics (NCES). Please note, the NCES is part of the FEDERAL Department of Education.

- NCES lists Fairborn Digital Academy as a “district” with one school, the Fairborn Digital Academy

Under the “School Heading” is the following information:

- Under “Type” it is listed as a “Regular School”

- Under the heading, “Charter:” it reads “Yes”

I’m so SHOCKED, “The Beav” AKA Leisure Suit Larry would be incorrect on this small detail…How does he keep with all his fabrications?

- Under the heading “Student to Teacher Ratio:” 10.48. There are only 114 students in grades 9-12, but TEN teachers are needed for this low number of students!

Under the “District” heading for Fairborn Digital Academy, under the heading, “Type” it states “Charter Agency”  #123 Shadow (Sunday, 05 May 2013 13:00) As one of the most vocal critics of the FDH, my final "read" on the publication's integrity comes down to their Tuesday morning edition. If FCS was being duplicitous and Ms. Crowe did not know, then a correction should be published identifying the Wardles (nice 4 bedroom, $200,000 value home they have there, by the way) as being related to Mr. Carico. If nothing is published, then the FDH (meaning Ms. Crowe, as its editor) is COMPLICIT in FCS’ DECEPTION by featuring these individuals. Lets see if FDH is really a descendent of Thomas Nast’s Fourth Estate or more of a propaganda PR firm for FCS, with an occasional letter to the editor or article to give the façade of “balance.”  #122 Karen Combs (Sunday, 05 May 2013 09:48) I am going to start a new "tab" for feature "articles." This is to provide a way for people who don't want the message board's "debate" component to go to the latest articles directly. The articles will also appear on the Message Board, but the new tab will allow them to "live" a little longer before being pushed down the row!  #121 Karen Combs (Sunday, 05 May 2013 09:44) I am all for trying to get every child an education, but I think we should give some scrutiny to the Fairborn Digital Academy. Did you know…

*This is described as a “stand-alone, independent school sponsored by the Fairborn City Schools.” What gibberish! If we “sponsor” it, we should control it!

*It cost over $782,000 to run this school in the year ending June 2011. At the time, there were 120 students, for a per student cost of over $6,516 FOR A “VIRTUAL” SCHOOL!

*The school is rated “effective,” but only 35.7% of students graduate high school in four years (the state requirement is 90%).

*By warehousing low-performing students in an OUTSIDE school, FCS doesn’t have to count their test scores and low graduation rates, nor allow such scores to impact the Ohio “report card” for FCS. Ask yourself – if we had to include these students, would the FCS even be rated “Effective”? Probably not.

*The Academy is run by an APPOINTED Board – NOT the FCS BOE. While this undoubtedly means the Academy has a smarter Board, it also means that WE, the taxpayers “sponsoring” this school CAN’T vote them out!

*The Academy can recruit students from OUTSIDE the FCS District for on-line learning. Don’t we have enough problems of our own?

*The FCS has railed against private, parochial and charter schools in the past – so why are THEY running one?

*To Charter or Not To Charter, that is the question… In an e-mail on April 9, 2013, FCS Treasurer Eric Beavers responded to my question -is the Fairborn Digital Academy a Charter school?- with this unambiguous reply: “No.”

But when I went to the Academy’s website, I saw a news article promoting them as “the top charter school in the state”!! So I decided to ask the building principal. On April 10, 2013, Academy principal Erik Tritsch replied that the “Fairborn Digital Academy is a public charter school.” Keep in mind that, at the last BOE meeting, Mr. Beavers was upset that people would dare question him! Yeah, our skepticism is so unwarranted, eh?

*On a final note, in the last state audit of the Academy, there was a “finding” against them for failure to submit reports using Generally-Accepted Accounting Standards. Such finding could subject the school to fines and or other penalties. The response? According to the auditor’s office, the finding was NOT corrected and, in fact, “we did not receive a response from officials to this finding.” Refusing to accept advice and follow rules from the state auditor?!? Wherever did they learn that tactic?  #120 RJ (Sunday, 05 May 2013 08:16) How much nerve to keep parading their relatives out to defend this indefensible levy! This just shows how much we need a recall election to sweep these clowns out!  #119 Danger Combs (Saturday, 04 May 2013 17:07) The Fairborn Daily Herald tried to paint the Wardles as just another student and parent in the FCS district. Well, it has come to my attention that objective "parent" Marcy Wardle is actually the daughter of BOE member Bob Carico - who voted to put this massive levy on the ballot! Presumably her daughter is Bob's granddaughter, not just some random student as depicted.

Furthermore, Mrs. Wardle at one time also worked for the FCS, so BOTH "parents" interviewed for this article have been employees of the district at one time!

In my opinion, there are only two ways this kind of SNOW JOB can occur - the people involved HIDE their astonishing conflicts-of-interest from the media OR the media doesn't mind participating in it. I still trust Amanda Crowe enough to believe the former, but the FDH needs to learn to cast a SKEPTICAL EYE to ANYTHING they say! The people of Fairborn are SICK AND TIRED of being lied to!  #118 Janice (Saturday, 04 May 2013 15:57) I think this levy is going down. They didn't even have enough supporters to post signs or submit letters to the editor about it. The only thing they did was waste OUR money on that color "magazine." Looks like no one was willing to put their OWN money in to support it! Send them a strong message that we have had ENOUGH!  #117 Frank Gilbert (Saturday, 04 May 2013 09:54) I have to smile at SOG. He seems to be living proof you Can put your head where the sun doesn't shine. And I think I've made it clear several times that I am willing to meet in person with individuals to express my views on matters that I don't feel I can discuss here. By the way, just what's wrong with the Dukes of Hazard and the Golden Buffet? Though I'm not particularly a fan of either, I won't pee in someone else's cup of tea. As for what I want to do on the school board, I think I've made that clear. In case you hadn't heard, I would like to work on reforming how we fund our schools. I believe change starts at our level. Apparently, our board does not. That was my main reason for running. After Mr. Parks suggested I look deeper into the issues, I did and was not happy with what I saw and now would like to do more on the spending end of the problem as well. How is that for a start? And I think our main focus must be on educating our children. Does anyone disagree with that? Can they?  #116 Karen Combs (Saturday, 04 May 2013 09:05) Citizens against the tax increase and out-of-control FCS spending FINALLY got some media coverage in today's Fairborn Daily Herald! Amanda Crowe wrote two good articles. Of course, The FACTS are clear and have NEVER been refuted! Notice that the article in favor of the levy contains nothing but emotion and claims of the FCS Treasurer that have NEVER been proved. The annual budget keeps going up, up, up and he keeps claiming "cuts." And, for some reason, the media never asks him to put up or shut up!

Now, I just have two questions - the paper will cover only one side as long as it is IN FAVOR OF the city or school regimes. This happened with the last BOE meeting when there wasn't a SINGLE MENTION of those who spoke against the levy. But, when they cover the opposition, it suddenly has to be "balanced." The result? Those on a spending spree with your $ get their version publicized TWICE. Seems a bit unfair to me.

Second, when you go to the newspaper's website, the main article featured on their home page is about summer camp for kids. Three days before an election, the main articles are OBVIOUSLY the ones about the levy!

Keep up the good work, Amanda, and please stay on the story!  #115 Danger Combs (Saturday, 04 May 2013 07:06) SOG - you actually wrote about the "media attention given to a School Board candidate." :) Hilarious! Yes, I'm sure Frank has to dodge paparazzi everywhere he goes! Strike a pose, Frank! How about if you JUST ONCE addressed a MEANINGFUL issue and had something important to say, SOG?  #114 Shadow (Friday, 03 May 2013 21:59) Part I

Fairborn Resident, thanks so much for your response, I’m going to break it down to use it as guide for adding additional information regarding the Levy:

“I don't agree with the levy completely for reasons I don't want to say,”

Ok, I will attribute that statement to your desire to protect your children who are students; I am aware of numerous anecdotal accounts of children being “Blackballed” by FCS employees if their parents are perceived as “speaking out” against the administration, faculty, etc.

“but I am supportive of the levy because my kids are in school and I don't want to pay $500 per sport,” So to prevent you not paying, you think thousands of your neighbors, many who are elderly and/or on fixed incomes need to pay? How about we do a deeper dive into the issue of “participation fees.” The supposition is that the school has no other sources of revenue and SOMEONE HAS TO PAY ADDITIONAL $$$ for athletics to continue. Ok, lets play with fire here and use FCS’ own levy ad, I mean school newsletter, funding numbers for athletics. On Page 6, in bold red numbers is $416,786, listed as the “Athletic Expense of General Fund.” There is also a dire warning included, which states “(athletic programs will be) eliminated when Fairborn City Schools is placed under state financial control.” There is just one problem with that contention: IT IS COMPLETELY FALSE. State auditor representative Roger Hardin, in his December 2012 BOE appearance emphasized the state doesn’t even have mechanisms in place to “control” FCS in the manner described; Yes, fear mongering at its best, courtesy of Lord $carberry and his Manor Court BOE. Now follow me here…Since the state is not in “control,” so who made the decision to unilaterally raise the participation fee? The man who IS in control, Lord $carberry! Ok, now put on “Imagine” by John Lennon and continue to follow along: The FEA (Teachers Union) contract ends at the conclusion of the school year, right when our Leisure Suit Larry school treasurer says fiscal Armageddon occurs. Why didn’t The Beav announce publicly, after the last levy failed in November 2012, that negotiations with the FEA on a new, district money saving contract must be concluded before FCS own version of a fiscal cliff occurred? FCS wouldn’t have to worry about a “cuts on the backs of teachers” outcry because the district citizens just gave them political cover with a levy rejection. Still here? Ok, here are some FCS salary numbers courtesy of the Buckeye Institute:  #113 Shadow (Friday, 03 May 2013 21:58) Part II

5 FCS employees make over $100,000 a year 3 FCS Employees make between $90,000 and $100,000 a year 12 FCS Employees make between $80,000 and $90,000 a year 58 FCS Employees make between $70,000 and $80,000 a year 96 FCS Employees make between $60,000 and $70,000 a year

Lets introduce you to a neat concept actual businesses understand: Real Cost Cutting leads to new sources of INSIDE REVENUE!

If athletics is REALLY a TOP priority, you negotiate with the FEA, starting in November 2012, on their new contract. Part of the 174 employees making $60K or more are union, part are not. In a show of solidarity for “The Kids,” all 174 take a $2500 pay cut as part of administrator salary cuts and the newly negotiated FEA contract. None of the 174 will be going anywhere near the poverty line and $435,000 is now available to fund athletics! So “Fairborn Resident,” why has $carberry not pursued this path? Simple: His priority is ENRICHING himself and his cronies; it has nothing to do with “the kids” hence the BELOW AVERAGE PERFORMANCE of FCS in all objective measures! “and have them with a bunch of kids who don't care about their education.”

If you think their peers are below average, why give EVEN MORE MONEY to the district leadership who has created the problem in the first place?

“What quality family would move to a district that isn't constantly supported by the community? That is what will happen if this levy fails. You think things are bad now, just wait.”

Ahh, “Quality Family” Hmm…Where have I heard that before??? Didn’t you go by the name “Choices” a while back “Fairborn Resident”?

“...So I don't think you should be comparing Fairborn to Beavercreek because you are comparing Apples to Oranges.”

Too bad the National Center for Educational Statistics doesn’t back you up… Beavercreek City School's annual revenue per student, $10,807. Fairborn City School's annual revenue per student? $10,996! Maybe it does have something to do with fruit; for less money, Beavercreek citizens are getting above average ACT/SAT scores registered by their graduates and “Excellent” and “Excellent w/Distinction” ratings. FCS rotten apple leadership “team” gives us BELOW AVERAGE ratings and our graduates BELOW AVERAGE ACT/SAT scores.

STOP THE INSANITY OF DOING THE SAME THING AND EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS, VOTE NO! on May 7th!  #112 Poor senior (Friday, 03 May 2013 19:26) How long can Carico/Swaim sit and defend this horror???? Who do they really answer to?????? That IS the question!! Come on guys "step up!"  #111 Some Other Guy (Friday, 03 May 2013) Frank Gilbert: "I do believe I know why there is such a lower average income in Fairborn, but I don't feel its something I can discuss here."

Frankie, enough with the mystery answer crap. You love this website so much, but you never answer any questions or provide solutions. No, I don't support the school levy. But from someone that delights in the media attention given to a school board candidate, I expect answers. Maybe you should stick to topics that you have knowledge of, such as "Dukes of Hazard" trivia and Golden Corral Buffett line strategies.  #110 RW (Friday, 03 May 2013 15:29) Karen Post 119 - In response to you wanting to know why we are using a Cleveland lawyer when we have our own here (Michael Mayer): Scarberry was asked this question directly via an information request a few years ago. His response was "because he specializes in school matters". The real reason (I found this out through a Cuyahoga Falls School Board Member) is that the Cleveland lawyer is a friend of Scarberry's who bailed him out of a legal mess he got in with that District, so he 'returned the favor'. The FCS District is paying the Cleveland lawyer big bucks and doesn't really ever do anything! Michael Mayer isn't any better. And, on top of having the existing lawyers, if you look at the civil cases in Greene County Courtview records, the cases shown for the Fairborn City Schools have even different lawyers. We are paying a lot of money for legal service for the District.

Also, my post regarding the felon at Fairborn Primary School was not intended to be 'snarky' or harsh. The intent was to show that if the District is as concerned about the kids as they say they are when they want more money from us, then why aren't they doing their job with background checks on employees to ensure that our kids are safe.  #109 dave criner (Friday, 03 May 2013 10:57) i find it amazing that the posters who support this massive levy cannot attack the facts presented here. they use emotions and fear to further their agenda. they also do not use their real names, perhaps content in their avatar existence so they do not have to defend their position in public-let the flames begin!. instead of keeping to the facts they redirect and whine. they just cannot stand facts-just fantasies, half truths and outright lies. they are living in never-never-land. no one who posts here who is against the levy is not for the kids - that has never been said. what i and others are steadfastly against is the unbelievable waste and refusal to implement suggestions to reduce spending that goes back for years. this is not about the kids - i defy ANYONE to factually defend that statement. it is all about money and waste. if the school has cut so much, that indicates to me they had so much FAT for years and that is indefensible. when a school board elected official, ms. Little, cannot answer a SIMPLE question, saying it is against the law to do so, that is indefensible and pathetic. the school board had the opportunity to engage the public since they were elected but the did NOTHING.. repeat - NOTHING. that is a fact - no town hall meetings, no public engagement(s) at all-that is a fact. I, and a lot of folks, have to live within their budget and the schools should have to live within theirs. Federal tax cuts expired this year so everyone's paycheck was lower starting jan 2013. for some i have talked to, that is $50 per paycheck, $1200 per year in additional federal taxes being paid. enough is enough. live within your means-the rest of us have to.  #108 fairbornspeaks (Friday, 03 May 2013 08:15) Shadow - Sorry I missed approving your post that is now at #114. I just noticed this AM that it somehow "fell through the cracks"! Also, in my post below, the BOE letter I reference is actually in post #98. I obviously need another cup of coffee!  #107 Karen Combs (Friday, 03 May 2013 08:10) Part I Each day, I become more and more convinced that the next big effort citizens make is a recall effort to remove the incompetents from the BOE (then we can turn to the City Council next!).

I posted my last e-mail to the BOE at post #99, and I want you all to know the UNBELIEVABLE reply I received yesterday. But your seatbelt on, here it is:

(to Mrs. Combs - though I do not address myself as such): Please note that the rule says, at #3: "District officials should not have a leadership role in booster organizations." The key word is officials. Fairborn only has two district officials, The Superintendent and the Treasurer. Also, Mrs. Gayheart is a parent of a Fairborn student and is permitted to be an active member in student clubs. Mrs Gayheat works in the administration office as an employee. Sinceerely, Tess Little President, Fairborn City Schools Board of Education

After I stopped laughing, I fired back with this: Ms. Little, This is positively absurd! Are you suggesting that this policy was written ONLY to preclude TWO people from such a post?

The Ohio Administrative Code defines an official as: Public official or employee" means any person who is elected or appointed to an office or is an employee of any public agency."

Where are you getting your new definition from?

 #106 Karen Combs (Friday, 03 May 2013 08:09) Part II Then I did a little experiment to see how quickly I could disprove her statement using the FCS’s own info. Here is what I uncovered and provided to them:

Fairborn School Board, At the risk of embarrassing you further than the last communication already did, here is your OWN district's definition of an official from the FCS 2011-2012 "Opening Info" document:

The Fairborn City School District will use the following criteria to determine who are school officials. An official is: 1. a person duly elected to the school Board; 2. a person certified by the state and appointed by the school Board to an administrative or supervisory position; 3. a person certified by the state and under contract to the school Board as an instructor, or a person certified by the state and under contract with another school district that provides special services to the district (i.e., physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc.); 4. a person employed by or under contract to the school Board as a temporary substitute for administrative, supervisory or instructional personnel for the period of his/her performance as a substitute; 5. a person employed by or under contract to the school Board to perform a special task such as a teacher aide, a secretary, a treasurer, the school Board attorney, or auditor for the period of his/her performance as an employee or contractor, or; 6. a person assigned by a university and approved by the Superintendent, or designee, to be a student teacher in the district. School officials who meet the criteria listed above will have access to a student's records if they have a legitimate educational interest in doing so. A "legitimate educational interest" is the person's need to know in order to: 1. perform an administrative task required in the school employee's position description approved by the school Board; 2. perform a supervisory or instructional task directly related to the student's education; or 3. perform a service or benefit for the student or the student's family such as health care, counseling,student job placement, or student financial aid.

They must still be consulting with their Cleveland lawyer (whose name suddenly appeared on their “cc” list) because I’ve yet to receive a clarification. Why does the BOE have some lawyer from the opposite end of the state while they also contract with the City Solicitor here? Guess it takes a lot of lawyers to cover all their messes! Well, one thing is clear – they don’t like their own policy OR their own definitions!

WHO CARES if Pam Gayheart has children in the schools – of course she can be active in the club – but BY THEIR OWN POLICY she cannot hold a leadership position! If these people had a single shred of integrity, she would be asked to step down or do so on her own.  #105 Frank Gilbert (Thursday, 02 May 2013 22:27) Scott #115

They are two different issues. But one effects the other. I do believe I know why there is such a lower average income in Fairborn, but I don't feel its something I can discuss here. And its not that they make to much money. They simply can't expect people who make much less than them to continue to pay what they don't have. That is not CRAP, that is the truth. I'd be happy to meet with you and discuss the issue at length.  #104 Karen Combs (Thursday, 02 May 2013 21:45) RW - I did give lots of thought to publishing your post because - even by my standards of "snarky" it seemed quite harsh- but then a friend reminded me that I post so much that is negative toward "our side" - maybe they should also "feel the burn"!

Scott - Our income is low because we are a poor community. Our property values have been decimated by poor city and school leadership.  #103 Scott (Thursday, 02 May 2013 20:14) Can someone please explain WHY the income for Fairborn residents is so much lower than others BESIDES the crap about teachers making too much money?  #102 Shadow (Thursday, 02 May 2013 19:00) Feet,

Karen is getting pretty darn good at understanding my reasoning; she replied to you as I would have replied concerning my post. As a refresher, here are the first two paragraphs of the article, verbatim:

CEDARVILLE — A class of Fairborn kindergarteners headed to college last week to get a glimpse of what their future in education could look like. Wright Campus teacher Jarid Mayo and his 23 students visited his alma mater, Cedarville University, which is their class sponsor through the “No Excuses University” program, to see a college in action and to get excited about going to college." Not exactly an opening for just any old field trip, Feet. That is by design. And what do we know of the organization that pedals "No Excuses University," TurnAround Schools Consulting LLC? Per their .COM website: "TurnAround Associates who are available for consulting services at your school. To have one of our associates host on-site training at your school, contact us at [email protected]."

Yep, an EDUCATIONAL CONSULTING FIRM LOOKING TO MAKE MONEY via on-site (SSS) consulting and their "No Excuses University" BRAND. Brand? Oh yes, you can buy their logo’d t-shirts for $15.00 or a sweatshirt for $25.00. Oh, they have set up a front "No Excuses University Foundation” non-profit in Texas; the charity watchdog group lists the following alerts concerning the “No Excuses University Foundation:”

- Organization has not reported Revenue & Expense data to GuideStar

- Mission Statement is not available

- Impact Summary from the nonprofit is not available

Think with your head, Feet, not just your heart. Should the parents of this kindergarten class keep a yellowing copy of this article to submit with their student’s transcripts and essays TWELVE YEARS FROM NOW? If FCS continues with its BELOW AVERAGE PERFORMANCE in preparing our graduates, will Johnny or Jane having been “perceived” as “Excited” for the purposes of a thinly veiled pro school administration article really make up for their BELOW AVERAGE ACT/SAT scores and a GPA earned at a BELOW AVERAGE RATED DISTRICT?

OUR STUDENTS FUTURES ARE AT STAKE! Now is not the time to accept “feel good” fluff but to demand FCS administrator accountability for BELOW AVERAGE PERFORMANCE WHILE RECEIVING WAY ABOVE AVERAGE PAY AND BENEFITS!

VOTE “NO!” on May 7th and take back control of our schools before it is too late!  #101 Shadow (Thursday, 02 May 2013 18:03) Hmm, isn’t it interesting how the Loyal Royal Scribe Herald made a point of highlighting their “Opinion” section on their masthead today…All the unquestioning pro-levy stories were not helping circulation, so they figured they better make use of the FACTUAL levy information provided by real citizens, not mystery novel writing “Special Correspondents.” Kudos well deserved to Dave Criner breaking down Lord $carberry using his manor court, err, BOE, to further enrich himself, Frank Gilbert illustrating The Beav and FCS’ duplicity on REAL budget numbers and broken promises, Jo Ann Collin’s illustration on how Fairborn District citizens money leaves the district via FCS employee pockets and Carla Cotter’s detailed analysis of the real costs property owners are paying (and paying and paying…)

Gee FDH, why couldn’t any of your own staff dig any of this up????  #100 RW (Thursday, 02 May 2013 17:35) Okay, I wasn't going to say anything about this because if you give the FCS employees a rope long enough, they will eventually hang themselves. And I don't take to well to name-calling because I don't want to pay more taxes that will go to salaries and benefits and not the kids, as already evidenced by all past levies providing 80% of our money to pay the employees. If this money is all about "the kids" Mr. Corey Gayheart and everybody else who thinks it is, then why in the heck is the FCS allowing an employee who has a felony criminal record to work with the Primary School kids? And don't tell me that it's an old felony, I already researched that. If you are a Title 1 school, which Fairborn Primary is, then a criminal record is not allowed. If I had kids in the Primary School, I would be screaming bloody murder that a felon is being allowed to supervise my child on the playground. This felon has dealt in drugs, etc. and he is around the children every day. So, this money is about the kids. Go tell another joke FCS employees. You should all be fired for allowing a felon to work without doing the proper background check. You have endangered those children's life every day and you scream to the public that 'it's about the kids'. Corey Gayheart, I watched you on the Board Meeting and you make me sick to my stomach. You are as arrogant as Scarberry, Gibbons and your mom and any other FCS employee who says 'it's about the kids'. What kind of answer would they give if something happened (God forbid) to one of those kids because a felon is 'watching' them. No, this money is not about the kids or you would have made sure their safety is at stake ALL the time. But FCS you have failed again. Hopefully when this levy fails, you all will take your hypocritical selves to another state or country and leave our city so we can get it back to the caring, loving community it once was.  #99 Danger Combs (Thursday, 02 May 2013 08:31) Fairborn Resident - I am surprised that anyone over the age of 5 actually tries to argue that a public employee should criticize the very public that pays her salary! The icing on the cake is that this gal also claims to be a "public relations" expert! (chuckle, snort, guffaw!)

While satire, sarcasm and downright criticism of public officials is more American than Apple Pie, a public official criticizing her "employers" is reckless suicide! With a single blow, she managed to permanently alienate COUNTLESS people. PR genius!

I am also surprised that anyone old enough to type isn't aware that nothing on the internet is "personal" or private. So if she is dumb enough to post it on a PUBLIC forum like Facebook, she - and you - can SHUT UP about being busted for it!

Also - if the choice is between you (with the community's generous help - as Fairborn is ALWAYS generous) having to raise money for sport fees versus handing this IRRESPONSIBLE, INCOMPETENT and SHOULDA-BEEN-FIRED-YEARS-AGO regime $70 MILLION, then only a fool would choose the latter! We are only funding varsity football, not buying an NFL franchise!

Finally, my statement about not comparing Fairborn and Beavercreek had to do with INCOME - not the learning ability of students! Really, if you are going to post on here with the grown-ups, try to keep things IN CONTEXT! Nonetheless, according to you tax collectors, the staff here is all so wonderful, I can't begin to imagine why the scores here are so mediocre - can you?

Feet - I don't want to speak for him, but I don't think Shadow was talking about the field trip itself, but the absurd "No Excuses U" program. And that IS a program put in place by Lord $carberry - as is EVERYTHING in the school district for which HE is responsible! No one said they do "everything wrong," but they waste an awful lot of time and money while ignoring the fundamentals!

 #98 Fairborn Resident (Thursday, 02 May 2013 06:40) Actually Janice, it's quite the opposite. You guys nickname the board, city council, etc. to high heavens so I think that is is very fair that she gives you a "nickname" as well. It is the same thing you guys do and it is on her personal time, on her personal Facebook page, and who knows if she has liberal democrat tax-and-spend opinion. That's none of our business.

And Shadow-I don't agree with the levy completely for reasons I don't want to say, but I am supportive of the levy because my kids are in school and I don't want to pay $500 per sport, and have them with a bunch of kids who don't care about their education. What quality family would move to a district that isn't constantly supported by the community? That is what will happen if this levy fails. You think things are bad now, just wait. ALso, I believe it was Karen on the old message board that stated, "You can't compare Fairborn and Beavercreek" and she jumped onto Allen C. and JD because they I don't think you should be comparing Fairborn to Beavercreek because you are comparing Apples to Oranges.  #97 Feet (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 23:25) Shadow - Concerning the article about kindergarteners taking a field trip to a college; Dave Scarberry had nothing to do with that field trip. According to the article, the field trip was provided by donations through a parent and two people at a church. I think we should be positive in appreciating that some in FCS took it upon themselves to work their resources to provide a field trip for students that normally would not be able to take a field trip. I don't believe that FCS does everything right, but I also don't believe they do everything wrong. This looks like something that was done right, and truly "for the children."  #96 Frank Gilbert (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 22:18) Someone accused Mike Uecker in Facebook of not caring about kids because he is against the levy (picture of his home also posted along with comment). Don't credit him with the sacrifice of his time to help straighten out the financial mess of previous school leadership. Don't credit him and his wife for taking in a foriegn exchange student who attended FHS. Don't credit him for going through an entire history book to learn what it is we are teaching our kids these days. Don't credit him with the fact that he is more dedicated to making sure our kids learn the basics so they are able to learn better in the future. How many other citizens are willing to step forward and do this? How many board members are doing these things (with no kids in the system as proclaimed by the nasty, classless, and untrue post? Fairborn pays about 82 percent for personnel costs while the state average is down around 70 percent. Where will the new levy money go? How is actually going to the "kids"? And does anyone care that Fairbornites have already taxed themselves into poverty to keep school salaries so high while the average salary is 2 and 3 times LESS that the average teacher salary? Does anyone care that administrators make even more? I have grandchildren in the school system. I know where education begins. I know that costs are out of control because of unions and insufficient leadership. And I applaud Mike Uecker for what he is doing. Mike does care about the kids. He also cares about fiscal responsibility and the citizens of Fairborn. Join me in sending a clear message to the poster of that awful post and all the others who want to continue to bleed us dry. VOTE NO ON MAY 7 AND let's get to work on fixing the real problem.  #95 Janice (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 20:22) Fairborn resident - let me make sure I got this --you think Pam Gayheart can insult citizens WHO PAY HER SALARY as "extremists" because they don't share her liberal democrat tax-and-spend views, but those same citizens aren't allowed to insult her back? Looks like this "regime of thugs" as Karen calls them have become real used to no one daring to challenge them! As for people with kids in the system not speaking up against the levy -- they wouldn't DARE! Imagine how these thugs would terrorize their kids?  #94 Danger Combs (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 20:08) Like son - "I never said that you CAN'T have an opinion. I understand the fact that you are entitled to that opinion because you pay taxes." - Corey Gayheart in a Fairbornspeaks post

Not so much like Mother - "None of these folks have children here and they don't care if we cut classes or raise participation fees." - Pam Gayheart on facebook  #93 Shadow (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 18:16) So Fairborn resident, here is a quick question you, as a self-identified "Pro-Tax Folk," can address. Subsequent to your Post # 102, I posted the dismal truth about FCS poor record at preparing its current graduating seniors for competitive college admission. After nearly TEN years of David Scarberry's tenure as superintendent and with per pupil revenues HIGHER THAN Beavercreek City Schools, OUR 2013 seniors are graduating from a BELOW AVERAGE ranked district, with average ACT and SAT scores below both national and state averages. Again, Federal, state, and especially local taxpayers have provided more revenue to FCS per student than Beavercreek, yet our graduates are LESS COMPETITIVE than their peers from that district in the virtual cut throat world of gaining top school admissions with scholarship money to boot. In business terms, the taxpayers are getting a worse return on their investment from FCS than they are from Beavercreek City Schools.

Why than, Fairborn Resident, should we give even more of our hard earned money to the leadership of FCS (which includes Ms. Gayheart) when, in comparison to a neighboring district who receives less money per student, they are doing a WORSE JOB at their primary mission, preparing our students to achieve success post K-12?  #92 K2 (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 17:37) Ms Gayheart most certainly did post a photo of a board member's home (highlighting the anti-levy sign in the yard), and it is currently still on her FB page. We are ALL entitled to our own opinions; however, this posting (as well as her rant about Tea Party extremists) is at best unprofessional. Yet another embarrassment for the FCS administration.  #91 P.S. from Danger (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 16:50) One more thing - like the problem with city committees -- the reason there aren't volunteers "stepping up left and right" is because people don't want to volunteer to be pushed around by a bunch of obnoxious sycophants. Kind of a chicken-egg dilemma!  #90 Danger Combs (Wednesday, 01 May 2013) “Fairborn Resident” - Which Gayheart are you?

The “news” about the shockingly unprofessional remarks on Ms. Gayheart’s facebook page is all over town and it didn’t originate from me! Needless to say, I am not among her facebook friends – and I am sure YOU are not among mine either! Who would take the time to “search” pages set for privacy? Ding, ding, ding – apparently YOU! Well, I rarely post much to my page, so I sure would be amused at what ANYONE could say about it!

Like the rest of the Scarberry administrative regime, Ms. Gayheart’s performance is NOTHING to brag about. Look at the woefully outdated FCS website or pitiful Channel 6 is you want a few examples! If the only duty she has is running all over trying to “be seen” and patting herself on the back – then she’s a pro! Otherwise, color me unimpressed.

This nonsense that someone has to have a kid in the system to have an opinion is ABSURD. If it makes you feel better, I voted AGAINST the school levies when I DID have kids in the system! And I still wouldn’t vote to give this disastrous “leadership” another cent!  #89 Fairborn Resident (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 16:24) Karen-You are ridiculous! Get over it! If anything Ms. Gayheart is the hardest working administrator. Her kids go to Fairborn, she lives in Fairborn, she is a coach, volunteer, etc. Get over yourself. The problem is that we don't have volunteers stepping up right and left to fill positions. SHE HAS THE BEST INTEREST OF THE COMMUNITY IN MIND AND THE FACT THAT YOU ARE GOING TO INSULT SOMEONE IS RIDICULOUS. THIS SHOWS THAT YOU ARE GOING TO THE SAME LOW AS US "PRO-TAX" FOLKS. GET OVER YOURSELF. Also, the fact that you are searching people's personal Facebook pages says a lot. I could say a lot about you from your facebook page but I wouldn't stoop to that low. Thanks!  #88 Shadow (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 13:43) Ah, another tear-jerker in today's loyal Royal Scribe! It so awesome that KINDERGARTNERS are getting "excited" about their college future thanks to FCS' "No Excuses U" program. Yes folks, Lord $carberry's signature college prep program is making sure to use a grade where no objective testing is present; those pesky state report cards showing FCS' BELOW AVERAGE PERFORMANCE must be avoided at all cost. I'm sure those students went home and starting immediately working on their admissions essays...In crayon!

The sad, FACTUAL, truth is Lord $carberry's reign has been a disaster in preparing our students for the real world of 2013 college admissions:

- A district rated BELOW AVERAGE in comparison to its peers in the state. Think admissions counselors don't know this when weighing admit decisions? Do you want to buy some white sandy beachfront property in Wyoming?

- FCS GRADUATES HAVE BELOW NATIONAL AND STATE AVERAGE ACT SCORES. This is with only roughly HALF the graduates taking the exam! What if 100% of graduates took it? What would the average be then? Think about it.

- FCS GRADUATES HAVE BELOW NATIONAL AND STATE AVERAGE SAT SCORES. This is with only roughly A THIRD of the graduates taking the exam! What if 100% of graduates took it? What would the average be then? Think about it. - A criminal 1-2% of FHS graduates matriculate to Top 50 colleges and schools. Graduation season is in the air and I have seen three different articles talking about how new grad employers are only wanting the best and brightest from the most competitive colleges and universities in the country, with many graduates from lesser schools now looking at Starbuck's Barista careers!

According to the most recent National Center for Educational Statistics figures. FCS has MORE REVENUE ($$$), measured on a per student basis, then Beavercreek schools, yet our graduates are two huge points behind in average ACT score and come from an "Effective" rather than an "Excellent" to "Excellent w/Distinction" rated district.

If you are a college admissions officer, on who are you making a "safer" admissions decision on between an FCS graduate and a peer graduate from Beavercreek (or Huber, or Bellbrook or Cedarville for that matter)? What about that admissions committee granting the prospective student tuition-saving merit money? Again, FCS graduates are losing competitive ground to their peers in real life admissions contests and Lord $carberry wants you to feel good about KINDERGARTEN students getting "excited" about college...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! The only way to get real change at FCS and IMPROVE OUR STUDENTS EDUCATION is to STOP THE "NO ACCOUNTABILITY FOR POOR RESULTS" GRAVY TRAIN!!! Vote "NO" on May 7th!  #87 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 13:30) They don't appear to have ANY standards for the conduct of FCS employees!

Ms. Gayheart has been unabashedly using her personal Facebook page to call those who don't support the levy names! She thinks she's clever by lumping us all as "Tea Party" people - although most are not. But she also dares to call us "extremists." In this day and age of terrorism and security concerns, I consider her careless name-calling to be beyond the pale!

And she defends this by saying she has a "right" to her "opinion"! She actually tried to draw a comparison between her reckless and unprofessional conduct as a PAID public employee to mine as a private citizen! She truly doesn't seem to realize that her behavior reflects upon her employer!

I also heard she posted a picture of the home of a BOE member! If so, she should have been FIRED ON THE SPOT!!!

Well, at least the public is getting to see what kind of THUGS are running our schools. VOTE NO on May 7 and then let's work like crazy to get the incompetents out of the FCS administration and BOE!!! We can - we must take back Fairborn!  #86 Shadow (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 13:05) Nice work Karen; the onion that is the Skyhawk Athletic Club (SAC) needs to be peeled no matter how much FCS "leadership" cries about it. Simply put, the district begs poverty regarding the athletic program, yet the amounts of $$$ FCS athletics receives from this organization are sure not part of any eight page levy ads, I mean, "school newsletters." There is a Greene Giving account for paying participation fees and SAC money has paid for uniforms, equipment and facility improvements. It is Used Car Sales 101 at FCS; Use supposed "cuts" in athletic spending to guilt voters into voting for the levy, whose collections are not earmarked in any way. Take the SAC money and use it to operate the sports program, then take the money taxpayers believe they are providing for sports and deposit it...Right into the pockets of administrators, faculty and staff in the form of increased salary and benefits!  #85 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 12:14) My latest correspondence with the hapless Board of Education:

Fairborn Board of Education,

I am writing to seek to removal of Pamela Gayheart as President of the Skyhawks Athletic Club. According to School Board policy Section K - File KMB - Relationships with Booster Organizations, at #3: "District officials should not have a leadership role in booster organizations."

Webster's defines a "booster" organization as "an organization formed to contribute to an associated organization; common in American schools below the university level..." It is clear that the Skyhawks Club meets this definition, serves as a Booster organization and, therefore, falls within the scope of the Board policy. As a member of the school administration, Ms. Gayheart obviously never should have been permitted to become President -nor hold any leadership role whatsoever - in this Club. Please enforce your own policy and request her immediate removal. Thank you.

 #84 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 08:23) “Election Time” – Thanks for acknowledging the excellent quality of research presented here on Fairbornspeaks! I owe it ALL to the many concerned citizens who submit materials, tips and ideas to me. Luckily, I enjoy writing and type quickly, so I am able to convert info in a timely manner. Absent any urgent news, I can work on drafting site changes at my own pace and stop or break as needed. I also keep a small “stockpile” of completed items for days when I don’t have much time or don't feel well.

The rest of your points are a bit off. Many citizens who want to improve Fairborn HAVE run for office or plan to in the future. Of course, this is a tough battle since there is a well- greased ($$$) “machine” that selects, grooms, promotes and spends big money to keep the current BOE and Council regimes afloat. It is a disgusting scheme and it is ever-so- transparent! Who is about to run for Council? Well, just watch who suddenly starts appearing at Council meetings (or, if they are obnoxious, who stops appearing!), gets appointed to their bogus “charities” and zero-accomplishment “committees,” appears in the newspaper at an alarming pace, etc. Case in point: Paul Keller. Who would have ever seen THAT one coming? Hahahaha.

Running for elected office is not the only way to contribute to the community. Indeed, given the incompetence displayed by Fairborn officials, it can often be more hindrance than help! But providing quality information to the public in a free, entertaining and easily-accessible format IS “stepping up to the plate.” If you prefer some political hack who will promise you the moon, take your tax dollars in salary and public retirement, and ultimately deliver nothing -then you already have plenty of those to choose from in Fairborn!

As for my physical health, if it is all the same to you, I will take the advice of my highly- skilled physicians over some anonymous blogger! You have NO IDEA of the challenges I face! For one thing, anyone who knows me will tell you that I have great difficulty sitting for long periods of time and could never endure the meetings required of these positions. Sure, I could run for office and then just not show up or bow out of every meeting – but Fairborn has had officials like that before and I would NEVER do that to the people!

Finally, you don’t know much about being a responsible citizen if you think there are only two kinds of people in a community: those who hold office and those who don’t matter. I profoundly disagree. You should be grateful that your fellow citizens are trying to educate you about what is going on in this city! And you should strive to remove those who have been dragging this town into the abyss. And that is what is REALLY NO BULL around here!!!  #83 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 08:21) Shadow - the good news is that I heard someone got a plate number - their days may be numbered!  #82 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 01 May 2013 08:20) To the lady who sent an e-mail today, please know that I am working on some ideas for you and consulting with a few others. You WILL receive an e-mail reply ASAP!  #81 Shadow (Tuesday, 30 April 2013 21:27) On the subject of sign theft, here is an historical article detailing the possible punishment: "Police Warn Against Political Sign Removal

UPDATED: Wednesday December 21, 2011 4:15 PM

WESTERVILLE, Ohio - Police spoke about the consequences of removing political signs on Tuesday.

According to police, several signs encouraging people to vote "no" on Issue 20, the Westerville City School District's levy, have been taken, 10TV News reported.

Police said the removal of political signs is considered theft.

According to the Westerville Division of Police, police sign theft is a first-degree misdemeanor punishable with up to a $1,000 fine and 180 days in jail.

Criminal trespass is a misdemeanor in the fourth-degree which is punishable up to a $250 fine and 30 days in jail, according to police.

Police also said placement of signs in the right-of-way is not allowed. "

No surprise it would involve signs placed in opposition to a school levy!

Keep a sharp eye out there, troops.

 #80 Election time (Tuesday, 30 April 2013 21:25) I would just like to ask all these wonderful people who have all the time in the world to research, post and argue all the points, WHY in the world are YOU not running for the BOE? You seem to have all the answers! As a Fairborn citizen, I would LOVE to hear how YOU would "fix" everything. You might even get a vote from me. Karen, you always speak of being "disabled", but that doesn't stop YOU from being a wonderful researcher, and a Monday morning quarterback. How about YOU run? Wait, I forgot. YOU are "disabled" and can't. BULL!! Nothing like "FINGER POINTERS" who cry foul but are never willing to "STEP UP" and answer the bell.  #79 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 30 April 2013 20:11) Thanks, Asbury Hills - I will let the CFFF know. It is so low for the pro-tax folks to interfere with an election! Looks like they know they can't argue any merits of the levy!

Reminder folks: PLEASE don't post on the Archives page as I then have to "cut and paste" the posts back over here! I created the Archives page because many people wanted to review old posts. I can't remove the "form" without destroying the page, but I would rather just keep up with one board at a time! THANKS!  #78 Asbury Hills homeowner (Tuesday, 30 April 2013 20:07) --- I have personally witness signs being removed from Armstrong Road (dark blue, black or green GMC SUV) on Sunday 4/20. Since then the signs have been replaced & are now gone again. Really wish someone would get the license plate number of the culprit. Just putting it out there in case someone wants to replace the signs ---  #77 Shadow (Tuesday, 30 April 2013 18:51) The nail on the proverbial head, Poor Senior. Lord $carberry has no motivation to tell the truth; with a vassal manor court (BOE), he doesn't have to answer to anyone regarding the disastrous academic, financial and safety state HE has LED FCS into during his near decade long reign...As long as the Mcmansion is cooled to 68 Degrees, the condo is ready for every spring and summer weekend and the Jumbo SUV is filled with gas, everything is GOOD IN THE LORD's WORLD! IT ought to be for making TEN TIMES the average district resident's income.

Kudos to RMZ for her letter to the editor in today's Loyal Royal Scribe Herald. Not only did she succinctly breakdown the current burden district property owners face, but her emphasis on this being a NINTH tax just for the schools was brilliant. A person like her, whose acumen in real estate matters is undeniable, should be a a real counterweight to those constant fairy tails the Lord's minions spin about home values and schools. Expensive and wasteful underperforming schools are not a good value...Unless you are a school employee, that is!

Yeah, got my CFFF TRUTH flier, delivered right to my mailbox! Lord $carberry's "Do it like we did in '07" stealth and stuff levy campaign takes on more water!

Remember folks, they are COUNTING ON US NOT KNOWING ABOUT THE VOTE AND NOT MAKING IT TO THE POLLS HOME! The union and the administration are colluding and trying to GROW ($$$) their GRAVY TRAIN arrangement.

Tell your friends and neighbors the FACTS and drive them to the polls yourself if need be! Keep our proud, fixed income, home owning seniors away from having to cut their budgets even more to fund FCS shameful largesse! VOTE "NO" on May 7th!  #76 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 30 April 2013 16:50) The mailer against the school tax levy sent out by the Citizens for Fairborn's Future is awesome! Thanks to this hard-working group of concerned citizens for all their efforts! If you didn't receive one, it is the same hand-out available at the link at the top of this page.  #75 jon (Tuesday, 30 April 2013 10:41) Has anyone wondered who wrote the last two articles from the city on the front page of the Fairborn Daily Herald? No byline is given so it begs to be questioned. Was it an out and out press release from the city that no one bothered to read? Is it even fact checked? And if anyone questions these things, how do they get equal coverage? A letter to the editor on page 4 is hardly equal coverage. I wonder if there is some give and take between the city and the paper? So much for journalistic honesty. But then, why should we expect any difference from national to local coverage?  #74 Poor senior (Monday, 29 April 2013 23:58) No Danger Combs Lord Scarberry has NEVER been boxed in by the truth. Lying has always been one of his chief character traits and this inept BOE continues to SIGN OFF on his dishonesty and incompetence.Totally agree no chance of improvement for FCS until Lord Scarberry is in our rear view mirror.The man is an unmitigated disaster.Unbelievable that a Long time educator like Swaim is soooooo unbelievably WEAK.Swaim is obviously wanting to please someone other than the taxpayers of the district.He has been a horrific board member.Absolutely horrific!  #73 Danger Combs (Monday, 29 April 2013 08:58) The FCS have been claiming that employees pay 15% of healthcare premiums. Since when? This is from the STATE AUDIT for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012:

Employee Medical/Dental Benefits: The School District has elected to provide employee medical/surgical benefits through Anthem. The School District pays 90% of family or single plans with the exception of 9 month employees. For employees working less than 10 months the board pays 90% for a single plan and 50% of a family plan. The School District provides 100% of the cost dental insurance to employees.

Looks to me like they pay 10% - or did until just recently! Do they tell the truth about ANYTHING?  #72 Danger Combs (Monday, 29 April 2013 07:57) Did anyone else notice in the FDH article about Dan Kirkpatrick running for mayor that he said he was having a "celebratory meet and greet" soon because of his candidacy?!? WHAT?!?! The election isn't until November. How arrogant! Also not surprised to see Paul Keller running for council - that was predicted already. They have been grooming him - appointing him to various of their half-baked "charities" to get him some self- promotion. I have a campaign slogan idea for these two - "Kirkpatrick/Keller - More of the same destruction for Fairborn." Catchy.  #71 Shadow (Sunday, 28 April 2013 12:03) I am not at all shocked regarding the OSBA’s lack of response to Karen...Quite literally, the FCS BOE takes a lot of its direction from the OSBA, an organization who jealously protects its quasi-government status to promote the “interests” (READ: $$$$) of its members. The FCS BOE is also beholden to the FCS administration, especially since BOE members can receive, as detailed by real state law, school employee retirement benefits. To understand the “figurehead” role of the BOE, take a look at the two newspaper quotes attributed to Lord $carberry, the ones concerning minority and low-income students, which have been highlighted by Fairborn Speaks! According to the Licensure Code of Professional Conduct for Ohio Educators (LPCOE), David Scarberry, Superintendent of Fairborn City Schools and a professional educator, could be accused of a violation of Paragraph 2, Professional Relationship with Students, Conduct Unbecoming of an educator for making comments in the article which fall under section d), “Disparaging a student on the basis of race or ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, political or religious affiliation, physical characteristics, academic or athletic performance, disability or English language proficiency.”

Has the Fairborn BOE, under Tess Little’s “Leadership” undertook a preliminary inquiry into whether or not Scarberry made the statements attributed to him? Have the contacted the reporters in question who interviewed him? Have they at least contacted the State Board of Education for Ohio to report the remarks? The answer, as far as we can tell from the opaque BOE, is NO.

Both the OSBA-sponsored sham of a using a supposed “law” that prevents Board members from speaking to their constituents and the failure to report Lord $carberry to the State Board of Education for a REAL professional conduct standards violation shows the FCS BOE can’t be trusted with any more of the district citizens hard earned money! Vote “NO” on May 7th; Lets hasten regime change at FCS by denying them the one thing they crave more than anything else: OUR MONEY!  #70 Danger Combs (Sunday, 28 April 2013 09:34) One thing I just noticed in glimpsing through the posts, I e-mailed Tess Little on April 12. She doesn't answer me until April 23 and tries to say I sent her a letter "last week." How many days in YOUR week, Ms. Little?  #69 Karen Combs (Sunday, 28 April 2013 09:13) On 4-12-13, I sent the following e-mail to legal counsel for the “Ohio School Board Association,” the group that seems to promote the idea that Boards need not speak to their constituents:

“I was wondering if you - or a member of your staff - might be able to assist me. I am an Ohio resident. We have a school board that believes it is "against the law" for them to speak to members of the public during the course of a board meeting! I am not an attorney, however, I could find no such law in my research of ORC 3313 or related statutes. I understand that a single member of a board should not speak on behalf of the entire board, but is there ANY law preventing a member from speaking for themselves? Likewise, is there ANY law preventing the Board from providing an update to the public after they have reached consensus on an issue raised by the community? If so, could you direct me to this law? Finally, is it possible for a member of the public to obtain a copy of the OSBA materials for new board members? It is my understanding that our tax money goes to support the organization through Board-approved dues. Thank you so kindly for your time and attention.”

The same date, I received this reply from her:

“I am currently out of the office and will return on Tuesday, April 16, 2013.”

And that was the last thing I heard from them.

Looks like this MYTH has been BUSTED WIDE OPEN!!!

 #68 RW (Saturday, 27 April 2013 21:42) Karen, I watched the April 13 Board meeting video and Tess Little is an embarrassment to our community. How did she ever get voted into office. She argues with Dave Criner that she CANNOT have a 'discussion' with him and then proceeds to DISCUSS why she cannot have a discussion! If that isn't bad enough, Parks gets in on the discussion and makes himself look like an idiot as well. And then there's Swaim (or Swain) as Tess calls him, who doesn't say a word (which is probably best in the long run because he would look as bad or worse as the rest of them). Thank you Karen for taking time to confront Tess in writing about her 'laws' that don't exist. In fact, The Sunshine Law states that a request for information does not have to be in writing and can be made verbally. If our Board is skirting the issue and failing to provide information as required by The Sunshine Law, how can they serve in their positions? They all need to resign or be fired. And kudos to Dave Criner. It was great how he kept his composure and did not let Tess or anyone else on the Board intimidate him into just giving up on the 'issue' or 'question' or whatever Tess wanted to call it. What a bunch of clowns we have on our School Board. What an embarrassment!  #67 Janice (Saturday, 27 April 2013 17:12) This remains the ONLY site for REAL news in Fairborn!  #66 Danger Combs (Saturday, 27 April 2013 10:57) Oh, trust me, Centurion - Dan Kirkpatrick doesn't handle it too well when ANYONE disagrees with him! Then again, that's just my opinion and my opinions are generally "dangerous" according to Danny-Boy!

As an employee of Calamityville - he should not even be on the Council, let alone running for Mayor. He is up to his neck in a conflict-of-interest. He is just more of the "same old, same old," and high priest of the Debbie McDonnell fan club. NO THANKS.  #65 Centurion (Saturday, 27 April 2013 10:46) Ashes- It's good to hear from you again. I agree with your assessment in #69. Further, I think this is a good time to repeat one of my earlier comments, about the reference to complacent voters and lazy reporters. "I too, hear these lazy reporter's often inappropriately taking as truth the remarks of either the city government officials or school officials. Investing nothing in the stories themselves, and printing it as gospel. No one wants to see a dying city or a failing school system. However, to support our community and schools, all we ask is the truth. I agree, we are victims of "conventional wisdom". Sad but true, just because something has always been done a certain way, or common thinking has always held to a certain belief, no one ever questions it anymore. Unfortunately great harm is often done through this seemingly innocent acceptance of obsolete thinking. What happens all too often, complacent voters fail to demand something other than these accepted means of accomplishing a goal, and in doing so miss out on an even better way of achieving a better solution. It seems to be the same, whether it's a city government issue or a school issue, leaders and their supporters lack of any suggestion of an alternative which can accomplish the same goals, is evidence they're bias in any fact offered as proof. These remarks and statements by either city government leaders or school leaders and their supporters have nothing to do with citizen concerns or concerns of your school children, whichever the case may be, but to further an unreasonable bias against those of you that question conventional wisdom. They suggest that your advice is flawed in viability because of your bias to an increase in your taxes. However, their unreasonable bias to your advice only continues to do further harm to your community and sadly your children, by the fact of their monetary motivation. Just like the talk going around now, that your community needs new school buildings. First, where is the money coming from? Second, if these obsolete thinking school leaders and supporters believe you need new school buildings to better educate your children, than their priorities ARE NOT your children. Could it be, they are willing to let the best interest of your children suffer simply to try and to maintain your current educational funding method that has proven a failure? Further, in their reliance on conventional wisdom, they will not refute a single factual statement as they resort to misrepresentation in order to diminish the effectiveness of the facts. They will deliberately avoid the facts in order to further their attack against the truth and anyone not supportive of their misrepresentation. This effectively discredits the facts before the voter has a chance to review them. Through this process, citizens give in to the conventional wisdom. Not only will your children suffer, truth will suffer from a clear lack of definition". Finally, In another story in today's Fairborn newspaper, your city councilman Kirkpatrick announces his bid for mayor of your city. Not much of a story until you read his quote on page 2, "If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem". In other words, if you disagree with him or your city council you have no right to be heard. This coming from a man who wants to be mayor. Or does he expect to be dictator? Is Fairborn still a democracy? If so, let the democracy decide what constitutes a problem. One thing for sure, it's not the residents of your city that exercise their right to voice a different view point. Maybe the real problem with your city isn't these residents, as suggested by Mr. Kirkpatrick, but is your city council which he is part of?  #64 Karen Combs (Saturday, 27 April 2013 10:24) A three-parter...

Part I: I debated over whether to post all of this, but then felt that such gross incompetence and THIN SKIN by an elected official is the PUBLIC’S BUSINESS. For the background summary, I am pulling quotes from the videotaped meetings – follow the link above to watch them yourself. Approximate times of the interactions are listed so you can “toggle” directly to those parts if you wish. Background Summary: On 1/10/13, a citizen (I believe her name was Joyce Lawson) approached the board with concerns about security at the Middle School. She described how she had entered the building several times to pick-up her grandson and was never stopped by staff, even though she had no visitor’s badge and did not check-in at the office. She also asked whether the Board had ever entered the school buildings unannounced (presumably to check security themselves). In response, Board President Tess Little said (at time 24:50) “we’re not supposed to respond at these meetings- that’s part of the law, okay?” A couple minutes later (27:39), she tells Ms. Lawson that her concerns will be taken and “those are good questions.” The woman calls out “how will we know?” Tess Little says “we will announce it.” Remember that– it becomes important. Incredibly, she then goes on to make false accusations against the citizen, saying “to say things like your board is inactive and we want an active board is very insulting….” The woman calls out “I never said that,” and Little replies “no, but other people have” and “you said perhaps we’ve never been in the schools.” She never said THAT either. She asked if the board had been in the schools UNANNOUNCED. Big difference. Now, fast forward to the last board meeting of April 11, 2013. If you watch nothing else, I urge you to watch the PRICELESS exchange with Dave Criner, beginning at 35:29. This contains such Tess Little gems as “if I answer your question, then you ask another question and that constitutes a discussion and it is illegal for us to have a discussion.” When asked whether the public is updated on board decisions concerning issues WE raised, she says “we are not required by law” to do so! Ah, so much for the “we will announce it” – eh? Looks like spinning everything in favor of the Superintendent makes the gal dizzy! So, this brings me to my correspondence with her. Given the above, I sent an April 12, 2013 E-mail to Fairborn Board of Education President Tess Little, stating: On at least two occasions, you have publicly indicated that there is a "law" concerning your communication as a School Board member with the public. Can you please direct me to this law within either the Ohio Revised or Administrative Codes? Thank you.  #63 Karen Combs (Saturday, 27 April 2013 10:23) Part II: April 23, 2013 reply from Tess Little to Karen Combs – (note how she REFUSES to answer the real question – why she believes it is “illegal” to talk to her constituents(!) and chooses an entirely different subject instead!)

I have received your email communication sent last week in which you have asked for clarification regarding communication by residents to Fairborn Board Members at Board meetings.

As a general rule, there is no Ohio Statute that provides a right for members of the general public to be heard at meetings of a governmental body such as a board of education. Boards of Education, however, are allowed to adopt rules and regulations which would allow members of the public to participate actively in board meetings. The Fairborn Board has determined to voluntarily provide such a right to its residents, and such “laws” have been adopted by the Fairborn Board of Education, and are available on our Website for your perusal. (I have also included the webpage at the bottom of this email.) I have also attached a pdf from Anderson’s Ohio School Board Law Guide on public participation.

There are laws, however, which regulate what comments can be made at our Board meetings by either the general public or members of the Fairborn Board of Education.

The first is the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The Fairborn Board complies with the First Amendment by not denying any person the right to speak at Board meetings, so long as such person is in compliance with the reasonable rules, manner, and regulation of the Board.

The second law, or rule, is a decision by the Ohio Supreme Court that a Board of education should not permit persons to address the Board concerning specific individuals employed by the Board, particularly where such comments are in the nature of a complaint.

The Fairborn Board of Education has established a clear process and procedure for both listening to the general public and resolving any issues of concern or complaint. However, Board meetings are only for listening to the general public, not for the purpose of engaging in debate or problem solving. That procedure goes through our Superintendent, Mr. Dave Scarberry. Sincerely, Tess Little

[Note: both attachments were documents dealing with the public’s right to participate (NOT the issue).

 #62 Karen Combs (Saturday, 27 April 2013 10:23) Part III: This was my reply to her on 4/23: Ms. Little, I received your "reply." I am not sure whether you had difficulty comprehending the question at hand or if you are merely trying to wiggle around it? No one asked what laws might impact the ability of the public to speak at a Board of Education meeting. Those are obvious. I asked, along with other citizens, a straight-forward question - what law(s) prevent Board members from replying to their constituents? After all, you clearly and repeatedly stated at public meetings that it was "against the law" to do so! You went into great detail about not answering questions, a prohibition against "discussions," etc. Perhaps you should watch the videos to refresh your recollection?

Well, I simply asked you to cite the law which you so dramatically and confidently asserted. Of course, there is no such law, Ms. Little. It flies in the face of reason, common-sense, and basic founding principles of this nation! You need not lecture me about the Constitution as it seems to be a stranger to you! As an elected official, you are FREE to communicate with your constituents. I am shocked that you would claim otherwise! If there was a specific prohibition about sharing certain details - as might occur with DETAILS about school security, then you should explain that to the public. But certainly NOTHING prevents you from advising the public of the overall resolution of ANY issue. Indeed, that is what you were elected to do!

Have you received the mandatory state training on Sunshine Laws? Given your confusion - and the equally disconcerting comments made recently by Board member Parks, I suggest the entire Board is unaware of the REAL laws in this state! I think the public has had enough of those being abused!

Finally, Ms. Little, Mr. Scarberry does not set Board policies or procedures. You are the elected official. YOU set those policies as our legislative representatives. He answers to you; not the other way around! Your confusion about this matter is very alarming! But it surely goes a long way toward explaining the Board's failure to recognize the will of the people and to do your duty to contain the over-reaching grasp of Mr. Scarberry and those who got into yet another FISCAL CRISIS. Sincerely…..

Note: Ms. Little is quick to be “insulted” -I guess she ran out after Frank Gilbert when the last BOE meeting was over, stopping him in the foyer and screeching at him, accusing him of saying things he never said also and then settled for complaining about THIS website! Ms. Little is FINALLY getting some heat for the YEARS of bad decisions she has been making! You won’t believe how many people I’ve talked to who supported her original campaign for the Board and say “who IS this woman? Not the woman who asked for my support, that’s for sure!” Face the facts – these clowns have done nothing but drag these schools into the abyss. WE ARE THE ONES WHO DESERVE TO “TAKE OFFENSE” AT THEM! The best thing that could EVER happen to FCS is if this BOE would RESIGN IMMEDIATELY.  #61 Shadow (Friday, 26 April 2013 12:29) Part I

Did You Know? FCS propaganda disguised as a school newsletter edition:

Page 1:

“Start of a downward spiral?” Funny, when FCS was pushing for its last off month, off year levy in May 2007, the buzz from the district leadership was how the district had then just reached the ODE’s “Effective” rating and how an “Excellent” rating was just around the corner if the district taxpayers would vote to pass the levy. Back then, FCS employees and their families stuffed the ballot box and got an 8.6 mil levy passed… SIX YEARS LATER FCS IS STILL A BELOW AVERAGE “Effective” rated district! Even the renewal of this levy in 2012 has still not changed the district’s rating upward! Do not be led astray by Lord $carberry and his minions; IT IS NOT MONEY WHICH LEADS TO STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT, IT IS LEADERSHIP AND ACCOUNTABILITY AT THE TOP WHICH IS LACKING AT FCS!

“1.6 Million eliminated” As I have highlighted in prior post #15, according to the National Center of Educational Statistics, (NCES) FCS Revenues in Fiscal Year 2008- 2009 (last available) were just under $51 million. This has undoubtedly risen in the last four years, but for sake of argument we will use the 2008-2009 figures. So FCS, in such dire fiscal straits to need an EMERGENCY LEVY, highlights a 1.6 million cut, which corresponds to a middling 3.2% of its revenues (in reality, probably much less a percentage cut, since revenues have climbed in the intervening years)

“Loss of students and funding received for each” Yes folks, FCS minimally qualified, non-CPA Treasurer Eric “The Beav” Beavers still can’t grasp the concept that if you have less children to educate, it SHOULD cost you less due to the LOWER number of students you have to teach. FCS Math 101: The numbers of enrolled students keeps dropping, yet we need MORE money to line our pockets with, uh we mean “operate” on.

Page 2:

“Our Excellent ratings are at Risk and our educational programs will be negatively impacted said David Scarberry”  #60 Shadow (Friday, 26 April 2013 12:28) Part II

Yes, Lord $carberry likes to cherry pick and fail to mention Baker Middle is still in “Continuous Improvement” and the district as a whole (OF WHICH HE IS THE BOSS) is “effective.”

Lets posit a question here: Who is the person who decides where the cuts will be made? Yes, it is Lord $carberry himself who makes the decisions to, in his words, “negatively impact” programs. He wants to inflict the most amount of PAIN on students and parents in an effort to enrich himself and his cronies further via the passage of the massive levy.

The newsletter reveals that his measures include consolidated bus stops at THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL, an area previously denied as being cut. Yes, nothing like compromising child safety when you are desperate to find ways to keep lining ($$$) your pocket!

The levy ad, I mean “newsletter,” also makes mention of the upcoming “devastation” to befall the FHS and BMS sports programs without levy passage. It mentions $500 participation fees for each sport. Funny thing, it doesn’t mention how a the booster organization, the Skyhawk Athletic Club (SAC) has offset Athletic Department participation fees in the past and continues, through their Greene Giving account, to pay participation fees for current athletes. They also have bought team uniforms for the soccer and basketball teams, equipment for the track, football and volleyball teams and funded a $10,000 baseball stadium renovation. Remember, these are the people who just had their Spring Fling Monte Carlo night a couple of weeks ago.

This is a bait and switch campaign a used car salesman would admire; District taxpayers are conned into believing the money goes to support sports programs, but lo and behold, the SAC is already funding a big portion of it. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out where the taxpayer-provided money voters are led to believe is being earmarked for sports goes…Into the general FCS revenue fund and then right into the pockets of administrators, faculty and staff in ever increasing pay and benefits.

In addition to the SAC, a 501(c) tax-exempt Skyhawk Soccer Club membership form is included on the FCS website. It is  #59 Shadow (Friday, 26 April 2013 12:27) Part III known they use school facilities for games, but it is not apparent if this organization provides any money to FCS. This may be another “Revenue Stream” Davey and "The Beav” don’t want voters to know about, especially with a MASSIVE LEVY TAX INCREASE Vote coming up on May 7th.

Finally, Treasurer and CFO (Chief Financial Officer; nice attempt at an important sounding title FCS’ incumbent wouldn’t have a prayer of holding in the real, outside of a school district, world) Eric Beaver’s has his own little box to use in an attempt to explain how his ineptness requires $$$ NOW as opposed to other district’s more prudent “wait and see” policies. Funny, he states the proposed budget INCREASE from the state will not cover the “projected defecit (sic).” Interestingly enough, Page 1lists the exact deficient (learn to use spell check Mr. CFO) amount at $4.1 Million, but “The Beav” wants AN ADDITIONAL $7 Million a year for TEN YEARS to cover it…So where do you think the additional $$$ will be going folks? Yep, higher salaries and more lavish benefits.

Page 3

Ah, the look what we have cut page. Standing out is the District Overall Cuts:

It states Over $3 Million was cut in 2004-2005 and Over $3 Million was cut in 2011-12. Now think about this for a minute. Lord $carberry, the great mind that he is, must surely realize the Tangible Property Tax (TPT) phase-out is already on the books when he takes over FCS in 2003, correct? Notice how there is no “glideslope” to the cuts to reflect TPT phase-out and declining district enrollment. It is cut, get a levy passed, spend to high heaven, then cut right before another levy vote. The RIFs listed on the page are missing a key fact: We don’t know how many people RIF’d were RE-INSTATED once funding was put back on the positions they held. We do know the student to teacher ratio, per federal statistics is 15-1, so obviously there is no teacher shortage at FCS. This preponderance of teachers coupled with the BELOW AVERAGE DISTRICT PERFORMANCE IN OBJECTIVE ACADEMIC MEASURES shows it is not a shortage of  #58 Shadow (Friday, 26 April 2013 12:26) Part IV

money holding FCS back, but a shortage of QUALITY LEADERSHIP!

Page 4

Ah, the Bus page. Routing efficiency is gained by reducing the number of stops (i.e. junior walks more and gets closer to traffic) and load efficiency means the busses are packed. Yes, make the students suffer more so more $$$ can go into the pockets of Lord $carberry (it costs money to cool his Sanctuary Mansion in the summer, you know) and his minions.

Page 5

The Boo-hoo page. Yes, we get you don’t like the fact of a third-grade rating “guarantee,” but if YOU DO YOUR JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE, you won’t need to retain the student or provide extra tutoring.

MEMO: You are not the only school district in Ohio; every other district has to budget for this also. Maybe if salaries and benefits were not so high, money would be readily available to make sure Johnny CAN read in the Third Grade!

This one takes the cake: “Cannot be “Excellent with Distinction” and continue with massive cuts”

Lets call this what it is: A boldfaced lie and an insult to the district taxpayer! During Lord $carberry’s reign, FCS has NEVER been rated “Excellent,” much less showed the continued superior performance to earn an “Excellent with Distinction” rating. Massive cuts? 3.2% of your revenues is a massive cut? Massive cuts would be paying Lord $carberry what his performance earns him: $0.00, down from $250K a year! It is a spending and lack of leadership at the top issue at FCS that is hampering OUR students, not a lack of taxpayer support!  #57 Shadow (Friday, 26 April 2013 12:25) Part V

Page 6

The sports and state page.

Again, it is bait and switch, with FCS showing it is spending over $10,000 dollars per athlete above what it is already spending on them, per capita, as students about $10,000. No mention is made of SAC offsets or how much money is coming in from the Skyhawk Soccer club, Valarie Cute tournament, etc.

Please don’t forget that when discussing dollar amounts per student, the student isn’t getting it spent directly on them; in fact, as the state auditor has shown, over 80% of ALL FCS spending goes to administrator, faculty and staff pay and benefits, with this percentage rising to over 90% in the next five or so years!

Of course," The Beav" chimes in that this latest levy will “put us on track to meet our budgetary needs and prevent further disruption and devastation…” Yes folks, we have heard this all before, from the school income tax to levy after levy…”This levy will finally solve all our problems!” has been a recurring mantra since the last fiscal crisis, LESS than a decade ago.

No, "The Bead" wasn’t here for this time period, he has been hopping from district to district making sure his wallet is appropriately fat. I expect him to move on to his SIXTH district treasurer job when the good people of this district say “NO!” to him continuing the reckless spending of our tax dollars!

Page 7 and 8

Wow, you mean there was school news contained in a levy ad? Genuinely happy that the football player got his “full-ride” (grant in aid); my question concerns the student who are not blessed with athletic talent and a 6’5”/300Lb frame. The biggest shocker is the coach winning 100 games; A Dayton Daily news article from 2010 states he is a civilian employee at FCS Boogeyman (154 transient students out of 4000 total students cost us a fortune) WPAFB! You couldn’t make this stuff up!  #56 Ashes to Ashes (Friday, 26 April 2013 09:04)

road to progress

In your statement in post # 41, you said,

"apparently your followers don't read the newspaper. if they did they would read in today's fairborn paper, that as a result of the city’s leadership to increase business focus, a new economic development strategic plan has been developed for 2013".

Your post would suggest you are in alignment with the philosophy of our city government. As this is the same type of uneducated governing the current city government partakes in. However, I find your statement cannot go unaddressed.

The first thing readers will notice about the article you mentioned is no one took credit for writing it. What editor in their right mind would print an article written by a reporter, and not list that reporter's name? The Fairborn paper is notorious for this. The Fairborn paper prints these articles given to them by the city, for word, without checking into the facts.

The article does explain the biggest reason municipalities justify tax increases, because they claim not to have the proper resources. All this was made possible with the $10 million a year blank check given to the city manager with the passage of the Nov. 2011 property tax levy. Therefore, this is another PR story written by The City Of Fairborn to cover up the lack of progress within our city. In fact, it is more like a Highway to He** than a road to progress.

A sign of good leadership will take a given set of certain circumstances and will work within prescribed parameters to meet a given goal. When a leader starts stating, or giving excuses as to why these goals are not met it is a sign that the leadership is not working within the prescribed parameters of the given set of certain circumstances to meet the goal.

This story shows a great deal of a LACK OF LEADERSHIP. Just like the current Board of Education. We are here, in this present situation, not because of what they promised to do, but because of what they DID OR DIDN'T DO!!!!

I would also like to point out the philosophy to ignore a serious problem in our society only leads to the decay of our society. As such, you cannot change the fact of the defenseless murder of our great city at the hands of our city council, and our city school board, by the lack of use, and even worse, the use of their government power which has not advanced our progress. However, everything depends on the direction in which progress is made, as mere progress is not necessarily good. Such as your philosophy, so too, is the progress of a disease an undesirable progress. Our only aim should be the advancement of progress from bad to good.

 #55 Poor senior (Friday, 26 April 2013 07:17) VOTE NO ON MAY 7th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  #54 RW (Thursday, 25 April 2013 20:08) GMAB, YOU are grasping at straws and are the one not paying attention to what is really going on in the FCS. And yes! I have volunteered at the FCS, numerous times, while my children attended FCS. And, I was smart enough to pull them out of the failing District with low scores and below average education attempts, and provided them an education that far exceeded the FCS. Oh, and if you can get an appointment with our sore excuse for a Supt, PLEASE let me know how you did it. Myself, and many parents in the District tried for months to reach him by phone and requested meetings in person, but guess what? he was never available. There were many issues I wanted to talk to him about and he wouldn't even answer emails. He was probably so busy vacationing at his Lake Erie condo that he doesn't have time for us peasants in little ole' Fairborn! GMAB - give a huge donation to the FCS if you're so sure they need the money. Leave the rest of us alone who are living within our means because we don't have a choice. VOTE NO ON MAY 7th.  #53 Karen Combs (Thursday, 25 April 2013 19:55) Ah - election time is upon us....all the "one-hit wonders" jumping on here to make a fuss that they can't sustain past the MILDEST challenge! Awesome.  #52 Poor senior (Thursday, 25 April 2013 17:37) Incredible!!!!! Unsustainable!!!!!  #51 Shadow (Thursday, 25 April 2013 17:27) Ahh, our latest Sycophant, GMAB...I went from the Ad hominem of "people who are uneducated" to the latest Ad hominem of "grasping at straws." I'm glad Karen doesn't get sick of explaining the fallacy of ad nauseam TPT argument you syc's keep bringing up. Ever helped close a major Air Force base, GMAB? No? Here is how it goes: You know your budget is going to progressively get smaller and you use a pilot term, "glideslope" to reflect how you gradually reduce your outlays as the money shrinks. You also do "attrition planning," which means you plan for Higher Headquarters to accelerate your actions as other funding priorities come up. You plan ahead and you plan for contingencies. Pretty remarkable a bunch of GIs with relatively low pay can outthink a school administration just under a cool $1 Million a year, eh?

As the person who PAYS for this message board has implied, she envisions it as a lively discussion forum where people can bring FACTS to the table to help inform other citizens. Thanks to our pro-levy, anti-1st Amendment hackers, not all of my previous posts are available in the archives yet, but I have strived to provide sourced material which "doesn't grasp at straws" but equips my fellow citizens with information concerning School Treasurer Eric "The Beav"/"Leisure Suit Larry" Beaver's many misstatements, omissions, and plain disingenuousness with regards to motives. I have highlighted Lord $carberry's lavish life style, while running FCS financially aground TWICE during his reign, I mean "tenure." I have also highlighted the tactics FCS uses year after year in obtain bigger and bigger levies passed, resulting in bigger and bigger paychecks for administrators, faculty and staff. Just because you don't like the truth GMAB, doesn't mean you can ignore it.

The FHS play? Don't you mean the production of "How to Eat Like a Child?" By stating "...attending school events such as the FHS play...", you insinuate people against the levy are somehow against "the kids" and don't attend any school functions. You realize this dirty tactic goes way back at FCS. Trust me, there were plenty of anti-levy people in attendance and even a pro-levy introduction by a member of the city council did not make any levy opponents jump up and leave. Swing and a miss on that one, GMAB!

In fact, GMAB, I am most proud of the research I have done which shows that despite exceeding Beavercreek City Schools in revenue dollars per student, FCS IS BELOW AVERAGE IN OBJECTIVE SCHOOL MEASURES, to the Beavercreek City Schools, an issue which should be the most important to parents. Some of my past FCS research "lowlights?" How about FCS' "Effective" rating being BELOW AVERAGE when compared to the majority of Ohio districts, who are rated "Excellent" or "Excellent with Distinction." FCS IS ALSO BELOW AVERAGE IN COMPARISON TO STATE AND NATIONAL ACT AND SAT AVERAGE SCORES. FCS ALSO HAS A DISMAL 1-2% MATRICULATION RATE TO TOP 50 NATIONAL UNIVERSITIES AND LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGES. As a parent yourself GMAB, isn't the quality of education a child receives the most important measurement of a school system? FCS is FAILING OUR KIDS and more levy money which will go for increased administration, faculty, and staff pay and benefits won't correct the FAILED LEADERSHIP POLICIES in student safety, fiscal responsibility, and student achievement that are the hallmark of the Superintendent, DAVID $CARBERRY.

So my question to you GMAB is simple: When are you going to replace the straw in your spine with some real backbone and book your own appointment with Lord $carberry? when are you going to ask him why your child is receiving, by objective measures, a BELOW AVERAGE EDUCATION? With Spring upon us, you may only get to see his Lordship at his summer holiday residence on the lakefront in Ottawa County. Maybe he will invite you to take a boat ride even! I would advise wearing a lifejacket, however, if you are going to ask him what I suggested.  #50 Shadow (Thursday, 25 April 2013 16:23) Poor Senior, Karen is spot on (thanks Karen!) regarding the figures being salary only, with most of the salaries listed being in the 182 or less days worked category and all of the 174 listed being over twice to four times the average individual income for a Fairborn resident!

STOP THE GRAVY TRAIN...TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS THEIR LIVELIHOOD IS UNDER ATTACK...VOTE "NO" ON MAY 7TH!  #49 Karen Combs (Thursday, 25 April 2013 11:52) Poor Senior - Not trying to speak for Shadow, but salaries on Buckeye Institute (where he got info) ARE separate from all benefit packages. They do not list healthcare benefits and only estimate retirement benefits. So those huge salaries you are seeing are ONLY for salary - no benefits! Nice work, if you can get it!  #48 Poor senior (Thursday, 25 April 2013 11:41) Shadow are the benefit packages in addition to the salaries?  #47 Shadow (Thursday, 25 April 2013 10:48) So Common Sense, did you ever take the time to look at FCS ACTUAL salary structure?

Here is a repost of some FCS Salary FACTS, originally posted prior to pro-levy THUGS hacking Fairborn Speaks! (That pesky 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution is such a drag when you want only your side’s propaganda to define the issue). The data is courtesy of the Buckeye Institute for the last year available (2011). Thanks to step increases, the actual salaries for 2013 are higher, but FCS' own Leisure Suit Larry doesn't exactly make it easy to find the most up to date numbers:

5 FCS employees make over $100,000 a year

3 FCS Employees make between $90,000 and $100,000 a year

12 FCS Employees make between $80,000 and $90,000 a year

58 FCS Employees make between $70,000 and $80,000 a year (Note: The vast majority of these employees only work about half the days in a year and only for 7.5 hours per day vice 8 hours a day)

96 FCS Employees make between $60,000 and $70,000 a year (Note: Virtually all these employees only work about half the days in a year and only for 7.5 hours per day vice 8 hours a day) Of special note is the 96 $60,000 and $70,000 a year group. This is the largest bulge of salaries; the $50,000 to $60,000, $40,000 to $50,0000 and $30,000 to $40,000 group sizes are nowhere near as large as those in the "96" group.  #46 Karen Combs (Thursday, 25 April 2013 10:14) Jon- 1) The FCS’ choice to abuse taxpayer moneys on levy ads disguised as school newsletters is not technically “against the law.” As long as they do not overtly promote the levy – such as saying “Vote Yes,” – school districts have “gotten away with” such devices. Is it morally bankrupt? Yes. Teetering on the edge of unethical? Sure. But haven’t we come to expect such low-rent thinking from this regime? Both the City of Fairborn and the FCS have embraced the “why bother doing what is right? Just do whatever you can get away with” philosophy – and it shows ALL OVER TOWN. Is it a coincidence that they share legal advisors?

2) “Eric Beavers” does not appear as a licensed CPA on the Ohio Accountancy Board listing. (Source: . Some school treasurers DO have such credentials, including Xenia, Huber Heights, etc.

But overall, I was shocked at what I consider rather lax credentials to become a “licensed school treasurer” through the Ohio Department of Education (source: ODE, School Treasurer License). A CPA is NOT required. All it takes to be put in charge of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars is:

-Baccalaureate in business with 3 semester hours in school law, 3 in school finance OR -BA in non-business major with 9 semester hours of accounting plus the law and finance requirements above -Both require a 300-hour “internship,” but I am not sure when that was instituted. -Both require continuing education in the field.

3) According to the Middletown Journal of 11/5/10, Eric Beavers only worked in Springboro from August 1 – November 18 of 2010—a little over just THREE MONTHS. He resigned as soon as a levy failed. He was replaced by a consultant, Tracy Jarvis, who specializes in efficiency audits. It appears she was hired as the permanent Treasurer (or at least appears as such on the Springboro Schools website). The Springboro district went from constant pressures for property tax levies to a BUDGET SURPLUS. Their latest five-year forecast shows MILLIONS in available funds. The district is rated "Excellent with Distinction."

Part of the turn-around was due to anti-tax Springboro Board Member Kelly Kohls. Here is an excerpt from a speech she gave in February of 2011. Note how similar the problems that were plaguing Springboro are to those that now impact Fairborn – right down to the IGNORED suggestions of state auditors!

“Our district paid for an outside organization to conduct a performance audit. The audit report stated that we should adopt a healthcare cost split more in line with the national average such is published in the National Kaiser report. The Kaiser report combines public and private sector cost splits and reported in 2010 that the national average cost split is 70/30. Employees paying 30% of the health care costs. Our districts are nowhere near that national average.

This audit report also stated that we should stop the STRS and PERS pick-up. The amount of $’s we pay for this extraordinary benefit is equal to the HS busing costs. Instead of continuing to safely bus our students, some of our staff gets this bus money as an annual bonus!

Collective bargaining has taken our community to a very negative environment where the majority of our community votes no to paying more in property taxes because they simply cannot afford more and they totally disagree with continuing a pay and benefit system they themselves do not have. We have decided as a community that we cannot, and will not, sustain this collective bargaining way of life. The consequences have hurt the children of this school system across the state. We believe that this is an unethical, unrealistic and unsustainable choice the collective bargaining unit makes and it must be stopped.”

We sure could use Kelly and Tracy here!  #45 Karen Combs (Thursday, 25 April 2013 09:18) Jon - I am working on a post on this subject. Stay tuned.  #44 Karen Combs (Thursday, 25 April 2013 09:15) GMAB - I won't give you a break, but I will give you some FACTS:

What are YOU talking about? Go read the FCS’ latest (2013) 5-year forecast, dear. The Personal Tangible Property Tax is STILL being collected as far out as 2017!!! The FCS’ failure to make ANY adjustments to address the LONG-ANTICIPATED PTPT cuts is typical of this IRRESPONSIBLE regime! Until we stop bailing them out, they will keep right on making DEVASTATING decisions. Get your head out of the sand!

Any “cuts” to Tangible PPT are being made up with a new state funding formula. Maybe you slept through the last Board meeting, but the Treasurer announced that FCS expected to receive $1.5 million in ADDITIONAL FUNDS! Fairborn is expected to get the LARGEST finding increase in the county. And state revenue per pupil to FCS actually INCREASED between 2011 and 2012 too! Your pro-tax side thinks they can win by bamboozling the people. Enough! Stop drinking their kool-aid and check out the FACTS.

As far as “rumors” go – I don’t think anyone reported them as gospel here! But if your kid attends that school and you STILL don’t know what happened, that speaks volumes about FCS “leadership” – eh? And how about their great "shelter-in-place-during-a-bomb-threat" plan!?!? Yeah, ya' know, ya' sure would hate to GET AWAY from a BOMB! The students and teachers should evacuate and let Dave $carberry and the Beav "stay put" for the conflagration! Maybe they can invite the BOE over too!

And we don’t need to “taint” public perception of the schools. They have done a DANDY job of that for YEARS all by themselves! From various staff having to re-pay funds that were wrongfully accepted to simply IGNORING the sound fiscal advice of a highly-respected state auditor, we have all watched in horror as the FCS sunk into the abyss! We have ZERO Board of Education leadership – they seem to think they were elected to be mere bobbleheads for Mr. Scarberry!

MANY people on the ANTI-BAD-REGIME side here have volunteered over the years at the schools. And I’ve also talked to MANY who tried to volunteer and got the impression – some flat-out told - that they were not wanted. After all, they are so "highly-trained" to teach the ABC's, they clearly wouldn't want help from mere mortals! So why bother?

Whenever students come around selling stuff, I buy it. I’ve been in each school in town. Why would I need a tour? Do you think if enough people smile at me and tell me how great they are that I will magically open my wallet and give them whatever they want, no matter HOW BADLY THEY MISUSE FUNDS? Guess again.

I physically can’t sit through a long meeting or even a movie, so how can I go to school plays? Are you suggesting that the MASSIVE FISCAL DISASTER somehow cures itself if our group starts going to school plays? Wow – you have quite the creative streak!

Most of us are FCS alumni. We are EMBARRASSED by what has become of our schools and how this regime continues to drag them down. I saw the other day where there were new nominees to the “Hall of Honor.” I feel sorry for them. That ceased to be much of an “honor” when they inducted some local preacher simply because he ran a LEVY CAMPAIGN!!! Then they trotted his arrogant behind up there to chastise people for not supporting each and every MASSIVE TAX they want! WHAT GALL!!!!

As for “meeting with Mr. Scarberry” – WHATEVER FOR? This man hauls home a quarter-of-a-million in ILL-GOTTEN GAINS and can’t even muster a grunt at the last Board meeting before HIS “bail-me-out” levy is on the ballot! Until he is GONE, there is NOTHING that can POSSIBLY fix these schools!

GMAB - you seem to suffer from the delusion that things get better by "going along to get along," never expecting much, and accepting critical errors without demanding accountability. That defeatist, com-whatever-may philosophy will NEVER help restore the FCS or the City of Fairborn!  #43 Karen Combs (Thursday, 25 April 2013 09:08) “Common Sense” – how did the average teacher salaries increase BEFORE the cuts? Well, let me explain THAT to YOU. Despite their claims of a “pay freeze,” they have gone right on receiving increases AND “stipends” for every finger they lift. Professionals working in the REAL WORLD do not expect money for staying a few hours late. But these union-coddled teachers have come to demand it.

Another reason their salaries increase is the UNNECESSARY “over-education” of the teachers – again, at the insistence of their money-grubbing union. Does a kindergarten teacher require a Master’s? Well, they not only say so, but they want US to pay for the teacher to get it – then eternally pay higher salaries to that teacher for having it! WHAT A RACKET!!!

The guy at the car wash might be a trained Neurosurgeon, but I am NOT paying him $200,000 to dry my windshield! We keep getting told how highly-educated these teachers are, but if that made so much difference – why aren’t we “Excellent”?

Let me explain another little “creative accounting” trick used by our friends at the FCS. They will tell you all about what they “cut,” but they never tell you what they ADDED! It changes NOTHING to cut five teachers and then hire ten more!

Finally, you CANNOT fix bad leadership by throwing more money at it. NONE of you seem willing to admit that this regime HAS GOT TO GO!!! They cost us MILLIONS by failing to adhere to the COMMON-SENSE suggestions of the state auditor back in 2005. If you hand them more money now, they will just blow it all again and come back whining for more. If you can’t figure THAT out, you may need an electron microscope to find your alleged “COMMON-SENSE”!  #42 Common Sense (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 21:45) Obviously the average teacher salary is going to increase when you cut teachers! When you cut teachers, the ones at "the bottom of the totem pole" are cut, A.K.A. the younger, newer, lower payed teachers. SO, that means that when a teacher gets cut, usually its the lowest payed it seems like common sense to me! And surely a person as smart as you could figure that out.

Let's do some math: 6+7+8+8+8+9=46 46/6=7.67 If you cut teachers, it would be the 6 and 7... 8+8+8+9=33 33/4=8.25

SO IT'S COMMON SENSE MATH PEOPLE! OBVIOUSLY THE AVERAGE TEACHER SALARY WILL INCREASE BECAUSE WHEN A TEACHER GETS CUT, IT IS THE LOWEST PAID TEACHER BECAUSE THAT IS HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS! SO THAT EXPLAINS THE AVERAGE TEACHER SALARY RISING.  #41 GMAB (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 21:30) @RW post 45-What are you talking about? The schools did lose funding when Governor Kasich cut the overall education budget.(Google-"did ohio public schools lose funding in the state budget" and go through the results.) That is not a lie...And they were preparing for the phasing out of the tangible personal property tax but when Kasich took office,he sped the phasing out process up and the money was completely wiped out sooner than they had previously thought.

Second-I have a child who goes to the Intermediate School and I heard about the events through the grapevine such as you have heard. Immediately I was furious that they wouldn't call us if this happened. So of course I called the office at FIS and they asked me what I was talking about...So I'm not sure where these rumors are coming from but from what I've heard, they are not true.

The bottom line is that "you guys" (CFFF, Karen, shadow, etc.) are grasping at straws. You are trying to find everything you can to taint the schools' public perception. Meanwhile, what are you doing to make the schools better other than complaining about the levy? Have you volunteered? Have you run for school board? Have you scheduled a meeting with Mr. Scarberry? Have you toured the schools? Probably not. There is lots of ways to help. I understand that some of you feel you are helping but regardless of the tax issues, we all should still help our schools by volunteering when we can, attending school events such as the FHS play, etc.  #40 jon (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 21:25) Was looking at the Skyhawk Newsletter that was sent out by the schools For the levy (which I thought was against the law). On page 3, they talk about all the cuts they have made. What is absent is the cuts in administrative pay, cuts in benefits, cuts in the pick- ups, etc...

