Autumn Term Target
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How to improve
GCSE Science
Grade What I can do
If you are working at Try to remember more simple scientific facts a grade G, you can Develop maths and Literacy skills Try to use the key words you have learnt in simple scientific sentences Use Fronter to look over the recent topics you have been studying
If you are working at Explain how scientific information can be collected a grade F, you can Try to think of situations in real life in which what you have learnt is relevant Think about how the scientific discoveries you have learnt about may have benefitted or harmed us Use Fronter to look over the recent topics you have been studying
If you are working at Follow instructions to do practical work safely and collect results accurately a grade E, you can Identify simple patterns in data you have collected Identify the variables in an investigation and explain how it can be made a fair test Use Fronter to look over the recent topics you have been studying
If you are working at Be able to show your results in tables, pie charts, bar graphs and line graphs a grade D, you can Try to come up with conclusions for the results you have collected Think about how the Scientific discoveries you have learnt about may have unethical uses Use Fronter to look over the recent topics you have been studying If you are working at Be able to explain what you have learnt clearly using scientific words appropriately a grade C, you can Use good Literacy skills (calculate averages, percentages) Use simple equations for chemical reactions and things like Photosynthesis Know how scientific evidence is collected Think about how scientific knowledge and theories are changed when we find new evidence Use Fronter to look over the recent topics you have been studying
If you are working at Work on how you plan an investigation or solve a problem using your scientific knowledge a grade B, you can Carry out practical tasks safely, using equipment properly Think about how the practical work you have done could have been improved Practice plotting graphs, including a line of best fit Try to write clear conclusions that explain the evidence you have found Use Fronter to look over the recent topics you have been studying
If you are working at Explain what you have learnt in detail using scientific words appropriately a grade A, you can Be able to rearrange chemical equations Think about the relationships between data, evidence and scientific theories Explain how scientific theories can be changed by new evidence with reference to scientific publications Apply your scientific knowledge to a range of everyday tasks and situations Be able to plan a scientific task to solve a problem effectively Use Fronter to look over the recent topics you have been studying
If you are working at Think about the benefits and risks of scientific advances and identify related ethical issues a grade A*, you can Select between appropriate methods to collect scientific data safely and skilfully Try to interpret data and present it appropriately with little or no guidance Practice calculating gradients of graphs and use appropriate axes and scales Use the work you have done in Maths to use different statistical methods to present data Suggest improvements to methods used to make the evidence more reliable Use Fronter to look over the recent topics you have been studying
Useful websites
www. aqa gcse bitesize/
www. footprints - science
www. stevespangler