Year 7 KAT 2 Revision Guide Key Terms You need to learn definitions for the following key terms: 1. Trinity 11. Baptism 2. Pentecost 12. Holy Spirit 3. Original Sin 13. Prayer 4. Garden of Eden 14. Parables 5. Heaven 15. Transfiguration 6. Holy Spirit 16. Miracles 7. Crucifixion 17. Palm Sunday 8. Covenant 18. Temptation 9. Sin 19. Kingdom 10. Ascension 20. Exorcism   Key Questions (part C type questions)  You need to be able to find 4 different answers to the following questions: 1. How did the Holy Spirit help the disciples? 2. Why did Jesus have to die on the cross? 3. Why do Christians call God Father? 4. Why is the doctrine of the Trinity important to Christians? 5. Why is the idea of heaven important to Christians? 6. Why is the story of the baptism of Jesus important for Christians today? 7. Why do Christians believe that prayer is important and powerful? 8. What does the transfiguration teach Christians today? 9. Why are the miracles important for Christians today? 10. Why did Jesus talk in parables?  Try to find 3 reasons for and 3 reasons against for each statement:   Part B and D type questions i. Jesus died and rose again ii. The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost iii. Heaven does not exist iv. God is not at all like a father v. Jesus was God’s Son vi. The miracles of Jesus never really happened vii. Jesus never walked on water viii. Jesus should have ridden in to Jerusalem on a war horse ix. Prayer does not work x. Jesus spoke in parables to confuse people xi. Jesus should have jumped from the top of the temple when he was tempted to xii. Jesus’ baptism was pointless   Sample Exam Paper  Your test will be 25 minutes long and you will have to answer 4 questions. It will be a bit like the one below: a) Prayer? (2 marks) b) Do you think Jesus should have jumped off the temple? Give two reasons to support your answer. (4 marks) c) Why do Christians believe that prayer is important and powerful? (8 marks) d) Jesus never walked on water a. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer (3 marks) b. Why would some people disagree with you? Give reasons to support your answer (3 marks)