And while I do not begrudge people making what they can, what does it say about our superintendent that he would retire from this job to be rehired right away (something else that smells to high heaven)? Just who's interest is he really looking out for?

I do not know it for a fact and I hope someone can help me. I understand Mr. Beavers isn't a CPA, but many other treasurers are. What is the standard here? Was he really the treasurer at Springboro who after he left, the district turned around? Was there someone in between him and that school system's rebound?  #39 RW (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 20:27) Karen - Post #49 - I agree 100% although I feel they should be recalled NOW because of the lies they are feeding the public, not only about the funding cuts they 'did not' get and Tess Little telling everyone it is illegal to discuss matters with the public! This is beyond belief!  #38 Poor senior (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 19:35) Amen Karen Amen! May be the only way out of this misery!  #37 Shadow (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 18:43) Thanks for the CFFF Facebook link, Karen. I noted Ms. McCoy wasn't too happy when she lost the argument regarding FCS employees and their Ferrari health insurance plan.

A quick internet check shows another case of quid pro quo; FHS gave Ms. McCoy's daughters use of the school's auditorium to video a performance for uploading on YouTube. It seems Ms. McCoy's girls are an aspiring Bluegrass group trying to make $$$ in music. Nothing wrong with capitalism, mind you, but we see Ms. McCoy isn't telling us the whole story behind her support for FCS' MASSIVE, 10 YEARS IN DURATION TAX INCREASE!

Vote "NO!" on May 7th!

 #36 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 10:38) RW - if this levy is defeated and the BOE tries to put another one on the next ballot, we must ALL band together and try to get them RECALLED!!! Better yet, maybe they will RESIGN and save us the trouble!  #35 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 24 April 2013 08:33) I've heard that the police were called. Does anyone know more about this incident?  #34 jon (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 21:21) RTP #41, I read the article. Long on rhetoric, short on details...... as usual.  #33 Shadow (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 21:12) From VS:

"I have not been back on here since I have much more important things to do than banter back and forth with people who are uneducated about a lot of these subject and solely basis their reach on surveys and other publishing."

Your calling us "uneducated" but, YOU can't tell the difference between "surveys and other publishing" and peer-reviewed research? Of course you can't VS, because unlike most of the posters on Fairborn Speaks!, you can't cite any FACTS which support your arguments. Therefore, you are reduced to the fallback of the feeble-minded, the Ad hominem ("people who are uneducated") argument.

Too bad you blindly accept Lord $carberry's leadership of FCS; instead of your children realizing their potential to exceed your knowledge level, they are handicapped by the BELOW AVERAGE EDUCATION they receive from FCS.  #32 RW (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 20:41) Following is a post on the "Fairborn City Schools" Facebook page made by Pam Gayheart "Thank you for the comments. Fairborn has made extensive cuts to staff, programs and administration and we are cutting over $1 million this spring. The state STILL has not fixed the funding issue for all of Ohio's public schools; so even with cuts the district will be on the ballot again" This was posted as recent as April 16th. How can the employees lie through their teeth about the cuts and the lack of state funding when they actually got an increase in funding. This is criminal and everyone in the FCS district who makes these false statements should be fired!  #31 HOT TIP (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 15:14) The FCS "Security Plan"? Supposedly an over-developed Palmer South student was claiming to have a gun today. Supposedly all the FCS staff did was conduct their "own" investigation - never even contacting police! Seriously? Is this true? When are teachers and staff going to speak up and put an END to this insanity???

Recall that not too long ago, a school official was on the evening news claiming that "nothing could be done" about a student who was grabbing girls in a sexual manner! AGAIN- how about calling the POLICE??? Newsflash - they actually CAN respond to the schools!

Is the safety of our kids being jeopardized because the FCS wants to keep such CRIMES out of the public eye while they try to pass a tax levy? Scary stuff!

 #30 Pythagoros (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 14:07) Let me check my math.....500 athletes and let's say another 500 in band/music, etc. = 1000 total (surely this is more than enough) times $500 each for "pay to play" = $500,000 per year to be raised x the next 10 years = $5 million. The HUGE TAX increase the FCS is seeking over the next ten years? $70 MILLION!!!! How STUPID would we have to be to allow sports and music to EXTORT us out of the other $65 million????

Alas, my only regret is that the ballot does not have a "NO and He** NO!" option!  #29 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 12:05) RTP (if we are discussing progress in Fairborn, it's more like R.I.P.!) - the Strategic Plan is old news. I'm not sure how much "progress" will be involved since the company paid big money to formulate it is UNLICENSED to even do business in the State of Ohio! Personally I can't invest much faith in business advice from someone who isn't savvy enough to get properly registered! And "credentials"? Well, calling them "vague" would be a compliment. Most professionals list the TYPE of degree and the UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE where they earned it. But, hey, don't expect our Council or useless City Manager to look into such things before inking big contracts and handing over OUR money to such ventures! Is this a legitimate business or someone's frat buddy?

Some parts of the Strategic Plan are interesting. Those parts will NEVER occur under the dismal "leadership" of Debbie McDonnell. And it all unravels in my eyes anyway when one considers the ILLEGAL advice it offers to the Council for communicating with the public. Telling an elected body to formulate agreements in advance of public meetings? Urging them to avoid sharing debates and discussions with the public? These are ALL examples of EXTREME violations of the Sunshine Laws!

How many times do Fairborn officials have to have their hands smacked for ignoring these laws? Why weren't Council members OBJECTING -- loudly and REPEATEDLY - to this section of the "plan" BEFORE bragging about it? The BOE is guilty of the same thing! This veil of secrecy - making their BAD decisions in private - is EXACTLY what is KILLING this town!

Stop worrying about what I know, RTP, and educate yourself about what is really going on with this city government and school leadership!

SOG - you wouldn't know an intelligent post if you saw one - you've surely never posted one!  #28 road to progress (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 10:09) apparently your followers don't read the newspaper. if they did they would read in today's fairborn paper, that as a result of the city’s leadership to increase business focus, a new economic development strategic plan has been developed for 2013.  #27 Some Other Guy (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 09:27) I've also heard that there were intelligent posts on this blog. But, like the big box store, it was merely another fantasy.  #26 Danger Combs (Tuesday, 23 April 2013 07:06) Frank - that depends. I've heard about the so-far imaginary "big box" store, the "strip mall," the convention center and, of course, the "$750 million in 5 years economic impact" associated with Calamityville. Then again, I've also heard of unicorns and Santa's elves and there seems to be far more evidence of the latter!  #25 Frank Gilbert (Monday, 22 April 2013 21:47) Karen, I wish there was a like/dislike button for posts. Some of these hit the nail right on the head. Others.... not so much. And has anyone heard anything more about the mysterious store coming in?  #24 Karen Combs (Monday, 22 April 2013 18:45) Confused - The focus of this site and the similar one before was almost exclusively the poor leadership of the Fairborn City Government. But right now we are days away from an OPPRESSIVE school levy - so we are focused on them for now. The lack of leadership in BOTH entities is killing this town!  #23 Frank Gilbert (Monday, 22 April 2013 18:37) The levy vote approaches fast. Hopefully, we have sent out enough information to make the difference. And maybe, just maybe, the school board will start taking us seriously. Let's keep in mind as well that we'll have to start gearing up for another levy fight if this one fails. When will government at any level learn to live within its means? Not until we FORCE them to.  #22 Confused???? (Monday, 22 April 2013 18:14) Could someone please help me understand something??? I have lived in this city my entire life and I can't see why every comment here is "focused" on the lack of leadership from FCS (only). Is Fairborn the same place you remembered it to be 20 years ago???? Yeah, me neither! Is there some correlation between the city leadership too?? It seems that this site is only used for brow-beating the schools. How about we combine rock throwing at the lack of leadership from the city government "ALONG" with your arguments about the schools. Seems that FCS don't have much of a chance when more "low income housing" families are being carted in. Is there any correlation between these two things???? Low income families (brought in by FAIRBORN CITY GOVERNMENT) and FCS.  #21 RW (Monday, 22 April 2013 17:50) I have a great idea - all you PRO-LEVY people get together and make a huge donation to the Fairborn City Schools. Obviously you have tons of money to just 'give away' since you are ready to vote for every levy the stinking school system asks for. You guys who are so gung ho to have more taxes need to take all your extra money (the Pam Gayhearts, Lord Scarberrys and all the other high and mighty, rich and getting more rich every day off our taxes). You guys give all you want to the FCS and solve this problem entirely. Don't keep asking for money from the poor, fixed income senior citizens and those who are barely making it on the income they have now. Enough is enough!  #20 Shadow (Monday, 22 April 2013 16:56) Using FCS' own numbers (I know, I know, extremely dangerous) there are 500 students athletes...This means THOUSANDS of property owners have to play HUNDREDS of dollars more in addition to the THOUSANDS of dollars they already pay for just these 500.

Of course FCS isn't letting the public in on the dirty little secret of such entities/events like the Skyhawk Athletic Association, Skyhawk Soccer Club and Valerie Cute Tournament. All of these entities and events use school/city grounds and buildings to fund athletics and/or additional coaches compensation, regardless of how much additional levy money comes FCS way. The tax money goes into the general fund and what isn't spent on athletics is used as most FCS tax money is expended on...Administrator, faculty and staff pay and benefits...

Sorry Lord Davey, we are not fooled!

Vote "NO" on May 7th!  #19 Karen Combs (Monday, 22 April 2013 12:50) Thanks, Janice, they never cease to amaze. First, they say that a retired VICTIM ADVOCATE posted porn on a school website and now they insinuate that they are checking out my house and security. Sick little thugs, for sure!  #18 Janice (Monday, 22 April 2013 11:00) Look how the tax promoters are going all THUG on those of us who can't afford to finance their luxury lifestyles! Hang tough, Karen, your dog isn't the only creature that will take a piece out of them if they bother you!  #17 Karen Combs (Monday, 22 April 2013 09:56) Fairborn - We can't let the thieves win! Donate NOW to the Citizens for Fairborn's Future - drop-off or mail checks to: 61 S. Grand Avenue, Fairborn, OH 45324 to help pay for MORE signs and flyers to fight this ENORMOUS levy!!!  #16 Danger Combs (Monday, 22 April 2013 08:58) VY – Before calling others “uneducated,” you might want to learn to spell, use plurals, and structure a sentence. And yes, readers here base their opinions on FACTS as supported by SOURCES. Try it sometime. I also had a professional job, have a family and volunteer too. The same applies to all of my readers that I’ve met. Whoop-de-do. None of us feel the need to constantly boast about it. This seems to be so some self- soothing device among sycophants.

So if your post was intended to show that your side is long on hysterical emotion and short on facts – mission accomplished. Indeed, we have seen dozens of your strain come and go – you jump on here, probably at the behest of someone else – figure out that you can’t win an argument on mere rhetoric – and run off. I thought you were going to show where the research presented here was wrong. What happened to that? Couldn’t hack it, I see. Yawn.

YVAK – Oh goodie, ANOTHER illiterate sycophant (it would be “you’re,” genius)! And how clever using your nickname to try to insult me! Yawn. I think what is truly arrogant is taking a $6-figure salary/benefit package and doing a half-brassed job. If the schools can’t afford to run the channel, and are too lazy to find other funding sources, then take it down entirely. It’s an EMBARRASSMENT.

“Really” – Boy, your side is S-L-O-W. I don’t get Social Security. How many times do I have to say it before you grasp it? You aren’t just deliberately trying to mislead people, are you?

Yes, some teachers will have to be cut. The district is down to about 3700 students, so we can’t support hundreds of teachers with their above-average salaries and “unheard of” benefits. As for the “pay-to-play” extortion, why do you folks fall for that? Has it ever occurred to you that the FCS – and the parents, like you, who have kids in sports - can do fundraisers? The community is very generous for LEGITIMATE needs. But we do not need to hand the MISMANAGERS another $70 million so that your kids can play sports or for an elementary orchestra! If it costs THAT MUCH, then we will have to do without. Better that than people losing their homes or seniors and the sick being unable to afford their medications.

Finally, “Really,” are you trying to intimidate me by describing my home and dog? Has your side really become THAT desperate? What kind of a CREEP implies a threat against a disabled woman and is too cowardly to even sign a name? Well, that pretty much sums up the "character" of the pro-tax side!  #15 Really? (Sunday, 21 April 2013 20:50) So Karen-(please look at this from my point of view) you don't want to support my kids, and yes the levy is for the kids because they/we could lose 2 of our favorite teachers and pay $1500 a year to play sports, meanwhile living in the Palmer south neighborhood. So I'm just gonna ask, can I not support your benefits either? I mean, it is my tax dollars going towards this website and for you to just sit at home and I much rather have my money going towards kids and hardworking teachers than some anti-sycophant who likes to toot her own boat and blog and complain. Oh, by the way-I stopped by your street to sell fundraising cards...nice house, and you might want to get a muzzle on that dog of yours, my taxpayer money for buying food obviously isn't keeping him quiet either.  #14 Your very arrogant karen (Sunday, 21 April 2013 20:22) Karen-it is free access to the cable channel 6 but they have to pay for a system to run it! And clearly they shouldn't be wasting money on a tv channel when they can't even afford teachers and an excellent rating! You can't have it both ways either support the schools and want them to have good people and nice supplies/buildings, or you don't support them! You can't tell people to vote no on a levy but then get mad that the schools aren't spending money! Sounds like common sense to me!  #13 Vote_Yes (Sunday, 21 April 2013 19:02) And I need to say one note. I have not been back on here since I have much more important things to do than banter back and forth with people who are uneducated about a lot of these subject and solely basis their reach on surveys and other publishing. I have a professional job (not a teacher or an administrator), a family, kids, and volunteer activities in this community. I am using my spare time to volunteer. Justifying an argument does not make me "puff out my cheat" as this is doing for most. You completely took my first statement by trying to make fun of my point on stating the positives about your site. I will not be here everyday, and these are seconds and moment I will not have with my loved ones and the things I cherish. You seriously need to understand how to intelligently argue your points without taking offense. My posting did exactly what I wanted it to do.  #12 Shadow (Saturday, 20 April 2013 19:08)

Hmm…Hacking Fairborn Speaks!...The First Amendment must really be a threat to Lord $carberry. The website is back up and the gloves are off, Davey

I welcome our newest sycophant friend, VY. As usual, they provided an emotional, “buzzword” filled rant, long on words, but short on FACTS and cohesion, not to mention totally nonsensical in parts.

This part is too funny:

“First and foremost, I do not disagree with some of the conflicting opinions about the superintendent, but those are things I am allowed to have my own personal opinion. We must have faith as he is for the better of the school district and have done some great things for our district. So we have to support him as he is the face of our school system and allows us to succeed or decline. I personally was a huge advocate for Denny Morrison the ex Director of Curriculum. Unfortunately, he was passed over for a principal position in Fairborn after doing so many successful things.”

So VY, you do know who passed Morrison over for principal to select one of his other former superintendent buddies, right? Pssst, I will give you a hint: You have blind faith in him. We other posters have faith in Lord $carberry too…We KNOW he will use new levy money to FURTHER ENRICH HIMSELF, EVEN BEYOND THE McMANSION, LAKE SHORE CONDO AND THE CARS HE HAS ALREADY!

Even more hilarious:

“This all trickles down to affect our community. Do you know basic economics? When the school suffers, the students go astray, then crime rates increase, and real estate values decrease. DUH!”

I have a feeling VY is an “educator” and wants to flaunt his/her taking of EC 200, Economic Life, as a Gen Ed. Maybe they should have taken some higher-level economics courses and some courses in different disciplines:

“the students go astray’” …sounds like Sociology

“then crime rates increase” …sounds like Criminology

“real estate values decrease.” Try finding research done after the housing bubble burst, VY. Beyond realtors trying to inflate home prices to increase their commissions (that means more $$$ in their pocket, VY), the consensus is ABOVE AVERAGE SCHOOL DISTRICTS may keep home prices steady. Conversely, districts who tax at the same rate as these above average districts, but deliver BELOW AVERAGE educational performance, like FCS, DEPRESS HOME VALUES!

DUH!...How about you try REAL ECONOMICS! Google How Property Taxes and the 'Curley Effect' Are Killing Baltimore by Steve H. Hanke, Ph.D.; Drs. h.c. and Stephen J.K. Walters, Ph.D.

This is REAL ECONOMIC RESEARCH and shows how out of control property taxes KILL economic development.

Finally, the Pièce de résistance

“We need to put everything we have into our school system. You do not see it, but you're hurting Fairborn by acting in the manor you are at meetings and on this site. It seems that you are the person to have the javelin struck down multiples which stops all citizens statement.”

Everything? Man, my kitchen sink might be hard to remove and Lord $carberry demands gold plated plumbing fixtures! The “javelin struck down?” Are you referring to the Olympic event or the AMC pony car from the 70’s? Either way, if you are a teacher, this excerpt helps explain why FCS seniors are BELOW AVERAGE in ACT and SAT test scores.  #11 Danger Combs (Saturday, 20 April 2013 16:56) SOG - compared to you, Frank Gilbert is a super nova! The only thing "glaring" about you is your stupidity, as evidence by your FAILURE - yet again - to make ANY meaningful statement here!  Danger Combs (Wednesday, 03 July 2013 16:07) Senior - NOT “Poor Senior” -

There are only TWO options with someone like you --- you are a fraud (heavy favorite) or you are who you pretend to be and you have been set up to come on here and challenge me. Which is it?

Well, frankly, I would expect more from any REAL retired “warrior”- and that is why I don’t think you are one! Whenever EXCELLENT and UNREFUTED points are made here -such as the recent ones about the city’s WASTEFUL spending, Calamityville HOAX, and other IMPORTANT issues - someone like you drops from the sky. Isn’t it odd that you find it all so overwhelming?

Do you seriously think you are the first sycophant to come on here arguing about anonymous postings, bragging about some unsubstantiated military career, and conceding some minor point(s) to pretend to be legitimate? Well, your nickname is unoriginal and so are you. What’s the matter? Can’t think up anything fresh TO DISTRACT ATTENTION FROM THE PAINFUL TRUTH? Yawn.

If you are “retired” as you claim and have no affiliation to “them” as you claim, then why not simply step up? I saw your silly question -so here is my answer: People who come on here to CRITICIZE our government may legitimately have something to lose. But if you are on here merely to BEND TO THE GOVERNMENT - what are you so afraid of? Me? A middle-aged, fat, disabled woman? What am I going to do? Debate you to death? God, I sincerely hope the defense of our nation doesn’t come down to people like YOU!

Let’s at least agree that a “bumpy road” would require nothing more than a simple repaving job. So, let me get this straight - for A BLOODY FORTUNE (including the ROBBERY of street levy and HUD funds), we got new curbs downtown -that taxpayers sponsored instead of the business owners - why shouldn’t they have paid for theirs just as homeowners do? Oh, and some “nice trees”- after we killed perfectly good trees that were only a couple years old? Wow. You are easily fooled, eh?

Also - I couldn’t care less if you know Karen Harris. If not, you should seek her out. You two have a lot in common.

We do NOT need 20+ parks in Fairborn. NO families are being driven here because of a dozen or more unused parks! Why not step up and be a visionary? Why not 10 OUTSTANDING parks instead of 20+ mediocre ones? And why not answer MY question - how many parks are enough? And how many unused bike paths? I drive past a bike path on Yellow-Springs-Fairfield almost every day. Sometimes I see a solo “speed walker;” sometimes a lonely person walking as if they missed a ride…haven’t seen an actual bicyclist on it in YEARS. Who do you think you are kidding with the “bike paths bring in shoppers” baloney? Aren’t you ashamed to tell this LIE to the people?

Oh, who am I kidding - you’ve been telling LIES to the people since the second you stepped foot here, eh?  #399 Shadow (Wednesday, 03 July 2013 16:04) Frank, I am glad you find my post useful to you...I hope others do also.

Frank's post regarding his talking to rank and file FEA members and Response to Frank and Feet’s replies to the post shows that as long as the FEA and the other unions continue as vassals to Lord $carberry and his Manor Court BOE, the public will continue to not trust their motives. This levy cycle, the unions did their master’s bidding, keeping quiet about the rollover contract provisions and voting as a block on the levy, a levy THEY KNEW would increase their pay and benefits, but their contention was “it was for the kids.”

Ok, now it appears ANOTHER levy vote is set for November, with the millage rate yet to be determined by Court Jester “The Beav.” Yes, the state is making no cuts to overall education spending (as Lord $carberry “prophesized” in his “Columbus won’t help” Levy Ad, er, “Newsletter” narrative), and per NPR, About two-thirds of districts will receive more state money in 2014 and 2015 than they did over the past two years, with no district receiving less money this coming year than it did in the previous year. No matter, the levy cycle appears to be continuing unabated under Lord $carberry’s FCS rule! In fact, the new state budget sets a new formula with a base amount of spending per pupil to be paid by both the state and local taxpayers. For 2014, that figure is $5,745. The state’s share of that amount varies by district: In districts with less property wealth or lower-income residents (READ: FAIRBORN), the state picks up a bigger part. Poorer districts again get additional funding on top of that base figure in an attempt to give them the same resources as wealthier districts (READ: FAIRBORN). And all districts get additional funding for certain groups of students including students with disabilities and students from low-income families (READ: FAIRBORN). True, the budget limits how much more state funding districts can get; the budget caps funding increases at 6.25 percent for 2014 and 10.5 percent for 2015, However, this is definitely not the doom and gloom that $carberry, The Beav and the unions were trying to sell us less than two short months ago! Additionally, in order to deter levy cycle after levy cycle, the new budget removes a state subsidy for local school levies. The state used to pick of 12.5 percent of the cost of new or replacement levies from its general fund, which is mostly sales- and income-tax revenue. That pick-up is going away and new levies will cost us more if they are passed. There is NO rational reason for ANY levy to be even proposed, much less then put on the ballot (at taxpayer expense!) to be defeated AGAIN! If the FEA and the other unions wants a fresh start with the public at large, then the rank and file need to elect union leaders who are responsible to the public’s desires not to be taxed to increase salaries already twice to three times their own. They can shocked about Lord $carberry and his fellow administrators “lack of sacrifice,” but that makes them no different from the rest of us in the general public. Back during the 2007 Levy campaign, then FEA President Tanya Hilty stood shoulder to shoulder with Lord $carberry at a staff rally and pushed for that year’s levy. If the rank and file teachers, custodians and aides haven’t already figured it out by now, Lord $carberry cares most, as he has repeatedly shown by his actions over the last decade, about his #1 priority: David Scarberry. The unions can continue with their “shoulder to shoulder” arrangement with him or they can show the public they are not just another of his Lordship’s vassals. The choice is up to them…  #398 Senior (Wednesday, 03 July 2013 13:57) Actually Ms. Combs, I am retired Air Force and have lived in Fairborn since I retired in 1989. Also-I am disgusted with the way I was responded to on here. I respectfully made a statement of my belief and since you didn't agree with it, you got angry and started making up lies about me and my beliefs. And also, I did not make that my nickname to confuse people with "poor senior". Just a quick question...since anyone who does not agree with you gets told to bring up their real name on here and all of this, why not "poor senior" or "shadow" or "feet" or "@"? Just a question. And I believe that the street scape project was a good project because it beautified one of our biggest assets; besides WPAFB and WSU. You may not think that it looks good but I do. It also fixed the crumbling curbs and the horribly bumpy road and old water/sewer lines and put nicer trees in. I am not in any way shape or form connected to Karen Harris so I don't know why she never spoke with you, but that is her and your problem. Not mine.

Also, when I lived in many other areas of the country, those areas taxes were and still are far more expensive than Fairborn's ever have been. Also, I believe that you get what you pay for, but you are entitled to your opinion on the taxes and I don't want to get into that argument. Also- the SWAC charges you are speaking of are ridiculous and will certainly drive away businesses and families faster than a high speed train! I believe that our parks system is a very important asset to our community because they provide safe places to play since most of our children don't have anywhere else to go- also, good parks draw families to communities. Also-I don't know when they plan to stick the street levy renewal on the ballot...which is the reason I asked in my last post.

P.S. Karen; I don't like kool-aid. Too much sugar for me-my doctor says someone my age shouldn't have too much sugar!  #397 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 03 July 2013 12:19) "Poor Senior" - I am confident readers KNEW that but I also tried to clarify it! It shouldn't surprise anyone that someone who is silly enough to love the streetscape design wouldn't be original enough to come up with their own nickname! Or maybe they were hoping to confuse the readers by using YOUR good reputation here?  #396 Poor Senior (Wednesday, 03 July 2013 11:49) I am NOT Senior!!!!!! Do not confuse!!!  #395 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 03 July 2013 09:09) “Senior” - I am sure you are NOT to be confused with “Poor Senior” since YOU seem to have very strange ideas about good government! Then again, I have little doubt you work for the city, have some close friend or family member who does, or serve as one of their flying monkey sycophants. If not, you would proudly sign your name, right? Of course, the only sycophant who ever did (at least that I can recall) - Karen Harris - felt so strongly in her support for the regime that she offered to meet me to discuss her reasons. Then she didn’t show up. Oh - and hasn’t been heard from since. Silly sycophants.

Well, you are entitled to your opinion of streetscape. Personally, I think it is UGLY - I don’t care for the bizarrely mismatched paver designs at intersections. New blacktop is one thing - but all of that brick work was silly in a downtown that is not remotely “upscale.” More importantly, I think it is DANGEROUS, with curbs suddenly jutting into traffic and pedestrians stuck in the path of oncoming vehicles. I think it is a matter of time before there is a tragedy because of this poor design. Moreover, I don’t think it has done a darned thing to increase business in Fairborn. So, enlighten me --WHAT, exactly, do you think is a “good thing” about it? Oh, who am I kidding - sycophants like you never return to back up anything you claim!

No tax is a “great thing,” but getting street repairs done that the city government had neglected for fifty years was NECESSARY. That’s why citizens like me had to go fight for this issue - so don’t kid yourself that the City Council had a thing to do with it (other than bowing to public pressure)!

Indeed, our city “leaders” are so busy finding ways to WASTE our money on unnecessary nonsense that we have to pass additional taxes to handle the fundamentals! Police, fire, streets, water. Those should be the PRIORITIES of this city government. Yet, those are all the services we have to fund with EXTRA taxes!

As for whether there are “many” streets that need to be done, I am not convinced of that. I didn’t get the chance to watch the City Engineer’s full presentation and the meeting isn’t up on Granicus yet (there seem to be some problems with the website and Granicus --AGAIN). I can only say they recently RE-paved a street near me that didn’t seem to need it AT ALL. So I think they are not only “maintaining” what they already did - but OVERDOING it. If we don’t just hand them more money, maybe it will compel them to use a little JUDGMENT instead. Hopefully we can sub-contract THAT out!

Since we passed police and fire levies, the general fund has PLENTY of money to handle street repairs WITHOUT renewing the street levy. The city will just have to stop all the luxury spending like sub-contracting for work that can be done in-house, volunteering to stick the taxpayers with tabs for environmental messes created by greedy companies, and a host of other follies. Indeed, it is a foolish lack of focus that keeps this town forever demanding more and more and more taxes, fees, and charges. Wait until they hit you with the upcoming SWAC charges! Your water bill is going to continue increasing every year. More about that at another time.

Back to the issue of lack of priorities, they recently INCREASED the amount that Parks and Recreation would be getting from the Hotel/Motel Tax instead of putting this money where it could enhance some of those BASIC services. I saw the other day where they were trying to force a housing developer to install ANOTHER park! How many underutilized parks does a town of 32,000 people need? How often have you picnicked at the SWAMP behind Rona Hills where they installed a $5K granite monument to WASTEFUL SPENDING? Same question for bike paths that a handful of people ever use - how many is enough? Do you think at this time, the wisest way to spend close to $2 million is on another bike path? ABSURD.

I’m sure you already know the answer, “Senior, but I have no idea when they plan to stick the street levy renewal on the ballot - no doubt it will be soon since it expires next year and they suddenly discussed it in-depth at the last Council meeting. That’s a good sign that they are getting ready to pounce! Of course, I am sure they are in a bind since the schools also plan to slam another levy up. My guess is the city will agree to wait for the next special election time which will cost us another $25K just to put it on the ballot!

Well, whenever they do it - it will be a distinct pleasure to vote NO on both. But I’m sure the regime is thankful for little kool-aid drinkers like you who love taxes (care to pay mine?).  #394 Senior (Wednesday, 03 July 2013) I personally think that the street levy has been a great thing. I know it was advertised as a residential street levy, but I think that what they have used the money for has been ok. I think that the streetscape project was a good thing but I'm just going to stop there because I don't want to start a fight. Our streets needed updating...and they have done a good job at updating a lot of them. But there are still more streets that need done...and there will always be streets that need redone..It's just how it is. This is why I will be supporting the Street Levy Renewal!

And Just a question- When will the renewal be on the ballot?  #393 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 02 July 2013 18:55) A few things - as Baretta used to say that you can take to the bank" -

The BOE will be dropping another levy on us AT THE NEXT MEETING - July 11 at 6:30 PM (to make the required deadline for a November ballot). If you object to wasting MORE money on ANOTHER doomed levy, better get to that meeting and tell them so! Fairborn - we need some new voices speaking up!

Second, the City Council is working up to a street levy renewal too. They used about $750K of this money on the "streetscape" THOROUGHFARE project when it was always advertised that it would be for residential streets (to say nothing of the HUD rehabilitation dollars they diverted from needy homes to sink into that debacle!). Now they are scrambling to repave some streets that don't even seem to need it yet. Why? To justify another levy.

What have they done with the $10 million general fund "savings" (money they used to spend on police and fire but now get to spend with their own "discretion," or lack thereof -since we passed the police/fire levies? Let us count the ways in which they are BLOWING all this money! One great example is the sudden "sub-contracting" of inspection and engineering duties. We now hire someone else to inspect Waterford Landing. Ditto for supervising street repairs. Why do we have to pay someone else to do this work when we already have a Building Inspection office AND a City Engineer!

This is especially absurd with regard to the City Engineer. Somehow Xenia AND Beavercreek get along just fine using the County Engineer, but we -- with WAAAYYYY less development - need our own? And now he can't handle all the work either? ABSURD! This is how they spend, spend, spend when you give them too much, folks!  #392 Feet (Tuesday, 02 July 2013 16:56) If the union wasn't in our schools it would be an entirely different story. Is there even a way to get the union out of the schools?  #391 Response to Frank: (Tuesday, 02 July 2013 13:22) The administration did agree to pay more for health care...Just as much as they want the teachers to pay...and they are not getting any pay increases or step increases...just as the administration agreed I don't get why they feel betrayed. I think that the unions are saying that to gain public support but they WILL NOT be getting any support from me. The union is what has helped the decline of our schools. They feel betrayed? What about the kids? If the board wouldn't have done that, they would have been performing an illegal action because you can;t agree to a contract and not have the money for that contract. I just think the unions are doing more of their manipulating until they get what they want. Just look: Pictures from the board meeting when the contracts were cancelled show that probably half of the teaching staff showed where were they at the other board meetings? in the parade? at sporting events? I think it is pathetic. Whenever their pay is on the table, it's all gung ho, we need to go to get what we want...but when it's the community or kids at hand, it's oh well...someone else will do it.

Now I know this is not all teachers or administrators or staff in our school system...but I think it makes up a large percentage!  #390 fairbornspeaks (Tuesday, 02 July 2013 08:39) The city's RSS (automatic update) feeds for City Council Agendas and Minutes are broken. Normally these would appear on the City Info page under "Agendas" and "Minutes." Now, I've combined the two into a single page and simply posted a link to the page where you can search for these documents (and videos) by meeting.  #389 Frank Gilbert (Tuesday, 02 July 2013 07:03) For anyone who has not read the "Featured Article" section, I highly recommend you do. Like it or not, its factual and educational. And its sure to make you go hmmm. Fairborn Speaks, its for the citizens.  #388 Karen Combs (Monday, 01 July 2013 19:56) Sorry for the brief delay in getting posts up - my cable, phone and internet service were all knocked out in the storm and not restored until this evening.

I regret that an URGENT matter prevented me from making it to the Council meeting. It would have warmed my soul to wave ADIOS to Nagle and Snow! Too bad there is no one worthwhile running for ANY Council seat yet! Kirkpatrick or Wood plus Donna Wilson and Paul Keller. Will there be barf bags in the voting booths?

I think it is unfortunate that NO ONE in Fairborn bothered to get up and protest the nearly $2 million they WASTED for a bike path and sewer expansion for Calamityville. More and more, I am coming to believe that Fairborn is getting EXACTLY the government it deserves! Look around if you wanna know how that's working out!

I did love it when Snow said he hoped his record of "accomplishments" would speak for itself. No worries - can you tell us where to look for it? And Nagle up there acting like there were going to be crowds of peasants pleading with him to stay! I am so glad Time Warner got my cable up by about 7:30 so I didn't miss this! It's funnier than ANY sit- com!

Kinda like that recent FDH article about "Operation Fairborn Cares" which is "expanding" despite the admission that they haven't actually assisted many veterans!! Hey, the sky's the limit as long as no real work is involved! With the crew of sycophants that run that thing, I am pretty sure no real work is GUARANTEED!  #387 Frank Gilbert (Monday, 01 July 2013 18:45) I've been reading the articles about the school boards decision to cancel contracts. And the response from the unions. Seems to me the unions in question are the ones that effect the bottom line the least. And with any effort to curtail spending, this is like putting a band-aid on a compound fracture. I'm not saying these cuts should not happen, but how can you expect these folks to swallow what is to them a drastic cost? All fixes need to start at the top. Yes, there are some small cuts at the top, but let's face it, its a very small percentage compared to what they are asking others to pay. You CANNOT ask those below you to do what you are not willing to do yourself. That is ONE reason the school district finds itself in the current financial situation. In talking with school employees, they feel betrayed not by the citizens, but by the school board. Not because they aren't getting what they want, but because they are being held to a different standard. This school board and administration have Titanic written all over it. Shadow's recent posts make this abundantly clear. Change is indeed in order if we are to save this ship.  #386 Poor Senior (Monday, 01 July 2013 09:08) Shadow for all you do thank you.  #385 Shadow (Sunday, 30 June 2013 12:22) Part I

OK @, maybe some professional association with FCS’ “CFO” compels you to try and make excuses for his incompetence. Fair enough, but you would not be performing the necessary due diligence if you did not research previous posts here on Fairborn Speaks! I hope Karen graciously allows me the indulgence of re-posting data from some of her earlier posts as part of my awareness effort.

Firstly @, you state the following:

“They projected that but sometimes revenues exceed expectations. Sometimes state funding choices are made!”

As FCS district taxpayers, we are burdened with an opaque district when it comes to FCS finances. What little information we get comes in the form of pro–levy ads disguised as “Newsletters.” Concerning “state funding choices,” in the most recent “newsletter” the following quote was printed:

“Columbus will not save us!”

Now, following your logic, we have a 180-degree turn and state revenue projections now exceed expectations? Do you do a lot of 180-degree turns in your private sector job? Is your boss pretty carefree if you missed your projections by the magnitude of almost 275%?

How much do you know about Eric Beavers? Have you watched his demeanor at BOE meetings? There is a link provided above here on Fairborn Speaks! that takes you to the latest meeting, but you can toggle through to earlier meetings. I would implore you to watch the April 2013 BOE meeting, which, in addition to his clothing earning him the “Leisure Suit Larry” moniker, Mr. Beavers acted in an arrogant and condescending manner to some of the very citizens WHO PAY HIS SALARY! In response, I detailed Mr. Beaver’s history as a school treasurer at that time:

From my Post#22: “- In 2000, Beavers is employed at the Gorham-Fayette Schools.

- A September 13 2000 Bryan Times has article details that beavers is being hired by Stryker Local schools, with a contract which will pay him $45,000 a year through 2002

- A November 20 2001 article in the Bryan Times details how there is a controversy about how money is being transferred amongst school accounts. Beavers is called on the carpet at the BOE meeting to explain why there is a discrepancy in the schools books.

- A 1 November 2005 Toledo Blade article details how the Defiance school district has hired Beavers. Despite the fund allocation controversy, Beavers has engineered himself a very nice raise of $12,800, to 57,800 while at Stryker. Defiance gives Beavers a contract through 2007 @ $65,000 per annum.

- A Dayton Daily News article dated 22 June 2010 details how Beavers has been hired from the Defiance schools by the Springboro schools. We don’t know how much more money Beavers was able to swing for himself while at Defiance Schools, but he is scheduled to start August 1st 2010 at Springboro, with a salary of $105,000 a year, plus benefits

- Beavers “me first” pre-disposition is clearly evident in a Nov 5 2010 Middletown Journal, detailing his resignation from Springboro schools. The article contains the following details: “Eric Beavers told school board officials on Wednesday he is resigning after three months on the job. Beavers said he expects to be hired by the Fairborn City Schools. That board has called a special meeting today, where Beavers is expected to be officially hired. Beavers said he resigned because of “board issues,” but declined to elaborate.”  #384 Shadow (Sunday, 30 June 2013 12:21) Part II

Note, Beavers announced this at a Wednesday board meeting, the day after a levy was defeated in Springboro. Also note how FCS accommodated Beavers with a special meeting just to hire him. Clearly, he was negotiating behind the Springboro BOE’s back with Fairborn. FCS, as was the case with the $carberry hiring from Cuyahoga Falls, should have did some research on who exactly they were getting, but alas, that would require LEADERSHIP AND COMPETANCE!

Now ole’ Shadow knows that people move to different jobs all the time, however, none of these people wrap themselves in a sanctimonious, “I’m better than you, because I care about these kids” cape while talking down to the people who pay HIS SALARY, all the while having a history of leaving school districts (some rather abruptly) when there is more $$$$ to enrich themselves with at the next stop. Beavers has been with five school districts in less than fifteen years. The Beav’s history shows that he is only in it as long as he can (like his master, Lord $carberry) engineer greater wealth for himself.”

Karen Combs, in her post#59 also pointed out the following concerning Eric Beavers qualifications, the rudimentary qualifications required to be a school treasurer, and what happened once Beavers left Springboro schools:

“2) “Eric Beavers” does not appear as a licensed CPA on the Ohio Accountancy Board listing. (Source: Some school treasurers DO have such credentials, including Xenia, Huber Heights, etc.But overall, I was shocked at what I consider rather lax credentials to become a “licensed school treasurer” through the Ohio Department of Education (source: ODE, School Treasurer License). A CPA is NOT required. All it takes to be put in charge of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars is:

-Baccalaureate in business with 3 semester hours in school law, 3 in school finance OR- BA in non-business major with 9 semester hours of accounting plus the law and finance requirements above -Both require a 300-hour “internship,” but I am not sure when that was instituted. -Both require continuing education in the field.  #383 Shadow (Sunday, 30 June 2013 12:20) Part III

3) According to the Middletown Journal of 11/5/10, Eric Beavers only worked in Springboro from August 1 – November 18 of 2010—a little over just THREE MONTHS. He resigned as soon as a levy failed. He was replaced by a consultant, Tracy Jarvis, who specializes in efficiency audits. It appears she was hired as the permanent Treasurer (or at least appears as such on the Springboro Schools website). The Springboro district went from constant pressures for property tax levies to a BUDGET SURPLUS. Their latest five-year forecast shows MILLIONS in available funds. The district is rated "Excellent with Distinction."

Ok, so now @, you know much more details concerning “the Beav” himself. But let’s see him in action…To further illustrate just how much “walking back” he is doing now, lets go back to April (only two short months ago) and look at my posts #16 and #17:

“Unlike other media outlets, our FDH special correspondent kept it all pro-FCS. The featured FCS “spinner” is our buddy The Beav, AKA Leisure Suit Larry Here are some low lights:

“Cuts will save schooldistrict $1.6 million”

FAIRBORN- The Fairborn City SchoolBoard voted unanimously recently toapprove the reduction in force effective atthe end of fiscal year June 2013. Thenewest series of cuts will save the districtapproximately $1.6 million.”

Ok, according to the National Center of Educational Statistics, (NCES) FCS Revenues in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 (last available) were just under $51 million. This has undoubtedly risen in the last four years, but for sake of argument we will use the 2008-2009 figures. So FCS, in such dire fiscal straits to need an EMERGENCY LEVY, cut a WHOPPING 3.2% of its revenues to deal with its pending insolvency.

“The district is currently seeking a $4.1million, 10-year property tax levy on theMay 7 ballot.”

Whoops, our “Special Correspondent” had to print a small type retraction on that in the next day’s FDH, since the TAX INCREASING LEVY IS FOR 10 YEARS IN DURATION AND IT WILL LINE FCS ADMINISTRATORS, FACULTY AND STAFF’S POCKETS TO THE TUNE OF AN ADDITIONAL $7 MILLION EVERY YEAR

“…as well as the numberof student enrollments dropped by 100 inOctober, which brought down fundingfrom the state.”

Yes folks, Leisure Suit Larry still can’t grasp the concept that if you have less children to educate, it SHOULD cost you less due to the LOWER number of students you have to teach. FCS Math 101: The numbers of enrolled students keep dropping, yet we need MORE money to line our pockets with, uh we mean “operate” on.

"We have cash flow needs before that,"said Beavers. "We have a projected end ofthe year balance of $21,700. Our payrollis just under $1 million every two weeks.”

Whoops, our “Special Correspondent” had to print a small type retraction on that in the next day’s FDH, since FCS’ actual payroll is $1.7 MILLION every two weeks. Let that sink in. Remember, less than FOUR Fiscal Years ago, per NCES, FCS TOTAL REVENUES were $51 Million. Now, in 2013, FCS is paying out $44 Million a year JUST IN PAYROLL! The spending at FCS is out of control and unsustainable. With numbing regularity, FCS publishes their full color Skyhawk News, harping on that year’s “Emergency Levy which will “fix” the problem” As always, it doesn’t, because FCS, under Lord $carberry, has NO FISCAL DISCIPLINE and the levy process serves as an enrichment vehicle for him and his minions.  #382 Shadow (Sunday, 30 June 2013 12:19)

Part IV

“Beavers pointed out that it is veryprobable that if the city does pass the levy on May 7, the district will still be forced to borrow money from the state because the new monies will not begin until January 2014.”

Yes, The Beav has stated previously that this new MASSIVE TAX INCREASE ALONE (i.e. without loan(s)) WILL “FIX” FCS’ FINANCES. NO SURPRISE, HE TAKES HIS DIRECTION FROM LORD $CARBERRY! After some more drivel about unfunded mandates (heaven forbid the state has to force underperforming districts like FCS to do their job and not socially promote children WHO CAN’T READ) comes the last bit of incredulity:

"We have made extensive cuts," saidBeavers. "We are trying to give taxpayers the best value for the money they are paying. We provide a very good educational product."

Seriously Beav, 3.2% (probably a much lower a percentage of this fiscal year’s revenues) is “EXTENSIVE CUTS?” That is mind-blowing if he really believes it. A “VERY GOOD EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT?” FCS IS BELOW AVERAGE IN THE OBJECTIVE MEASURES OF ODE RANKINGS AND IN ACT AND SAT SCORES. Let me posit a question. The FEA (Teachers Union) contract ends at the conclusion of the school year, right when ole’ Leisure Suit Larry says fiscal Armageddon occurs. Why didn’t The Beav announce publicly, after the last levy failed in November 2012, that negotiations with the FEA on a new, money saving contract must be concluded before FCS own version of a fiscal cliff occurred? FCS wouldn’t have to worry about a “cuts on the backs of teachers” outcry because the district citizens just gave them political cover with a levy rejection. Think about a real business, one that is hemorrhaging cash. If their workforce were union, the CFO would be absolutely ecstatic at the opportunity to cut labor costs and save the company. Even private sector unions recognize this reality, trading job security for a reduction in pay and benefits…A lower paying job is better than no job. Why then, did FCS not do this? It’s simple: Like 2007, Lord $carberry is counting on the off-year, off-month ballot to keep lining his and his minion’s pockets. If the district is publicly demanding pay and benefit concessions from the FEA, then the turnout $carberry needs (FCS employees living in the district, their families, etc.) won’t happen and the gravy train stops. Yes, the FEA is well aware of the “scratch my back, I will scratch yours” arrangement and it has been very evident they have not made a peep (publicly, at least) about their expiring contract. If the people opposed to this MASSIVE TAX INCREASE don’t show up to the polls, than Lord $carberry and the FEA get to keep their cozy, profitable, little arrangement while district tax payers have to sacrifice, sacrifice and sacrifice some more!” Sorry to everyone if that was a little long, but @ needed to understand that most of us here on Fairborn Speaks! KNEW what was going on with Eric Beavers and Lord $carberry long before the levy votes.

Oh, one more thing @, isn’t making unauthorized investments of nearly a MILLION DOLLARS in risky Asset-Backed Commercial Paper investments a red flag during an audit? It’s a rhetorical question, since the state auditor already has found Beaver’s in violation of the STATE LAW prohibiting it.  #381 Poor Senior (Sunday, 30 June 2013 11:51) Calamityville the gift that keeps on giving-BARRELS of hard earned tax dollars red ink gushing from the general fund-Oh Danny boy where are you? Deb do nothing's crown jewel!! Time way past due for a serious investigation!!!  #380 @Shadow (Saturday, 29 June 2013 20:59) The point I was trying to make was that everything was a guessing game! They projected that but sometimes revenues exceed expectations. Sometimes state funding choices are made! I'm not a "pro-tax, levy, sycophant". I work in private sector accounting and know that it is really tough when it comes to relying on government for up to date, actual financial information on I can't imagine having to deal with taxes and funding from them! They never make up their minds and until they do, it is just a guessing game for everyone!  #379 Centurion (Saturday, 29 June 2013 20:47) Fairborn's current City Council members and the current Board of Education members, has made Fairborn an inhospitable environment for those residents struggling to pay their bills and to pay their rent or mortgage payments. As Fairborn is always trying to raise revenue through increasing taxes but never trying to lower expenses through decreasing expenditures. Experiences in recent dealings with the City Council and the BOE has been marked by a lack of interest over citizens concerns. Further complicated with a lack of vigor, clarity, and consistency in policies and practices. For these concerned citizens, as well as the rest of the residents of Fairborn and the surrounding communities, the dominant impression, (first or otherwise) about the City Council and the BOE, is one of drift in several directions at the same time. As a consequence, the goals and objectives of the City of Fairborn and the Fairborn BOE have become isolated from that of the residents of Fairborn. The policies of City Council members and Board of Education members have become too broad and are inadequate toward the changed conditions brought on by the recession. They don't represent an effective response to the dynamics of the citizens concerned about the increasing taxes. Whether the BOE should terminate or extent the teachers contracts is not nearly as large an issue as the controversy that surrounds what their contract contains. Even with the contents and the existence of the most favorable conditions in which their contract contains, their demands for more benefits continue. Experience from past contract negotiations would indicate the nonexistence of a strategic framework to lower or offset the increasing cost of such luxury employee welfare plans. This would further indicate that any such future objectives of a more restrictive strategic framework involving employee welfare plans cannot be effectively achieved unless such a policy were pursued on a consistent, transparent basis, embracing the involvement of district residents. Anything less broadly conceived would merely perpetuate the current conditions in which the citizens of Fairborn are placed at a disadvantage. Not only should the teachers contracts be renegotiated. The Board of Education, the Treasurer along with the Superintendent, and all other contracts within the school district should be reviewed for cost saving measures. Those that are no longer adequate for the current financial climate should be terminated or amended. In psychological and emotional terms alone, a line of defense to contain the escalating school budget would be to cancel the teachers health insurance. With Nationalized Health Care upon us, this would save the district millions, as the teachers could get their insurance through the state insurance exchange. In addition, this would certainly help to express and dramatize the public indignation at the increasing demands for more teacher benefits in the form of another tax. The measure upon which the BOE took to prevent the district from slipping into fiscal watch was to cancel the teacher contracts. Here lies the true economic source of the slow erosion of citizen control over the accountability of tax dollars being spent. What is being written into these contracts are lucrative kickers that amounts to millions of tax dollars. Time bombs waiting to explode with generous gifts of unsuspecting TAXPAYERS tax dollars. Surely there is no longer a need for a levy, nor a deficit of $1.5 million, after these contracts are cancelled. Citizens own unique value to the City Council and the BOE as a supplier of this source of revenue has only increased over the years. Most of the revenue they have been receiving and a good deal of the financial credit they sought have been readily made available through the process of a property tax levy. If not through a property tax, than in the form of income tax or a hidden tax. Taxes like the spigot tax, the flush tax, the trash tax, the sidewalk tax, the curb tax, the street tax, the police tax, the fire tax, the drivers license tax, the ambulance tax, the gas tax, the alcohol tax, the cigarette tax, the street light tax, and the soon to be tax, the rain tax, etc...... Finally, the talk from city officials is that somehow all the problems of the city is because half of the housing stock are rental properties. The talk from school officials is that somehow all the problems of the school district is because half of the children in attendants are low income. What would they expect if 25% of Fairborn's population is living in poverty? What parent would let 1 of their 4 children go hungry? None! Then why do Fairborn leaders continue to ignore such a devastating condition within the community? Their notion must be that a poor Fairbornite is likely to be a harmless Fairbornite. A citizen that won't question the policies being made by those that have kept a quarter of their citizenry in poverty.  #378 Shadow (Saturday, 29 June 2013 19:42) More mindless hilarity from Unbelievable (will give he/she credit for finding a wholly appropriate name):

"I am not an FCS employee. I am just a parent and taxpayer, who is paying a whole lot more in taxes than you are"

Hmm..."Paying a whole lot more" and "Wealth Envy." I don't think I am the only one who gets the inkling that Unbelievable measures their self worth by the amount of digits present on their bank account statement, the number of luxury cars in the garage and the square footage of the house. Unbelievable's own statement regarding "selfish" Social Security recipients like Poor Senior is another "tell" regarding their $carberry-esque obsession with self-enrichment:

"I'm sure Poor Senior isn't going to give up COLA raises from S.S., even though the system will be bankrupt before I can collect."

Alas, even if they "collect," Unbelievable is too ignorant to realize hearses don't have luggage racks or trailer hitches.

"I have helped in the schools and I have seen the challenges our teachers have and how hard they work. They deserve to earn an average teacher salary- which your group is so opposed to because of "wealth envy."

How stupid we have been! Instead of using objective measures such as state report cards and college readiness examinations, all we need to do is have a person with plenty of time on their hands (makes you wonder how much of Unbelievable's vast wealth was earned by them and how much was earned by their spouse!) to go in and see the "challenges" and "hard work" to determine what an educator deserves in salary! Man, we could even expand this novel idea to colleges and universities! These institutions wouldn't have to worry about graduation rates, class sizes, etc. and pesky Top 50 college rankings could be a thing of the past (As a bonus, FHS leadership wouldn't have to be embarrassed that none of their graduates matriculated into any of the Top 50, as the ranking wouldn't exist ...Brilliant!) . Of course, as Karen has already pointed out, FCS teachers make ABOVE AVERAGE salaries, so I imagine ( a deliberate word choice) Unbelievable will be advocating a PAY CUT as part of the new union agreement, if for no other reason than for he or she to occupy their idle time going after Social Security recipients for not paying their "fair share" into Unbelievable's latest De rigueur cause.  #377 Danger Combs (Saturday, 29 June 2013 16:32) "Unbelievable" (do I detect a whiff of JD - or has some dairy product spoiled?)-

Nice dodge of the PERFORMANCE issue. Are you aware that the average FCS teachers makes MORE than the average teacher in Ohio? Sure, not by much, but it IS true (2012 Cupp Report, Oh. Dept. of Education). Yet, our schools are only rated "Effective." If salary is the key to greatness, how is this possible? And if our teachers are better paid than most, why the feigned outrage? NO ONE has suggested they should be underpaid or "unfairly" paid. But ANYONE making what they are making in today's economy should - in the immortal words of the late, GREAT, R.I.P. Gandolfini -"fuhgeddabout it" when it comes to raises, perks or demands! If you pay so much more than me in property taxes, (give me YOUR name, I'll check) why don't you expect more value for your money? Whenever someone pretends to be an "average Joe citizen" but stands in defense of Lord Davey of the Double-Dippin' $carberrys, then I call SYCOPHANT. If you are just some concerned citizen who is spending the weekend fretting over someone else's salary, then I am the Tooth Fairy.

Your "wealth envy" BALONEY is about as clever as Kirkpatrick's "you hate the mentally ill" nonsense. Is there ANY depth to which you sycophants will NOT sink to lash out at me simply because the facts are on my side? Surprise me - How about a debate where you actually provide some RELEVANT POINTS?

 #376 Shadow (Saturday, 29 June 2013 16:30)

Whew, I was worrying “Unbelievable” might be a teacher…I mean, we already have a BELOW AVERAGE district (BTW, Centerville’s ACT mean score is 25 vs. 21 for FCS...Man, those OBJECTIVE school district performance measure are such a drag!) and we didn’t need somebody whose reading comprehension isn’t up to snuff. For Unbelievable’s benefit, I will paste just what they need to re-read from my post # 375:

“When most FCS administrators are compensated to the tune of between $80K and $250K (Yes, that last figure is for our most revered lord, David Scarberry)”

So Unbelievable states the following:

“And, Shadow, the district is not paying Mr. Scarberry $250,000.”

I didn’t say FCS was paying him $250K, I said he was “compensated” $250K

Per About.Com’s Human Resources page, Compensation also includes payments such as bonuses, profit sharing, overtime pay, recognition rewards and checks, and sales commission.

So "compensation" includes not just the “record” salary of an individual, but other income they receive. Yes, they didn’t detail such things as retirement payments from TAXPAYER supported state pension funds, but that is due to the most private firms prohibiting practices such as retiring from a management position and the next day doing the same job at the same location, in the same seat…Seems they have found out it leads to human resources stagnation, cronyism and poor organizational performance…In other words, exactly what is happening at FCS!

Finally, I wanted to address this quote from “Unbelievable:” “I'm sure Poor Senior isn't going to give up COLA raises from S.S., even though the system will be bankrupt before I can collect. This group is so unbelievably selfish.”

SO WHO IS CALLING WHO “SELFISH?” Guess what, at my age, I probably won’t see Social Security (SS) either, but you have the unmitigated gall to call current SS recipients “selfish?” WHO DO YOU THINK BUILT THIS COUNTRY?!?! Your IPhone’s Siri would be talking to you in German or Japanese if it weren’t for the SACRIFICES current and past SS recipients made in WWII. Hope you like your Samsung TV and Kia car; if it wasn’t for Korean vets, Crazy Kim Jung Un would posses the whole Korean peninsula. Do you think the world’s largest economy “just happened?” Ignorance is bliss, until someone like you uses a keyboard. Too bad Poor Senior doesn’t get an STRS retirement, one that is guaranteed to START at a minimum of $56,000 a year for career teachers (per STRS’s 2011 CAFR), has no minimum age requirement, only requires 30 years of work and HAS A GUARANTEED ANNUAL COLA of 3%!

I guess if Poor Senior compares his no COLA for the past two years and whopping 1.7% COLA this year to an STRS retirement, well, he is just experiencing “wealth envy,” right?

I sure hope you will continue to post Unbelievable…It will give me great satisfaction shredding your weak arguments on a repeated basis, you ungrateful FEA hack!  #375 Shadow (Saturday, 29 June 2013 15:15) @Shadow wrote:

“The FDH left out that the deficit was "projected"

So @, I’m hardly a defender of the Loyal Royal Scribe and their “special correspondents,” however, if you re-read the FDH quote it states:

“…expects anoperating deficit of $4.1 millionfor the 2013-14 schoolyear…”

Yes, “expects” is the same as “projecting.” Additionally, the $4.1 MILLION DOLLAR figure was used in the taxpayer -funded FCS Pro Levy Ad, I mean “District Newsletter,” at the top of Page 1!

Continuing @Shadow’s remarks…

“…and did not take into account the "cuts" that they made, revenue expectations/actual, etc.”

The FDH article was using the “The Beav” as its source, so if they didn’t include your contention of “tak(ing) into account the "cuts" that they made, revenue expectations/actual, etc.,” Then neither did “The Beav.” Of course, without a detailed INDEPENDENT audit of FCS finances, we have no solid numbers regarding how much money comes in via tax receipts, how much is really being spent on staff pay and benefits (Hint: MOST OF IT!) and how much our non-CPA/CFA, school treasurer finance experience only, wannabe “Wall Street” Gordon Gecko FCS “CFO” is betting on high risk investments…Trust me, the sharks LOVE minnows like him.  #374 Unbelievable (Saturday, 29 June 2013 13:53) I am not an FCS employee. I am just a parent and taxpayer, who is paying a whole lot more in taxes than you are. I have helped in the schools and I have seen the challenges our teachers have and how hard they work. They deserve to earn an average teacher salary- which your group is so opposed to because of "wealth envy.". But as I said before (and you still lambasted me even though I agree with you) they need to make health care concessions.  #373 Danger Combs (Saturday, 29 June 2013 13:27) "Unbelievable" - Oh, I am 100% CERTAIN you are a teacher, an FCS employee or related to one! NO ONE gets that "defensive" over OPM (other people's money!). But I guess that is a nice cop-out so you don't have to answer any of the questions, eh?  #372 Poor Senior (Saturday, 29 June 2013 12:58) I'm quite sure you would find UNBELIEVABLE what I pay to FCS in prop tax. It's a major reason I'm poor. FCS has a taxpayer be damned attitude. Yes I'll keep my cola thank you very much Unbelievable! Vote NO in Nov.!!!!!  #371 Unbelievable (Saturday, 29 June 2013) I'm not a teacher, just someone with common sense, and I did say I agree with you on the health care issue.  #370 Danger Combs (Saturday, 29 June 2013 10:18) “Unbelievable” - you certainly ARE!

“Wealth envy”? I thought you are in it “for the kids,” NOT the money!?!? I know you sycophants love to “hit and run” on here - never willing to stand up and explain what you claim to believe in - but I will give it another shot with this handful of questions:

1) Since the Fairborn schools rely on property taxes from this community - and this community is so much POORER than other districts, WHY SHOULDN’T the teachers here expect to earn LESS? 43% of property here isn’t even subject to property taxes at all! You are putting a HUGE burden on a small group of people who simply CAN’T AFFORD IT. If you can make more elsewhere -- GO!! 2) Should performance count? Why aren’t our schools rated ‘Excellent with Distinction” like the Centerville Schools? Should you rival them ONLY in pay, but not results? Our teachers were so nervous about being subjected to common performance standards that the FCS DIDN’T EVEN APPLY FOR the “Race To The Top” state GRANTS that other districts around us received! At the BOE meeting a few weeks before the application was due - Tess Little and Dave Taylor were carrying on and on about the importance of getting the grant. But WE NEVER EVEN TRIED. Shameful. Just shameful!

3) Using your “logic,” why should teachers in Fairborn get better healthcare benefits than ANY others teachers in the STATE OF OHIO? Oakwood teachers have a $2500 deductible. Why don’t you?

4) What do you mean we “have no problem with” living in a poor community? Thanks to the rotten leadership around here, we have no CHOICE. Did YOU vote these clowns into the BOE and City Council, “Unbelievable”? I sure as heck DIDN’T!! Do you even LIVE here - or like so many of you FCS teachers - do you just drain our community but choose to live elsewhere?

5) Why should the district be paying Dave Scarberry ANYTHING? He has performed terribly - ignored the recommendations of the state auditor the last time we were in fiscal crisis and put us right back there again! If he is “entitled to” his retirement - fine - he should go enjoy it somewhere. But he shouldn’t get another CENT from us. Despite driving enrollment down and costs up, he is STILL the third highest paid Superintendent in the county (NOT including his retirement double-dipping!) and the other two have Ph.D.s (and successful districts!)!

And, by the way, just because something is “legal” doesn’t make it RIGHT. And the attitude that it does is PRECISELY what has been killing this town!  #369 Unbelievable (Saturday, 29 June 2013 09:44) I agree that health care concessions need to be made, but this group is unbelievable with their "wealth envy". Teachers and staff are making average salaries for their professions. Why should a teacher in Fairborn be paid less than a teacher in Centerville or elsewhere? Especially given the fact that many people who post here have no problem with being a poor community, which results in kids who require much more in the educational setting. I'm sure Poor Senior isn't going to give up COLA raises from S.S., even though the system will be bankrupt before I can collect. This group is so unbelievably selfish. You don't want to pay a fair wage and you don't care if our kids lose out on very worthwhile activities (like the arts & sports) just to prove a point. And, Shadow, the district is not paying Mr. Scarberry $250,000. He did something perfectly legal, and the district is paying him less than before. Now, let me have it!  #368 @Shadow (Saturday, 29 June 2013 08:22) The FDH left out that the deficit was "projected" and did not take into account the "cuts" that they made, revenue expectations/actual, etc.  #367 Karen Combs (Saturday, 29 June 2013 06:28) We also have to add to this the fact that any full-time employee is eligible for the FCS' LUXURY healthcare plan - the family version costs nearly $22K a year! That's a hefty little "perk"! That is what happens when you offer a healthcare plan with $150/$300 single/family deductibles and 100% coverage of nearly every service under the sun!

Until they get the deductibles and service coverage under control, the percentage the employees pay of the premiums is pretty inconsequential to the bottom line.

As for increasing the employee's share to 20%, the FCS was told to do that in the 2005 audit by then-state auditor Betty Montgomery's office! WHAT TOOK SO LONG???? It seems to me that for the past EIGHT YEARS, it has just been a benefits gravy train, paying only 10-15%. Most people have been paying AT LEAST 20% for OVER A DECADE. In fact, a 2010 nationwide study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found average employee participation was 18% for a single plan and 29% for a family plan! So, as Shadow notes, it is tough for anyone to work up much "sympathy" that some OVERDUE increases are finally being made at the FCS!

Under the CURRENT benefit costs, employees pay just $105.82/$264.54 per month (24 pays per year) for top-of-the-line benefits. But, a retired teacher with 30+ years would pay $321 a month for the best healthcare option available in this area as offered by the State Teachers Retirement System - and it is another $1,036 a month to add a spouse! And that plan has a $1000 deductible PER ENROLLEE and 20% co-pay for almost all services! So whining about the 20% doesn't really make much sense!

Health insurance is intended to be a safety net - NOT a "pay-every-expense-that-you- may-ever-face-even-when-you-make-a-good-wage" bonus!

 #366 Shadow (Friday, 28 June 2013 21:13) When presented with anecdotal information by someone like marie, it is good to check the FACTS. Per the BI .org 2012 salary tables for FCS (this is information FCS supplies to the state), there is indeed one custodian who makes around $15,000 a year, but they work only four hours per day. I found one full-time custodian who make a bit over what marie stated, almost $25K a year, however, in looking at the salaries for the vast majority of FCS employees with the position heading of "Custodian Assignment," the numbers climb to an average of about $32K a year with a high of $38K+. Per, the average salary for a custodian in the Fairborn area is $26K, which is still higher than the Fairborn's 2012 per capita income stat of $22k per year, as reported in Sperling's Best Places. In fact, if an FCS custodian's spouse made the per capita average of $22K and the Custodian made $32K a year, their household income of $54K a year would be greater than 61% of the households in Fairborn, per Sperling. Is $54K ideal for raising a family? Maybe not, but think of that 61% who are trying to raise their families for less...Who are then being asked at every election to fund AUTOMATIC PAY RAISES FOR THE MAJORITY OF SCHOOL EMPLOYEES MAKING TWO TO FOUR TIMES AS MUCH AS THEY ARE!

Hmm...Maybe FCS custodian's should worry about their jobs; when state auditor rep Mr. Hardin asked the BOE and the administration if they had any questions after his lengthy report on FCS' ruinous finances, Lord $carberry's first question was "Is there a state law requiring a minimum number of school custodians?"

Remember, the first priority of Lord $carberry is...Lord $carberry!  #365 marie (Friday, 28 June 2013 18:15) just wanted to say I know many people that work for the school system, most in the lower paying jobs such as aides custodians and a few teachers. I know custodians have not had a raise in some time and insurance rates have gone up. Most dont bring home more then 950. every two weeks thats not much if your raising a family.  #364 Shadow (Friday, 28 June 2013 15:32) One additional observation for public consideration. During the run up to both levy votes, a parade of FEA, administrator and staff representatives would use every media source, including Fairborn Speaks!, to constantly remind us about how these levies were "for the kids." Indeed, the accused people opposed to the levy of not caring for "the kids," and insinuated these people were greedy and did not want to make the "necessary monetary sacrifices" to "better our schools."

The truth is now out: These "educators," who deemed themselves "The defenders of our children's education" during the levy debate, did so WITH THE FULL KNOWLEDGE THAT WITH THEIR ROLLOVER CONTRACTS, THEY STOOD TO GAIN EVEN MORE TAXPAYER MONEY IN PAY AND BENEFITS IF THE LEVY PASSED!!!

Have to stop typing now, I think I have to go puke!

 #363 Shadow (Friday, 28 June 2013 15:13) Part I

Ah, Lord $carberry's Loyal Royal Scribe at the Fairborn Daily Prop Sheet (FDH) is having to work overtime now on the changes district voters (thankfully!) FORCED on his Lordship and his Manor Court BOE. The contention is now that the BOE was forced to take the contract action to prevent an “additional” $1 MILLION dollars from being “added” to the district’s deficit, which is NOW listed as being $1.5 MILLION dollars. Funny, an FDH article on FCS budget from May 11 2013, states the following:

“The school district, which has already been placed in Fiscal Caution, expects an operating deficit of $4.1 million for the 2013-14 school year if it does not receive additional revenue.”

So in the space of a month, the projected deficit dropped $2.6 MILLION dollars? Either “The Beav” finally got caught by the state for cooking the district books (in addition to the auditor catching him making nearly $1 MILLION in the unauthorized investments of school (READ: TAXPAYER) funds in “asset-backed” (READ: “BUNDLED” SUB- PRIME MORTGAGES) commercial paper) or he is just straight up an incompetent treasurer. Either is bad news for the Fairborn City School district students and the taxpaying citizens of the district.

Today, as I hinted at in my post #368, we are treated to the laughingly “harsh” fiscal realities facing our administrators in his Lordship’s effort to “control the narrative” regarding the FCS budget. Per the FDH’s Loyal Royal Scribe:

“According to school officials, the board approved one-year agreements for administrators, psychologists, supervisors, superintendent, treasurer/ CFO and the exempt employees. Effective July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, there will be no increases to the salary schedules and no movement or step increases.” Yes folks, that “Base Pay Freeze,” touted ad nauseam in Levy Ads, I mean district “Newsletters” wasn’t much of a “freeze.” Trying to compare apples to apples, our local federal employee neighbors have been living under a similar pay freeze for a third straight year and will now have take a 20% cut in their next three months pay. I won’t bring up private sector salaries in a community where there is an over 25% poverty rate; suffice to say, this is NOT A BUDGET CUT!

“Employees will also pay 20 percent of the cost of either a single or family health care plan effective Oct. 1, with applicable payroll with-holdings beginning Sept. 1. The current Insurance Benefit Plan will be modified prior to Oct. 1. Exempt employees will be provided the same Benefit Plan agreed upon by the Fairborn Education Association (FEA) for implementation on Oct. 1. “  #362 Shadow (Friday, 28 June 2013 15:12) Part II

Karen is the best person to analyze these changes, but using her previous thorough research, the 5% increase above the 15% contribution my mean about $800 more or so each year for an employee with a family plan. When most FCS administrators are compensated to the tune of between $80K and $250K (Yes, that last figure is for our most revered lord, David Scarberry), $800 sure won’t break their bank, much less their piggy banks!

“Additionally, STRS qualifying administrators, psychologists, supervisors and the superintendent will be paying the additional one percent increases that will be occurring over the next four years.”

Considering the fact that FCS was previously picking up 100% of administrator’s portion (10% total cost) for State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) members (per Karen’s Research), that 1% a year increase isn’t going to cause these people any problems…They can find that small change just lifting up their couch cushions! Finally, “The Beav” had another one of his unavoidable (i.e., even he can’t fudge Lord $carberry’s books that much) grain of truth moments in the following quote:

“According to Fairborn City Schools treasurer Eric Beavers, these contracts would have included potential salary and fringe benefit increases if they had rolled over on July 1. “This was a cost saving measure,” Beavers said. “They would have automatically triggered increases we just can’t afford.”

PLEASE pay Attention to this! ALL the contracts FCS negotiated in the past were “rollover” contracts. This means all the pay and benefit INCREASES to the administrators, faculty and staff would have taken effect with no BOE action required IF THE LEVY HAD PASSED!!!! The fix was already in, all they had to do was dupe voters into passing the levy and the FCS Taxpayer funded gravy train would not only have continued, but would picked up speed!

Remember, Lord $carberry’s current Manor Court minions BOE is still firmly under his thumb and only by limiting FCS’ voracious appetite for taxpayer funds can any semblance of change occur. Stay strong people, the upcoming “Hurt them as much as possible” fee increases and bus route “consolidations” are all part of his lordship’s plan to get a levy (and a subsequent self-enriching pay raise) passed.

VOTE “NO” on the November 2013 School Levy!  #361 At Least (Friday, 28 June 2013 14:18) I read today that administrators will not receive a salary increase and will not receive step increases, and are going to now pay 20% for health care. This is at least a step in the right direction...kind of. Also, it sounded like changes are being made to the health care plan. I read this information from the Fairborn Daily Herald  #360 Frank Gilbert (Thursday, 27 June 2013 22:11) Hey Confused. Quit hiding behind a fake name and lets see who it is that can't stand facts. Lets see who has to resort to the name calling and insults because you don't have the facts on your side. This site (and others)gives us information that others with an agenda have no intention of sharing with us. They would rather treat us like mushrooms. You go right ahead and toe the line. We WILL keep Fairborn citizens informed.  #359 Frank Gilbert (Thursday, 27 June 2013 16:13) Interesting article in the FDH about the board and union contracts. Both in what it said and didn't say. And I have to admit, I've rarely seen such a short front page article. It makes it all the more important to attend the school board meetings for answers. July's FCS board meeting is the second Thursday of the month (the 11th). Please take an active role in the future of our children. I also wonder (as does Dave Criner) how you have mandated pay increases with no set contracts. Sounds like somebody made a mistake during the last negotiations.  #358 dave criner (Thursday, 27 June 2013 11:10) really? 'Board treasurer Eric Beavers told 2 NEWS the action was taken to avoid a July 1 deadline that would have mandated automatic pay increases.' mandated automatic pay increases? what a contract ! Federal employees have not had a pay increase in years and I personally have not had a pay raise in 6 years - not complaining, glad to be working. but automatic? for what? good/bad/awful performance means nothing if the raises are automatic. so if the levy had passed, automatic pay raises would have taken effect - and its all for the kids, right??  #357 Ashes to Ashes (Wednesday, 26 June 2013 21:03)


Every time the undisputable truth is provided here on this website, whether they are facts of waste or injustices, city and school supporters are quick to personally attack Karen or other posters.

These attacks come in an attempt to avoid facts and to suppress the truth. Yet not one supporter nor government official will dispute a single fact made on this website. As they continue their attacks by misrepresenting the facts in the news media.

Every time the FCSD runs into a problem, or a reason why they can't make a better grade on their report card, they start blaming the kids and using the excuse that FCSD has too many poor children.

Scarberry himself, blamed the minority children, special education children and the poor children of Fairborn, in a 2007 DDN story on why the FCSD did not score well enough on state tests.

If in fact Fairborn does see "MORE AND MORE low income families moving in here", as you claim, then the school district would have no problem converting to an all charter school district and implement the findings of a new study by the Center for Research on Education Outcomes at Stanford University. The study shows that students of low income and minorities do better in charter schools than in public schools.


I just read another letter to the editor in the Fairborn paper about the schools. This, the third in as many weeks. Isn't the levy over? Didn't the residents of Fairborn resoundingly defeat a school levy? If so, why so many letters about the school after the levy? Isn't the Fairborn Daily Herald listening to their readers? If not, why aren't they doing a better job reporting what the truth is?

It was a good letter to the editor in Saturdays Fairborn paper. Terry Burkert did an excellent job describing how the Fairborn Daily Herald only prints what they want the readers to know about. Forget about the truth as far as anything that happens in the City of Fairborn, the paper will only print what the school or city tells them to print. Therefore preventing citizens to make fair and informed decisions the author of the letter spoke about.

As far as the truth, how 'bout this? There has been talk about bonuses for RIF school teachers with a 403 (b) retirement plan. This in itself should set off alarms. But, do you remember the bonuses given out in 2009? The Fairborn City Schools budgeted a $500.00 bonus for EVERY EMPLOYEE in 2009. That meant every teacher, administrator, bus driver and every custodian. Every school employee received a $500 bonus. This was a bonus to the teachers for doing the job that we the TAX PAYER are paying them to do. It had to do with the state report card, Scarberry and the Board of Education had promised the teachers, and all employees that if the report card REMAINED on "effective" status they would receive $500.00.

Let's do a little math. If there were 555 employees back then, it would look something like this; 555 employees x $500.00 bonus =$277,500.00. That's right, over a quarter of a million dollars budgeted to be given away in 2009. $500.00 for each and every SCHOOL EMPLOYEE.

This is a fact.

How much do you think has been, and will be given away in the 403 (b) teachers retirement bonuses?

 #356 Poor senior (Wednesday, 26 June 2013 18:41) Bullseye Shadow!!! Amen! VOTE NO in NOV.!!!!!!  #355 Shadow (Wednesday, 26 June 2013 16:36) Today's FCS contract cancellation is Exhibit A of why voting against FCS levies again and again is so crucial!

The Spring Levy Ad, er, "School Newletter," in response to other districts dropping May 7th 2013 Levy requests, stated "Some school districts in the area pulled levies from the ballot in anticipation of the state budget. Fairborn City School's financial situation is too critical to do so! Funds are needed NOW."

Yes folks, now we REALLY know why "Funds are needed now." From the WDTN article Karen posted:

"Board treasurer Eric Beavers told 2 NEWS the action was taken to avoid a July 1 deadline that would have mandated automatic pay increases."

If the levy had passed, the unions (along with the administrators, I'm sure) would be getting AUTOMATIC pay raises. Its pretty simple: We pay higher taxes and they make more money, irregardless of the BELOW AVERAGE performance of FCS in educating our children.

FCS Levy vote in November? Keep your money for your family's needs, not to fund union member's desires: VOTE NO!  #354 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 26 June 2013 00:21) Shadow - I'm sure they took my number off THAT list! But I have heard from several people who have received these calls. Wonder how much the good taxpayers of Fairborn are paying for that pre-levy nonsense?  #353 Shadow (Tuesday, 25 June 2013 21:03) Ja, 99 Luftballons would be appropriate!

BTW, Anybody else receiving calls from a marketing research firm about the The Fairborn City Elections this fall?  #352 Janice (Tuesday, 25 June 2013 18:12) Dan Kirkpatrick has a minion named "confused." That is appropriate.  #351 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 25 June 2013 17:56) Shadow - I saw your post while I was replying to "Confused" - how funny is it that when the schools think they are "safe" - they try to distract us with city issues and vice versa? Your song choice is can we send "confused?" on 99 luft balloons? :)  #350 Danger Combs (Tuesday, 25 June 2013 17:49) “Confused”- 1. Poof- right back atcha’!! Not checking facts + no source for your info + creepy threats = SYCOPHANT. Own it, honey. 2. I’ve never been a nurse, janitor, rocket scientist, fireman, gas station attendant, neurologist, business owner, fry cook or media mogul either. But if any one of those people was demanding my CONSTANT financial support, I would feel free to ask a few questions of them too. To date, I have had NO satisfactory answers from the FCS teacher’s union. Can you provide some? 3. I DON’T believe all low income residents are bad. Why do you? Tell us all about your income and hatred of the poor. 4. Do you even realize that 43% of all property in Fairborn pays NO PROPERTY TAX because we host a military base, university and other government property? Can you imagine what happens when a town like this allows that same base, university and other entities to walk all over us? No? Can’t picture it? Well, look around! 5. I have a college degree AND the wisdom to know that this formality is a SILLY way to measure intellect or worth. 6. I’ve been active in local issues for years. Has your street been paved in the last decade? You’re welcome. When you come to pay tribute to me - I like peonies. 7. The job from which I retired rarely afforded me the luxury of lounging at a desk and NEVER paid a “stipend” for all my work after-hours, weekends, and holidays. But, as a self-appointed expert on Karen, you already knew that, right? 8. Finally, in order to “cut me” as you suggested, (psycho), you would have to NOT be the kind of coward who hides behind a fake name to sling your arrows. I’m not a big fan, but Beyonce sang “you must not know ‘bout me” and I echo that sentiment. You prove how ill-informed you are. Run along, dear, Karen Harris is waiting to meet you “anytime.” Har-de-har.  #349 Shadow (Tuesday, 25 June 2013 17:35) “Confused” seems an appropriate name. It was me (Shadow) who posted the $8K figure for the outgoing Girls basketball coach. A quick check of the BI web site showed two salary line item, which added up to roughly $8K for the year. Yes, as you contend, a quick internet check shows the individual in question also coached golf; this only makes the their value quotient even better. As my first post on the subject detailed, there was two things about the story which debunk the convenient FCS “narrative:”

1. Per the DDN, the coach in question was a federal employee while coaching, hence the part-time salary. Yes folks, that same federal government vilified by the BOE (yes, that means you too, Mr. Uecker) for not “paying its fair share” to FCS had one of its own devote time and energy to bettering the high school experience for a group of Fairborn students.

2. Did I say bettering? As the DDN article mentioned, over a 100 wins and three College D1 player scholarships better. A quick check of GWOC history shows the girls basketball squad was almost the only team Fairborn fielded in the past five years or so which could compete (and win) against the big guns of the conference. Here in the Fairborn district it is drummed into our heads that only well compensated, full-time “educational professionals” can get outstanding results, In this case, however, an apparent outsider got some of the best results out of our students in recent memory.

Of course, FCS can’t continue with such “shenanigans,” so now it appears we have to hire a full-time person (P.E. Teacher?) who will coach as part of a stipend deal and bring a great .413 winning percentage with them.

Alles klar, Herr Kommissar?  #348 Confused??? (Tuesday, 25 June 2013 15:47) Karen, very sorry for the screw up. It was Shadow who originally posted the $8K salary. So sorry again for throwing you under the bus for that. As for teaching, have you ever taught before? I love how you ALWAYS bring up the "local average pay" for citizens in Fairborn, YET you ALWAYS forget to mention the FACT that MORE AND MORE low income families are moved in here. This DOES have a impact on your numbers!! Guess you expect everyone (and I mean everyone) who has earned a degree not be paid accordingly. WOW!! Why don't you take a pay... oh wait, the citizens are surely paying for your so called "disability". Wouldn't want to cut you there. Also, where were you the last 15 years when all this community gouging was going on????? My guess is that you were sitting at some cushy desk grabbing coffee and getting paid WAY MORE than you were worth! When the gravy train came to a halt, POOF...there comes a disability claim!!  #347 fairbornspeaks (Tuesday, 25 June 2013 08:28) New link above added to watch Council meetings - kept the BOE link too.

If you are watching a Council video, the agenda appears twice on the screen. Go the smaller version under the video and you can "point and click" to whatever segment of the meeting you would like to watch. Or - for BOTH Council AND BOE meetings, you can "fast-forward" using the toggle under the video.

For Council meetings, you can view the associated documents (new feature) by going to the larger agenda on the right of the screen and clicking on the document name.  #346 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 25 June 2013 07:39) "Feet" - thanks for the kind words. I think citizen advocates are important in any town, but especially one with such dreadful leadership! The way I see it, I can have some impact on the City Council AND the BOE by getting info to the people. I only wish more citizens would join the fight!

"Confused" - I never mentioned $8K - I've never seen any salary info for this coach. Where did you find it? And, while you're at it - what are we paying the new Athletic Director? What does an Athletic Director do that could possibly be worth $85K a year like we paid the last guy? Do the AD's never stick around too long because they see where all the $ is being moved/hidden and decide not to be a part of that mess?

As for the whole issue of "stipends," I think it is sickening that people who are already earning two to three times the local average need to be paid extra to coach or advise! Thanks to teacher unions, the coddled staff somehow thinks that PROFESSIONALS don't work longer than 40 hours a week without extra pay? The real world would be such a scary place for them!!

 #345 Feet (Monday, 24 June 2013 23:32) Whoa. All I can say is whoa. Just finished watching Board of Education Meeting from June 13. Karen Combs did an AMAZING job. Very proud to have her stand up for the citizens of Fairborn. If you haven't watched the video, go to the 24 minute mark and watch. She presented herself better than anyone I've seen from FCS, was calm, cool, and collected and got her point across. I don't know Karen. I've never met Karen. You can't accuse me of being Karen's lackey. However, I am a VERY saddened citizen that is shocked at the way FCS is acting and THRILLED to have someone like Karen Combs stand up to them. Karen - run for a spot on the board; you've got my vote!  #344 Confused??? (Monday, 24 June 2013 20:58) The $8K you were referring to was for coaching the girls high school basketball and golf team...right? You keep making references to the new girls high school coach and some "mystery" amount of money she might receive. I think stipends are determined by a smaller percentage of the teachers pay scale. Say like 3/4% of a beginning teachers salary based on a masters degree. So, say that this master's pay is $45K, the stipend would be $3375.  #343 Meow (Monday, 24 June 2013 00:13) No wonder Ms. Harris is so protective of the City Council...her neighbor is none other than Danny Boy! I bet that fence line is just burning up with gossip. One thing I'm almost certain of. If Ms. Combs had been at the last Council meeting, betcha Danny boy would have never mentioned FairbornSpeaks...  #342 Sparky (Sunday, 23 June 2013 16:59) Thank you for telling us how Dan Kirkpatrick voted to give our money to the place he works. That is so wrong and it says all we need to know about him.  #341 Danger Combs (Sunday, 23 June 2013 14:31) City Council Playhouse - “Bikeway to Hell” - A Play of Unspeakable Negativity in 5 Brief Acts

ACT I -“Calamity” is not a Bee Gees Song

CalamityTown Rep: …”In conclusion, I want to say that we have been conducting successful research and testing on the community of Fairborn. We are getting ready to publish our results on “how long can a city fool people about a major project?” and “will they ever demand answers?” in the near future. Countless cities with bad leadership await these results!

Deputy Mayor Squiggy: Cusp of greatness!

Mayor Nagelmeister: Get out of my spotlight, Stewie, or they’ll find you ravaged by coyotes in the rock quarry park.

Ahem, I’d like to thank CalamityTown’s third interim president in the past week for that fascinating quarterly update. Bet they haven’t let you pick out any office furniture! Oh, well, it IS great news that about 13 people a day now darken the doorway over there. Sure, more people wander in off the street here at the City Building mistaking us for the Post Office. But isn’t it just possible that this laughable number of trainees and “visitors” can sustain a multi-million dollar training facility? I mean, I’ve been on this Council since the national bird was a teradactyl, so anything is possible, right?

Councilman Hapless: Ms. McDiddlehopper, when will we be getting an “all-clear” letter from the EPA so that Wright State can take this little nightmare off our hands permanently?

City Manager McDiddlehopper: About the same time that the national bird is a flying porkchop. Of course, if it’s been flying over CalamityTown, it’ll be a pig with wings, a weak respiratory system, and glowing reproductive organs.

Councilwoman McKookie: Did someone say porkchops? Whew - I thought this was a council meeting, but I guess it’s just another banquet where we give one of our friends a plaque for doing absolutely nothing. I’ll have the porkchop wings in barbeque sauce. Hope I don’t get any sauce on my new daisy sweater.

[Yes, honest, a daisy sweater. And me too busy to see it in person!]

Finance Director Groovy Randy: At the risk of you actually adhering to the agenda, can we get back to the part where you move money around to different accounts so the public can’t possibly keep track of what we’re wasting?

Councilman Woodenhead: Where did this money come from? Was it the big Workers Comp rebate we got when we pointed out that nobody actually does any WORK here, so we have a really low risk of injury?

Groovy Randy: Put simply, we found we had surplus money. And everyone knows that surplus money is bad. We need to spend it somewhere quick or we won’t be able to justify future tax levies or tripled fees!

(Collective gasp of horror from the Council - followed by a unanimous vote to move the money).  #340 Danger Combs (Sunday, 23 June 2013 13:41) ACT II - “Polythene Pam” IS a Beatles song-- and a resident of WateryGourd

Mayor Nagelmeister: Next, console, we have City Planner Brine who will talk at a speed only understood by alien life forms…Ms. McDiddlehopper, can you translate?

Planner Brine: shapow, shapow, ziddledy-zap.

City Manager McDiddlehopper: That means he wants approval for wing 5 of the Waterygourd development. It features 40 homes in a vinyl pod, a day room and an enlarged security booth to monitor the inmates. The builders, Mr. OakTree and his son Junior Acorn are here to answer your questions about it. Councilman Danny-Boy: Now, I know someone who once bought a home using an almost-licensed real estate agent, so I am an expert on this. I just want to make clear to the folks watching at home - Hi, Mommy! - that what we are approving TODAY is the larger models. We are still hiding the rest of the truth about this development - that it will be a ton of rentals, I mean “condos,” right?

Councilman Woodenhead: Well, someone sure slept through the last Council retreat! It’s not a cover-up if you can’t keep your mouth shut about it, Danny-Boy! And how fast can you build these palaces we are approving today?

Junior Acorn: About 6 hours and twenty minutes if you include our lunch and potty breaks. Oh, and we have also agreed to put in a bike path. We heard Fairborn isn’t interested in economic development or prosperity -but loves them some unused bike paths and parks!

City Manager McDiddlehopper: Mayor, Mr. Brine just spoke so quickly, it wasn’t even picked up on the PA system, but he asked if the street was called Fairfield-Yellow Springs or Yellow-Springs Fairfield because thoroughfares scare him.

Mayor Nagelmeister, with great authority in his voice: Fairfield-Yellow Springs.

[Note, Nagel has lived in Rona Hills for years and doesn’t know the name of the street either! Ah, inspires such confidence…!]

Mayor Nagelmeister: Well, this certainly sounds like the kind of quality building Fairborn has come to expect from this Console. Julie, call the role so we can formalize the vote we already agreed to behind closed doors.

Councilman Stungunner: Wait, I just want to make it clear to the folks at home that the Planning Board - a group of sycophants we appoint to take the blame for us - unanimously approved this project. I just want to clarify that. You WON’T be pinning any “decisions” on me! No-siree!  #339 Danger Combs (Sunday, 23 June 2013 13:39) ACT III - Ethics, Smethics

City Engineer Sawed-Off: Give me about $2 million for another bike path. I know, I know, churches are passing out food and clothing in Fairborn because half our residents have lower annual income than the Untouchables of Punjab. But why should you care about that?

