
Silk Road Geography Guided Reading Instructions: Read Sections 3-5 of Chapter 24 of your history Alive: The Ancient World textbook and use the maps within these sections to complete the following tasks and answer the questions below.

Tasks: Label the following things on your map. Place a check mark next to each task after you have finished it

1. _____ In an appropriate location along the route, draw one “warning sign” to represent one danger of traveling the eastern part of the Silk Road.

2. _____ In an appropriate location along the route, draw one “warning sign” to represent one danger of traveling the western part of the Silk Road.

3. _____ Near China, draw and label symbols for two foods or products that China learned about as a result of trade on the Silk Road.

4. _____ Near Rome, draw and label symbols for two foods or products that the West learned about as a result of trade on the Silk Road.

5. _____ Near India, draw and label a symbol for Buddhism. Then draw an arrow that shows how Buddhism spread from India to China.

Thought Questions: Answer the following in complete sentences

6. How did traders overcome the challenge of the desert? ______

7. How were goods transported after they reached Antioch? Where were they sent? ______

8. How did trade along the Silk Road result in cultural diffusion? ______

9. What other effects might there be to trade other than just the exchange of goods and the chance to get rich. ______over for Processing!

New People and Products Found Along the Silk Road – Create a Postcard – Use the back of this page for your postcard. Name ______

Directions: You just traveled back in time to acting as a merchant along the Silk Road. You traded. You overcame obstacles. You met foreigners. You spoke in your native language. You encountered goods you had never seen or heard of before from a place you’ve never visited. Using the notes we’ve taken in class and your experience along the route, create a postcard with images and pictures of what you experienced along the way.

Directions Create a postcard from a traveler along the Silk Road. A postcard incudes images on one side and it includes writing on the back.

Step One: Front of the card - Images On the front, you need o Five images of goods and/or ideas that were traded along the Silk Road. o Captions may be necessary. o A greeting/title – like Greetings from the Silk Road – also I would love it if you used your “hello” in your language.

Step Two: Back of the card - Writing Write a letter to a friend/family member that describes each of the following: o Where you traveled o Two dangers you encountered and how you overcame them o Two goods you traded and why o One idea or belief you learned about.

Rubric – 10 points √+: Includes all requirements with creativity, accuracy and superior writing. √: Includes all/most requirements with accuracy and some creativity and few writing errors. √-: Includes some requirements with little accuracy or creativity and poor writing.