We want to build a bike path from the Sprayground restroom to the front entrance of CalamityTown. Our unregistered, unregulated, incontinent consultant, Guru Gotzumonie assures us that nothing says “recreation” like relieving yourself in a public facility and then cycling over to some post-Apocalyptic buildings. This could bring more shoppers to Fairborn than - dare I say it aloud? -than the Streetscape project!

Councilwoman McKookie: Will there be daisies on the bike path? Like the ones on my sweater? Oh look, some barbeque sauce too! Yum! Oh - and remember the troops.

Councilman Danny-Boy: Isn’t it true that the major costs involved in this useless and unaffordable project are not for a bike path but to tear up streets like Xenia and Dayton Drive? Any chance we will we be able to postpone this project until say, February, when we have found it is a good idea to start major street construction projects to maximize citizen inconvenience? And will we be able to hire the same speedy crew that has been working on 5 points?

City Engineer Sawed-Off: Geez, Councilman, your mind is a sieve. You keep pulling the lid off all our carefully-crafted cover-ups! As you well know, the real purpose of this costly debacle is to expand water and sewer lines as a gift from the peasants of Fairborn to celebrate the “anticipated development at CalamityTown.”

Your Honor, may I ask that you insist that the three people in the audience, including the Interim Director of CalamityTown -stop doubling over with laughter!?

Mayor Nagelmeister, pounding the gavel: That’s enough! You can’t attend these meetings behaving like idiots. That’s what you elected a Console for!

Can I get a motion to push this thing through without any meaningful discussion? Thank you.

Councilman Danny-Boy: Second.

Mayor Nagelmeister: Councilman Danny-Boy, should you even be voting on this project since the City Engineer just announced it was to benefit your employer? Doesn’t that strike you as unethical?

Councilman Danny-Boy: Now look who slept through the Council retreat! Ethics, Smethics! I vote YES.

Councilwoman McKookie: I am concerned that ODOT shortened the name of this project to “Fairborn Path to Nowhere” when there is so much more to it. “Daisy Scenic Bikeway for Drug Dealers and Rapists via CalamityTown Sewers” has a nice ring to it.

City Engineer Sawed-Off: Oh, all right, we will call it THAT when we lie to the media about it. Is that good enough?

Councilman Woodenhead: My wife once told me to take a long walk off a short pier. Turns out, that is kinda dangerous!

Mayor Nagelmeister: Ahem, this is supposed to be about ME! Among the countless places I am invited to go….[gavel pounds]….Audience, I heard that and no “hell” is NOT at the top of the list! In fact, I was invited to visit CalamityTown 600 times in just the past six months. I’m exhausted….  #338 Danger Combs (Sunday, 23 June 2013 13:32) ACT IV - Developing Economies in The Third World

City Economic Development/Developer of City Economics Chris Wimsy: Give me money.

Councilman Woodenhead: Hey, is this a Fairborn strip mall parking lot? Golly, Wimsy, it’s been so long since you asked us for money that we were beginning to think you didn’t love us anymore! How much can we give you? Now make sure you avoid any reasonable explanations for how the money will be used or any boring old “expectations,” okay?

And can you come back and tell us how we can give you more money during a Work Session? Ms. McDiddlehopper, can we have Mr. Wimsy penciled in for the next Work Session?

City Manager McDiddlehopper: I decide when this Council discusses things, NOT you. Now shut up and go back to your role of shielding me.

CED/DCE Wimsy: Well, I’m here with my A-Team - basically some guy we hired from the Job Center last week. Yep, we “back-filled” him right into my old fake job just in the nick of time! Whew! Pretty soon people were going to start asking why I wasn’t accomplishing anything! Luckily, I promoted myself right out of that quagmire!

Now, give us a big pile of cash for our fake “non-profit” corporation we are using to buy up properties. It’s a city corporation, and eventually, I will be making annual demands for the city to fund it, but - get this - at the end of the day, the city won’t own ANYTHING the corporation buys with taxpayer money! And you - the duly-elected officials, won’t have ANY control over how we spend it - we are leaving that up to a panel of appointed sycophants! Isn’t that GREAT?

Councilman Stungunner: You mean, we won’t be responsible for these decisions either? I love it! Sign me up! I mean, don’t sign me up!

CED/DCE Wimsy: Looking forward, we have some shovel-ready projects…

Councilman Woodenhead: Like Mayor Nagelmeister? He’s shovel-ready for sure!  #337 Danger Combs (Sunday, 23 June 2013 13:26) ACT V - Reimagine This!

CED/DCE Wimsy: Like the other 10 failed plans in the past 37 years, we want to “re- imagine Broad Street.”

Councilwoman McKookie: You mean pretend we had real leaders who prevented it from being closed and choking our town to death?

CED/DCE Wimsy: No, dear, I can’t walk on water! Heck, McDiddlehopper is still trying to teach me how to conjure the forces of darkness! But we did spent at least 2.5 minutes thinking about it and decided that the way to revive Broad Street is to buy an abandoned car lot with lots of environmental problems, stick the taxpayers with cleaning it up, sink tons of money in it, and hope it brings in - who wants to say it with me - $750 million in a year!

I mean, WHAT could POSSIBLY go wrong with a plan like that?

The future of this town is in the “gate adjacent properties.” Funny how we didn’t figure THAT out while we cooperated with the closure of a half dozen gates, but hey, it’s not like we could get that decision reversed and restore hope in Fairborn!

Councilman Hapless: Why not?

CED/DCE Wimsy: Um, did I mention the “seed money”? Just give me seed money and I will plant it on the brownfield and right before it yields some poisoned low-hanging fruit, I will come back and ask for more cash. That’s economic development. I don’t know how else to explain it.

Councilwoman McKookie: Can we grow daisies with the money trees? Can we plant some daisy trees in honor of the 9-11 veterans because that was such a traumatic battle? Can we stop talking about our problems, doing things about our problems, and just continue ignoring them? That was MY campaign platform. Oh, and remember the troops.

Mayor Nagelmeister: This just in, the population of Fairborn is actually 400 more people than the 2010 census!! And they say I am responsible for stagnation!?! I demand a recount - there could be 401! We’ve built about 1500 new houses, nearly catching up with the 1700 that are abandoned! I made this town what it is!

Councilman Danny-Boy: Stop confessing, Tommy. I would like to thank the people who cleaned up trash on a stretch of roadway near my home. I mean, why should rich people look at trash on the road?

Oh, and I would like to baselessly attack a citizen who is not even here to defend herself. She is sarcastic, a quality I personally detest because it requires thought. And even though I read her website every day, and it is one of the only sources of realistic assessments of this place, and even though the city and the schools react to it on nearly a daily basis, I want to try to discredit her because she doesn’t support my Mayoral candidacy. So, she hates babies, the ill, and she pushes old ladies into oncoming traffic. I know, I am a nurse. I’ve read books about babies, the ill and old ladies hit by trucks.

Mayor Nagelmeister: I bet the City of Fairborn doesn’t realize how much it is going to miss ME when either Danny-Boy or Woodenhead gets elected! That’s like a reverse Sophie’s Choice - which one would you rather turn over to the Nazis first? Ha! Bet I get that statue one day…


 #336 Danger Combs (Sunday, 23 June 2013 13:23) B-Hole - I think you are one-letter off in your nickname!

There was such a crowd at Tim Horton's at 3 PM, I had to park at Calamityville - there is plenty of empty parking there!  #335 Beehole (Sunday, 23 June 2013 11:44) Geez Karen, if you're going to challenge Ms Harris to a meeting of the minds, at least pick an AMERICAN coffee shop! Where's your pride? Probably took up a handicap paking place for those 20 mins too, huh?  #334 Karen B. (Saturday, 22 June 2013 20:26) New Girl's BB coach? Possibly the reason the BOE backed off from pay-to-play this year. How in the world would they explain charging parents for their kids to play sports, when the hire a well known coach? She was paid in the mid $80,000's when at WSU. Would be hard to believe that she would coach for couple grand here. Money must be coming out the woodwork over at the board building. Can't wait to see how much money Beavers is gonna ask for in next Levy.  #333 Shadow (Saturday, 22 June 2013 14:42) From my post #70, which concerned the Levy Ad, er, "School Newsletter." This particular quote referred to one the few real school newsletter worthy items in the mailer:

"The biggest shocker is the coach winning 100 games; A Dayton Daily news article from 2010 states he is a civilian employee at FCS Boogeyman (154 transient students out of 4000 total students cost us a fortune) WPAFB! You couldn’t make this stuff up!"

Yes folks, the coach in question was the girl's basketball coach and a quick salary check shows a part-time salary of a little over $8K. Man, you can't have that much bang for the buck in FCS; we need mediocrity coupled with great pay and benefits! Williams nine year record at Wright State is 109-155, a winning percentage of only .413! Like I said before, you can't make this stuff up!  #332 Karen Combs (Friday, 21 June 2013 15:26) Sat at Tim Horton's from 2:55 PM to 3:15 PM, enjoyed my coffee (still have the receipt) - no sign of Ms. Harris (despite the notice here AND a private facebook message to her). So much for letting her know "anytime" I want to sit down and discuss issues, eh? What a typical sycophant/fraud!  #331 Danger Combs (Friday, 21 June 2013 10:22) Well, Sparky, whoever wrote it may be able to use a thesaurus, but omits entire words, can't conjugate, capitalizes words in the middle of sentences, thinks a charm school teaches debate, and - in general - makes no sense whatsoever! So you DEFINITELY have the blowhard part right!  #330 Sparky (Friday, 21 June 2013 10:08) Some blowhard man wrote that last post from Karen Harris. So we still can't rule out Karen Harris.  #329 Danger Combs (Friday, 21 June 2013 08:41) Ms. Harris, Lookey, everyone! The viperous little errand girl, who was so clearly SET UP to come on here and attack me - is back for more! Golly, and it’s not even my birthday!

Of course, I notice you didn’t want to address any of the actual ISSUES - your hypocrisy in chastising my jokes while you DO THE SAME THING, the fact that you were COMPLETELY OFF about the plans for Waterford Landing, your NON-performance as an appointed city committee chair, your undisclosed profits from “Team Incompetent,” and still unexplained devotion to a DISASTROUS City Manager and so-called “leaders.” Dodge and weave, honey, dodge and weave!

Now - who wrote this latest post for you? Last time around, you thought “whatsoever” was three separate words and now you are tossing around 50 cent words like “vituperation”? Hilarious.

Is it scary in the time warp where you live? As the Message Board clearly shows, you submitted a post on Tuesday and I replied to it in less than 24 hours. Why lie and say it was “several days”? Well, sorry, hon, I was busy. Sure, not your “Chairing-a-Committee- that-never-meets” kind of busy, but, you know, the actually ACCOMPLISHING SOMETHING kind.

My feelings aren’t hurt in the least by the fact that I am FAT since I am just lucky to be ALIVE. But I love, love, love the fact that you stoop to this while pretending to be the queen of “civility” and “charm”! You are a joke that just writes itself!

And no wonder you admire the likes of Dan Kirkpatrick! “Evil with Civility” was one of my suggested campaign slogans for him. Feel free to use that for one of your diarrhea- colored t-shirt designs.

I’ll also use the vocabulary of MY choice, -my thousands of readers don’t seem to mind, ssssycophant. (I am trying to learn “hiss” so we can communicate better).

Also, wingnut, it’s not “spying” on your Facebook page if you choose to set it for public viewing! You just got SERVED and you didn’t even see it coming, ssssister.

Finally, how about Tim Horton’s, on DYS today, say 3PM? I’ll buy you a cup of coffee and we can discuss your vast knowledge of city issues (that should take what, 5-6 minutes?). See you there!  #328 Karen Harris (Thursday, 20 June 2013) Gee, nice effort. But I see it took you several days to respond. You must have needed a lot of help to craft that answer. Too bad they didn't assist you with more than the usual vitriolic attack with the same old worn out vindictively skewed chatter. Really dear, you need a new set of friends. Vituperation is so unattractive in woman your age.

I am quite capable of tit for tat. But honestly, I don't really enjoy it. However, if I did, your BIG GIRL comment certainly left you wide open, honey. Please think about that dear, I wouldn't want you to make that mistake with someone who would run it. It would be a shame for your feelings to get hurt.

But I digress, The point of my response to you is this: Let me know anytime you want to have a direct one on one debate/conversation in person. I won't have to consult a bunch of buddies to answer with unbiased, correct, informed and intelligent answers.

Having said that, please do allow me to a apologize for asking you to participate beyond your skill set. Perhaps an accredited charm school could help you with that?

Oh! One more hint that prove helpful to you: You may want to learn a new big word. Your constant use of "sycophant", is getting a little old and shabby. Perhaps in all that research you undertake, you could find a new BIG word to use. It help you to remember it, if you write the definition, use it in a sentence and then spell 10 times.

Oh and there really isn't any need for you or your cronies to spy on my Facebook page. For goodness sake don't be shy, let me know you are there. I will be glad to say hello and wish you a pleasant day.  #327 Karen B. (Thursday, 20 June 2013 12:16) Ms. Harris claims to know someone who lives in Waterford Landing...that must be why she was asking the question on her FB on Sunday ("does anyone know someone who lives in Waterford Landing"?) and then posting on here, on Tuesday, that she knows someone...rofl!  #326 Janice (Thursday, 20 June 2013 09:44) Looks like Karen Harris learned a tough lesson - don't jump on here looking for a fight - you just might get one!  #325 Danger Combs (Wednesday, 19 June 2013 14:51) Ah, it’s June - and the sycophants are in full-bloom!

Ms. Harris, you are SUCH a SAINT. Now, before I ask you to get off the cross, maybe you can tell us WHY the following is on YOUR Facebook page: “You may not have lost all your marbles, but there’s definitely a hole in the bag.” Lost marbles? Was that a tasteless joke about going crazy? Tsk, tsk. On behalf of the mental health community, SOOOOO OFFENDED.

And bullying? YOU also posted “don’t yell at your kids, lean in real close and whisper… it’s much scarier.” Tsk, tsk. I am SHOCKED. You are not only a bully, you advocate bullying your own off-spring?

Now, tell me again why it’s not fair to hold YOU to the same standard you’d like to hold ME? (Ouch).

Yes, unfortunately for you, honey, I already addressed this latest (yawn!) tactic at the last school board meeting. But you slither around, spewing false and silly accusations anyway! Like a team of slimy defense attorneys, your bully crew thinks if you can concoct a dozen different lies, maybe one will “stick”! It’s all a bit transparent and it doesn’t fool anyone with a brain… doubt it sounded good to you!

I realize you just do as you’re told, but I don’t have to work at some Santa charity (work one day a year, brag about it the other 364!). Instead, I devote actual year-round effort to other worthwhile needs in the community. But among the countless differences between you and me, is the fact that I don’t feel the need to brag about it.

And do you find anything remotely hypocritical about mocking my disability while telling me not to mock others? Don’t fall, dear, it’s a long way down from your petard.

Hmmm… I believe the last time I saw you was when you hissed at city critics during your defense of the DISGRACEFUL job performance of our City Manager. You were front and center to help her get that TOTALLY UNDESERVED contract so she could continue her work of ruining Fairborn. Is there ANYTHING you WON’T do to promote the destruction of this town? Do you behave this way simply because your family profits from their candidates by making their neon-vomit colored campaign t-shirts and signs (a conflict-of-interest that you didn’t have the integrity to announce here) - or are you just a hopelessly devoted sycophant for FREE?

Hey, before I forget, great work as “Chair” of the city’s “Dining” sub-committee of the Revitalization Program - did you EVER even have a SINGLE meeting? Well, no worries, I’m sure they will give you some award for it anyway!

Ms. Harris, I can confidently assert that I’ve read more city documents and done more research on local issues than you ever imagined. In fact, I would be happy to meet you any day, any time, for a public “city government knowledge” test! Ever read the City Manager’s self-reported list of “accomplishments”? Well, don’t bother. That’s three seconds of my life I’ll never get back!

Well, ANYONE with the capacity to evaluate performance -could see that Deb McDoNothing and Council - as well as the school administration and board -ARE indeed incompetent. You can base this on one simple skill - LOOKING AROUND. Evidently YOU, Mrs. Harris - are satisfied with the mess and determined to see that your clients, friends and neighbors aren’t held accountable. So YOU are the prime example of what is WRONG with Fairborn!

Finally, just for fun, are you aware that the Planning Board recently discussed plans for Waterford Landing or Ward 5 - or whatever they call that vinyl village? At the risk of embarrassing you further, maybe YOU didn’t know it, but the total plan eventually calls for 108 homes of a “minimum 1200 Sq. feet and 222 CONDOS with a minimum of 1100 sq. ft.” Ever eager to settle for second-best, Fairborn has allowed this developer to dump lower-standard products here than they have built in neighboring communities. I’m sure they are grateful for your unwitting compliance.

If you want to play with the big girls, dear Ms. Harris, learn a few FACTS first. I’ve often equated dismantling you sycophants with shooting fish in a barrel, but now they have sent out the slow-moving, half-dead fish. It’s really TOO EASY!!!  #324 Karen Harris (Tuesday, 18 June 2013 17:02) A few simple comments- Apparently you have heard: It is tasteless to make jokes about any illness. Cancer, aids, strokes, mental illnesses - there are PEOPLE with feelings attached to these conditions. Your tactics are that of a school yard bully - but I am certain you have been told that before. I didn't see you working at Christmas in Action so how can you make any statements about it all? Please don't use your handicap/illness as an excuse there other people helping that have illnesses& handicaps but still manage to give an hour or two of time in non-physical but necessary activities. Thirdly, who are you to judge anyone as awful, lousy or incompetent? Have you ever served in any of these positions? Do you even know what is the criteria and scope for these positions? Have you ever set and reviewed the official goals and job performance for ANY position what so ever?

And lastly just for fun, I don't live in Waterford but I do know people who do and they tell me your info on Waterford is all wet. The smallest home they build is well over 1200 sq ft, in fact, they have over a dozen different models ranging all the way up to roughly 2600 sq ft. And according to the National Association of Home Builders the cost is right in line with the national average.

But you really don't care about any of that, do you? Civility, truth & fairness don't really leave you much to talk about, do they?

And when turn your acid tongue on me, please note that at least I am not too cowardly to list my real name which is more than can be said for a lot of your "posters".  #323 Poor senior (Tuesday, 18 June 2013 09:36) Poor little Calmityville Danny-projected $754 million 2008-2011 impact fell about $755 million short-wonder if little Danny has any explanation for the slightly missed projection-it's way overdue for some Serious auditing of this perpetrated HOAX called Calamityville.  #322 Danger Combs (Monday, 17 June 2013 22:01) DANG - I miss ALL the fun! I think I WILL have to break down and get text messaging so I can get a “bat signal” when I need to race somewhere to catch official stupidity as it happens!

I couldn’t attend tonight’s council meeting. I was too busy with my hectic schedule of bullying people on public Facebook pages, interrupting school children during public speeches, and posting such well-researched false data that no one can even dispute it! Lordy, a girl’s work is never done…

Well, imagine my surprise when I heard that Fairbornspeaks was singled out by Councilman/Mayoral Wannabe Dan Kirkpatrick. Keep in mind that Council has previously complained about citizens who dare to speak up at public meetings rather than addressing concerns first with the staff or Council. Yet, Dan had never contacted me through the form on the site or through my private e-mail --and he does have my address. Naturally, I was shocked, stunned and appalled (not really!) that those rules only seem to apply to the mere peasants and certainly not to “them”! Actually, it was more of their typical Hypocrisy In Action. Isn’t that also the name of his charity? Oh, no, that’s “Christmas In Action,” ---my bad. Anyhoo - I was simply dying to learn the reason for his outrage (not really!). Was he whining about the squirrel hair cartoon? Nay. Was he mad about my comment that his Calamityville conflict was so great that he should not even serve on Council and should never, ever be Mayor? Nope. Was he defending other officials I criticized of late? Get real!

No, after about 19 months of my website being up and running, the source of Dan-O’s hysteria was apparently my joke that Waterford Landing might be a relocation project of Dayton State (which, according to a local history website, ceased functioning as a mental hospital some 35 - that is THIRTY-FIVE --years ago!). Wow, I am speechless (not really!). I guess he even lectured me in absentia about the “seriousness of mental illness” and, of course, about his personal expertise on the issue! Well, I surely have NO doubt about THAT!

So some of my other personalities have a few questions for Dan:

Can Fairborn afford a Mayor with such THIN SKIN??? Does he really think no one on earth can generically make jokes about “crazy people”? If so, he will be too busy to be mayor since he has a lot of comedians, TV networks, movie producers and musicians to write! And my Facebook page is going to be absolutely blank! Bummer!

Are website jokes the kind of issues he actually thinks are important to Fairborn? We have soaring poverty, stale development, the highest violent crime rate in Greene County, endless demands for taxes, and what should REALLY concern him - LOUSY, INCOMPETENT city and school leadership! This guy supported a four-year contract for an AWFUL City Manager, endorsed a “development plan” by an UNREGISTERED “consultant,” and has participated in COUNTLESS stupid decisions of this Council! Knowing that this guy winds himself up over my silly comment instead of all the problems he has BEEN IGNORING here during his Council term - is downright S-A-D. And kinda nutty. Uh-oh. Hey, where is Larry the Cable Guy when I need him? Maybe he can apologize to all the pygmies AND all the crazy people!

Do you want a Mayor who “doesn’t believe in term limits”? Well, Danny-Boy has strong feelings on the subject. If he is elected Mayor, will he try to foist his personal beliefs upon Fairborn even though we OVERWHELMINGLY rejected expanded term limits just a couple years ago? That will be an interesting discussion for tomorrow. But not right now. A couple of the voices in my head are telling me it’s bedtime. Nighty-night, Dan, you crazy little junebug, you! Uh-oh. Pygmies, crazy people and insects. Got it.  #321 Jon (Monday, 17 June 2013 15:53) I saw the recent debate on the signal devices the city just installed. They stated that in the long run they are much more economical than the "loops" in the ground. If that is so, why did they just put the "loop system" in the ground at Main and Central were they just put new roadway in? Just asking.  #320 Shadow (Sunday, 16 June 2013 19:45) Karen stated the following:

"Up next, they are building more ugly houses at Waterford Landing. 1200 square foot vinyl palaces. Where they find people to pay $200K plus for these things, I don’t know!"

Unfortunately Karen, they find buyers the way they did in the past...Teaming with lenders to offer seemingly easy terms to the uninformed. The following is off the Waterford Landing web site:

Waterford Landing-The Chateau Own for as low as $984 per month** **Limited time only. Financing based on a 5/1 FHA ARM loan, with an interest rate of 2.625%, upfront mortgage insurance premium, an APR not to exceed 3.405%, and 5% down payment.

FHA is the Federal Housing Administration, meaning the feds will insure the loan, qualify a lower credit score buyer and keep their down payment low (here listed at 5% of the home's value). In short, a buyer who is stretching to buy too costly a home (sound familiar?).

Next, the 5/1 ARM is an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (our old housing bubble friend) starting off with a five year fixed period, followed by annual rate "adjustments" of up to 1 % annually although way to the FHA cap.

I leave it up to the Fairborn Speaks! readers to guess which way future mortgage rates will go (Hint: The rates right now are going up) and what year (Hint: 5-7 Years from when the first Waterford Landing home was sold) the short-selling frenzy of "Vinyl Palaces" will occur to avoid the eventual foreclosures. In due course, whether it be from desperate sellers or the bank, an investor will come in and buy the cut priced homes, then, in true Fairborn fashion, RENT THEM OUT.  #319 C'est la vie (Sunday, 16 June 2013 17:45) Great letter to the editor in the FDH. This one by Rose Zellmer, explains the lack of accountability the FCS have with our tax dollars. About the signs, surely the new sign at the city government building that reads, Veteran's Parking reserved for those who served , is intended for former military service members? As this council can twist any ordinance in their favor. Therefore could define the word veteran to mean a former council member. As they would be a veteran too (of the good ole boyz club). Or is this a new sign for a good parking spot for the future mayor?  #318 Karen Combs (Sunday, 16 June 2013 14:54) You are right Sparky. The only people who speak up at meetings are the same people who always do. Yes, the town rejects levies, but it is going to take more than that. Until Fairbornites are willing to put an end to their own apathy, we are getting, to a large extent, the failed government we deserve!  #317 Danger Combs (Sunday, 16 June 2013 14:46) Happy Father’s Day!

There will be a City Council meeting tomorrow at 7 PM and there is plenty of nonsense on the agenda! First up, a Calamityville update. They should begin these with “once upon a time” since most of them are pure FAIRYTALES! Remember the one a couple YEARS ago when they promised to spruce up the facility so that it looked nice from every visible angle in town? HA - good one! And then there was the one about the $750 million in economic development to Fairborn. Even funnier! Goodness, these little creative storytellers put Mother Goose to shame! I can’t wait to hear what unfulfilled promises they will make next! And while the tale is being spun, keep in mind that a Calamityville employee is trying to become Mayor (when he really shouldn’t even be on Council!). There is more conflict of interest there than putting Tom Nagle in charge of a modesty club!

They are also approving a new business for the old GBR Concrete on Spangler Road. How proud Debbie McDonnell must be! Do you think someone should tell her that it isn’t a net gain when the only business you can bring to town is one to replace the last guy you ran off? Nah, let her bask in the “glory” of ruining someone. It’s the only thing she’s proven to be good at.

Up next, they are building more ugly houses at Waterford Landing. 1200 square foot vinyl palaces. Where they find people to pay $200K plus for these things, I don’t know! Was this a resettlement program after they closed Dayton State Hospital?

Then we are going to give more money for the city to buy up abandoned properties. Ah, smell that? That is the kind of progress that allows them, with ZERO achievements to report, to promote Chris Wimsatt to a new fake job and fill his old fake job with someone else! You KNOW this town is on the right track when all the “economic development” folks ask to purchase MORE abandoned properties!

To wrap things up, they will move more money around, declare more fake emergencies, spend lots more on things we may or may not actually need. In other words, it’s another typical Council meeting.

On one final note, MANY people have complained to me about the overwhelming number of junky looking temporary advertising signs at every intersection, phone pole, and green space in town. These advertising signs are against city ordinances and one might think that Code Enforcement would take action. Well, let me rephrase that - one might think that if one was not from Fairborn! Well, BREAKING NEWS- instead of working to clean up our town by removing these signs and holding the companies that plant them accountable, our genius city leaders have decided to JOIN THEM IN LITTERING UP Fairborn! Yes, at the intersection of 235 and 675, I saw a temporary sign announcing the Block Party and 4th of July parade. Way to set an example through your always-astonishing “leadership”!

If we eliminated the Council and School Board tomorrow and replaced them with annual votes-of-confidence in the City Manager and Superintendent, it would be a HUGE improvement!  #316 Sparky (Sunday, 16 June 2013 09:30) I heard none of the band or athlete parents - not even alumni ones if the current ones were afraid - attended the board meeting to speak up. Then the pay-to-participate fees were all of a sudden taken off the agenda. What is really going on? Did they cut some deal that you back off us, we back off you? Those parents are fooling themselves if they think school leaders are going to stick to their word. How many times have they sworn it would be the last levy for a long time?  #315 Karen Combs (Saturday, 15 June 2013 14:32) Shadow and Karen B. - thanks for your support and standing up for Fairborn. We need more people like you!  #314 Karen Combs (Saturday, 15 June 2013 14:29) Saw the FDH today and the claim that the BOE "corrected" me on whether they plan to keep the public informed on contract negotiations. I was never asked for a comment for the FDH - but this is what I would have said: whether they accept the next $carberry- negotiated fiasco now or later, it is a safe bet that they have NO plans to keep the public informed. The entire time I spoke and dared to suggest that those footing the bills should be apprised, BOE President Tess Little was vigorously shaking her lil' noggin' "NO." That's a pretty clear sign of what this board thinks of the peasants of Fairborn!

Good old Tessie - she gets her big public salary and bennies from Sinclair - she is a great union empathizer, fo' sho'!

As for the issue they DID go ahead and vote on, how sad that there was ZERO follow-up on this in the paper! It was a "settlement" based on a "grievance" about "student mentoring." SAY WHAT?!?!?! In this time of fiscal crisis, did the greedy teacher union actually file a grievance to demand more money to do a job they are ALREADY paid to do? Seriously??? Let's file this under "can't wait for the next levy attempt" folks!

Far from "correcting" me - they just gave me another issue to investigate. How despicable is this union that it keeps hitting us up for money? Even the Sopranos knew when they weren't gonna get another cent!  #313 Shadow (Saturday, 15 June 2013 11:06) I guess the virtual moat around the Lord $carberry's Sanctuary Royal residence is starting to dry up some...Remember, prior to the levy vote, his Lordships's mantra was the state was cutting, cutting and cutting even more of FCS' budget. Recall, these were "devastating" cuts which would cripple the district. Remember?

The Levy Ad, er, "School Newletter," in response to other districts dropping May 7th 2013 Levy requests, stated "Some school districts in the area pulled levies from the ballot in anticipation of the state budget. Fairborn City School's financial situation is too critical to do so! Funds are needed NOW."

Lo and behold, now Lord $carberry states the following regarding athletic participation fees:

“We have yet to hear what our school funding will be from the state of Ohio,” Superintendent Dave Scarberry said. “That’s supposed to be done by June 30. So once we know what that funding level is going to be, that will help us to determine whether we stay at $500, or less. We decided to hold off until we had the right data that we could make the right decision.”

Remember folks, the challenge is trying to figure out what Lord $carberry says that is TRUTHFUL...Hmm, using our Lordships new "logic" FCS could have SAVED THE TAXPAYERS MONEY USED TO CONDUCT THE LEVY VOTE BY "HOLDING OFF" IN MAY, CORRECT?

Open your eyes people!!!  #312 Karen Brink (Saturday, 15 June 2013 11:05) I find it fishy also and posed that question on their Facebook Page. It will probably "disappear" just like the posts on the FCS Facebook page! I wonder if the alumni, who contribute, are aware that their contributions are going to a non-profit, Non-BOE association? Lots of questions that need to be answered. I still think Beavers is cooking the books at the BOE. Maybe this is something State of Ohio needs to investigate. Maybe this is why they don't want the state to takeover.  #311 Shadow (Saturday, 15 June 2013 09:58) "Why do you always have to be so mean? Have you ever considered that they may listen to you more, if you weren't always so hateful?"

"Play Nicely" is a misnomer; the correct name for such a Lord $carberry brown-noser is "Getting Used and Too Dumb to Know It" Hateful? Ahhh, the continuing ad hominem attacks from the sycophant members of Lord $carberry's "tool" box; when you can't argue the FACTS, go after the person exposing your corruption and malfeasance.

Speaking of "tools," I noticed the Loyal Royal Scribe of the Fairborn Daily Prop Sheet was quick to, as Janice alluded to, write up an article on Carol Baugh and all the wonderful things she is doing with Alumni/Foundation work. So "Play," you think that was because Karen was so "mean' to the FCS "leadership?" You already know the answer, you blindly following sycophant, but for everyone else here is a recap: Karen EXPOSED the waste of money this "director" is and Lord $carberry and his minions immediately went into (AGAIN!) damage control/spin mode. This means they called up their PR person, I mean "journalist" at the local propaganda sheet, I mean "newspaper" to drum up an "appropriate" (i.e. one-sided) article.

Yes, it isn't as easy as smelling the stench from a landfill, but if people of the district open their eyes and compare the truth of Fairborn Speaks! to what is put out by FCS directly or through their PR department (i.e. FDH), the epiphany moments will come in bunches.

One other note about the Alumni Director. Back about two years ago, my home received multiple mailed requests addressed, by name, to FHS graduates. I disregarded them at the time as junk mail, believing they were form one of those "Pay us and we will list your child in our seldom read directory of "Stupendous American Students" scam. Now, I have a strong suspicion (still checking around) that this may have been part of this alumni/foundation effort. My question, similar to Janice's great point, is who payed for the postage if this is the case? I'm sure my home wasn't the only one who received such mail, so if anyone has a better recollection of the sender, it might be of use to us all in identifying even more (Yes, the train keeps a rolling) FCS spending of dubious worth.  #310 Karen Combs (Saturday, 15 June 2013 07:32) That is a GREAT question about the Alumni/Foundation Director, Janice!! I plan to find out!  #309 Janice (Friday, 14 June 2013 22:05) I saw in the paper where they said the alumni/foundation were "independent" from the FCS. Then why is the director being paid a salary/benefits from the FCS?  #308 Janice (Friday, 14 June 2013 22:03) See how the other side is tied in knots about Karen being "mean"? Seems that Karen is RIGHT and they know it.  #307 Danger Combs (Friday, 14 June 2013 15:27) "Play" - Ah, now we are to worry about who is "mean" and calling anyone who disagrees with us a "bully"?? Well, let's be PRETEND GROWN-UPS instead!! Since "they" respond to virtually every significant post here via a press release on the topic or through a sycophant like you - I think it is OBVIOUS they ARE "listening"!! This site had thousands of hits last month. Looks like PLENTY of people are "listening"!

I guess you are trying to suggest that I should blow them kisses and pray and fast and wail at the wall in the hopes that they will actually FIX A PROBLEM -- ANY PROBLEM? Well, I tell you what -- YOU go ahead and keep using THAT failed strategy. Let's face it -most of Fairborn has been politely asleep at the switch for years -- that's how we wound up with these "leaders" in the first place!! I prefer my strategy - it may not accomplish anything either, but it is way more entertaining, gets the truth out quicker, and doesn't require me to surrender my dignity. You sit and worry about being perceived as being "nice" while you allow your town to rot around you. My "mean" old self is happy to just knit while the heads roll!!

I am not surprised that union thugs are behaving like union thugs in Springboro or anywhere else. I am sure they move heaven and earth to protect those overpaid jobs and luxury benefits! As for whether I think Fairborn could use some legal challenges - 100% YES!!! I think it would be AWESOME if citizens began filing legal actions to challenge ALL the dubious activities of BOTH the FCS AND the City. After all, if they won't be ethical on their own, then a few swift judicial kicks in the rump would be a welcomed relief!  #306 Play nicely (Friday, 14 June 2013 11:03) Why do you always have to be so mean? Have you ever considered that they may listen to you more, if you weren't always so hateful? Also, Springboro is having legal issues because of board members speaking publicly about negotiations. Do you really think Fairborn needs that?  #305 Danger - P.S. (Friday, 14 June 2013) One more thing - the FCS is actually bragging about receiving a grant for HOMELESS children on their Facebook page. Ummm.....does anyone realize that having homeless kids here is a TRAGEDY???? Maybe if we had better government.....oh, who am I kidding?  #304 Danger Combs (Friday, 14 June 2013 07:07) I attended the BOE meeting last night. Watching water boil is a more productive use of time. They were on their typical spending spree. $330K for four school buses; hiring lots of people; paying lavish commissions for bad advice. Ya’ know, all the things a broke school district should be doing, right?

Two citizens spoke- Frank Gilbert and me. Frank said he felt Board member Tom Swaim should apologize for his remark that only people who voted for the levy care about kids. Personally, I think Swaim’s comment was too stupid to even worry about! Thank goodness Swaim is FINALLY expected to retire this year and can be replaced with someone who has a pulse! If this guy’s lackluster Board performance is how he “cares about kids,” then pity the children. And, gosh, I can’t wait until they name something after him. Which building is the oldest and most useless?

I brought up several issues like: the Facebook deletions (and the phony allegation of “bullying”). Needless to say if actually caught me or any levy opponent “bullying” someone on the FCS Facebook page, quietly deleting it is NOT the course of action they would have taken! What a load of hogwash. After all, I do all my bullying here. And then I go eat a nice salted baby for lunch. Indeed, as Mr. Gilbert noted, it was not “bullying” that caused them to delete nearly 70 posts. It was the fact that they were almost all critical of this regime!

But what a relief that they are concerned about bullying - that surely means they took action about the employee who posted a picture of the home of Mike Uecker and his anti- levy signs on her Facebook page to invite bullies, right? Ummmm……not so much.

I also brought up their lack of transparency in teacher contract negotiations. I know they have some little “rule” that they won’t discuss such things, but, as I pointed out, that is a rule of their own making and can just as easily be undone by them. Ohio law only says they “may” discuss such things in Executive Session - it doesn’t say “must.” At this critical juncture in Fairborn, it seems clear that the public should be kept informed of the changes being sought in these negotiations. After all, it is OUR MONEY!!!! I simply am NOT comforted to know that our sole representative in these negotiations is the guy who double-dips to the tune of a quarter-million $ a year!

Finally, I noted again the astonishing failure of the highly-compensated Grant Coordinator to seek a SINGLE grant to help with costs of the athletic programs. There are literally thousands of potential sources - from trusts to corporations; from government entities to charities. And ZERO were pursued. I think this puts an END to any question about whether they want to SOLVE the need for funding for athletics or just use it as a hammer against the community!

Of course, the Board made NO meaningful comments all evening. Instead, Mike Uecker gave his summer reading recommendations for students (none were present that I saw) - and no, I am NOT making this up! Uecker continues unabated on his quest to be the biggest wimp we ever elected! Roland Parks (again) referred to how they can’t possibly keep us informed of all the things they discuss in super-secret, behind-closed-doors meetings (?!?!?!?!). We will get into that more later! Mr. Swaim did not apologize, but Mr. Gilbert was chastised for daring to address Swaim individually (for Swaim’s own remarks), because they prefer to be lumped together in a giant clown collective. Then they broke into an Executive Session - apparently for the purpose of discussing all the real issues that they will never have the time to inform us mere peasants about! But rest assured of one thing - this crew will not be solving any problems. I haven’t seen a group of people so dedicated to denial since the Nuremburg Trials.

I will post a follow-up on Executive Sessions later.  #303 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 12 June 2013 10:00) Speaking of the dubious "9-11 Veterans" group called "Operation Fairborn Cares" - check out their website. It is shocking. Even the e-mail links don't work. If I actually thought they did anything for Veterans, I would offer to help them with it. It's SAD. It is so clear that this is just a shell to make politicians like current Councilwoman Marilyn McCauley and candidate Paul Keller seem benevolent. I notice they cross-promote another politician's pet "charity" too. Let's see an annual report from "Operation Fairborn Cares" -- where is it???  #302 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 11 June 2013 12:31) Great letter to the editor in today's Fairborn Daily Herald by Jo Ann Collins. She shows how oblivious the FCS has been to the struggle of Fairborn residents - and points out one cause --- so many of the top officials (including FCS Treasurer and other administrators as well as other people they bow down to -- for NO apparent reason!!) DON'T EVEN CHOOSE TO LIVE HERE!!  #301 Shadow (Monday, 10 June 2013 20:35) Out of pocket for some business matters and sure enough Lord $carberry can't stop himself from punishing the serfs for their obstinance! Just wait until the levy ad's, err, "school newsletter's" promised "Consolidated bus routes/stops" this fall...student safety isn't as important as self-enrichment is to our lordship.

Karen has done a remarkable job in unearthing more and more of the corruption endemic to FCS and its multiple 'front" organizations. Regarding the recent Greene Giving umbrella charity, a check of their most recent available IRS Form 990 (2008) shows their directors at the time (which included Joan of Fairborn Dautel) not receiving any compensation. Sounds great, right? One problem: The Supplemental Information section of the form states the following:


Yep, people who give unrestricted gifts think it is purely a charity with a great ratio of spending on programs vice administrative costs, but don't realize the Executive Director is a local government employee. Now we see where the Skyhawk Athletic Club ( A Green Giving branch) learned its Conflict of Interest trick. Cronyism never rests when the self-serving "Leadership" clique keeps each other in the $$$, be it the taxpayer's or the philanthropist's!  #300 Danger Combs (Monday, 10 June 2013 19:36) As a follow-up to "Curious" - I still can't confirm any details on benefits, but, as I mentioned, according to Opportunity Ohio, the paid head of Alumni/Education Foundation Carol Baugh receives $25,000. This is for working 6.67 hours for 156 days annually. That is an hourly salary of over $24.00!!! To run a community FUNDRAISING function! In a struggling school district!

Better yet, by her own statement to me, all accounts are handled through Greene Giving, a community foundation. In fact, the FEF and FAA use their non-profit tax number (to cut down on pesky reports), file under their returns, and need their accountant to answer questions! So at $24 an hour, she isn't even doing the books!

Clearly, it is good to be the King --- or friends with BOE President Tessie Little!!!

Personally, I wouldn't give a cent to any local non-profit that puts so many layers between my donation and the intended recipient, let alone one that pays a salary like this to a director for a SCHOOL ALUMNI and EDUCATION FOUNDATION!!! Just another clue that the FCS is taking advantage of our community!  #299 Karen Combs (Monday, 10 June 2013 08:39) Feet - Naturally, there are lots of details about this process. Fortunately, the Ohio School Board Leadership Council offers single-day workshops on running for a School Board. The next one is set for June 22 near Columbus. For more details, see their website at

I would also be happy to arrange for you to meet some former candidates/officials who would be willing to offer advice. Just e-mail me confidentially through the contact tab above.

Otherwise, in a BRIEF summary: 1) You must be 18, a citizen, and a resident of the district AND a registered voter of the district at least 30 days prior to election; 2) You must obtain a petition from the Greene County Board of Elections and gather the required number of signatures of registered voters. These people do not have to commit to voting for you, merely that they approve of your name appearing on the ballot. The petitions are due 90 days prior to the election; 3) There are laws about accepting/reporting donations, campaign advertising, etc. Check out the Secretary of State's office at:

It seems like a lot to handle, but I assure you there are people willing to help! Also keep in mind that the people of Fairborn OVERWHELMINGLY rejected the plans of this Board. This is the prime time for opposition candidates to get elected!

 #298 Feet (Monday, 10 June 2013 00:02) Thanks for letting us know that information. Pardon me for my ignorance, but how does one go about running for the board of education? I'm sure there must be stipulations, rules, and a process somewhere...  #297 Karen Combs (Sunday, 09 June 2013 23:08) Feet - We need candidates for the BOE. Two seats are up in November and it is IMPERATIVE that NEITHER seat goes to an incumbent or BOE sycophant! So far, Frank Gilbert is running, but we need more! If Mike Uecker could at least prove useful enough to join the two new board members to vote FOR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, we could FINALLY outnumber the loons!!

We need to get Scarberry out and he can take all his top lieutenants with him! Between the city and the schools, there is a clique that has been destroying this town (quite successfully). Like a cancer, they need to be completely removed before we have any hope of recovery.

I think there is a female principal in Fairborn who has better credentials to be a Superintendent than Lord $carberry, but I don't know much else about her. Maybe give her a year contract and see how it works out? DEFINITELY do NOT allow the current Board of Dolts to choose someone on their own nor pay a fortune for a "search" that would probably only turn up someone as bad as Davey.

When the other BOE seats are up - Tess Little and Roland Parks - they need to GO too. Maybe they would whimper away if they realized things are going to change here.

As far as "voting them out," I think there is, INCREDIBLY, no recall mechanism for BOEs in Ohio at this time. I would be happy if someone can prove me wrong!!! So, all we can do is to keep voting down their levies and speaking out at every opportunity!

The next BOE meeting is Thursday at 6:30 PM at the City Building on Hebble.  #296 Feet (Sunday, 09 June 2013 14:46) I see the problems of FCS. They are HUGE. But outside of voting in November, is there anything we can do? Is there anything to get some of the BOE changed? Is there any way to 'vote' the higher ups out? I feel like we are stuck with what we got and they know it. :/  #295 Janice (Sunday, 09 June 2013 09:54) The FCS hires their friends and family? What else is old? Corrupt, corrupt, corrupt.  #294 Karen Combs (Friday, 07 June 2013 12:46) Curious - I don't know about benefits or vacation, but according to, Fairborn Education Foundation director Carol Baugh receives $25K for working 6.67 hours 156 days a year. She seems to be good buddies with Board of Education President Tess Little as they are pictured together on-line as the "Appalachian Crew."

I am sure the FCS reels in plenty of donations, but it is disturbing that there is NO transparency with ANY of the FCS fundraising. Why not simply post treasurer reports for each of these funds/groups?  #293 Curious (Friday, 07 June 2013 09:30) Not sure if anyone can answer this question, but is it true that FCS has an Alumni coordinator (to collect donations from alumni)? I heard that this person (not sure of the name) gets approx $25,000 per year salary and FULL BENEFITS...oh wait...and PAID VACATION for only working PART TIME! If this is true, I hope that he/she is getting enough in donations to cover his/her salary + benefits!  #292 Karen Combs (Friday, 07 June 2013 08:02) Ed - that's an excellent question, I can't find any other Greene County districts who list a PR or Grants director on their school websites. Most simply refer media inquiries to the Superintendent's office. As for paying someone to seek Grants, there is no point in that unless the person is bringing in more than the salary! But from what we've been told here, the average annual of the grants received is barely covering the healthcare benefits! Cutting teachers first? INSANE.  #291 Karen Combs - PS (Thursday, 06 June 2013 13:21) And PS, Scott - the readers here don't "wonder" about anything - they see for themselves that I am BEYOND tolerant with the sycophant baloney! That's why THOUSANDS read my site -- including Y-O-U!!!! Have a great day!  #290 Danger Combs (Thursday, 06 June 2013 13:15) Scott - I long ago replied to your last attempted and meaningless post. Here you are, a full week later, whining about it to try distracting from real issues again. That post (oddly entitled Part II, although there was no Part I submitted), contained a SINGLE source for a simple demographics site. You attempted to post using a link (I don't allow those). Since Most fifth graders are familiar with this site, city-data, I felt no need to provide it to my numerous, sophisticated readers. Evidently, you wanted everyone to know that Fairborn is poor. Thanks, Captain Obvious!

Your other claims - that we have a higher than national crime rate, for one - and complimenting JD - were utterly unsupported by ANY effort at evidence. It seems obvious that you are just an alter-ego for JD. If you aren't then I invite you to contact me confidentially via the contact link above and provide your identity. Otherwise, I have a feeling JD is about to regret how he spends his free time.  #289 Scott (Thursday, 06 June 2013 12:15) Karen, I must say that viewing and sometimes posting on this site you have provided has been interesting to say the least. However, I commented about a post from JD and your response to his post some time ago. I gave you several "cites" that you ALWAYS request to help support any claims that needed such support. It appears that YOU were UNABLE to find any substantial reason to argue my findings. I am very disappointed in your LACK of transparency! I understand that you will not post messages with foul language...but my post had NONE of this. Just facts that you couldn't REFUTE! So you just decided to NOT let YOUR CRONIES see FACTS about issues concerning this city and these schools. You have showed your TRUE intentions! NOT posting my comments (WITH CITES TO BACK THEM UP) should have many readers on this site wondering!!! THANKS FOR NOT POSTING!!  #288 Ed (Thursday, 06 June 2013 11:50) How many districts even have a "public relations" or "grants" coordinator? Why are we cutting teachers before cutting stuff like this?  #287 Karen Combs (Thursday, 06 June 2013 10:09) The days of hiding the $ are O-V-E-R!!!! Here is my latest request for public info sent to the FCS today:

Ms. Gayheart and Mr. Beavers,

I am not sure to whom to direct this request, so I will simply forward it to both of you.

I noted in the Spring 2013 “Skyhawk News” (page 6) that the only sport revenues listed for FCS were “fees collected.” Of course, this is impossible since there are many other revenues, including, but not limited to: ticket sales, concession sales, program advertising sales, sales at the “Hawk Spirit Shop,” membership dues and fundraisers for the Skyhawk Athletic Club. I think the public deserves the whole truth.

I previously asked Ms. Gayheart for information on where ticket sales revenues go, but received no answer. I guess I shall have to be more specific. I would like to obtain the following information:

-The name of all accounts which receive any FCS sport revenues;

-The latest version of the Skyhawk Athletic Club By-Laws, Rules and Regulations; -Each monthly and annual Treasurer’s Report for the Skyhawk Athletic Club for 2012 and each monthly Treasurer’s Report for 2013 as well;

-2012 Tax returns for the Skyhawk Athletic Club or any other account (such as the “Helping Hands account established through Greene Giving) in which proceeds from FCS sport events are held;

Mr. Beavers, I also previously asked you about the beverage contract and was told my request was “too broad.” Let’s try this: I would like a copy of the FCS’ current contract with Pepsi of America.

It is fine to e-mail me records or links to them (rather than sending me on some petty wild goose chase to pay for and retrieve documents that are available on-line, as Ms. Gayheart recently did). If that isn’t possible, then I would be happy to pick them up when they are available and reimburse the district for any copy costs. Thank you.

 #286 dave criner (Wednesday, 05 June 2013 21:55) ok. lets take a breath for a minute and look whats been happening.. on the fairborn daily herald website, article dated 30-may-2013, the reason that the band was not going to participate in the parade and the festival was because '..due to transportation, , staff and insurance costs...' then in the next article dated 03-jun-2013, it was stated ' scarberry.. its just the right thing to do. it comes down to core values. the board, staff and I have to do what is best for the kids first..' ok. Core values? where was the when it was FIRST mentioned? OOPS!! lets say what this is really.. a crock of crap.. cow manure.. really?? what changed to make the transportation costs be magically not relevant and the insurance costs be ignored. they are the same no matter what direction the school board took. this is so frustrating.. in my opinion, the school board is chaired by nothing more than institutional arrogance. they create make believable rules without thinking through how they will apply to individual situations. .. they have the power.. or so they think... i have also spent over 20 hours researching Ms. Little's statement that it is illegal to answer a citizens question. i have come to the conclusion that the board president LIED...shocking, right? let the flames begin. there is no defense for this and i refuse to support a person that lies. neither will i support a board that says nothing about this, so that means they support the LIE...i will be at the next school board meeting and state my case about the lie..

 #285 Danger Combs (Wednesday, 05 June 2013 11:25) Baffled - Didn't you hear? Picking up trash and redistributing garbage (pro-levy literature) are Lord $carberry's "core values"! I don't know about the anthem or ushering a King or Queen, but I think the band should at least play "Smooth Criminal" in his honor, don't you?  #284 Baffled (Tuesday, 04 June 2013 22:31) From what I have heard the band is only allowed to have an informational booth (from my understanding this will still cost them to have the booth) and do the trash collection since they have a signed contract. What about playing to bring the King and Queen in and what about playing the National Anthem? Is the festival going to have to change the opening ceremonies and procedures even though the band will be there to work the informational booth and to collect the trash? I bet the festival will think twice about using the band next year for anything because of something the School Board and Superintendent thought shouldn't be done. In my view it tells the festival that the schools could care less about working with a large community event and showcasing the talents of the kids. Also, I believe the festival is where the schools pass out class schedules and school calendars since they start a day or two after the festival. The school should at least let the kids play the National Anthem!  #283 Poor senior (Tuesday, 04 June 2013 18:42) Hi Karen! Post #289 spot on bullseye!!  #282 Janice (Tuesday, 04 June 2013 18:05) What is worse than the FCS' facebook non-policy? The existing policy of the City of Fairborn's facebook page! Is it a coincidence that they have the same legal advisor? What was it someone said here once - something like they think it is "legal" as long as they don't get caught! Where are the ethical values?  #281 Janice (Tuesday, 04 June 2013 18:01) What is an informational booth? For what? To tell us all about the next levy they want, I bet!  #280 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 04 June 2013 17:45) "Band parent" - The school website says there will only be an "informational booth" at the Sweet Corn Festival, just as Mr. Gilbert posted. What other info do YOU have?

What could be funnier than Scaryberry saying it came down to doing the right thing and "core values." What happened to all that mumbo-jumbo when HE concocted the plan to threaten the performances? Boy, it must H-U-R-T to bow down to that crew --- why do you bother?  #279 Band Parent (Tuesday, 04 June 2013 17:18) Actually Frank, the kids ARE allowed to participate in the festival.  #278 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 04 June 2013 16:12) Part I - Letter to the Fairborn Board of Education, 6/4/13:

As you are aware, in April of 2013, a graphic pornography link appeared on the Facebook page of the Fairborn City Schools (FCS). Shortly thereafter, I asked School Board member Mike Uecker to urge the need for an effective social media policy for the FCS. I even provided him with a sample policy from Harvard University and offered to assist in locating others. But, like most concerns brought forward to this Board, it seems to have simply fallen into the abyss. Or perhaps this is yet another issue being handled in an "Executive Session" of dubious construct?

Well, I recently requested available policy from Ms. Gayheart, the member of the administrative staff who claims responsibility for FCS social media. All she could provide was a single page of conduct policy, related to student and staff participation on personal social media sites. This is clearly insufficient.

Indeed, Ms. Gayheart seems to be making up “policy” as she goes along. On Saturday, June 1, 2013, The FCS’ Facebook page deleted substantial content, including an entire thread with approximately 70 public and school comments (including that of former Fairborn Mayor Jack Wilson), as well as other individual posts, related to the decision to cancel FHS parade and festival participation. I also have reports from other citizens that their previous posts on various topics (such as the last levy) were removed while those sympathetic to the FCS’ position remain.

Also, I was apparently “blocked” from further use of the Facebook comment function without ANY notice, cause or explanation given. Perhaps others were as well. Is Ms. Gayheart authorized to run roughshod over the Constitutional rights of your constituents? It seems so.

I asked her for any justification for deleting posts or blocking users and all I was provided was a small portion of the district’s bullying/hazing policy. Ironically, this policy notes that bullying is defined, in part, as “…excluding others from an on-line group by falsely reporting them for inappropriate language….” and mentions the need for a written investigation including “reasonable” evidence!

One must ask - do you ever enforce your own rules against your own staff or ONLY against the children and the public? Here is irony: Ms. Gayheart keeps her job after posting a PICTURE of the HOME of a board member on HER Facebook page, in an obvious effort to ridicule him for his anti-levy stance, but now dares to rail against "bullying" with ZERO evidence against others (including distinguished citizens like a former Mayor) on a public site? Goodness, will we ever see this Board set any reasonable expectations of this administration? I doubt it. Nonetheless, in my opinion, the Board must consider the following to retain whatever credibility remains:

**Is the Facebook page an official site of the Fairborn City Schools?

The site uses the logo and contact information for the Fairborn City Schools. It posts official business of the organization from press releases to event notices. The site administrator is a school official. Clearly, this is an official site.

**Are the Facebook posts a public record?

According to the Ohio Revised Code, a public record is defined as “any document, device or item regardless of physical form or characteristic, including an electronic record… which serves to document the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures or other activities of the office.” According to the Ohio Electronic Records Committee (OERC), “social media may meet the definition of a public record.” This advice is repeated by the Ohio School Board Association as well. Most Ohio public entities seem to agree. For example, the City of Cleveland’s social media policy states “any content maintained in a social media format which is related to city business, including, but not limited to: a list of subscribers, posted comments and information submitted for posting, may be a public record.”

If the Facebook posts are a public record but are being arbitrarily tampered with, how can a public records request be fulfilled? Again, the posts I requested from the FCS Facebook page were "unavailable" because they were deleted by the FCS!  #277 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 04 June 2013 16:10) Part II - Letter to the BOE **Is the Facebook page a “public forum”?

I would invite you to carefully review the first page of the attached article from the National Law Review, written by a Cincinnati law firm. It gives an example involving a Facebook levy debate, seemingly tailor-made for Fairborn. It describes how a legal challenge could be made to argue that a Facebook page that allows public comment is, indeed, a public forum and is subject to First and Fourteenth Amendment protections. I am frankly shocked that any American would believe it is ever appropriate to restrict opinions in a public venue simply because one disagrees with the content of that opinion! I certainly think the FCS would have a difficult time explaining to a Court how a publicly-funded site can arbitrarily delete posts and deny access. This is made even worse by the absence of any formal policy or guidelines for posting!

**Is it wise to have a Facebook page which allows public comment?

One way to eliminate the issue of whether allowing public comment on a Facebook page establishes a public forum is to eliminate the public comment option, using the page as a “bulletin board” for one-way communication with the public. Given the apparent propensity of the school administration to disregard the rights of certain community members, this seems the safest approach. It seems to me that this Board has enough problems with public image - why add censorship to the mix?

**How can the Board set a fair social media policy?

The Ohio School Board Association is offering a workshop on “Legal concerns with the use of social media” on August 15. I believe the cost is $35 to members and the FCS already pays hefty (and unexplained!) dues to this organization. So I suggest that Ms. Gayheart and at least some Board members make an effort to attend. I don’t think there is any question they would advise against what she has been doing to-date!

I was dismayed to learn that only ONE of the FIVE elected members of this Board has availed themselves of the free 3-hour training provided by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office on the Sunshine Law and Public Records (and the certificate for this Board member could not be verified). No wonder there seems to be such confusion among the Board about the “law” on meeting transparency, Executive Sessions, responding to the public and a host of other related topics! The next training is June 13 in Mansfield and there are many other scheduled (see for more information on registering). I urge you to do your civic duty to those who elected you and attend this training! Stop taking your cues from the administration that has not been serving you well of late!

In summary, I believe the current FCS’ Facebook page is a public forum that violates both the Free Speech and Equal Protection clauses of the U.S. Constitution. Immediate action should be taken to correct this situation and the Board should develop an acceptable social media policy. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can provide further information. It seems sad but true that members of the public must perform this detailed due diligence for the Board since you seem to do nothing to address critical issues on your own!


Karen L. Combs  Karen Combs (Saturday, 17 August 2013 19:43) Thank YOU, SnT! Sadly, I hear stories like yours ALL THE TIME.

Yes, we DO spend a lot of money to promote Fairborn. The 2013 budget of the Economic Development office was almost $230K. And that doesn't include all the money we spend on Public Relations. We also keep funneling money into the newly-revived Economic Development Corporation (EDC), a so-called "non-profit" where tax dollars are sent out of the control of elected officials and turned over to appointed sycophants. But back to the "image" they have been working to paint of Fairborn while our own City Manager works to destroy it.... According to the EDC's website - built with $15K of YOUR money - Fairborn is a "progressive community" with a "qualified" and "well-trained" workforce. The "community guide" from the city also emphasizes the "high technology" and "quality educational institutions" here. Yet, according to our City Manager, we are just a bunch of dumb hillbillies, less capable of being trained than a common chimp! Which it is, Ms. McDonnell? Why, with her at the helm, we might as well throw money into the streets instead of spending it on fancy websites, glossy ads, and hoping to uplift the image of Fairborn!

I will tell you another waste of money - the budget for the City Council. In 2010, having those do-nothings cost us $147,223. By 2013, they had inflated their budget to $179,059 WITHOUT HIRING ANYONE. "Contractual Services" nearly doubled between 2012 and 2013 from $23,015 to $54,505 as did "commodities" from $3,867 in 2012 to $7,271 in 2013. WHY??

Let's ELIMINATE the City Council altogether - fire the City Manager and elect ONE Mayor/City Manager who will be HELD ACCOUNTABLE at the ballot box! It would be cheaper and lead to better leadership in Fairborn!  #722 SnT (Saturday, 17 August 2013 12:48) I just heard about this website. Thank you. I don't like everything you say here but most of it hits right on the nose. We need more people speaking about this stuff. I can't come to the meeting because I work nights but will be there in spirit.

I've been trying to get the city to help with my neighbors for what feels like forever. They have millions of excuses. My friends who know council members have asked them and nothing comes of it.

To see the city manager say that someone like me "just wants to fight" and "wants them (the government) to take my side" really got to me. I never had a fight in my life! If I wanted one I could just go look for it But I have been stupid enough to believe there is still a right and a wrong-maybe extra dumb to think this Fairborn city manager could recognize either!

Don't we spend a lot of money trying to say Fairborn is a good place for businesses? Why is she tearing us down? I hope this council stops backing her before there is nothing left to worry about. Anyways thanks again.  #721 Karen Combs (Saturday, 17 August 2013 11:14) Awesome post received through the Contact Link - beautifully said!  #720 Danger Combs (Saturday, 17 August 2013) In what is no doubt pure coincidence, they announced that Calamityville got the "all clear" from the EPA. No sign of the promised $754 million in economic impact that our besieged City Manager promised YEARS ago though. Since this is what WSU was supposedly waiting for to take over, give them the keys and let THEM pay to expand Dayton Drive for their non-existent traffic. We can find better uses for our $2 million. I vote for an Appalachian Pride festival. Deb can go first in the "dunk-a-punk" tank.  #719 From the Contact Link: (Saturday, 17 August 2013 10:36) Message: I read the letter our city manager sent to our Mayor and Council and was angered by the fact that this woman can pass judgement on a class of people that make up most of this fair city...I am a product of Appalachia and proud of it..I do NOT need to have bloodshed to settle a dispute!! I am quite capable of sitting down and having an intelligent conversation and I most definitely am capable of casting a ballot when election comes around perhaps our mayor and council should bring this woman down a few pegs before she gets all of them ousted since they are the ones who appointed her to this position!!!! Sitting on a high pedestal and thinking a certain sect of people beneath you has one major problem...the fall is hard!!! This city is made up of people from Ky.,W.Va., and Tenn...and like me they're proud of it..We country bumpkins have a strong work ethic,we believe in an Almighty God,we love our families,and we want to live peaceably but when challenged we can and will stand up for our convictions....We once had a mayor in this city who thought himself above everyone else and he was quickly relieved of his position and that was made possible by country folks like myself and the residents of Fairborn......  #718 Janice (Saturday, 17 August 2013 09:43) Here is Fairborn's biggest unsolved mystery: what does Debbie McDonnell have over these Council people? Do they owe her money? Does she have them on videotape ax- murdering someone? What kind of compromising info does she hold over them to get them to ignore all her failures and cover for all her mistakes? She has no loyalty to them! The minute they get voted out of office, she wouldn't even nod "hello" to them on the street!  #717 Frank Gilbert (Saturday, 17 August 2013 08:10) Read a real nice article in the Fairborn Daily Herald about school kids raising 150.00 for the group that wants to save the old firehouse Kudos to them and their folks for taking an active interest in Fairborn's future. And the school for taking a part in the effort.  #716 Karen Combs (Saturday, 17 August 2013 06:53) EDE1 - I saw them working on that too! I suspect they are going to scramble for ANYTHING to try to prop up Ms. MsDonnell before Monday night! After years of her failed leadership and constant insults against our community - I am sure they having a hard time pointing to ANYTHING she has done to deserve her continued employment. Well, they can polish up that 9/11 memorial, but what about the rest of Calamityville? They promised to clean that up TWO YEARS AGO! And the harping against Appalachians? Well, the pro-Nagel-regime crowd can FORGET ABOUT calling ME "negative" ever again! McDonnell is the top of the city food chain - and she is a typhoon of negativity compared to powerless me!  #715 EDE1 (Friday, 16 August 2013 20:35) I posted about the 9/11 memorial needing some work yesterday and today they were out working on it....looks like fairbornspeaks got another victory!  #714 Janice (Friday, 16 August 2013 16:50) Karen - I loved your answers to the naysayers. Keep up the good work. It is unbelievable that this Council has not acted to seek McDonnell's resignation by now. A real leader on Council who got that hate-filled memo, on OFFICIAL City letterhead, would have called an emergency meeting and asked for her to step down. Until they do, they are condoning her actions the same as if they did it themselves.  #713 Karen Combs (Friday, 16 August 2013 15:01) Had a great day today - continued to GET THE WORD OUT about the City Manager's discriminatory memo. Continued to receive feedback from experts. Continued to field calls about the outrage over her comments. I am looking forward to Monday's Council meeting. It seems impossible to believe that this Council received Ms. McDonnell's biased missive ONE WEEK AGO and STILL have failed to act. She should have been OUT long before now! I am happy to provide some empty boxes for her to pack up her office!  #712 Danger Combs (Friday, 16 August 2013 09:16) To “Hypocrisy”: 1) I bow to your expertise on hypocrisy - you are clearly the pro! 2) Ms. McDonnell receives about $140K plus a huge car allowance (if I recall, it is another $5K or so ON TOP OF being handed a city vehicle to use!) to be a PUBLIC SERVANT. I am a PRIVATE CITIZEN. I am sorry that you are too dim to see the difference. 3) I didn’t bring up being afraid at the “rally,” but your side ASKED if that was a factor in my decision not to go. I don’t expect ANYONE to come meet me and 200 of my howling friends in a park, so don’t expect me to either! If bullying people like me wasn’t on the agenda, why all the hysteria that I chose not to come? I don't have to come where you want me to - I am a grown woman. 4) THIS is my perfect place to ask questions and get answers! Surely one among you “highly-trained educators” can WRITE, can’t you? People tend to give more detailed and well-thought out explanations in writing than hollering in some amphitheater! But, for some unexplained reason, NONE of you can EVER provide ANY ANSWERS here, eh? Clearly, that is because I AM RIGHT and you can’t sustain a response using SOURCES and being subject to CHALLENGE. Not my fault YOU aren't up to it! 5) Doctor (LOL) Hypocrisy, my disability is not “an excuse.” I miss many meetings because of it -I miss many things in life because of it - heck, I haven’t even been to a movie theater in over a year because of it (and I love movies). But, YES, you can REST ASSURED that I will CRAWL if necessary to be at Monday’s Council meeting! I have a few messages from RENOWNED EXPERTS to deliver to our ill-informed City Manager. 6) I don’t have to move - I can stay here and try to make where I live better. If you don’t like how I go about that, YOU MOVE! 7) I am quite confident you never “thought I was better than this” because you are among the sycophant trolls that come on here WITHOUT EVER ADDRESSING AN IMPORTANT ISSUE AND MERELY TO TALK ABOUT ME. While I am flattered by your obvious obsession, and God knows no one loves talking about me more than me- LOL, can we move on to a CITY or SCHOOL topic now?  #711 Karen Combs (Friday, 16 August 2013 09:14) Since my website numbers were off the chart yesterday, I will respond to some of these issues for any newcomers. But, trust me, it is the same ole, same ole the union hacks and City Council lapdogs have whined about since the site started!

For the person who is so concerned that I checked whether “Marie Derr” was a voter or property owner - darn-tootin’ I did! How many of the teacher union members even live in Fairborn? Well, I asked them to provide a list of the cities where their top wage-earners live quite a while back. Crickets. Of course, I already knew the answer - most DON’T live in Fairborn! They come here, earn their fat paychecks and luxury benefits and then skedaddle back to Beavercreek or Jamestown or Springfield. I mean, face it, they wouldn’t want THEIR kids going to the lousy schools THEY CREATE for your kids!

So, if you are going to come on here telling other people to vote for a school property tax, then I plan to make sure YOU pay it too. And if you come on here telling other people how to vote, then I plan to make sure YOU are even registered! After all, it is PUBLIC INFORMATION. And I have had my personal info posted, including the last sales value of my home! SO WHAT?!?!

As far as anyone feeling threatened by me, that is absurd. I am a fat, disabled, middle- aged woman whose professional career was devoted to non-violence! NO ONE has EVER come on here to report ANY threat by our side WHATSOEVER. The same cannot be said of the sycophants. I receive threats all the time, have people come to my home (had one not too long ago describe my dog!) and, of course, there was Pam Gayheart’s posting of a picture of the anti-levy BOE member’s home on her Facebook page. THOSE are REAL intimidation tactics and they are 100% at the hands of the sycophants!

It is the same with the so-called “name-calling.” HOW can someone insult an ANONYMOUS post-er? If you are emotionally scarred by being compared to an arcade game at the county fair, then you have more issues than Newsweek! I also try to be like Rambo - I don’t draw first blood! But neither am I obligated to be called names by a bunch of cowards and quietly accept it!

City and elected officials are subject to greater public ridicule because THEY ASKED TO BE. When you run for public office, the slings and arrows come along with all the baby-kissing and ribbon-cutting. If you can’t handle it, don’t run. Don’t talk to me about “civility” while you DESTROY this town!

The reason that the City and School folks are so uptight about this website is NOT because I am straight-forward, but for TWO reasons alone: 1) because you haven’t been able to succeed in intimidating me through your normal tactics. I don’t have school-age children you can terrorize - they stopped being subjected to that nightmare years ago. I don’t have an employer you can threaten to not invite to the next exciting old-farts chicken-wing party and I DON’T CARE what you think of me! 2) because this website gets THOUSANDS of readers each month and people are - AT LONG LAST - talking about issues that impact their city and schools. Gone are the days when you INCOMPETENTS could act behind closed doors and to the detriment of the rest of us! Gets right under your skin, doesn’t it? Yep - and I love every minute of it!  #710 Hypocrisy (Friday, 16 August 2013 07:33) @Karen, Funny to see your response (#691) talking about "teachers" being "car keying thugs" all while you are up in a roar about someone else (insert city manager because I refuse to write her name) writing some rather insensitive (which I agree they are) remarks about a group of people. It's great to see that you are on the same page with defamatory writing folks like her. Also, OLP did have a valid question (why were you NOT at the rally asking questions?") which you answered with your typical response (insert disability here______). It was 70 degrees outside that day. There were places to STAND UP and SIT DOWN! Why is it an easy excuse to use ONLY when it benefits YOU when this would have been a PERFECT situation to ask your questions/demand answers? Instead, you sit at home asking others to report back to you (minions just as OLP inferred) while you grapple in pain from whatever excuse you felt like using that day. I really thought you were better than this! No doubt you will be ALL BETTER by the time City Council meets so you can go fire away at them. And wait, I have a solution to ALL your city and school problems... MOVE!!  #709 Karen Combs (Friday, 16 August 2013 07:10) Just Don't see it: Coincidentally, JD, people will say the same about your post!  #708 Frank Gilbert (Thursday, 15 August 2013 22:11) It was really good to hear a story about the good part of Fairborn. It is worth noting that the story is at the top of your page and was prominent in the news.  #707 Karen Combs (Thursday, 15 August 2013 22:09) BOMBSHELL TONIGHT - I have received an AMAZING message of solidarity for the Appalachian community in Fairborn from a RENOWNED SOURCE. I will be sharing it at Monday's Council meeting. We are not alone, Fairborn!  #706 Karen Combs (Thursday, 15 August 2013 22:05) Marie - I don't publish curse words, and I don't see much point to your other single- sentence, indecipherable posts. I get it - you don't like me - you lied about your name and now want to offer some lame excuse for doing so- blah, blah. Move on. No one cares.  #705 Kel (Thursday, 15 August 2013 20:43) Isn't a "lame duck" an incumbent politician who isn't seeking re-election? Marie, on the other hand, is pure TURKEY.  #704 Karen Combs (Thursday, 15 August 2013 20:30) TJ - I am not sure if this was typo and you are BJ, or someone else - but again, very INSIGHTFUL comments! I agree. I don’t begrudge that a teacher has a hard job. But I am tired of hearing them whine about it! When I was able, I worked much harder. And for a lot fewer earthly benefits! In Fairborn particularly, they make HIGHER than average salaries and UNHEARD OF benefits. But their performance is NOT at the top of the charts. They pretend to be so smart, but apparently never heard “you can’t get blood out of a turnip.” The people of Fairborn just saved $70 MILLION by asking some tough questions - I think it is DEFINITELY worth the effort to keep asking them!  #703 Karen Combs (Thursday, 15 August 2013 20:29) BJ - I usually don’t post links because I don’t want to “open the door” to be watching them all day long in order to approve them! Yours is a HAPPY exception to that rule! Thanks for bringing it to my attention and I urge all the readers here to check it out! While folks like Marie can worry about greedy unions and their "rallies" - we can cheer for REAL Fairborn hero!

I agree with you 100% about Ms. McDonnell too! She has crossed a line here that no crocodile tears or lame excuses can abide! I also LOVE that you found “the rest of the story,” as Paul Harvey would say - with regard to the text that the Debster bastardized. I KNEW that she was leaving out the MOST IMPORTANT PART simply to suit her needs (namely, an excuse for not wanting to offer mediation). Again, MANY THANKS for your input! PLEASE show up at the Council meeting on Monday and bring your friends too!  #702 DANGER Combs (Thursday, 15 August 2013 20:26) Marie - Give em’ enough rope….LOL - You “coincidentally” (wink, wink) misspell “sight” for webSITE just like the school-sycophant “Derr” gal I figured you were on the first place! What are the odds? LOL!

I use search engines with great finesse. There is NO “Marie Derr” who is a Fairborn property owner OR voter in Fairborn. Anyone can feel free to check it out. If you are LYING and using a different name here than your legal name, then DON’T BLAME ME. Otherwise, name a STREET where YOU own property and WHAT NAME you are actually registered to vote under! Better yet - who cares? I know what the records show!

I don’t “use two names,” you are just a Johnny-Come-Lately. I PUBLICLY ANNOUNCED A WHILE BACK my intent to use “Danger Combs” (a bit too complicated for you?) when I have some snarky comments to make. Given your great “search engine” skills, I am surprised this got past you. LOL. Now, what was it you were saying about putting your sycophant tail between your goat legs and MOVING ON? Any day now.  #701 TJ (Thursday, 15 August 2013 19:53) Below is a post on a Fairbornite's Facebook page that I'm sure, expresses how many people in Fairborn feel. Unfortunately, this is the kind of mindset that has gotten the FCS and our community in trouble.

First, the widow 'knows how hard they work' in reference to the teachers. Excuse me, they do not work any harder than any other career field requiring a college degree. In fact, how many people do you know that have a college degree, who are working every day, and get the summer off?? What about our government and especially military personnel? No other career field I know of allows their personnel to work only 180 days a year with a premium paycheck. So, don't whine to me about how hard teachers work. Minimal class planning because the curriculum is already outlined for them and let's face it, how much time do teachers really spend getting ready for class in FCS when they can't teach most of the kids how to make change.

"These dedicated men and women spend thousands of dollars to become educator's". Again, stop whining about how much money they spend to become educators. The average person spends thousands of dollars to obtain a college degree, only to have to work year-round, many more hours than a FCS teacher ever works. What about our military who are protecting our country? They have to work their butts off and be away from their families and you're complaining that teachers have to spend money to become educators? Well guess what, they chose their profession and to top it off, the FCS (we the taxpayers), pays for the teachers to obtain their Master's Degrees. Whine a little more about how they spend thousands of dollars (our taxpayer dollars), to get an education.

"These people aren't in it for the money". Get real, do you think we taxpayers are stupid enough to believe that ridiculous comment! Of course they are in it for the money and nothing else! I'm sure that if a teacher won the lottery, they would drop their job and run faster than you could imagine. What person anywhere works at any job and isn't in it for the money? Need I say more on this completely idiotic comment.

"Fairborn educators have proven that by taking several pay freezes and cuts over the years and by agreeing to pay more with less to keep their benefits." Reference all of Karen's comments about pay freezes, less benefits, etc. FCS teachers have the best benefits, highest pay and lowest product output (test score, etc.), so don't give me any crap and try to make the public believe any different. It's already been proven on Fairborn Speaks that FCS are living pretty darn good compared to government and military workers and many, many other careers. All they want is more, more and a little more and they could care less about the child

"Isn't it about time we give these individuals the respect they and their profession deserve?" Give me a break, respect is 'earned' and when the FCS teachers act appropriately and learn to live within their means just as every American is having to do, they will get respect. But not until then. Stop whining, stop asking for more money and benefits and do the job. Put up or shut up because I'm really sick and tired of the teachers asking for more and doing less.

So, widow, are you enjoying that hefty retirement your teacher spouse left you. Not too many people get that kind of benefits. Any additional requests for money, levies, benefits, will be a "NO" vote from me!

"As the widow of a school teacher, I know how hard these people work and the pride they take in educating our kids. Many of them even refer to our children as "their kids" because they care about their well-being and their education. These dedicated men and women spend thousands of dollars to become educators and they will never be lucky to ever see that money come back to them like so many of their professional counter-parts do. Their reward is seeing a student make accomplishments and take pride in their ability to have made a difference in a life. These people aren't in it for the money. Fairborn educators have proven that by taking several pay freezes and cuts over the years and by agreeing to pay more with less to keep their benefits. Now they are standing up for the safety of our children because unlimited class sizes are dangerous and do not allow the educators to properly instruct the children and give proper attention to those who are not comprehending the material. Isn't it about time we give these individuals the respect they and their profession deserve?"  #700 BJ (Thursday, 15 August 2013 19:41) Debbie McDonnell or as I would prefer Debbie McDumbA** needs to resign or be assisted in resigning by City Council. In response to her quote in the memo, maybe she should have payed particular attention to the first paragraph of that section which reads,

"Although the "OUTSIDER" (emphasis added) easily associates Appalachia with "feudin' and fightin'," Appalachia may not be substantially more violence prone than the rest of the country. Violence thought endemic to Appalachia is in truth representative of the violence found throughout the nation."

Its also interesting to note that she is referencing a text that was published in 1995....only 18 years ago if my math serves me correctly (sheewww, good thing I took my shoes off so I could contabulate that). Im sure there is no better/current reference dealing with mediation processes for municipal leaders than this one.

As a citizen of this city, being of Appalachian heritage (that I am proud of) and even educated enough that I plan on starting my Masters Degree next year, assumin' that I can sell enough shine and corncob pipes to pay fer it, I am outraged that she still has a job. I would like to join the other concerned citizens of this town in asking for Debbie McDonnell's resignation or termination, whichever she prefers.....and Debbie, "Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya!"  #699 BJ (Thursday, 15 August 2013 19:14) Karen, I know that you usually do not post web links on this page, but would you be willing to make an exception? The following YouTube link showcases a CNN interview with country music star Tim McGraw and Fairborn's former Deputy Fire Chief Scott Lewis. Many of you may remember the dramatic video of Chief Lewis (He is the Fire Chief in Gresham,OR now.....another actual LEADER who was run out of this town) and Firefighter Bob Swick. Just reinforces the dedication and talent of some of the people in our city. It can be viewed at:  #698 marie (Thursday, 15 August 2013 18:44) what a lame duck web sight ... you,Karen Combs dont do very well with search engines...... This is nothing but a trash Fairborn sight and I will not be a part of it! For the rest of you that think this town is no good I suggest Dayton or some other town! I love my town and the people in it! Oh by the way why do you use two names? Dont you have anyone else to talk to?  #697 Jake (Thursday, 15 August 2013 17:57) Never posted before - just a question - When/where will video from this "rally" be available? It is 2013, so don't tell me no one taped it! I work and I am not able to make it to early evening meetings. Since WDTN removed it - do the teachers plan to put it on youtube? If not, why not?  #696 Danger Combs (Thursday, 15 August 2013 16:52) Marie - I just unraveled you as a liar in a couple easy steps. Keep running, honey.

Did everyone notice that WDTN removed their link to the union "rally" story? Wonder what was in it that the union didn't want us to see?  #695 marie (Thursday, 15 August 2013 16:50) you people are a waste of my time! You cant fix stupid . I hope you all can build your own city and run it your way! If you want my wood come get it! Sorry to hear we have people like you in our town that just want to run everyone down. Good luck and God bless...... lol  #694 Danger P.S.S. (Thursday, 15 August 2013 16:43) Wait, my bad - no Marie Derr registered to vote in Greene County either. Are you lying about your name, the city where you live, or are you just not "caring" enough to register to vote? LOL!  #693 Danger P.S. (Thursday, 15 August 2013 16:39) One more thing, Marie, I know you don't pay attention, but there ARE several people from the anti-levy side who ARE running for public office here. I won't be one of them due to my physical limitations. But I suspect you will keep voting for the same idiots who got us in this mess anyway!  #692 Danger Combs (Thursday, 15 August 2013 16:37) Marie - You are such a shill. I noticed you didn’t answer the question about whether you own a home here and are even subjected to the school property tax levies you expect others to pay. Of course, I already know the answer anyway!

Keep patting yourself on the back for all that volunteer work, Marie - you sycophants are so humble! Well, guess what? All the people who are on our side volunteer too! So get off the cross, we need the wood! As far as seeing what goes on in the schools, I am pretty sure I saw a side of our schools during my working days that you couldn’t even imagine! So what? None of it excuses the MEDIOCRE performance of the teachers here. There are plenty of districts with the same problems and BETTER results.

I have a friend who teaches in another district that is just as poor as ours. She says every time they get a student from Fairborn, they know the kid will be backwards and not up- to-speed for his/her grade level. THAT is one thing FCS teachers “do” on a daily basis!

As far as being “small-minded,” Marie, I guess we can only hope to be as “open-minded” as someone like you who would attend someone else’s union rally because you think it makes you look good! Take up knitting, honey, at least you will have a sweater at the end of your effort instead of just swollen knees.  #691 MARIE DERR (Thursday, 15 August 2013 16:23) YES , I live in Fairborn and have for many years! No , Im not related to any Derrs around here, I moved here from Pa. many years ago! Im no ones lapdog and you people are just small minded people that only think of yourself and not Fairborn as a whole. If this town is so bad and you are all so unhappy run for mayor, board member or what ever office you would be good in, we all have that right. I have done volunteer work for this town and have been involved in things for and about this town! If you have never been a teacher you have no idea what they do on a daily basis for our kids.I have spent time at the schools and seen what goes on! Oh by the way Fairborn is a good little town and I for one want the best for all of us! Fairborn teachers rock!  #690 Karen Combs (Thursday, 15 August 2013 16:21) I thought I would share with everyone some of the comments I have received about the City Manager's memo! My phone has been ringing off the hook! Many people do not use the internet or do not want to participate here because of their employment or other reasons. So, here goes:

One person wanted me to assure her that it wasn't a hoax!! She said "I just have a hard time believing ANYONE could be so STUPID to put something like THAT in writing!" Well, the memo came from the city offices, attachments and all - so YES, someone IS that stupid....and she holds the highest-paid city job!

One caller asked if the City Council will be using this as another opportunity to "shield the City Manager," which they agreed was their "role" during their last staff retreat! Q: Where can the rest of us sign up for jobs where our bosses agree to "shield us" when we screw up? A: Sorry, that job is filled. Only ONE set of bosses could EVER be that DUMB!

Several callers have asked me to PROMISE that we will move to a full RECALL of the Council if they do not hold her accountable. That is not my call to make - we will see what kind of citizen turn-out there is on Monday. Council turn-out should be interesting too. Any Council member who fails to appear should resign. That means no more missed meetings, Mr. Kirkpatrick!

One caller asked me to compare these recent remarks with the "apology" Deb issued the last time she insulted Appalachians. I have someone working on that.

I have also been in contact with some Council candidates. Dave Criner will be at the meeting Monday. Donna Wilson and Paul Keller have NEVER REPLIED to my offer to post their thoughts on the issue here. Recall that Donna "Chapstick" Wilson was among those who rose in defense of McDonnell when her contract was up for a vote last year. That alone is enough reason to withdraw from the race!

Finally, I have been in contact with many area and national experts on mediation and the Appalachian culture. I am receiving gracious and excellent replies and will be sharing those on Monday.  #689 Karen Combs (Thursday, 15 August 2013 16:05) EDE1 - I don't know about the memorial - they claimed once before that they had raised all the money, but then they were back saying they need tens of thousands more. That's what happens when they keep putting the same worn-out group of sycophants in charge of everything in town! I do agree that it looks silly. Beavercreek had their entire, MUCH larger memorial up very quickly - ours has been dragging on eternally. Why won't WSU step up and donate some funds since we located it at Calamityville?* *Yes, that WAS intended to be funny!

Don't let Marie upset you, the odds of her answering ANY of the real issues are slim to none.

 #688 Danger Combs (Thursday, 15 August 2013 16:00) “Marie” - Do you even live in Fairborn? Own a home here and pay all these school levies? Or, like many of the people who attended that nonsense yesterday, do you come from another town altogether?

Are you (related to) the other Derr who is on the internet defending the schools? I’d put money that you are one and the same.

You were right about one insignificant thing, it was a “rally.” Thanks for pointing that out because that is actually even WORSE for non-members to be involved in! That is defined as “assembling for a common cause.” WHY on earth would you share in someone else’s greedy union cause? Are you that desperate to earn brownie points for your grandkid? Sure looks that way! You should consult JD, he’s an expert on that!

I bet you fall for all their baloney. You probably fell hook, line and sinker for that “unlimited class size” nonsense and the big HOAX that the union is somehow fighting with the BOE. They are perfectly aligned for ONE GOAL ONLY - to keep their precious, unaffordable, unsustainable $22K healthcare benefits. They just wave shiny objects like “we agreed to a pay freeze” (big whoop) and “we agreed to pay 20% of our premiums instead of the 15% we got away with paying for years” in front of people like you and - “squirrel!” you are so easily distracted.

And how about whining about the noontime lunch aides being cut? Notice how the teachers first thought was NOT to worry for their fellow employees being out of work - nah, what was their big beef? That it might interfere in THEIR “planning time”! Have you ever seen such greedy people? Disgusting - and that other stupid union shows up to cheer them on! Wow.

No one can stop you from being a lapdog, Marie, but don’t expect anyone here to take you seriously.  #687 marie (Thursday, 15 August 2013 15:37) oh, for those that don't know what a rally is...... look it up! it was NOT A UNION MEETING  #686 marie derr (Thursday, 15 August 2013 15:18) no, I do not support the board of education in all they do, but I do support the teachers at our schools, with out them ,children in this town would not be getting the education that they are. Most of the schools have good or excellent ratings! No I'm not in any union and don't work for the schools but I do have grandchildren in the system and I want what is best for them!  #685 EDE1 (Thursday, 15 August 2013 12:11) When is something going to be done about that 9/11 memorial? It looks like an Indian burial ground or a Stonehenge for kids over there! Embarrassing!

I would also ask that City Manager if she thinks ger pet project Calamityville "classes up" our hillbilly town? That is one eyesore that can only be fixed with some well-placed dynamite.

As for Marie, I read the article in the Fairborn paper about the union meeting. Nothing that wasn't said by them at the last Board meeting. Repeating it over and over doesn't make it true!  #684 Karen Combs (Thursday, 15 August 2013 10:43) "Marie" - ....spoken by some portrait of courage who comes on that very screen using only a non-distinctive first name! HYPOCRITE!

The problem with empty-headed creatures like you is that you think propping up a FAILED Board of Education and a FAILED City Council makes you "caring." I can't imagine anything LESS caring!

You know NOTHING about me or the countless activities I do on behalf of this town or my fellow Fairbornites. But you attended YOUR OWN union meeting, so that makes you a heroine, right? LOL.  #683 marie (Thursday, 15 August 2013 10:30) sometimes you just cant make a point to thick headed people that care so little about this town and our children! If they did they would be out on the streets fighting to make things better instead of hiding behind a screen!  #682 Danger Combs (Thursday, 15 August 2013 09:26) Where did One Lint Pill run off to? Whenever they get schooled, a new one appears pretending to support the one that ran off. Like that "whack-a-mole" game. Hit one ugly rodent and another one just pops up!  #681 Karen Combs (Thursday, 15 August 2013 08:51) Really? What's your real name, dear? LOL.  #680 marie (Thursday, 15 August 2013 08:40) I was at the rally and thought everyone that spoke did an great job! Way to go teachers!!  #679 Janice (Thursday, 15 August 2013 08:12) Let me get this straight: we can come on here and comfortably read info from all sides during our free time and at our own pace OR we can leave our homes and family in the evening and go to a cold damp park and get yelled over and intimidated by some union gang while they present only one side of the coin? Let me think that over....done...good call, Karen!  #678 Karen Combs (Thursday, 15 August 2013 06:54) OLP- Boy, you sure are disappointed that you couldn't lure anyone to your little brain-washing session! Did you really expect people to trudge out there? FOR WHAT??? I announce Council and BOE meetings here too - and few attend those either. I did you a FAVOR by announcing it here, but you would have to be a little slow to think that would "sell it." Turns out, genius, most people tend to be apathetic, especially at the prospect of wasting an evening listening to overpaid people complain about it! Whoda thunk it?

Now, I don't owe you ANY explanations for my whereabouts, so let's get that clear! I am certainly NOT obligated IN ANY WAY to be at some chilly, outdoor, mosquito-ridden rock pit. Why don't you "highly-skilled educators" get it in gear enough to find a meeting ROOM? They are free at the library!

As for being "afraid" - dang skippy people were afraid! Why should we go get our cars keyed or get jumped out in the woods by you thugs? Again - WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND holds serious meetings in a PARK???? Of course, I rarely attend public meetings anyway. Yes, it IS easier for me to be at home because I have difficulty sitting for long periods of time and experience significant discomfort due to my physical disability. Five, four, three, two, one - until you jump on here to scold me for mentioning it. Well, fool, YOU asked.

I don't have "minions." The ballot box proves who represents the will of the people here.

I don't have any questions for so-called "union leaders" - I don't interrogate bank robbers either!

Finally, I heard your little meeting WASN'T very well attended by YOUR OWN UNION, but had a lot of imported thugs from other outside areas - if YOUR own members don't bother to attend - WHY should anyone else be there?  #677 Only Logic Prevails (Wednesday, 14 August 2013 21:34) I was at the Rally tonight... Where were you and your minions? You had a chance to ask the Union leaders direct questions. There were only questions asked about how to help the union in their fight and teachers asking questions. If your website really represents the majority of Fairborn, where were the detractors? You've had it listed on your site for a week now right? Perhaps you were too afraid? Too easy to just cherry pick arguments from your house during all of your free time? WHY WEREN'T YOU THERE?  #676 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 14 August 2013 20:36) How did the teacher union meeting go tonight? Anyone care to provide a report?  #675 fairbornspeaks (Wednesday, 14 August 2013 15:56) Just a reminder for anyone who wants a ONE-SIDED version of the school contract negotiations - the union's meeting is tonight from 6:30-7:30 PM at Community Park. I look forward to the results.  #674 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 14 August 2013 15:50) Where are all of the McDonnell supporters? Karen Harris??? Donna Wilson???? Joan Dautel??? Why so quiet???? You all stood up and insisted she was great for Fairborn and deserved that long contract and raise - why are you all so quiet now that she has shown her true colors? What frauds!  #673 Danger C. (Wednesday, 14 August 2013 15:47) Yeah, you are kinda like Sybil - only some of HER personalities were fun!  #672 John J. (Wednesday, 14 August 2013 14:23) Wait a minute...... you told me I was JD!!!  #671 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 14 August 2013 13:21) In June of 2013, Councilman Robert Wood - with the support of Mayor Nagel - asked Ms. McDonnell to look into the feasibility of a mediation program to resolve simple neighborhood disputes - barking dogs, unkempt properties, etc. You know, all the things that Code Enforcement might be able to resolve, but, hey - why keep it so simple?

Now, we all know the Debster doesn’t want to do ANYTHING that remotely resembles WORK, so her “research” consisted of talking to a SINGLE person in Yellow Springs (a village with roughly 1/10th the population of Fairborn) and posting some vague message on a City Manager message board. Despite noting that Yellow Springs, being all about “peace and harmony,” is the very antithesis of the Fairborn she knows to be so vile, she consults them anyway! Can she at least share where she enjoyed her city-expense- account lunch with him?

Isn’t it odd that she never bothered to contact the DAYTON MEDIATION CENTER, a program of (drum roll) the CITY OF DAYTON, which has existed since 1976? Last time I checked, Dayton has a pretty sizable Appalachian population, but what would their mediation center know, eh? I mean, they have only trained 600 volunteer mediators (apparently NONE could possibly live here!) and performed over 12,500 mediations! But good ole Deb spent her time talking to the Yellow Springs Manager whose program handles 1 or 2 cases PER MONTH! And, yes, Virginia, she DOES know our Council is stupid enough to accept this as “research”!

So, without any REAL basis WHATSOEVER, she concludes that there are “only two” considerations when contemplating a mediation program that is not linked to a Court: culture and volunteers. Now, she could have simply restricted her argument to cost versus reward, liability issues, and OBJECTIVE arguments. But that would have deprived her of her two favorite pastimes - attacking those of Appalachian heritage and vilifying the people of Fairborn as stupid!

In some ways, maybe Fairborn deserves this fate for being apathetic enough to allow this Council to approve a new contract/raise for her last year. We should have immediately started RECALL proceedings against EVERY ONE OF THEM.

Well, the tragic failures of our City Manager and city government are compounded by causing great citizens to leave. One recent example is Tommy Adkins and his wife, Theresa. It is difficult to accept the “for sale” sign in the yard of this couple, who have been active and concerned members of this community for so long. But, like all people of good conscience, I think they have been worn-down by the constant drumbeat of incompetence in our city government. How many such losses can Fairborn sustain before there is simply nothing left? I think we are teetering right on this edge. If there isn’t a larger-than-usual crowd to protest the anti-Appalachian attacks by our City Manager at the next Council meeting, Monday, August 19 at 7 PM, I think I may throw in the towel too. Fairborn has got to stand up and DEMAND BETTER or accept its destruction at the hands of these clowns. What will it be?  #670 RR (Wednesday, 14 August 2013 12:54) Who says there is no development in Fairborn? Dollar General is moving to the 4,000 square-foot former site of Fulmer's. Doesn't that pretty much say it all?  #669 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 14 August 2013 11:37) I have been getting fascinating feedback from experts in Appalachian culture AND mediation across the country! I will be compiling them for this USELESS City Council, but in the meantime will share one point: that ANY lawyer who has been to law school in the past two decades has ALREADY been trained on mediation and conflict-resolution! Guess Deb didn't learn that in her "research" - which seemed to consist only of a chat with a guy in Yellow Springs!

Whether we need a mediation program or not - this woman is FAR TOO RECKLESS to be in charge of our City. If we had ANY leadership here, they would be DEMANDING her IMMEDIATE exit!  #668 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 14 August 2013 11:36) JD - don't be silly - I don't think all sycophants are you - only the dumbest ones!  #667 Levy (Wednesday, 14 August 2013 11:25) Hey, I thought I was JD?  #666 JD (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 23:38) Don't take it personal Matt. She thinks everyone that disagrees with her is JD..... LOL.  #665 Frank Gilbert (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 23:36) Matt #666 Education STARTS at home. Of that there is no doubt. Its also true that love for education starts at home. Dr. Ben Carson is the best example I can think of right off hand. We as parents (and grandparents) owe it to the children to work with them outside the school environment to increase their desire to learn. We (the parents) ARE responsible for our kids education. Our actions at home can determine wether a child will do well or not. You don't want to blame parents? You don't want to blame schools? THEN just who DO YOU want to blame? The taxpayer for not throwing more money at it? Parents and educators are BOTH responsible for educating our kids. There is no way around it. Commending them when we are successful is great as long as we can hold them responsible when they fail as well.  #664 Cheri McGee (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 20:45) I was one of the people who spoke out the last time Ms. McDonnell lashed out against Appalachians. When I read this latest attack, all I could think was "what is wrong with this woman?" If she made such thoughtless and vicious remarks against ANY other group of people, she would be lucky to make it out of town! But the fact that we AREN'T the "violent" people she would have others believe should not be mistaken for another "pass" for her. She needs to pay the piper this time! I agree 100% - no more lame apologies. No more "I am Appalachian too" (that is just like when someone says something racist and then excuse it with "my best friend is black," isn't it?) and NO MORE of this Council letting her insult a big part of this community without any repercussions. Last time, she walked away with a raise and a long contract. This time, she needs to walk with a pink slip. Good riddance.  #663 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 18:08) Janice, you are 100% right. It is a crying shame what she has done to this town and now she runs around trying to blame Appalachians for her failures! Can you believe they gave this woman a long-term contract and a raise last year? SHOCKING.

Mayor Nagel said his "parting gift" was a donation to the Fairborn Jazz Festival. Really? I think it was more like "shielding" this nightmare of a City Manager. She talks about Appalachians as if this was some rural Mountain community! I would venture to say that the fastest-growing segment of Fairborn's population - during her reign of terror - is NOT of Appalachian descent!  #662 Danger Combs (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 18:03) Sticks and stones, croissants and scones - you came on here all full of brass til' Karen totally kicked your

Can Matt finish it?  #661 Matt (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 16:33) Karen #670: "I KNOW you are a sycophant"

Sticks & stones......

Can Karen complete the rest?  #660 Janice (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 14:29) Debbie McDonnell has done so much harm to Fairborn. Appalachians aren't to blame for the mess SHE made here. She needs to get out.  #659 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 13:21) Oh, goodie, JD is back pretending to be a student again! YAWN.  #658 Matt (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 13:20) Cool, now I'm JD. Yes, I'm a child of a teacher. I think we all are, well, maybe with one exception.  #657 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 13:19) I was using "you" in the broad (accusative) case. I couldn't care less if you're a teacher or what your real name is. I KNOW you are a sycophant - which usually means you are a teacher - or you are married to one - or a child of one - or you have some personal reason to defend them. How? Because those are the ONLY people who are delusional enough to blame parents for all the poor performance of ONE district (while others with nearly identical demographics perform so much better)!

I also know you are a sycophant because you make LAUGHABLE statements like Scarberry not liking the unions? LOL. He made sure to coddle them for YEARS, costing us MILLIONS by his FAILURE to enforce the suggestions made nearly a decade ago by the State Auditor.

Now run along, Matt/JD, you are boring me to tears!  #656 Matt (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 13:06) Karen Combs #668

"Indeed, "teachers" like you...."

Last I checked I wasn't a teacher. Never assume, Karen, even that Matt is my real name! However, I could take a look at the Fairborn Schools payroll & budget and teach them ways to cut waste. Eliminate all day kindergarten for one, eliminate all sports for another (or dramatically increase the pay to play fees), proceed through to the administration & staff with a full salary/benefit analysis, cut a way overstaffed administration, look at facility costs etc.

Just out of curiosity are you related to Dave Scarberry? It sounds as though you have the same contempt for unions as he does.  #655 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 11:20) Matt - It is no one's "fault" that I had an important job, helped people, and did so WITHOUT whining endlessly about hours or pay! I loved every minute of it. I see how much you hate your CHOSEN profession.

Indeed, "teachers" like you prefer to PRETEND to work "for the kids" but ONLY have your own selfish interests at heart. So it's "not my fault" that I point that out! People like you have NO SHAME - sitting back getting handed $50K, $60K, $70K+ and $22K benefits to teach elementary school and STILL WHINING??? LOL.

Well, I can't fix what kind of parents people are - and neither can you. So if it is all the parents' fault, then to Hades with paying anyone too much to "teach"!! You have control of the kids for more waking hours than most parents do (especially the ones who work REAL FULL-TIME JOBS to pay YOUR salary!), but, I agree - many of you are so useless you have NO influence on the kids WHATSOEVER! Do we have to dismantle the entire public school system to ELIMINATE sad little UNION THUGS like you!?!? Maybe!

 #654 Karen B. (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 10:28) Matt - You wouldn't happen to be a math teacher at the High School would you??  #653 Matt (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 10:02) Karen Combs #665

"Typical of your ilk, I noticed you went on to blame the parents for the poor performance at the schools. If that is the case, then we should fire all the highly-trained "educators" and hire anyone with a GED to teach. After all, why waste money on teachers when little Timmy will just be going to his evil, stupid, uncaring parents anyway? You want credit if a child succeeds but place blame elsewhere if he fails, eh? Yeah, too bad the public doesn't fall for that, huh? "

No, the credit would be given to both the school & the parents if the child succeeds. It's a two way street, not one way as you want it to be. And sure, let's hire anyone with a GED to teach. That's a great solution to the problem plaguing the US Educational system! The problem isn't with the teachers but lays with what happens outside the school after the dismissal bell rings.  #652 Matt (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 09:55) Karen Combs #664

"Matt - Guess again. Like countless other Fairbornites, I "made it through" many years of a challenging job with much longer hours and lower pay than teachers get." Not my fault, yours.  #651 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 13 August 2013 07:42) Matt - Guess again. Like countless other Fairbornites, I "made it through" many years of a challenging job with much longer hours and lower pay than teachers get. And no such thing as "stipends" where I worked either!

Typical of your ilk, I noticed you went on to blame the parents for the poor performance at the schools. If that is the case, then we should fire all the highly-trained "educators" and hire anyone with a GED to teach. After all, why waste money on teachers when little Timmy will just be going to his evil, stupid, uncaring parents anyway? You want credit if a child succeeds but place blame elsewhere if he fails, eh? Yeah, too bad the public doesn't fall for that, huh?  #650 Matt (Monday, 12 August 2013 20:55) Shadow #660 "A pay/step freeze still locks in ABOVE AVERAGE SALARIES for BELOW AVERAGE EDUCATIONAL RESULTS..."

And this is the fault of, sit down now, the parents!!!!  #649 Matt (Monday, 12 August 2013 20:52) Karen Combs #658 "Hey, I have an idea! How about you “plan” during the 18-weeks+ of PAID VACATION you get every year?!?"

You wouldn't make it through a month as a teacher! You are clueless when it comes to the gratis time teachers put in through the year.

 #648 Karen Combs (Monday, 12 August 2013 17:02) JD - Re: your last submission - As you have been told before (again and again) I don't post links unless I feel like checking them out. You can re-submit your post without it, but it's probably best that you just go away since you nearly slipped and admitted how your son engages in illegal activity at your behest. How did that turn out for him/you? If he actually had a thing to do with the problem, I would note that my site is still here, but at the hit of my "delete" button - YOU aren't.  #647 Shadow (Monday, 12 August 2013 16:31) Karen, great analysis concerning the FCS healthcare plan. A pay/step freeze still locks in ABOVE AVERAGE SALARIES for BELOW AVERAGE EDUCATIONAL RESULTS...

Note, the one union contract already settled (the Dayton Union) is only for ONE year! Get set for a replay next August!

 #646 EDE1 (Monday, 12 August 2013 09:53) Speaking of unsustainable - Calamityville is offering two courses - a $110 prehospital life support class and a $75 wilderness trauma class. Can they sustain that huge & expensive facility with that? When are they going to admit it isn't working out? The Council should give them a deadline to clean up & take over - or get out.  #645 Karen Combs (Monday, 12 August 2013 09:28) My notes on the BOE meeting, continued… Part II

The BOE meeting absurdity didn’t end with the City Manager's fairytales. Immediately after the City presentation, BOE President Tess Little asked an interesting question - “is it okay if we discuss this and get back to you?” Ahem, Ms. Little: WHEN and WHERE do you and your fellow Board scofflaws intend to “discuss” this PUBLIC issue?? I say to the people of Fairborn that until we STOP our so-called “leaders” from conducting SECRET, ILLEGAL SESSIONS which violate the Sunshine Laws and Open Meeting Act - discussing public business behind the backs of the public - reaching UNLAWFUL votes on public issues - we shall forever be doomed to AWFUL GOVERNANCE!!


And, surely, Tessie - you of all people know IT IS AGAINST THE LAW to discuss such an issue in Executive Session as it is NOT one of the accepted reasons!! So WHY do you feel so free to announce your intent to do so?!?!?

Next up was Fairborn Education Association “spokesman” Brian McWhorter. There were lots of union members present, all wearing red. I guess that is an improvement over the time several years ago that they all showed up in black, demanding (and getting!) a “bonus” the minute a levy passed! So McWhorter claimed the union already agreed to total wage freezes (step and COLA) as well as increased contributions to the healthcare premiums from the current 15% to 20%.

As discussed here many times, this concession (which should have been made when recommended by the State Auditor back in 2005) is pretty MEANINGLESS without adjustments to the LEVEL OF BENEFITS provided under the FCS healthcare plan, particularly the deductible. Let me explain:

In 2012, The FCS paid a total of 85% of staff healthcare/dental premiums (including a small amount toward life insurance - less than $33K total). The annual amount FCS pays to Anthem is $5,248,078 (source: e-mail from FCS Treasurer Eric Beaver in response to a public records request). This means the entire Anthem cost - including the FCS contribution AND the staff contribution is roughly $6,174,209. Staff is currently paying just 15% of that at $926,131. Under the new concessions, they will pay 20% or $1,234,841. This would - in theory- save the district $308,710. But then listen to something else - a CRITICAL FACT - that Treasurer Beaver said at the last BOE meeting - the healthcare premiums are expected to go up MORE THAN 20% this year! So, back to the drawing board….

Let’s say the premiums go up 21% (the lowest “more than 20%” option). This will bring the TOTAL (FCS AND staff contribution) to $7,470,793. Now the FCS will be paying 80% or $5,976,634 - an increase of $728,556 in FCS’ costs from 2012. Now the staff pays 20% at $1,494,159, an increase of only $568,028. This means that EVEN WITH THE STAFF PAYING 20% INSTEAD OF 15%, the District still LOSES another $160,528 this year toward healthcare costs!

What more proof does ANYONE need that this healthcare plan is UNSUSTAINABLE?!?!?

Tell them NOW and tell them OFTEN - we aren’t passing a levy to fund this!!!

McWhorter also promoted this CHARADE that the FCS intends to have “unlimited” class sizes next year. Well, LET THEM. Under the most generously construed interpretation of the data, they have 180 regular teachers for 3,719 students. That is 1 for every 20. So, if they plan to stack classes to the ceiling with students, then they will be forced to make some STAFFING CUTS. About time. Let’s call this what it is, folks - another (YAWN) threat to panic people into giving them money THEY DON’T NEED.

Whatever you do, be sure to LAUGH OUT LOUD when they make their “unlimited class size” comments! I think the entire “controversy” between the Union and the BOE is MANUFACTURED and designed to lull the public into believing that this BOE woke up and became interested in what is best for Fairborn. NOT A CHANCE.

I also had to chuckle when McWhorter whined about the cut of “Noontime Lunch Aides” because it deprived the teachers of “planning time.” Hey, I have an idea! How about you “plan” during the 18-weeks+ of PAID VACATION you get every year?!?

At the end of this diatribe, the red-shirts all leapt to their feet and gave thunderous applause. Then they filed out. Is that an appropriate display at a formal public meeting? And these clowns say that Fairbornspeaks sends the “wrong message” to kids? LOL. Welcome to Fairborn.  #644 Danger Combs (Monday, 12 August 2013 07:56) Cousin O - Your biggest contribution here was your months of silence. How will anyone even be able to reach the new convention center, what with all the "traffic" at Calamityville! LOL. Pick a date to meet with you? Sure - are you free the 12th of Never? That will probably be the same time you actually write something on a relevant issue!

JD - You think "Junior" is real? Hey, I have this bridge in Brooklyn I am looking to sell.... The schools should stop "labeling" kids and just try to help each of them reach their greatest potential. It's pretty sad when they are making even the brightest ones miserable with all their "educational expertise."

Poor Senior - Glad you enjoy it.  #643 Poor Senior (Monday, 12 August 2013 07:05) Thanks Karen for this very important forum.  #642 JD (Sunday, 11 August 2013 19:00) Karen,

Reference "Concerned Junior" post 646: The poster is honestly not my son, but I would like to meet him. I was shocked at the similar issues he and my son face. Actually, somewhat relieved to know that my son is not the only student that suffers from some of these "gifted as they say" issues. It can be very tough on a parent and the student. One moment, you are extremely proud of them and then the next, you don't know what to think or where to get help. These kids think differently in a lot of ways and take things in life more seriously than I and others would have at their age. Being labeled as a gifted child while good, does have definite drawbacks. I know what this young poster is going through. I would say there are somewhere between 90-120 students at FHS that tested as gifted earlier in their school careers and were placed in the FCS gifted program. Many will go on to contribute greatly to society and some due to associated reasons may not. This young man is just speaking out honestly. He no doubt perceived a slight, whether it was intended or not by this board and felt he needed to share his feelings. Please understand that high school students, gifted or not, are still maturing children trying to find their place in life. Please understand that and try to be nice to them if you can. Many students do read you board. Thanks Karen.  #641 Cousin Oliver (Sunday, 11 August 2013 17:28) Karen, I am truly hurt that you don't consider me a friend. After all, my perspicacity on the plethora of civic issues discussed on this blog has led to the edification of countless souls searching for a sense of understanding in regards to these troubling times. I feel that we should come together in conference some day. All of your cavalcade of characters are invited. Maybe we can have a meeting at the new convention center. Pick a date. I am quite certain that there will be availability. We can even have Frank and Janice be the door greeters.  #640 Danger Combs (Sunday, 11 August 2013 15:09) Junior - you have been called pretentious by Cousin Oliver. Yikes. Better call for some extra medication.

No on both counts, big Zero O. I didn't write it - I gladly use my own name or dangerous nickname. For some reason, you "portrait-in-courage" sycophants rarely do. And why would I bother "stirring the pot" when you whackos can't resist the impulse to step right in boiling water all on your own?

And no, we aren't friends. The only member of a different species that I consider so fondly is my terrier! And the only thing you have in common with him is that you also suffer an occasional lapse in being fully house-broken.  #639 Cousin Oliver (Sunday, 11 August 2013 14:02) That Concerned Junior kid seems to be a little pretentious. Karen, did you write that to stir the pot? Come on Karen, you can tell us. We're all buddies aren't we?  #638 Shadow (Sunday, 11 August 2013 10:52) Regarding a Greene Convention Center, I gather market research is something only done when it is:

a) Outsourced by government as a device used to pay off a crony

b) Conducted by government to support a pre-determined outcome

c) Something worthless to spend excess tax revenues on since tax rebates are verboten in our local government

d) Ignored when presented by a private company since we all know that an insurance agent, retired military officer, retired civil servant and an undertaker know so much more about the local housing market than people who do it FOR A LIVING!

Ok, I am betting a combination of a), b), and c) are used to justify building a huge white elephant Greene County Convention Center. Of course, the flawed market research will find that GOVERNMENT spending, from WPAFB to Calamityville will bring conventions galore to the new facility! It will conveniently leave out the sequester-driven drastic reduction in travel by DoD and the general push in D.C. to reduce the numbers of conventions and attendance by government officials to the remaining conventions to avoid embarrassment (Think Mr. GSA Hot tub and a whole slew of others). Yep, a surefire success in the making!

Second, our new student friend Junior's comments were quite revealing, especially the last paragraph: "If I am going to have to depend on the people of this community to control the future of the FCS district, since I do not have say-so in these matters until I am of age 18."

IF???? Memo to Junior: Maybe you need to brush up on Civics. The ghost of Steve Jobs isn't appearing overnight and giving $50 million to your gifted program. We in the community at large, from local to state to federal taxpayers, are funding these schools and despite the best efforts of Lord $carberry, the Buckeye School Administrators Association (BSAA) and the Ohio School Board Association (OSBA) to turn us into people who just better keep paying up and don't ask questions, we are finally just starting to assert "control" through avenues like Fairborn Speaks!

"The least I could ask of the lot of you to do, is too respect the students in the district, and to not be judgmental or inappropriate when referring to a certain group of students (whether they be gifted, handicapped, average, etc.. ),"

First it is the students in general, but quickly it turns into "a certain group." Guess what Junior, you may be working for Mr. Average Student in the very near future. Unfortunately, FCS is going along with the "hypheniazation" trend, one which subdivides students into smaller and smaller identification groups. Great that we have identified Junior as possibly getting a good ACT score too bad about the rest.

"You're all just doing such a lovely job of showing the youth how mature adults should handle matters like the ones discussed here, keep up all the amazing work..."

Mediocre attempt at sarcasm Junior, though the ellipsis use shows a bit of promise. Funny thing though, I think you must be talking about the Unions, Lord $carberry and his Manor Court, I mean BOE. The amount of maturity being shown there is reminiscent of the introduction of a hot new toy at daycare...The union was all buddy, buddy with Lord $carberry until the district voters laid down the "live within your means law" King State, observing that the voters mean business with a 2-1 plurality, stepped in and "nudged" Lord $carberry to end the sweetheart deal (READ: ROLLOVER CONTRACTS W/SALARY AND BENEFIT INCREASES) he had with the unions to get their support for the "lets enrich all of us" levy. His Lordship, always looking out for #1 (i.e. David Scarberry) complied with King State's decree and had his fully OSBA-ized BOE do his dirty work.

I dare say most all of non-FCS leadership sycophant posters on Fairborn Speaks! DO have ALL the FCS students intrests at heart; we seem to be the only ones in the community NOT satisfied with FCS leadership's anecdotal statements of "school progress." We want progress in real, concrete, objective measures. We are really "for the kids," not using them as pawns to get self-serving ROLLOVER CONTRACTS W/SALARY AND BENEFIT INCREASES.

Best of luck in your future studies Junior; in time, you may learn to read between the lines.  #637 EdE1 (Sunday, 11 August 2013 09:40) If this is a kid - one of them put him/her up to it. They love to USE the kids.  #636 Karen Combs (Sunday, 11 August 2013 09:03) Janice - thanks! I also thought it was funny that "Junior" had to go back almost two weeks ago to find something to eek out a complaint about! There is never a surer sign that we are "hitting home" than posts like Junior's. Anything to distract from all the CITY and BOE failures in this town!  #635 Janice (Sunday, 11 August 2013 08:49) Junior (Samples), You are right - Fairbornspeaks IS awesome! I wouldn't be surprised a bit if FCS students DO read it! It is informative without being boring, funny, provocative and free. Best of all, Karen isn't FAKE like you are! If you are going to pretend to be under 18, stop writing like some grumpy old fart! Smart as you claim to be, you ought to know that REAL people don't discuss issues without ruffling feathers now and then. Get over it.  #634 Karen Combs (Sunday, 11 August 2013 08:25) "Junior" (JD's son?) - I would be shocked if you are a "gifted student"- you seem to be just another shill, desperately seeking something else to criticize about me and this site. The least you could do is to summon all those magical IQ powers to come up with a new tactic! Sycophants PLAYING VICTIM is getting O-L-D. More imaginary "attacks" on the innocent? YAWN.

Don't you realize that the more you make FALSE ALLEGATIONS, the more YOUR credibility suffers? Still, I'll "play along" with your act just for the purpose of addressing your made-up "concerns:"

I am sorry that you find it such a burden to have natural advantages over others. You seem very disturbed about it. I hope you and your "gang of the gifted" break free from all your social awkwardness and melancholia.

You know, just as you may be "gifted" academically, only some people are naturally skilled in sports. I am sure they feel unique pressures too. Anyone can take a good and make it bad if we try hard enough! So perhaps you can learn to put it into perspective and not dwell on the negative aspects as you seem to be doing.

Having said that, I would surmise that you are gifted in academics or performing arts - because socially, you don't seem very skilled. For one thing, you haven't figured out that you shouldn't leap to conclusions about others! Of course, that is another curse of the sycophants - they always think they are so superior to everyone else! Yawn. You see, I started school early then skipped a whole grade in elementary school. So I spent my entire school career a couple years younger than everyone around me. Apparently, I was lucky since I never found the need to be "medicated" as a result!! Ruh- roh, Scooby, looks like it was a bit presumptive for you to come on here and lecture me about the "woes" of being advanced!!

While you are likely playing some "role" on here for an underhanded purpose, I actually experienced what it is like - probably to a greater extent than you could ever imagine. Now - you are free to have your opinion, but I think it WAS indeed a pretty "cushy" way to go.

It doesn't take being "gifted" to see where you were going with this -hoping to prove I was somehow "jealous" and being mean-spirited as a result, eh? Well, you may be "gifted," but you should think through your positions a little more before you launch them. That one never even got lift-off!

As for whether a significant group of FCS students read this site - would that it were true.

Finally, I would note that there are four categories of "gifted" students: cognitive ability; special academic ability (in math; science; social studies or reading/writing); creative thinking; and visual/performing arts. IQ tests are ONE tool that can be used to determine whether a child is gifted, but NOT the only one as "Junior" implied.

 #633 Concerned Junior (Sunday, 11 August 2013 04:15) Karen, you speak of "gifted" students, like myself, as if we are "elite students" as you said in post #596. Also making references to how we are catered to by teachers and most likely live a "cushy enough" life style, due only in part to having been labeled "gifted" early in life. You do not seem to grasp the concept of what a "gifted" student is very well at all. Students considered "gifted" are not students who put in hard effort or have good work ethics, or even those who have the highest grades or cumulative GPA's for their class. They are students who have scored at least a 127 or higher on an IQ test, or show a high level of mastery in social abilities at a young age. Although most people in the world equate a high IQ to be a sign of high intelligence, it is actually not related in that simple of a manner. A high IQ that falls within the ranges of "gifted" actually shows that the child or person who possesses the IQ has a much higher cognitive ability than that of the norm. Possessing higher cognitive abilities is only a stepping stone into the world of higher intelligence. From this point on, a "gifted" student's success in life is no different from another students, they themselves must choose to put forth effort and work for what they want. Although a "gifted" student may find success through academics to be a simpler task than that of regular students, the label "gifted" can almost act as a double- edged sword at times. Higher cognitive abilities also come with such things as heightened sense of emotions or more "potent" emotions, as well as issues with relating to, or understanding the people and situations that one comes in contact with on a regular daily basis. I am not saying that this is an issue with EVERY "gifted" student in any way at all. Taking a look into the statistics though, those persons who show above average IQ levels also suffer more commonly from such issues as depression and bi-polar disorders, not to mention that the suicide rates of "gifted" persons in the world is much higher when put into to correct comparison with that of the average population. I myself suffer from quite a many problems, Including depression, anxiety, and other mental issues. These problems have taken a heavy toll on me mentally, and even now I still struggle from time to time, even with the multiple medications that I have been put on over the past years. I am not the only FCS "gifted" student who suffers from such issues, I've watched friends leave or decide to take the home-school route, just in order to get away from struggles they faced every day being "gifted". Although it is a gift and I do cherish every gift the Lord has given me in my short life here on earth, I find the way you refer to me and my fellow "gifted" students to be quite inappropriate, If not appalling. If I am going to have to depend on the people of this community to control the future of the FCS district, since I do not have say-so in these matters until I am of age 18. The least I could ask of the lot of you to do, is too respect the students in the district, and to not be judgmental or inappropriate when referring to a certain group of students (whether they be gifted, handicapped, average, etc.. ), because a good portion of students do read these messages boards, and our perception of the community and the people of it (Which includes every- single one of you here at Fairborn Speaks) is shaped by the way you all banter back an forth here. You're all just doing such a lovely job of showing the youth how mature adults should handle matters like the ones discussed here, keep up all the amazing work...  #632 Karen Combs (Saturday, 10 August 2013 13:03) Part of a relevant article from the DDN, dated 12/27/12: "More meeting centers compete for business in region" by Sharahn D. Boykin

The surge in planned and completed convention and conference centers in the region has some experts questioning if there will be a glut of space available for conferences and entertainment venues....

It is a very competitive industry,” Powell said. “Buildings have to be able to sustain themselves when there isn’t a conference going on.”

Generally, convention centers fail to fulfill the promise of becoming community economic engine drivers, according to some experts.

“Convention centers don’t make money and they don’t particularly make money these days because the market is so overbuilt, there is so much more convention center space,” said Heywood Saunders, a public administration professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Because of the influx of supply for, some convention center operators give space away for free, Sanders added.

The influx of convention centers is part of a nationwide trend across the county where cities and municipalities build a convention or conference center in hopes of revitalizing an area and pump tourism dollars into the local economy. However, the assumption that “if you build it, they will come” rarely proves true, said Heywood Sanders, the author of a 36-page report published by the Brookings Institution, in 2005, on the realities of using convention centers as an economic development tool.

In the report, Sanders notes that attendance and exhibits in 2004 had dropped to similar levels reported in the previous decade.

“Convention centers don’t make money,” said Sanders, who is also a public administration professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio, during a recent interview. “And they don’t particularly make money these days because the market is so overbuilt. There is so much more convention center space.”

Because of the increased amount of space which has outpaced the demand, some conference and convention center operators have resorted to giving away space at no charge, Sanders added.

There has been a demand for a conference center in Greene County for some time, said Kathleen Young, the Greene County Convention & Visitor’s Bureau executive director. Young said in the past the county convention and visitor’s bureau shied away from trying to lure large events to the county because of the lack of venues that could accommodate large groups.

“There is a need,” Young said. “Something like that would be really good for this region.

Despite the less than optimistic outlook for conventions, Sharonville Conference Centre Executive Director, Jim Downton, said there is an opportunity for growth for a smaller segment of the convention and conference market.

The number of attendees and events held in Montgomery County has remained relatively flat over the last three years, said Jacquelyn Powell, the Dayton & Montgomery County Convention & Visitor’s Bureau president and CEO.

“Competition is good,” she said. “A little of it is pulling business from one place to the next. I understand Greene County would like to have that type of facility in their community, but there are a number of different types of conference facilities and meeting facilities that do exist in the region.”

The prospect of a convention center in Greene County comes at a time when the Dayton Convention Center is financially struggling. The Dayton Convention Center, which is owned and operated by the city, recently asked the city commission for $100,000 from the general fund for 2013. The convention center experienced a $112,243 loss in 2011 and is not expected to make a profit this year or in 2012, according to convention center budget data.

The convention center also received $443,866 in city funds in 2010. “There are trends with military and government spending restrictions that have actually caused different events to cancel, or drastically reduce spending in comparison to previous years,” said Michael Cashman, the interim director for the Dayton Convention Center. “

Jane Dockery, associate director of Wright State’s Center for Urban and Public Affairs, said the idea in the 1990s was that convention centers were not built to be money makers. Surrounding communities benefit from hotel taxes and spending at nearby hotels, shops and restaurants.

“The economic impact for convention centers (as well as other developments) depends on drawing from outside of the region—otherwise the impact is a zero sum game,” Dockery said. “Much depends on the ability of a convention center to draw from outside of its region.” ____ Doesn't sound too promising.

 #631 Centurion (Saturday, 10 August 2013 12:41) "IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME". Say what? If you build it, they will come? This comment was made by your Councilman Robert Wood at your last city council meeting. In regards to amending an ordinance increasing the minimum required square footage of a new subdivision, The Bluffs at Trebein, proposed by Hills Development or Inverness Homes. I have one question for your Councilman Wood. How has the strategy, "IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME", been working for Fairborn so far? Because, as I drive down Main St, Broad St, Dayton-Yellow Springs, Central Ave, etc... all I see are examples of the 1600 abandoned properties in Fairborn. He needs to look around Fairborn, or maybe open his eyes the next time he drives through your city. Just look at all the abandoned properties caused by the mentality from the very legislation, "IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME", in which he had a hand in. As a result, Fairborn is not a Field of Dreams, but more like a Field of Nightmares. His statement is inconsistent with the facts. Abandoned properties in Fairborn grew almost 100% between 2000 and 2010. Maybe he just doesn't see these 1600 properties because of the 1500 new housing units built in the same time frame? This would give cause to ask him, why is Fairborn building at all if your population did not grow to sustain the over building of new homes? Now, your council moved to make an amendment to this piece of legislation by increasing the minimum required square footage. This type of Draconian legislation only leads to a Draconian type of outcome and is what put Fairborn in its current state of blight. Yes, Fairborn does need houses built to a higher standard than what's occurring today or what has occurred in the past. However, to start this process without a structured time frame or an organized plan, will only perpetuate the current conditions that exist within your city today. As seen with so many other Fairborn developments in the past, where zoning ordinances are substituted with city staff's own arbitrary decision making process and are enforced against your citizens best interest. This inconsistent pattern of zoning through city staff discretionary decisions need to be addressed first before any legislation can be enacted to require a builder to build whatever your council finally approves. It is, of course, impossible to determine with any certainty just how far Fairborn could have prospered had the effects of the continued grip by your city staff's discretionary decision making not been allowed to continue. Therefore, progress has been understandably slower in carrying out a vision that would go beyond the removal of such barriers and call for the adoption and the accountability of any future vision for Fairborn. The main problem with housing in Fairborn is not the chronic overproduction of housing or the high ratio of rental properties, but poverty. It is the lack of jobs which give rise to opportunity that is hurting your residents. As too many of your residents are living a low standard. This is not the fault of the individual resident, but that of a local government that has not attracted the jobs to sustain a quality of life that would bring and keep these residents out of poverty. Even when this is done serious obstacles will remain unless the different departments within the city can develop the ability to act as a single entity in HARMONY WITH YOUR RESIDENTS. Such action will call for the elimination of city staff that continue to stray from protocol and continue to use their own set of rules and regulations. So, "IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME"? The facts prove otherwise and this comment would indicate Mr. Wood is out of touch with his constituents.  #630 Danger Combs (Saturday, 10 August 2013 08:58) My thoughts on the BOE meeting, Part I (Part II tomorrow):

Just when you thought City Mangler Debbie “the closure of 444 was the best thing to happen to Fairborn since the day it opened” McDonnell couldn’t possibly put her foot further in her mouth….she limbers up and says this at the last Board of Education meeting:

“Greene County doesn’t have any conference center.”

Er, um, Debster- how about the DOZENS of meeting spaces at Wright State University from the Nutter Center to the Student Union? They have meeting rooms that can accommodate up to 650 people NOT including the 12,000 seat arena itself! Or how about the base facilities that can hold 1,000 people? Are there really meetings being planned for this area which can’t be accommodated at one of these? What? The annual “Convention of City Managers Who Should Have Been Fired Years Ago”??

Why would Fairborn want to compete with our two most important allies? And, if we are FINALLY approaching them with our own best interests at heart - then why not insist that WSU keep their promise to clean up Calamityville AND that the base reopen 444 before this kills Fairborn entirely? We don’t do those things because we have NO LEADERSHIP.

Anyway, the City representatives were at the BOE meeting to ask the schools to collude in a tax incentive scheme to bring a conference center/hotel to the 235/675 exchange. She was introduced by Superintendent Dave “The Double Dipper” Scarberry (who was scratching his arms like a monkey - sunburn or just due for another penicillin refill?) Of course, Deb didn’t show enough class to get up, she just trotted out Chris Wimsical and Groovy Randy to do her bidding. That worked until one of the Muppets’ nitroglycerin tablets kicked in and he actually asked a compelling question - what in the name of Beelzebub makes ANYONE think there is ANYTHING in Fairborn that would attract enough people to fill a 250-room hotel? Being a close personal confidante of Beelzebub, Deb leapt into action. Naturally this was accompanied with smoke, chanting, and the distinct smell of sulphur. Yep, I will say one thing for the Debster - she is one seasoned BS artist!

So - they call this proposal the “Grand Vista” development . Well, why not? After one glimpse of all those blown-out windows at Calamityville, “grand vista” just leaps to mind!! Maybe “Beautiful Gateway” was already taken?? LOL. Anyway, they supposedly have some developer “on the hook” to create this project for a “needed” hotel and conference center about 300 yards from a hotel and conference center that owes almost $239,000 in back taxes! “Grand Vista” is so pretentious - I am leaning more to “Unrealistic Folly”!

Now we have this developer “on the hook” by offering a TWENTY YEAR 100% TAX “TIF” - where all tax revenues (city and school) on ALL the property improvements will go into improvements instead of direct taxes. Hmmm. Maybe Beelzebub can clarify exactly WHO has WHO “on the hook” here?? They also made reference to the “new” (nothing new about it - it is just the Fairborn Community Improvement Council renamed) “Economic Development Council,” a fake non-profit established to funnel your tax money into the control of an UNELECTED group of people (some of whom - like the world’s greatest buttinski Paul Newman - don’t even live here!).

I think the picture is becoming a little clearer about who is on that hook of theirs….clearer, clearer - BINGO - it is YOU - the taxpayer!

As usual, Deb should take a walk of shame.... but that would be such a long walk, I think it only fair to let her bicycle instead. Hey! I FINALLY found a use for the Calamityville Bike path!!! And you sycophants pretend I never have great ideas!  #629 Frank Gilbert (Saturday, 10 August 2013 08:38) Karen is correct that we should be wary. But to take no action at all is not acceptable. As I stated before, Pennsylvania's plan may not work for Ohio, but it shows us that the people DEMANDING a response from their legislators can work. And we would need to build in safegaurds to ensure we could not be taxed into poverty at the whims of our elected officials. No one here believes we should not fund schools. The "how to" is the issue we face. I'd certainly be interested in other ideas and I know many others would be as well.  #628 Karen Combs (Saturday, 10 August 2013 07:56) I have some comments about the last BOE meeting, but before I get to those - I wanted to comment BRIEFLY (we are not getting into a big debate on this, JD!) on this state funding of schools issue. I think it is a huge mistake to present the Pennsylvania proposal as some panacea. Mr. Gilbert urged us to look into it. I did. And it extends BOTH the state income tax AND the state sales tax. It also taxes many goods and services that were previously exempt. As bad as it is to have the schools rely on property taxes, at least they have to come to the voters for our approval based on the performance of our local schools. In PA, it would raise their state income tax from 3.07% to 4% and their sales tax from 7% to 8%. Among the things they want to begin taxing are the ad and sales revenues of newspapers - which would likely be the final “nail in the coffin” of independent newspapers! Finally, if we are going to rely entirely on the state to fund schools, then the state will also control how that money is spent. As tempting as it may be to rid ourselves of a Board of Education - particularly in Fairborn! - I am suspicious of anything which takes power from the locality and hands it to the state. While our “small government” is bad - imagine how much bigger government would stink!?!  #627 Frank Gilbert (Friday, 09 August 2013 23:50) Thursday night, as on previous occasions, I asked the school board to work with the citizens of Fairborn to start working towards getting our state legislators to begin finding a solution to the school funding problem here in Fairborn and the entire state. I told them about Pennsylvania HB76/SB76. Here is a link that you can go to and learn for yourself. Or you can just google it. I'm not advocating Pennsylvania's plan. I know one size doesn't fit all. But if enough of us get involved, we can get the wheels rolling on creating a plan that does work for Ohions.  #626 JD (Friday, 09 August 2013 19:45) Frank Gilbert just won my vote.  #625 Karen Combs (Friday, 09 August 2013 08:38) Wow - do tell....  #624 Wow (Thursday, 08 August 2013 20:10) Interesting board meeting tonight....  #623 ReALET (Thursday, 08 August 2013 17:58) How did the last school levy votes go around the region? No, No, and He** NO! Is the picture becoming ANY clearer for the unionites?  #622 Shadow (Thursday, 08 August 2013 16:48) Matt Wrote: "What the people need to realize about Dave Scarberry is what his #1 goal is in this contract "negotiation": to bust the union!"

Lord $carberry/$carbetray's #1 goal is always "what is best for ME!"

Remember, the FEA President at the time, Tanya Hilty, stood shoulder to shoulder with him and his board lackey (Peterangelo) back in 2007 and pushed the last levy...You know what they say about Karma...  #621 Danger Combs (Thursday, 08 August 2013 10:45) I apologize Shadow - I didn’t get to update the Message Board yesterday! Your post is up today!

Regarding the last Council meeting - it should be noted that Dan Kirkpatrick was absent AGAIN (the second consecutive meeting he missed). I thought this guy wanted to be the Mayor?!?! Apparently, he can't even be bothered to serve on Council!!

I also wanted to comment further on the issue Jon raised - the treatment of “The Hills” developer at our City Council meeting. I only got to watch a little more than an hour of the meeting - enough to give anyone PTSD, but it wasn’t enough to see the ultimate conclusion of the “hearing” on the proposed Trebein development! I did go back and watch the video today. Here are my thoughts:

1) Why are we even building more residential development?? How about we work on the 1700 or so ABANDONED houses here first? Our #1 focus should be on BUSINESS development. Other cities like Xenia and Beavercreek figured this out - when will the geniuses here take a cue? There is a reason we don’t have “high-end” residential development here. Look around.

2) Why all the kowtowing to former City Manager Mike Hammond?!?! Didn’t he leave under some shadow involving his wife allegedly selling counterfeit purses to city employees? (See Crandall v. City of Fairborn, 2003-Ohio-3765)?? Wasn’t that ENOUGH disgrace to our city? Apparently not. After setting a five minute citizen comment time, Mr. Hammond was allowed to drone on - in opposition to the developer - for an uninterrupted THIRTEEN minutes. Why do the citizens of Fairborn tolerate this ARBITRARY SPECIAL TREATMENT that this Council bestows upon their chosen masters!?! SICKENING.

3) Where was all this concern for “quality” housing features when they allowed that HIDEOUS development at Waterford Landing?!?! Talk about a VINYL VILLAGE!! They didn’t even require them to screen the AWFUL backs of those wiki-huts from the thoroughfare! But now we are dictating square-footage and building materials to a developer whose last single-unit development had high average home purchase prices??? Are they INSANE??? If some miracle worker can sell $220K+ homes in this town, the city council should be throwing the ticker tape! And the poor developer representative tried explaining that they offer lower sizes to attract potential buyers, but rarely build the smallest available size. For over an hour, this guy ran into the brick wall of STUPIDITY that is the Fairborn City Council. I would have felt sorry for him, but he was so well- prepared, he really SERVED IT RIGHT BACK AT THEM. I LOVED it when he pointed out all the cut-rate housing (blue vinyl, window air-conditioners, etc.) in Candlelite and had the pictures to prove it! Of course, the Council bent to their buddy, Hammond anyway.

4) Ultimately, they “amended” the minimum square footage to 1649 single-story and over 1700 two-story on a motion by Robert Wood (as part of his on-going effort to be another duck in the row and FAIL TO DISTINGUISH HIMSELF on Council AT ALL). This significant amendment will trigger another reading at the next meeting, presumably followed by yet another follies featuring Mr. Hammond. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Hills developers decided to cut their losses and move on to a more amenable community. Who knows? Maybe another one of the Council buddies wants the land and that has been the plan all along?

Finally, unrelated to the Hills situation, I had to laugh when Mayor Nagel said that a recent Dayton Daily News article on the decrease of homeownership in the area proved it “wasn’t anything local government was doing.” To the contrary, sir, the fact that Fairborn has the LOWEST homeownership on the entire chart produced in that article has EVERYTHING to do with your FAILURE as a leader!  #620 Matt (Thursday, 08 August 2013 09:08) Comedy event of the evening tonight at 6:30: BOE meeting.  #619 Matt (Thursday, 08 August 2013 08:58) What the people need to realize about Dave Scarberry is what his #1 goal is in this contract "negotiation": to bust the union! If the Board thinks they're negotiating right now, they all should be sent to the insane asylum.  #618 Shadow (Wednesday, 07 August 2013 16:25) Part I

From Levy's lame posts #615 and #618, I think it appropriate to respond:

“Maybe your child had a problem with the schools like Karen's did. Who knows. FIGURES LIE AND LIARS FIGURE SHADOW.”

My offspring? Quite successful...Glad you asked. Unlike many pro-current FCS administration posters (i.e. Lord $carberry Bootlickers) here, I am not here to get brownie points for my Stephen or Sally. I guess I have an altruistic (look it up, Slick) streak; I would like to see every kid in FCS be successful, hence my constant emphasis in pointing out the low ACT/SAT scores and top school matriculation rates which plague FHS under the current FCS leadership (READ: Lord $carberry).

“You put a lot of time and effort into your diatribes in an effort to deceive people Shadow. The information is available on the ODE website and is not hard to decipher. Instead, you take only the data you want and write a rambling diatribe in an effort to confuse and deceive others. An effort to turn citizens against the teachers, who have done a pretty good job, over what? Money? Get real!”

Little ole' Shadow me turned "The Public" against the teachers? I really don't have an ego to feed, Lev...Quite honestly, people of your ilk don't give us out here in the "huddled masses" any credit for being smarter than you and the rest of your kind. It was plain to see by many people in the district (as in a 2-1 plurality) that the levy had NOTHING to do with "The Kids" and everything to do with getting more money to be used on further salary increases and benefits to administrators, faculty and staff. The citizens spoke loudly and clearly and it was the signal the state needed to step in and provide "guidance" to the FCS leadership. Now, the rest of the district populace who didn't realize (or wanted not to believe) the rollover contracts were the main impetus behind the last two levy ballot measures are well aware of what the true motivations were behind them...I turned the public against the teachers? It is a self-inflicted wound, Lev. They stood shoulder to shoulder with Lord $carbetray and thought the gravy would keep coming. It seems the reverse is happening now, the teachers are blaming the public for the contract termination when it is clear to see the leadership of FCS, i.e. Lord $carbetray sold them out when the state put its foot down and he looked out for #1...Himself.

“You must really hate FCS for God only knows what reason.”  #617 Shadow (Wednesday, 07 August 2013 16:22) Part II

Demanding a quality education for the large amount of federal, state and local tax expended on it is demonstrating Hatred? Requiring people to be accountable for the performing the well-compensated job they were hired to do is Hatred? Levy, you need to go out into the REAL world and see what HATRED really is like, Dippy. That or stop hitting the bottle so much JD, I mean “Levy”

“So Shadow, you went to the trouble to pick out the 5 economically disadvantaged school districts in the ENTIRE state of Ohio that had a 1 or 2 point higher average score on the ACT than FHS.”

Yeah, I found five similar districts that are doing better than FCS in objective educational measures a good while a go. My hope was that someone in a position of leadership at FCS might choose to benchmark them the same way companies benchmark their competitor's products...Alas, FCS suffers from NDB$ (Not Directed By $carberry) and "out of the district thinking" is not tolerated.

“Demographics play a major part in school academic performance and rankings, and the five schools you cited have done an outstanding job against the odds, but so has FCS.”

Why can't you just acknowledge the fact that the FCS teachers have done a good job against the poverty odds and that due to the economy, most Fairborn property owners cannot afford to make up the difference in the state funding cuts. Why not be honest instead with your efforts instead of being deceitful, hateful and hurtful? You should be ashamed of yourself and you know that.”

First, FCS receives more REVENUES than Beavercreek thanks to state and federal funds…Your strawman just blew away in the breeze there Swifty.

Teacher Performance? The numbers DON’T LIE! ABOVE AVERAGE PAY which LEADS TO BELOW AVERAGE RESULTS! You spout off a bunch of anecdotal gibberish but you can’t back it up with numbers of your own! “Hateful and hurtful” to you maybe, since I keep knocking your weak arguments down on a continuing basis, I think the non-$carberry bootlickers in the public are more hardy than that, to the tune of a 2-1 levy defeat in May.

Ashamed of myself? Hardly, I enjoy protecting those who are on a fixed income and do not need to be bankrolling a bunch of SUBSTANDARD PERFORMING administrators and faculty. I am also proud I am the voice demanding FCS do better in educating ALL OUR CHILDREN!

I “know that” I enjoy slapping you Lord $carberry brown-nosing self down in argument time and time again, so keep coming multiple personality dude, it gets easier every time…  #616 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 07 August 2013 06:51) Jon - I couldn't agree more. I plan to write some more info about this ASAP.  #615 Jon (Tuesday, 06 August 2013 22:11) Watched in shock as the City of Fairborn told a developer they don't want their business. At least that's how it came off. Cornerstone is a nice development and Inverness wanted to build more of the same. But to keep a few happy, and to wield their power, council made unreasonable demands. My guess is Inverness will tell them to pound sand.  #614 Generosity (Monday, 05 August 2013 19:40) Karen-just wanted to share that I noticed the Verizon store by Kroger was packed on Saturday morning. I stopped by just being nosy (thinking I might get a deal), and asked what the buzz was about. The store owner was passing out 100 backpacks filled w/supplies to families in need. Great to have businesses like this supporting the community. I will surely support ALL businesses here in town first, especially when they support the community! Thanks  #613 Frank Gilbert (Sunday, 04 August 2013 10:49) Read a facebook post about the DDN article regarding Springboro schools. Sounds like their board is doing the job all boards should be doing. Let's work to make ours as effective. One day, perhaps we'll pass another levy, BUT NOT UNTIL we have better representation!  #612 Poor Senior (Sunday, 04 August 2013 08:06) Reading Sunday paper this a.m. What a superstar Ms.Kohls of the Springboro school board!! Frugal yet superior results! No problem filling vacancies when employees choose to leave. We need that culture at the FCS. Vote no to ALL new BOE levy requests!!!!!  #611 Frank Gilbert (Saturday, 03 August 2013 22:12) Greene County Commisioners meeting on the 20th of August at the Senior Citizens Center on N. Third in Fairborn. Good time for citizens to ask about the Hobson park issue then. I did e-mail all three commisioners and recieved responses from Tom Koogler and Alan Anderson. Bob Glaser must have been riding his motorcycle.  #610 Karen Combs (Saturday, 03 August 2013 08:37) Levy, John J., OLP and all of JD's other silly aliases -

I don't "think" you are JD - I am certain of it.

You can't even keep your own lies straight! John J. (the anti-regional stem school personality)just submitted a post in which he morphed into Levy (the demographics matter) guy because you are ALL the same CUCKOOBIRD! And NONE of you are posting here anymore! See how easy that was?!?  #609 Danger Combs (Friday, 02 August 2013 14:40) John J. - I am not sure what you find to be "positive" about the fact that so many Fairborn children need help affording school supplies (aren't you one of the clowns advocating that we hand more money to the FCS?). There is also info for people like YOU on the home page - a place for you to drop off your sure-to-be-generous-LOL donations of school supplies.  #608 Danger Combs (Friday, 02 August 2013 14:30) Ah, Levy JD - if only ANYONE else on the planet saw those stats in your special sycophant-tinted way! And I certainly didn’t “read your mind” because you would have to have one first!

Sure our ranking improved - we now warehouse all the under-performing kids at the “Digital Academy” and pretend their scores shouldn’t count because it is an “independent school sponsored by the FCS.” Kind of like how I own my home, sponsored by the bank! LOL. More little games from the little minds of $carberry and company.

Unlike you, I don’t have ANY problem communicating. I simply prefer being honest to being a boot-licker. Try it sometime. I think YOU are the one who wanted to discuss Beavercreek, right? I just made sure we got all the facts out. Thanks for the opportunity to use your BAD EXAMPLE against you. That's what sycophants do best ----as Tigger would say --Hoo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo!

So, an increase in state funding really isn’t an increase because it isn’t the same amount it used to be many years ago? Well, newsflash - nothing is the same it used to be years ago! You must make your hostage, er, wife go to the grocery for you because you evidently haven’t seen what basic items cost now! Well guess what else can’t be the same it was years ago? Salary increases and benefits!! I see it pains you, dear, but live in REALITY.

The state of Ohio spends a HUGE amount on K-12 education. The current budget has a massive increase in this funding. I argue it should go to the KIDS first, the facilities second. You think we should just bestow it upon teachers who are already over- compensated and the only reason you hold this ABSURD position is because it earns your brat some brownie points? Does Davey give you an extra spin around the lake in his boat after you polish it? WELL, NO THANKS.

My, my, Levy/JD, you certainly credit me with immense power! LOL. If my website causes people to flee Fairborn, it is only because it awakens to them the reality of the ROTTEN “LEADERSHIP” here. I didn’t cause that - God knows I didn’t vote for loons like Tess Little or Tom Nagel! PEOPLE LIKE YOU caused this problem - and until you - and your masters no longer hold sway here - we are DOOMED. Narrow-minded fools like you would have cost us $70 MILLION in a TOTAL SWINDLE.

It is people like YOU who NEVER accomplish anything meaningful, have been DESTROYING Fairborn for the past decade, and who would really do us all a favor by moving away. Sell that ugly barn of yours and take your uniquely challenged view of reality elsewhere!  #607 John J. (Friday, 02 August 2013 14:28) Nice to see some positive information at the top of the board. The citizens patrol is a great idea for supplementing our police force and it is encouraging to see another one of our businesses reaching out to help the students and their parents defray cost. Hopefully any parents with children see the post at the top. Thanks for the positive information and I will have to swing by Paulus Bros. and check it out.  #606 Terry H. (Friday, 02 August 2013 13:24) Thanks for the critique on Paulus Bros. Karen and for letting us know about them. I'll give them a try.  #605 Levy (Friday, 02 August 2013 12:38) I don't need an alias for an alias, I have an alias...LOL. I haven't lied to anyone Karen. You use that word loosely and way too often. I'm just using the ODE's own statistics to show that Demographics affect school performance and rankings, and that you cannot necessarily judge the performance of teachers by scores alone. Sure there are exceptions as there are to every rule, but the difference between a districts excellent like West Carrollton and a district that has 3 of 4 schools rated excellent is not that far apart. Sure anyone can cherry pick a few stats to try and prove otherwise but that would be deceitful. If you are not against the teachers then you should show it in your words that you use.

And thanks for backing me up with your demographic statistics on my contention with Shadow that because of demographics, you cannot compare Beavercreek and Fairborn which he is always trying to do. Maybe he will listen to you.

The majority of the Greene County Schools should get less state funding than Fairborn based upon demographics and the fact that Fairborn exceeds the local tax effort index as you so often remind us. Don't call it an increase though. They are just giving a little more of the funding back to Fairborn that they took away than they are to the others. It is still an overall Decrease in school funding which results in shortages that has to be made up by cuts or levies. You will see the majority if not all schools on the levy ballot in the future due to the overall state funding cuts.

With the negativity that Fairborn is getting from within, I'm not surprised the schools are losing students. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone that has the ability to do so is not moving out of the city. You can talk to the city and the person that runs this website about that. The city can shoulder some blame for decisions that are increasing the poverty rate and the webmaster can shoulder some blame for constant negatively on this site and in the papers about everything under the sun. Is there anything good about Fairborn that you can say…LOL? If not, why stay here and constantly complain? It's as if you thrive on tearing down everything around you. Oh well, guess we are just beating that same dead horse that I thought you and John J. killed.


Wow Karen. Guess you read my mind or had a once in a blue moon guilt complex. GOOD JOB giving a compliment related to Fairborn. You CAN do it. Maybe we are making progress.  #604 Karen Combs (Friday, 02 August 2013 10:53) Since I am so frequently accused of not saying enough positive things about Fairborn - here is one. I had the chance yesterday to stop in the new Paulus Bros. butcher shop at 1476 N. Broad Street. They offer FRESH meats (including Amish lunch meats), bread, fresh produce, and other items. It is nice having a store on this end of town! We had their strip steaks last night and they were AWESOME. The people are friendly and professional. If you haven't been there yet, I encourage you to go. The shop is open M-F 9A-6P and Saturdays 9A-4P.  #603 Karen Combs (Friday, 02 August 2013 09:50) Levy/JD - How many aliases are you going to come up with? You sure get limber on behalf of that brat of yours, eh? Oh well, the only thing easier than winning a debate with you is chewing gum - and I’m all outta gum.

As usual, there IS someone manipulating data and it is YOU. Per the 2013 Staffing Analysis (more current than the Cupp Report), FCS has a poverty rate of 51.7%. The average for a similarly-sized district is 49.02%. The statewide average is 42.8%. In other words, we are about AVERAGE for our size. The closest comparison district the ODE used was West Carrollton. They have a HIGHER poverty AND disability rate but one difference - they are rated “Excellent.” One need not look too far to find a district doing MORE WITH LESS.

FCS has some real problems keeping students. We have TWICE as many students going to Charter schools as similarly-sized districts AND statewide averages. 3 TIMES as many are home-schooled compared to the state average (twice the total for a similar district). WHY?

To my knowledge, they have not even announced a millage rate for the Beavercreek levy yet (per the school districts website) - it is a $10.4 million levy over FIVE YEARS. Maybe you don’t know that a mil is not the same as a million? Look it up.

At any rate, this levy is a FAR CRY from the UNNECESSARY 10-year $70 MILLION FRAUD the FCS tried to perpetrate on the taxpayers of Fairborn! Keep in mind, Beavercreek has NO - that is ZERO income tax for schools either. Of course, you always act as if the mere placement of a levy on a ballot ensures success. Not too swift, are ya? I think the voters of Beavercreek will decide what value they receive for their school tax dollars, how much they can afford, and whether they pay enough toward their schools, etc.

Here in Fairborn, we already EXCEED the local tax effort index - Beavercreek falls far short of it. Yet, we ALWAYS have the pathetic FCS demanding way too much and being “wounded” when they don’t get it. STUPID. And, if you are going to compare Beavercreek and Fairborn - you should have told the readers the profound difference is annual INCOME (Fairborn median $26,921 and average $42,842; Beavercreek’s median $47,828 and average $73,646). Speaking of HUGE differences - our assessed property value per pupil is just $126,384, while Beavercreek’s is $206,247.

According to, powered by the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the majority of Greene County schools are getting ZERO increase in state funding from 2013 to 2015. FCS is getting the LARGEST INCREASE in Greene County - 6.25% increase between 2013 and 2014 and another 8.81% increase between 2014 and 2015. Beavercreek get 1,65% the first year and 3.02 the next. Did you forget to mention THAT oh, great truth teller? I suppose in your little world the FCS is supposed to get big state increases PLUS a levy too? LOL. I think not.

I don’t think anybody is “against the teachers.” But we are NOT falling for the MYTH of the underpaid teacher anymore. They should BE GRATEFUL for the job, THRILLED with the pay, agree to CUTS on the healthcare, and go do their jobs. People here are barely scraping by and we ARE NOT going to keep donating to their FAT paychecks and PLUSH benefits. You can cite whatever stats you want - nothing is going to change that! YOU should be ashamed for lying to people - again and again and again.  #602 Levy (Friday, 02 August 2013 00:22)

Lets shop!

So Shadow, you went to the trouble to pick out the 5 economically disadvantaged school districts in the ENTIRE state of Ohio that had a 1 or 2 point higher average score on the ACT than FHS. You must really hate FCS for God only knows what reason. Maybe your child had a problem with the schools like Karen's did. Who knows. FIGURES LIE AND LIARS FIGURE SHADOW. You're not fooling anyone except those that allow you to fool them. Demographics play a major part in school academic performance and rankings, and the five schools you cited have done an outstanding job against the odds, but so has FCS. It also appears that you missed the fact that Beavercreek City Schools just placed a 10.4 Mil Levy on the ballot this week to make up for state funding cuts. Why didn't you mention in your comparisons that Beavercreek's percentage of economically disadvantaged students is only 14.2% versus Fairborn's 54.3%? Beavercreek is more than an astounding 30% below the state average in student poverty and 40.1% below Fairborn. I SEE WHY. It doesn't fit into your FCS bashing agenda, does it? You put a lot of time and effort into your diatribes in an effort to deceive people Shadow. The information is available on the ODE website and is not hard to decipher. Instead, you take only the data you want and write a rambling diatribe in an effort to confuse and deceive others. An effort to turn citizens against the teachers, who have done a pretty good job, over what? Money? Get real! Why can't you just acknowledge the fact that the FCS teachers have done a good job against the poverty odds and that due to the economy, most Fairborn property owners cannot afford to make up the difference in the state funding cuts. Why not be honest instead with your efforts instead of being deceitful, hateful and hurtful? You should be ashamed of yourself and you know that.  #601 Karen Combs (Thursday, 01 August 2013) Any parents of a current FCS student (or recent grad) who would like to be interviewed for a news story? If so, contact me through the CONFIDENTIAL "contact" link above and I will fill you in on the details. Thanks.  #600 Danger Combs (Thursday, 01 August 2013 21:05) Levy - Gee, I couldn't get past the fact that our schools have STUNK for years! Shadow takes care of all the rest. Thank you. Shop again.  #599 Karen Combs (Thursday, 01 August 2013 20:56) Shadow - whoever you are - a million thanks!  #598 Shadow (Thursday, 01 August 2013 20:54) Levy posted: "As John J made note of in his post 593, demographics play a part in school academic performance and rankings. From the ODE, FSC has a economically disadvantaged enrollment of 54.3%. FCS also has almost double the number of students with disabilities. I would say that FCS with 4304 students is doing well to have 3 of 4 schools rated excellent considering their percentage of students in poverty."

Man, it would be nice if some people would read the archives and realize their arguments are waaay stale.

My post way back at #1706:

"FCS is listed by the ODE as a 54.3% economically disadvantaged district. HOWEVER, strong leadership can overcome it. Take a look at the following Ohio districts selected from the ODE's preliminary report:

Lancaster City Schools, 56.2 % economically disadvantaged, Excellent rating, Mean ACT 22

Geneva Area Schools, 53.5% economically disadvantaged, Excellent Rating, Mean ACT 22

Gallion City Schools , 57% economically disadvantaged, Effective Rating, Mean ACT 22

Washington Court House City Schools 60% economically disadvantaged, Excellent Rating, Mean ACT 22 Bethel-Tate Local Schools, 46% economically disadvantaged, Excellent w/Distinction Rating, Mean ACT 23

To varying degrees, these districts are not playing the blame game, but are making progress in educating their students despite financial hardship in their particular areas.

What is wrong with the residents here asking the same of FCS? The teacher's contract is up in June 2013, it is now time for REAL LEADERSHIP at FCS, not the feudal system currently in control."

LEADERSHIP is the key, not throwing more $$$ down the same hole, err, to pay Lord $carberry's McMansion heating bill.

Yep, been there, done that back in the Winter. Ironic that a person pushing for the levy would bring up economic disadvantage; I guess taxing more of their income would sure help, huh, Levy? In fact, money isn't a problem for FCS in comparison to so called "wealthier districts."

From my Post #2452:

"Per the National Center for Educational Statistics, neighboring Beavercreek City Schools has revenues of $10,807 per pupil to spend. Beavercreek Schools are consistently rated “Excellent” or “Excellent with distinction” and the mean ACT composite score for district graduates is above national and state averages at 23. FCS’ revenue per pupil? OK, wait for it…$10,996 per pupil! For MORE $$$ per pupil than BEAVERCREEK the FEDERAL, STATE and LOCAL taxpayers are getting a Fairborn district not rated any higher than “Effective” with graduates ACT mean composite score of 21 being below the national average of 21.1 and below the state average of 21.8. It is not financial instability that is negatively effecting our children’s education, IT IS THE FAILURE OF FCS LEADERSHIP TO EFFECTIVELY USE THE MONEY THE TAXPAYER’S HAVE PROVIDED.

But hey, look on the bright side, the taxpayers are getting a superintendent who make $250,000 a year, has a $311,450 Colonial McMansion, the aforementioned $105,000 lake shore condo and a loyal manor court, uh, BOE which hasn’t held him accountable for FCS’ academic, safety and fiscal failures."

Yes, the state and feds level the playing field on revenue, the teachers make ABOVE AVERAGE SALARIES, the Superintendent takes in more $$$ than the Vice President of the UNITED STATES and the solution from "Levy?" TAX EVERYONE MORE!!!

Finally, I am tired of the the use of "The Kids" as pawns. Come levy time it is always about "The Kids" yet when BELOW AVERAGE results in objective measures of educational performance come out, it is BLAME THE KIDS! They are too poor or too minority or too disabled...Stop the excuses! Lord $carberry is incompetent, the teachers and administrators are not held accountable for their sub-standard performance in relation to their compensation, and the Manor Court, I mean BOE, refuses to even address school choice, less they lose a dime of what Lord $carberry values most: HIS MONEY AND POWER. The last levy was designed to keep his minions happy with their rollover contracts. King State came in and his Lordship did what he needed to do in accordance with his #1 priority: Himself!

Care about the kids? What a load of _____; A decade of Lord $carberry's rule and it the same tired excuses...DON'T FOOL YOURSELVES FCS MINIONS, WE KNOW THE TRUTH!  #597 Levy (Thursday, 01 August 2013 19:06) Now, lets think logically using your own statement. If the schools have improved from continuous improvement to effective over the last 5 years with 3 of 4 rating excellent while the student poverty rate has more than doubled, then the teachers have obviously done an outstanding job in their efforts to improve the scores while facing deteriorating odds. The enrollment numbers came from the latest report on the ODE site which of course runs behind (2011-12). According to the same site, FCS has nearly 10% more economically disadvantaged students than the state average and probably even more now. The school disability numbers are equal to the state average.  #596 Danger Combs (Thursday, 01 August 2013 16:55) Oh, please, Levy! Five years ago, FCS had only 25.6% of students with economic disadvantages (yes, your ilk really HAS DESTROYED this town!) and they weren't any better scoring back then! In fact, in 2008, they were only in "continuous improvement"! My God, how in the WORLD does $carberry and co. still have jobs?!?!?!

You are also WAAAYYY off in your enrollment totals. According to the Ohio Department of Education's recent Staffing Analysis (how come the FCS didn't put this on their website for everyone to see?) - the FCS has only 3,719 regular students! It looks like students are fleeing at every opportunity!

The Dayton Regional Stem School just opened a few years ago. FCS has had DECADES to get it right. The average school district of similar size in Ohio has about the same poverty percentage AND a higher disability percentage than FCS. So what excuses will you offer NOW  #595 Levy (Thursday, 01 August 2013 13:53) As John J made note of in his post 593, demographics play a part in school academic performance and rankings. From the ODE, FSC has a economically disadvantaged enrollment of 54.3%. Dayton Regional Stem's enrollment of economically disadvantaged students in less than half that at 24.8%. FCS also has almost double the number of students with disabilities. DRSS is just one school with only 324 students rated excellent. I would say that FCS with 4304 students is doing well to have 3 of 4 schools rated excellent considering their percentage of students in poverty.  #594 Danger Combs (Thursday, 01 August 2013 12:19) John J. - Yes, we all saw your back-handed "compliments" to the DRSS. Now, what were you saying about getting OVER IT? FCS are "fine" too and it sure seems to excite you that they participate in a couple contests - but people who want their kids to attend an "Excellent" rated school have that option at DRSS and NOT at FCS!

Cousin O - Thank you for FINALLY acknowledging the ENORMOUS IMPACT that Fairbornspeaks and the people who support it ARE having on public policy in Fairborn! Thank God we will no longer be subjected to all your inane claims that we don't do anything! Now we will just have to work on your reading comprehension. I never said ANYTHING "negative" about the union agreement. I simply stated the FACT that we do not have the details on the healthcare changes - whether they will be meaningful or not. Given the so-called "leaders" involved and their PROVEN inability to protect the interests of the taxpayers - one would have to be an UTTER FOOL like you to not cast a skeptical eye their way! Now, you go back to pretending you matter to anyone.  #593 Cousin Oliver (Thursday, 01 August 2013 11:26) Karen: Regarding post #604, it is unbelievable how you can turn a positive into a negative. Based on the news report, the FCS and the one union came to an agreement that appears to meet all of your and your band of merrymen's demands. Yet you still want to gripe and complain about. You then go on to deduce that there is some kind of secret deal being brokered, cloaked in mystery. You got what you want, so go back to pulling wings off of flies.  #592 John J. (Thursday, 01 August 2013) Cam,

No lies were spread about DRSS. I said in my post that it was "a very good school". The two students returned to FHS because of the FHS STEM Engineering Instructor and the fact that at the time DRSS was not involved with the Ohio Academy of Science or Science Olympiad events. That is all. Thanks for reiterating that there was an essay and screening process, however ambiguous it may have been. Hopefully the horse is dead now. Glad to hear that your child is doing well.  #591 Karen Combs (Thursday, 01 August 2013 10:31) According to the Fairborn Daily Herald, the FCS reached an agreement with the union that covers food service, custodians and maintenance workers as well as bus drivers. The agreement calls for NO base OR step increases, a higher contribution toward healthcare AND an agreement to "modify" the current healthcare plan - although that modification has yet to be determined!!! U guess we will have to see HOW MUCH those modifications will save us and what else the BOE gave them or promised them to get this agreement. Any union members care to tell us???  #590 Karen Combs (Thursday, 01 August 2013 10:15) Thanks for clearing it up once and for all, CAM! Give that awesome son of yours a hug for me! I know he has had so many wonderful opportunities at the DRSS that he probably NEVER would have had at the FCS! Unless you are "gifted" or the kid of an overpaid staffer there, you might as well not even exist!  #589 CAM (Thursday, 01 August 2013 00:44) I am the person Karen referred to earlier. My son attends the Dayton Regional Stem School (DRSS) and has since the second year it opened - not the first. He was never interviewed prior to admission. He did write a short essay about why he wanted to attend the school - that exercise seemed more about ensuring that he put thought into the decision than about "screening" him. In fact, my son does have an IEP and so do several of his classmates - they have varying types of learning challenges. He is a hard-working student, but he has never been labeled as "gifted" and is not a "straight A" student.

I have been very satisfied with the curriculum at the DRSS. I know there have been some kids who don't do well with all the expectations placed on them. For example, DRSS students have to participate in many public presentations to become comfortable speaking to large groups. In most public schools, students can "dodge" most public speaking by simply selecting classes that don't require it. I am grateful that DRSS emphasizes this because I think it is an invaluable skill.

I am also very happy with the stricter level of discipline at the DRSS. Their teachers don't just whine about disrespectful students and blame their parents - they give out detentions and other punishments. As a result, there is a much better learning environment there. I don't understand why the public schools can't figure this out!

I have also been very impressed with the way that the DRSS has addressed my son's learning issues. He isn't shoved into separate tutoring sessions (or a whole separate school like the Digital Academy!) or allowed to use it as an excuse. He has been taught how to excel in spite of his problems. I never hear many people say that about the FCS.

Anyway, I just wanted to come on here and really set the record straight. Maybe John J's child preferred the STEM classes at the FCS - or maybe he/she just couldn't hack it at the DRSS. Well, just because John J's child left, that doesn't give him any reason to come on here and spread lies about it. The school is great.

 #588 John J. (Wednesday, 31 July 2013 17:33) Well, we will just have to agree to disagree on your "opinion". The horse is dead.

Cheers!  #587 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 31 July 2013 14:11) John J - It might "stand to reason" that a screening process could influence overall scores IF that process was used to ensure that only "A" students got in. But that ISN'T true at Dayton Regional Stem School, so the "information" you were sharing was biased and irrelevant. Not to mention at this point - YAWN - boring.  #586 John J. (Wednesday, 31 July 2013 12:57) Okay, I see where you are going. You are correct. That was a part of the reason for my decision to participate in the DRSS conversation and the reason I mentioned their screening process. It stands to reason that any school with an admission screening process should score better than a public school that has no choice in the students that they accept. I mentioned that in my initial post and it was an in depth application. I never said that they "only" allowed gifted students and didn't mean to imply that, only that their students are screened. It was only fair to mention that they screen their applicants if the two schools are going to be compared. I also think it is only fair to give your readers all of the information and let them form their own opinions. Don't you?  #585 Danger Combs (Wednesday, 31 July 2013 11:29) John J. - My, my, how it breaks a sycophant's heart when I won't mindlessly accept whatever lie you concoct! Your repeating all that "in-depth application" nonsense was CLEARLY for ONE purpose: to imply that the Dayton Regional Stem School's "excellent" rating was only achieved because they only allow "gifted" students. Well, that simply ISN'T TRUE and you got called on it. While you little sycophants spend every waking moment worried about how "nice" you seem (when you're all fakes anyway) - I couldn't care less. I "calls 'em as I sees 'em." Always have, always will.  #584 John J. (Wednesday, 31 July 2013 10:58) You are such as nice person. I never said DRSS was a school that accepted only gifted students or that it was for elite students only. You posted on the subject and I just added that from personal experience, they do have a screening process and that it was an in depth application, which also required an essay by the prospective student. I was adding to your information. Why do you feel the need to be so rude and to attack people that are not attacking you?  #583 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 31 July 2013 09:36) John J. - Sorry, but you are just WRONG. The child I know at Dayton Regional Stem has gone there since it opened, has an IEP (individualized educational program) for a mild learning disability, and has many friends there who are NOT considered "gifted." It is really crass for you to come on here and claim that this is only a school for elite students when it is NOT! They accept a variety of kids with a variety of needs. Stop lying and trying to spread misinformation just to suck-up to those teachers who cater to your "gifted" kid. I'm sure his life is cushy enough already!  #582 Danger Combs (Wednesday, 31 July 2013 09:25) Ollie, Ollie, Ollie - whatever will we do with you? You have had such a long-term obsession with me! At this point, you really should buy me dinner or a nice piece of jewelry! LOL.

I've NEVER seen you post on any real issues - wouldn't you like to try it just ONCE? Well, if you insist, I will unravel your latest drivel (my terrier could do this too, but he's napping):

1) Unfortunately, a School Board can't be "fired." By my understanding of state law, they can't even be recalled (something the legislature needs to fix!). So, we will have to wait for election time to oust them. Sadly, we have only one viable candidate running this time around and there will be two available seats. 2) Disband the union? AMEN. While we are at it, eliminate the absurd requirements for teacher's in K-12 to have a Master's unless they are teaching Honors Level classes in high school. Seeing that Fairborn is among the poorest cities in the area and that our schools are only rated "effective" despite spending nearly 80% of our budget on salaries/benefits - FCS teachers should be reduced to making NO MORE THAN the state average until the schools improve. If they don't like it, they can LEAVE. Somehow, somewhere, I am sure we can find other teachers able to keep the "effectiveness" alive! 3) I don't care what is in the curriculum (barring, of course, all their socialist nonsense), as long as the students can excel on standardized tests and compete in the real world. At FCS right now, that is the EXCEPTION, not the rule. 4) Ollie, you have always had such hatred for the poor. Well, those are YOUR issues, not mine! I believe the key to a prosperous city is a HEALTHY blend of socioeconomics. You MUST have middle-class and wealthy people to help out those in need! If we just flood the town with poor people, how will they survive? Well, thanks to the ABYSMAL "leadership" of our City Manager and the Council at her beckoned call - we let that pendulum swing too far. But I am glad YOU are stepping up to help out. I bet you are a real philanthropist. LOL. 5) It blows my mind that ANYONE is so STUPID that this actually has to be explained to them, but, you are, so: Yes, if you don't own property, you SHOULDN'T vote on property tax issues. When I was a renter, I never did. Likewise, if you don't have income subject to income tax, you SHOULDN'T vote on income tax issues either. I don't. You must have been Fairborn-educated because you never seem to have heard about a little founding principle against "taxation without representation." Well, guess what, Ollie? The reverse is equally appalling. So STOP advocating for representation without taxation! You should be advocating for people to be RESPONSIBLE AND FAIR- MINDED CITIZENS. 6. It's my website - the rules are posted. I will occasionally entertain a post from a moron. See the one before this for an example! Evidently, you find Fairbornspeaks irresistible. That or it's just me. Hmmmm.....I could use some half-carat diamond earrings in white gold. LOL. 7. Amen. Now get to that earring shopping!

Anything else?

 #581 Cousin Oliver (Tuesday, 30 July 2013 15:25) Karen's solution: 1. Fire the school board. Replace them with those that think the way she wants them to. 2. Disband the teacher's union. Hire back only those that will work for cheap and have an education pedigree in something she finds worthy. 3. Rewrite the curriculum to teach what is in line with what is good for the people and that which is reviewed by Karen's ministry of the people's education. 4. Remove and/or relocate the poor to areas that are away and outside of view from the true people of Fairborn. Force them to live in an area that is the public responsibility of someone else. 5. Restrict voting to only those that own property. 6. Restrict posts on this medium to only those that fit the beliefs of those seeking control. It is what is good for the people afterall. 7. Abolish unions. Return the power to the public good.

Sounds like Germany circa 1933 to me.  #580 John J. (Tuesday, 30 July 2013 10:44) I don't know if any processes have changed for admission to DRSS but don't let anyone kid you, there is a screening process just to get into the lottery stage. The DRSS application process also required an essay by the student at the time which is indicative of a screening process. I'm sure your friend at the least completed and submitted an in depth application. Maybe they do not require interviews any longer or possibly the student was waived for some reason. I'm not familiar with the anecdotal list that the poster Shadow is speaking of, but demographics for one have always played a part in academic performance and rankings. It's not a secret or a surprise that the large majority of inner city public schools do not perform as well academically overall when compared to the majority of suburban public schools for example. That is not to say that those schools do not have any intelligent students or good teachers. Communities that have a higher percentage of single parent homes, poverty, drug use, and lower parental education levels tend to have lower academic performances overall. I certainly do not see Fairborn at the bottom of the demographic totem poll, but they are also no where near the top. Still, they have their share of good teachers, good programs, and intelligent students. From what I read, All Day Kindergarten also helps with increasing academic performance. I'm not sure how long Fairborn has offered it, but it appears to be a positive for both the children, parents, and community. I know that it wasn't too many years ago that it was only offered for half a day. Well, that's my 2 cents worth, since I was asked. Cheers!  #579 Danger Combs (Tuesday, 30 July 2013 10:04) Snake - Get "nice" from yo' Mama, I am just gonna BE HONEST.  #578 Danger Pliskin (Monday, 29 July 2013 17:53) Karen- BE NICE.  #577 Karen Combs (Monday, 29 July 2013 16:55) John J. - Gee, I never would have guessed you were just some guy with a "gifted" kid and personal reasons to suck-up to the FCS! LOL. Let me guess - you really want to discuss state funding of schools too? Good Grief!

Well, the Dayton Regional Stem School only just opened in 2009 - I am sure they are branching out in many new areas as time progresses. The school info states that there are only "personal interviews" (I suppose that is what you mean by "hand-selected"?) for students seeking to join at the 10th grade level (the school now goes from 6th grade-high school). The young man I know who GLADLY attends there was admitted from a "lottery" drawing of applicants and was never interviewed prior to enrolling. So, turns out, you really don't know it all, eh?

I am sure your "gifted" child will bloom wherever planted - too bad about all the rest who are stuck in the FCS, eh? Not much hope for them!  #576 Shadow (Monday, 29 July 2013 16:13) So John J. beyond the STEM school issue, any insight into why FCS, with teachers paid ABOVE AVERAGE salaries, still scores BELOW AVERAGE in objective measures of educational performance? Please don't give me the usual anecdotal list so popular with Lord $carberry and posters like H-WT.  #575 John J. (Monday, 29 July 2013 15:47) The difference in the two programs is the instructor at the high school level. FHS has an instructor that is sought out by college students for help. DRSS has an in depth application and review process before accepting students. I know because one of my children was one of the three students that I previously mentioned. Both students returned to FHS with high GPA's. DRSS at the time was also not involved with the Ohio Academy of Science and their statewide events. They just started participating in the state and local science fairs etc; last year. I'm not sure if they have started participating in the science olympiad events or not. It is a very good school with hand picked students. Somewhat liberal in their approach to some subjects. Just depends upon what one is looking for. FHS has its strengths and its weaknesses like many public schools. STEM Engineering is a strength and there are others.  #574 Karen Combs (Monday, 29 July 2013 14:00) Pretty strange, John J. - since BOTH the Fairborn City School STEM program AND the Dayton Regional Stem School use the SAME CURRICULA (from Project Lead The Way)! BOTH are certified in both Engineering and Biomedical Science. But only ONE is rated an "Excellent" school - and it AIN'T Fairborn! Oh - and last time I checked, the state tests were the SAME for both schools - wonder why the DRSS consistently scored SO MUCH HIGHER??

As for "screening" students - I believe the DRSC requires that a student not have been expelled from his/her resident district. Now I realize that the FCS has devoted efforts to RECRUIT failing students from OUTSIDE districts, but we can't expect all schools to be THAT stupid, can we? The DRSS has their fair share of kids with learning challenges and on IEPs. Stop pretending otherwise.

As for students trying the DRSS and heading back to FCS, I have heard of a few who couldn't hack the intense requirements (like learning Mandarin Chinese!) and/or wanted to participate in FCS sports or other extra-curricular activities. To pretend they were out looking for harder classes is kind of amusing. Sounds like you are someone who would believe ANYTHING!!  #573 John J. (Monday, 29 July 2013 13:24) Three FHS gifted students looked into the Dayton Regional STEM school. Two transferred there and both transferred back to FHS the following year because the STEM program itself was not as advanced as the one at FHS. Not saying that DRSS does not outperform in other areas. Just not in the actual STEM classes offered. As a whole, they should outperform in the standard subjects as they screen the students that they accept for their limited classes.  #572 Karen (Monday, 29 July 2013 13:02) Some more interesting facts: The Dayton Regional STEM school, a charter school, pays an average teacher salary of just $48K, a full $10K lower than the FCS. All teachers have a Bachelor's degree; only 54.2% have a Master's. They are rated "Excellent" and beat FCS in every OGT measurement (reading, writing, science, math and social studies) by double-digits on the 2011-2012 state report cards (the most recent ones available). More proof that all those Master's degrees are MEANINGLESS and are required ONLY to justify skyrocketing salaries!  #571 Shadow (Sunday, 28 July 2013 14:35) Her are some interesting FACTS published by the Ohio Legislative Services Commission (a state government entity). The following is taken from their appropriately named Ohio Facts 2012, K-12 report:

“Ohio’s Average Teacher salary was $56,715 in 2011. This is above the national average of $55,623 for the same period.”

As Karen noted earlier, the average teacher salary at FCS is $58,371, so as I have stated before, FCS TEACHERS RECEIVE ABOVE AVERAGE PAY AND BENEFITS. The report also compares state and national averages against inflation:

“Ohio's average teacher salary increased by 28.8% from $44,019 in FY 2002 to $56,715 in FY 2011. The national average increased by 24.7%, from $44,600 in FY 2002 to $55,623 in FY 2011. During the same period inflation, as measured by the consumer price index (CPI), was 24.1%.”

Budget percentage of salary and fringe benefits? The report breaks this down also:

“(Ohio) School Districts Spend an Average of 77% of Their General Funds on Salaries and Fringe Benefits”

Note, the report also breaks down the statewide trends in salary and fringe benefit spending:

“Salaries and fringe benefits accounted for approximately 77% of school district general fund budgets statewide in FY 2011. This percentage has decreased over the past five years from 79% in FY 2007. This decrease is entirely due to a decrease in the portion spent on salaries, as the portion spent on fringe benefits has increased slightly. The cost of fringe benefits as a percentage of the cost of salaries increased to approximately 38% in FY 2011, up from 36% in FY 2007.”

What is truly an ongoing failure of Lord $carberry, his minions on the BOE and the faculty of FCS is FCS BELOW AVERAGE PERFORMANCE IN OBJECTIVE SCHOOL PERFORMANCE MEASURES. The report details the following:

In 2007, there were no districts with “Excellent with Distinction “ratings, 139 “Excellent” rated districts, 347 districts rated as “Effective” and 113 districts rated as “Continues Improvement.” In 2011 (NOTE: This is after the 2007 FCS levy was passed and after millions of dollars of state aid has been funneled to the district), there are 86 districts rated as "Excellent with Distinction," 266 districts rated “Excellent” 215 rated “effective” and 32 rated “Continuous Improvement.”

FCS is one of those 215 at "Effective"

Lets recap: Our Superintendent receives $250K in money alone, our teachers receive ABOVE AVERAGE PAY AND BENEFITS because we spend more of our budget on pay and fringe benefits than the state average, but our district is BELOW AVERAGE IN OBJECTIVE MEASURES OF EDUCATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS.

Ball in your court sycophants: Forget pay “freezes,” why are we not talking about pay cuts for FCS BELOW AVERAGE PERFORMANCE in its fiscal operations and educational results?  #570 Karen B. (Sunday, 28 July 2013 10:34) C'est la vie:

I went back and looked up the stats from the Dec 2012 Board Meeting with Mr. Roger Hardin, Asst Dir, Finance and Pgm Svcs, Dept of Edu. They recommend that salaries should be in low 70's (video 15:30). FY13 was 82% and FY14 will be 83% under the current Fairborn budget at the time (video 12:30). This was the same meeting where Scarberry couldn't even give the teacher/student ratio to the State. He sure shows how he deserves to earn that whopping salary.  #569 Frank Gilbert (Sunday, 28 July 2013 10:32) C'est La vie #571 My figure comes from the BOE meeting in Dec. of 2012. The gentleman from the state of Ohio put forth that figure. He also made it very clear that the state did NOT want to come in. That it was up to our board to make the hard decisions, but if they would not, the state would. I thought it was a very eye opening meeting. I highly recommend you watch it carefully.  #568 Danger Combs (Sunday, 28 July 2013 09:44) ...and again. My "delete" button loves it. And no, JD/JS, it's not because you disagree with me that I know you are JD - it's because of your obsessive (get a hobby!) posting, your odd syntax, your use of unreliable sources, your inability to interpret real data, your endless attempts to bring up the state funding issue (I guess you think the state can just pass out money like it's free, eh?) and your delusional belief that you are so much smarter than everyone else even when you RARELY make even the most meager point! Yep - that pretty much narrows it down to Y-O-U! The host company offers free websites - go get one of your own!  #567 Danger Combs (Saturday, 27 July 2013 22:28) And he's already tried to post another one....well, I am "censoring" you for the same reason I gave you last time - you are obsessive and BORING. Move on. If you aren't JD (which you are), then you are equally obsessive and boring. You move on too. Get it yet?  #566 Karen Combs (Saturday, 27 July 2013 22:06) Had to put my foot down again, folks. JD was back to a dozen posts a day, and the last two I am NOT even approving - just more blathering about state funding of schools again! Well, "Just Saying"/JD (it couldn't be more OBVIOUS!) - you have been told before - YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. I am sure you know about properties that sold on the street where you LIVE, eh? Go sit there in the boondocks and watch the grass grow - or go spend time with that "gifted kid" of yours. What's the matter? He can't stand you either?  #565 Karen Combs (Saturday, 27 July 2013 18:33) JD was always fond of City-Data (a source that readers can edit, like Wikipedia). Looks like the latest people to post here obsessively use that source too - what a coin-ci-dink! Well, I don't put much stock in that. I prefer the US Census. It shows that 10.6% of Fairbornites have a graduate or professional degree - 25% a Bachelor's or higher. Using the "school-only" method of measuring intelligence, it seems us-heah-Furburn-hillbillies- is-a-smarta'-than'y'all-reckoned!

In the 2011 State Report Card, it was stated that 71.4% of FCS teachers have a Master's degree (what a WASTE!). As I said, I would be all for it if that would guarantee quality teaching - but it doesn't!  #564 Shadow (Saturday, 27 July 2013 18:11) Just Sayin wrote

"You will find that the majority of the higher income school district citizens that are employed by institutions such as Wright-Patterson and Wright State University live in the aforementioned Fairborn School District areas and are not included in the "City of Fairborn" statistics of Shadows study. Just setting the record straight."

Majority? Where is your cited source, Slick? You want to call my data sources 'erroneous," then you spout off $300,000 assessed home values that don't exist. Seriously, do you think there are that many WSU and Wright-Patterson employees living in the FCS district as compared to Beavercreek, Bellbrook, Kettering and Centerville? Go watch which direction on I-675 most of the traffic is going come quitting time at the base...Trust me, it isn't Northbound. I do caution about checking this on a Friday or Monday; according to the DDN, this is when most of the base employees don't report to work because they have been furloughed, i.e. a 20% PAY CUT (A "cut" is not freeze, teach. I know it is a tough concept for you to grasp, but it means you take home LESS money than last year!) through the end of their fiscal year.

So much for their "high" income, huh JS? Oh, by the way, back when SB 5 was being debated, the newspapers said the feds lost the ability to collectively bargain back in the 1970s! You may need to try and find another cash cow to milk, sounds like the feds are running dry.  #563 Karen Combs (Saturday, 27 July 2013 17:58) Went all the way back through May 1 in Fairborn "sold" homes on Zillow - the most expensive was a new construction in Candlelite at $283,100. Didn't see ANY that broke the $300K mark!  #562 Shadow (Saturday, 27 July 2013 17:41) JS Wrote:

"It is not a Geometry teachers job to coach 75 football players until 7:30 PM each night and also give up his weekends for 4-5 months. Do all Geometry teachers have it in their teaching contract to coach football? Of course not. If you want the children to have that extra curricular activity then someone has to coach it whether they work for the school system during their day job or work somewhere else. Do you expect that Geometry teacher to do the job for free while all of the other Geometry teachers get to go home and enjoy their weekends? Would you expect a qualified coach that does not work for the school system to put in that kind of time for free? Of course not." You really want to go down the "Jockacracy" road JS? Trust us, we know the well-known habit of so many ex-High School heroes who go and get Ed degrees to return back to a Grade 8-12 school environment as quickly as possible and form alliances with their former peers. The Geometry teachers REAL job, to him and the school, is as a Football coach. This is one of the main reasons Karen's "You don't need a Master's degree in Education" argument rings true. In my #518, I noted that there were 56 coaches in FCS. Trust me, the majority didn't have Masters degrees. They are hired because the AD wants them for their COACHING ability, not their TEACHING ability!  #561 Karen Combs (Saturday, 27 July 2013 17:36) C'est la Vie - Another new name?

The 2012 FCS percentage of the fiscal year budget devoted to personnel costs (salaries and benefits) was 78.11%, slightly higher than the state average. Yes, at this rate, there isn't much left "for the kids"!

I believe the recommended level was mentioned during the Ohio Department of Education's presentation at the December 2012 BOE meeting, but I couldn't swear to it and I'm not going to sit through that again! Feel free to follow the link above and watch it for yourself!

And yes, we are looking forward to having Mr. Gilbert represent "the segment" of Fairborn that hasn't been represented on the Board in some time - you know, the TAXPAYERS! Won't that be a refreshing change of pace from all the union lackeys?  #560 Shadow (Saturday, 27 July 2013 17:25) Part I

So a poster who goes by the name, “just sayin” accuses me of misrepresenting? First off, I’m trying to figure out which of these Urban Dictionary definitions of “Just Sayin” is most applicable to them:

1. A phrase used to signify that a previous comment one made was not intended to cause offense or annoyance, but was simply a statement of a personal opinion or an observation that the stater doesn't care enough to fight over.

2. a prepositional phrase used when one is too big of a ______to back up their ______!

3. Response when one has been proven wrong but is not humble enough to admit being incorrect or cannot settle with the other person's statement.

Okay, #1 is in play now, #2 will depend on if they post after I post and #3 happens as soon as I click send and Karen posts this missive.

Yeah, per capita is pretty much “worthless” (your words) when you are trying desperately to hold on to your salary and benefits. You roll off a bunch of housing areas and insinuate that others are not paying their fair share. How about doing some research next time before you say something like the following:

“The vast majority of the wealthier citizens of the Fairborn School District are not Fairborn citizens but instead live within the school district and outside of the Fairborn City Limits in Bath Township. Their much higher per capita and median incomes are "not included" in the City of Fairborn Per Capita or Median Income statistics that Shadow and others have been using to make their point. Therefore, his/her study is misleading and really a comparison of apples to oranges. To be clear, the Fairborn School District Per Capita and Median Incomes are much larger than the Fairborn City Per Capita and Median Income that he/she is erroneously using to make a point. Large subdivisions such as Forest Ridge, Meadows of Wynwood, Twin Towers, and Fairfield's I and II, just to name a few, are also a part of the Fairborn School District and supply a great amount if not a majority of the school district income and property taxes even though they are not incorporated by the City of Fairborn. The median value of the homes in the Twin Towers and Fairfield's subdivisions is over $300,000 along with commensurate per capita and median incomes.”

First off, Forrest Ridge and Meadows of Wynwood are in Dayton, not Bath Township. Have you ever been to either? I have and know that Forest Ridge homes are similar is design, size and construction to Rona Hills. Like Rona Hills, there are some new construction homes that may exceed $200,000 in appraised value (the only value that matters in school funding, teach) but most are in the low to mid $100,000s due to age and condition. The Meadows of Wynwood are relatively new build “vinyl palaces” with the usual “Garage First” architecture. Most of these can be had for $150,000 or less and are similar (if not smaller) than the to the newly built homes off 235 (Chapelgate Dr).

Now let’s look at those Fairfield and Twin Towers Subdivisions of which JS stated the following: “median value of the homes in the Twin Towers and Fairfield's subdivisions is over $300,000 along with commensurate per capita and median incomes.”

This time I went street by street and house by house on the internet to find all the hidden wealthy who were not paying their “fair share.” The homes themselves are located on what appears to be cleared farmland, especially the Fairfield and Fairfield II homes. The Fairfield development checked in at about 23 homes (Cornerstone and Edwards) and far from being a median $300,000 in value, they were closer to about $240,000 in assessed value. Next, I checked Fairfields II (Clearcreek, Mud Run, Woodhaven, Deerhorn and Stonemont). I found about 70 homes, some with assessed values of $400,000+. I also found homes with assessed values of less than $200,000 in the same neighborhood. Median assessed value was about $280,000. Next, I checked Twin Towers. JS was WRONG concerning the addresses; the records clearly show the Twin Towers area has FAIRBORN mailing addresses! This area has equine named streets (Appaloosa, Horseman, Arabian, Pinto and Palomino) a bit more elevation (at least on a map) and older, more California-style homes. Their assessed values, however, are nowhere near a $300,000 median. In fact, in looking at the data, I was reminded of an earlier post I had made before the levy. An FCS teacher (Kathleen Call) has one of only two homes in the neighborhood assessed at over $300,000! I guess maybe that is why JS is bringing it up, one of the teachers thinks her neighbors are as wealthy as she is! All in all, about 72 homes in Twin Towers and the median is about the same as Fairfield’s, $240,000.  #559 Shadow (Saturday, 27 July 2013 17:24) Part II

JS is flat out WRONG concerning these areas being full of taxpayers who, in their words: “are also a part of the Fairborn School District and supply a great amount if not a majority of the school district income and property taxes even though they are not incorporated by the City of Fairborn.”

Yes folks, in JS’ Fantasyland, a group of über rich live in about 165 homes, already pay the majority of the school property taxes and need to pay a whole lot more! Look before you leap next time JS!

Heck, JS, We can use the 2011 US Census Poverty number (where I got the per capita number) and it shows 17% poverty in Fairborn, lower than the 25% the DDN reported this year, if it will make you feel better (though I think the census revised poverty figures in the future will be closer to 25%+). Want to use the Cupp report’s $26,000 median? Okay, from 77 we now have 65 FCS employees who earn DOUBLE 26K a year in salary alone. Remember though, we still have:

92 FCS Employees earn between $60,000 to $70,000 a year.

54 FCS Employees earn between $70,000 to $80,000 a year.

10 FCS Employees earn between $80,000 to $90,000 a year.

4 FCS Employees earn between $90,000 to $100,000 a year.

4 FCS Employees earn over $100,000 a year.

Am I misleading the public with those stats JS? You sure were misleading everybody about the $300,000 homes full of wealthy people not paying there fair share, though… Face it, no matter what neighborhoods you indict as being “wealthy enough to pay more,” the sad fact remains that the teachers in FCS are paid ABOVE AVERAGE SALARIES AND BENEFITS for BELOW AVERAGE STUDENT EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES. Remember, it was Lord $carberry (or is that Lord $carbetray to you now?) said it was minority and LOW-INCOME STUDENTS were were causing FCS to stay at the BELOW AVERAGE “Effective” state school rating. That doesn’t jive with your argument that the district is “loaded” with neighborhoods full of wealthy children. That begs the question: How can all these wealthy children from these wealthy neighborhoods you have identified be in a district with mean ACT scores of 21 and sub-1000 SAT scores of 998? All these well off kids and only 1% of the FHS graduates make it to a Top 50 Liberal Arts College or National University? We hear constant teacher complaining about having to lesson plan, teach more than 20 children a class, get graduate degrees (in Education, mind you, not Physics, Business, Engineering or Chemistry), but never do we get an FEA teacher on Fairborn Speaks! explaining why they don’t hold themselves accountable for the BELOW AVERAGE performance of THEIR students. I see bumper stickers that state “If you can read this thank a teacher.” However, when Johnny can’t read, Presto! It’s now the parents fault! You can’t have it both ways JS, just like you can’t say the district is full of wealth, than say it underperforms due to “Low-Income students.”  #558 C'est la vie (Saturday, 27 July 2013 15:46)

Frank Gilbert,

In your post #568, you ask, "How do we bring our personnel costs down to the states recommended 72% mark?"

My questions for you, where can I find the state recommending school districts to keep their personnel cost @ the 72% mark? What is FCS current % of personnel costs of this year's budget? I would presume this is 72% of the fiscal year budget. This percentage itself seems high to me. I would think school districts would want to maintain an even lower % so more of the fiscal budget would go toward the students and not personnel cost.

I also think you're awesome for running for the school board. Someone that will represent the true segment of Fairborn's population.  #557 Danger Combs (Saturday, 27 July 2013 15:04) OLP - How can you get so many things wrong in one post?

Teachers work 7.5 hours a day for 181 days each year, for a total of 1357 hours. That is 723 fewer hours (18+ weeks) than a regular full-time employee. You can call that what you will - I call it PART-TIME.

A teacher making $51,783 (there are none making an even $50K) would have a prorated salary (based on a real full-time job) of $79,784. Add the $22K healthcare package and voila, we are OVER the $100K mark!

The average FCS teacher makes $58,371. Who has the “fuzzy math”?

The Ohio State Board of Education - NOT the Ohio Department of Education set the standards for school teachers. This board consists of 19 members - 11 are elected and 8 are appointed by the Governor. The chairs of Education for both the Ohio Senate and House serve as non-voting members. The Superintendent of Public Education serves as Secretary. The Dayton-area rep is a 35-year veteran of the Dayton Public Schools and served as President of the Dayton Education Association (UNION) for SIX consecutive terms. So, EXACTLY AS I SAID - the unions are dictating these standards!

I’m pretty sure that you, Just Saying, and JD are one and the same. If not, feel free to sign your real name. No one here “harasses” anyone - although I can’t promise that the FCS thugs won’t put your home picture on their Facebook page! They are the real bullies!

The teachers should stop whining and start making some sacrifices like their counterparts in other districts. Times are tough all over. People in Fairborn are struggling. They need to ACCEPT significant changes to their healthcare plan because they SHOULD NOT have the best one around! They need to ACCEPT a continuation of the wage freeze because they make PLENTY already. So far, their Union shows they have EXACTLY the same “mindset” as $carberry - 100% dedication to THEMSELVES.

I assume you are with the union because NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would come on here and be hysterical on their behalf without some “skin the game.” You are either a teacher, are related to one, or need one for some purpose (like promoting your own brats). This ain’t my first rodeo, sweetie, and I know that cowgirls like you don’t show up out of some moral indignation! Finally, you need to go look up “minority.” Last time we voted, OUR SIDE WON 2 to 1. There IS a minority in this town - and you just happen to be in it!  #556 Danger Combs (Saturday, 27 July 2013 14:43) My, my, boys and girls - “just Saying” would like us to stop discussing FCS salaries and benefits! Could there BE a clearer sign that we have hit a nerve?! LOL. Let’s address your sad delusion that someone with an education degree is smarter than 92% of the rest of us! Your first mistake is in assuming that formal education is the sole measurement of intelligence. That’s a riot! Your second mistake is your misguided belief that a Master’s in Education is somehow the same as a Master’s in a REAL SUBJECT MATTER! Of course, if that was the case, then all the teachers who have one could go get a regular, much higher-paying job, right? How come they all stick around for those "oh-so-hard" teaching jobs? I will give you a hint - because short of getting overpaid in a public school, that degree is USELESS! It doesn’t qualify the holder to do ANYTHING. Your final mistake is in assuming that you will dictate what we discuss here. Guess again.  #555 Frank Gilbert (Saturday, 27 July 2013 10:49) Just Saying #560 I work all year long. I make a decent wage for doing that. Is there somehing wrong with that? I am also keenly aware of my obligation to the citizens of Fairborn. That is why I do volunteering. I belong to a union because I have to pay dues and if I have to do that, I want a voice, wouldn't you? Our benefits, while decent, aren't great. Attack me all you want, all you do is make yourself look small and nasty. I'd like to see people like you offer real solutions. How do we wake more parents up to the fact that the MUST be more involved in their children's education? How do we bring our personel costs down to the states recommended 72% mark? What must we do to create a fairer method of funding our schools? There are many more questions so lets quit being petty and personal and get to work. I like many of the ideas put forth by what some would consider "our side", but I'd like us all to work together. To bad our BOE isn't interested in working with the citizens.  #554 Only Logic Prevails (Saturday, 27 July 2013 08:54) If no one (Shadow) is trying to say teachers should be paid the average income in FB then why does the topic of average pay in FB keep coming up? If it's two or three times more than the average, then you didn't read my earlier post correctly. Let me summarized it for you....The teachers in FB are in the top 8.8% in education status, shouldn't it then hold true that they should also in the top 8.8% in income as well? Oh, and your comment about "part-time" isn't valid. Part time is typically defined as less than 30 hours a week. Teachers work far more than that even with the two months off.

I think you have some fuzzy math there DC. I was talking SALARY ONLY. I'm sure the people who actually make what they are deserving based on their education level also have nice insurance plans which would drive their overall compensation higher as well. By the way, here's some not so fuzzy math for you: say a teacher makes $50,000, insurance I've seen is about $22,000 a year so let me get my calculator.... oh what do you know, $77,000. You're about $23,000 short my mathematically challenged friend.

"The state only requires what the unions insist upon." HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA I'm literally laughing out loud right now. Wait... HA HA HA HA HA ok, had to get that out of my system. PLEASE OFFER YOUR PROOF FOR THAT STATEMENT. Not just your ill-informed OPINION. Show me an article or journal or something that backs that claim... SO we can just throw out your inaccurate statement that the teacher unions force teachers to have a Master's. (I'll help you here, IT'S THE OHIO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION which is headed by an appointee of our KASICH who is NO friend to Unions)

Thank you so much for assuming that you know me DC. Do we know each other from a past life? I have NO idea who JD is. My post was the first I've ever put on this message board. I stayed silent during the Levy votes because the district office plays games and can't be trusted. But to attack the people who educate, protect and care for our children is where I draw the line. They are NOT of the same mindset as $carberry or the board. They are not double dipping. They are not asking for a raise! They are simply asking for fair compensation for the level of education they have and the absolutely critical job they perform.

Why do you assume that I am in the union with your comment, "your little union." That just shows your assumptive point of view and willingness to believe ideas and concepts that are inaccurate. I believe I am in the majority when it comes to teacher support in our community and we are being drowned out by a very vocal and boisterous minority.  #553 Just Saying (Friday, 26 July 2013 23:53) Well then, if the teachers extrapolated salaries and benefits put them in the $100,000 range that their education dictates they should be in based upon having a higher education than 92.2% of all Fairbornites....then the problem is solved. No need to give them a raise or cut their benefits. That was easy. Can we move on now to the Fairborn poverty and crime problem?  #552 Danger Combs (Friday, 26 July 2013 21:38) "OLP" - Congratulations! You win the "most ironic and absurd post of the month!! You boast about logic, while proving you have none! Indeed, can you point to ANY post here that said teachers should be paid what the average Fairbornite makes? NO - because NO ONE EVER said that!

But since they have reached the level of making TWO to THREE TIMES most people for their PART-TIME WORK, then we WILL be drawing some comparisons - whether you like it or not! In fact, if you extrapolate most of their salaries to FULL-TIME jobs and add their LUXURY BENEFITS and MISC. PERKS, they easily DO earn more than $100,000 a year!

Your other claims about what is "required" to be a teacher are ludicrous too! The state ONLY "requires" what the unions insist upon! And they base that on what they think can justify their demands for higher and higher salaries. It is a self-fulfilling vicious cycle that has NOTHING to do with the quality of education! Yep - too bad none of those secondary degrees or licenses come with a guarantee that the recipient can actually TEACH! If it did, FCS might have some better scores and rankings!

I don't care if your little union requires them to become M.D.'s! At the end of the day, they are just teaching K-12 and should be paid for that 181-day a year job ALONE. If teachers want to get rich, then I suggest they LEAVE the public sector and try to see what other use there is for a Master's in Education. LOL.

Folks, I have to believe that this is just JD again - compulsively posting now under assorted stupid names. If there are actually TWO nuts in Fairborn who are this far removed from reality and this determined to post NONSENSE here- God save us!  #551 Only Logic Prevails (Friday, 26 July 2013 19:36) After looking at some various demographic information about Fairborn I'm going to try to apply some of the "logic" that has been touted on this propaganda machine...errrr website. So teachers should make the same as the "average" person in Fairborn? Problem is that the STATE OF OHIO requires a Master's Degree after 5 years of teaching so it is safe to assume that all teachers will have to have that unless they're grandfathered in. So looking at the demographics only 8.8% of Fairbornians have a Master's Degree. So if teachers are to be paid the same as "average" people, then let's assume that pay should equal education level. Average people in Fairborn only graduated HS. But the top 9% or so make over $100,000. SO to use your "logic" the STATE OF OHIO requires a Masters, only 8.8% of Fairbornians have that degree so they should be paid in that % salary average which is over $100,000. I think the teachers should be asking for a HUGE raise based on the logic I've seen below. AVERAGE FAIRBORNIANS AREN'T QUALIFIED BY THE STATE OF OHIO TO TEACH.... YOU MUST HAVE A TEACHING LICENSE WHICH IN OHIO EVENTUALLY REQUIRES YOU TO HAVE A MASTERS.... STOP SAYING TEACHERS SHOULD BE PAID THE SAME AS AVERAGE FAIRBORNIANS.. THEY'RE NOT AVERAGE IN EDUCATION OR ABILITY AND SHOULD BE PAID AS SUCH!!!  #550 Karen B. (Friday, 26 July 2013 16:40) Wasn't it the City of Fairborn that laid down the Welcome mat when they were closing Parkside Homes? I think you can thank the City for bringing in the lower income, welfare receiving citizens to our fair city. BTW they also brought along increased crimes and drugs into the city. Of course, this is my opinion since I'm sure someone will dispute this fact.  #549 Karen Combs (Friday, 26 July 2013 16:27) “Just Saying” - I think you are using some REALLY OLD data - probably the 2008 “cost of local government” report done by the City of Fairborn. Those numbers no longer apply! Let’s look at some numbers from this decade, shall we?

According to the CURRENT data on the Greene County Auditor’s website - we have a total tax rate of 80.70. The only higher Greene County rates are in the far wealthier communities of Beavercreek, Bellbrook and Yellow Springs.

Between the four cities above (Beavercreek, Bellbrook, Fairborn and Yellow Springs) ONLY Fairborn and Yellow Springs have a municipal income tax (DDN, 10/28/12). Ditto for school income tax - only Fairborn and Yellow Springs charge that. So all those high-earners in Bellbrook and Beavercreek may pay slightly higher taxes for their higher- valued properties, but they also save a FORTUNE in income taxes!

According to a Dayton Daily News article (October 28, 2012 - “Snapshot of property taxes by county”)- Fairborn is FAR from the lowest taxed community in the area! Based on the median PROPERTY TAX only, the highest is Sugarcreek at $6,211, followed by Oakwood at $5,145. The lowest between Montgomery County and Greene County is Bowersville at just $831.26, but measuring only cities, that would be Dayton at $1,164. In Greene County alone, Fairborn has a higher median than Xenia, Clifton, Spring Valley and Jamestown. Adding Montgomery County, we are higher than 11 others in addition to Dayton (Harrison Twp., Phillipsburg, Trotwood, Verona, Moraine, New Lebanon, Riverside, Jefferson Twp., Farmersville, Brookville and Carlisle). And, again, this is WITHOUT FACTORING IN the income taxes (municipal and school)!

I agree that the median income in Fairborn is extremely low - so is the percentage of property which is even subjected to property taxes. So much land is taken by the City, WSU, WPAFB, and churches - that only 57% percent of property here is taxed. So, the burden of supporting this community is falling on a small group of shoulders that simply can no longer afford it!

As for stipends, I expect salaried professionals to do their jobs - whether that takes from 9-5 each day or beyond. Every little league, youth soccer and pee-wee football coach VOLUNTEERS and I am sure people in the community would do so at the school level too. So, YES, Skippy, I expect people who want to help youngsters learn a sport to do so VOLUNTARILY. If the teachers don’t want to coach - don’t! I know it shocks you teacher union thugs to pieces, but most working stiffs stay late, do extra work, spend their own money for their jobs and also bring work home. And we are ALL tired to death of hearing the teachers whine, whine, whine about it!

Finally, did you notice how when I asked for a list of where the top-earning 50 employees in the FCS actually LIVE, the little sycophants ran for the hills. That should be your first clue that it AIN'T Fairborn!  #548 Just Saying (Friday, 26 July 2013 13:30) Concerning Stipends; take a step back and look at it logically. It is not a Geometry teachers job to coach 75 football players until 7:30 PM each night and also give up his weekends for 4-5 months. Do all Geometry teachers have it in their teaching contract to coach football? Of course not. If you want the children to have that extra curricular activity then someone has to coach it whether they work for the school system during their day job or work somewhere else. Do you expect that Geometry teacher to do the job for free while all of the other Geometry teachers get to go home and enjoy their weekends? Would you expect a qualified coach that does not work for the school system to put in that kind of time for free? Of course not.  #547 Just Saying (Friday, 26 July 2013 13:16) There are a lot of people in the school district that make much more than the average person living in the district. It's not just teachers and administrators. It's kind of hard not to make more than the median income if you have an education and are not adverse to work. I'm sure that Frank Gilbert probably makes close to double the median income. Definitely if you throw in the value of his union bennies and that is probably without a college degree. Correct me if I am wrong Frank. Contrary to local opinion, Fairborn has one of the lowest tax burdens among cities in the Dayton Area. The city itself, for numerous reasons, heavily attracts low income, welfare receiving citizens from other areas, which logically lowers the median income of the area and increases the crime rate that you so often speak of.  #546 Karen Combs (Friday, 26 July 2013 12:26) "Just Saying" - my, my, you all are SCRAPING the BOTTOM to argue a difference of what, $4K??? The Median Income in the whole FCS District -including all that fabulous wealth which you claimed was so critical - is $26,921 - only about $4K higher than the city-only data. BIG WHOOP. We are still poor. I don't know what part of that you don't get? Your big "revelation" changed NONE of the hair-raising stats that Shadow calculated.

FCS teachers and administrators still make MUCH, MUCH MORE than the average person who lives in the school district! In fact, EVERY one of them who has a family healthcare plan from the FCS is getting a SINGLE BENEFIT that nearly equals the median income here! Some of them earn nearly as much in "stipends" --or as real working people would call them - "inexplicable bonuses for simply doing your J-O-B"!!

If you sycophants ever raised a meaningful point, I think I might faint - so if you ever find one, give me some advanced notice!  #545 Just Saying (Friday, 26 July 2013 11:58) Sorry, but I have to correct you Karen. Shadow erroneously used the “US Census” per capita income for the City of Fairborn as a measure of comparison in his post 518, which does “NOT” include the per capita income of those wealthier Fairborn School District citizens that have addresses assigned to Yellow Springs, Dayton, Beavercreek, etc;. The Fairborn School District is not just the City of Fairborn. The District is much larger than just the city, thankfully. I am sure that you will spin it however you wish, as you are now, but his/her study is slanted. I posted only to bring attention to an error and to set the record straight, but it appears that anyone doing so on this board opens themselves to personal attack. That is sad. It appears Cousin Oliver is correct. Spin On!

 #544 Karen Combs (Friday, 26 July 2013 10:53) From the Ohio Department of Education Cupp Report - explanation of data: "Total Property Tax Per Pupil" shows the amount of property taxes A DISTRICT raises on a per pupil basis.

"Median Income" is the median income of the residents OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT as reported by the Ohio Department of Taxation.

Now who is REALLY "misleading" folks, "Just Saying"???  #543 Danger Combs (Friday, 26 July 2013 10:30) "Just Saying" - more like "Just Lying" - income data used here on school districts (from the OH Dept. of Education, NCES, etc.) encompass the WHOLE school district. They have NOTHING to do with "city limits" data whatsoever! As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about! The neighborhoods you mention have only a few hundred homes in the FCS district and those ARE included in the dismal averages of income here - they just make no discernible difference!

Cousin Ollie - you should go look up "sarcasm" and see if it sinks in for you. I am not surprised that Re-Publius' post flew right over your empty little noggin'! Oh - and no need to post separately as "Snake," - we already know you are one of those! Oh -BTW, this site hasn't existed for "well over two years"!! Not sure where you have been posting that long, but it isn't here!  #542 Just Saying (Friday, 26 July 2013 00:48) Sorry to bust up the lovefest with Shadow (post 518) over his City of Fairborn "per capita income" comparison, but his data is misleading and pretty much worthless for school district comparisons when using City of Fairborn data only. The Fairborn School District encompasses a far greater tax base, per capita income base, and median income base than just the City of Fairborn. The vast majority of the wealthier citizens of the Fairborn School District are not Fairborn citizens but instead live within the school district and outside of the Fairborn City Limits in Bath Township. Their much higher per capita and median incomes are "not included" in the City of Fairborn Per Capita or Median Income statistics that Shadow and others have been using to make their point. Therefore, his/her study is misleading and really a comparison of apples to oranges. To be clear, the Fairborn School District Per Capita and Median Incomes are much larger than the Fairborn City Per Capita and Median Income that he/she is erroneously using to make a point. Large subdivisions such as Forest Ridge, Meadows of Wynwood, Twin Towers, and Fairfield's I and II, just to name a few, are also a part of the Fairborn School District and supply a great amount if not a majority of the school district income and property taxes even though they are not incorporated by the City of Fairborn . The median value of the homes in the Twin Towers and Fairfield's subdivisions is over $300,000 along with commensurate per capita and median incomes. These three Fairborn School District subdivisions have Yellow Springs addresses even though they are not citizens of that city either. To confuse matters further, the Fairborn School District areas of Forrest Ridge and Meadows of Wynwood are incorporated by the City of Dayton and in a completely different county (Montgomery) even though their children attend Fairborn City Schools. You will find that the majority of the higher income school district citizens that are employed by institutions such as Wright-Patterson and Wright State University live in the aforementioned Fairborn School District areas and are not included in the "City of Fairborn" statistics of Shadows study. Just setting the record straight.  #541 Frank Gilbert (Thursday, 25 July 2013 22:25) Seriously, I don't take you seriously. Rant and rage all you want, we are right. In a perfect world, we would all make the money we wanted, we would have perfect class sizes, and our kids would be getting the education they deserve. We do not live in a perfect world. We must ALL learn to live within a budget when we are funded by the taxpayers. Yes, administrators are taking some hits, but I'll wager they aren't as hurtful as the hits to those below them. And I've had some frank discussions with some school staff. So I feel comfortable in my statements. When are you going to reveal that you are connected to the school system?  #540 Snake Pliskin (Thursday, 25 July 2013 20:45) Mr. Gilbert- Wow. What a truly immature response to my question. I expected better from someone running for the school board. If they are really as bad as what everyone claims- you will fit right in. I simply call it as I see it. It is hipocracy. You bash unions-yet enjoy the benefits which it provides. Tell ya what, if you really want to know who I am and where I live wait for election time. I'll be the one with the ANYBODY BUT FRANK yard sign.  #539 Cousin Oliver (Thursday, 25 July 2013 20:31) re-Publius, I have been on this site for well over two years and I have yet to receive my sycophant identification number. Hats off to you in getting issued one so early in your career. I must caution you though. You are attempting to use reason, logic, facts, and a cool head on this board. With that, you are in uncharted Indian territory. Keep posting. Ole Ollie has your back. You can trust me.  #538 Shadow (Thursday, 25 July 2013 17:12) Seriously wrote the following:

"It may be fair in your eyes but in most people who have college degrees, it is not fair to them. They worked hard to obtain the education they got, and they went to college for a reason! So they wouldn't have to worry about making ends meet at home. I'm sure many of our teachers had to make sacrifices to go to college. THEY WENT TO COLLEGE! They deserve what they get!"

No wonder our children are not being prepped for the super competitive world THEY are entering! Where you went to college means more than just going to college, yet some of our teachers still think it is 1973, not 2013! Today, employers can pick and choose the best...If we want to students to compete they have to go to the best schools. Sadly, as I have detailed many times, Lord $carberry's domain averages, in a good year, a 1% matriculation rate to Top 50 National Universities and Liberal Arts Colleges! People supposedly "deserving" money and benefits is exactly why Detroit just declared bankruptcy...

"Increased class sizes:(not 35-40 like Shadow said; I'm not sure where he/she got that number. I have read that nowhere and have yet to see anything about 35-40 kids per class."

Look at my post # 541 again:

Per the National Center of Educational Statistics, Centerville's local contribution to their schools as a percentage of their revenues is 70% (Fairborn's is 46%). Lets not forget also ACT and SAT Scores: Mean ACT score for Centerville is 25 (Fairborn: A below average 21) Mean SAT (CR&M) 1148 for Centerville (Fairborn: an abysmal SUB 1000, 998). Yes, Centerville tested a much higher percentage of their students. Curiously, their student to teacher ratio is 18 to 1 compared to Fairborn's 15.94 to 1...

I said the NCES and I stated Fairborn's student to teacher ratio is 15.94 to 1. Look it up yourself at NCES if you don't believe me.  #537 re-Publius (Thursday, 25 July 2013 15:53)

Dear Retired,

Thank you for the constructive remarks regarding the level of "research" reflected in my recent forum posting (#536 July 24). I am now aware (thanks to your obviously astute editorial skillset) that the Dayton Daily News article of July 20 (Headline: No agreement reached between Fairborn Schools, Unions) does not meet your strict criteria. My apologies indeed, sir.

The article quotes a union leader saying no agreement was reached and no further negotiations were scheduled.

Four weeks from the start of school.

Cutting it a little close.

As for the rest of my comments, they were derived from "deductive reasoning". A skill I learned when they still offered courses in Logic at government schools (I know, I'm dating myself! However it makes perfect sense dropping Logic from the curriculum. I mean, obviously, you can't teach a young mind to think and reason clearly for themselves at the same time you are indoctrinating them into Marxist "group think". But I digress).

All in all I am pleased, though. As my ancient bomber pilot friend is fond of saying: If your taking flack you must be near the target!

Yours truly, re-Publius

(Sycophant ID # 0003613)  #536 Karen Combs (Thursday, 25 July 2013 12:11) "Levy" - I have several reliable sources and I can READ. Of course, I would be happy to consider your sourced facts too, but you never provide any. For example, can you please explain why NO EFFORT was made to enforce the 2005 recommendations of then- auditor Betty Montgomery's office? WHAT on earth could explain such a COLOSSAL SCREW-UP and HOW on earth could the Superintendent responsible for it STILL HAVE A JOB?

The destruction of Fairborn is rooted in several fundamental causes - with enough blame to share between the City Management/Council and Superintendent/BOE. From allowing 444 to be closed without even objecting and with no advanced plan in place to the decision to close neighborhood schools; from a focus on residential development rather than business development; from the "hijacking" of our town by a band of about forty treacherous sycophants to the WASTE that is Calamityville -- there are countless reasons why we are sinking into the abyss. The issue now is what steps we can take to STOP IT. And the answer is that we MUST HAVE NEW LEADERSHIP!

Maybe soon I will get around to finishing my poverty article. Until then, you can click on the "City Info" page and read the article under "Scary Stats" - it explains a few things with stats that still stand today.  #535 Levy (Thursday, 25 July 2013 11:49) Karen Isn't this a City issue more than a school issue? I mean, we obviously can't get businesses here which leads to the community putting up more of the funds (which I don't think is all that fair either). Why does Centerville have a higher median salary?? Well, my guess is that there are more people living in the city with degrees and professional jobs. We (Fairborn), on the other hand, offer a cozy little place for people to live and NOT work. How many families have moved into the area from that housing project in Dayton? Would that have something to do with the median salary of residents to be $27K??!! And how can we speculate about teachers/board negotiations when we really don't even know what each has bargained for? Seems like you have your mind made up based on numbers chosen by yourself to lead your argument. Let's talk about ALL that is going on here in this community!  #534 Karen - a quick PS (Thursday, 25 July 2013 11:42) One more P.S. to "Seriously" - I don't know what teachers you know from other districts, but the ones I know have all had wage freezes for several years and most agreed to continue them BEFORE they sought levies this last time around. Why didn't the FCS? Also, Huber Heights administrators stepped up and took a 3% pay cut. Why didn't the FCS?  #533 Karen Combs (Thursday, 25 July 2013 11:38) “Cousin Oliver” - It is a well-established fact that the so-called “leaders” send their sycophants on here to do their bidding. I doubt they would ever get their own hands dirty. And why bother when they have such willing servants?

“Seriously” - You can’t be taken seriously, that’s for sure! Do you think “going to college” entitles someone to an unlimited salary? Well, I went to college too. And I worked two jobs most of the time I went. But, JUST LIKE TEACHERS - I chose to be involved in a PUBLIC SERVICE career - so I never expected limitless salary, perks, or luxury benefits! If you took my old salary adjusted for inflation, there is only ONE FCS teacher - whose first year was 2012 - who works for that! The unions are doing to teaching what they did to Hostess and the auto industry - pricing themselves right out of the market! Is there ANY WONDER there is such support for charter and private schools?

You also have to keep in mind that there is a VAST DIFFERENCE between earning a college degree in a difficult major versus “education.” Surely you aren’t suggesting that there is as much merit in a degree in education as in nursing, engineering, or math? Sorry, but it ISN’T RIGHT that many FCS teachers make more than the highly-experienced Nurse Practitioner (highest level of nursing degree) I know! There is simply NO COMPARISON in the training involved!

But let’s go back to teaching salaries for a moment…The US Dept. of Education compiled salary stats for the 2007 and 2008 school years for all teachers in public elementary and secondary schools, by highest degree earned. With a wide range of years of experience, the AVERAGE annual compensation for teachers of ALL educational backgrounds was $50,300. Those with only a bachelor’s averaged $44,300; a master’s averaged $55,600 and a Ph.D. $60,000. (Source: EHOW, “The Average Teacher’s Income for a College Graduate”).

Well, the FCS blows those stats out of the water! In 2012, I counted 51 full-time FCS teachers with only a Bachelor’s Degree who earned over $50K annually. 29 earned more than $60K. 5 earned more than $70K! One with only an Associate’s Degree gets $51,783!!! So, YOU BET I don’t give ONE HOT HOOTIN’ HOLLER if they take a TOTAL PAY FREEZE for ALL ETERNITY!!! I sure as heck am not going to go bankrupt so they can take home endless increases when they are already pulling in this kind of bounty!

As for your claim that they are negotiating the healthcare deductible, I have NEVER heard this and can find no such article that you claim exists. The teachers paying an extra 5% of their premium will bring them only to 20% - again, most people have been paying that since the 1990’s. But, without adjusting the deductible and benefit levels, those “savings” to the district are minimal anyway.

Finally, I have NO PROBLEM with increased class sizes - we certainly shouldn’t be at a better ratio than most private schools! But let’s call the threat of “unlimited” class sized exactly what it is - A LOAD OF BULL. They are trying to panic the public and “soften us up” for another levy try soon. Well, they can FORGET IT. We are smart enough to know that state regulations apply to class sizes and waivers from those require justification AND are only granted on a temporary basis. We are sick of the threats - from bandgate to “limitless class sizes.” YAWN. Better come up with a new tactic. We aren't falling for that crap anymore. The last time we stood firm we saved ourselves $70 million. Sounds good to me!  #532 Cousin Oliver (Thursday, 25 July 2013 09:48) Retired brings up a very interesting thought. Is it possible that someone posting on this site is a mole that is on the school board?  #531 Seriously? (Thursday, 25 July 2013 09:31) "I wish it weren't so, but this is allowed. It is done the same way in municipalities. I wouldn't mind opening our contract up for all to see, but i'd make sure to show several years worth so folks could see how we've taken the hits the school district needs to take. Of course and as always, don't ask those on the bottom to sacrifice if those at the top aren't willing to." -Frank Gilbert (via the CFFF Facebook page)

What are you talking about, "taking hits"? They have been taking hits. Not getting step increases is NOT fair to them while their counterparts in almost every other local school district gets their step increases. What if they have worked for 20 years and are supposed to be on a step 20 or however they are labled, but instead they are on a 15! You're telling me that that is fair? It is not fair. It may be fair in your eyes but in most people who have college degrees, it is not fair to them. They worked hard to obtain the education they got, and they went to college for a reason! So they wouldn't have to worry about making ends meet at home. I'm sure many of our teachers had to make sacrifices to go to college. THEY WENT TO COLLEGE! They deserve what they get! They can't be held to the same pay scale as a meter reader or whatever. They have every right to bargain for what they want, but they also need to keep the community in mind. Yes, I do believe that the contract negotiations should be public, but it just isn't and that's the way it is, and we have no control over that. And, the administrators already agreed to salary freezes and increased healthcare costs(deductibles, percentage pay, etc.) (found via the DDN article on negotiations a while back), so basically they will be taking a pay cut because more of their salary will go for their healthcare, as it should be. ALSO, the Board,(yes the one Karen always says doesn't have the community in mind) wants them to be on a pay freeze, pay more for health care, have increased class sizes. I read this through the FDH article not too long ago. So Frank is so quick to complain about the Board not doing the right thing, but they are trying to! It's the Unions!- Increased class sizes:(not 35-40 like Shadow said; I'm not sure where he/she got that number. I have read that nowhere and have yet to see anything about 35-40 kids per class. If you want the Student to Teacher ratio to go up-as in a higher number of students per teacher, then increased class sizes is a good thing! You can't have the best of both worlds.  #530 Retired (Wednesday, 24 July 2013 21:41) "Re-Publius"-are you sitting in on the negotiations? Do you know for a fact that teachers are asking for a raise and "not negotiating". If so, I think you just participated in an unfair labor practice.

According to the paper their contracts were "repudiated" because their next year's contract would have continued with their step increases, which has been on a freeze for a few years I am sure to help out the district. These steps are what the average worker gets every year, a one to two percent increase. If you go to Buckeye's Institute you can see the increases, or the lack thereof. Some of the people on this site research hard to get the facts. Unless you have some facts to ask your so called "questions" find something better to do.

Do these people really need to get their financial business under control off the backs of their citizens and teachers? Quite a few teachers, I assume, live in Fairborn-so it seems to me they are getting double whammied.  #529 Poor Senior (Wednesday, 24 July 2013 20:29) Karen the state coming in and implementing ALL of Betty Montgomery's 2005 recommendations would be a welcome breath of fresh air!  #528 Shadow (Wednesday, 24 July 2013 19:50) Head to the track Karen, your bet was correct! Per the National Center of Educational Statistics, Centerville's local contribution to their schools as a percentage of their revenues is 70% (Fairborn's is 46%). Lets not forget also ACT and SAT Scores: Mean ACT score for Centerville is 25 (Fairborn: A below average 21) Mean SAT (CR&M) 1148 for Centerville (Fairborn: an abysmal SUB 1000, 998). Yes, Centerville tested a much higher percentage of their students. Curiously, their student to teacher ratio is 18 to 1 compared to Fairborn's 15.94 to 1...Centerville is getting a lot more bang for their teacher buck.

Yes, Yes, I know, per Lord $carberry, FCS performance is weighed down by what he called "minority" students.

Interestingly, Centerville's Superintendent, a Dr. Henderson, made (per the Buckeye Institute) $132,000 in 2012. He must learn about self-enrichment from our Lordship, who pocketed $145,000 in pay in 2011 before he decided to double dip and receive more $$$$ than the Vice President of THE UNITED STATES, to the tune of a cool $250,000 a year.

Much Higher income, Much Lower Educational Performance, the continuing legacy of Lord David $carberry!  #527 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 24 July 2013 18:08) "Concerned Citizen" - aren't there state regulations about class size? Any waiver from these regulations have to be temporary and justified, correct?

Well, I wish the BOE had ZERO power to negotiate anything! I don't think they are competent to negotiate an agreement to breathe! I fervently hope the state comes in and handles all fiscal matters for these clowns!  #526 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 24 July 2013 18:05) The last time Centerville had a levy on the ballot, people waited up to an hour to vote it down. I'm not sure what would have changed now. But, let's face it - they might have more justification for a levy than Fairborn. I mean, are you even factoring in the state funding projections? Increase funding is based on district income level - so I am willing to bet that Centerville (at $45K median/$83 average) is not receiving much while Fairborn (at $27K median, $44K average) is expected to get LARGER THAN EVER IMAGINED increases.

Thanks to the disgraceful "leadership" on our Council and BOE, we have no doubt become one of the state's leading charity cases! Surely you aren't suggesting we should be getting all that extra state money AND asking for a levy?

And, while we're at it, let's evaluate Centerville a little closer. They are ranked "Excellent with Distinction" and have been ranked at least "Excellent" for 13 straight years. FCS is "Effective." They meet 26 of 26 indicators and have a performance index score of 106 out of 120. FCS meets only 20 indicators and has a 94.2 index score. So, if the voters of Centerville find more value in their schools, I wouldn't be surprised.

At the end of the day - Fairborn did the RIGHT THING by rejecting an UNNECESSARY $70 million levy. Don't try to "spin" it any other way!  #525 Shadow (Wednesday, 24 July 2013 16:58) Concerned Citizen Wrote:

"Is the community aware of the fact that the school board wants teachers to have unlimited class sizes? We are not talking a couple extra students, we are talking 30, 35, 40 students in each classroom from kindergarten to high school. How is this what is best for students?

I didn't get to read the DDN article on last Friday's negotiations, but so didn't many others, so I will play along: No, because they are "secret negotiations." These secret negotiations are also why "The Community" wasn't aware of the increased pay and benefits scheduled to take place this year if the rollover contracts the FEA and other unions had signed were not cancelled by a state "suggestion" to your (former) buddy, Lord $carbetray.

Quit playing the public for fools just because his Lordship played you in the unions for fools. Maybe too many of you moved out of Fairborn and the stealth levy attempt in May just wouldn't work like it did in '07 (Though I believe the levy defeat is the product of district citizens getting informed and involved through venues like Fairborn Speaks!). Either way, you run out of usefulness to Lord $carberry. Now, instead of criticizing the state legislature and Governor at every turn, he PRAISES "Columbus" for all the money they are sending HIS way. The gravy train is coming to an end for you, but Lord $carberry is sure to keep it flowing for him and knights.

Try being strait shooters with the public; it can't be any worse than snuggling up to Lord $carbetray.  #524 Levy (Wednesday, 24 July 2013 16:17) Centerville just approved a resolution to put a levy on the ballot! Kept telling everyone that Fairborn was a step ahead and that others would catch up with "needing" monies.  #523 re-Publius (Wednesday, 24 July 2013 07:10) Howdie-doo my good friends and neighbors!

Teacher's Unions not negotiating? Wantin' a little piece a'dat "found" money? It's all about the little ones though it's all for the CHILDREN!!!

Better look at what School Districts are doing across the state--every one else is compromising and taking contracts that are assisting strapped administrations make ends meet. Instead of just wanting more and more and more endlessly (ain't that the Union way, though? As long as I get mine screw you?).

Please, PLEASE go on strike! You guys make this SO easy to show it's NOT about your kids OR your struggling community. It's me, me, me. Way to build that positive image-- way to show we are all in this together. Great job Teacher's Union!  #522 jon (Tuesday, 23 July 2013 22:26) I have a question. What happened to all the money the city kept in the General Fund coffers once the police and fire levies passed? I know they still had to fund about a 1/4 or maybe even a 1/3 of the dept. funds, but that still leaves an awful lot of cash out there. Millions as a matter of fact.  #521 Concerned Citizen (Tuesday, 23 July 2013 16:24) Is the community aware of the fact that the school board wants teachers to have unlimited class sizes? We are not talking a couple extra students, we are talking 30, 35, 40 students in each classroom from kindergarten to high school. How is this what is best for students?  #520 Poor Senior (Tuesday, 23 July 2013 05:58) Folks Queen Tessie ran as a STRONG advocate of neighborhood schools but flipped 180 degrees as soon as elected. She sat with closed mouth as our poverty rate screamed by Trotwood. Thanks Queen Tessie for nothing!  #519 Karen Combs (Monday, 22 July 2013 10:04) I can't stop thinking about the GALL and STUPIDITY of our City Manager to brag about crime stats in Fairborn! The reality is that, even with the police levy, our police department is asked to do too MUCH with too LITTLE!

When we funded this levy (and the fire levy too), the Council should have been ENHANCING these departments with additional funds - you know, focusing on these departments and DOING WHAT THE VOTERS WANTED!?!? What a concept! Instead, they BLOW THROUGH all the general fund money we used to devote to police/fire and leave these departments not much better off than before. The jail may be open, but we need more officers on the streets!

Anyone who believes that the crime situation in Fairborn is improving is INSANE. As Dave Criner noted during citizen comments at the last Council meeting, we are seeing types of crimes that were unheard of in Fairborn not too long ago (home invasions, daylight muggings, etc.).

Xenia has a population of 25,719 (2010 census) and Fairborn's is 32,352. Yet, Xenia has 45 sworn officers while we have just 40!!! That means Xenia has one officer for every 571 people, while Fairborn only has one officer for every 808!! So let's compare 2012 stats with them, shall we?

Homicide: Xenia 0; Fairborn 3 Rape: Xenia 12; Fairborn 19 Robbery: Xenia 19;Fairborn 24 Aggravated Assault: Xenia 5; Fairborn 20 Burglary: Xenia 163;Fairborn 234 Vehicle Theft: Xenia 28; Fairborn 26 Damaging/Vandalism Xenia 240; Fairborn 358

Even with our higher population, most crimes are higher per capita in Fairborn than in Xenia. Yet, extra funds like the Hotel/Motel tax are being devoted to PARKS instead of POLICE? New developers are required to pay a "fee in lieu of" building another park when we already have 20 (many of which are virtually unused)?!? Why not a fee to boost police/fire protection instead?

Does it make ANY sense??? The longer we go with the highest crime rate in Greene County, the worse our reputation becomes! Our ability to attract fewer quality residents declines while criminal elements move in! My God, what a SCREWED-UP SENSE OF PRIORITIES! How long can Fairborn survive with a government that just DOESN'T GET IT?!?!  #518 Danger Combs (Monday, 22 July 2013 09:28) "MB" - So YOU are now the judge of "intellectual capacity"? LOL! As for why I "insist" you are a sycophant - that is from MY EXPERIENCE and YOUR OWN WORDS, genius.

For example - I never said they "did" have union ties - I merely "raised a concern" like you, but I did so FAIRLY. Why didn't you? Frank Gilbert has been outspoken for some time and there was NO basis for you to conclude that any of his positions would change simply because he is willing to serve. Thank God he isn't like Tess Little, who ran promising to be a voice of reason on the BOE and became it's leading loon!

You sycophants always want to jump on here and demand that citizens run for elected office - but, when one does - you try to undermine them. Hilarious. You just can't admit that your clique is destroying this town. It's time for a different approach!

Finally, you have never posted before (unless you used another fake name to do so). So you were silent while this BOE just tried to sneak past a $70 million levy they DIDN'T NEED!?!? Now THAT didn't bother you, but Frank's membership in an unrelated city employee union does?!? THAT is so worrisome to you that you jump on here to try to drag him down? See how easy it is to spot you sycophants with all your "intellectual capacity." Yawn.  #517 Man in the Back (Sunday, 21 July 2013 20:54) Why must you insist that I am a "sycophant" simply because I raise a concern? I wasn't aware that so many school board members had union ties. If Mr. Gilbert can put aside his biases, then I think he could make a fine school board candidate. My experience has shown that it is hard to ignore ingrained opinions and thought processes when attempting a challenge that others feel is above your intellectual capacity. That is all. Wheter you agree with me or not does not make me a sycophant.  #516 Karen Combs (Sunday, 21 July 2013 20:20) "Feet" - I have no idea and, personally, I don't plan to try to figure it out! I don't know if "Shadow" calculated that or not. My first question would be - are you talking about ALL FCS employees or just teachers/administrators? I don't really think we can compare a part-time cafeteria aide to a full-time principal!

In 2012, the average FCS teacher salary is $58,371 - slightly higher than the state and similar district average. The average administrator salary if $75,562, slightly lower than the statewide and similar district averages. But bear in mind that NONE of these averages include their ENORMOUS and COSTLY healthcare packages! A family health plan costs over $22K!!! Even with an employee paying 15 or 20% of these costs, it is INSANE!

One problem in answering your question is that you CAN'T just go to salary data sites like or and easily calculate this. Sure, you can apply the under $50K filter, but this will include multiple listings for the same person (for every individual stipend, for example). Then, the same person may appear for stipends on that list, but have their main salary on the over $50K list. So, as Shadow rightly stated, it is complicated!

I would suggest that if you really would like to know this info, see if the FCS will provide it via a public records request!  #515 Feet (Sunday, 21 July 2013 18:44) How many employees make under $50,000?  #514 Shadow (Sunday, 21 July 2013 11:36) Karen,

Thanks for the kind words; I stand corrected about the OSBA. I hedged my statement by putting in "Unrevealed in the article is how the author was directed" due to the article not specifying who directed her, but my inference was an FCS employee, so I have no problem stating I was in error. Curiously, as you mentioned, Crowe did the school-related Facebook article as opposed to the "special correspondent" that has done most school related stories in the recent past. I still believe the FDH can demonstrate bias, however, as I stated earlier, I wonder if it changing due to Lord Scarbetray's recent actions as it pertains to the school unions.  #513 Danger Combs (Sunday, 21 July 2013 11:06) Hey, "Man In The Back" - Golly, please find out IMMEDIATELY which unions the other BOE members belong to! Tessie is a Sinclair prof, is she in the AAUP? Tom Swaim is a retired FCS employee! Gasp! He might even be a member of the FEA itself - surely he used to be! Kind of tough for him to vote against people who do the very work he retired from, eh? Now THOSE are some DEEPLY TROUBLING links, to be sure!

Roland Parks and Mike Uecker have base-linked employment - plenty of union possibilities there! Parks is Chair of the "Dayton Intergovernmental Equal Employment Opportunity Council." What is THAT? I can't find out anything about it! Is that just some nonsense to fill his resume? Carico worked at a bank, I believe, but his daughter used to be an FCS employee - was SHE in any FCS union? I bet you will be right back to report your findings....LOL.

Why would Frank Gilbert's membership in a city employees union concern you when NONE of the other links - even to EDUCATION-related unions seemed to bother you at all? Fee, Fie, Fo, Fant, I smell the rotted breath of a sycophant!  #512 Karen Combs (Sunday, 21 July 2013 10:27) "Shadow" - You do a great job! I take issue with only one thing - in defense of Amanda Crowe at the FDH, she did a very thorough job on the article. When she asked to interview me, I also sent her everything I had (e-mails, etc.) on the issue and that included MY reference to training at the Ohio School Board Association - something I had pointed out to the BOE in my unacknowledged detailed letter to them. Although I recognize that the OSBA is merely a union shill group, at least their tips on school social media sites seemed preferable to the "just let Pam decide what she likes" policy of the BOE! Anyway, I thought the article was fair and well-done.

I did watch some portions of the last BOE meeting and saw a few amusing things. When Treasurer Beaver was discussing potential state funding, he followed their golden rule --- never, ever, never - not under duress or waterboarding or after being forced to listen to a BOE meeting - admit what the student enrollment numbers are! Just listen to him strain to avoid mentioning them! Hilarious.

Lord $carberry actually said he had no Superintendent's report because "we don't have kids in school right now." I guess that means he does NO WORK the entire summer? YEP, figured that!

In an effort to remove all doubt as to whether he can live in reality, Roland Parks said he want to "get back to old staffing levels." Sure, Rolie, as soon as we get back to old ENROLLMENT LEVELS!!

Finally, union President Jeff Whited got up and defended the union as "all Fairborn people....who own homes here," two minutes after the Vice-President gave her KETTERING address! LOL. Of the top-paid FCS employees, I don't find many who own homes in Fairborn. The Treasurer lives in Springboro. Many other highly-paid administrators and teachers live in Beavercreek, Bellbrook, Cedarville, Waynesville, and elsewhere. Guess they wouldn't want THEIR kids going to our schools! If I'm wrong, I'd be glad to post a correction. Maybe the union will provide a list of the resident towns of the top 50 earners at the FCS!?!

 #511 Man in the Back (Sunday, 21 July 2013 10:25) I happen to like Mr. Gilbert's comments and appreciate his insight. However, I am not sure he would be an appropriate candidate for school board. I would be hesitant to have anyone on the school board that is beholden to a labor union and possibly under the thumb of some union president.  #510 Shadow (Sunday, 21 July 2013 09:59) Thanks to Karen for the shout out on the salary data; I have a few clarifications to make regarding the data. First, in the $90,000 to $100,000 a year tier, this amount is almost 4 times to OVER 4 times the mean annual income of Fairborn. Second, the data is not just teachers and support staff; it reflects all FCS employees. Third, this is 2012 data and does not reflect the increased pay and benefits the rollover contracts would have granted the teachers and support staff HAD THE LEVY BEEN PASSED!

Regarding the Facebook page article, it was quite sobering that Karen, a private citizen, was doing for FCS what private and publicly-held companies handsomely PAY people to do regarding their social media outlets:

- Look for links on their websites that are offensive in nature or reflect badly on the page’s sponsor and notify the appropriate decision maker to get the link removed.

“According to Combs, a graphic pornography link appeared on the Facebook page on April 15. She alerted school board member Mike Uecker immediately and wrote about the incident on her blog. Shortly after writing about it, the link was removed from the district Facebook page.” - Identify detailed social media policy shortfalls and work with key stakeholders to ensure that comprehensive policy guidelines are created and enforced

“Right then and there, a responsible board would have begun taking steps to create a viable social media policy,” said Combs. Following that incident, Combs requested a copy of any available policy from district Public Relations representative Pam Gayheart, who maintains the FCS social media sites. “All she could provide was a single page of conduct policy, related to student and staff participation on personal social media sites. This is clearly insufficient,” said Combs”.

- Ensure social media page management personnel comply with all applicable electronic record requirements, statutes and regulations with regards to retention and disposition of data

“On June 1, an entire thread of approximately 70 public and school comments were deleted, Combs said. These posts were all in “response to the announcement that the Fairborn High School band and students would be prohibited from participating in the Fairborn Fourth of July parade and Sweet Corn Festival. Combs also said other citizens’ posts on various topics, such as the latest school levy, were removed while those sympathetic to the FCS’ position remained.”

So Karen, what salary tier would you like to join to get paid for the work you do? The “77?” The “92?” Obviously, being that this is still a “gray area’ to his Lordship, a less than 50% cut of his general salary can still get you in the “77” group. Unrevealed in the article is how the author was directed to Princess Tessie Do-Little’s other master, The Ohio School Board Association (OSBA) for their “spin” on the subject. REMEMBER, if it isn’t something which results in more power or money (or both!) our Lordship does not concern himself with it; maybe if August 15th is the one day of the year he feels magnanimous, he can catch the webinar lying on the Lake Erie shore at his royal retreat.

I am somewhat surprised that the Fairborn Daily Prop sheet ran this article. Could it be that since he is now known as Lord $carbetray to the unions, their bias has shifted?  #509 Karen Combs (Sunday, 21 July 2013 09:29) I had a chance to watch the last Council meeting comment sections. Thanks to Dave Criner and Frank Gilbert for offering comments - too bad no one else ever does!

As for City Manager comments, she was bragging about the crime stats. I am not sure what she is so excited about? Our ANNUAL total of homicides for 2012 was 3; we are already at 2 by the end of the second quarter! 2012 Rape reports totaled 19; we are already at 14 just by the end of the second quarter! There HAS been a dip in burglaries, but I would wonder about two things - are a lot of people no longer even bothering to report when they think there was a burglary attempt? I know someone who didn't even call in crow bar marks on his back door. He said four or five of his neighbors thought they might have been targeted too, but none called police. To be clear, I am not blaming the police for this AT ALL. I am just pointing out that a decline in reported incidents does not always mean a decline in actual incidents!

Also, I have noticed a TREMENDOUS increase in the number of homeowners who purchased home alarm systems. So, again, that may be deterring some crime, but not for the reasons the City Manager pretended.

Finally, none of the Council had much to say. Ms. McCauley did thank Girl Scouts who babysat during her "Operation Fairborn Cares" event the previous weekend - but noticeably absent was ANY mention of how many veterans actually attended!! After all the hype about it in the local newspaper, I didn't see ANY report about how the meeting actually went! Strange. I didn't see any mention about it on their two-line website or officer's Facebook pages either. How odd. It must have been a roaring success.....

Finally, I would note that no one affiliated with this "charity" would answer ANY of the eight basic questions posed to it in the Featured Article here. I hope the Fairborn Daily Herald tries to get the answers before publishing another word about this group!  #508 Karen Combs (Sunday, 21 July 2013 08:03) Be sure to read Shadow's posts of #517 and #518 for some amazing info about FCS salaries! All that largesse but only $150 annual healthcare deductibles! RIDICULOUS!

The city's Facebook page is a joke too. Right now, they have some spam message up from one of those bogus diet hucksters. Looks like their monitor is asleep at the switch too! I sure hope they are keeping copies of the site as a public record!

 #507 Frank Gilbert (Sunday, 21 July 2013 07:02) I was very happy to see that the Facebook issue at the school board got some attention from the FDH. I would like to have seen it be a little stronger on the band issue, but at least more people are aware of the problem. Karen's input was essential and hopefully, somewhere down the road, more care will be taken when it comes time to re-establish a facebook page. I still feel that the main reason it was closed down was because of the response generated by the band issue. The school board did not like that we were critical of them on their own page, Still, I believe it helped reverse the initial decision they made. And to that end, it served the kids and citizens well.  #506 Frank Gilbert (Sunday, 21 July 2013 06:55) Snake Pilskin 501 I dismiss anyone who will not stand up for what they believe in. I understand why some use different handles when they write. They are scared of retaliation. Others are in "difficult" positions. But when you become personal, you've no right to hide behind a fake name. Secondly, in regards to ypur post 510 and that of cousin oliver 505, yes, I am a union member. I am forced to pay union dues and if I must, I will have my voice. You might also want to learn about just what kind of benefits we are getting. We enjoy no where near the level of coverage SOME at the school have and we have seen drastic raises in out of pocket, premium share, copay, etc.. I can promise you that I am much closer to what the average is than you believe, so don't lecture me on what right I have to address the issue. If you want me to prove it to you, contact me directly. Of course, I will know who you are then. Lastly, as I've stated earlier about cousin oliver, he is a coward. He will come on here and hurl insults about me at council. What has he done? Why is he (or she for that matter) unwilling to stand by his statements. This page isn't about me. Its about Fairborn and the school system. That is why I pay him (or her) no mind. Sadly, I took to much time to respond to you. I really wanted to talk about the School Facebook article. But I hope you're eyes have been opened now.  #505 Shadow (Sunday, 21 July 2013 00:17) Part I

Thanks to the Buckeye Institute, we know have the 2012 salary information for FCS. As a measure of comparison, I have listed the US Census’ per capita income amount for Fairborn in 2011 constant dollars: $22,914. Per capita income, also known as income per person, is the mean annual income of the people in an economic unit such as a city. This is a useful figure to keep in mind when looking at the FCS employee annual income data.

I have included six annual income level tiers, starting with the number of FCS employees making in excess of $4,000 over the Fairborn per capita rate WHEN IT IS DOUBLED! From that $50,000 to $60,000 per annum tier, I have added a $60,000 to $70,000 a year tier, a $70,000 to $80,000 tier, an $80,000 to $90,000 tier, a $90,000 to $100,000 tier and finally a $100,000+ tier. I did take the liberty of including an employee’s salary in the next tier up if only a small amount of money (~ $100) separated them from making the next higher tier by income alone. For example, one employee made $49,924.00; I counted them in the $50,000 -$60,000 tier and will note how many employees I did this with in the tier breakdowns. Conversely, there are many employees within ~ $1000.00 of making the next higher tier. I have kept them in their appropriate salary tier group but have also included this information in the tier breakdowns.

This calculation was made more difficult, if not made more informative by the detail the Buckeye Institute provided regarding extra income FCS employees make beyond their base salaries. A simple search of the BI website using the salary range tool WILL NOT SHOW this additional income. Indeed, a number of individual employees moved up a tier when this extra income was factored in. Here is an example: One employee’s base salary is $48,065, putting them under the $50,000 threshold. However, three separate “Advisor Assignments” totaling $2727.00 gave them a total annual income of $50,792 and entry to the $50,000 - $60,000. Along with “Advisor Assignments,” “Coaching Assignments” was a prevalent monetary addition and tier booster. In another case an employee’s base salary was listed at $62,936.00; three “Coaching Assignments” worth $12,752.00 dollars in additional income on top of their base salary netted them a total of $75,688 and entry into the $70,000 - $80,000 tier. Coaching Assignments are very prevalent in the data and a total of 56 individual coaches, some with multiple assignments, are part of the Athletic Departments of Baker Middle and FHS.  #504 Shadow (Sunday, 21 July 2013 00:15) Part II

77 FCS Employees earn between $50,000 to $60,000 a year. This is over DOUBLE the mean annual income of Fairborn. Of this group, nine were entered into this tier due to their annual income being ~ $100 of the tier’s bottom threshold. 13 of these employees are within $1,000 of entering the $60,000 - $70,000 tier (Note: Virtually all these employees only work about half the days in a year and only for 7.5 hours per day vice 8 hours a day)

92 FCS Employees earn between $60,000 to $70,000 a year. This is between 2 ½ to 3 times the mean annual income of Fairborn. Of this group, two were entered into this tier due to their annual income being ~ $100 of the tier’s bottom threshold. One of these employees was within $1,000 of entering the $70,000 - $80,000 tier (Note: Virtually all these employees only work about half the days in a year and only for 7.5 hours per day vice 8 hours a day)

54 FCS Employees earn between $70,000 to $80,000 a year. This is between 3 to almost 3 ½ times the mean annual income of Fairborn. Of this group, one employee was entered into this tier due to their annual income being ~ $100 of the tier’s bottom threshold. One of these employees is within $1,000 of entering the $80,000 - $90,000 tier (Note: The vast majority of these employees only work about half the days in a year and only for 7.5 hours per day vice 8 hours a day)

10 FCS Employees earn between $80,000 to $90,000 a year. This is between 3 ½ to almost 4 times the mean annual income of Fairborn

4 FCS Employees earn between $90,000 to $100,000 a year. This is almost 4 times the mean annual income of Fairborn

4 FCS Employees earn over $100,000 a year. This is almost 4 ½ times the mean annual income of Fairborn. Of special note in this group is our Lordship, David $carberry, whose $120,000 annual salary alone (not including his additional retirement and special allowance earnings which total roughly an ADDITIONAL $130,000 per annum) is only a little over $6000 of being FIVE times the mean annual income of Fairborn  #503 Shadow (Saturday, 20 July 2013 17:57) Part I

Karen: Yep, no disagreement on the OSERB finding two of the three counts being without merit, however that the one they did find as a violation was a stretch due to two of the members knowing "where their bread was buttered" and “performing” as their master (their appointing governor) expected; a minority opinion in this instance was not worth the bytes expended to type it, hence I believe the Taft appointee’s acquiescence was an effort to “go along to get along” an affliction of so many political apparatchiks these days.

Speaking of expending bytes, I figure I should use some of my own to address our new friend HWT. In Post #453, she states “My husband is NOT on my insurance policy.” This is an attempt to “inoculate” herself from having to address the health insurance issue; sorry, the majority of FCS employees have family plans and it is a major deficit spending issue. In the same vein, HWT declares in Post#456 “I am NOT in any union.” Again, the majority of FCS teachers are also FEA members, so no saving shot there either HWT. In fact, I’m sure the dues-paying FEA members must love you, who in their minds, is “hitching a ride with them.”

Finally, she takes issue with the “Lord $carberry” moniker I coined back in 2012:

“I may not agree with everything Mr. Scarberry does, but he is COMPLETELY right about that! (Notice how I called him Mr. Scarberry and not some sarcastic, rude, immature title for dramatic effect and attention.) Repetitive name-calling over a period of time is a bullying tactic.”

First, HWT finds refuge in the home of those who can’t argue the merits of an idea on its own; the ad hominem attack: “…not some sarcastic, rude, immature title for dramatic effect and attention.) Repetitive name-calling over a period of time is a bullying tactic.” Can’t discuss the merits without trying to insult, eh Teach? Okay I guess she never watch late night comedians…Too busy grading papers, right? These comedians skewer public figures all the time. Additionally, according to your thinking, Thomas Nast should have never made poked fun at public figure Boss Tweed and his corrupt Tammany Hall political machine, right? Yes, Lord $carberry, by virtue of his position, is a public figure and his actions, such as “Bandgate” only intensify the public’s scrutiny. Hmm…”Bandgate,” I wonder where that reference came from? Oh yeah, Watergate and “Tricky” Dick Nixon! Get real HWT; using the bullying card while deploying your own ad hominem attacks is weak.

Secondly, why not take issue with the characterization of the superintendent as a feudal lord? Does it have something to do with his Royal Sanctuary Manor? You know, the near $350,000 (over three times the average Fairborn home value) 3000+ sq ft. McMansion he has? Maybe it the fact his Court Jester “The Beav” tells his Manor Court, I mean the Rubberstamp BOE, when to put tax raising levies on the ballot? Perhaps it the fact that in current salary alone, he makes nearly FIVE times more than what the average per capita Fairborn resident makes, with the figure rising to TEN times more if you factor in his “double-dipping.” I know, it must be him having a Northern royal retreat, like Queen Elizabeth; a quick jump in his gas guzzler and he is on the Erie Lake shore, away from the peasants. Yeah, I guess arguing the merits of “Lord $carberry” is not as easy as calling someone “sarcastic, rude and immature” eh Teach? Man, just think how many pencils, paper and school supplies you could by with $250K! I know, just continue to kiss the ring, Teach…How is that working out for you guys right now? In my Post#412, I stated the following:

“If the FEA and the other unions wants a fresh start with the public at large, then the rank and file need to elect union leaders who are responsible to the public’s desires not to be taxed to increase salaries already twice to three times their own. They can shocked about Lord $carberry and his fellow administrators “lack of sacrifice,” but that makes them no different from the rest of us in the general public.  #502 Shadow (Saturday, 20 July 2013 17:56) Part II

Back during the 2007 Levy campaign, then FEA President Tanya Hilty stood shoulder to shoulder with Lord $carberry at a staff rally and pushed for that year’s levy. If the rank and file teachers, custodians and aides haven’t already figured it out by now, Lord $carberry cares most, as he has repeatedly shown by his actions over the last decade, about his #1 priority: David Scarberry. The unions can continue with their “shoulder to shoulder” arrangement with him or they can show the public they are not just another of his Lordship’s vassals. The choice is up to them…”

Okay HWT, I realize you are not union, but the majority of FCS teachers ARE! Were you around in 2003 when his Lordship became superintendent? Remember the threats of police officers escorting school buses through picket lines to classes with scab teachers? After that episode, The FEA and the other unions took their fief from Lord $carberry and dutifully took their increase in pay and benefits, all the while telling the public that voting for every levy proposed was critical to support the education of “the kids.” Yes, the pay and benefits rose, even as FCS remains to this day a district BELOW AVERAGE in objective state measures and BELOW AVERAGE in mean ACT/SAT scores. The mutually assured enrichment arrangement was working fine until the public, through sites like Fairborn Speaks! discovered the truth about FCS finances. The rollover contract provision of increased pay and benefits for teachers and support staff, never discussed in public by the school administration, BOE or the unions, become an endangered species when the TEN YEAR, $7 MILLION a year failed by a 2-1 margin!

As I detailed in my posts#507 and #508, with FCS in “Fiscal Caution,” the state people (“King State”), aware of the rollover contracts, took notice of the overwhelming levy defeat. They “suggested” action and Lord $carberry, realizing another state audit was imminent, took the steps necessary to protect #1 (himself), rollover contracts or no rollover contracts. The Lord $carberry lesson of 2003 was has been forgotten or worse, ignored by the FEA, to their detriment.

In response, the FEA attended the July 11th BOE meeting in force and had their vice president come up to the podium to express the union’s displeasure. Of course, to those of us in the public who are well aware of the previous cozy relationship (trust me, that is most of us) the FEA and Lord $carberry had, the FEA comments seem like those of a jilted boyfriend/girlfriend to their ex. It also doesn’t help that the FEA VP inferred that the negotiations on their pay and benefits had some bearing on “the education and safety of our students.” If you want the public to look at you as being “professional” educators, linking their children’s well being and educational attainment directly to the FEA getting what they want in a contract, is definitely a real cause for public CONCERN and a public relations disaster! Speaking of bad public relations, the VP’s “in Kettering” remark was a revelation. Yeah, Yeah, there is no prohibition on employees living outside the district, but it warms an FCS district taxpayer’s heart to know their tax dollars are being spent by teachers to buy groceries, garden supplies and even cars, in other communities. Heck, our tax payments are being used to pay other jurisdiction’s tax bills! As they say in Washington D.C,, it was “Bad Optics” and counter to any real attempt to getting public support in the negotiations. In fact, with hundreds having lost their jobs, had their pay and/or hours cut, they horrors of a “pay freeze” are laughable. A check of the local paper shows that even your fellow government workers in the federal government have experienced a similar pay freeze for years, have had positions eliminated due to a re- organization and now have had their pay actually CUT for the rest of the year!

Its time for the FCS’ rank and file employees to respect the public wishes as much as they demand we respect their work. You buddied up with Lord $carbetray and look how that turned out…Time to be upfront and honest with the public regarding the negotiations, what do you have to lose?

 #501 Karen Combs (Saturday, 20 July 2013 12:35) "Shadow" - I read the entire text of the SERB decision 2010-11 on Harrison Hills. The ruling went AGAINST the union on 2 of 3 issues they whined about, ONLY finding that the district should not have posted website info on contract negotiations "directed to" the employees. Do you agree?  #500 Wow (Saturday, 20 July 2013 10:05) From what it sounds like in the DDN article(sat. July 20) about the union talks, the unions have agreed with the board that the percentage payment needs to be more for teachers, less for the district, pay freezes have been agreed upon, but the unions don't want their co-pays to go up. How ridiculous. If the unions cared about the future of FCS, they would agree to higher co-pays, pay freezes, and paying more for health care. That is the only way our school district will stay alive.  #499 Karen Combs (Friday, 19 July 2013 11:59) "Snake: - Frank works for the City of Fairborn - I have no idea if he is in a union or not. I'm sure he will answer that when he is available. I'm not sure what "point" you are disagreeing with me on.

I heard two others pulled petitions for BOE - Andy Wilson (Donna "Chapstick" Wilson's hen-pecked husband) and a guy who is reportedly a son-in-law of current BOE member Carico. Are they KIDDING????

Finally, I wanted to make a few other comments on the Uecker issue: 1) In politics, perception is usually reality. If he hasn't figured that out, then he should hang it up! 2) Uecker ran promising to fight the status quo. Instead, it seems he joined it. 3) It is NEVER a good idea for a Council or Board member to fraternize with employees. A few giggle-filled "Taco Thursdays" and suddenly, "You're Fired Friday" is an impossibility. It's just bad form. Being bold enough to hang out in public, in Fairborn - is just STUPID and ARROGANT. 4) I knew Uecker had joined the darkside a while back when he got an OBVIOUS "signal" from $carberry during a BOE meeting and tried to "correct" Frank G. Unfortunately, they didn't let Roland Parks in on the plan, so he interrupted it! LOL. Anyway, that is about the time when it became clear where Mikey was getting his marching orders. I wonder if the Tea Party knows? 5) Many citizens thought Uecker was there to support the MAJORITY view. We worked very hard - and spent a lot of OUR OWN money - to defeat the last levy. Many of us attended BOE meetings because we were told Mikey needed "support" there. But even when the audience was full of supporters - he never took a stand. Now he doesn't even seem bright enough to just stick with the 66% who agree with the anti-levy position! It's time to formally cut this guy loose. If he thinks for one minute that he's going to use his SHOCKINGLY POOR performance on the BOE to catch up to his state legislator brother, then he is hallucinating. His squishy "principles" have earned him nothing but contempt.  #498 I want the truth (Friday, 19 July 2013 09:57) City offices closed today 11:00 - 5:00 for Employee Appreciation Day and picnic.  #497 Snake Pliskin (Friday, 19 July 2013 09:49) Wait a minute! Is what Cousin O said really true? Is Mr. Gilbert really a dues paying union member? Where does he work and for which union? I have read this blog many times but somehow missed this. I must disagree with you on this point Karen. If what Cousin O claims is true this IS hipocracy after listening to him speak and write about unions. Feeling disappointed.  #496 Shadow (Friday, 19 July 2013 05:12) In Post #448, Karen Combs made reference to an Ohio State Employee Relations Board case involving the Harrison Hills City School District in which a teachers union complained that a BOE had violated law by "publishing bargaining information and proposal exchanges through the newspaper and (the BOE) website or by telling striking bargaining-unit members that the association made misrepresentations.” I want to thank Karen for bringing this up and want to follow up with some further information I found out about the case itself.

In this instance, the administrative judge was not the final say on the case and the Ohio State Employee Relations Board (OSERB) determined whether there WAS a violation of the law. Here is the key part of their decision:

“Applying our framework to the case sub judice, we find that the School District violated (A)(1) when it when it posted on its website certain information regarding the terms of its proposed collective bargaining agreement and when it made a request on its website that the employees vote on either a tentative agreement or the District's last best offer.”

What is (A)(1) you ask? It is a subsection to the Ohio Revised Code dealing with Unfair Labor Practices. Here is the quoted section:

“4117.11 Unfair labor practice (A) It is an unfair labor practice for a public employer, its agents, or representatives to: (1) Interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code or an employee organization in the selection of its representative for the purposes of collective bargaining or the adjustment of grievances;”

Yes folks, letting the taxpayer’s know what their money is being spent on is interfering, restraining or coercing an employees rights, at least according to the OSERB. Who is the OSERB? It is a group of three individuals who are appointed by the Ohio Governor for six-year terms. In the case of the Harrison decision, the ruling was issued in 2010 and the board consisted of one Taft appointee and two Strickland appointees, with one of the Strickland appointees writing the opinion and the two other OSERB members concurring. Those reading this can do their own research on what gubernatorial candidates received the bulk of union political donations; it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. The current OSERB continues with one Strickland appointee, a new Kasich appointee and the third position currently vacant.

This is a local issues board, so I am stopping here; I will let others draw their own conclusions regarding the material I have found.  #495 Shadow (Friday, 19 July 2013 04:32) Part I

Before entering the current fray, I would like to revisit Lord $carberry and his Manor Court’s “decision” to not put a levy on the November 2013 ballot. If the people who voted “NO” in overwhelming numbers in May 2013 needed a tangible example of why their votes were INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT, it is this latest turn of events. I had an inkling this course of action might occur, hence my slightly open ended remark of “Vote "No" on ANY levy they put on the ballot” in post #445 last week.

Why an “inkling?” Simple, FCS is currently under “Fiscal Caution” and as late as 2008 was under “Fiscal Watch.” Lord $carberry certainly rules his realm, but FCS now has to face the reality of “King State.” In his February 12th 2013 “Superintendent’s Update,” his Lordship stated the following concerning the state’s education budget:

“With the discussion of the new funding system for public schools in full swing, our district is waiting on the details of how this will impact Fairborn City Schools. Based on what Governor Kasich stated last week, it appeared that the new budget would level the playing field between rich and poor districts. The proposed new formula will raise $5000 per student-which is lower that per-pupil funding in 2005. In addition to this revenue drop, schools are facing more mandates including vouchers and scholarships in addition to the third-grade reading guarantee. More importantly, 60% of school districts will receive less money as part of this new plan. Additionally, the $1.8 billion cut from education in the last budget will not be replaced. The budget will not be voted upon until June-so our May levy is critical to our operations.”

Now, in the July 12th 2013 Fairborn Daily Prop Sheet, he states the following:

“It’s a lot better news than we had hoped for, but the devil is still in the details,” Scarberry said. “We have an amount floating out there, but we don’t know what enrollment numbers it is going to be based on, when’s the money going to start to flow?, we don’t know what strings are going to be attached to it all, so we’re just going to wait for it to work itself out and hopefully, the news continues to be really good.”

Okay, his Lordship still professes ignorance as to final budget numbers, but we go from “The budget will not be voted upon until June-so our May levy is critical to our operations.” in February to “so we’re just going to wait for it to work itself out and hopefully, the news continues to be really good.” here in July. What changed? Easy, King State had a vested interest.  #494 Shadow (Friday, 19 July 2013 04:31) Part II

One of the few truthful statements FCS leadership makes is that borrowed state money has to be paid back with interest. Now that may seem counterintuitive for a government agency to charge interest, since they are not a commercial bank, however the interest is used as a deterrent to school districts being fiscally irresponsible. If the money was easily available without some sort of monetary penalty, the red ink flow out of Columbus would be a torrent; many school districts, like our own FCS, have proven to have the fiscal discipline of a kid in a candy store with a dollar in their pocket (Okay, maybe I’m being unfair to the child here) and they would keep coming back to the state for bailouts after bailouts. Again, the present system is a deterrent, but repeat offenders like FCS bear closer scrutiny prior to the state making preparations for loaning them funds. Like a commercial bank, they have to look at the district’s balance sheet to see if it might default on such a loan. “Fiscal Caution” is not “Fiscal Watch” but you better believe the state employees in Columbus responsible for making the loans are not going to stick their necks out without looking at the bottom line. So what did they find? First, “The Beav” made UNAUTHORIZED high-risk (think 2007-2009 financial meltdown) asset-backed commercial paper investments of almost $1 million. Then they realized that FCS HAD ALREADY SIGNED union contracts with rollover provisions, provisions that would lead to DEFICIT INCREASING PAY RAISES for faculty and staff starting in the 13-14 school year. Of course, FCS told the state that a brand new levy was going to fix everything and that they could pay back the principal and the interest of whatever they borrowed (remember, “The Beav” stated that even if the levy passed, they would probably still have to borrow money from the state) since they would be flush with cash. This is why the OVERWHELMING DEFEAT of the May 2013 levy was SO IMPORTANT! The state, already aware that FCS’ leadership had dug themselves a fiscal black hole, knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the district’s taxpayers were fed up with the mismanagement of the district and WERE NOT GOING TO BAIL FCS’ LEADERSHIP OUT FROM THE MESS THEY CREATED! Think about it: Would you loan FCS money after the 2-1 levy defeat? Do you value your state job? Instead of letting the situation deteriorate further, “King State” decided to give our Lordship and his Manor Court something they are not accustomed to: Orders. Sure, I imagine these directives were “couched” so as not to burst their inflated egos too much, but they definitely made things happen. Seriously, do you think Lord $carberry, “The Beav,” Princess Tessie Do- Little, Baroni Carico, Swami Swaim, Sir Babble a Lot Parks and Squire Uecker would have come up with the idea of saving money by terminating teacher and staff union contracts on their own? Five of them are career educators/administrators, Parks is an ideological activist and Uecker is (according to Fairborn Speaks’ own espía) his Lordship’s latest vassel. Nope, Princess Tessie may have wrongly blamed the state for the Manor Court’s actions in the past, but she is certainly not as forthcoming when it really happens.

Remember, without the decisive levy defeat in May, “King State” would have stayed on the sidelines…Your voice was heard loud and clear!  #493 Danger Combs (Thursday, 18 July 2013 22:20) Surprise! I need to remind Cousin O to post on an ISSUE (again)! And what a LAME reply you posted - guess you don't want to discuss how I DESTROYED your last one, eh? Well, I will give you one thing - your "intellectual" inability to spell aside, you are - without doubt - THE Fairborn expert on "wack jobs." DEFINITELY.  #492 Cousin Oliver (Thursday, 18 July 2013 20:53) FRL , you sir should be careful with your name calling. My maturity level is rivaled only by my extremely high intellect and skills at critical thinking. Shame on you name caller. And rest assured Cousin Oliver does not support a FCS levy. I do not support Karen's tactics and thought processes either, so I guess that causes much distress among the wack jobs on here trying to categorize me. Keep posting though, I like hearing your thoughts.

Frankie, If hypocrisy is a disease, then you are at Stage 6 with complete metastasis. How can you be so critical of teachers, benefits, and unions when you enjoy equal if not better benefits yourself as a result of being in a union. Oh I see, its the old "I got Mine" thinking. Don't kid yourself about being such a civic activist and attending all those meetings. Watching you speak at those meetings is like watching old Gilligan's Island reruns. I've seen them a hundred times, usually someone does something dumb, they never change their situation by the end of the show, and there are a few giggles interspersed with the silly dialogue. Move along everyone, nothing to see here.  #491 Poor Senior (Thursday, 18 July 2013 17:10) Resident for life think way too much is made of grade level cost savings-for certain Lord $carberry's job is easier with the grade level fiasco! Little Fairborn has the state's largest K thru3!!!!!!!! Tell me how that makes any sense????? What family will settle in the eastern corridor and send their primary schooler off in a bus to the largest k thru3 in the state and in fact one of the largest in the country and as an added bonus get to pay our handy dandy school income tax. Lord $carberry has designed an absolutely DISASTROUS academic model. To kill enrollment,destroy citizen equity,discourage investment,and create a DEPRESSION for attracting middle class families that value education Lord $carberry's your man. As a quality academic leader he has NO redeeming value-NONE. Cuyahoga Falls got it right Fairborn continues to get it wrong.  #490 Danger Combs (Thursday, 18 July 2013 16:22) “FRL” - You just refuse to give ANY credit where it is due, eh? Typical.

Well, at least remind me WHY I should care whether our so-called leaders “want to work with me”? I don’t plan to do their jobs for them anyway! And this ISN’T even about me, but ALL OF FAIRBORN! We would gladly settle for them simply DOING WHAT THEY WERE ELECTED TO DO!! There wouldn’t be citizens scrutinizing their every move or needing to provide point-by-point suggestions if they were real leaders! Until we get some, those clowns can EXPECT citizens to SPEAK OUT, share our JUSTIFIED CONCERNS and DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY!!!

What you see as “complaining,” I see as a CIVIC DUTY to demand better government. Your pitiful clique has held power here for a DECADE. The results? It keeps getting worse and worse! We may be nothing but a bunch of Fairborn “hillbillies” in your eyes, but all of us can see what you obviously cain’t (or don’t a-wanna) --- YOUR WAY AIN’T A-WORKIN’!! Can I get an AMEN?!?!

Most of the current Council and BOE got elected by FRAUDULENTLY pretending to be fiscal conservatives and promising to cautiously guard our tax dollars. Once elected, they trot in there and act like the Publisher’s Clearing House just handed them an over-sized check and some balloons! It is one laughably disastrous decision after the next! They have done such a profound disservice to Fairbornites and betrayed our trust. Frankly, they DESERVE any criticism they get! So, if the worst they face is someone replacing an “S” in their name with a $ - they should bow down and thank the Good Lord above! I am bored of hearing how they are too thin-skinned to handle it!

Can you imagine how SAD it is to ever think that either Robert Wood or Dan Kirkpatrick will be Mayor here? On the heels of Tom Nagel's endless reign, we get ONE OF THESE? God, what did Fairborn do to provoke such wrath? I mean, what will the ballot read - DUMB OR DUMBER? And they are also trying to prop up their little sycophants, Donna “Chapstick” Wilson (who abandoned ANOTHER business here) and Paul “Knock, knock. Who’s There? Eviction Notice” Keller? Dare to dream. Maybe we can send these two over to Calamityville to scare off the WSU squatters?

As for school staffing cuts, those are only natural -- and really took WAAAYYY too long to implement - given the drastic decline in enrollment. In 2000, the FCS had 4,849 regular students; by 2012, that number was just 3,720. That is what your buddy $carberry has done for us! And they will NEVER get enrollment back up without neighborhood schools. I also don’t know HOW you sycophants keep a straight face railing against Charter Schools when the FCS has their OWN CHARTER SCHOOL!!! Why not just SELL that property? I will tell you why -- they are terrified that another Charter School will come in and compete with the FCS! If not, then just auction it off so at least the FCS gets SOME money for it and the City of Fairborn can begin getting PROPERTY TAXES for it!

Finally, I don’t know how many ways to say it….I HEAR your concerns about my writing style and editorial choices here. I just disagree. If you believe there is an audience for your droll approach, by all means, go create a rival website. I’ve been a Webmaster for citizen sites for a few years now and - guess what? I KNOW WHAT WORKS. And the BEST PROOF OF ALL is the FACT that the DREADFUL Council and Board of Education constantly tries to send their neighbors and friends on here to pester me! I am still trembling from that portrait in courage known as Karen Harris. LOL. Of course, maybe I should thank them - it provides an endless supply of opportunities for me to discuss the REALITY of THEIR FAILED LEADERSHIP!  #489 Danger Combs (Thursday, 18 July 2013 16:07) “Snake” - don’t kid yourself - a STUMP would be a better BOE member than the inanimate objects up there now! Fortunately for Fairborn, Frank Gilbert is a great guy and - most importantly - a CONCERNED CITIZEN. I don’t always agree with him, (usually I do) but at least I ALWAYS know he is RATIONAL and COHERENT. A definite step up from the Muppets!  #488 Snake Pliskin (Thursday, 18 July 2013 15:23) Frank- You should never dismiss anyone as unimportant. That makes you no better than those you wish to replace. No matter wehter you agree with them or not.  #487 Fairborn Resident for Life (Thursday, 18 July 2013 08:47) Karen: I'm clearly not the president because I am a man. I don't necessarily agree with the "closing" of the neighborhood schools either, but I also know that they cost us an arm and a leg! Yes, these buildings are still open but the staff from those buildings was cut years ago. So in other words, yes the building is open and we have maintenance costs associated with these buildings, but the staff that was cut when these buildings were closed are not magically back there...they are still cut! And I'm not saying that our leaders deserve your best respect, I'm just saying I think that we can work together to find a common solution and a middle ground. Why not try? Giving them nicknames really doesn't want to make them help you! I compare it to a soccer game. If the parents, coaches, and players from one team are screaming and complaining about the ref and giving him nicknames and telling him he doesn't know what he is doing, do you think he his going to make good calls for that team or try and talk to that coach? I don't think so. Yes MOST of our leaders care, but they probably don't want to try working with you guys because you are so rude, crude, and immature. And don't associate me with Cousin Ollie because I believe that his maturity level is LOW! He is not even talking about issues, he is just making fun of Karen!  #486 Frank Gilbert (Wednesday, 17 July 2013 22:03) Cousin Oliver #494 Your so funny! You won't use your real name. You haven't offered any viable solutions. You haven't done anything that we can even verify. So forgive me if I dismiss you as unimportant. I WILL work to better our schools wehter I do it from a school board seat or from the audience. By the way, when was the last time you attended a school board meeting? If you have been there and have not talked to me, well, I wouldn't be surprised.  #485 Poor Senior (Wednesday, 17 July 2013 18:40) Sorry Fairborn resident for Life! Our leaders are NOT worthy of any respect and deserve their immature nicknames-grade level $carberry could not have done a better job of doing his part to blow up the schools and town while calamitous McDodamage has to be the absolute worst C.Mgr. in the country if not the world-word has it Ms.Debbie Doodle is rarely seen anywhere near city offices these days-she apparently is enjoying the rich and famous lifestyle on our tax dollar.  #484 Gary (Wednesday, 17 July 2013 12:37) The teachers who post on here aren't too bright. If bad parents are the root of all FCS problems then why over-pay them? Disband their union, hire the unemployed and low- skilled and offer no benefits. The kids will just be going home to bad parents anyway, right? No sense paying for Aristotle when a monkey will do. Least this way we don't go broke!  #483 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 17 July 2013 11:32) A few more FACTS: Only about 184 of Ohio's 611 (less than a third) school districts charge an income tax. About 37 of those have only an EARNED income school tax, providing some relief for poor seniors and retirees.

We keep hearing the sycophant chorus about Fairborn's "low taxes" -what UTTER NONSENSE. Beavercreek, for example, not only has NO school income tax - they also don't have city income taxes either! They have higher property taxes because property there retains value - unlike Fairborn which suffered the WORST LOSS IN VALUE IN THE REGION.

When was the last time Fairborn updated their "cost of local government" info? YEARS AGO. And why is that? Because with all the taxation and fee tripling, we are no longer the least-taxed area around. We do, however, remain the poorest. Thanks, sycophants!  #482 Danger Combs (Wednesday, 17 July 2013 09:30) Ollie - you little genius -Huber Heights has no school INCOME TAX! If you weren't so blissfully shameless in your ignorance, you would be embarrassed! As usual, you have nothing meaningful to add and just try to detract from the great points REAL citizens are making!  #481 Cousin Oliver (Wednesday, 17 July 2013 09:07) Karen B., That is absolutely incredible that Huber Heights "does not have a school tax". We should really look at the way they magically fund their schools and adopt that method. I wonder if the school fairy leaves a pot of cash under the purple elm tree?

Frankie, Be careful that you don't bump Janice off of Karen's lap. Two lap dogs can feel crowded and I wouldn't want Janice to growl at you. Of course your bark is much worse than your bite. I thought you were running for school board anyways. Solutions? Tick Tock Tick Tock......  #480 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 17 July 2013 08:44) “Poor Senior” - I couldn’t agree more. Destroying our neighborhood schools was the death knell of this town! And they LIED and told us they would be closing schools - but they are ALL still open just being used for other schemes! Once the gem of the system - Black Lane - now recruits failing students from OUTSIDE our district! What a shame! This ROTTEN decision should be reversed IMMEDIATELY if we are to have ANY HOPE of restoring Fairborn!

I also have a P.S. to Ollie and “his” merry band of sycophants -

Fair from being my “lapdog,” Janice is just another one of the MAJORITY of Fairborn voters who feel the way I do about things like school levies and the AWFUL leadership in this town!

Janice just made an excellent point about the Facebook page policy. Sycophants constantly accuse me - and others who post here - of not contributing anything “positive” to Fairborn. But the TRUTH is that the recent change to the FCS’ Facebook page is just one of COUNTLESS examples of things that WERE influenced or changed ONLY because WE SPOKE UP!

The FCS had NO INTENTION of dealing with the ARBITRARY deletion of public records or the LACK OF POLICY on the Facebook page until I pursued the issue. I bet most of that BOE crew wasn’t even aware of what was occurring on the FCS facebook page! Then I provided a detailed description of the problems with their current approach and offered some solutions to it - even going so far as to find low-cost training they could attend on the subject!

Needless to say, this DISGRACE of a BOE would NEVER give a mere citizen the courtesy of a reply (Tessie probably thinks that’s “against the law” too!). But they evidently found that I had some good points because they stopped allowing public comments on Facebook altogether. Perhaps they will resume once they can get a policy together or perhaps it will stay this way forever - either is preferable to the UNFAIR practices they were using before!

If I was just “mean” or out to harm the schools, I could have trotted over to the Court and filed a complaint, cost them money defending the case (and covering my legal fees if/when I prevailed) and caused PLENTY of problems over it. They CERTAINLY would have RICHLY DESERVED that, given the FALSE AND UNSUSTAINED “bullying” claims they make against citizens whenever they disagree with us! But instead of spending my time consumed with petty retribution like you sycophants, I did what all these HIGHLY-PAID, allegedly highly-skilled “education professionals” NEVER seem to do for themselves - namely, identify a problem and work to fix it!

They should be thanking me and so should you, Ollie. But NONE of you has enough dignity for that - and that is PRECISELY why Fairborn looks the way it does today! We are "led" by arrogance and incompetence. The useless fools who jump on here only to launch personal attacks could certainly NEVER say as much! From when public comment time occurs at City Council meetings to the decision not to seek another levy -- ALL were the DIRECT RESULT of having citizens who CHALLENGED THE AWFUL “LEADERSHIP” and NON-STOP STREAM OF BAD DECISIONS here! If Fairborn is to stand ANY chance of survival, our ONLY hope is to oust the current Council and BOE regimes and replace them with folks who will stop going down the PATH TO DESTRUCTION that the existing “leaders” have been on for a decade now.

So the next time some errand boy/girl wants to come on here and insult citizens for exercising our RIGHT to speak up - or claim that we don’t achieve any good - or pretend that sticking your head in the sand is a viable option for saving Fairborn --- better think twice. You are absolute JOKERS!  #479 Poor Senior (Wednesday, 17 July 2013 08:04) Take away dig acad, greene voc.,all day K, pre schl K, and Real time FCS enrollment IS frightfully LOW and dropping like a rock! The grade level model has been an unmitigated disaster yet Queen Tessie and her gang continue it with unashamed STUPIDITY repeat unashamed STUPIDITY! Send Lord $carberry to Lake Erie and let him sink with his DISASTEROUS grade level albatross. Return IMMEDIATELY to HK's brilliant neighborhood school model.  #478 Karen B. (Wednesday, 17 July 2013 02:55) FINALLY mentioned Huber Heights and their schools. Huber Heights has built a few new school buildings in the last couple years. When is the last time Fairborn built a new school? Huber Heights does not have a school tax. Fairborn does and they still want more, more, more.

p.s. I think Fairborn Resident for Life! is a Fairborn Chamber of Commerce "Officer." President perhaps?  #477 Frank Gilbert (Tuesday, 16 July 2013 22:30) Karen, Do I expect them to be honest? No, they have proven we can't count on that. But I thought it was very telling that they would NOT tell us what we could expect when the DDN could. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. Matter of fact, I'd almost bet that we will see another levy from the school district soon. Of course, us evil people who hate children and voted against the levy will be villified (spelling?) again if the board has not done its job again.  #476 Danger Combs (Tuesday, 16 July 2013 22:16) Cousin Oliver - I never noticed you were gone. That dull ache in my posterior must be from my old computer chair! Gotta get that fixed! Good to see that after all this time, you had to come crawling back! DId they send up a sycophant Bat(ty)-signal or what? LOL.  #475 Cousin Oliver (Tuesday, 16 July 2013 21:44) Dear Karen, I really feel that I have been left out of this giant love fest. So, for the record, I don't care for your attitudes and views either. Oh, btw, what kind of dog chow have you been feeding your lapdog Janice? She seems to have a poor disposition lately. Cheers, Ollie xoxoxo  #474 Danger Combs (Tuesday, 16 July 2013 17:42) FRK - Say what you will, I think Ed has it right. The “chat” costs WOULD be better spent on a worthy Fairborn cause - not entertaining the same ancient little clique over and over. And get a grip - no one said the host was held hostage! I do wonder how it “promotes” anything when it only attracts the same worn-out group that got us in this mess? Well, I don’t really care beyond agreeing with Ed. I have no doubt this “Chat” practice will continue because this crowd hasn’t had an original idea since fire!

I have corresponded with Mr. Newman previously and did not find him “kind,” nor do I approve of his constant interference in the sovereign government of Fairborn. He does not care enough to live here, so he should go participate in the government where he LIVES. For some reason, this gang of sycophants just believes that the rules do not apply to you! Well, under our CHARTER, the government of Fairborn exists for its RESIDENTS; NOT for people who only work here and pay an employment-related income tax. For some reason, he fails to appreciate the difference! Do you realize that he actually served on the committee that recommended the last round of proposed Charter changes to the Council? I know you little sycophants like to stick together, but how about not selling our government out to whichever one of your little buddies happens along?!

Still, he periodically appears at Council meetings, trying to pass himself off as a legitimate participant in our government! Imagine the upheaval if everyone who merely paid work-related taxes decided they were entitled to interfere in the governing bodies in towns where their employers are located? The notion is absurd! The fact that Mr. Newman continues to push this issue tells me that he feels he is “entitled” to more than any other person! Maybe you call that “kind-hearted” - I call it OBNOXIOUS. So I guess we're even!

Finally regarding Mr. Newman, if you believe he has done a great job promoting business in Fairborn - with the ALARMINGLY HIGH business vacancy rate and UTTER LACK OF MEANINGFUL DEVELOPMENT, then you confirm your LOW standards! Ms. Gayheart may be well-meaning, but, as Publilius Syrus said, “to do two things at once is to do neither.” In other words - when one does so many things, one rarely does any of them very well. In my opinion, she has bitten off more than she can chew. Her performance as “PR” director for the FCS was recently highlighted by the utter DEBACLE of “Bandgate.” Anyone with the time for careful reflection could not POSSIBLY have considered THAT a good public relations move! Her effort at obtaining Grants has netted a dollar amount that barely covers one FCS employee family healthcare plan! She made ZERO effort to seek ANY grant-funding to cover pay-to-participate costs or relieve costs in other areas of the Athletic programs, even though she KNEW that parents were going to be threatened with huge fee increases. Likewise, I am not impressed with the FCS website or cable channel - neither is easy to use or updated. Since she is a member of the school administration, I do not believe she should be Athletic Club President. Maybe she should hang up her superhero cape and focus on one or two things to do WELL?

No one “yells at” anyone here - this is a website - everything is in writing! LOL! I’ve said it a million times on here - I will use any tool to get people to take an interest in what is happening in this town - from humor, sarcasm, satire, and sourced FACTS. And I will do so whether you like it or not! There is a reason people read this site and it isn’t for your “kumbaya” mumbo-jumbo! The only people who ever squeal about it are people like you - and it seems CRYSTAL-CLEAR that you are firmly on “TEAM BAD LEADERSHIP” already! Maybe if you sycophants stopped being such loyal and pliable apologists for the crew that is killing Fairborn, we could get some FRESH IDEAS rolling! As it stands now, WHY would I -or any other concerned citizen - EVER even attempt to “work together” with these people?  #473 Fairborn Resident for Life! (Tuesday, 16 July 2013 13:59) If I recall people pay like a $5 or $10 to go to the Chamber Chats, plus the businesses VOLUNTEER to host the chats.

Do you even know Paul Newman as a person? Clearly not because he is a very kind hearted person, who if you talk to and get to know, really does care about Fairborn. He cares about this city and works very hard. I'm sure you couldn't do half a good of job as he has done. He loves WSU, WPAFB, and most importantly, the people and businesses of Fairborn!

Also Ms. Combs, you state that the President doesn't do her day job too well? Well I would like to see you run the website, cable channel, newsletter, be on the YMCAboard, volunteer to coach cheer leading, be Athletic Club president, Chamber president, and Student Ambassador Club.and you would say, well that's not her job so she doesn't have to do all that. But it is because she has to represent the schools which is what we hired her to do. She also has grants under her job description.

I just think we all need to WORK TOGETHER to make solutions for our community, not problems. Turning neighbors against each other and complaining all the time and giving immature nicknames to elected officials, yelling at public officials, etc. we CAN all work together but you have to be willing to put the effort forth.  #472 Janice (Tuesday, 16 July 2013 13:47) Finally - you only want to bring up other districts on your terms, well it doesn't work like that. Karen is right. Huber administrators took a 3% pay CUT. Why won't the big DOUBLE DIPPER $carberry? Or the others?

And if Karen was always "wrong" and never gives good ideas, why did the FCS just IMPLEMENT her suggestions on Facebook?

Don't forget she doesn't get paid to put up with your crap either. There isn't a one of you coming on here to attack her who aren't looking to benefit from it.  #471 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 16 July 2013 11:22) Thanks EDE1. That is an interesting point about Chamber Chats. Despite my endless quest for "notoriety,"(HA!) I have never been to one. I am not surprised if they cater merely to the "same ole' crew" that has been choking Fairborn for the past decade. What more could we expect from a Chamber of Commerce that hires a Director who seems to hate Fairborn too much to bother living here and has a President who doesn't seem to handle her day job too well!?!  #470 EdE1 (Tuesday, 16 July 2013 10:47) Hate to change the subject from all these "positive" attacks on a disabled gal who takes the time to stand up for citizens, but -

I wish the Chamber of Commerce would put an end to all those silly "Chamber Chats." It is a shame to see those host companies waste all that money just to entertain and feed appetizers to the same 100 rich old geezers. It would be more "productive" to have a BYO gathering and recognize the host for a generous donation to a worthy Fairborn cause. Let those wealthy old "regulars" buy their own dang chicken wings!

That's my two cents. I see good ideas by caring people on here all the time, so keep up the good work and don't let the windbags get you down!  #469 Danger Combs (Tuesday, 16 July 2013 09:48) "Finally" - blah, blah, blah. If YOU are the shining example of "positivity," I think I will stick with being "negative"! Not only are you vile, but you just want to ignore FACTS too. Soothes you. You are probably a thumb-sucker too.

As for Huber Heights schools, they have all taken PAY CUTS - not fake "freezes" - CUTS. They also withdrew their March levy to wait and see what they REALLY needed from voters. FCS wasted about $22K to put a USELESS HUGE levy on the March ballot. And - despite all the "sky is falling" phony budget forecasts, I don't see any of our wonderful FCS employees offering to take a PAY CUT.  #468 FINALLY (Tuesday, 16 July 2013 06:04) Speaking of jackholes... if you don't like people calling you out on things you use to try and gain empathy from the readers, THEN DON'T POST THEM as part of your EXCUSES, EXCUSES, EXCUSES! It really is a shame that you can't be more positive and productive. No, you must sit on here and go on and on... and on and on about all these issues that negatively impact the schools. Seriously, run for the school board, city council, something, anything!! You seem to have ALL the answers on here. So put all those wonderful ideas to good use and change what's going on around here! Oh, and speaking of schools, I just read that Huber Heights will be asking the community to pass a levy due to $2.7 million deficit in 2104. Looks like they are all idiots over there too...right???!!  #467 Danger Combs (Monday, 15 July 2013 21:37) Frank - you expect them to be honest? Where have you been? My guess is they cut a deal with the city to let them put the street levy renewal on in November and then they will try to slide another massive school levy at the special election in March. I'm sure by then, more money will have disappeared from their LAUGHABLY WRONG 5-year "forecast"!

Janice - Yep - they say I am not positive about anything, but that's not true. I am 100% positive that Finally's kids - having to grow up with THAT blowhard for a parent - hate him/her with a passion not seen since Lizzie Borden!  #466 Janice (Monday, 15 July 2013 21:32) This website is causing them the shakes! How desperate can they get in trying to attack it? Just like Ashes said they always attack Karen whenever she makes too many good points! Notice how they never challenge facts, just get nasty. Then wrap it all up in a funny little story about how negative WE are!  #465 Frank Gilbert (Monday, 15 July 2013 21:30) At the school board meeting last week, I forgot to ask about the board "suspending" their Facebook page. I admit I got a little excited about the boards decision to NOT put on a levy this November. Of course, Mr. Parks was careful to "warn" us that this didn't mean we wouldn't be needing more money. So let's see, even though the board or administrators couldn't tell us how much we are getting, the DDN could? The DDN states in an article from July 12 that from casino taxes, schools will get 20 dollars per pupil annually. In another DDN article dated July 10, school funding estimates put FSD with a 6.25 percent increase next fiscal year and an 8.81 percent increase the following year. If you combine this with sound fiscal management, we should be sitting pretty good. So why didn't they just tell us that?  #464 Karen Combs (Monday, 15 July 2013 21:20) Yep, "Finally," you got me. My son graduated YEARS ago, and has moved on to do just fine. He's nearly caught-up from the monumental failure of the FCS to provide even a basic education! But not me, no, this has been my secret plot all along! It began over a DECADE AGO when I was involved with the city government over the street repair issue. But that was just a clever cover and ruse!

Years later, I became involved again, focused exclusively on city government issues. But the schools? Well, I was just pretending to ignore them because I was just lying in wait until I could strike! I wanted to thank your INCREDIBLY AWFUL SUPERINTENDENT and BOE for making it so easy! What with their constant levy demands, sky-high salaries and outlandish benefits - I could wait no longer! (Evil laughter). I'm that good. That's just how I roll.... God, you sycophants need THERAPY!

The fact is I never mentioned my son because it is UTTERLY irrelevant to the issues today! If it was a deep-dark secret, I would have kept it so! But most people already know it! So, poor, poor, "Finally." Foiled again!

As for your "parenting advice," golly gee, pa, I never thought to tell my son all that brilliant stuff. Which 1960s sit-com did you learn that from? Was it Aunt Bea? How important you must feel to share it! LOL. You are a total IDIOT, aren't you? Each child is unique, "Finally," and mine were dealing with issues that are NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. I made the MISTAKE in seeking help from all those "highly-trained professionals" at the FCS and got NONE. They are about as useless as a screen door on a submarine! No parent should EVER believe for even a moment that they "care about the kids" or are there to help. You will just be attacked for trying to resolve a problem like I am being now. They prefer to pretend problems don't exist. Never forget that!

BTW, I don't think it is "playing the disability card" to mention that I was physically unable to force a 6' tall athlete from my home. But thank you for taking the opportunity to mock my condition - something else you know NOTHING about. You sycophants never fail to show your true colors!

Karen B. - Yeah, I think "HWT" and "Finally" are in a basement somewhere playing a drinking game like "who can look like a bigger jackhole on the message board today?" It's a tie!  #463 Finally (Monday, 15 July 2013 20:22) Just wanted to thank you for FINALLY revealing the TRUE motive of your website!! You have a PERSONAL vendetta with FCS because you WOULDN'T discipline your child. So it is extremely easy to point the finger at teachers who "don't keep your child's interest." My kids went here, and had a GREAT experience! Were there classes that they didn't like??? Sure! Did they go anyway and put their best foot forward???? ABSOLUTELY!!!! You ask why??? Let me help you with that answer. We parented our children. We instilled values and work ethic in them. We explained to them that there would be times when you would have to do something that you might not want to, but there was a greater good. I see you are ALWAYS playing the "disability" card on here. Maybe if you STAYED OFF the internet and paid attention to your child and his needs, we wouldn't even be having this discussion and you wouldn't have this personal reason to blame and attack someone else for YOUR feeble attempt to parent. So thank you again for FINALLY showing where your anger and hatred comes from! And by the way, is there ANYTHING you can be POSITIVE about??????? I really don't think so, and that makes me very sad for you.  #462 Karen B. (Monday, 15 July 2013 20:17) It almost appears that HWT spends a lot of time going to Andes...  #461 Karen Combs (Monday, 15 July 2013 19:34) BTW, "HWT" - you say you are not a union member? The FCS claims to have 287 teachers and the union says there are 309 members. Looks to me like you are ALL members!  #460 Karen Combs (Monday, 15 July 2013 19:22) "HWT" - I am shocked (kind of) by what a poor communicator you are! I really can't follow your "points" - if there are any. I hope you do better with your students!

You keep saying that I am not replying to your posts, but I have here today over half a dozen times! What SPECIFICALLY are you claiming that I have not addressed?

Average teacher SALARY info comes from the Ohio Department of Education. To me, the term "statewide average" speaks for itself.

But what I actually mentioned today was the average teacher healthcare PREMIUM costs. That is from the State Employee Relations Board. In their annual report on healthcare costs, they actually DO break it down by public schools teachers AND within that group by REGION of the state. Well, Fairborn's are so outrageous that the amount does not even appear on their chart for the Dayton area! You could go research it, but we both know you are just on here to be a nuisance, ala JD!

I don't have any "notoriety." People want to read about issues that impact them. I provide a forum for that which they find entertaining or informative. If it distresses you so much, YOU are the one who can move on! I am perfectly happy where I am! I am very sad about what is happening to my hometown and heartbroken that so many decent citizens ARE fleeing. If I could afford to go, I probably would, but - at least for now - I am stuck here.

Finally, thank you for your additional unkind words. Careful, careful -a few more insults from you - the great opponent of personal attacks and hatefulness - and EVERYONE will see what a HYPOCRITE you are! Right now, just the smart people have already figured you out!  #459 H-WT (Monday, 15 July 2013 18:51) You read around every point I make. I said nothing about union bashing. Bash them. Just don't use anti-union arguments on me. I am not a member! Are you basing average teacher salary of comparable communities or including rural Ohio where the cost of living is much lower? I get that people don't want higher taxes. But, at the same time, you compare Fairborn to other communities where teacher pay and taxes are higher. You must want it both ways. It seems like you have a personal vendetta against our town and thrive on failure. If you don't have anything to complain about, your notoriety suffers? Maybe you could reread my posts objectively and see my viewpoints differently. Or, maybe you should move if you are so unhappy here.  #458 P.S. (Monday, 15 July 2013 18:23) How can I "impugn" your character when you remain anonymous? :) Funny!

Oh - and I don't have any "demands" - ransom or otherwise, nor do I care if people agree with my opinions. I offer them anyway! I can't force you to be right! Of course, Fairborn voters seem to have seen it my way by a ratio of about 2 to 1. Thousands read this site. So I'm sure I will NOT be needing advice from you on influencing people! I seem to be doing okay with that!

Enjoy your book!  #457 Danger Combs (Monday, 15 July 2013 18:13) Oh, “HWT,” what "problem" are we solving?

1) YOU are the one that came on here carrying on about teachers. We were discussing the BOE and curbs! Well, the only "problem" I have with teachers is that you already make ENOUGH money. You should accept a TOTAL wage freeze and substantial changes in the healthcare benefits. Problem solved!

If we manage to get out of the fiscal crisis, then we can discuss a REASONABLE raise, but the benefits must go to the SAME LEVEL AS THE AVERAGE TEACHER IN OHIO. 2) If you aren't in the union, I wonder why you are so hysterical over "union-bashing"?

3) I never pretended I was going to come in an evaluate your curriculum or discuss your teaching methods. I don't know where you got that impression, but it wasn't here!

4) As for the rest, I can’t keep up with you! You want me to come in and discuss my experiences, but you won’t tell me who you are? You want me to comment on your performance, but you won’t even give a grade level? Well, as soon as my psychic turban gets back from the cleaners…..LOL. Looks like another one is unraveling, folks!  #456 HWT (Monday, 15 July 2013 16:26) I will not tell you my name, subject, or grade level. I fear harassment. If I didn't admit to shortcomings, I wouldn't apologize for grammar errors and I certainly wouldn't spend time always trying to improve my instruction for my students. So, are you ready to take more swipes at me, or are you going to tell me what you expect of an educator? I'd like details so I can truthfully earn these piles of money which surround me. :)

And, my attitude is positive. You may imply an attitude or negative tone in the way you perceive my posts, but I am not a negative person. Take care. You are right. I am spending too much time talking. I will go back to my reading now. I hope you are able to infuse your work here with positivity. It will make people more likely to meet your demands and consider your opinions. Best Wishes.  #455 H-WT (Monday, 15 July 2013 16:12) Was it MY post you read? Almost every argument you make is canned anti-union/anti- teacher banter which has absolutely nothing to do with a response to MY post. I have tried to get out of union clutches. I cannot. See Ohio labor law. Many teachers are not in love with teacher's unions.

I would much prefer a labor force in which great teachers make better pay and better benefits than mediocre or poor teachers by negotiating their own salaries.

I'm an advisor to 2 academic clubs. I receive NO STIPENDS! I DO THEM VOLUNTARILY! ;) I would LOVE to have you come in and assist or speak about your life experiences!

7 of the 10 examples I provided deal DIRECTLY with teachers and administrators. I wanted to include some extra positives about students, too. I am proud of them.

Do you agree with ANYTHING I say? Do you want to honestly work with teachers to find common ground? Are you capable of proposing any proactive solutions to district problems? Or, will you response once again impugn my character and call me immature names? In between my posts to you, I'm sitting her studying a book on professional development and adjusting my lesson planning to meet the needs of as many students as I can reach, especially the ones failing to meet Adequate Yearly Progress.

I enjoy it, but I'm NOT doing it for fun. I am doing it to improve my job performance and I will continue to try new things and set goals to be better throughout my career.

I am not perfect. Yes, there are lackluster employees in any job. Yes, we need some change. But, I am NOT the lazy, unprepared, uncaring, unprofessional teacher you want me to be.  #454 Danger Combs (Monday, 15 July 2013 15:57) Gee, HWT are you related to JD? Twenty posts in a day! Get a hobby!

You are 100% right - I should have filed charges at the first hint of a problem. Stupid me, I listened to the advice of the FCS instead! When I finally gave up on all hope of them giving me ANY support by way of discipline, I did what had to be done.

You have poor reading comprehension since I said my son got his DIPLOMA and NOT the GED that his dreadful school system was trying to brush him off with. I'm sure if I had been a school administrator, he would never have been treated like that! How many other students actually are discarded at our schools? What a disgrace!

Since you won't tell us your name or what grade/subject you teach (so "proud," LOL!) how can I comment on performance at all? I wouldn't bother anyway because it is pretty clear that you wouldn't admit to any shortcomings! I can actually sum up your worst quality in a single word - attitude. Before I check the posts again, I will go get some cheese. It might go with all your whine.

 #453 Danger Combs (Monday, 15 July 2013 15:45) HWT - I don’t see any “hate, vindictiveness, spite or name-calling” to be hysterical about. But then again, you seem awfully sensitive and defensive for someone who claims to be so “proud” of herself!

Well, what I see is a struggling community that simply CAN’T AFFORD to keep paying you more and more, particularly for such mediocre results. I can see that this upsets you, but it is just reality. Now, you don’t like that I date to discuss teaching when you feel I don’t know enough about it. But evidently those “rules” don’t apply to you since you are spewing about what I do “for my community” when you don’t know me at all! Hopefully you don’t teach such double standards to your students!

I never said I had never been in a classroom! I raised two kids and made the HUGE MISTAKE of sending them to FCS for most of their youth. If I had that decision to do over, they both would have gone elsewhere. Thankfully, they are both adults now and I no longer have to deal with it! We do NOT receive good value for our tax money here! You are the one determined to put the teachers in the eye of that storm. I have always placed the blame on the BOE and administrators and most post-ers here do as well. But again, you seem pretty edgy because it is all about $$$$ to you!

You gave a great list about what was good about the STUDENTS - well, NO ONE criticized them at all! You had NOTHING about the school leadership except some unproven claim about working on performance standards. Well, the leadership issues are what we discuss here. I thought I was clear on that. For a teacher, you don’t follow instructions very well! The schools have their OWN website to discuss all their events and claims of greatness. As for the rest:

*What would our schools be ranked if they included the test scores and graduation rates from their Charter School, the Digital Academy? *You said teachers and administrators are working hard on the performance standards. Why is it we never applied for “Race To The Top” again? Oh, yeah- I remember- because teachers didn’t want to be subjected to the performance standards! How much did we lose out on? *If you work “year round,” then you are being paid extra to teach summer school or you aren’t a FCS teacher! They work 181 days a year. *If you aren’t in the union, then why be beholden to their contract? March right in and volunteer to pay cuts and reasonable reduction in benefits. Har-de-har. THAT was a good one! *If you don’t receive stipends, then you don’t coach or serve as an advisor to clubs. In other words, you punch the clock and run! That sounds like you!

Maybe later I will post my list comparing all your whiny sacrifices to what I used to do as a Victim Advocate. You assume that no one else works for a living. Small wonder you think you are worth so much -you are arrogant beyond belief!  #452 H-WT (Monday, 15 July 2013 15:24) Sorry for my grammatical error... I am not perfect.

And, I make so many purchases I FAR exceed the deduction. Many of my kids do not bring requested items. I know I gave away at least a thousand or more pencils and 2-3 packs a month of lined paper which I had purchased myself. I also bought boxes of copy paper from OD this year because of rationing. I don't mind too much and I know some kids don't remember to remind their parents when they are out of supplies. I will continue to do so.  #451 HWT (Monday, 15 July 2013 15:08) You should have filed unruly charges against your child at the first sign of unruliness. It's called parenting and sometimes it's hard. I agree. There are intervention programs in place to assist you outside the school district if they are necessary. Why is it an educator's responsibility to get your kid to follow directions in your own home? What is the role of educators to you? I am not disabled, but I sincerely lack the strength to drag a seventeen year-old into a classroom or Saturday school or detention. So, he did get his GED and he is successful. That's great! Something worked! I hope he is smarter than me! Good for him! But, I do hope he uses reason when he votes for or against any levy, and not emotion. I am very glad he takes the time to vote. Please, enlighten both myself and the public on your job expectations for a teacher. I would love to see exactly what I'm lacking. Then, maybe I could use the constructive criticism to improve.  #450 Karen Combs (Monday, 15 July 2013 15:03) People can watch the video for themselves and see that "the only form of security is a safety plan" which includes such ABSURD things as "if it's a sexual predator, they don't go to the bathroom at the same time as the other kids." Wow - that's USELESS. These kids were of opposite sexes, so I'm pretty sure the groping was not occurring in the bathroom!  #449 HWT (Monday, 15 July 2013 14:57) Hate, vindictiveness and spite and name-calling are evidence of people who do no good for their community and lack original ideas to provide solutions. It seems your emotion- filled rants leave reason and/or real answers soundly by the wayside. Is the tone produced here what you wish me to teach our students?

How do you know so much about teaching if you are NEVER in a building? What do you think a teacher's job is? What is a parent's job? Am I supposed to raise them as well as get them all to meet academic expectations, too? We could work together! I am ready!

I did choose teaching as a career and I do enjoy it. I know I chose it. And, I'm proud of it. I'm working this summer. I'm not sure if I could do someone else's job, since she didn't mention what that job is. But, that's not what I chose.

Maybe you should reread my post. I AM NOT IN A UNION so, try taking the anti-union bias out of this discussion. I WORK ALL YEAR ROUND. I LOVE MY JOB. Quit blaming teachers for all societies' ills.

WE ARE willing to work with you. We are supposed to work with you. We didn't choose the school board or ANY of our administration, our voting/non-voting public did. So please don't conflate the two groups. I make every attempt to bloom where I'm planted.

No organization is perfect. The constant belittling of teachers by those who are never in a classroom is unfair to students and teachers and parents who really do try hard to provide a positive learning experience for their children. I've been there. I know. I would be embarrassed if my children used the tactics on this website to debate community issues. Is this the education/tone you wish for your children? Criticism comes easy from people who do not wish to understand and have no real solutions.

Actually, I eat lunch in my classroom so I can get as much work done as possible. Often, I spend the whole day without time to use the restroom until kids are out the door. I can count on one hand how many trips I made to the lounge last year. I receive no stipends.

I provide updated, comprehensive reports to parents that are always available. Yet few respond to my requests for communication and that's a fact. Not whining.

I don't complain about kids and parents. I am thrilled by their presence! I am simply weary of being expected to parent many kids, not all, which makes it very difficult to help educate students, a task I completely enjoy.

I do have students who work very hard, are polite, and make an honest effort. And, I appreciate them and the very hard work and participation their parents provide.

1. Kindergarten readiness is up dramatically since instituting all-day K! 2. Students from BMS qualified for state level competition in Destination Imagination competition surpassing many other districts this year. 3. FHS students designed and BMS students attended the dedication of Fairborn's 9/11 monument. They were attentive, respectful, and drew many positive comments from non- school and non-city attendants and participants. They removed hats. They bowed their heads during prayer. They asked questions.

4. Fairborn High School , Fairborn Primary School, and Fairborn Intermediate School are all rated EXCELLENT by the state. No, we're not all there yet, but these are remarkable gains!

5. Teachers and principals are working hard to implement new state standards and performance-based evaluations ASAP!

6. Students, some with meager means themselves, bring items in consistently to donate to the Fairborn FISH Pantry and NUMEROUS other charitable causes.

7. Students travel from BMS to the American Legion Hall each year to help place flags on the graves of Fairborn veterans in the cemetery backing up next to the base. Then, teachers return later to remove hundreds of flags after Vet's Day.

8. Two of my students noticed another student was wearing the same clothes every day. They brought in a gym bag full of their own clothes, after asking their parents for permission, and put them in his locker anonymously.

9. The Freshman Focus program at the high school provides mentorship for ALL incoming Freshmen and continues to see successful academic/social results in helping students adapt to high school.

10. Many families utilize the supplies donated by local churches and some businesses.

11. Giovanni's does have awesome pizza! I really like the cornmeal on the bottom of the crust.

 #448 I want the truth (Monday, 15 July 2013 14:57) Hard Working TEACHER can deduct his/her educator expenses from their income up to $250 (and up to $500, if filing jointly and both are eligible educators) on Form 1040 and may be able to deduct expenses over that amount on Schedule A, according to IRS Publication 529. I'm sure HWT knows this and does just that. When my child was a student at FCS, the students were required to bring in boxes of tissues, paper towels and school supplies to pool for the class and at FHS every student was charged a $20 computer paper fee. Oh, and by the way Hard Working TEACHER, "hard working" is not two words.  #447 ??? (Monday, 15 July 2013 13:52) How misleading. I watched the video. He did not say they would not protect the girl. This is a perfect example of the misleading statements you continually make on this site.  #446 Janice (Monday, 15 July 2013 11:53) Karen- you are so right. They never want to talk about the parents who DO try to "work with them" because they might have to explain why the kids hate their teaching so much! God forbid they would have to try to work a little harder to keep a kid on track. You can tell by this ones attitude pretty much the kind of lousy teacher she would be. Bet she sits in the break room gossiping and complaining about kids and parents all day.  #445 Danger Combs (Monday, 15 July 2013 11:21) HWT - Is there ANY teacher left on the planet who isn't a whiney, parent-hater with a martyr complex? That's rarer than El Chupacabra, I fear.

You can't begin to fix problems if you refuse to acknowledge that they exist!

On this site, we discuss political issues that impact the city and schools. This ISN'T about "good pizza" top-ten lists or blind devotion to the status quo. If that offends you, I suggest you go elsewhere. If you want to submit 10 great things about the City Council and schools of Fairborn, knock yourself out. It would take me a month to think of 2! So far, I have "#1: they seem to have pulses...most of them." And I don't have to "volunteer" to do YOUR job - why don't YOU just go do it? Oh, that's right - you have all summer off to just whine about it! Oh, goodie.

Nope- I don't know what it is like to teach younger kids. I was an instructor in a few WSU courses- so I've prepared lessons, delivered lectures, graded papers, etc. Not the most difficult thing I ever did by ANY stretch of the imagination! The amazing thing about the fact that I never taught younger people is that I DIDN'T CHOOSE TO BECOME A TEACHER!!! See how THAT works??? I didn't choose to be one and, lo and behold, I'm not one! And I STILL don't choose to be one! You, on the other hand, DID choose to become a teacher. So go do your job, collect your generous paycheck and obscene benefits, and leave the rest of us out of it!

Very few jobs in entirely different professions are "comparable" to each other. I'm sure you couldn't last a week doing the job I retired from! You would faint if you knew what people did without stipends!

Calling someone "Lord $carberry" is bullying? Ha, ha, ha. Of course, he's free to take the quarter-of-a-million he robs from us annually and retreat to his lake house. Hasn't he done ENOUGH damage here?

For a teacher, you sure seem a bit slow. I never suggested you should be "paid" like a fast-food worker! I said that was a hard job too. Thank God that every time I go in for a hamburger, they don't whine to me about how hot the grill is! And teacher unions ARE the ones who set the educational requirements to justify higher and higher salaries. While you worry about your "master's-level class on decorating bulletin boards," Little Billy can't read or write!

Goodness, when you have to stoop to whine about a few supplies you buy every year, you are really scraping! Most professionals I know pay for work-related items too. Once again, we sure could use the wood - any chance you will come down from the cross?  #444 Danger Combs (Monday, 15 July 2013 10:32) “Finally” - Don’t worry, no one expects the Fairborn City Schools to do ANYTHING -- least of all to back-up a parent!

My son was never “out of control.” He was always a kind and quiet young man who simply decided he didn’t want to go to school! Maybe someday I will ask him to come on here and describe what he thought of his teachers! Well, one thing for sure, he was bored to tears by most of Fairborn’s fabulous “educators”!

I don’t know what you expect a disabled Mom to do to force a 6’ tall, athletic teenager out the door? The FCS had him hating school so much that he didn’t care what I offered to give him or take away from him. He flatly refused to go. And the brilliant FCS administration would not even give him a detention! They also ROUTINELY allow kids to walk right out the door unchallenged. All those teachers, a dozen principals and forty “clerical workers” and no one can ask “hey, where are you going?”

Well, most often my son simply refused to even leave the house in the morning. A “Dean of Students” called him into his office once and said “go to school, okay?” He still laughs about that today! Do you think a 17 year-old doesn’t see how LITTLE they care? I don’t think he ever saw the actual principal! In fact, those six-figure earning clowns just kept encouraging me to let him drop out and take the GED! Wow! Such commitment to education!

When I was in Fairborn schools, if you missed a class without authorization (which I never did!), the Assistant Principal would hunt you down. You would spend your life in detention - even Saturday school - if that’s what it took! Now, since the FCS has added their little Charter School, they probably just dump any challenging kids into that, eh? Of course, that’s “independent” so their test scores don’t get added in and shade the other FCS results with any hint of REALITY! Looks like I just explained those rising test scores!

Face it, the environment at the FCS seems like a nightmare. Whether it is allowing bullying or a FCS administrator telling a news crew that they won’t protect students from sexual assault -watch this INCREDIBLE video: v=AMsgvQ1JEec.

Teachers who care about the kids should demand changes in the disciplinary policies instead of worrying about more money!

And while it may soothe you to imagine that I am alone in my experiences with the FCS, “Finally,” I’ve talked to several other parents going through the same thing now. It is obvious that “another Fairborn drop-out” would be good enough for you dedicated Masters-waving teachers and double-dipping administrators! Well, not for me! I filed truancy charges against my own son in Juvenile Court and he opted to graduate rather than do time! So he has a DIPLOMA - not the GED that was the FCS would rather have handed him than to do their JOBS! He now does quite well in his college courses and is smarter than you will EVER be!

Oh -and he goes out of his way to vote AGAINST school levies! See, I DID raise him right!  #443 HWT (Monday, 15 July 2013 09:32) I review this site and see little dialogue, but definitely diatribes by the bitter who spend hours demeaning a place where many good things happen. If no one outside the community knows Fairborn, they certainly get a sense of if from this website. If all this time was spent on actually doing something constructive in the community who knows what Fairborn could achieve. Are there any things people actually like about our town? How about a top ten list of good things? I am NOT in any union. I am NOT expecting any raises or increase in benefits. There are more of us than you think. I am willing to discuss compromise. Stereotypical nonsense from people who know little about what it's like to work with our children is spewed here instead. Work with me, not against me. Visit the buildings and offer assistance until they get tired of seeing you.

I simply grow weary of being blamed for all societies ills while working with what society gives me. I do NOT expect help. I would simply like to have participation from parents who brought human beings into the world by their own choice. Parent! Aggressively and consistently! Parents can help through enforcing higher expectations at home and in the classroom, teaching the use of common manners, and by communicating with teachers.

Decide what you want from teachers. If our primary job description is being battered from all sides instead of educating children we are not focused on enriching minds but parenting and policing the actions of other peoples' children. If you're jealous of our "holidays" become a teacher. I do NOT set our calendar. When you work with 150+ kids on a daily basis you may decide you need a few holidays to catch up on school work and see your family.

You mention other communities frequently in comparison to Fairborn. Those other communities send kids who are ready to learn in Kindergarten. We must have all-day K to even have a chance to catch up with those other districts. This is a fact. I may not agree with everything Mr. Scarberry does, but he is COMPLETELY right about that! (Notice how I called him Mr. Scarberry and not some sarcastic, rude, immature title for dramatic effect and attention.) Repetitive name-calling over a period of time is a bullying tactic. Does it help ANY situation in the long run? If you don't have the ability to volunteer time, visit a building, email questions to your student's teachers. Then, repeat! No one on here seems to be hurting for time available to spend on a computer. Send pencils. Send paper, the lined kind that parents are supposed to provide. Send tissues. I supplied my own and other materials this year and still ran out before the year was over.

Working with children is not comparable to making hamburgers or fighting fires, although sometimes that's a closer comparison. It is not comparable to any job you mentioned.

I do NOT set the educational requirements for teachers, but if I wish to keep teaching, I must meet them. Teaching is a professional job just as many jobs in the area. Compare apples to apples with teacher salaries. Hiring those with the salary and ability to flip burgers to educate your children may be a bad idea. If I am required to meet educational demands for my job, aka degrees, etc., it is not worthwhile to be paid like a fast food employee.

I do everything I can to combat bullying, but it is sometimes difficult to combat when society sends me children who have little regard for the feelings of others and are shown a consistent example of ranting and raving in the public arena instead of offering real, reasoned solutions to problems and working to implement them. Children and not inanimate objects without flaws of their own. They are not products.  #442 FINALLY (Monday, 15 July 2013 07:40) I am so glad to hear that you (Karen) FINALLY took "the situation into your own hands" when your child was rebelling!! Isn't that the problem here? That's EXACTLY what SHOULD happen!! Too many people (just like you) expect others in school systems to solve a problem with their children when YOU couldn't handle them! Glad that you BECAME a parent and dealt with YOUR child's issues and stopped passing them off on educators and then blaming those you passed the problem on to! The classroom is for E-D-U-C-A-T-I-N-G students, NOT spending half the day trying to control an OUT OF CONTROL child who SHOULD have been home trained a little better. So thank you again for doing YOUR JOB...FINALLY!  #441 Karen Combs (Monday, 15 July 2013 06:23) “Teacher” - It sounds like you have a J-O-B! Is teaching the only profession with personal and educational expenses, after-hours work, ungrateful clients, and dwindling benefits? My list would blow yours out of the water! Suffice it to say - get off the cross, we need the wood!

No one “attacks” teachers on here, but the only “dialogue” you are interested in is one in which you pocket more of our money! Well, you already make at least twice the average salary here! You whine about an alleged “pay freeze” (as the salary for nearly every FCS employee continued to go up) while teachers in other districts took PAY CUTS! Since we are the poorest district around, why don’t YOU?

I agree that more citizens should attend Board of Education and City Council meetings. So should more teachers! You all seem like a pretty apathetic bunch too- at least until someone brings up your public salaries! As for voting - thankfully, enough people voted to knock those unnecessary levies down!

Also, cutting your dental or life insurance IS pretty stupid and meaningless in the big picture. That was never advocated here. Until they REDUCE THE DEDUCTIBLE and benefits, the problem will remain. Your plan is simply unsustainable. We can’t keep increasing these costs by another $MILLION annually just so you can keep a $150 deductible! Maybe you don’t realize it or refuse to accept it, but health insurance is not meant to cover every hangnail!

I can’t imagine what your level of benefits will cost us under Obamacare! I am sure it will be utterly impossible to fund! In the meantime, if you choose to miss the boat and leave your husband off your low-cost, high-benefit insurance, I wouldn’t brag about it! In typical hypocritical fashion, you complain about “personal attacks” and then call me a liar! The numbers here about your healthcare are fictitious? Name ONE that is! Most of the numbers I use came straight from the FCS Treasurer in writing! Some things are estimates and SAY SO. The numbers I use are usually conservative compared to the reality! But I will certainly look forward to you providing some “corrections.” The truth is that the numbers are VERY accurate - you would just like to trick people into believing otherwise. Well, the readers here are a bit too sophisticated for that, so you will actually have to produce some FACTS!

No, I’ve never graded 150 essay tests. I’ve also never fought a 3-alarm blaze, managed a fast-food restaurant or worked on a garbage truck. I am sure those are all tough jobs too. Yet somehow all those jobs get done with far less whining than some teachers do! And none of those hard workers run around demanding that everyone has to voluntarily assist them either!

Of course, even if someone wanted to volunteer at the schools, there is no easily-accessed information on how to go about it! It was pointed out here a long time ago that the school website doesn’t mention a single word about volunteering! Why haven’t YOU done something about that since you seem to need help doing your job? Of course, most people work during the day - and work more than half the days on a calendar - (some even work, gasp, on holidays!) -so few are probably even available to help you. When my kids were little and I was working, my Mom used to go up and volunteer at the schools. She was usually treated like she was in the way. I’ve heard the same thing from many other parents too. I bet if you were put on a polygraph, the LAST thing you want is parents showing up to help! Indeed, the whole “volunteer” thing is just some schtick teachers were told to whip out whenever the community demands answers! Yawn.

As for a Master’s degree - that nonsense is a self-fulfilling prophecy - your union demanded a law requiring it but still urges you to complain about it! Well, you don’t need a Master’s to teach most grades and subjects. Teachers never used to have them and students got a far better education back then! If this was about improving teaching ability, then they would require the Master’s in a REAL subject and not the mumbo-jumbo they call “education.”

Finally, I know my kids had some good teachers at FCS, but they also had some truly rotten ones. Over the years, we saw many administrators and teachers whose main goal was merely to promote their own brats. The schools are utterly lacking in discipline. When my oldest hit the age for junior high, that school was so out of control that I put him in private school instead! When my youngest was rebelling, the school administration was utterly USELESS and I had to take the situation into my own hands. I hear similar stories all the time still, so it seems nothing has improved in that regard. In fact, the newspaper did a whole series about all the bullying and lack of discipline at FCS. Maybe teachers should worry about THAT instead of another pay raise?  #440 Hard Working TEACHER (Monday, 15 July 2013 02:37) This year, I bought boxes of Office Depot paper for my students. It's not cheap. I started the year with HUNDREDS of pencils, purchased by me for students. They are gone now. I bought my own curriculum materials. I financed a computer to lesson plan and record grades at home. I lost most of my weekends and MANY evenings to plan and grade for my 150+ students. Have you ever graded 150 essay tests? (And, I have children of my own who lost this time with me while I worked for other kids.) Turns out, I CAN'T use the same lesson plans every year. I purchased multiple books to prepare for instruction for last year and the coming year. I've spent the last two summers planning and completed Master's level state required continuing education courses. I'm still paying on my undergrad student loans after over a decade of teaching. I show up to work with a smile on my face and plans and graded papers in my hands and spend entire days working with kids whose parents I never meet. I am glad the folks on this website are engaged in local politics, but I wonder how many volunteer their time in a school building. My classroom is completely open to parents. I email parents constantly and rarely get a response. For the last several years, we've been on a pay freeze, but like everyone else my costs continue to rise. My husband is NOT on my insurance policy. I NEVER sit down in my classroom. I am expected to parent and educate many of my students, daily. Why do I do it? I do it because I enjoy the students and I enjoy teaching. I want them to have the opportunity to excel despite life's difficulties. Visit classrooms. Volunteer at functions and in the buildings. CONTACT teachers OFTEN! See what our day is like before you criticize our "Maserati" health plans using fictitious numbers. Stop attacking teachers when year after year board meeting audiences remain empty and few citizens vote. If our leadership is poor, it's not the teachers' fault. It's the voters'. Have you looked at the testing rating improvements for most of our buildings over the past several years? Now our contract has been "cancelled" and we're being threatened with loss of life and dental insurance, plan time, pay, and benefits. Thanks for the reward. I love my job. I don't want to leave, because I love Fairborn and its kids. I spent thousands of dollars on degrees. And I will spend HUNDREDS or more again this year. The criticism and pessimism of our schools and community on this board does NOT offer solutions. It poisons dialogue between parents and teachers. Leaders lead. They don't sit around wasting their time blaming. Can we solve community problems without constant personal attacks? Aren't we smart enough? Making the teacher the enemy does little improve our situation. It worsens morale for everyone.  #439 Karen Combs (Saturday, 13 July 2013 10:34) "E.R." (via e-mail): Thanks for forwarding your concern - I added my name as webmaster on the page. It wasn't very hard to find this info anyway - if you "google" fairbornspeaks, several articles appear in which I am mentioned as the website owner.

Anyone can post on the message board as long as they abide by the rules!  #438 RW (Saturday, 13 July 2013 09:14) Poor Senior - Tom Swaim is too arrogant, thinking he is 'above' Fairborn citizens, and will not apologize for his actions. He has been known to call individuals 'vindictive' for not voting for past levies, questioning why anyone would not vote for the levy because it is for the best interests of the children. Apparently he does not have much of a memory, or is just plain stupid, because in one BOE meeting, he voted on an item and then said, 'now, tell me what I just voted on'. This is the kind of Board members Fairborn has and it is just plain ridiculous. He should be 'retired' from the Board due to his mental state!!  #437 Poor Senior (Friday, 12 July 2013 20:11) Correction to #449 faux pax! Should read another synonym to insufferable: Tom Swaim.  #436 Poor Senior (Friday, 12 July 2013 15:35) Does Swaim have any memory or EVER admit responsibility for anything?????? How many misfires does it take before his nose drops a millimeter???? Does he ever contemplate the suffering 11.7 mills would have on thousands of Fairborn taxpayers? Mr.Webster another symptom for insufferable-Tom Swaim.  #435 Karen Combs (Friday, 12 July 2013 09:40) Tessie, Tessie, Tessie and more of her IMAGINARY "laws"! See today's Fairborn Daily Herald in which she says it is against the law for the BOE to share info on contract negotiations. NONSENSE.

In fact, the most recent case I could find under the Ohio State Employee Relations Board that dealt with this subject was Harrison Hills City School District (case #2007-ULP-09- 0516) in which a teachers union complained that a BOE had violated law by "publishing bargaining information and proposal exchanges through the newspaper and (the BOE) website or by telling striking bargaining-unit members that the Association made misrepresentations. How did THAT turn out? Heck, it never even made it past the Administrative Law Judge who only needed to find "probable cause" that this was a violation!

This union-driven hysteria has prompted a complaint against the Springboro BOE too for similar reasons. We will see where THAT goes. See above for a good bet.

There is absolutely NO reason that the public should be kept out of issues that impact OUR MONEY. If you don't like it, union employees - then go teach for PRIVATE SCHOOLS. They can keep your salary details completely private.

 #434 Karen Combs (Thursday, 11 July 2013 20:24) Wish I could have been at the BOE meeting, but just not up to it. I will say this much - isn't it AMAZING how we were in multi-million dollar deficit a few weeks ago and now we don't even need a levy? Funny what happens when the voters just say NO.

Thanks to all who attended the meeting.  #433 Feet (Thursday, 11 July 2013 19:37) Interesting BOE meeting tonight. Frank Gilbert once again called Swaim to the floor to apologize for what he said about Fairborn residents being against the children if they voted no. While Gilbert was talking, Swaim looked at Tess and "said what's he talking about?" and Tess just shook her head. Also interesting to note that Beavers said he is recommending NOT having a levy at this time. However, Roland Parks said we would have to wait and see what happens. WHAT?!?! The treasurer for ONCE is actually saying no to milking the residents and Parks said that we'll wait and see? SHOCK. Surprised he didn't remind us "that he is a black man." Did you see the line items that two principals are getting RAISES? RAISES. Once more, RAISES. One (maybe both) has already retired and FCS hired her as an assistant principal. Who knows how much she's making now that the board also gave her a raise! Remember the scary pay to participate fee was going to be $500 a kid per sport? What a joke. The ptp fee is THE SAME AS LAST YEAR. The same. Other item would be the gifts and donations portion. Furniture including desks and other items were donated to FCS. Ask some of the teachers if they've seen this furniture. I can almost guarantee you they haven't. Check the board building. The furniture there is gorgeous. Meanwhile the children and teachers are given used, substandard materials. Ridiculous. P.S. Beavers, Parks, and the rest of the board seem to have no knowledge of how much money FCS is getting from the state...isn't that public knowledge?  #432 Shadow (Thursday, 11 July 2013 16:09) Ashes to Ashes/Poor Senior,

Thank you for the kind words; my efforts a driven by desire to help those who have built this community and country and who are asked again and again to sacrifice more and more for people who provide a BELOW AVERAGE EDUCATION to our children, while being compensated in an ABOVE AVERAGE manner.

Speaking of "Manor," Lord $carberry's Manor Court, the FCS BOE, is prepared to rubber-stamp another of his levy requests. As Karen so eloquently stated at the last BOE meeting, this group of board members is controlled by his Lordship and the directives of the Ohio School Board Association. A quick check of the association's website finds that they describe "bad" and "good" school board members. Here are two "qualities" they list for "good" BOE members:

"• Avoids administrative decisions or attempts to second-guess the administration. The superintendent is the chief administrator and the board has no administrative function. • Remembers that board business often requires confidentiality, especially in processes involving students, personnel, land acquisition, negotiations and security."

Yes, be subservient to administrators and hide from the public ALL important decisions of the BOE...Yes, Karen nailed it, this is Lord $carberry's Manor Court, acting exactly like the Ohio School Board Association wants them act. It should be as no surprise that this organization also offers union contract negotiation assistance. The fox is truly guarding the hen house!

The broken record continues, but it is a must that I say it again:

Vote "No" on ANY levy they put on the ballot...Accountability Comes First!  #431 Curb Appeal (Thursday, 11 July 2013 12:08) Part III

So I guess my complaining has proposed this question to the readers. How is it fair that the city can use whoever bids the lowest (even if they DON"T currently hold the correct paperwork required by the city), and I don't stand a chance of getting a fair bid based on the criteria set up by our city gov't???? Talk about filling someone's pocket!! This whole procedure disgusts me!!!!!!  #430 Curb appeal (Thursday, 11 July 2013 12:03) Part II con't... So I decided to call the City Engi"not" and ask about the exhaustive (insert sarcasm here) list of contractors I could call. My questions and answers below-

#1 Me- "Is the city only held to the 5 contractors listed on this sheet to provide bids to do the work on the curbs?" City- "No, we receive bids from anyone and the lowest bids wins." Me- "So what you are telling me is that I do not have the option of acquiring bids from a "non"-approved contractor?" City- "Yes you can. However, you can find someone to bid on your property. But they must be licensed and bonded in the city". Me- "So what your telling again is that you guys receive bids from contractors who are "not" currently licensed and bonded in the city?" City- "Correct" Me- "And I do not have the knowledge of who this might by until AFTER the Aug 9th deadline you have provided me to submit my paperwork by?" City- "That's probably correct" Me- "So I PROBABLY couldn't receive a fair estimate to have the work completed myself b/c the contractor would have to pay for licensing and bonding fees JUST to do my work...correct?" City- "I'm not sure about receiving a fair estimate, but yes, the contractor must be licensed and bonded" con't...part III  #429 Curb Appeal (Thursday, 11 July 2013 11:44) Part I Karen-just thought I would share this info with you as I just finished speaking to the City Engi"not". I was provided with an "estimated cost" sheet from the city to repair the curbs in front of my home. I then went to the Engin"not" department to obtain a list of "approved" contractors. This is a list of contractors that the city says I can "only" use because they are licensed and bonded in the city. Of the 5 (yes, I said 5) that I checked out on Better Business Bureau, only 2 showed up. The first one had 23 (OMG 23!!!!) complaints in the last 3 years. Guess who I wasn't calling! The other had a better rating, so I called. Their response was that they wouldn't come out b/c they couldn't beat the price the city would get "as a whole" by some other company to do the work. So, there went the second of only 5 approved contractors. Now I go on and call a third person on the list and talked to the son of the contractor. He stated that his father is in the hospital recovering from a heart procedure and that they would get out as soon as he recovered (God only knows how long that would be). I offered my well wishes and hung up...con't in part II  #428 Karen B. (Thursday, 11 July 2013 00:10) To @Karen B. -- You state "There are different accounts through Greene Giving. So basically, it is just an overhead program...They do not divide up the money. The FEF/AA has their own account through Greene Giving and any donation made must be put in to the FEF/AA account." I'm supposed to believe it just because you say so? The latest tax form you show is from 2008. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that there is something fishy going on here. Somebody is sure getting a payday with other people's money. Just not my money.  #427 Frank Gilbert (Wednesday, 10 July 2013 22:36) I guess that when the citizens voice their opinion, they must be silenced, eh? What other VALID reason could the board have to discontinue the facebook page? I'd like to suggest that everyone who can, sign up on the e-communication link so the you will be automatically recieve the propoganda. And I do hope that someone mentions this at the meeting tomorrow. Matter of fact, it wouldn't hurt if several people mentioned it.  #426 Ashes to Ashes (Wednesday, 10 July 2013 21:57)


I would like to comment on your post #426. First, however, let me say, thank you. Thank you for your dedication to educate the Fairborn citizen. It is only through such dedication from people such as yourself that residents of Fairborn can educate themselves about the real life issues that are effecting their lives.

Now, as for your post. You quoted Mr. Beavers from a news article.

"At publication time, the district is still waiting on word from the state on what to anticipate from the proposed budgets for the amount of money FCS will receive for the next two school years."

Well, not one school district in Ohio will receive less state aid in the next two years than they received last year. The fact the BOE knew all this but didn't share it with the Fairborn voters, is proven with the revised 5 year forecast with the increased amounts that was submitted on May 29th to the Ohio Dept of Education.

Conveniently not sharing this knowledge with the Fairborn voters in an attempt to deceive the voters about the truth. The revised 5 year forecast shows an increase in unrestricted grants-in-aid from the state, of $737,366 for 2013 fiscal year and $666,999 for 2014 fiscal year.

Also, Mr. Beavers revised forecast has an increase in the amount the district will receive in unrestricted grants-in-aid from the state of $666,999 for each of the three remaining fiscal years of 2015, 2016, and 2017. Giving the district $3.4 million in additional state aid not original forecasted before the election.

Perhaps the most significant aspect of this recent , and erratic, course of the Fairborn BOE is that this school district has remained relatively unchanged after all the millions of dollars poured into it. To save it after Mr. Scarberry came in behind the last school administrator. When hundreds of thousands of dollars had been misappropriated and the state auditor stepped in. We have relied and trusted this BOE and have received nothing in exchange for our trust but deceit. Deception on a level cloaked in government attire and exempt from accountability.  #425 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 10 July 2013 18:31) As to "Greene Giving," - they finally fixed their phone number -just after I mentioned it was broken here! Still, the one for the director goes to a full mailbox. They also made a half-hearted effort to update their list of charities, but their latest posted tax return remains 2008.

Is Greene Giving a "revocable trust"? If so, the organization can decide to withhold donated funds, right? Also, they do NOT detail their administrative costs. So who knows how much of a donation to a member charity goes for that? In short, this looks like a great way for a small "charity" to hide their books, get someone else to do their tax returns and fill our their required paperwork and have ZERO accountability to the public. No thanks.  #424 Poor Senior (Wednesday, 10 July 2013 17:44) Bullseye Shadow!! Vote no BOTH city and school as long as McDoDAMAGE and Lord $carberry are empowered by these sycophantic incompetent elected officials who support these horrific CEO's and there corrupt,pathetic leadership. Calamitous!!!  #423 Shadow (Wednesday, 10 July 2013 16:13)

As to Greene Giving, here is a repost of something I put in my post #314 a month ago:

"Regarding the recent Greene Giving umbrella charity, a check of their most recent available IRS Form 990 (2008) shows their directors at the time (which included Joan of Fairborn Dautel) not receiving any compensation. Sounds great, right? One problem: The Supplemental Information section of the form states the following:


Yep, people who give unrestricted gifts think it is purely a charity with a great ratio of spending on programs vice administrative costs, but don't realize the Executive Director is a local government employee."

Sites like Charity Navigator are a great resource for finding worthwhile charities of all types. As far as charities specializing in military-type issues, a rule of thumb I use (as a veteran) is the following:

- Charities who help the families of those who didn't come home

- Charities who help paralyzed and other seriously wounded vets

Legit 501(C) charities which do these things (Special Operations Warrior Foundation and TAPS comes to mind) are such charities, but it is up to the individual whose $$$ is being donated to decide what is right for him/her.  #422 @Karen B: (Wednesday, 10 July 2013 15:47) There are different accounts through Greene Giving. So basically, it is just an overhead program...They do not divide up the money. The FEF/AA has their own account through Greene Giving and any donation made must be put in to the FEF/AA account.  #421 Karen B. (Wednesday, 10 July 2013 11:33) Wow, it's not easy finding these charities that the City Council and BOE are pushing. Seems like they are all wrapped up into umbrella-type charities. I sure would be leery about contributing to any of them! Fairborn Education Foundation contributions go to Greene Giving. This charity encompasses all of Greene County. You would have no way of knowing if your contribution ever reached FCS or went to some other community. I think I'll keep my money in the bank.  #420 Shadow (Tuesday, 09 July 2013 18:26)

"The Fairborn City Schools FaceBook page has been deactivated, The Fairborn Board of Education made the decision after careful consideration."

"Careful Consideration" means "Lord $carberry can't control the narrative, therefore it has to be eliminated per his orders."

Keep him on the defensive folks, Vote "NO" on the next levy and every succeeding one!  #419 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 09 July 2013 14:21) Well, to me, deleting the FCS facebook page altogether is preferable to having the page with NO rules and ARBITRARY deletions of posts (which is how it had been operating). I provided lots of info on public entity facebook policy issues to the board back on JUNE 4 (see posts #290-291). Of course, setting a workable policy would take some EFFORT and there is ZERO sign that THIS Board is capable of doing THAT! So they just took the easy road - are you really surprised by that? I just wonder why it took over a month to do it!  #418 ??? (Tuesday, 09 July 2013 13:44) Wow-just read on the school website that the Facebook page was I went and checked for myself...sure enough, no FCS Facebook page anymore. The board should answer to why they made this decision. How ridiculous. And they want my support? Why would I when they are doing this stuff!

Can someone who is attending the next board meeting ask why it was deleted? I would but I am unable to attend due to a previous engagement.  #417 Janice (Tuesday, 09 July 2013 10:16) "Welcome" - WTF? How stupid are YOU?

As for "Operation Fake Charity" - how come this is the ONLY local organization that is featured on the city's homepage of their website? There are many other WORTHY and ESTABLISHED charities in Fairborn.  #416 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 09 July 2013 06:44) I notice that NO ONE involved with "Operation Fairborn Cares" cares enough to answer ANY of the 8 questions in the article I posted days ago - confirming what I already suspected about this fly-by-night, politician-promoting "charity."  #415 Danger Combs (Tuesday, 09 July 2013 06:35) "Welcome to Fairborn" - Like LOL (which is NOT "Love Our Leaders" either!) WTF "stands for" what it has stood for since text messaging was born (ask someone under 80 if you really don't know). If it was intended to be "welcome to Fairborn," there would be no need for the use of this WELL-KNOWN text abbreviation.

Personally, I love the shirt since a sarcastic (but NOT abbreviated!) "Welcome to Fairborn" has been MY catchphrase since I began writing on citizen blogs. So I think the shirt is both true AND funny, but don't bother pretending it is a "positive" shirt about Fairborn! Play "dumb" all you'd like, but it's a bit shocking for the Treasurer of the Chamber of Commerce to be promoting such an item. It seems that he has finally caught on to the reality here! LOL.  #414 Welcome to Fairborn (Tuesday, 09 July 2013 00:21) WTF on the t-shirt stands for "Welcome to Fairborn" What do you think it stands for? I think Mr. Foy has a great shirt.  #413 Shadow (Monday, 08 July 2013 17:20)

Ah, the latest FCS "newsletter" has been digitally published. Surprisingly, we get some student information first. FCS now informs us that ONE student did make a Top 50 institution, though in all fairness to FCS, it appears the individual may have received a late appointment. Congratulations in any case, but think of if this individual could be joined by 25 or so more of their classmates? That would be just shy of 10% of all graduates, an achievable mark if His Lordship put such academic success as a top priority; sadly we know that the purchase and maintenance of McMansions, jumbo SUVs and vacation condo retreats on Lake Erie are ALWAYS his top priority.

Speaking of Lord $carberry, the "newsletter" does delve into the district financial situation. In a short paragraph, the Manor Court Jester, Eric Beavers, AKA, The Beav, AKA Leisure Suit Larry, AKA Wannabe Gordon Gekko, and his Lordship explains how the deficit went from the $4.1 million deficit figure used in the "we must pass the Levy NOW or FCS District Armageddon occurs" scenario from less than two short months ago, to today's $1.5 million shortfall. Here is their “rational:”

“The Fairborn Board of Education voted in April to eliminate 45 positions saving the district $1.65 million per year. Due to the elimination of these positions combined with additional state aid to be received this year Fairborn City Schools’ deficit has been reduced. For the 2013-1014 school years, these two major factors have improved the district bottom line leaving a $1.5 million deficit. Finishing with more money in the bank definitely will help us, and depending on state aid, it hopefully will lower any future millage request,” Superintendent Dave Scarberry said. “That would be very positive for us and received positively in the community as well.” At publication time, the district is still waiting on word from the state on what to anticipate from the proposed budgets for the amount of money FCS will receive for the next two school years. Based upon the uncertainty of the amount to be received from the state, the Board of Education decided to put the “Pay to Participate” fees on hold until the actual funding is provided. “While the bottom line financially has had some improvement, it’s coming at a great cost educationally,” Treasurer, Eric Beavers said. “We continue to make cuts to live within our parameters. We do need additional revenue as we move forward.”

Okay, I guess they figure we can't subtract, being "non-educators." Taking away the listed amount cut and remaining deficit they now "project," from the original $4.1 million "deficit projection" we are left with roughly $1 million. Curiously, they mention "additional state aid" being given; yet don’t say if it is a loan or some other type of fiscal relief. Interestingly enough, around $1 million was the amount that was invested (WITHOUT BOE AUTHORIZATION!) by The Beav in high-risk Asset-Backed Commercial Paper. Could the "aid" have been the State Auditor ordering The Beav, our NON-Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) “CFO” to divest of this risky market foray and return the money to the treasury? Given the black hole that is Lord $carberry’s Manor Court, err, BOE with their “Executive Sessions,” that is entirely plausible.

Of course, no mention is made of contract termination and on-going negotiations with the unions; we are just told again that “additional revenue” is needed, even though his Lordship and The Beav have no idea of the final numbers coming from the state! Rest assured, if you give them more of your hard earned money, they will dream up plenty of “uses” for the additional $$$!

I wonder if The Beav is forecasting the reduction in income tax receipts that will occur thanks to the WPAFB furlough (i.e. A REAL PAYCUT, not just a “freeze”) and the resultant smaller paychecks of some district residents? Oh well, the Manor Court, I mean, BOE approved $5,300 in taxpayer money to go to a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) firm to meet “state requirements.” Maybe while they are performing the Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP) and GASB no. 34 tasks our non-CPA, $105,000 a year in pay “Treasurer/CFO” can’t do, they will tell him he ought to figure it in. As The Beav said at the last BOE meeting, regarding the multitude of outside contractors the district has to hire to do Princess Tessie Do-Little's "stacks of paperwork," "We don't have the expertise."  #412 Poor Senior (Sunday, 07 July 2013 13:06) WTF t-shirt first accurate community assessment by Mr.Foy probably ever! What do they say about the blind squirrel?  #411 Karen Combs (Saturday, 06 July 2013 10:52) Jon - I heard the same thing about Central businesses paying for their curbs while the city picked up the tab for Main Street owners. Must be more of that "we have to be fair to everyone" BALONEY that our City Manager loves to spew - but not actually implement! I hope the street levy renewal goes down in flames - if they have enough money to build $2 million bike paths to CalamityCircus, they don't need ANY more from us!  #410 Karen Combs (Saturday, 06 July 2013 10:50) C'est la vie - I just noticed a mistake - on post #421, I accidentally put MY name as "C'est la vie" when I was actually intending to REPLY to him/her. Sorry for the temporary identity theft!  #409 Jon (Friday, 05 July 2013 23:29) I understand that the business on Main St. didn't have to pay for their curb and sidewalk repair, but the Central Ave. business did. Any truth to that? Also, is there any citizen or business owner willing to stand against this renewal if the curbs and sidewalks are not covered under the levy like they were supposed to be originally?  #408 C'est la vie (Friday, 05 July 2013 19:40) I don't know about boycotting the businesses, but it is HIGH TIME we boycott the city government! Sadly, it is usually the same small group of people willing to speak out!  #407 Karen Combs (Friday, 05 July 2013 19:33) A few other notes on "Operation Fairborn Cares" -

1) On the issue of duplication of services: - Rule #10 of the Greene County Veterans Services Commission Guidelines for Financial Assistance states that:

"Applicants receiving similar assistance from any other agency or institution must declare same. This may make the applicant ineligible for assistance or the amount of required assistance decreased."

I hope the potential clients of OFC are advised of this.

2) Someone suggested to me that OFC would - like so many organizations around here do - hide behind the "Greene Giving" AKA "Greene County Community Foundation" as their excuse for not providing transparent information. Well, even if they file tax returns via this organization, they should STILL provide detailed info ON THEIR OWN. Any "charity" that doesn't want to reveal such info would never get a dime from me!

As for relying on Greene Giving to provide info to the public, they might want to start with a WORKING phone number (the one on the Greene Giving website is disconnected) and a COMPLETE list of member organizations/funds (they have only a partial list) and CURRENT posted tax returns (the last one on their website is from 2008). Donors and potential donors should NOT have to become internet sleuths to find this information! It all leads to only one logical conclusion - the groups that use this foundation are okay with hiding key financial info! Again, that does NOT seem like a wise way to manage giving decisions to me!

As it stands now, ANY group could run around claiming to be under the auspices of Greene Giving - how would donors know otherwise?

 #406 C'est la vie (Friday, 05 July 2013 17:05)

About the sidewalk program, in the past, I've heard several residents comment about boycotting downtown businesses. If the boycott happened or not, I don't know.

The talk about a boycott was in response of the unfair use of tax dollars and grant money to repair BUSINESS OWNERS curbs and sidewalks while the HOME OWNERS are made to pay for their own repairs.

How many businesses have closed since the downtown streetscape was finished? Newreaders is closed, Needful Things closed, and how many others? The city should have made all downtown business owners agree to stay in business for a given number of years, much like the tax incentives they give to new businesses that come to Fairborn. This way the city could recoup some of the expenses with the tax revenue generated by the business, or, if they close after the repairs were made, make the BUSINESS OWNERS repay the city for the cost associated with the repair of the business owners curbs and sidewalks.

Also, if the city can use HUD money (CDBG) for business owners curb and sidewalk repairs, why don't they use it on the cost to repair Fairborn residents curb and sidewalks. I've been told that other communities do.

I think Centurion is right about all the hidden taxes in Fairborn. Why buy in Fairborn and pay this hidden tax, when you can rent and let the PROPERTY OWNER pay it, unless you just happen to be a DOWNTOWN BUSINESS OWNER.

And they wonder why Fairborn only has a 48% owner occupied ratio!  #405 Karen Combs (Friday, 05 July 2013 13:55) "Curb" - It is also outrageous that the city stole Street Levy money to give to Streetscape and paid for Main Street curb repairs and sidewalks- with OUR money for the BUSINESSES- while making residents pay for their own! What makes them think WE can afford it any more than a BUSINESS OWNER?  #404 Frank Gilbert (Thursday, 04 July 2013 22:33) "response to Frank" Yes, unions have helped the schools decline, but above that, poor leadership has hurt as well. Not being willing to make the tough decisions until a crisis is reached only compounds the problems. Not being open and honest with citizens and staff has put us on a course that will only make it harder to right the ship. The problem starts at the top. THAT is where the solution lays.  #403 Poor Senior (Thursday, 04 July 2013 08:05) Eliminate ASAP digital academy-return ASAP to neighborhood schools-send lord $carberry to Lake Erie-happy 4th everybody!  #402 "Curb" appeal (Thursday, 04 July 2013 07:11) Karen- I just received a certified letter from our wonderful city stating that I must repair the curbs in front of my home. They (engineering dept) gave me an estimate from their "rear"-end for the cost of repairing them (but oh no, not the city...someone who they contract to do the work). In a letter sent with the estimate, it states that if I choose to find a company to do the work, they must be bonded (totally understand) and they MUST be an already approved contractor by the city!! This is outrageous!! Isn't it nice that I CAN'T find someone on my own UNLESS that company is approved ONLY BY THE CITY!! BUT I AM ALLOWED TO PERSONALLY DO THE WORK MYSELF (even if I don't know how)!!!! Sorry for the rant, just wanted to share.  #401 Janice (Wednesday, 03 July 2013 21:37) Careful, Karen, or Danny Kirkpatrick will say you are making fun of the suicidal!! He must have a conniption when he watches a comedy - even on the Disney channel! Who wants such a nervous wreck for mayor?

Paul Keller's handing out campaign stuff with a list of committees and groups he just joined since deciding to run for Council. He took that right out of Marilyn McCauley's playbook. Fakers.

I better get back to Main Street before I lose my spot in the Nagle-thon! I'm working on my poem but I can't figure out what rhymes with "good riddance."  #899 Fairborn CEO (Sunday, 01 September 2013 13:08) I never said we could not be compared to other places, in fact, I myself COMPARED them to districts that are LOCAL - Beavercreek, Centerville, Kettering, and Xenia. Do you even read my posts before you reply with the same regurgitated unsubstantiated lines?

Please reread my posts as you have not caught my point. We are discussing pay for professionals. These professionals all have bachelor degrees and many have masters degrees. Professional salaries are based on LOCAL markets. Ohio is a big state with many different markets.

The state auditor cares only about finances. The auditor doesn't care if the district wouldn't survive if they followed their recommendation to cut pay.

If the teachers are being paid local market value and they don't want to drop below market value has is that being greedy? Where I come from we call that a fair wage. Do know what happens when a business tries to cut their labor costs below market value? Research Hostess. Although I don't agree with most of Scarberrys actions at least he is in charge and not you. And here I thought I would never be happy that Scarberry was in charge!

Do you understand the concept of "local market" (yay for copy and paste, my fingers would be worn out repeating this question)? Findlay and Newark are not local to Fairborn. Why don't we compare Fairborn to the BEST instead of the WORST similar sized schools in the state? More cherry picking numbers. Working in corporate America for several large companies I have been audited and I have been on the audit team. I am well aware of ways to make an audit reflect what you want it to reflect. If Fairborns compensation was so "over the top" the auditor would have picked three local districts to compare it to. Using these other districts would be like trying to sell your house for $250,000 because a house very similar to yours sold for $250,000 in Hilliard. Guess what - the sale price in Hilliard means nothing as it is a different MARKET!

The deductibles are on page 133. If you can't read a contract how can you be a reliable source? I have proven myself numerous times to use PUBLISHED FACTS. If I can't back it up, I won't type it. I will have to admit I did make a mistake. When looking up the page number I realized I was wrong about the deductibles in Beavercreek. They are actually $0/$0 in network and $150/$300 out of network as opposed to $150/$300 in network at Fairborn and $300/$600 non network. Out of pocket maximums are higher in Fairborn. Silly me, I thought they were equal when in fact Beavercreeks are MUCH better. I do find it interesting that the premiums in Beavercreek are lower as their plan is better. I would assume the difference is somehow related to the make up of employees (age/gender/number/etc). Clearly it is evident that Fairborns health care coverage is NOT out of the ordinary for local school districts.

I have presented substantial evidence that we pay the teachers a fair wage (compared to Kettering, Beavercreek, Xenia, and Centerville). I compared benefits with Beavercreek. I have no desire to compare benefits at the other local schools as I have no reason to believe they will be different. These are FACTS. This is PROOF. This is comparing one local district to other local districts. Unfortunately for you the numbers don't support your stance and therefore you refuse to accept them.

The name calling was brought up because that has been the only thing you have done. You have not been able to support your stance with any solid data - you resort to out of market districts and biased state audits and then use name calling to distract readers from the fact you don't have any ground to stand on. I see right through you. You are not talking real world apples to apples comparisons. I am.

Poorly performing schools? Fairborns report card says otherwise. Given the hurdles we have I am quite proud of Fairborn. Fairborn is one of the most difficult local districts to teach. If I were a teacher I would have no desire to even apply in Fairborn - I would find a better paying job with better benefits and better kids an exit down 675.

My positions are strong and backed with reliable data. I know this page has an extremely negative aura associated with it. I wouldn't want my name or business information anywhere near this much negativity.

As webmaster you should put up a poll and ask YOUR readers who has made a stronger argument on this topic. I bet I win 3:1.

Please remove the "tick tock" message at the the top of this page (that would be a good place for the poll!) Post 658 has been challenged and defeated. Maybe next I'll move on to defending Deb in whatever stupid thing she did/said last. What can I say? I'm a junky for winning and I see an abundance of potential for me to be the savior of!  #898 Shadow (Sunday, 01 September 2013 12:58) Karen,

Thanks for the information on Mr. Keller; I know you care deeply for the city and schools and appreciate your candor. As I alluded to before, it is a question of motive. Like you, I tire of the enablers who put their and their "associates" interests above our children's interests specifically and the common good of the community.

As you eloquently stated, "He/She is, as all sycophants are, someone send on here to try to challenge the truth. Turns out, the truth always prevails!" I will keep trying to provide FACTS to the readers of this board and look forward to other like-minded citizens participating. I know the VESTED INTEREST types will continue to post and unlike Chicken Excrement McWhorter stated, you don't censor this board. Is this a 100% agreement board? Hardly, but I have seen that posters such as Frank Gilbert, Poor Senior, Janice, TJ, Centurion and most of all, you Karen, the provider of Fairborn Speaks!, has this community's best interest at heart and want REAL, MEASURABLE progress for OUR STUDENTS. There is not an infinite amount of tax $$$ and we need to get the same bang for our educational dollars as COMPETING districts! Yes, COMPETING, because their students, not OURS are getting the opportunities OUR students deserve through our sacrifices as taxpayers!  #897 Karen Combs (Sunday, 01 September 2013 12:23) Shadow- Well, if you are looking for “slumlords” for your “scorecard,” I suggest the CURRENT council candidate Paul Keller who evicts about one tenant every year and uses the CITY SOLICITOR as his lawyer. Nah, no conflict-of-interest there, eh? My friends who own rentals say this guy either can't screen tenants properly or is ruthless. Either way, not much good to say about him.

As for other people manipulating the election, next up would be the "Reverend" Craig "I influence elections" Fourman. How many of these candidates are beholden to this guy? What happened to his Political Action Committee? Most of all WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND attends a "church" where the preacher injects himself into local politics? Let me know. I will mail you a copy of Jefferson's notes for the Bill of Rights.

Someone previously had another good suspect in the form of Fairborn's own little Livia Soprano. She has her talons in EVERY campaign in town! As Tony said of his mother "the older she gets, the worse she gets."

I have PLENTY of doubt that “CEO” is a CEO. He doesn’t seem to understand the first thing about the bottom line! He is certainly not some random business owner who happened to check out the site. He/She is, as all sycophants are, someone send on here to try to challenge the truth. Turns out, the truth always prevails!  #896 Shadow (Sunday, 01 September 2013 11:34) Karen wrote,

"Shadow - I am a huge fan of yours, but I thought Donna Wilson was a failed florist and Keller was the slumlord? Or are you talking about some other PRIVATE CITIZEN who isn't even involved in this discussion? If so, that's tacky, I must say."

Not trying to be tacky Karen, but without a scorecard, keeping track of a who is doing what to whom is difficult...I will leave it at that, with the caveat that I don't own more real estate than my own home and I am not a franchisee.

I have know doubt that Fairborn CEO is a local businessperson, though the title is quite presumptuous given the sizes of business in the area; I'm sure Jamie Dimon isn't worried about losing his JP Morgan job to Fairborn CEO. More on that later in my post.

As I alluded to with my "scorecard" reference, there is a cadre of people within the FCS district and the city who have a VESTED INTEREST IN KEEPING THE STATUS QUO. They are the big fish in the small pond and want to keep it this way. There is a pervasiveness of the archaic "Know your Betters" around Fairborn. Far be it backward, Appalachian culture identified this form of cultural hierarchy with many songs and poems. Take a listen to the song "Sixteen Tons" and you will understand. Do not misunderstand me; Every business owner is not evil, every school worker isn't just out for themselves, but there is an entrenched web of government and business people who put THEIR interests and the interests of FELLOW cadre members ahead of the common good. Need an example of such government and business being intertwined? Look no further than the Chamber of Commerce being headed up by the PR person for the schools. Yes, she has business interests, interests that go back to family wealth, however she now is also entrenched in the biggest taxing bureaucracy in the local area, FCS.

There is an old adage which should be followed when trying to figure out people's motivations: "Follow the money"

Our New Friend, Fairborn CEO, first loyalty is to his business (he will probably say family, but of course, family and business are frequently one in the same around here). If his business is doing well with the status quo, then his #1 priority is to KEEP THE STATUS QUO! He pontificates about "A city's most valuable asset is their school system" yet also states "Honestly, I don't care about test scores." He wants to talk in businessman terms, yet he doesn't want to talk about how FCS, with more revenue per student than Beavercreek, consistently performs worse in actual, real world measurements of educational effectiveness. Of course, that is what Fairborn CEO DOES want to occur, maintenance of the status quo. Smart students going on to greater things and possibly coming back to Fairborn to readdress the entrenched hierarchy is definitely not part of the plan for those running the show around here; they must keep the surfs in line. On the city front, retaining Deb McBigot is all the evidence people need of what goes on here. On the school front, the situation for the ruling class (why, dear reader, do you think I use feudal imagery in my posts?) has been made more precarious by King State coming in and looking at the books (Hence, The Beav's divesture of a risky asset- backed commercial paper investment). However, Lord $carberry always knows to look out for himself FIRST and repudiating the contracts of overpaid, underperforming teachers and staff was an easy course to mollify The King. Of course, McWhorter and the unions played right into his hand, acting the part of a jilted, greedy, self-absorbed lover perfectly. McWhorter could come here and talk how the FEA wants to improve the education of our students, but he would rather have "Respect" sound bites on TV.

It has been ten years of Lord $carberry and our district has been left behind by so many other districts, whose graduates are now being afforded the opportunities denied OUR students, denied by a bureaucracy of Administrators, Faculty, Staff and a web of enablers (yes, that is you Fairborn CEO) who look out for THEIR INTERESTS FIRST!  #895 Karen Combs (Sunday, 01 September 2013 09:24) Chief Exasperating Oppressor - Careful, careful, your desperation is showing! I wish you had told me that you weren’t interested in FACTS and that you would only be satisfied with data that DOESN’T EXIST!

It’s ABSURD to conclude that magically Fairborn just can’t be compared to other places! To say that the average Ohio School District healthcare premium is somehow irrelevant - even when narrowed to schools with less than 1000 employees - is silly. Ditto for the average public employee premium or deductible. Of course these things can fairly be compared to the FCS! Whether YOU agree or not, THE STATE AUDITOR DOES!! And, thankfully, they should be doing another special performance audit here soon to show us AGAIN just how far overboard our salaries and benefits are in comparison to others!

In fact, they use the very comparison tools I did in the 2005 Special Performance Audit which the FCS chose to IGNORE, costing us MILLIONS. I find it amusing that you think a school district in FISCAL CRISIS should simply ignore the recommendations of the State (while simultaneously telling the public how dire it will be if the state takes over!)?? And what could possibly be your justification for this position? Because some greedy teachers might jump ship? AS I SAID, that is a B’rer patch argument. If they can FIND another job - LET THEM GO. We can’t keep running our district into the ground financially because it ISN’T “about the kids” for those select money-grubbers!

The Auditor also chose what they called “peer districts” to compare to FCS. Now I am sure you will tell me all about how you don’t think these compare, given your elusive “standards.” Well, the STATE OF OHIO does. Whamp, whamp - select a parting gift. Back in 2005, the single employee premium for FCS was $405. This compared to PEERS of Findlay at $292, Huber Heights at $295 and Newark which has a tiered plan (another recommendation the FCS IGNORED) at $410/$325 depending on the tier. Then the State compared this to - tada! - the SERB average for districts statewide which was $325. AGAIN, keep in mind readers, these are all 2005 numbers. So while this DREADFUL “leadership” was blackmailing the community about the evils of a state takeover, they were IGNORING THE VERY ADVICE needed to prevent it from happening. And the PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING, “CEO,” since we are back in a steaming pile of fiscal mayhem! Also, thank you for pointing out the Beavercreek contract. I am glad you are willing to accept a comparison with them. They have UHC, which is a far cry from Anthem Blue Cross - the best insurance around! There was NO INFORMATION on their deductible in the contract, so I am not sure where you obtained it? Is this something else you made up? Or did you get it from whatever teacher you are related to who put you up to this, eh? Well, Beavercreek’s 2012 monthly single premium is $513 and their family premium is $1,432 - a far cry from Fairborn’s $705 and $1,764!! So, EVEN USING THE COMPARISON YOU SUGGESTED, the FCS’ benefits are INSANELY high! JUST DO THE MATH - take the difference in these costs times ALL THE EMPLOYEES we pay 80% of these costs for EACH MONTH! It adds up fast!

You have presented NO EVIDENCE that we pay FCS teachers “fairly” and according to the market. The fact that you choose to blindly believe it anyway shows you are single- minded and not very familiar with sound business practices AT ALL!

Oh, goodie - IT’s moved on to the “name-calling” complaint. Didn’t you come on here pretending you understood satire? What happened? Had to go back to the “old standby” because you were losing the debate, eh? Don’t feel bad - its pretty much the only complaint your side can cling to. Well, I don’t care WHY people check out fairbornspeaks or what they think of me - I get people to talk about and learn about their city and schools. Even a dimwit like you! You're welcome.

Tempting as it is to sign you “non-disclosure agreement” (LOL!) just to see what kind of LOON doesn’t care about over-compensating teachers at POORLY-PERFORMING SCHOOLS, I’ll pass. The fact that you fear “losing business” by disclosing your name tells me all I need to know about how certain you feel about your positions here! Weak, weak, weak.  #894 Fairborn CEO (Saturday, 31 August 2013 21:09) 4th paragraph down states:

"The FCS single monthly premium is $705. Take this, minus the average OH public employee single premium of $506 = OVERPAYMENT OF $199 per month, per employee with single coverage..."

Wow, I'm actually not making anything up - it is right there on YOUR page. Almost everything I know about the situation I have "learned" on here. As I mentioned before you can NOT compare a single district to the state of Ohios public workers. It just can't be done with any accuracy. 4 paragraphs in to the page you lost ALL credibility by manipulating the numbers. Why would I continue reading? Why would anyone continue reading? I am a numbers based person and as soon as the numbers don't add up I lose interest quickly. That complete page is worthless as you are not comparing apples to apples. I'm still confused by the fact that you keep bringing up a recommendation that the health care costs should have been raised back in 2005. Obviously the BOE felt that they did not have the ability to make this change (ie would lose good teachers). Perhaps the board felt the level of benefits was on par with the local market? The state of Ohio auditor, like all auditors, was looking at the bottom line, not the overall health and chances of success for the district. The bottom line here, still, as I have said in my previous two posts, is that without knowing what they are offering in other local markets it is impossible to know if what they offer in Fairborn is fair. You can quote state audits, or state averages, but I still have not seen you post anything about other local districts - and those are the only numbers that matter. In 2005 Beavercreek was paying 90% of their employees health care costs. This means, that not only was Beavercreek paying a salary competitive to Fairborn back then but they were also offering better benefits. Beavercreek is "local market" to Fairborn. In 2011 Beavercreek pushed their employees to pay 12% of the health insurance premium and it bumped again in 2012 to 15%. $150/$300 deductible. It turns out the BCS entire contract is available online! If I were a teacher, trust me I wouldn't want to be in the Fairborn district when I can make MORE money, have BETTER benefits, and work with EASIER kids. So, to summarize, asking the teachers to pay 20% for a $150/$300 insurance plan IS IN LINE WITH THE LOCAL MARKET. This determination is based solely off THE LOCAL MARKET.

Did you really claim that I am making "EMOTION-BASED arguments"? My arguments regarding the school system have been based completely off of NUMBERS and solid business practices/theories. I have no emotional arguments as all I care about is the overall health of the city. All I have are expectations and my expectations is that we pay all public employees a fair wage for their work. In regards to teachers I am confident that Fairborn does pay them fairly in regards to the local market.

Don't believe that I am a CEO? If you are willing to sign a non disclosure agreement I will provide you with all of my info - name, business names, residential property addresses, etc.. Again, I assure you I am not a teacher, I am not in a union (and never have been), I own and operate a successful business in Fairborn, and I have nothing to hide from you. Like I said previously, it simply isn't worth losing business for me to identify myself to your readers.

Rest assured I will not walk away from this disappointed. When I started reading the posts on here I was pretty sure you were completely off target with your wild accusations (admittedly this was mostly because of your name calling and personal attacks - those who have solid arguments don't constantly resort to elementary playground tactics as they have "evidence" to support their position).. However, I wasn't totally sure. This uncertainty forced me to research the FCS system and other local districts and now I know, without a shadow of a doubt, your position and arguments are completely invalid. You can call me names (because you have nothing else to support you), you can attempt to spin the numbers as you like to do (because the numbers don't back you), and you can degrade the entire city all you want (I'm guessing that makes you feel better about your own existence?) but you won't convince me that our teachers are over paid as the numbers add up. There is no evidence that the union is being greedy - they just expect their fair share. There is no evidence that they don't care about the kids - THEY ARE WORKING EVERY DAY WITHOUT A CONTRACT!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they didn't care about the kids they would not be at work each day.  #893 Karen Combs (Saturday, 31 August 2013 20:10) "Stats" - I get the stats from the OHIO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, 2012 DISTRICT REPORTS. If you don't like their stats, be sure to let them know. And if I am to give credit for "years of experience" - what do I get to deduct for poor performance?  #892 stats (Saturday, 31 August 2013 20:00) If you keep using average teacher salaries between local districts could you include average years of experience. I think that is a statistic that you choose not to use or look for because you would be WRONG.  #891 Danger Combs (Saturday, 31 August 2013 17:35) "CEO" - (dang, I almost fell on my McWhorter laughing about that! Are you sure you aren’t JD - CEO of your own imagination?)

--Since so many sycophants have a gnat-like attention span, I will put this first and foremost - the healthcare increase is NOT a mere “cost of doing business.” The FCS was told in 2005 by the STATE AUDITOR to increase the deductible and change the level of benefits. By my calendar, this is about EIGHT years during the last time our FCS FAILURES had us in a fiscal crisis. Guess what they did? NOTHING. Cost us MILLIONS. If you were actually a “CEO,” you would know that the single “driver” of the cost of insurance is the deductible. Keeping it at an unreasonable $150 single/$300 family is UNSUSTAINABLE. They knew it THEN, they know it NOW. You should know it too. Are you LYING or JUST STUPID?

-I am using data about DAYTON-AREA PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS - I don’t know how much closer to the “market value” you think one can get? We are OFF THE CHARTS on cost of benefits among this group! All your rambling is MEANINGLESS because you CLEARLY didn’t go read the sources cited!

-Yes, we MUST consider median income when we discuss teacher salary because it is the people of THIS TOWN who have to bear the burden of all their salary increase demands! "Glory, Glory, Hallelujah" teachers with your EMOTION-BASED arguments all you want- someone HAS to come DOWN TO EARTH and PAY THE BILLS!

-As for using new teachers over the old ones that have propelled us to mediocrity, that is a risk I, for one, am willing to take. The reality is, “CEO,” those dinosaur, poor- performing teachers HAVE NO OTHER JOBS TO GO TO. Your argument is nothing but a B’rer Patch. -I don’t really care what your deductible is. I suspect is it $150 single/$300 family. Your only “employees” are Frick and Frack and whatever you name your other personalities.

-I don’t refer to all teachers as union thugs. I describe the teachers who behave as union thugs as what they are. Evidently YOU are one too - since you responded as such to my post #658, eh? I knew you were no “CEO” - you are from the same worn-out little group of self-servers who try to challenge me and walk away so disappointed when I see right through you! Drives you poor sycophants nuts!

-I certainly HOPE teachers work more than 7.5 hours a day for all that pay and UNHEARD OF benefits! If not, they truly live in an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE!

-Funny how all those “busy” teachers have found the time to bash me on their PHONY- BALONEY facebook “support” page while blocking me. (BTW, discussing ME was the most conversation they ever had on that page - so much for all that union “support”! As I said - they should be so lucky to have me!). Despite this, and even in the face of being falsely accused of “censorship,” I still allow a moron like you to post here. Ain’t I grand?

-Well, I wasn’t planning on selling ads to any businesses in Fairborn - God knows, there aren’t too many of those anyway! Can you name the last national chain that started a new location here under this DISMAL “leadership”? Me neither. Still, PLENTY of businesses would pay for access to the thousands who visit this site each month!

-Please tell me SPECIFICALLY what stats you are referring to on the School Levy tab? You just seem to be making it up as you go along! Anyone who would take your sweeping generalities over my DETAILED FACTS would have to be a simpleton!

-Again, this greedy union should have conceded to the 20% bump a decade ago. I couldn’t care less if they have a contract or ever get one. They don’t care about the kids of Fairborn - I DON’T CARE ABOUT THEIR CONTRACT!  #890 Karen Combs (Saturday, 31 August 2013 16:54) JD - Of course, I have traveled extensively throughout Europe and beyond. This website, dear, is about FAIRBORN. Try to follow along.  #889 Karen Combs (Saturday, 31 August 2013 16:53) Shadow - I am a huge fan of yours, but I thought Donna Wilson was a failed florist and Keller was the slumlord? Or are you talking about some other PRIVATE CITIZEN who isn't even involved in this discussion? If so, that's tacky, I must say.  #888 Fairborn CEO (Saturday, 31 August 2013 16:51) Part 2:

If you have no issues with the teachers, and it honestly does seem to me like most of your complaints fall on the board (accountability, poor contract negotiations, poor overall leadership, poor district performance, etc), why do you refer to teachers as "union thugs"? All the teachers are trying to do is receive fair pay for the "7.5 hours" a day they work (lol if you honestly believe they only work 7.5 hours a day!).  #887 Fairborn CEO (Saturday, 31 August 2013) Part 1

I find it interesting that you feel I have posted before simply because I compared your site to a car crash. Sadly, I am confident that the majority of your readers feel the same way. I assure you that yesterday was the first time I ever posted, and the only reason I posted was in response to the "tick tock" message at the top of the page referencing how the "union thugs" look "pretty lame" for not responding to post 658 (which needs to be removed as someone has responded). How can you blame them? You personally attack and attempt to belittle anyone who posts on here. As the school year has started I'm sure these "thugs" are busy teaching and molding OUR kids and don't have time for silly games on the internet. And your comment about selling ad space is comical - I am a Fairborn business owner who is remaining anonymous simply because I don't want my business negatively impacted by my association with this page. Who would pay to advertise on a page that openly bashes, name calls, and represents the city of Fairborn in a negative manner?

I looked at your school levy tab and within the first paragraph realized that the information is flawed and therefore invalid. Apparently you misunderstood the concept of "local market value". You can not judge the market value of a teacher in an individual district by using the average salary of all state of Ohio public employees. It doesn't make business sense at all to do this, and therefore the numbers are not valid. The entire page is worthless. Again you are manipulating numbers in a way that would never be accepted in the business world. If you want to make a point that the healthcare benefits offered to Fairborn teachers is over the top you need to compare it to other LOCAL districts. I personally would LOVE to see the compensation and benefit packages of Fairborn compared to other local districts. I think you would be surprised to see where Fairborn ends up and after seeing it you may even feel like we need to pay our teachers a bit more.

According to the forecast published by the treasurer they were anticipating a 15% increase. You originally quoted they have adjusted that to at least 20% but now you are stating it to be 30%? Did I miss something? They forecasted 15%, they are now expecting around 20%. The bottom line is they anticipated the increase and this increase is NOT a "loss" to the community, but instead a cost of doing business that they had anticipated.

I used the 2010 numbers because they were easy to find and searchable by district. I was not able to find the district averages for anything newer. Admittedly I did not spend a lot of time digging as numbers from 2010 are still fresh enough to prove my point. I would assume that 2012 numbers would illustrate what I am saying even better as I suspect they will show our Fairborn teachers are making even less then other LOCAL districts.

My employees and my personal health care are 100% irrelevant to this discussion, as we are not teachers. You seem to have completely missed the point that you judge a professionals financial worth based on their "LOCAL MARKET VALUE". Local market value would be based on what other professionals, performing the same job in the same region, are currently making. The only way to determine if these professionals are overpaid is to compare their overall compensation to the Beavercreeks, the Centervilles, the Xenias, the Ketterings, and so on. You can NOT use state of Ohio numbers. You can not use the averages of all state public employees. Again, LOCAL MARKET determines the fairness of their compensation.

You also can't use median income as a deciding factor for how much a teacher is worth. If you do that, then Fairborn would have the absolute worst teachers in the area and Fairborn would never have an opportunity to improve. A city's most valuable asset is their school system. Without paying their teachers a fair market value they would have no teachers. Your idea to push the experienced teachers out and replace them with entry level energetic millennials in an effort to save some money would be the nail in Fairborns coffin.

According to news reports their contract did not "EXPIRE" it was CANCELED. Why would they cancel it days before it was set to expire? The news reported that the contract was going to "roll over" and provide a 1/2 step increase - an increase that the board agreed to when they signed the contract. My understanding is that the roll over did not include a bump to 20% of their benefits. I could be wrong on this as information regarding the actual contracts being negotiated is scarce.

 #886 Shadow (Saturday, 31 August 2013 16:21) Part I

Looks like it is time for a repost to keep things in perspective:

Thanks to the Buckeye Institute, we know have the 2012 salary information for FCS. As a measure of comparison, I have listed the US Census’ per capita income amount for Fairborn in 2011 constant dollars: $22,914. Per capita income, also known as income per person, is the mean annual income of the people in an economic unit such as a city. This is a useful figure to keep in mind when looking at the FCS employee annual income data.

I have included six annual income level tiers, starting with the number of FCS employees making in excess of $4,000 over the Fairborn per capita rate WHEN IT IS DOUBLED! From that $50,000 to $60,000 per annum tier, I have added a $60,000 to $70,000 a year tier, a $70,000 to $80,000 tier, an $80,000 to $90,000 tier, a $90,000 to $100,000 tier and finally a $100,000+ tier. I did take the liberty of including an employee’s salary in the next tier up if only a small amount of money (~ $100) separated them from making the next higher tier by income alone. For example, one employee made $49,924.00; I counted them in the $50,000 -$60,000 tier and will note how many employees I did this with in the tier breakdowns. Conversely, there are many employees within ~ $1000.00 of making the next higher tier. I have kept them in their appropriate salary tier group but have also included this information in the tier breakdowns.

This calculation was made more difficult, if not made more informative by the detail the Buckeye Institute provided regarding extra income FCS employees make beyond their base salaries. A simple search of the BI website using the salary range tool WILL NOT SHOW this additional income. Indeed, a number of individual employees moved up a tier when this extra income was factored in. Here is an example: One employee’s base salary is $48,065, putting them under the $50,000 threshold. However, three separate “Advisor Assignments” totaling $2727.00 gave them a total annual income of $50,792 and entry to the $50,000 - $60,000. Along with “Advisor Assignments,” “Coaching Assignments” was a prevalent monetary addition and tier booster. In another case an employee’s base salary was listed at $62,936.00; three “Coaching Assignments” worth $12,752.00 dollars in additional income on top of their base salary netted them a total of $75,688 and entry into the $70,000 - $80,000 tier. Coaching Assignments are very prevalent in the data and a total of 56 individual coaches, some with multiple assignments, are part of the Athletic Departments of Baker Middle and FHS.  #885 Shadow (Saturday, 31 August 2013 16:20) Part II

77 FCS Employees earn between $50,000 to $60,000 a year. This is over DOUBLE the mean annual income of Fairborn. Of this group, nine were entered into this tier due to their annual income being ~ $100 of the tier’s bottom threshold. 13 of these employees are within $1,000 of entering the $60,000 - $70,000 tier (Note: Virtually all these employees only work about half the days in a year and only for 7.5 hours per day vice 8 hours a day)

92 FCS Employees earn between $60,000 to $70,000 a year. This is between 2 ½ to 3 times the mean annual income of Fairborn. Of this group, two were entered into this tier due to their annual income being ~ $100 of the tier’s bottom threshold. One of these employees was within $1,000 of entering the $70,000 - $80,000 tier (Note: Virtually all these employees only work about half the days in a year and only for 7.5 hours per day vice 8 hours a day)

54 FCS Employees earn between $70,000 to $80,000 a year. This is between 3 to almost 3 ½ times the mean annual income of Fairborn. Of this group, one employee was entered into this tier due to their annual income being ~ $100 of the tier’s bottom threshold. One of these employees is within $1,000 of entering the $80,000 - $90,000 tier (Note: The vast majority of these employees only work about half the days in a year and only for 7.5 hours per day vice 8 hours a day)

10 FCS Employees earn between $80,000 to $90,000 a year. This is between 3 ½ to almost 4 times the mean annual income of Fairborn

4 FCS Employees earn between $90,000 to $100,000 a year. This is almost 4 times the mean annual income of Fairborn

4 FCS Employees earn over $100,000 a year. This is almost 4 ½ times the mean annual income of Fairborn. Of special note in this group is our Lordship, David $carberry, whose $120,000 annual salary alone (not including his additional retirement and special allowance earnings which total roughly an ADDITIONAL $130,000 per annum) is only a little over $6000 of being FIVE times the mean annual income of Fairborn  #884 JD (Saturday, 31 August 2013 16:17)

Karen - "Let me educate YOU, "Just Wondering," - almost every PROFESSIONAL on earth takes work home, works longer than an 8 hour day,"

JD - Wrong...... Only in America. Have you ever spent anytime outside of this country?  #883 Shadow (Saturday, 31 August 2013 15:40) Fairborn CEO wrote, "Because I support Fairborn, and without good schools good people won't want to live here. And without good people living in Fairborn the company in Fairborn that I am CEO of just might not make it. Honestly, I don't care about test scores."

You want good schools yet you don’t care about objective measures of educational achievement? I guess as long as Lord $carberry says they are good, you are happy…And clueless.

So let me guess, are you slumlord Wilson or a franchise owner who enjoys having a ready supply of $8.00 workers failed by FCS.  #882 Karen Combs (Saturday, 31 August 2013 15:14) Just Wondering - I have no doubt I seem “clueless” when I present arguments you aren’t able to respond to without revealing your true nature. First you claim you aren’t a teacher, now you are an expert on them? Well, sorry, but teachers have more vacation time than the Travelocity gnome! To pretend they spend all that time off “planning” is straight-up LAUGHABLE!

I never said teaching college was the same as teaching little kids. I taught a college Honors-level Current Affairs class. So I actually had to PREPARE. If I was teaching, say, the first grade, well, I am pretty sure I have the alphabet down-pat without much review! Maybe if the teachers had their unions focus on preventing the constant changes to curriculum and methods - as opposed to squeezing every nickel until Jefferson screams - they might not need so much tedious preparation time! Ditto for classroom discipline. Those are the issues a teacher’s union should be worried about. Not all this greedy, penny-grubbing.

You are comparing teachers - PUBLIC EMPLOYEES - to people who work for a “company”? Well, that is problem #1. When you are a public servant, you are (drum roll) expected to serve the public - not punch a clock! But here we have to pay them stipends to be the Drama Club advisor or the Soccer coach? Shameful! And you say the only way you don’t get paid extra is IF YOU ARE SALARIED. Aren’t the teachers salaried? So why are you whining about what they do after-hours? And if they all work so hard, why are the results so mediocre?

You want to talk about how I “couldn’t handle teaching a bunch of little kids”? Check yourself, dear. You don’t know the first thing about the job I used to do! But just I feel I was called to do what I did - I think many teachers are called to do their jobs. And NONE of THOSE GREAT TEACHERS are the ones whining with this despicable union!  #881 Karen Combs (Saturday, 31 August 2013 14:54) I have no idea about a strike. Another day, another complaint from the teachers. Yawn.  #880 Just wondering (Saturday, 31 August 2013 14:40) Karen, it appears to me you can be clueless at times. Teaching at a university is different than teaching K-12. The teachers of K-12 don't get 18 weeks off (at least the ones that I know don't). They spend their summer months preparing for the next school year. FCS only has to report the number of hours in actual class. They do not have report the numerous hours spent outside of class to prepare. You are only using one piece of information in your arguments. Why don't you talk to teachers and find out just how much time they spend outside of class working and preparing? I'm sure you would be shocked with what they tell you. I know of several professional jobs where people do not take home work or have to be on-call. it all depends on the type of job. Oh and the ones that I do know that are on-call do get paid for their time if they have to go in. The only way they don't get paid is if a person is salaried. not hourly (which then the fault lies with the individual, not the company for not getting paid). I love how you think you know so much about teachers, what they do, and what their benefits are. It makes for great entertainment value to laugh at your comments when you don't seem to have a clue.  #879 JB (Saturday, 31 August 2013 14:28) I was wondering if teachers go on strike, do the kids stay home or will other teachers be hired and the striking teachers fired?  #878 Karen Combs (Saturday, 31 August 2013 13:59) Let me educate YOU, "Just Wondering," - almost every PROFESSIONAL on earth takes work home, works longer than an 8 hour day, has to spend time away from their families because something is needed at work or for work. Many even work on-call for little or no additional pay (My God, the teacher union would STROKE OUT over THAT!). Well, that is called having a J-O-B.

And most people that have one DON'T get 18+ weeks off a year, including all summer and all that extra time around every holiday they would like to enjoy with their families. Most actually have to pay daycare providers for all the time the schools aren't in session.

I have never taught little kids, but I did teach labs and another class at WSU. It was the easiest job I ever had. If someone had been paying me what these teachers make, I would have laughed my way to work every day and NEVER whined for another cent!

There is no denying that twenty, twenty-five years ago, many teachers WERE underpaid. That is NO LONGER THE CASE. They earn a MORE THAN FAIR salary, but continue to milk those old myths and hope no one notices. Well, we HAVE noticed!

The work hours per day and number of days per year is provided BY THE FCS to the State of Ohio, which, in turn, provides it to public databases like the BuckeyeInstitute and OpportunityOhio. Last year, I guess their days worked was 183. Probably had to given them a stipend......

 #877 Just wondering (Saturday, 31 August 2013 12:22) Karen, you keep saying teachers only work 7.5 hours a day, 181 days a year. Have ever been a teacher? Let me educate you about being a teacher. Teachers may only be at the school for 7.5 hours but they go home every evening to grade papers, design lesson plans, prepare their lessons for the next day, etc. They actually put in 10+ hours a day. The time that they are not physically in a school building, they continue to prepare for all the state tests, mandatory lesson plans, etc. They work just as much, if not more, than a lot of people in the "real" world. I myself am not a teacher but have numerous friends (not just in Fairborn but all over the country) who are teachers. I see all the work they do. Until you are a teacher yourself or in anyone's job, you can never know the amount of work that is being done. I'm just wondering where your 7.5 hours for 181 days information came from.  #876 Karen Combs (Saturday, 31 August 2013 10:40) Part I to "CEO" (as if) I am going to kind of “reverse-order” this post because this part is the most important. If you have only been here a month and only reading the Message Board, then you should take some time and read through the info posted under the “School Levy” tab above. It gives SOURCED FACTS for the cost of the FCS healthcare plan - how it EXCEEDS EVERY PLAN by so much that it is literally “off-the-charts” on the State Employee Relations Board’s healthcare cost summary for Ohio teachers! Now, let’s do some rapid- fire on your nonsensical claims about the healthcare issue:

-NO ONE expected a nearly 30% increase in healthcare costs in a single year.

-NO ONE in the real world has paid 15% toward healthcare premiums since the 1990’s. If you had a real job, you would know this.

-Why are you using 2010 teacher salary numbers when 2012 numbers are available? The average FCS teacher salary in 2012 was $58,371. In similarly-sized districts, it was $56,472 and statewide it is $58,120. As you pointed out - FCS supposedly had a pay freeze for a couple years. Yet - they are STILL HIGHER than the state average! WOW! We really let them take advantage of us, eh?

-How do you know what is in a teacher contract unless you are one?

-The “forecasts” aren’t worth the powder to blow them up. If you are relying on those, apparently you haven’t figured out that they “find” money whenever they need it and “lose” it whenever they want a levy!

-Their contract EXPIRED in June. Anything they have conceded since was during what is called “NEGOTIATIONS.” As a “CEO,” aren’t you familiar with that concept?

-The numbers on the LOSS we are taking on healthcare - absent an adjustment on the deductible and benefits - speak for themselves. There is NOTHING that reflects a more “business world manner” than a good old-fashioned profit/loss statement! The 5% increase they should have been paying for the past decade doesn’t even cover the increase. Deny it all you’d like, we are LOSING money.

-Do your employees have a $150 annual healthcare deductible? Do you?

-Yes, FCS is not Beavercreek or Oakwood or Centerville. We don’t enjoy NEARLY the median income of those areas. So we can’t afford to pay teachers as much. If it is “for the kids,” they will take their HIGHER THAN STATE AVERAGE salaries and go do their jobs. If it is about money, they should leave. I bet you there are HUNDREDS of energetic new teachers who would KILL for those jobs and put forth FAR more effort than some of these people who are wearing their silly t-shirts and complaining about being overpaid.

-I don’t expect the teachers to “volunteer” for a healthcare deduction. I expect the ELECTED Board of Education to make the cuts recommended by the Ohio State Auditor BACK IN 2005!!! The teachers can take it or leave it.

-For a “CEO,” you sure aren’t a very deep-thinker. I believe teachers are paid enough right now and need to accept some major healthcare changes. They work 7.5 hours a day for 181 days a year. To conclude that I am “hostile” toward them because I am aware of these FACTS and make my voting decisions accordingly is pretty lame. Now, run along - I am sure somewhere in Fairborn a company is missing their village “CEO.”  #875 Karen Combs (Saturday, 31 August 2013 10:36) PART II Fairborn “CEO” (as if) - ah, another anonymous boot-licker pretending to be someone you aren’t and imagining you can pull it off! How original! I only bother to reply because of the wonderful opportunity you slobbering sycophants offer me to reiterate the TRUTH! Sometimes I wonder if my friends don’t submit posts like this as a favor to me!

Well, I am glad you can recognize satire; maybe next you can take a stab at sarcasm. Don’t bother with critical thinking - that would clearly be over your head! I certainly recognize a repeat post-er when I see one and I’ve heard the silly “car accident” analogy before. If you want to pretend to be a new post-er, try not to repeat yourself, dear. And given how pretentious you are - Vegas wouldn’t take the odds that you have been visiting here for a month without commenting!

I am not sure what you mean by this site being “a ruse.” It has existed for nearly two years and is extremely popular. I could sell advertising here, but I choose to keep it independent. It certainly does NOT “mock the community.” I leave that to morons who come on here claiming it doesn’t matter how much our poorly-performing schools cost! Now THAT is mocking the struggling people of this community! My site provides information about and a forum for THE CITIZENS OF FAIRBORN. I doubt you even ARE one!

No doubt many Fairborn teachers have bad feelings toward me. But some also contact me privately and pass along information. You see, the ones who dread me don’t do so based on reality - they do so because they believe what the union thugs say about me. They lie about me all over the place. McWhorter is one. Just recently, he slandered me on a public site, writing that I “censor” everything on here. If I did that, this website would not have lasted a week! I have openly ASKED the union leaders to come on here and answer some tough questions - they run and hide. If there was any strength in their “convictions,” they should have no problem defending them with FACTS and in a FAIR DEBATE, right? Well, I will debate McWhorter ANYTIME, ANYWHERE. Sell tickets and give the money to the FCS!

I have NOTHING against teachers and especially not Fairborn teachers (granted some clearly need to go because scores are just inexplicably dismal at the Junior High!). But I believe in RESPONSIBLE SPENDING for our City AND our Schools. You have made it quite clear you don’t. In fact, you are the first “CEO” I’ve ever met who doesn’t care about the bottom line - most have more sense than that or they wouldn’t survive in the REAL business world! Well, you are entitled to spend YOUR money as you’d like - but NOT MINE. And you might want to check the last levy results because your devil-may- care attitude is NOT winning any elections around here! Your blind faith in the schools and the city is amusing. It is also sad because you evidently believe that throwing money around will produce good results. We have been doing that and it hasn’t. Now what? Indeed, $carberry is paid like an outstanding, result- producing manager - but when will the outstanding, result-producing part kick in? Face it, he would have been fired LONG AGO if he worked in the real world! He has been an absolute disaster for the FCS! If your top executive staff failed at the key components of their job, alienated your other staff and customers, and didn’t even follow your auditor’s recommendations (leading you company to “fiscal crisis” TWICE in a decade) - would they work for you?  #874 Danger Combs (Saturday, 31 August 2013 10:31) Shadow - I’ve seen McWhorter and I sincerely hope he doesn’t “bare” ANYTHING - with a grin or without one! :)

Oh, and look - John can't CITE A SOURCE for his claim that the Digital Academy costs us "nothing." What a surprise.  #873 Shadow (Saturday, 31 August 2013 08:00) The Fairborn Daily Worker article on the teachers "tailgate" at the FHS Football game contained a Jay Leno "Headlines" worthy quote:

“Negotiations are starting to become more tense, but we do remain open and will attend any meetings they ask for,” McWhorter said. “Right now we have to grin and bare it unless we strike, but we can only bare it for so long. The more they backpedal against our members the more outrage we are hearing.”

I have occasion to miss a word here and there, but Vladimir Josef Crowe must really have something else on the mind!  #872 Feet (Saturday, 31 August 2013 01:37) The teachers wore red to tailgate...the wasn't that the color of the opposing team...?  #871 Shadow (Friday, 30 August 2013 21:01) "4) I have not once stated that any problems in the school relate to race, you and the poster Shadow keep trying to go there." PROVE WHERE I KEPT GOING THERE ,JOHN!!!!! Your partner Lord $carberry is the one who said it!

Man you are thick...  #870 Fairborn CEO (Friday, 30 August 2013 20:19) In response to post 658 - Health care benefits are like any other business expense in the fact that they will rise each year. It is up to the business to properly forecast and budget this expense, just like any other expense. From your post the BOE has done this forecasting and is expecting a rise in cost. Two years ago when this three year contract was agreed to both parties knew, or should have known, that health care costs were going to continue to go up. Despite both sides knowing this an agreement was made at 15%. Regardless of who pays what the cost for the agreed upon health care package for 2013 is expected to be at least ~7.5 mil like you mentioned. If both parties follow the original contract the teachers are only obligated to pay 15%. So, by the teachers agreeing to pay 20% they ARE saving the district money as the cost is going to go up regardless and this cost increase should have been budgeted. This 5% concession will save the district close to $375,000 per year based on YOUR numbers. The district is not losing anything as your post states – you are just manipulating the numbers in a non business world manner.

Also, as in any business, the BOE has to offer benefit packages competitive to other districts such as Kettering, Beavercreek, Xenia, and Centerville. It’s no secret that Fairborn is a “difficult” district to teach in so if Fairborn did not offer an attractive package to their teachers they would have no quality teachers at all. I know a few Fairborn teachers (although I am not one) and I have never heard any of them say “I left Beavercreek/Kettering/Xenia/Centerville/name any other local school district because Fairborn offers better compensation”. If you research the market you will find that Fairborn’s average salary is below Kettering, Beavercreek, and Centerville and on par with Xenia (using 2010 numbers and we all know that Fairborn did not give increases the past two years). Unfortunately, with benefits, it is a bit harder to see who has what and without that information it is impossible to judge if the health care package is justifiable. When it comes to compensating professionals (ie teachers) you have to rely on local market value. You simply can not look at the pay/benefits of one district and judge if that district is over paid.

You seem upset that the teachers didn’t volunteer for a health care cut in 2005. Why would they? If someone from the state told you that you were overpaid would you volunteer to take a pay cut? I wouldn’t, as that would be bad business. If the teachers and the board agreed to the health care package and both sides were OK with it, where is the problem? If anything, the board is to blame for this, not the teachers, as the board is responsible for actually paying the bill. If the current plan is not sustainable the board should not have accepted it!

It seems you foster a lot of anger towards the teachers. How can you blame them for any of the problems in Fairborn? All they want is fair compensation for the work they perform. Again, fair compensation is local market value as compared to other local school districts. Why would anyone be OK with making less money to teach in Fairborn?  #869 Fairborn CEO (Friday, 30 August 2013 20:18) Although I am not a "union thug" as I have never been in a union in my life, this is a reply to post 658. I have been following your site for a little over a month now and can't seem to pull away from it - just like I can't help but look at a traffic accident. You opinions are so ridiculous that for the first week or so I thought this was a satirical blog and found myself laughing out loud at your comically slanted views. After reading your comment about possibly needing staffing cuts because there are 180 teachers for 3,719 students (as if all 180 teachers are licensed to teach all 3,719 students LOL I caught what you did there) I was sure that you were mocking the community. However, I brought this page up to a Fairborn teacher that I know and her change in expression immediately alerted me that I had struck a nerve. I am still not 100% convinced that this page is not a ruse but I figured I might as well play it safe and reply to post 658 just in case. Also, I have been here long enough to pick up on your style. For professional reasons I must remain anonymous but I will assure you that I am a Fairborn, Ohio residential property owner and I also work in Fairborn! I am registered to vote and you can find my house each year by looking for the "I support Fairborn Schools" sign in the front yard! Why do I support Fairborn schools? Because I support Fairborn, and without good schools good people won't want to live here. And without good people living in Fairborn the company in Fairborn that I am CEO of just might not make it. Honestly, I don't care about test scores. I don't care about how much a teacher makes or if Scarberry is getting paid retirement and a salary (honestly, I wish I could work that out - I am a bit jealous of him for this). I don't care that I feel that Scarberry is a bad person. I support Fairborn City Schools because I support the city of Fairborn. Why do I support the City of Fairborn? Easy, because it supports me. OK, now that we got that out of the way without further ado here is my reply to post 658: OK, your site limits me to 5000 characters so I will send the reply in another post!  #868 Karen Combs (Friday, 30 August 2013 17:05) John- 1) Ha, ha. So only when public schools operate a Charter School are they worthy, eh? Yeah, because they do such a great job with the rest of the schools. LOL. 2) I have ZERO information that it costs us “nothing” to run the Fairborn Digital Academy. CITE YOUR SOURCE. At a minimum, it diverts state and federal funds that would otherwise go to our district. I suspect it costs MUCH more. Maybe someone else has the time to look into it. Since all those highly-skilled “educators” at the FCS can’t handle these at-risk students, then I guess it is a good thing SOMEONE tries. 3) Careful that you don’t pull a muscle back-pedaling! 4) Economically disadvantaged kids will be 100% of Fairborn if we leave this leadership in charge! 5) I don’t think you even have to stay “within one area.” I think you can compare schools from any area as long as there is a FAIR parameter. If you say - let’s compare all the schools in a 20-mi. radius, fine - or with a median income of $40K or less, fine. And I think most post-ers do that. 6) See - we finally agreed on something! Am I having a stroke or did the room just tilt a little? LOL. You are welcome anytime. At least you had the guts to debate the issues which is more that can be said for most on your team!  #867 Karen Combs (Friday, 30 August 2013 17:04) Interested Citizen - what is a "fair" contract? One with that pays MORE than the HIGHER THAN AVERAGE salaries the teachers already get and the UNHEARD OF healthcare plan ($22K+ annually)? Yeah, no thanks. Wear GREEN to the game and tell them you want to keep your money - they have ENOUGH OF IT!  #866 Interested citizen (Friday, 30 August 2013 16:49) Come out to the Fairborn Football game tonight and wear red. Support Fairborn teachers who will be tailgating in support of a reasonable contract!  #865 Karen Combs (Friday, 30 August 2013 16:47) Welcome home, Janice! I wish I could answer your polygraph questions, but the people of Fairborn have been fed nothing but LIES and BULL on the topic of the "investigation" into the City Manager. To this Council, that must be good leadership!

Does anyone know the outcome of the BOE meeting this morning? Did they fix the deductible and benefit levels or just pass the same package as always? Let me know!

 #864 Janice (Friday, 30 August 2013 16:39) I haven't had a chance to go too far back yet but I like Karen's answer to John. I can't wait for him to answer #3!  #863 Janice (Friday, 30 August 2013 16:37) I leave for a vacation and all havoc breaks loose around here! We all know the City Manager should've never been hired and is overdue to be fired. I've heard a rumor that the staff member who accused her of wishing that woman dead took/passed a lie detector with flying colors. But the council says there is "no evidence"? That seems like some evidence to me! Did McDonald take one? Anyone else who lied for her? Give us the truth, council!

The article on the school report card looked sad to me but I come on here and guys like John are excited about it? Weird but this is Fairborn- so I kind of expect as much.  #862 Shadow (Friday, 30 August 2013 16:21) Karen,

New Name for the Fairborn Daily Propaganda Sheet. Henceforth, it should be called the Fairborn Daily Worker (Pravda and Izvestia were already taken). Along with not writing a peep about the Central Committee's, I mean the City Council's "deliberations" concerning Debbie McBigot, Thursday's edition featured a columnist extolling the virtues of Karl Marx's take on capitalism. Vladimir Josef Crowe is really getting her "red" on!  #861 Shadow (Friday, 30 August 2013 15:51) Part I

Thanks to Karen and TJ for the kind words, I hope I am helping non-Lord $carberry sycophants understand the COMPLEX issue of higher education preparation, an issue FCS leadership would like swept under the rug due to their continued poor performance in getting OUR CHILDREN ready for the demands of a high quality college education.

I guess John got word from his master, Lord $carberry, that his post #857 made him look more like chicken excrement than even FEA/FCEA union “Spokesperson” Brian McWhorter. We know his Lordship is a loyal reader of Fairborn Speaks! It’s the only way he knows what the district issues are when asked to speak by his servant, Princess Tessie Do-Little (in one of the most annoying voices on Earth) at Manor Court, I mean BOE meetings. “Meeester Scaaarberrrry” would make the prisoners at Gitmo talk volumes.

John is like most of his sycophants who come and post here: Lots of unsubstantiated statements, little context and the perception of a flea. As usual, his Lordship sends all you sycophants into an ambush (he has that hip “Lead From the Rear” stuff down pat). You can start hitting the dirt now John…

John wrote,

“I'm sure the district is looking for solutions to those problems.”

Who is looking into it, genius? Name(s) please since you are so “sure” of it. Too bad the history of FCS betrays your assertion. From one of my earlier posts:

“Here are some interesting FACTS published by the Ohio Legislative Services Commission (a state government entity). The following is taken from their appropriately named Ohio Facts 2012, K-12 report… In 2007, there were no districts with “Excellent with Distinction “ratings, 139 “Excellent” rated districts, 347 districts rated as “Effective” and 113 districts rated as “Continues Improvement.” In 2011 (NOTE: This is after the 2007 FCS levy was passed and after millions of dollars of state aid has been funneled to the district), there are 86 districts rated as "Excellent with Distinction," 266 districts rated “Excellent” 215 rated “Effective” and 32 rated “Continuous Improvement.” FCS is one of those 215 at "Effective."

FCS, flush with money, got left behind by other districts that have actual educational leaders looking to improve the district, not enrich themselves. A semester C- grade gets you kicked out of most top professional programs, but your “professional” FCS leadership has no problem with it…Just as long as the six figure salaries keep coming, it is all good!  #860 Shadow (Friday, 30 August 2013 15:50) Part II

John wrote,

Looking at the socio-economically "no excuses" comparable districts he "hand selected", Fairborn compares well and fits right in. All of their ACT scores, which Shadow says are "all that counts", were 21 or 22.

“Hand selected?” No John, the term is "benchmarking." I realize concepts that the best in private industry and government use to better their firms and organizations might be alien to you, what with your admitted use of employer paid time to post, but accepted quality practice is to look at other, SIMILAR organizations for the best management practices. Of course, FCS has a Not Directed By $carberry (NDB$) policy when it comes to quality improvement, hence the continued SUBPAR district performance.

Do you know punctuation? Do you know what “ ____” mean? They are called quotation marks. Please find in ANY of my posts where I said, "all that counts" in reference to ACT scores. Guess what Lord $carberry bootlicker, you won’t find it. Don’t put words in my mouth and I will try not to make you look too foolish. There is a difference between a 22 and a 21, especially regarding score progressions. 42% of FCS graduates are not taking the ACT and 26% are scoring below state and national averages. That is 68% who are already eliminated versus their higher mean scoring peers. As the scores results go higher to 23, 35, 30, etc., fewer and fewer of OUR students have a chance to be competitive at the most selective colleges and universities.

John Wrote,

“Yes we live in Fairborn where 56.7% of our students are economically disadvantaged, and not Centerville where only 16.4% are economically disadvantaged. If you were to base success on that factor and state grades, Centerville High School should be ranked third in the area behind Number 1 Oakwood with the lowest disadvantaged at 4.4% and number 1 ranked Bellbrook with the second lowest disadvantaged at 16.2%. Instead, Centerville is tied for 8th in area high school GPA with Fairborn High School that has a 56.7% disadvantage.”

Sorry John, you really are clueless when it comes to college admission. Using your logic, colleges and universities should just use GPA as an admission’s criteria. However, they are smarter than you and use STANDARDIZED ADMISSIONS TESTS as the #1 criteria in undergraduate admission. They know (but obviously you don’t) that teachers can grade inflate, especially in politically-tinged districts like FCS, full of sycophants like you who uncontrollable slobber over the powers that be in a (misguided) attempt to curry favor (and grades) for your child. The Centerville classes are HARDER and the grading is more strict, thanks to REAL leadership at the district level. That is why Centerville’s mean ACT score is a 25 and they can host a college and university night where Top 50 institutions jump to attend. Sadly, These same admissions people ignore FHS, thanks in large part to BELOW AVERAGE ACT and SAT results.

“We live in the economically disadvantaged City of Fairborn and our high schools performance is better than the great majority of 45 high schools and charter schools in the area.”

Keep fooling yourself, John…THE REAL FACTS STATE OTHERWISE!

Please make sure to wash your chin when you get back from Lord $carberry’s Lake Erie vacation home; you do want to at least LOOK presentable to your children.

Levy: Rambler? No, that would be an SC Rambler, a great 1960s muscle car which would blow the doors off of your auto alter ego, a Prius with low batteries…John at least puts up a modicum of a fight, you just get plain whooped. Make sure to use a mirror next time you leave Lord $carberry’s McMansion; looks like you have something on your nose…  #859 John (Friday, 30 August 2013 10:34)

Let me see if I can put a lid on this fish barrel.

1) I'm not a fan of Charter Schools as a whole but I am now a fan of the Charter Drop Out Schools like the Fairborn Digital Academy after reading about the history of Ohio Drop Out Schools and the reasons for them. I believe that most of the other charters that compete with public schooling are a waste of money. With the exception of Dayton Stem, they are pretty much all failing.

2) If the quality of your research is as good as you say, then you would have known that the Fairborn Digital Academy does not cost FCS any money contrary to your public allegations and that it appears that they actually have a positive inflow from the school, some of which is possibly rent monies, also contrary to your un-researched allegations against the district. If the reason you did not research it is because you do not have time to pursue info on Charter Schools or you do not find them interesting then you shouldn't find them interesting enough to make unfounded, un-researched allegations.

3) I never stated that the city manager did not discriminate against anyone. I just said that all I know of that is what I have heard on here. Maybe I could have written that comment so that it was a little easier to comprehend. My fault.

4) I have not once stated that any problems in the school relate to race, you and the poster Shadow keep trying to go there. I have consistently stated that it is a researched and proven fact that school performances are impacted by the percentage of economically disadvantaged students. It doesn't matter what race they belong to as far as I know. I haven't researched your race angle and don't plan to. Some schools, FHS being one with a 56.7% economic disadvantage, exceeded their socio-economic expectations in the area grade card rankings. Some that should have been near the top fell below ranking expectations such as Centerville with only a 16.4% and Beavercreek with only a 13.4% disadvantage.

5) I agree with staying within parameters. Ranking the schools by utilizing the states data eliminates cherry picking. One does not have to rank an entire state to prove a point. Just an area.

6) Agreed. The high school performed above expectations and there is work to do in bringing up the lower level grades, especially the middle school.

Well it has been educational. I'll stop in every now and then and visit. Got to get some work done. Thanks!  #858 Karen Combs (Friday, 30 August 2013 08:42) John - Why do so many sycophants have such a problem processing information? Are you all related or are you just another of JD’s multiple personalities? Ah, let me line up my aim at your fishies in the barrel…….ready, aim, fire….

1) I am glad you have come around and become a fan of Charter Schools.

2) The quality of research I’ve posted here shows that I am usually capable of finding whatever I look for! But unlike you, I don’t believe everything I read! And, AS I TOLD YOU, I didn’t have the time to pursue info on this topic (don’t really find it that interesting either). I’m glad you decided to investigate it for yourself and share it here. I normally wouldn’t post a link, but I did in this case so the readers can see why all “research” is certainly NOT EQUAL. John here thinks a good source of “unbiased” info is the “Ohio Alliance for Public Charter Schools”! LOL. Yeah, why would the group pushing for these types of schools have any vested interest in propping them up? Good grief. He then tries to pretend that the University of Cincinnati endorsed such schools. Far from it. Their study referenced by this group was a 2008 paper entitled “An Evaluation of the Economic Benefits of High School Education.” It simply measured the economic impact to Ohio taxpayers of people who dropped out of high school. It has NOTHING to do with the education offered at these “Drop-Out Recovery Schools.” If the University of Cincinnati has measured what success the graduates of these schools were able to achieve and how much that saved the taxpayers, then I might be impressed. But someone like John just hopes you see the name of a big university, conclude that they approved of such schools, and get all impressed by that alone! Typical bait-and-switch sycophant.

3) As to the incompetent City Manager - read her memo, dear. Then explain to all us HOW this COULD POSSIBLY be interpreted as ANYTHING other than DISCRIMINATION??? I’ve been asking that question for weeks and none of her apologists can seem to come through for her! Pauvre Deb! Also, educate yourself about the other Anti-Appalachian comments she made last year too. Then tell us HOW someone COULD POSSIBLY be so stupid as to commit the same “accidental” insult THREE TIMES? Assuming such stupidity can be explained, tell us WHY we would want someone capable of it at the helm of our city? And, while you are at it, tell us all how a city with roughly 8% (2010 census) and growing population of African-Americans and roughly 240 city employees has ONLY ONE African-American city employee??? You see, John, you lose any slim credibility you hope to have when you make such ignorant statements!

4) YOU are the one who reached the conclusion that all the problems in the schools relate to race and income - NOT ME. I know there are plenty of high-performing schools that have low income students and many minorities. So can you “school pushers” get together and pick a group to blame consistently for your bad performance - is it the parents, the poor, or the minorities? We only know one thing - you won’t be blaming the TEACHERS! Perish the thought!

5) You lose even more points by the unfortunate fact that you don’t seem able to READ. I said NO ONE - not you, not Shadow, not me - had slanted ANYTHING. But we all have to have some parameters for which stats to use - Oh, hater-of-long-posts - imagine if we had to compare all roughly 622 Ohio school districts to avoid being accused of “cherry-picking” by DISINGENOUS people!

6) The High School accomplishment was acknowledged for what it was - good, but not great. And not enough until we get the other schools in the district performing better. The theme on the latest report cards was that the FCS is pretty much F’ed. F,F,C,F……..  #857 John (Friday, 30 August 2013 00:01) I honestly was clueless about the Digital Academy Karen until we started our conversation on it. I was interested in finding the answers so I used google to educate myself and pass on my findings to you. The answers to just about everything are usually out there in cyberspace somewhere. Google is your friend as they say, unless of course you are googling something that Big Brother at Homeland Security may be interested in..LOL.

I'm sure that FCS does not take a stance that at risk students are better off at home using a machine. If they did believe that and had control of it, we would probably be down to about 40% of our school population. Those are personal decisions made by the student and their family due to various reasons. Actually, answering this question caused me to educate myself further and I'm glad I did because I now have a deeper understanding of Ohio's Charter Drop Out Schools. If you don't mind, google that term or just go to the following pdf and read about these schools and the University of Cincinnati's research. Very educational and very interesting. These schools like FDA are more important to all of us than I realized.

I don't believe I can ever recall any discrimination that I have witnessed in Fairborn other than what is being said on here about the city manager. The few kids that I have known that attended FDA were white if that is what you are getting at. I will say that they were economically challenged. It is a known and proven fact that districts with higher percentages of economically challenged students face a more difficult performance challenge than those districts with low numbers. That's not discrimination, that is just acknowledging the proven facts. That is why they track that data on the school report cards.

As I recall, I acknowledged and thanked you for catching the three Montgomery County schools that I missed in the area high school rankings that "we" compiled as someone mentioned. It's not like they affected the results much at all, so it is quite obvious that I was not cherry picking in order to slant as you say. You even noted that data mining was a difficult chore. Now you are saying that I was cherry picking. I'm not sure what to think of that turn around. I guess you were just being insincere at the time. Oh well, I'll thank you again anyway as now I have the complete rankings list as reference which was my original goal.

I don't think anyone is blowing anything out of proportion in bringing to attention the fact that our high school performed better on the state report card than the majority of the other high schools in the Dayton area. On the contrary, I would have to argue that those who criticize our schools are blowing their criticism out of proportion "if" they did not acknowledge it. See what I did there? No one is saying that FHS is number 1. Just that they are much better than what most on this board expected them to be and also much better than their socio-economic data dictates that they should be. Their effort deserves acknowledgment and credit right up there with any criticism that is dished out to the schools. Fair and balanced as they say.

Well, one thing is for sure. You can never be to old to learn and you can be credited with causing me to further my education the last few days. Hopefully some others were educated also. Thanks Karen!  #856 Frank Gilbert (Thursday, 29 August 2013 21:50) Amazing how candidates are not informed so as to be able to make arrangements to be at these important meetings. And how they are timed so that most citizens cannot attend (because they are working). But then, there won't be any public input allowed anyway, will there? I just hope someone can make it and report to us what truly happens.  #855 Karen Combs (Thursday, 29 August 2013 19:21) The BOE is meeting in special session tomorrow AM to approve health/dental benefits. If they didn't fix the deductible and benefit levels, then we need to run them out of town!  #854 Karen Combs (Thursday, 29 August 2013 19:19) Levy - You have low standards too, eh? Seems to be a common trend among you sycophants. I was sorely tempted to reply as "when it freezes over," but I'm sure you already know that!  #853 Incognito (Thursday, 29 August 2013 18:39) Agreed, "WE WANT ANSWERS. WE WANT ACTION. WE WANT AN END TO THE DISCRIMINATION BY THIS CITY MANAGER!!"  #852 Levy (Thursday, 29 August 2013 17:27) Looks like you were wrong about John there TJ. He did a pretty good job on his response to the ole rambler. Couldn't have done better myself.  #851 Karen Combs (Thursday, 29 August 2013 15:46) Let's revisit the City Manager's claim that if her memo was offensive to Appalachians, she "didn't mean it."

Throughout the memo, she refers to how she "researched" the issue. How can something be simultaneously well-researched AND "accidentally" offensive? Does she have some other physical problem which causes her to say one thing when she means another?

She also claims it was taken "out of context." Here is the context: She states that there are two primary considerations for enacting a mediation service: culture and the ability to find trained volunteers.

Then - HER WRITING: "In Fairborn our culture is based in Appalachia traditions." Then - the obnoxious textbook quote SHE CHOSE to use to further describe Appalachians as violent and vengeful, then - HER WRITING again "On measures of culture, the staff does not believe that any of the cases we would refer to mediation would actually seek to use it." What else can ANY person capable of logical thought conclude other than: a) Fairborn has a lot of Appalachians; b) Appalachians are traditionally violent; and c) we wouldn't use a mediation service because we are too violent?!?!?

Is Dan Kirkpatrick serious when he claims to be an INSTRUCTOR at the COLLEGE- LEVEL, yet denies the OBVIOUS conclusory nature of her WRITTEN statement?

She repeated in the Council meeting that she couldn't think of FIVE cases where mediation would be helpful! WHAT?!?!? I can name more than FIVE people who have contacted me privately through Fairbornspeaks to seek my help with issues that would have been PERFECT for mediation! And didn't Council ASK about mediation because they were getting frequent calls of this nature too? Well then HOW can they accept her "not even five" statement with straight-faces?

Of course, the issue ISN'T whether the city offers such a service or not - but this is just another PRIME example of how McDonnell lies and exaggerates and then claims to be misunderstood when people finally fight back! If she isn't aware of more cases of neighborhood disputes than "five," then she is WOEFULLY OUT-OF-TOUCH with the residents here - I guess NO ONE BOTHERS TO CALL the city SHE manages for assistance anymore! What does THAT say about her leadership skills? USELESS!

If this Council thinks that some behind-closed-door, half-arsed "investigation" they PRETEND to have conducted - while ignoring the EVIDENCE they had - is going to make this all just "go away" they are CRAZY.

WE WANT ANSWERS. WE WANT ACTION. WE WANT AN END TO THE DISCRIMINATION BY THIS CITY MANAGER!!  #850 Karen Combs (Thursday, 29 August 2013 15:15) TJ - Thank you for the kind words, but I am closer to throwing in the towel than I have ever been! Although my website readership is through the roof, I am aware that Fairborn - particularly that Fairborn that sticks their heads in the sand and tap dances to the slow beat of destruction around here - may well be getting what it deserves!

John - you are a riot. One minute you are asking questions about the Digital Academy, pretending not to know a thing -- the next, you are the big expert on it? Which is it? Well, too bad the principal or someone affiliated with the schools doesn’t care enough (no shock there!) to come on here and provide some answers to the curious citizens! God knows they don’t offer any on their websites!

-It is sad that the FCS adopts the position that “at-risk” students are better served using a MACHINE than being in a socialized environment with their peers and those oh-so- wonderfully-skilled teachers! -It may be a guess, but I think it is a good guess that the majority of Digital Academy students come from Fairborn.

-I think what you are dancing around and trying to say is no different than the typical $carberry whine - blame it all on the poor and minorities. What is your point? “Welcome to Fairborn - where we should discriminate against everyone,” eh?

-As for “Shadow” cherry-picking stats, you do the SAME THING. Your original list was INCOMPLETE for Montgomery County, but threw two Clark County schools in! Well, at some point, you can’t present the entire “universe of possibilities,” can you? When comparing stats, one has to set some basic parameters and just stay within them - whether it helps or hurts their position. Maybe none of us does it perfectly (including you), but I haven’t seen any overt efforts to “slant” anything.

-I think Fairbonites would be eager to embrace some truly great news about the city, but I also know my readers are sophisticated enough to know that, while the FHS report is better than many expected, the “greatness” of it is being blown out of proportion here. That’s the problems with you sycophants - you give ZERO credit to the people. We have enough savvy to know the difference between truly excellent news and someone taking mildly positive news and then blowing smoke up our…..

Finally, where are all the little heroes from that ridiculous facebook page? Guess they kicked me out of their sandbox and now they are too chicken to come in mine? LOL.  #849 TJ (Thursday, 29 August 2013 14:22) Karen, just for your info, this IS "TJ" and not "BJ" as a clarification. I do not want to get BJ in trouble with my comments.

To Chestertonian and John: First, Chestertonian, regarding your comment about 'when is Karen going to jump ship'. I don't know if you noticed or not, but Karen is a real trooper and will stick with anything that she strongly believes in. So....I hate to disappoint you, but I do not see Karen jumping ship on anything that is near and dear to her heart. She should be commended by everyone for taking the time to bring the FACTS to light so our community knows what is really going on. Too many people are ready to 'jump ship' and give up when it comes to resolving matters that mean something. To quote Martin Luther King "our lives begin to end the day we do not speak up about things that matter". I don't know about you, but Karen, and I, and many, many others on this forum have a strong feeling that honesty, justice, and education (among many other topics discussed here), MATTER! I am so thankful to Karen that she has spoken up about things that matter. I said, don't plan on her jumping ship, she is the anchor and rock for the future of our city and schools! I think it's interesting as well that so many anti-Fairborn Speaks individuals are so ready to tell people to leave town or jump ship or go away because they don't want to hear the facts. Get over it Chestertonian!

NOW, John, in your post (which was rather lengthy too, I might add), you are telling Shadow that you won't read his post because it's too long!!! C'mon, tell the truth. You won't read Shadow's lengthy (but extremely informative AND factual) post because you don't want to hear the truth. Keeping informed is the best defense in any situation, and if you are too busy or bored or whatever your problem is, to read Shadow's post, then you need to take your comments elsewhere, because Shadow is one of the most knowledgeable and factual posters on this forum. I'm sure you take time to read all the posts, but you won't read Shadow's that has facts!  #848 John (Thursday, 29 August 2013 12:11)

Well Karen, if the independent Drop Out Schools are a scam to warehouse under performing students, then it is a statewide scam involving not only all regions/districts but also our state government. As I said, there are 9 in the Dayton area utilized by every possible district....not just FCS. Fairborn Digital alone covers a 50 mile radius and most area districts, so yes it is possible, but it would be an assumption to say that most of the students are from our district. Especially considering that FDA is one of only two On- Line digital schools for at home education in the area. Miamisburg Secondary Digital Academy is the other. These schools are made available to every student of every district in Ohio by state law. It stands to reason that if all of those with less than a 50% 4 year graduation rate were factored back into their districts across the state, that the grades of all of those districts as well as the states grade would suffer. So, I don't see where any district has any clear cut advantage over any other district. Those programs are there to help the at risk children of the entire state.

Concerning the poster Shadows "great points manifesto" that he directs solely toward FHS, and despite his awful, excessive hyperbole, he has many good points which are for the "greater part" applicable to EVERY school in the state, not just FHS. Looking at the socio-economically "no excuses" comparable districts he "hand selected", Fairborn compares well and fits right in. All of their ACT scores, which Shadow says are "all that counts", were 21 or 22. Yes we live in Fairborn where 56.7% of our students are economically disadvantaged, and not Centerville where only 16.4% are economically disadvantaged. If you were to base success on that factor and state grades, Centerville High School should be ranked third in the area behind Number 1 Oakwood with the lowest disadvantaged at 4.4% and number 1 ranked Bellbrook with the second lowest disadvantaged at 16.2%. Instead, Centerville is tied for 8th in area high school GPA with Fairborn High School which has a 56.7% disadvantage. A severe enough economic disadvantage that they should be ranked 19th in area high school GPA based upon socio- economics. So whose high school teachers are doing a better job with what they have to work with? I think it couldn't be more obvious.

We live in the economically disadvantaged City of Fairborn and our high schools performance is better than the great majority of 45 high schools and charter schools in the area. I choose to be proud of that fact and trust the district to work toward fixing any problems at our lower level schools. In reading the opinions on the board, it appears that many Fairborn citizens do not believe they have much to be proud of. Why then would we want to criticize one of the few bright stars that the city has to offer? I fail to understand.

Thanks for letting me participate. I've got to get to work before I get fired and lower our socio-economic status even further...LOL!  #847 Danger Combs (Thursday, 29 August 2013 04:04) If bad parents are the reason for school performance failures, then why are the scores better at the High School than the Middle School? Do the kids get new parents in the 9th grade? Or is that the magical time when parents throughout Fairborn reform and improve? Gosh, it sure seems more logical that there are some major issues with the TEACHERS at the Middle School. Yep.  #846 Karen Combs (Thursday, 29 August 2013 03:54) Had an amusing time reading the union’s sad little facebook page last night. This is a pathetic group that won't even hear opposing viewpoints! From the husband of the overpaid teacher who masquerades as a "concerned parent" in support of the union - to the thug who says I censor everything here - a LIE - and a funny one since he is whining about it on a page where I was “blocked”! This guy doesn’t have the BRAINS or the GUTS to come on here and debate the issues! - to the firefighter who seems to forget I organized citizens to help them get a levy for new firestations! Go ask the former union head - I think his name was Don (? It’s been a long time) and we will see if you then have enough INTEGRITY to admit YOU ARE WRONG -- to the phony realtor who is running for Council without, as far as I know, ever even speaking at a City Council meeting before! Boy, the “Rev” is really scraping the bottom of the barrel with you and Andy Wilson, eh? - to the gal who doesn’t know that “bullying” is not possible between the union and the elected Board of Education since bullying is defined as occurring between SCHOOL-AGED kids (see so you can quit abusing this word!) -to all the teachers, retired teachers and parents who are desperately trying to suck-up to benefit their kids…..hilarious. They can block those who disagree all day long - we are the MAJORITY and WE VOTE!!  #845 Karen Combs (Thursday, 29 August 2013 01:34) John - Wouldn’t the vast majority (assuming FCS students comprise the majority of FDA students) of the state and federal funds “designated for the Fairborn Digital Academy” remain with the Fairborn City Schools if we just educated our own kids? This entire school seems like a scam to warehouse problem students elsewhere so their grades don’t count in FCS performance stats. If all those kids with a less than 50% 4-year graduation rate were factored back into the FCS mix, I don’t think our grade would be a “B,” now would it? And, gosh, then you would have to go back to the drawing board and try to cherry-pick other stats to try to find something positive to say about the FCS, eh?

As for your reply to Shadow, that is really funny. LOL (ruh-roh, here comes Lindsay!). There is a LONG tradition of multi-part posts here. Maybe it was past your bedtime. Or maybe you have the attention span of a gnat. Or maybe you just don’t like the fact that Shadow always makes great points. But whining about a reply being too long is just ABSURD.

Chester - “Old-timey” as you are, you are no doubt familiar with the phrase - “it’s my wagon; I can push it or pull it.” I really don’t think my personal reasons for being in Fairborn are any of your business. I am sorry you move around a lot. On the lam, eh?

Well, you can rest assured that I do NOT stay in Fairborn for the INCOMPETENT LEADERSHIP which has DESTROYED this town (lack of business development, soaring number of abandoned/vacant homes, school performance issues, obvious discrimination in city government, wasteful spending, high crime rate, meddling of religious leaders in politics, etc.). Indeed, those things make it a challenge to get a fair price for my home if/when I choose to leave.

There are precious few people who care about this town as it is, Chester, dear, why would you want to run one more off? Why aren’t you more concerned about replacing the FAILURES who put us in this position? Ah, let me guess, you are one of those droll sycophants who thinks that problems can be solved while pretending they don’t exist?

Alas, as Mark Twain wrote - “The public is the only critic whose opinion is worth anything at all.” I represent what a LOT of Fairbornites think, Chester - as usually confirmed at the ballot box!  #844 John (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 23:09)

To the poster Shadow:

I don't mean to bust your bubble friend, but I am not going to spend the night reading a post that looooooooong for any reason. Surely, if your point is worthwhile, you can make it in a more condensed manner. I believe it has been very well established by the state report cards that FHS is faring better in their performance than the majority of the high schools and charter schools in the Dayton area and that the middle school has problems that need attention. I'm sure the district is looking for solutions to those problems. In the meantime, I'll just be proud that our high school is providing a better education than most of the others. Again, my apologies, but anything that long is not worth reading on a message board.  #843 John (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 22:36) Well Karen, here is what I have learned so far from google and the state site as I was able to get on. There are different categories of charter schools. Fairborn Digital is in the “Drop Out Recovery” category as you noted and Dayton Regional Stem School is in the “Stem Provider” category. Two completely different worlds that really cannot be compared to each other in any fair sense. The Chartered "Stem Providers" can and probably should be compared to the public schools, especially if one is considering sending their children to one. Most are not faring well, with Dayton Regional Stem being an exception to the rule. They have a lot of ties to WSU, Wright-Patt etc; and look to be a strong performer in the future. There was actually a small article in yesterdays Dayton Daily that mentioned how poorly the charter schools were performing statewide in addition to how many more were opening next year. Looks like a waste of money for the most part unless they have strong ties like Dayton Stem does.

There are 85 Drop Out Recovery Schools in the state that pretty much service every region/district in the state. Less than 20 of these are Digital Academies where the students can get much of their on line schooling from home. I counted 9 in the Dayton area and I believe that FDA is the only "digital" academy. I thought I saw where Miamisburg possibly has one also but would have to go back and verify.

These schools are considered Title 1 schools under the Title 1 Federal Program and receive Federal Grant money. The latest report that I could find on funding for Fairborn Digital Academy was a 2010 Report. FDS had gross revenues that year of $799,000 with 92.5% provided by the State of Ohio, 7.1% provided by the Federal Government, and 0.4% provided locally which is about $3196.

I'm just speculating, but a very good guess is that the over $600,000 you mention that it cost FCS is actually Federal and State Funds designated for FDA that are passed through the Sponsor FCS. I'm not sure what the money paid to FCS by FDA was for unless it was for reimbursements, or maybe some was for rent on Black Lane? I guess we could always ask.

At any rate, it appears that these Drop Out Schools are pretty much available for the students that need them of every district in the state.

That one wore me out, so I'm through educating myself for while.  #842 Chestertonian (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 22:21) Karen:

First let me say that I thoroughly enjoy the old-timey quotations and cultural references on your website. I resonate well with that, as I strictly avoid all authors that weren't born at least a 100 years ago. Let me apologize if this is a re-asking of a question. My first time visiting the site and I have not currycombed the bloggings. So, have you given thought to settling elsewhere? Don't misinterpret - not chasing you out, but I move frequently - given your dissatisfaction, when is the point that you decide to jump ship?  #841 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 20:43) Lindsay - And yet, I have THOUSANDS of people reading my site! Actually, I never used to use "LOL" at all, but I find it saves time. Come back anytime you have a REAL issue, dear.  #840 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 20:41) Actually I forgot the best part of the Facebook battle - one of the post-ers there has a profile that says he lives in Dayton. Then he gets mad at me because I point it out and says he has lived in Fairborn all his life. Hey, dude, fix your own Facebook profile! I'm not sure, but I think this guy is a Fairborn firefighter (?) I would have thought they would realize I almost ALWAYS support the police and fire departments on this site (I won't say "always" because someone will stay up all night trying to find some little thing!). I have OPENLY and FREQUENTLY said that they should have MORE money devoted to them than the levies provide. Maybe most of the others do and this guy just isn't too smart? Probably.  #839 Lindsay (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 20:37) Dear Karen, You use "LOL" too much. That is all.  #838 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 20:26) The little Facebook page by the overpaid teacher's hubby blocked me - gee, I am crushed. Typical response for SYCOPHANTS - they can't handle a real debate - they only like things one-sided! I'm not surprised he is hysterical over teacher pay - his wife works at Baker Middle School - the WORST rated school in the district! LOL.  #837 Shadow (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 19:11) Part I


No worries, the milking stops now, reality has arrived!

From John:

“I have to take issue with the statement that THE factor that helped Fairborn High School to its high rating was the Graduation Rate“

Yes John, you caught me. On occasion, in composing over 100+ posts (going back to the CFFF blog days), I will make grammatical errors. I work full time and post when I have something to say...And FACTS to back it up. I wrote a "The" instead of an "a." Clearly, I was hiding FHS' score when I listed their B+ in my post. Check out the rest of this board and the archives; I have been posting here about educational performance issues long before some FCS Leadership sycophant directed you here; Regular Fairborn Speaks readers know I care deeply about OUR STUDENTS EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT. Before you run off to Lake Erie to get on your knees before Lord $carberry and receive your reward, read on (that also goes for Ms. Crowe at the Fairborn Daily Propaganda Sheet; off her sick bed to write the FHS article, but strangely only "contributes" (in a way is not easily discernible) to a WDTN article regarding the city council's cowardice...)

A little music please…

"It's fun to lose and to pretend"

Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

Yep, from John to Matt to Ms. Vladimir Crowe, it appears that people are confusing high school spirit with the cold hard reality of College and University stratification in the year 2013. How your high school really performs to those holding the key to a higher probability of future success is not measured on the Friday Night Football field but measured on those early Saturday mornings where the sound of cheerleaders and fans is replaced by the low hum of TI calculators and the occasional cracking of pencil lead. The ACT and the SAT are the real yardsticks.

“As for the FHS ACT average score of 21.0 being below the National Average; Come on...your only talking one tenth of one percentage point and you want to make that an issue?”

Yeah John, what is a measly tenth a point really worth? Pretty much everything, because it is BELOW AVERAGE SCORE. The state average is 21.8. Ever worked in Higher Ed? Worked in a highly selective college/university admissions capacity? Guess what, you target your finite resources (college fair attendance, counselor presentations, etc.) to where they will get the most bang for the buck. Historically, Centerville High school's College fair gets some of the best colleges and universities to attend due to one simple fact: Test Scores! Here is Centerville' ACT/SAT scores and the percentage of students who took the listed test:

Mean ACT 25.0 Pct. graduates taking ACT 76.0 Mean SAT 1,136.0 Pct. graduates taking SAT 52.7

"We are not Centerville!" you say? True, Centerville's Superintendent, a Dr. Henderson, made (per the Buckeye Institute) $132,000 in 2012. He must learn about self-enrichment from Lord $carberry, who pocketed $145,000 in pay in 2011 before he decided to double dip and receive more $$$$ than the Vice President of THE UNITED STATES, to the tune of a cool $250,000 a year. At any rate, in Dr. Henderson’s district, the percentage of students taking the ACT is 76% and roughly corresponds to how many students will be going the college/university (2 and 4 year institutions of higher learning) route in Centerville...It is also the rough amount of students going the college/university route in FAIRBORN! Grade 12 is the terminal point of the K-12 educational. Current trends show a bit over 20% will go vocational or enlist into the military. Excellent preparation for vocational careers is primarily the Greene County Career Center's role and not the purview of Fairborn Speaks! The military conducts the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) and does not publish individual district results. Hence, we have no way to gauge FCS performance in preparing enlistees for successful military service, at least from an academic standpoint.

Therefore, we are left with those 80% or so who are going on to higher education. A 22 August 2013 DDN article stated only 28 percent of Ohio high school grads are college- ready, yet FHS only tests 58% in the ACT and a middling amount in the SAT. Why are we shortchanging OUR students? How come OUR students don’t do well in these tests when other districts do? You want to cheer FHS results, yet you don’t seem to have a clue just how high a bar OUR students have to hurdle.  #836 Shadow (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 19:10) Part II

Annually, FHS has a dismal rate of graduates matriculating to Top 50 schools. This year there was only ONE graduate who did so; last year there was ONE graduate who did so. That is far less than 1% of our graduating seniors!

As a reminder, FHS’ mean ACT composite score was 21 and the mean SAT (Critical Reading and Math) score was 996. So just how do those means stack up if a student wants to go to a top school? Not too good, I‘m afraid. Listed below are the median 50% admissions scores for some Top 50 national Universities and Liberal Arts colleges. Data was taken from the 2012 Edition of US News’ College Ranking publication. The Median 50% of scores is a good barometer of what test score you need to gain admission. It throws out the high and low scores and illustrates where most enrolled students fall, test score wise. The two digit numbers are ACT composite scores and the four digit scores are SAT (Critical Reading and Math) scores. It should be noted that more Top 50 institutions receive higher numbers of SAT scores submitted and some admissions professionals will tell you (in confidence) that top schools outside of the Midwest (and some in it) do prefer the SAT when evaluating applicants.

So John, maybe you think your child could be President on day? If so, they need the leg up that recent presidents have had: An Ivy League education. How does FHS’ mean scores stack up there? Not very well at all: Ivy League

Harvard 1390-1590 Princeton 1400-1580 Yale 1410-1590 Columbia 1390-1570 UPenn 1350-1530 Dartmouth 1360-1570 Brown 1330-1530 Cornell 1310-1500

OK, you don’t think your child could make it to the Ivy league, but are sure they could make it to a top school in Ohio with that 21 ACT /996 SAT…WRONG! Here are the numbers:


Case Western Reserve University 1250-1450

Oberlin College 1310-1470

Kenyon College 1250-1430

Denison University 27 – 30

OK, OK, looks out of reach at those schools too. I’m sure you could find Little Johnny or Jennifer a top school in one of Ohio’s border states for sure…21/996 is “not an issue” at one of those schools? Afraid NOT!

Border States

Swarthmore College (PA) 1340 -1530

Haverford College (PA) 1300 – 1490

Bryn Mawr (PA) 1170 – 1420

Bucknell University (PA) 1220-1380

Centre College (KY) 26 -31 (Shhh, Don’t tell City Manager Debbie McBigot that the Western edge of Appalachia has an “Institute of Higher Education” which ranks HIGHER than either of the two Institutes of Higher Education SHE ATTENDED!) Franklin and Marshall College (PA) 1210-1390

Dickinson College (PA) 1200-1368

Gettysburg College (PA) 1230 -1370

University of Notre Dame (IN) 31 -34

Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 1300 – 1500

University of Michigan 27 -31

Lehigh University (PA) 1220 – 1390

Penn State 1090 -1300

OK, somewhere in this country, from sea to shinning sea, one of these top schools must have a 21/996 right smack dab in their mid 50%...Ahhh, NO!

Northwestern University 1380 – 1530

Washington University in St. Louis 32 -24 University of Washington 1090 – 1340

Stanford University 1360 – 1550

USC (CA) 1270 -1470

University of California, San Diego 1150- 1390

Rice University (TX) 1340 -1540

University of Texas 1110 -1370

University of Miami (FL) 1210 -1380  #835 Shadow (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 19:09) Part III

University of North Carolina 1200-1410

Tulane University (LA) 1230 -1400

Emory University (GA) 1310 -1500 Georgia Tech 1240-1430

Vanderbilt University (TN) 30- 34

Duke University (NC) 1350 - 1530

Johns Hopkins University (MD) 1300 – 1510

Boston College (MA) 1250 -1410

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1410 – 1560

So as it stands right now, students at Centerville, Fairmont and yes, Beavercreek (more on that later) are getting the chance to earn valuable scholarship money while OUR students do not. Memo to the public: The media makes it appear that only students receive scholarship money for being great athletes or from fraternal orders, clubs, business or their high school. The VAST MAJORITY of scholarship money comes via the higher education institutions themselves, who provide scholarships to students with exceptional ACADEMIC credentials. ACT/SAT test scores are the biggest factors in the judging academic ability. Indeed, many of these top colleges and universities are “need- blind” to top students and will provide 100% of demonstrated need.

Oh well, at least Lord $carberry gets to satisfy his “demonstrated need” for a $300K McMansion, his Lake Erie Condo and $250K a year in earnings. The Teachers get to satisfy their “demonstrated need “with salaries $2,000 a year higher than the state average and a lavish health care plan.

John Wrote:

“Obviously there are some problems with the two classes at the middle school which is dragging down the districts overall grade. Whether those problems are teacher related or socio-economicallyrelated to those particular classes or a combination of both is for the professionals to determine and cope with.”

No John, as our students mean ACT/SAT scores PROVE the problem isn’t just at the Middle school. You and Matt love the term “socio-economic.” Ok, lets look at the economics first; the perception is our district isn’t as wealth as Beavercreek, hence the poorer performance. As a side note, Beavercreek High School’s mean ACT score improved to 24 from 23 this year. Ahh, you say, it’s the money that district has compared to Fairborn. WRONG! Per the updated figures provided by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES):

FCS Revenue per student $11,267 BCS Revenue per student $11,202

Yes, John, thanks to the generosity of the Federal, State and Local taxpayers, FCS’ “professionals” have more to spend per student than BCS does!

I can hear you exclaim, “But Beavercreek has more teachers per student!” Sorry John, here are the NCES FACTS:

BCS Student/Teacher Ratio: 18.09

FCS Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.94

Yes, I can anticipate the next excuse, “It’s the parents that are poor; they cause FCS to get poor marks.”

I posted the following (post #1706 if you care to look it up in the archives) a while back: "FCS is listed by the ODE as a 54.3% economically disadvantaged district. HOWEVER, strong leadership can overcome it. Take a look at the following Ohio districts selected from the ODE's preliminary report:

Lancaster City Schools, 56.2 % economically disadvantaged, Excellent rating, Mean ACT 22

Geneva Area Schools, 53.5% economically disadvantaged, Excellent Rating, Mean ACT 22 Gallion City Schools, 57% economically disadvantaged, Effective Rating, Mean ACT 22

Washington Court House City Schools 60% economically disadvantaged, Excellent Rating, Mean ACT 22

Bethel-Tate Local Schools, 46% economically disadvantaged, Excellent w/Distinction Rating, Mean ACT 23  #834 Shadow (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 19:08) Part IV

To varying degrees, these districts are not playing the blame game, but are making progress in educating their students despite financial hardship in their particular areas.”

OK, a quick check of the new state report finds the following concerning these poor districts a year later:

Lancaster City Schools, Overall Grade: B-, ACT Mean 22 Geneva Area Schools, Overall Grade: B-, ACT Mean 21

Galion City Schools, Overall Grade: C+ Act Mean 22

Washington Court House City Schools, Overall Grade: B- ACT Mean 21

Bethel-Tate Local Schools, Overall Grade: A-, Mean ACT 22.

Again, no excuses! These districts are poor like Fairborn but DO BETTER THAN FCS!

So is it the Socio part? Here is a Quick Question, John and Matt: Are you bigots like Debbie McDonnell? What do you mean by socio? I guess you would like to leave it to “professionals” like Lord $carberry, who stated HIS district’s poor performance was partly due to “low income and minority students.” How about some facts to back up your assertions instead of just repeating a big sounding word?

Music time again:

“You may say I am a dreamer, but I’m not the only one”

John Lennon’s “Imagine”

If we are doomed by our “socio-economic plight, than why does the state political leasdership send poor, “backwards” districts even more money? Wouldn’t it be better to blow the money on vote getting pork projects? In the cases of Lancaster, Geneva, Bethel- Tate, etc., the money is leveling the playing field for ALL students. In the case of FCS it is being wasted, with administrators, faculty and staff receiving ABOVE AVERAGE PAY AND BENEFITS WHILE PROVIDING A BELOW AVERAGE EDUCATION TO OUR CHILDREN!

John Writes:

“As a parent, I am very happy with the performance of our teachers and administrators at Fairborn HighSchool. I know from my perspective as an involved parent that they are doing an outstanding job as evidenced in the area rankings at the high school level.”

Ah, the usual, “well my kid is getting over, so I don’t care about the rest, FACTS be D______!” The standard slobbering of one of Lord $carberry’s sycophants…Trust us regulars on Fairborn Speaks!, it is easy to spot.

Have fun this holiday weekend reporting to his Lordship up at Lake Erie, though after the FACTS have come to light, your kneeling before the Lord may involve something different than you planned!  #833 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 18:10) John - I found the Fairborn Digital Academy (FDA) graduation rates on the same link you provided this AM. I just tried to get back there now and got an error message for info on ALL the "dropout recovery schools." Looks like the ODE is having some more technical issues with their site!

As for how the FDA "fits into" the FCS, that is a great question! We would all love to know. The FCS simply says it is an "independent school sponsored by the Fairborn City Schools." Is that like being an "independent teenager sponsored by your parents"? I'm not sure! What I do know is they closed Black Lane "to save money," but didn't sell it so it could bring in cash and a TAXPAYING PROPERTY OWNER- nah, they let the FDA have it! And that's not all they let the FDA have - get this: "if a student is entitled to transportation UNDER ANY APPLICABLE LAW, such transportation shall be provided BY THE SPONSOR." !!!

TRECA provides planning, instructional, administrative, and technical services. We paid them over $400K for this in the audit for the period ending on 6/30.2011 (last posted on the State Auditor's site).

The FDA paid the FCS $170,064 and $127,809 in 2011 and 2010 respectively. But it cost the FCS overly $600K annually to operate it. Now, maybe it's just my "Fairborn math," but this seems to be a LOSING PROPOSITION!  #832 John (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 14:16) Karen,

Where did you find the grad rates etc; for Fairborn Digital Academy? The state site does not have any grades on them and just says "Coming in 2015" as it says for 12 other area charter schools. I was looking for them when I compared charter schools.

It appears that the Fairborn District just recently took over this on-line school which was operated by TRECA Digital Academy and then renamed it Fairborn Digital Academy. I know that not long ago they fell under the Marion District and appear (see below) to still be affiliated with TRECA Digital Academy in Marion.

Evidently Fairborn Digital Academy serves more school districts than just the Fairborn District as their site says that they serve students within a 50 mile radius which would cover the majority of the Dayton area.

I'm just trying to figure out how they fit into our district. It is rather confusing. Can you enlighten me? Here is the info that is printed on the TRECA Digital Academy site which shows Fairborn Digital Academy as now being a partner school.

"TRECA Digital Academy is the only online school supported by Ohio school districts, which means any student in the state of Ohio can complete his/her education at TRECA Digital Academy.

Since our inception in 2001, the TRECA Digital Academy (TDA) realized the importance of partnerships and working with a wide variety of entities to produce an outstanding education. Starting in 2002, we extended our outreach to public schools. Through a cooperative venture, TDA has worked in one form or another with a large number of public school districts to help them bring high quality digital education to their students. Our school partnerships include:

Cardington-Lincoln Digital Academy Fairborn Digital Academy Findlay Digital Academy Lakewood City Academy Lancaster Digital Academy Lorain K-12 Digital Academy Marion City Digital Academy Medina Technology School Miamisburg Digital Academy Pleasant Community Academy Pleasant Education Academy Ridgedale Community School Urbana Digital Academy Many of these districts formed their own digital academies and rely heavily on TDA to provide curriculum, instruction, and technical support. In turn, these districts help TDA to refine curriculum and provide ideas and insights to assist with our ongoing improvement efforts. What’s most important to remember: Any student — whether he/she resides in a TRECA partner school district or not — can attend TRECA Digital Academy.

Within the last two years, we have increased our efforts to work with various social institutions including county children services, private educational organizations, YMCA’s, youth centers, and private social support groups. Since our beginning, we have had a close business partnership with Apple Computers, Inc. These partnerships continue to expand with CISCO, Dell Computers, and Honda of North America (Marysville). We plan to expand greatly in this area within the coming year.

We understand that research and higher education are important factors if we are to continue to be effective. Consequently, we have formed working relationships with Bowling Green State University and Kent State University. We are in conversation with several other institutions of higher learning.

If you are interested in learning more about partnerships and the role you can play, please contact Sue Ritzler at (888) 828-4798 ext. 279 or e-mail her at [email protected]."

 #831 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 12:21) Go Skyhawks - I didn't say you were a union member! I posted the scores and agreed that it was good news for FHS and FCS. But we have a LONG way to go before we celebrate!  #830 Danger Combs (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 12:17) The Facebook page supposedly by "parents" in support of the teacher union is run by one Richie Guere, whose wife "Kitten" just happens (wink, wink) to be a FCS teacher who made over $67,782 last year. LOL, LOL - make it STOOOPPPPP! Too, too FUNNY! And you sycophants wonder why I always ask which teacher you are related to? Because these are the ONLY people who back your greedy union!  #829 Go Skyhawks! (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 12:11) I'm not a union member. Just married to an employee at Wright-Patt that chose to reside in Fairborn as everyone else on here presumably did. I'm just glad that the high school ranks well among the other schools as we almost chose the Stebbins/Wayne area of Forest Ridge. I might feel different if my children were attending Baker, but at least those kids can look forward to a high school that fares better than most around here. Thanks for posting the rankings anyway.  #828 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 12:06) Part I - Definitions Performance Index: measures the performance of every student on state tests, whether or not they are proficient. “Points” are earned for every level of achievement. Indicators Met: measures how many students have a minimum or proficient level of knowledge. This is based on a series of 25 state tests at various grade levels in different subjects. A score of a mere 75% is considered proficient for each. Starting in 2013-2014 school year, this will increase to 80%. Progress: measures data from state tests over multiple years and uses a formula to determine progress in the following areas: All students, Gifted Students, Disabled Students, Students in the Lowest 20% of Scoring. Gap Closing is: measurement of the academic performance of specific groups of students grouped by racial and demographic categories. These are then measured against general performance of all students throughout the state. Also referred to as Annual Measurable Objectives.  #827 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 12:05) Part II Report OVERALL- FCS Performance Index…..C Indicators Met………….D Progress (grades 4-8 Reading)…………………..F Gap Closing……………...F 4 year grad. Rate……...B 5 year Grad. Rate……..A

Primary School: Performance Index…..B Indicators Met………….A Progress……………………N/R Gap Closing……………….F

Intermediate School: Performance Index…..C Indicators Met………….D Value Added Overall…A Gap Closing……………….F

Baker Middle School: Performance Index…..C Indicators Met…………..F Value Added Overall….F Gap Closing………………..F

High School: Performance Index…..B Indicators Met………….A Gap Closing……………….B 4 year Grad. Rate…….B 5 year Grad. Rate………A  #826 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 12:05) Part III Report There was also some mention about Charter Schools. Compare the PRIVATE Charter School - Dayton Regional Stem School versus the FCS’ Charter School - the Digital Academy. It should be noted that: a) the State is not even close to being finished with measurements for any of these schools, and b) they measure different things because the schools function differently, but if Charters need to be closed based on what has been reviewed so far, it looks like we should start with the ones operated by the PUBLIC SCHOOLS! Dayton Regional Stem School Performance Index…..B Indicators Met………….A Gap Closing………………B Value Added Overall…F

Digital Academy Percentage of Students Who Passed All 5 State Exams……64.3% Gap Closing………………………………………………………………………57.6% 4 year Grad. Rate……………………………………………………………..42.6% 5 year Grad. Rate…………………………………………………………….5.0.6%  #825 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 11:17) Al - I agree! It is AMAZING how they coddle her, isn't it? When her contract was up last time was just when she insulted Appalachians the FIRST TIME AROUND. What was her excuse back then? It was "taken out of context" and us here dumb hillbillies didn't know the meaning of the word "confines"! There we were saying it meant to limit or restrict her and she sho' corrected us! Why, turns out, it meant we was all just "resistant to change"! Strike #2.

After the big stir about her remarks back then, one would think that ANYONE with EVEN HALF A BRAIN would NEVER, ever, not-if-hillbillies-threw-her-in-a-dumpster, say ANYTHING that might even HINT of an anti-Appalachian bias! Well, ta-da! She did it again! Well, what should happen after Strike #3?

For her sheer STUPIDITY and RECKLESSNESS alone, she should have been handed a pink slip. But there are so many other reasons too!

The people of Fairborn simply MUST get the Charter change that gives UNDUE protection to a City Manager BACK ON THE BALLOT - worded properly and explained to the voters. WHY ON EARTH should it take more than a simply majority of Council to send a poorly-performing City Manager packing??  #824 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 10:58) Good grief, folks, they are gonna milk this HS thing for all it's worth! I guess they think that will generate support for the teacher union? Not a chance! Yes, it is very exciting that we have ONE school level of four that managed to not get any F's. That is FAR, FAR from a reason to pretend that everything is peaches and cream!

My next post is going to break down ALL the FCS scores and the meaning of each.

In the meantime, several people have forwarded to me some LAUGHABLE "" so-called "petition" that they posted in support of the FCS unions. It has only 404 signatures -um....aren't there more FCS employees than THAT??? LOL. They also have some "Facebook" page up which is supposedly parents supporting them, but the main post-er is some guy who lives in CALIFORNIA??? LOL AGAIN. These union shills are MORONS.  #823 Go Skyhawks! (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 09:42) Thanks for posting the high school rankings that John...and you, compiled. It is great to see that FHS is one of the top schools in the area and the students and teachers should be proud. Hopefully they can solve the problems at Baker and make us proud of the whole district. At least we do have a Shining Star in the bunch!  #822 Al Molnar (Wednesday, 28 August 2013 04:47) The action of council to give a City manager A 4-5 year contract... The action of Council to give a City Manger 3.3 raise Three times over 3 years when so many Deserving Residents are getting Nil Is Sad! And Big Dividing Event! In it Self!  #821 jon (Tuesday, 27 August 2013 22:51) Sorry if I upset some of you (not really). I just thought it seemed a triffle odd that after the words Woods used against Ms. McDonnell, they were so buddy buddy so short a time later. It seems odd to me. But then I admit, I'm no politician. And I'm certainly not a Fairborn Politician.  #820 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 27 August 2013 20:54) Kitty Fairchild - I am so grateful for your comments here and for the moving speech you gave before Council. We just met that night, but you are one terrific lady!  #819 JD (Tuesday, 27 August 2013 12:01) Reference post 829 WSU Student:

In order to vote against Mr. Wood, I would think one would need more details rather than a vague accusation that Mr. Wood screwed up someones insurance. How and why? How do you know he is only out for himself? Where are your details?  #818 Sadder but Wiser (Tuesday, 27 August 2013 11:59) Dear "Jon" Disguising yourself as a man doesn't keep you smelling like a rose. Your insinuations about Wood talking to the finance director and city manager are ridiculous. Some info from the state only trickles down from the city manager and opportunities to apply for state funds etc are issues she hears about first. It's called communication. Would you prefer that she not tell council members the status of local funding? Grow up! Telling Wood he is doing a good job at Council meetings then running to the other side to encourage Kirkpatrick is a foolish game. So is soliciting another "anti-city manager" candidate to run against Wood. Do you really want to split the vote against the city manager so Kirkpatrick gets in as mayor? Your game has been found out and you insult the intelligence of the Fairborn community using the forum in this manner.  #817 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 27 August 2013 11:24) "WSU" - I don't know anything about Mr. Wood's insurance business - but I know this about the ENTIRE CITY COUNCIL: I just spoke to the Stidhams (the target of the City Manager's "death wish") and NONE of the Council members has had the decency to contact them to discuss the outcome of their so-called "investigation." Furthermore, they were never called to offer testimony to the Council and never given an opportunity to put their statements on the record in a "closed-door" session. The Council gives that courtesy to the staff, but not mere TAXPAYERS!

The Stidhams have been DEVASTATED by this entire mess. First when they learned of the City Manager's nasty comment. Next when they had to go report it to the Council (I saw Eva in the city parking lot that night and she was suffering from such EXTREME high blood pressure that we worried for her health) and finally, to be "dismissed" by this Council without so much as the COMMON COURTESY OF A PHONE CALL.

Shame, shame on this disgraceful Council! I think you are ALL playing little political games - you care nothing for the people of this town - and your "leadership" shows all over in the RUINATION of Fairborn!  #816 WSU Student (Tuesday, 27 August 2013 09:20) Mr Wood is a snake in the grass. Several members of my family had him for an insurance agent years ago and he screwed things up there. They had to change to another agent and in one case another company. He is someone you can not trust. If thats all we have to offer for mayor, they will not vote for any of the two. That is sad for everyone but Mr Wood is only out for himself. His past years as a rubber stamp showed that. Him playing golf with the city cut his deals most likely. No surprise here! A real Snake In the Grass as his past has always shown!  #815 Kitty Fairchild (Tuesday, 27 August 2013 07:11) Message: Well,our city manager,Deb McDonnell has found a way to finagle her way out of trouble yet again.Ms.McDonnell was accused of wishing a Fairborn resident dead..Mr.Hapner told Mayor Nagel (who had already said if proven he would ask for her resignation himself)that he had someone who was present when Ms.McDonnell made this disgusting statement..They've now had 3 executive meetings and she's still here...Another bone of contention at last meeting was about having a mediation board in Fairborn.. Ms.McDonnell's memo referring to Appalachian culture was less than flattering!! The remarks said that our culture couldn't resolve disputes without bloodshed and she went on to say that since most of Fairborn's residents are Appalachian it would be doubtful they could find anyone qualified to even serve on such a board...Citizens were allotted 5 min. to make their remarks with no time for rebuttal after listening to the idiotic remarks of some of the council..Mr.Kirkpatrick,Ms.McCauley,and Mr.Nagel all told us we had taken it all out of context..and we just didn't understand what she was saying...REALLY? I may be Appalachian but I can read and I can even understand what I read..perhaps it is they who need a refresher course in comprehension. Mr.Kirkpatrick chastised us for approximately 8 min...he said he had given much thought to the division that is now in our city..although his reasoning for the division is signs that some residents posted in their yards saying,Appalachians welcome here"...I'm just a simple Appalachian woman but please tell me how a wooden stick with a piece of paper on the end of it caused such division? Let's re-think this Mr.Kirkpatrick..those signs would not have been necessary had it not been for one city manager..namely DEB McDONNELL making offensive remarks..You told us several times how educated you are well then this should not be hard for you to understand!! We,the citizens,elect the Mayor and City Council and we pay Ms.McDonnell's let me ask you a question...No matter how much you dislike your boss,would you or anyone who wants to keep their job walk into his/her office and tell them how ignorant they are and not worth much of your time? The answer is would quickly find yourself in the unemployment line but yet this city manager is still here...I hate to be such a skeptic but it makes me wonder if she knows something none of you want told...Kinda makes you go hummmmm!!!!!! This has done one thing positive for me personally..I intend to be at the meetings and following everything that's done in this city..You all work for us..and you Mr.Kirkpatrick have made it very easy for me to know who I'm backing in the mayoral election..Mr.Wood has my support!!  #814 Matt (Tuesday, 27 August 2013 06:00) jon #815: "At a golf outing, the Fairborn city manager, finance director, and Robert Wood were seen talking together."

WHOA! STOP THE PRESSES!  #813 Anon (Tuesday, 27 August 2013 00:10) Wow!! Cant believe the city council would not get rid of Ms McDonnell. Unreal. Just what has she done the warrants the pay increase or for that matter the position she holds? What? The only thing that I can even remotely think of is CalamityVille and to date that seems like a ghost town. I truly think with our current council and city manage, Fairborn is dead. There is no reason for anyone to ever come here to live much less work. Thank god for WPAFB... id hate to think what would happen to this town if they closed or left. i will never vote for another council election again.... waste of time!!  #812 Feet (Monday, 26 August 2013 22:16) The City Council is missing the point. They are focusing on something that will always be he said, she said unless there is audio evidence. Why not focus on THE ACTUAL PROOF in the document SHE issues and SIGNED?  #811 it me!! (Monday, 26 August 2013 21:36) Wassup wit meeting tonight, yo  #810 John (Monday, 26 August 2013 19:01) What I found interesting and actually rather alarming, as it is the trending fad in the state, are the grades of the Charter Schools in Greene and Montgomery Counties. You can find them at the same site under the Letter Head C and then scroll to Community Schools. There are 17 Charter Schools in the area that have been graded and 13 more that will be graded by 2015 for a total of 30. Most have been graded in 3 of the five areas as most do not have a graduation rate as of the present time.

The top Charter School in the area was Dayton Stem School (not surprising) with a 3.3 Average which would place them in 9th place in the area right behind Fairborn High School and several other high schools. The alarming fact was that "ALL" of the remaining 16 area Charter Schools had less than a 1.5 average with probably 90% failing completely. The closest one to Dayton Stem School was Dayton Early College Academy - Liberty Campus with grades of BBFFD for a 1.4 GPA. If you add the 17 area Charter Schools to the 28 area high schools then FHS actually ranks in a tie for 8th place out of 45 area High Schools under the new grading system which is really pretty impressive.

Maybe the state should rethink pushing the Charter Schools?  #809 Karen Combs (Monday, 26 August 2013 11:16) I am happy to report the good and wish there was more of it! I agree - "data mining" is a rough job! I also agree the Standards Met and Annual Measurable Objectives (used to be called Annual Yearly Progress) are the most important among this group of numbers.  #808 John (Monday, 26 August 2013 10:19) Thanks for posting the high school rankings Karen. You are right. I did miss those three schools. The state does not make it easy to compare school data on their site. So to recap, FHS would be tied for 8th among the 28 mentioned area high schools. Taking a cursory glance, if you were to drop the Grad Rates completely, it appears that Fairborn would actually move up a spot to 7th place. I think the A for Standards Met is a bigger factor. Thanks again for also showing the good.  #807 Karen Combs (Monday, 26 August 2013 09:25) I am already getting calls about the school rankings info - please keep in mind that John's list is ONLY regarding the HIGH SCHOOLs - NOT the District overall! FCS is ranked MUCH lower when all district scores are included!  #806 John (Monday, 26 August 2013 07:44) I have to take issue with the statement that THE factor that helped Fairborn High School to its high rating was the Graduation Rate. It certainly was not the only factor as the high school received an A on Standards Met along with the A for 5 year graduation rate and B's on Annual Measurable Objectives, Performance Index and 4 year Graduation Rate. To put the grades in perspective among the 22 high schools in Greene and Montgomery Counties, with Tecumseh and Greenon thrown in due to close proximity, look at the following rankings below. Fairborn is tied for 7th in performance with Centerville and Kettering High Schools among the 24 area high schools.

Obviously there are some problems with the two classes at the middle school which is dragging down the districts overall grade. Whether those problems are teacher related or socio-economically related to those particular classes or a combination of both is for the professionals to determine and cope with. As for the FHS ACT average score of 21.0 being below the National Average; Come on.....your only talking one tenth of one percentage point and you want to make that an issue? As a parent, I am very happy with the performance of our teachers and administrators at Fairborn High School. I know from my perspective as an involved parent that they are doing an outstanding job as evidenced in the area rankings at the high school level. Can we not at least give a little credit where credit is due along with the constant criticism and negativity?

Here are the rankings with grades in the following order: Standards Met, Performance Index, Annual Measurable's, 4 year Grad Rate, 5 year Grad Rate.


1. Oakwood………………….AAAAA……...4.0……...A+

1. Bellbrook…………….……AAAAA……...4.0……...A+

3. Yellow Springs………….ABAAA……...3.8……...A

3. Vandalia Butler………..ABAAA……….3.8……...A

5. Cedar Cliff………………..ABBAA……...3.6……...A-

5. Beavercreek……………..AABAB……….3.6……..A-

7. Fairborn…………………….ABBBA……....3.4……..B+

7. Kettering…………………..ABBBA……....3.4……..B+

7. Centerville………………..AACAB……....3.4……..B+

7. Northmont………………..ABCAA……....3.4……..B+ 7. Greenon…………………….ABCAA……....3.4……. B+






17.Xenia…………………………ABFDD………...1.8……. D+


18.West Carrolton………….ABFDF………....1.6……..D

20.Thurgood Marshall……..FDFFD………...0.4……..F

21.Trotwood Madison……..FDFFD…….....0.2……..F




21.Dunbar………………………...FDFFF………..0.2………F  #805 Karen Combs (Monday, 26 August 2013 07:42) Good news for the FHS!

John - Your post about HIGH SCHOOL STATE REPORT CARDS is up with a couple notes: Your list actually had 25 schools, but there were some in Montgomery County that you did not include (Brookville, Valley View, New Lebanon). I noticed these missing as soon as I saw your list as I have made these lists quite a few times myself! So I just wanted to double-check. Thanks for your patience.

Brookville's score was 3.6, so they would rank higher than Fairborn and bring Fairborn into the rank of being tied for 8th place (along with Valley View). New Lebanon was a 3.0.

I will leave it to the readers to decide whether a five-year graduation rate is even a worthwhile measurement of success - but I left it in since it was measured for all! I do think this is GOOD NEWS for FHS and FCS overall!

Finally, I can not move individual posts (from the order in which they are received), so I "cut-and-pasted" yours so it would go to the top of the Message Board. NOTHING was changed from your original message - I simply did this for fairness to you.  #804 Karen Combs (Monday, 26 August 2013 06:51) Jon - Nothing would surprise me with this "leadership"! Now you know why Fairborn is in such dire shape!

John - I will do my best to look it over today. I have no problem recognizing the good, but I want to ensure that what is being presented is accurate!  #803 John (Sunday, 25 August 2013 22:31) Feel free to double check the data Karen. Here is the link for you. I feel it is important that we at least recognize the good along with the bad. Thanks!

 #802 jon (Sunday, 25 August 2013 22:27) Heard something tonight that i wondered if anyone else has heard about our city leaders. Hope what was heard is false, but here it is. At a golf outing, the Fairborn city manager, finance director, and Robert Wood were seen talking together. Can anyone confirm this? The only reason I asked is because of the apparent division going on between the city manager and councilman Wood, it would seem odd to see this get together...... unless something untowards was going on.  #801 Karen Combs - Part I (Sunday, 25 August 2013 22:03) I am offering this open “letter” to Council -with some pertinent ideas and questions for them to consider -in advance of their August 26th Executive Session. In the unlikely event that Council would ever reply to a mere citizen, I am happy (as always) to post their replies here on

*“Tough to Manage?” Last year alone, the City Council had to conduct TWELVE Executive Sessions to discuss the City Manager’s contract, performance, and evaluation. Why are YOU putting up with someone who has to be micromanaged like that? My terrier requires less supervision!

*“Context?” Shock, shock - Ms. McDonnell AGAIN says she was “taken out of context.” I would like that EXCUSE explained. The memo was posted in its ENTIRETY (including attachments). It was not edited or altered. So what, pray tell, is “out of context” about it? How often will you accept this lame excuse?

*“Mz. Understood?” Doesn’t it strike this Council as odd that Ms. McDonnell so frequently whines about being “taken out of context”? Have you EVER seen such a misunderstood person? Here we go again - “believe Debbie McDonnell and not your lying ears/eyes”? Face it - in the most charitable light, she is such a poor communicator that she can’t possibly be an effective representative for the City of Fairborn!

* “Political Mayhem?” In her litany of excuses, Ms. McDonnell cited “political mayhem.” Are the Stidhams politicians? Am I? No. In fact, only one candidate for a NON-PARTISAN Council office - Dave Criner - even spoke about her and his opinion was nothing new. Dave has been attending meetings and expressing his ideas REGULARLY for YEARS (not just when he decided to run for office - which is more than most of this Council can say!) The other candidates confirmed their own uselessness by either skipping the meeting or sitting silent.

There are only TWO remotely “political” things about this: 1) how this Council tricked the people of Fairborn into that Charter Amendment which prevents a MAJORITY of Council from terminating a BAD employee! We need to get this changed - by referendum if necessary! and 2) how Dan Kirkpatrick is leading the Council newbies astray to try to consolidate power for himself. Better take a close look at that horse before you back it! By the way, Councilman Kirkpatrick - who is your campaign Treasurer? Tell the people all about it.

*“Spontaneous Combustion?” How about the lone woman who spoke in favor of Ms. McDonnell? After repeatedly noting that she “didn’t have a prepared speech” (as if that was something to brag about?!), she says “I hope I didn’t forget anything.” How can you “forget” comments you are supposedly making from your heart? Looks to me like someone else TOLD HER WHAT TO SAY! Well, good girl, give her a biscuit.

*“Due Process?” During Councilwoman McCauley’s remarks, Mayor Nagel could be overheard in the background saying something about “no due process.” Finally, Mayor Nagel, you are RIGHT!! There is NO DUE PROCESS…. for citizens in this town! No doubt you were coddling the City Manager, but I would ask WHY you allow certain citizens to speak for 13 UNINTERRUPTED MINUTES and keep a strict 5 minute timer on others? WHY do you allow Council members to personally attack citizens and not allow the citizen time to respond (as Mr. Kirkpatrick did AGAIN to me)? Well, we will all worry about McDonnell’s “due process” as soon as we get some!

*“Do You Need A Cherry On Top?” Mayor Nagel - you said that if you had a sworn statement from a witness to Ms. McDonnell’s remark about Eva Lewis-Stidham, you would “be the first to ask for her resignation.” It is my understanding that you HAVE received such testimony confirming McDonnell’s statement. Are you backing out of your commitment to act?  #800 Karen Combs-PART II (Sunday, 25 August 2013 22:01) * “Did She Just Say THAT?” Wasn’t it funny when McDonnell said the memo was not a broad statement about the overall culture in Fairborn and Councilwoman McCauley turned right around and said it was?! She said McDonnell addressed “the predominant Appalachian culture in Fairborn” and “how its traditions would drive their reactions to certain conditions.” PRECISELY. And she did that by concluding that violent hillbillies have no need for mediation! Thanks for confirming that, Councilwoman!

*“Flinging Cow Patties?” If Ms. McDonnell loves Appalachians and our culture, why didn’t she choose a quote about our other characteristics - hard-working, brave, self- reliant, honest, God-fearing, etc.? If she didn’t want to have mediation because it cost too much and wouldn’t be used often enough - then just say so - no need to bring up Appalachians at all!

*“More Culture than Yogurt?” McCauley also claimed that the issue of Appalachian culture was covered “extensively” when the City Manager was hired. WHY? What is the obsession about this? How about extensively covering the DUTIES OF A CITY MANAGER - because the one you picked CLEARLY DOESN’T GET THOSE!

*“And Did She Just Say THIS too?” McCauley then went on to say something about how the financial savings that mediation would bring to the city were being exaggerated. What was she referring to? At Monday’s meeting, not a single citizen raised the issue of the Council’s decision regarding mediation and no one said a word about financial savings! Note to Council: if you are going to “prepare” in advance, you need to be able to think on your feet enough to EDIT so you aren’t “responding” to issues never raised! DUH!

*To Mediate Or Not To Mediate- Was That EVER a Question? While Ms. McCauley and Mr. Kirkpatrick wanted to pretend the “issue was mediation,” nothing could be further from the truth! The issue was the City Manager’s INSULTS against Appalachians. SHE brought Appalachians up - NOT US! If the result was “divisive” to the town, then BLAME THE SOURCE!!!

*Common Courtesy - Is It Common? I thought it was STUNNING that Council members McCauley and Steininger would reject Councilman Hapner’s motion for an Executive Session - a courtesy that EVERY member of Council should extend to one another! Maybe they would prefer that personnel matters be debated in public? Fine with me! The less this Council does behind closed doors, the better!

*Loose Cannonitis? I think the City Manager suffers from being a loose cannon - made worse by the fact that she is never held accountable for her own actions. Consider her recent statement at a Fairborn Board of Education meeting that (and I CAN’T offer this as direct quote because, magically, they haven’t posted this meeting yet!) - paraphrasing - we have no conference center in Greene County!!! WHAT?!?!? How alarming for the Nutter Center, the WPAFB and Hope Hotel, the Holiday Inn and Conference Center, and the various other conference centers scattered throughout the county! In one fell swoop, she manages to INSULT all these facilities, including many WHO PAY SUBSTANTIAL TAXES TO THIS TOWN!! For example, in police and fire taxes ALONE, the Holiday Inn pays nearly $30K annually to Fairborn! Why on earth would she be insulting this long-term member of the community so she can offer TAX ABATEMENT to some new company???

*“The Strong, Silent Type?” Councilman Kirkpatrick tried to lecture citizens that we should go meet with McDonnell whenever we have concerns. Aside from how laughably impractical this is, here is the REAL question: in March of 2012, CITIZENS organized a public forum with the City Manager. It was well-attended. She claimed she enjoyed the chance to speak to residents and answer our questions. So,WHY hasn’t she ever scheduled another one? Are we supposed to do all her work for her or can she do ANY OF IT?

*What if you could find courage AND a brain, Dan?: Finally, Councilman Kirkpatrick, I know YOU ARE A COWARD who likes to snipe at me only AFTER public comment time - so you can then deny me any opportunity to defend myself - but my website does not “slam Fairborn.” It slams YOUR LOUSY LEADERSHIP of Fairborn. There is a difference. My website is popular (with tens of thousands of hits since it began) because, unlike you, I put the blame for Fairborn problems where it belongs, I don’t accept excuses, and I want the PEOPLE to have the POWER - not some self-interested, self- promoting, manipulator like you!

 #799 Karen Combs (Sunday, 25 August 2013 20:52) Sorry - "John," but I don't have time tonight to double-check all that "data" or determine what you left out. I will try to get around to it tomorrow.  #798 Danger Combs (Sunday, 25 August 2013 20:33) Matt - Aw, my "crappy" website you feel the need to post on constantly? LOL. And don't worry - I don't find your posts tough to take - or remotely relevant, clever or interesting either. So no matter your "true identity," trust me, you ARE just another BORING sycophant.

 #797 Matt (Sunday, 25 August 2013 19:20) So far I've been accused of being a "teacher/union sycophant, JD, and Matt Damon. But unfortunately I'm none of the above, just someone who points out the truth that so many find hard to handle.  #796 Matt (Sunday, 25 August 2013 19:11) Karen #799: "Matt - Maybe you haven't noticed, but CAPS are the ONLY way to place emphasis on anything on this Message Board as the format does not allow for underlining, italics, font or color changes."

Well then it's quite apparent someone's running a pretty crappy website if you can't get basics like underlining, italics, font or color changes. But then again, we are talking Fairborn.  #795 Poor Senior (Sunday, 25 August 2013 17:07) Bottomline is that the FCS report card is horrific. Without any qualification it is awful. What is worse is the weakness of this BOE. The district is failing and there is no sign of leadership or vision on the horizon. Not pretty!  #794 Shadow (Sunday, 25 August 2013 14:46) Yes, as Karen has astutely observed, there is no video of the last Manor Court, I mean BOE meeting, but there is more. From the school website, date 22 August 13:

The Fairborn Board of Education will hold a Public Hearing before a Special Session, on Friday, August 23, 2013, at 8:00 a.m., at the Board of Education, 306 E. Whittier Ave., Fairborn, Ohio, to discuss re-employment of retiree Paula M. Montgomery, Supervisor of Food Services, and conduct any pertinent business that may come before the Board of Education, and if needed, to enter into Executive Session to discuss any other issues eligible for such Executive Session.

Yep, do another double-dip "retire-rehire" action while the public is busy with their daily chores. it also coincides with the release of the new state grades for schools...Coincidence? You decide.

I'm sure the retire-rehire will be presented as another way to "save" money...Workforce stagnation? Cronyism? Lowered morale? Ah, don't worry district residents, Lord $carberry, in his 22 Aug 22, communiqué, has told you that FCS students are getting an "Excellent Education." The FCS leadership implores us peasants to to pay no mind to the just released state grades, it is only what our Lordship says that counts!  #793 Shadow (Sunday, 25 August 2013 12:17) Nice comments Frank. Two concerns. First, the "Folks say that Beavercreek does better because they have more money."

I debunked that in my post #2452:

"Per the National Center for Educational Statistics, neighboring Beavercreek City Schools has revenues of $10,807 per pupil to spend. Beavercreek Schools are consistently rated “Excellent” or “Excellent with distinction” and the mean ACT composite score for district graduates is above national and state averages at 23. FCS’ revenue per pupil? OK, wait for it…$10,996 per pupil! For MORE $$$ per pupil than BEAVERCREEK the FEDERAL, STATE and LOCAL taxpayers are getting a Fairborn district not rated any higher than “Effective”with graduates ACT mean composite score of 21 being below the national average of 21.1 and below the state average of 21.8. It is not financial instability that is negatively effecting our children’s education, IT IS THE FAILURE OF FCS LEADERSHIP TO EFFECTIVELY USE THE MONEY THE TAXPAYER’S HAVE PROVIDED."

I see the new 2013 Report Cards show Beavercreek still displaying better educational leadership than FCS under Lord $carberry...No, I continue to be not shocked.

Secondly, you talk about "It is how dedicated parents, teachers, and the students themselves are to providing and getting the most important thing in their lives, an education." Where are the teachers on this forum? We get Matt (Damon) babbling about Socio-economics, but Mr. Brian McWhorter, the FEA's designated "spokesperson" can't come to a public message board that reaches THOUSANDS? They want to use our children as HUMAN SHIELDS against criticism by claiming we are "ATTACKING THE CHILDREN" when we bring up questions about their pay, benefits or their (seemingly formerly) cozy arrangement with Lord $carberry when it came to levy votes...Can you say ROLLOVER CONTRACTS kept hidden from the public?

Where is Mr. McWhorter, Frank?  #792 Shadow (Sunday, 25 August 2013 11:42) I found the Cleveland Plain Dealer link on Thursday, but felt the link prohibition would preclude listing it. It allows you to rapidly compare districts and schools. The state site, after many problems with their fancy graphics, will provide basically the same output.

The state has at least got the explanations of the grades fixed: Here is a link, if Karen would be so kind to allow it: Card-1.pdf.aspx

Remember, even if your entire course of study is not complete, as an individual you have a recorded GPA/Letter grade. The school districts should not be any different. If you take the grades already given and not wait until 2015 (when the system will be complete), FCS has a district wide grade of C-, YES C-! Individual buildings? The Primary and Intermediate schools are C+, FHS is B+ (more on that later) and Baker Middle is an F! Of course, Lord $carberry trots out one of his court jesters, Brad Silvuis to deliver the bad news in the Fairborn Daily Prop Sheet, while he, presumably, retreats to his vacation condo in lake Erie (Note: the Greenon (Enon) Superintendent WAS quoted). Curiously, one of the quotes attributed to Captain Hook’s Brad (some will get the reference) EXACTLY mirrors his Lordship’s comments in the latest Superintendent’ Message from released the same day, 22 Aug 13: Captain Hook’s Brad Silvuis: “If we were still under the old system our district would have earned a status of ‘Effective’ for the 2012-2013 school year.”

Lord $carberry: “If FCS were still under the old system, our district would have earned the status of “Effective” for the 2012-13 school year. “

Ah, his Lordship didn’t want to be the bearer of bad news concerning THE DISTRICT HE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR! Especially since, by a stroke of good fortune, all the Greene County districts were listed side by side for an easy read on how poorly FCS has done under Lord $carberry’s reign.

As for the High School, the factor that helped them is graduation numbers. But what are our some of our graduates capable of doing when they get out if the only meet minimum requirements? Through this graduating year, students don’t even have to pass Algebra II to graduate. Ohio Graduation Test? Yes, you have to pass it, unless you do follow the state’s “Alternative” path. This requires a school “intervention program” Two more “intervention specialists” were hired this year for FHS. A true measure of college readiness, for those not pursuing vocational or enlisted military careers is the ACT/SAT. By those measures, FCS is FAILING OUR CHILDREN. The mean ACT at FHS is 21 with only slightly over 50% taking the test. The SAT results are down to a sub-1000 996!

Unless the vast majority of graduates are prepared to succeed in their future educational/career endeavors, graduation from high school is not the "be all, end all" it is sometimes portrayed to be.

Finally, a correct read on your part Karen; I use the caps as emphasis. Funny, most people think that ALL CAPS is shouting, but shouting doesn’t always equate to anger (FIRE!). Matt (Damon? He is a known teacher-union sycophant and needs publicity for his latest bomb of a movie) wants to spout on about Socio-economic factors? Wow, those are big words to use Matt, ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU DON’T BACK UP ANYTHING YOU WRITE WITH FACTS!!! Your not bursting anyone else’s bubble, the only air that is being let out is from your ears, as obviously the space between them is all air. C’mon Matt bring some evidence, not just excuses! Remember, the teachers are the ones giving out the bumper stickers with the slogan, “If you can read this, thank a teacher.” I guess when Johnny can’t read, write or do arithmetic, it is the parents fault, right?

A correction: I listened to Princess Tessie Do-Little and it was to my detriment (Surprise!). At a recent Manor Court, err, BOE meeting she said Denny Morrison was going to be hired as Spanish Teacher. Wrong, he is still doing his annual Beavercreek to FCS and back again bounce and will be an assistant principal at baker (until he leaves again next year). The new Spanish teacher? Todd Morgan. Sounds pretty anglo to me, guess we will have to see if he is a native speaker.  #791 Karen Combs (Sunday, 25 August 2013 08:35) Thanks 123 for the link to a database on the new state report cards! See the post at #802. The OH Dept. of Education is still having problems with their website and they report they are working to repair those. This would be useful because they explain the specific meaning for each score.  #790 Frank Gilbert (Sunday, 25 August 2013 00:16) I get tired of hearing that "its all the parents fault". I myself have said parent involvement is vital, but that doesn't place the blame squarely on them. It is a combination of things. The main thing to note is that MONEY IS NOT the problem. Like our government at all levels, it is how we spend it. It is how dedicated parents, teachers, and the students themselves are to providing and getting the most important thing in their lives, an education. Folks say that Beavercreek does better because they have more money. Or the parents take more time with the kids. I say bull to both. You don't have to spend money to spend time with your kids. And money doesn't buy you an education, you earn it. Money problems aren't going to go away for a long time. W will be asked to tighten belts more. So we have to make the decision, HOW are WE going to DEAL with what we have now? We got a bad report card. That sucks. Now, what are we going to do about it. THAT should be the question now.  #789 123 (Saturday, 24 August 2013 20:01) .html?appSession=97663286188434

searchable database for report cards  #788 Ehrinn (Saturday, 24 August 2013 14:41) Karen-I'm not suggesting the report card looks good, and i agree a 5yr graduation rate in not worth cheering about, it just seemed strange to see F&D's the B&A for graduation. Why is that even evaluated by the state arent kids supposed to gradaute in 4 years? I guess when you can post the report and we can see the calculations maybe it will make more sense.  #787 Danger Combs (Saturday, 24 August 2013 09:29) Still no takers on the offer to explain how the City Manager's memo ISN'T discriminatory? Where is that loudmouth pair of broadzillas that was shouting in her defense at the last Council meeting? Where are all these "concerned citizens" who always talk to Danny-Boy Kirkpatrick? LOL. The only support these people have comes from their twisted inner circle AND THEY KNOW IT!!!

Another thing I must have hit on the head is the number of minorities working for the City of Fairborn. If there were lots of them, they would have sent a flying monkey on here to "correct" me by now! I guess hillbillies aren't the ONLY targets of discrimination around here! Figures. Bigots are usually bigots through and through!

 #786 Karen Combs (Saturday, 24 August 2013 09:08) Matt - Maybe you haven't noticed, but CAPS are the ONLY way to place emphasis on anything on this Message Board as the format does not allow for underlining, italics, font or color changes. Your conclusion that ALL CAPS = ANGER from Shadow tells me that you are probably a teenager -as that seems to be some MYTH only young people believe. At the very least, you think like a child. Well, put some big boy underoos on and try to cope with CAPITAL LETTERS - I swear, they can't hurt you! LOL.

And - if terrible parenting is to blame for all the FCS woes, then, HOW can we fix THAT by paying our teachers more money and giving them benefits that NO other teacher around enjoys? Of course, OVER-PAYING TEACHERS WON'T HELP A BIT. So perhaps we should hire only new teachers with the energy to run after those terribly- raised kids, the inexperience to not be so jaded, and the optimism to remain positive. I typically avoid partisan politics here, but I will say just this much - most teachers are liberals - well, then you know who to blame! You liberals created and continue to foster this "devil-may-care" society and then you want to whine about how it inconveniences you? LOL. Careful what you wish for....

 #785 Karen Combs (Saturday, 24 August 2013 08:57) Ehrinn- As of yesterday, the "report card" details were still not available on the OH Dept. of Education website. As soon as I am aware that they are up, I will let the readers know. I am interested to see the way these scores were compiled too and how we compare to other area schools.

As far as high "graduation rates," is getting an "A" on a FIVE YEAR high school graduation rate all that impressive? Think about it - by then, they have weeded out all the kids they decided to toss into the "Digital Academy" and all the kids who dropped out or took a GED elsewhere. That's like throwing away all your dirty dishes and saying "my kitchen is clean!"  #784 Ehrinn (Friday, 23 August 2013 21:56) Does anyone have a breakdown of the whole FCS report card? How can scores be so low yet the graduation rating is so high? Can anyone help?  #783 Matt (Friday, 23 August 2013 19:07) Karen #785 A majority of it is the parents fault, not all but a great majority. Parental support/homelife, or lack thereof, socio-economic background, and desire all play a more important role than anything the teachers or BOE can attempt to remedy. Sorry to burst your bubble but at some point the rose colored glasses need to come off.  #782 Matt (Friday, 23 August 2013 18:55) Shadow #787: "Pay Freeze???? TIME FOR A PAY CUT FROM THE ABOVE AVERAGE SALARIES FCS DOLES OUT TO ADMINISTRATORS,FACULTY AND TEACHERS!"

Why are you so angry as evidence by all the CAPS? Haven't you heard the saying that it's hard to soar like an eagle, or perhaps Skyhawk in this case, when you work with a bunch of turkeys (a.k.a. students whose parent's really consider FCS a daycare facility)? The grades will improve when the home life improves.  #781 Polly Graph (Friday, 23 August 2013 14:58) I heard that the council was making everyone involved in the City Manager mess take a lie detector test. That is about the most insane thing I ever heard! What a total waste of money, time and resources! Sociopaths can pass lie detectors, so Deb'll probably do just fine! The others should refuse to take any test that isn't being conducted by an outside and independent operator. She will probably start crying and get herself too 'worked up' to take it anyway. She makes Meryl Streep look like an amateur.  #780 Danger P.S. (Friday, 23 August 2013 09:51) Oh - and tick, tock....still waiting for one of the city sycophants to explain a non- discriminatory "context" for the City Manager's memo! Anyone???? Hello?????? Anyone???????? LOL.  #779 Danger Combs (Friday, 23 August 2013 09:43) Poor Senior! Great minds REALLY DO think alike! I hadn't seen your post before I wrote mine - and I was just thinking of the "Hero Headquarters Honcho" too! How does a guy get inducted in the Fairborn Schools' Hall of Honor when he NEVER ATTENDED FCS and NEVER WORKED THERE EITHER?? Ask the good "Rev" - they threw him in there because..... he worked on a levy! My goodness! Here we have doctors, lawyers, even an astronaut - and then the little levy-pusher and cult leader!?! Bet the other inductees use their plaques to prop up their cat litter boxes now! He kinda took the "honor" right out of it, eh? Well, there is something WRONG when a church leader injects himself into local politics, particularly one so ARROGANT and MISGUIDED! If Deb McDonnell wants to widen Dayton Yellow-Springs, I suggest she carve up HIS parking lot and leave the TAXPAYERS alone!  #778 Karen Combs (Friday, 23 August 2013 09:36) I also wanted it noted that Paul Keller - candidate for City Council did not bother to attend Monday's Council meeting, nor did he reply to the opportunity I offered to voice his opinion on the City Manager issue here. What a portrait in courage.

Donna Wilson, Council candidate, DID attend the Monday meeting and sat there like a lump, never uttering a word. Hey, Donna, we have enough useless lumps on Council already, honey! Of course, her husband leaped up there to talk about festivals and train magazines. Keep the vowels, Vanna, let's buy Andy a clue instead! Then again, that oaf is supposedly running for the school board when he never (or almost never) even attends those meetings! Looks like the "Reverend" is out pulling his little strings again!

Finally, Paul Newman, Executive Director of the Fairborn Chamber of Commerce (who chooses to reside in Beavercreek - LOL!) attended the meeting and also sat there like a lump. I guess he enjoys running around trying to promote Fairborn while this City Manager runs around denigrating it! What are his other hobbies? Self-immolation?

This is the cast of clowns in Fairborn - no wonder we are such a mess!

 #777 Poor Senior (Thursday, 22 August 2013 18:36) Wonder what it would take for the pastor of the church of what's happening now to drop his support of this blubbering bimbo? Dear Pastor your goal obviously is to turn our once proud community into one giant soup kitchen with your radical progressive agenda. Sad to say you're getting it done.  #776 Karen Combs (Thursday, 22 August 2013 17:44) Shadow - I was also disappointed at the lack of FDH coverage too, however, in fairness to them, I KNOW that Amanda Crowe was quite ill and unable to attend the meeting. I think she did her best to cover it as soon as she could! I am all for giving folks the benefit of the doubt - because I do that, I know when the benefit of the doubt ISN'T due - like with the discriminatory remarks of this City Manager!  #775 Shadow (Thursday, 22 August 2013 17:25) The Fairborn Daily Prop Sheet FINALLY ADDRESSES the City Manager's bigotry! Nothing like a day late and a dollar (or is that a ruble) Vladimir Crowe? Maybe I am biased, and no disrespect to the others (besides the "Power Tool") but I believe Karen's statements to the board were some of the best spoken Monday night...Maybe Vladimir Crowe (have you ever looked at the prop sheets "Opinion" page???) is envious, though Karen has been nothing but gracious to her, but not one WORD concerning her address to the council was part of the article. Shame on the Fairborn Daily Prop Sheet...AGAIN!!!

Oh well, maybe Rear Echelon Minding Fellow (REMF) Dan Kirkpatrick can bring Debbie to her senses be regaling her with more "Leadership Secrets" he learned Kissing _ _ _ on the Kadena AB Golf Course!  #774 Shadow (Thursday, 22 August 2013 17:15) Ok, here is the new ODE 2013 Rankings for FCS. Just can't wait to here the sycophants repeat that "All Day Kindergarten" is going to fix all of these poor marks:

District: Fairborn City Greene County

Standards met: 16 Standards possible: 24 Enrollment 4,003 Letter grades

Standards met: D Performance index: C Value added: F Gifted student value added: D Disabled student value added: C Lower 20% value added: C AMO: F 4-year graduation rate: B 5-year graduation rate: A

Test scores

Mean ACT 21.0 Pct. graduates taking ACT 58.0 Mean SAT 996.0 Pct. graduates taking SAT 15.3

FCS continues to be BELOW AVERAGE! Heck, the SAT score dropped even lower!

Pay Freeze???? TIME FOR A PAY CUT FROM THE ABOVE AVERAGE SALARIES FCS DOLES OUT TO ADMINISTRATORS,FACULTY AND TEACHERS!  #773 Shadow (Thursday, 22 August 2013 17:03) Yes @ohio_shell, Baker would be perfect for a remake of "Hoosiers" or any other period 1950s piece...Provided all the crumbling stairs, peeling paint and broken scoreboard were fixed to bring it back to its mid-20th Century look. Check out earlier, well researched posts by Karen regarding FCS' indifference to the Ohio Schools Facilities Commission...The only facilities Lord $carberry cares about are his Mcmansion and Lake Erie Condo.

Michelle, I understand your displeasure. The "No Excuses" signs are part of Lord $carberry's signature "College Prep" program, "No Excuses University" It's focus must be improving FHS BELOW AVERAGE mean ACT and SAT scores, right? Nope, it is far easier to hand out NCAA team T-shirts to 2nd graders and post signs in hallways than do the REAL WORK of preparing OUR CHILDREN for REAL-WORLD achievement. The sports obsession is odd at FHS considering the lack of success the sports teams have experienced since his Lordship's reign started a decade ago. The only team with consistent success in wins and developing actual D1 College athletes was led by a WPAFB affiliated part-time coach. Now he is gone, replaced by a coach with a career . 410 winning percentage. But as you mentioned, it isn't about broad-based success, it is about cronyism and "who is your Daddy or Mommy" or "if we favor this child, what is in it for US?" As you said, the anecdotal accounts of these practices are numerous and all point to the leadership culture which Lord $carberry has instilled in our schools. Here is one public example of the cronyism over our children's future. In order to fill a retiring Spanish teacher's position, did FCS look to find a native spanish speaker? A teacher who could deliver the nuances of the language and give cultural background to our students, a background which could be invaluable in understanding our increasingly Hispanic population? Nope, much better to hire a former administrator, Denny Morrison, who is making a career of bouncing between the Beavercreek and Fairborn Districts about every year or so. Morrison was also instrumental in the implementation of his Lordship's aforementioned "No Excuses" excuse for getting OUR children ready for higher education.

Only change at the top will stop the continued mediocre performance of FCS.  #772 Karen B. (Thursday, 22 August 2013 16:16) Well, the State report card is out. Is anyone surprised? What a great job those overpaid teachers are doing, right? How long before the BOE states, once again, that it's the parents fault? Anyone from the BOE or any teachers care to respond. I'm sure they troll this page just like City Council. I bet Kirkpatrick checks it out several times a day.  #771 Michelle (Thursday, 22 August 2013 10:39) To all who are concerned with the educational system in Fairborn I have a few things for you to ponder. What is the purpose of public education? What does that mean to you and to the community? Well whatever it means to you I am sure that the children in Fairborn being let down. If you walk the halls in Fairborn Intermediate School you will see signs that say "no excuses". But when these children get to the High School the message is very different. If you are good at a particular sport or if your parent is a coach or a prominent member of the community you can do whatever you want. No excuses! You can get your grades changed so that you are able to continue playing, you can bully and intimidate other students with no consequences, and you can even play on a varsity team when you have no athletic ability. I have witnessed these things first hand having several children in the school. I have had other students in the school tell me that they have witnessed these things. I have even had students admit to me that they have had their grades changed. So you tell me, what is the purpose of the public school system in Fairborn. If it is to produce a community of entitled, ignorant, bullies then they are doing a wonderful job! Oh, why don't we ask the school board why the school system has nothing to offer the gifted children in the elementary grades. I guess gifted children and those who want to learn and have a thirst for knowledge are no match for the athletes in this community. Don't get me wrong. I think students should be well rounded and sports serves a purpose. But, the majority of these kids will never play again past high school. I feel like the school district, especially the high school, are letting down the students and the community of Fairborn.  #770 Karen Combs (Thursday, 22 August 2013 09:28) Charter Amendment - Yes, and back then many citizens complained that the ballot wording on this was so deliberately confusing that many didn't know whether to hit "Yes" or "No." Of course, WHY they even OFFERED such an amendment is just proof that she was scheming to do everything possible to cling to her job - whether she deserved it or not! Why on earth should it take a super-majority to remove an ineffective employee?

Everyone already knew that Dan Kirkpatrick, Marilyn McCauley and Tim Steininger were never going to step up to the plate, no matter what! They NEVER HAVE and NEVER WILL serve the people they asked to vote them into office! I thought Joan Dautel (who was conspicuously absent at the last Council meeting - guess even she decided not to speak up for Deb again!) and Tom Nagel took the cake, but these three are HALL OF FAMERS too for their absolute worthlessness to the people of Fairborn!

OhioShell - I think they DELIBERATELY keep the school buildings in noticeable disrepair so they can point to them and say "look how bad off we are!" We have 8 full- time maintenance workers NOT including janitors. We have only 4 FCS buildings. So, food for thought.

Anon - I have only heard of two current employee who are a "major ally" to her - I think ALL the employees are scared to death of her because she is so vindictive and unstable (did you see that sobby interview she gave WHIO-TV? Well, you can't say your good friend didn't tell you THERE WOULD BE ACADEMY-WORTHY TEARS!)  #769 @ohio_shell (Thursday, 22 August 2013 00:37) Shadow: Have you seen the steps at Baker Middle School? They are crumbing so bad... our kids deserve better! I was embarrassed when I saw how poorly they are maintaining our buildings.  #768 Anon (Thursday, 22 August 2013 00:04) I wonder if the Chief of Police is concerned that Ms McDonnell will lose her job. He seems to be a major ally of hers. From what i can hear from out officers, most are not too fond of her and she has on more than one occasion used her position to dictate their daily operations. Makes one wonder if she has anything to do with their current 12 hr shifts. They seem miserable.  #767 2011 Charter amendment (Wednesday, 21 August 2013 23:43) Terminating the current city managers contract mid-contract became more difficult to do as a result of the May 2011 election. Below is the amended charter language that now requires a 2/3s majority vote remove her from her position:

SECTION 3.02 REMOVAL. The Council may remove the City Manager from office in accordance with the following procedures:

(1) The Council shall adopt by affirmative vote of two-thirds of all members elected or appointed to Council a preliminary resolution which must state the reasons for removal and may suspend the City Manager from duty for a period not to exceed 45 days. A copy of the resolution shall be delivered promptly to the City Manager.

(2) Within five days after a copy of the resolution is delivered to the City Manager, he/she may file with the Council a written request for a public hearing. This hearing shall be held at a Council meeting not earlier than fifteen days nor later than thirty days after the request is filed. The City Manager may file with the Council a written reply not later than five days before the hearing.

(3) The Council may adopt a final resolution of removal, which may be made effective immediately, by affirmative vote of two-thirds of all members elected or appointed to Council at any time after five days from the date when a copy of the preliminary resolution was delivered to the City Manager, if he/she has not requested a public hearing, or at any time after the public hearing if he/she has requested one.

The Manager shall continue to receive his/her salary until the effective date of a final resolution of removal. The action of the Council in suspending or removing the City Manager shall not be subject to review by any court or agency. (Amended 5-3-11)  #766 jon (Wednesday, 21 August 2013 23:15) From what I can find out, the executive session ended with no decision. That is according to the news reports. The council will continue to investigate the matter. Sad to see this as Fairborn's reputation which wasn't good before suffers a possible death blow over the newest issues. Voters will need to keep this and previous issues in mind when they go to vote this year.  #765 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 21 August 2013 21:08) As of shortly after 10PM, I have nothing confirmed to report about the Executive Session. If anyone does, please share it here!  #764 Feet (Wednesday, 21 August 2013 20:48) Any news on the outcome of tonight's executive session?  #763 Shadow (Wednesday, 21 August 2013 16:22) From Anonymous: "Stop the accusations! Education is such a huge part of every member of this city's life, whether you are directly associated to FCS or not. Stop being so stubborn, and do what this city needs! There are people from every spectrum of this issue who need to step back and reconsider actions and comments that they have made. Step into another person's shoes for one minute, and imagine their side of it...because obviously what has gone one thus far is not working..."

Anonymous, I back my comments up with FACTS, unlike you, who strings together a lot of words together and makes no point whatsoever. Another's shoes? What originality! Have you progressed from Lord $carberry bootlicking talking points to "Be a REMF like me!" Dan Kirkpatrick Leadership Training? Yep, Ole' Dan, who thinks this site is against "The Community" is one to emulate. He has a nice Bio about his military career, including his Iraqi Freedom Command...Located across the border in no-combat Kuwait. Yes, his "Lead from the Rear" style evidenced recently on the council was years in the making.

Speaking of leadership, how about the new FHS parking and vehicle routing plan? So the new principal at FHS puts out new "firm" rules on parking andtraffic flow; too bad she didn't ask the public before she put the new measures into effect. I may not have the good common sense of someone with Appalachian roots, but even I can see that in FHS provided diagram, the community park lot is separated from FHS by "stairs." Last I checked, stairs are NOT ADA compliant. "Grumbles and complaints" she says in the Fairborn Daily Propaganda Sheet. No, more like a possible lawsuit by a parent when they can't drop off their permanently or temporarily (it is football and soccer season right now) disabled student in front of the school. What is that sycophants??? "There is a roadway students can use to roll down or use their crutches" Too bad the student drivers use that in afternoon to leave the FHS campus. Crutches and 17 year old drivers don't mix well! Then again, maybe FCS wants a lawsuit so they can keep Lord $carberry's Cleveland attorney on retainer.

Lastly, speaking of the Fairborn Daily Propaganda Sheet, wasn't the coverage of the council meeting the most extensive we have ever seen? Yes, folks, the statement isn't dripping, it is a tsunami!  #762 Karen Combs (Wednesday, 21 August 2013 15:58) Dan Kirkpatrick put his neck on the block in today's Dayton Daily news and said he had confidence in Debbie. Have the witnesses against her already been intimidated or does he just he just plan to stand behind her no matter what the witnesses say? Dan - is there ANYTHING this woman could do that would cause you to hold her accountable???

How dare some of these Council members try to chalk this all up to "politics!" Matt and Eva Stidham are NOT politicians! They are Fairborn citizens, homeowners and taxpayers with EVERY RIGHT to peaceably live in this town - without fear of the vicious City Manager!

Debbie has been "taken out of context" more often than any person I have ever seen! Perhaps the real problem is her weak communication skills? Nah, clowns like Kirkpatrick, Maccauley and Steininger would believe the trouble is YOUR EARS, not her loose-cannon mouth!

I hope the Mayor remembers his promise to hold her accountable if the evidence warrants. I hope Stuart Snow remembers where he came from. I hope Wood and Hapner hold firm. After that, all we would need is for one of the clueless to finally see the light! If they don't, there is always a recall election.  #761 M.C (Wednesday, 21 August 2013 14:10) I want to send good thoughts to those on the council that are willing to stand up to are "Inferior City Manager " and be the true voice of Fairborn. I will be praying that tonights Executive Session of the City Council goes well and dear old Deb gets her walking papers. " ENOUGH IS ENOUGH " from this nasty woman !!!!!!! God Bless those who stand up for her.  #760 @ohio_shell (Wednesday, 21 August 2013 13:44) Danger: Thank you for that response. I couldn't have said it any better.

I wanted to add that at Monday's meeting Kirkpatrick said something like... I wore my campaign shirt on Saturday and my Fairborn shirt of Sunday because I worked the booth. I know I saw him and a woman that I assumed was his wife on both days in their blue campaign shirts with silver lettering. Did he and Debbie both get bit by a lying-bug?

Also my recent comments about Robert Wood have been slightly muted by the fact that he was not afraid to stand up for Fairborn at the council meeting on Monday. Without people like him and James Hapner we would really be in trouble. While I may never agree with Mr. Wood about houses in cornfields I will vote for him to be our Mayor.

I worry that they will still find a way to protect their "Queen" however we are getting closer to the day when Debbie will be looking for a new job. I just pity the community she inflicts herself on next time.  #759 @ohio_shell (Wednesday, 21 August 2013 13:37) While I didn't need a history lesson of the Sweet Corn Festival I thank Rep for reminding everyone here that Sweet Corn WAS a major crop in this area back in 1982.

I just have to say that after attending the Sweet Corn Festival almost every year since 1982 I'm disappointed by Rep's response. Maybe Rep should read what I posted again because I was in NO way disrespecting the Festival or the nonprofit groups or the volunteers who are responsible for making it happen each year.

My comment was referring to the fact that our Mayor, Council & City Manager ask people to attend this festival and help promote it. There is proof of that in the council meeting minutes and in the media. Then on Monday they continued the process to rezone 80 acres of agricultural land that is right now FULL OF CORN to build 160 more houses that we do not need. That is why I said "How dare they?" Do not twist my words and claim that I was criticizing anyone other than our Council, Mayor and City Manager.

I did not mention the Fairborn Art Association or Fairborn Lions Club and I hope that Rep does not actually represent these non-profit groups. Rep should know that charging for parking and admission would cut the crowds in half or worse. You realize that we all know vendors are paying $100+ for their spots? I heard there were 125-150 vendors this year... so there should never be a reason to charge the residents that this festival is supposed to be giving back to.

I did not say that I hoped the festival folded. I said that I think it is really unfortunate that our COUNCIL expects residents to celebrate Sweet Corn the weekend before they voted on rezoning another CORNFIELD to plant more vinyl houses! Of course the final decision wasn't made on Monday but we all know it will happen in September. If you didn't like my opinion then go tell the City Council to stop destroying our farm land for profit.  #758 Sharky (Wednesday, 21 August 2013 10:34) Stand under a water bucket and run around with toddlers? Is it Council meeting time again?  #757 Kitty Fairchild (Wednesday, 21 August 2013 08:27) This is the speech I gave at the Council meeting - Karen asked me to post it:

I was recently made aware of the comments made by our city manager regarding people of Appalachia. I am a product of Appalachia and very proud of it! The comments made by Deb McDonnell showed her ignorance at best. So while she thinks myself and other Appalachian Fairborn residents unable to solve a problem without bloodshed allow me to educate her on this matter. I grew up in W.Va. and if anyone needed help of any kind my parents would be right there to do whatever was needed..I've seen my father stand shoulder to shoulder with other men to fight forest fires that would threaten someone's home, a young man in our area lost his home to fire and my father and brothers had a house under roof in 3 parents taught me and my siblings by in turn I now do my best to see to others needs..that's what Appalchia is all about! Ms. McDonnell read a book and because of what she read she has put all Appalachians in a category of ignorant,blood thirsty heathens. If that were true then we'd be calling for more than her resignation!There are Appalachians who do shed blood. My nephew, Mark Andrew Messer, he is now dead, was one of them..are you wondering what kind of mischief this hillibilly boy got himself into that took his life? Well let me inform you..he got into Special Forces of the United States Army..and whatever he was exposed to in Dessert Storm took his life in March of this year. So you see,while he did shed blood he did so for our freedom..and that includes Deb McDonnell. My father worked for almost 30 yrs. under this earth as a W.Va. coal miner and while that might sound like a job for an uneducated hillbilly it kept Ms.McDonnells lights on and while my brothers,uncle,nephews and cousin did shed blood they did so for Ms.McDonnell's freedom as they proudly served in our country's military. So I hope you can understand why Fairborn residents are upset over the bigoted remarks of this city manager. I think you'd all have to agree that if she had singled out the gay community,or our black or Hispanic neighbors this city woud be embroiled in a lawsuit, but who cares that she said this about good hearted,hard working Appalachians? Well,I tell you who cares..WE DO!! So in closing, I hope you, Mr.Mayor,and this council think long and hard about standing behind such ignorance. Because while you may not think a bunch of country bumpkins can make a difference I guarantee you'll see what a difference we can make come next election!!!!  #756 Danger Combs-PS (Wednesday, 21 August 2013 07:54) P.S. to "rep" - maybe you should get off this website and get on your OWN to update it since it still says the festival is one day away and it has been over for a while now!  #755 Danger Combs (Wednesday, 21 August 2013 07:49) I won’t speak for @ohioshell, but I will say this: 1) The City Council does indeed urge citizens to attend the festival each year. I don’t blame you for not wanting to be associated with them -so I suggest you ask them to stop! 2) How is asking why we have a Sweet Corn Festival when we have so few cornfields left ANY “complaint” about the festival itself? “Rep” surely isn’t a real “deep thunker”! 3) Who said anything about the festival "folding"? Did you forget your "hysterical" pill, "rep"? 4) This isn’t the first time a festival rep jumped on here in times of crisis to defend the Council. It’s probably the same gal and she doesn’t even live in Fairborn! 5) Anyone can write their thoughts about the festival here anytime they choose. You run your little festival - but you don’t run MY website! 6) Finally, I would suggest the “crowds” that flock to the festival continue to do so mainly because it is FREE and because it is one of the only things to do in this city all summer long. Well, I guess we could go stand under a water bucket and run around with toddlers……  #754 Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival Rep (Wednesday, 21 August 2013 06:59) To @ohio_shell: We wanted to respond to your comment: "How dare they ask people to come out once a year to celebrate Sweet Corn when they continue to rezone our agricultural land to residential?" The Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival is a festival to give back to the residents of the community. The Festival is run by two non-profit organizations: Fairborn Art Association and the Fairborn Lions Club. Neither one have anything to do with the city, the mayor, the council, the city manager, or their decisions. Please do not disrespect the two non-profit organizations saying how dare we ask people to celebrate corn when this festival continues to be free to everyone in the community. We could have charged for parking or admission because of rising costs but we choose to keep it free. The first festival was in 1982 when corn was a major crop in the area. We will continue to have the Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival and with the crowds that we have had over the years, I don't believe there is an chance of the festival folding. If you have complaints about the Fairborn Sweet Corn Festival, please email us at [email protected] and we would be happy to address them. Otherwise, continue to enjoy this free event and know that we do not make the decisions of the city, only the decisions of what happens at the festival.  #753 Frank Gilbert (Tuesday, 20 August 2013 23:30) After reading Anonymous post 757, I wanted to respond very strongly. But Karen beat me to it. The only thing I will add is; Why doesn't anon try putting our shoes on his (or her) feet? How can you continually ask people for more when they just DON'T HAVE IT? What is so difficult to understand about THAT?

 #752 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 20 August 2013 21:49) EDE1 - I agree 100% - Council members like McCauley and Kirkpatrick had already prepared remarks that were intended to divert attention away from Ms. McDonnell's memo! NO ONE was upset about the outcome regarding mediation! That wasn't the issue! The issue was her insults against Appalachians! There wasn't ANY REASON to even mention Appalachians in the memo - PERIOD! She could have simply said the program would cost too much and not be used enough - no need to single out ANY group and lay blame.

If you listen closely, you will also notice Kirkpatrick says "well, see, you are doing exactly what she said you would do." So I guess he was calling us dumb, bloodthirsty hillbillies too! Kirkpatrick is CLUELESS and SHAMELESS!

Wasn't it funny when he talked about "all the people who came up to him at the Sweet Corn Festival" to discuss the Welcome Appalachian signs? LOL. If the Council wants a sworn affidavit about what the City Manager said, then I would like a sworn affidavit that ANYONE came up to Dan Kirkpatrick and asked any such thing! WHO could possibly drive through Fairborn and have their biggest worry be a couple perfectly nice and benign signs?

And how about that Debbie fan saying she had to "explain it to her kids," like it was some national trauma! How old are her "kids"? By the looks of her, I would say 40 or 50 at least! Somehow, I'm sure they can "cope"!

 #751 EDE1 (Tuesday, 20 August 2013 12:20) I about fell over laughing at that Council trying to wiggle and squirm to defend that city manager! Anyways thanks to all who went to speak the truth to power. Its about time they heard some.

I will tell that one councilman something, that city manager is what is really divisive in this town. Has been since the day she got here. She hates us but acts surprised that we know it! If you want to line up with her go right ahead. Least we know whose side you're on.

Karen's right - they had worked out a little plan ahead of time. Look at the first guy who jumped up to the microphone first like his pants caught fire. Thought he was fixing to say something important but it was all about the corn festival and the music festival. He was planted there earlier than my tomatoes. Someone said his wife is running for council. She can forget about my support. Said he was running for school board and never even been to a school board meeting in his life. Figures. Too busy fetching water for Debbie I guess.

Said more than usual but I'm awful glad to see people sticking up for whats right. Keep it up.  #750 Karen B. (Tuesday, 20 August 2013 12:04) Just watched the Council Meeting (up to the Executive Session). O M G, my favorite part was when the the City Manager was told to contact and a Realtor! Ha..the Mayor sure wasn't going to stop Robert Wood from talking. Looks like there's going to be another Fairborn home up for sale shortly.  #749 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 20 August 2013 10:39) @Ohio Shell - The video of the Council meeting IS UP on the city’s website. Go to and click on “Watch Council” and choose the meeting from the list that appears!

You aren’t rambling at all - I appreciate your thoughts! I actually think the problem in Fairborn has been too much of a focus on residential development and not enough focus on QUALITY businesses. As a result, we have been “left in the dust” by neighboring towns. Let’s face it - Debbie McDonnell couldn’t develop a cold, let alone any meaningful assets for this town!

I agree with you that Fairborn has enough homes for sale and ABANDONED PROPERTIES that we really don’t need to worry about more new housing developments.

I also agree that we don’t need to worry about housing the military, especially since the DREADFUL City Manager and Council quietly allowed the base to close their main artery into town! They should be over there on bended knee, asking them to reconsider. But that would require some LEADERSHIP SKILLS. If Dan Kirkpatrick “teaches” leadership as he claimed, then he is living proof that “those who can’t, teach”!!

Last I heard, Menard’s backed out. I don’t know about a hotel at Commerce Center and Garland, but Oberer’s hasn’t managed to fill up much of Commerce Center (as we still have all those turn-lanes into the woods!) so I can’t say whether there is much to worry about!

I agree that the decision to close neighborhood schools and shove our most precious and youngest students into the LARGEST ELEMENTARY IN THE STATE OF OHIO, at the BUSIEST INTERSECTION IN TOWN, no less, was an UNMITIGATED DISASTER. I agree that Black Lane, once the gem of the system, is now the butt of a joke. How on earth can that teacher’s union, so chock-full of those “highly-skilled educators” sit by and allow their jobs to be replaced BY A MACHINE??? And how come Charter Schools are evil unless they are Charter Schools run by the FCS???

I am not sure about the Fire Chief, but I do know the Police Chief came from Fairborn and had worked many years in our police department here. I was very pleased when they chose from within the ranks. I 100% agree about the Council - the fewer newbies, the better. Dan Kirkpatrick should be disqualified in ANY OBJECTIVE PERSON’S EYES because he WORKS FOR Calamityville. Teetering on the edge of unethical, he has sat and voted to build streets for his employer, to put in a new sewer upgrade for them, to add a bikepath past their door. WHAT ELSE WILL HE GIVE AWAY TO THEM AS MAYOR??? HOW MANY OF OUR TAX DOLLARS WILL HE HAND TO HIS OWN BOSSES??? Hey - NO THANKS!!  #748 Poor Senior (Tuesday, 20 August 2013 10:34) Debbie pleeeeeeeeeeeze leave.  #747 Karen Combs (Tuesday, 20 August 2013 10:21) Anonymous (what a shock!): 1) I’m sorry you grew so accustomed to the Fairborn where citizens were AFRAID to speak up for what’s right and UNWILLING to get off their butts and demand accountability! That may have been good enough for your grandparents, your parents and even you, but THOSE DAYS ARE OVER! 2) You can’t “yell” on the internet. 3) We don’t have to support HIGHER THAN STATE AVERAGE teacher salaries AND UNPRECEDENTED BENEFITS at FCS to prove we “care about education.” Why are you such a pawn? 4) Yes, we ARE going to REMAIN “stubborn” and STUBBORNLY DEMAND better leadership in this city! Better get used to it. 5) I think what has gone on thus far has FINALLY turned in the citizen’s direction! The people who get OUR MONEY are AT LONG LAST being expected to EARN IT! REJOICE!!!  #746 @ohio_shell (Tuesday, 20 August 2013 08:49) After looking through the photos again last night I thought I'd mention that the city also adds $200 grass mowing charges to taxes of properties where they have NEVER mowed a blade of grass.

This has been going on for years and they seem to think nobody will notice.  #745 @ohio_shell (Tuesday, 20 August 2013 00:55) Danger: I know they did and it makes me sick!

In the Fairborn Daily Herald on 8/7 it says that after Hills Communities rep Michael Copfer left in a huff (because he didn't get his way) Robert Wood said the following, “I love the development, I love the concept. We could definitely use a good, quality, solid development in that area, but it has to fit along with everything else that already is in that neighborhood". He actually said he loves the development a second time later in the article. Did he really find it necessary to practically beg Hills Communities back to the table? Why? Because it's that important for this man to see 160 more homes built in a Greene Co. cornfield?

Maybe it's just me but I have always hoped that Fairborn didn't end up being another Beavercreek or Centerville. How dare they ask people to come out once a year to celebrate Sweet Corn when they continue to rezone our agricultural land to residential? They mowed down 5ft tall corn to start building their precious Waterford Landing. I'm not sure why our city needs to provide housing for the military. Most of the residents in these new developments will only be here for a few years and we should make sure they have a brand new house to live in while they're here? We all know that there are 100's if not 1000's of houses for sale in Fairborn (including their other new developments) and if they're not good enough then they can go to Beavercreek.

I think they brought Debbie here to help make Fairborn a new Beavercreek. She doesn't care if our town is destroyed by greedy developers who want to build Hotels, houses and God knows what else they'll spring on us. All of these houses are filled with young families with children. How long until they say we need new schools while Black Lane & Wright Elementary are basically wasted? I can't even get started on the mess they created years ago by changing the configuration of our schools but someone should compare bus routes and fuel usage before and after they decided to bus our kids all over town... How long until they decide we need a shopping center on Xenia Dr because the people of Waterford Landing need a grocery store? We all know Dollar General with their terrible service is going to hog the Fulmer's space and the residents of North Fairborn will still be in need of a real grocery store.

Kroger's wants to expand. They are trying to get a Menard's built behind Wendy's which will hurt Handyman. Oberer has plans on their website for a Hotel on Commerce Center at Garland Rd. They seem to be blind to the stores, restaurants and businesses sitting empty in our city & they obviously do not care about our wildlife. The outskirts or "New Fairborn" is all they care about. All the while Debbie smiles and counts her paycheck.

I'm sorry if this just seems like a rambling rant but these people and their bad decisions are destroying everything the "lifers" of this town care about. Then they say, "Get over it!" You're just reluctant to change because you might be an Appalachian! Yeah, many of us descended from Appalachians who's blood and sweat built the Base and this town. We're here to stay. We're not stationed for 2 years or here to pad our resumes waiting for the next opportunity.

We need to keep "newbies" out of our local government. Allowing Police and Fire Chiefs to be brought in from across the country is bad enough but Mayors, Council Members and ESPECIALLY our City Manager should be someone from the community not Columbus or New York. Dan Kirkpatrick wants to be our Mayor and he's only really lived here 7-8 years? What about Robert Wood? What is his story? All I know is that he is no ally for those of us resisting over development but after tonight I realized none of them are. I tweeted the other day that if all we have to choose between is Kirkpatrick and Wood... we're screwed!

Danger: You are 100% correct about having a right to check and see where people live; to see if they pay the taxes they ask us to pay and if they are proud enough to live in the city they are making decisions for.

I'm waiting patiently for them to get the council meeting up on their website... unfortunately, I was late and missed the citizen comments tonight.

Thank you all for keeping it real in Fairborn. If that memo was right us violent Appalachians would've already had her head on a stake.  #744 Anonymous (Monday, 19 August 2013 23:59) This is sickening to read/hear about. I grew up in Fairborn, my parents grew up in Fairborn, along with my grandparents and their parents and generation or two before them. Is this what our great city has come to? An internet site to voice opinions that has turned into a ridiculous-and extremely childish yelling match? Stop the accusations! Education is such a huge part of every member of this city's life, whether you are directly associated to FCS or not. Stop being so stubborn, and do what this city needs! There are people from every spectrum of this issue who need to step back and reconsider actions and comments that they have made. Step into another person's shoes for one minute, and imagine their side of it...because obviously what has gone one thus far is not working...  #743 Karen Combs (Monday, 19 August 2013 21:23) Okay - I can't help myself!

Amen, Feet! Jim Hapner and Robert Wood really STOOD UP AGAINST DEBBIE and her DISMAL performance! It was just terrific! Kirkpatrick and the others tried to stick to their little script - even when it became obvious that NO ONE WAS BUYING IT!

For example, how can you take her memo "out of context" when the ENTIRE MEMO (including attachments!) is provided here!?!? SHE wrote it - not me! How can you sit there with a straight face while she denies something on CITY LETTERHEAD with HER SIGNATURE that you known da**ed well you received from her yourself?? You had little credibility before and now you have NONE.

Ditto for all your RIDICULOUS comments, Dan, about US being "divisive." WHO STARTED IT? Q: WHY am I obligated to come meet with a City Manager to discuss her rampant ignorance? A: I'M NOT. As for the signs about Appalachians being welcome here, we had to do SOMETHING to counteract the HORRIBLE message YOU ALLOWED this City Manager to send to that group of people! Go whine to her about it! And when all those people supposedly asked you about the signs at the Sweet Corn festival, did you show them the memo? Bet not. Well, you have backed the WRONG HORSE, Dan.

To Marilyn McCauley - It was MY PLEASURE to expose the big yarn you were spinning - that you had received "no citizen e-mails" on this topic. Must have killed you to admit you actually did--MINE (probably others too). Well, take a note to your self: the next time you try to pull the wool, make sure there isn't someone who can contradict you just a few yards away!

And you kept repeating that this was about mediation - NO, it wasn't. It was about a bunch of UNNECESSARY insults against Appalachians! If this was only about mediation, there was NO NEED to mention Appalachians, was there?

And you kept going on and on about Court-related mediation programs - WHY? How about the Dayton Mediation Center which is a PROGRAM OF THE CITY OF DAYTON and collaborates with Courts, but is NOT only Court-based! They have existed since 1976, served 12,500 clients and trained 600 volunteer mediators. Why didn't Debbie call them instead of a tiny village that has NOT MUCH in common with Fairborn?

I hope Debbie McDonnell has made her LAST INSULTS against Appalachians here! She CLEARLY has some DEEP issues with them and it isn't our problem to solve them! She can pack up all her prejudices and head right back to New York and that teeny resort town where you found her. She was never qualified to be our City Manager in the first place!

(Shelly - I think the entire Council voted in favor of the Bluffs at Trebein, not just Robert Wood! Wood actually argued to require the developer to build LARGER houses (not sure I agree with that, but just clarifying).  #742 Feet (Monday, 19 August 2013 20:54) Tonight was off the hook. It was crazy. Better than reality television.  #741 Karen Combs (Monday, 19 August 2013 20:54) WOW - That was the most INCREDIBLE Council meeting I have EVER attended! If you missed it, you MUST catch a replay! I don't have the strength to write much about it tonight, but suffice it to say that the City Manager seems caught in a lie and they broke into an Executive Session to discuss it. They came back with no resolution, but will hold another Executive Session on Wednesday to continue the discussion! I will post other notes tomorrow!  #740 Shelly (Monday, 19 August 2013 16:59) I couldn't agree more with Danger's thoughts in post #684. If people don't start showing up and support those who speak out about this disgusting behavior we might as well give up. They are destroying our town piece by piece. Don't forget that they'll also vote to rezone the field on Trebein from Agricultural to Residential. These jerks think if they build 160 more houses the image of Fairborn will be better? Robert Wood loves the idea that someone wants to build more houses in one of our corn fields. If we allow it they'll turn us into another Beavercreek!  #739 Karen Combs (Monday, 19 August 2013 15:45) The kids/donors were from the Methodist Church on Broad Street.

Did everyone see the big spread about Calamityville finally getting EPA approval in the DDN today? Timing a little suspicious, eh?  #738 jon (Monday, 19 August 2013 15:42) Saw the article about the "school" giving the firehouse group the donation. But just to be clear, it isn't part of the school district, right?  #737 Janice (Monday, 19 August 2013 12:55) I think Deb will blame fairbornspeaks for the "stress" on her that made her crack and turned her into a hillbilly-hater! LOL. Don't cry, Debbie, just RESIGN.  #736 Keep fighting! (Sunday, 18 August 2013 21:24) Karen I must say that I'm with many on here who are TIRED of the bull goin' on in Fairborn! Our city manager tinks we so backwards dat we cain't even understand wen we bein' maid fun of! And our school treasurer tinks we so dum dat we cain't add dem numbers eider! A parently dat treasurer cain't add eider! We be brok by 3.5 milion pesos dis year (oops, i mean dolars). We be neddin' 10 milion pesos (oops, i meant dolars) to cover dat short fall. Wate for it, wate for it...Abra cadabra! Hey publik, I found dem extry pesos (oh golly geepers, i mean dolars) and now we not brok! Yay fir me! wish i culd make 6 figers and mysterly find enuf pesos to not put a leby on da ballot.  #735 Danger Combs (Sunday, 18 August 2013 19:25) I know everyone is rather keen to discuss the school issue, but I implore ALL in Fairborn to consider the City Manager's blatant discriminatory words and actions against the Appalachians. PLEASE make EVERY effort to attend tomorrow's council meeting at 7 PM and tell her that Hillbillies? WE BUILT THIS CITY! (Where is Grace Slick with a banjo when I need one?)  #734 Danger Combs (Sunday, 18 August 2013 19:22) Well, Shadow, don't rule out the possibility that a FCS grad can't spell "flippin"!!! :)  #733 Shadow (Sunday, 18 August 2013 19:17) "I'm pretty flippen sure she's underpaid. She is only keeping her job because she loves what she does just like every other good teacher at Fairborn! And brainwashed? I hated fairborn while in attendance so try again dear.

"Flippen?" "try again dear?" Based on the vernacular used by Alumni 2011, if they are a real 20 year old, then I really am in Kindergarten!

More proof of using students as "Human Shields" Paging Mr. McWhorter...  #732 Shadow (Sunday, 18 August 2013 18:41) Ah Alumni 2011, welcome to the arena of ideas. First, let us look at your "shield" statement:

"They are not using us as a shield, they are asking for support and respect."

Care to back up your assertion? Mine is based on the FACT that every time the union is looking for something, they bring up "The Kids" "The Students" "The Children" Look at past pro-levy campaigns and the current contract dispute. Hiding behind "It is for the students," while knowing full well it is about salary and benefit increases is disingenuous at least and disgusting to those of us who know the truth about how FCS money is spent; "The Kids" are the last priority, as evidenced by the BELOW AVERAGE EDUCATIONAL PERFORMANCE of FCS and the ABOVE AVERAGE PAY AND BENEFITS the administration, faculty and staff receive. Do you submit a paper to your college professor with an absolute statement such as "They are not using us as a shield," without providing evidence to the contrary? You use "They" but have not been a student since 2011, over two years ago. Read my prior posts, here and in the archive section, detailing the FACTS which back up my arguments. If you want to play with the big dogs, you need to pack a lunch ad give us something beyond your unsupported opinion.

"Do you not realize the danger this will cause if the strike doesn't work? 45 teenagers to a classroom!! That is outrageous! "

I guess we now have some strike news, eh? I think you have me confused with Lord $carberry; I'm not negotiating class size. Of course, going back to FEA Prez Tanya Hilty, there was the cozy relationship the FEA had with his Lordship. As long as the gravy train kept running it was all smiles. The state has now "suggested" a course of action and the "friend" the FEA had in Lord $carberry looked out for himself; maybe being honest with the public would have been a better FEA course of action eh, Alumni?

"And as for your comment directed at Mr. McWhorter, grow the heck up! Name calling? Really? Do we need to put you back through the manners portion of kindergarten? Oh wouldn't get the attention you deserve anyways because there would be 45 students!!! Good grief!" Good Grief! indeed Charlie Brown! Again, the UNION YOU support brings up 45 students per class, I didn't. The National Center for Education Statistics shows just under a 16 students to 1 teacher ratio for FCS, so who is fooling who? Kindergarten? Calling Names? You ever play sports Alumni? It's a challenge. If McWhorter starts posting, he gains credibility. If not...  #731 Karen Combs (Sunday, 18 August 2013 18:11) "Alumni" - Mommy has a “medical” degree, but teaches for less than $20/hour? Sounds like someone that no one else wants to hire!

Of course you hated Fairborn while attending there -- most students do! According to the crowd you are protecting, that is because your parents are dreadful people who never taught you to love their brilliant skills! Is Mommy a negligent crackhead? Is Daddy in prison? Well, go slap them for the union, because THEY are the problem!

Ah, no wonder the fastest-growing “school” is the one that replaces all those highly- skilled “educators” like your Mommy with COMPUTERS and they LET IT HAPPEN! Is that “for the kids” too? Beats breaking a nail doing any w-o-r-k, eh? Have you EVER seen a union that lets their own employers replace them with machines and raises not a single fuss? LOL.

Finally, when I criticize people, I do it here - using my REAL NAME (or well-known nickname) and ANSWER ALL valid criticism. When your “heroes” can say the same, I will ask whether "I am the problem." In the meantime, we ALL see which side WON'T EVEN ATTEMPT TO ENTER A DEBATE ON THE FACTS!!!  #730 Alumni 2011 (Sunday, 18 August 2013 17:39) Just so you're aware my mother is highly underpaid. She is making less than $20 an hour for a medical degree so I'm pretty flippen sure she's underpaid. She is only keeping her job because she loves what she does just like every other good teacher at Fairborn! And brainwashed? I hated fairborn while in attendance so try again dear. And if everyone is talking bad about you don't you think that maybe you're the problem and not them??  #729 Poor Senior (Sunday, 18 August 2013 17:31) The only hope is for the state to take over Karen. To not move on the deductible is mind boggling. This BOE is not credible asking for one mill. Nobody has these benefits. Our strapped little community is paying for every little sniffle,head cold, etc. This district actually should have significant balances. This BOE is unequivocally impotent. Bring in the state!!  #728 Karen Combs (Sunday, 18 August 2013 16:17) "Alumni" - Of course your Mommy works for the schools - that is PRECISELY why you are so delightfully brain-washed and pliable! EVERY SINGLE one of the people who comes on here to "support" those who ALREADY make MORE than the state average in salaries and UNHEARD OF benefits is ALWAYS an FCS employee (past or present), relative of one - or someone trying to suck-up for their own kid/grandkid. That's because NORMAL people CAN'T AFFORD to support such a thing! Since you are already a graduate, I don't think you are among the "children" Shadow was discussing - although he can certainly speak for himself.

Your Mommy has been telling some tall tales. The "unlimited class size" threat is a HOAX - as was the HOAX that the entire system would collapse if we didn't pass a $70 million levy. Well, I hate to break it to you, but NEITHER the union NOR the BOE has any credibility left here. LET THE STATE COME IN - at least then we can get an accounting for the funds, have necessary cuts made, and get back on track. That's the only way we started to dig our way out the last time - God knows $carberry can't handle it!

Calling the union reps COWARDS is richly-deserved. They have been invited on here time and again to MAKE A LEGITIMATE CASE and THEY CAN'T. They run all over town talking smack about me and claiming my facts are wrong, but they NEVER come on here to DISPUTE ONE!!! What would you call that, Alumni? I think chicken excrement fits the bill perfectly!  #727 Alumni 2011 (Sunday, 18 August 2013 14:41) @shaddow: just so you are aware I am a graduated student of FCS, went their my whole life as did my mother who now works for the schools. They are not using us as a shield, they are asking for support and respect. Do you not realize the danger this will cause if the strike doesn't work? 45 teenagers to a classroom!! That is outrageous! Not one person can deal with that many students! Not to mention it causes conflict between students, student to teacher ratio is horrible which will cause worse grades and causes a stressful environment for our educators causing them to break, like any normal person would! And as for your comment directed at Mr. McWhorter, grow the heck up! Name calling? Really? Do we need to put you back through the manners portion of kindergarten? Oh wouldn't get the attention you deserve anyways because there would be 45 students!!! Good grief!  #726 Karen Combs (Sunday, 18 August 2013 13:13) Not only did they use the kids as human shields, I heard they used the band there too. Wonder how much the union paid the band to participate? If they didn't pay them, why not?  #725 Shadow (Sunday, 18 August 2013 11:29) Sorry that I ‘ve missed a few exchanges here; in my absence I have been told it is the parent’s fault for FCS BELOW AVERAGE PERFORMANCE in objective educational effectiveness measurements and marie (who I chased away last time with FACTS concerning FCS staff pay) has come back to call us “stupid.” Karen handles them with ease, but I do miss engaging in the some of the repartee (admittedly Karen, Janice, Old Senior, Frank and new posters like TJ/BJ possess the wit, the sycophants stay on their Lord $carberry talking points ad nauseam).

Firstly, the topic de jour: The City Manager. I’m no psychologist, but it appears to me that she feels threatened by the fact that so many people of Appalachian heritage in town have BETTER IDEAS than she does. It doesn’t jive with her world view: She went to THE state school (not Top 50, I might add) and then got her MBA with a 4.0 GPA (From a for-profit school I might add). She believes she IS smarter than all the rest, she has the sheepskin (i.e. Diploma’s) to PROVE it TO HERSELF. Her EGO drives what she does and the biggest threat is people who may not have printed parchments she has, but are just plain SMARTER than she is when it comes to accomplishing what is best for the people of the city.

As I have posted before, I am not of Appalachian heritage, but got to work with many who hail from the region. I noticed, in a way disproportional amount, some of the smartest, most effective LEADERS were those who came from West Virginia. Yes, mine is an anecdotal experience, but I suggest a reading (especially by Ms. Ms. McDonnell) of the book Rocket Boys by Homer Hickam…If reading would be too taxing for her, there is a movie version (October Sky).

My intention is not to exclude other states within the Appalachian region. Examples abound of great intellect, courage, and leadership from the states of Kentucky, Georgia, New York (didn’t they tell you in Saranac Lake that Southwestern NY is in Appalachia, Debbie?), Tennessee (Sgt. York, anyone?) etc.

I wouldn’t be completing my post without addressing the FEA/FCEA “rally.” Karen is right, WDTN took down the story. Could it have something to do with some parts of the story that the unions may have complained about? You be the judge:

-During the live feed, the on-scene reporter mentioned the unions stated they have taken “Pay Cuts.” WHAT?

-Secondly, the following chant was quoted in the story: "When students and staff are under attack, what do we do," roared a crowd of nearly 200 in support of the teachers. "Stand up! Fight back!"

Okay, I am CALLING YOU OUT UNIONS! Stop using OUR children as HUMAN SHIELDS for your own self-enrichment! Offended? Understand we citizens of the district our offended at this DISGUSTING practice, repeated over and over. During the levy, you said it was “For the Kids.” No it wasn’t, it was about ROLLOVER CONTRACTS W/SALARY AND BENEFIT INCREASES!

Now you say OUR kids are “under attack” because you don’t get YOUR way? Can you go any lower? Attack? I guess pointing out FCS’ BELOW AVERAGE PERFORMANCE in objective measurements of educational effectiveness while receiving ABOVE AVERAGE PAY AND BENEFITS as the Administrators, Teachers and Staff, responsible for OUR children’s education, is an attack on OUR children? Man, you better buy everything peddled on WDTN; they saved you from more people finding out how twisted you all are.

In previous posts, I have said that the union should stop bashing the voting public of this district and engage with the public on forums like Fairborn Speaks! Okay, here is an open challenge unions: I challenge union spokesperson Brian McWhorter to come to this board and address my post or any other post. He doesn’t have to drive down from Springfield. He can do it from the comfort of his nice home. As Karen has said, Fairborn Speaks! reaches THOUSANDS of district citizens, so why not give it a try Brian? We have plenty of FACTS for you to examine, including your unions past “I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine” snuggling arrangement with Lord $carberry (or is that Lord $carbetray to you now?).

Balls in your court unions…I believe Mr. McWhorter will be Mr. Chicken Excrement… Prove me wrong if you dare.  #724 C'est la vie (Saturday, 17 August 2013 20:29)

Under the City of Fairborn's own mission statement, how many of the mission bullets did the city manager violate with her discriminatory comment about Appalachians?


In order to promote and provide for the safety, health and welfare of our residents, it is the mission of the City of Fairborn:

• To deliver municipal services through cost effective and professional means and in a friendly, courteous manner. • To be responsible to individual concerns while maintaining the good of the entire community. • To provide appropriate planning for the continued development and improvement of the City. • To foster citizen involvement in the City's decision-making process. • To be involved and provide leadership in areas of inter-government cooperation.  #723

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