Oregon National Guard Association s4
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Oregon National Guard Association Board Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 13, 2014
COL (Ret) Roberta Janssen BG Todd Plimpton LTC (Ret) Marc Snook Maj Gen (Ret) Dan O’Hollaren Robin Webb LtCol Joe Harris LTC Carter McReynolds Brig Gen Michael Stencel CW5 Terry Swartwout Lt Dominic Thornberg LTC Tom Wirth CPT Adam Lulay Maj Dawn Choy COL Kelly Smothers CPT Thanh Vo
1. Welcome by the President – BG Plimpton welcomed members to the meeting.
2. Minute Approval: Meeting was called to order and the February minutes were reviewed and approved as written. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made and a second was given. Motion passed.
3. Financial Update:
a. Budget: COL (Ret) Janssen indicated the balance in the checkbook at the end of February was $96,318.97. However she hadn’t paid anything on the membership dues yet, she is waiting for information from NGAUS; that will be a minus of $15,921.00.
b. Budget Report for February: Membership in February is at $29,770.00 which is 43.8% of budget. She does have more that has come in and will get it put into system. Had some new Corporate Partners come in for a total of $5,100 for February which puts us at 69.1%. COL (Ret) Janssen reviewed the remainder of line items in the budget.
c. Financial Review: COL (Ret) Janssen indicated Lt Dominic Thornberg and Matthew Erwin are in the middle of a financial review of our 2013 books. Both work for the IRS and can’t accept any kind of compensation for performing this review. A motion to accept the budget as written was made and a second was given. Motion passed.
. 4. Membership 2014: CPT Vo reported we are at 28% membership for the Air and 54% for the Army. There are five (5) Battalions at a 100%. 821, 41st STB and 141 are close; they are only a few Officers shy. It’s mostly the Major Command Elements and Brigade HQ’s that are lagging in membership. BG Plimpton requested CPT Vo to send him the membership list as to who had paid and not paid so he can talk with members during April drill. LtCol Harris and Lt Thornberg both asked for a copy also for the Air side.
5. State Conference - April 25 & 26, 2014, The Riverhouse, Bend:
a. Color Guard and Band: COL (Ret) Janssen stated she has requested the Color Guard and the Band.
b. Silent Auction: COL (Ret) Janssen indicated she, Robin and Marc will work out the details regarding this off line. She also asked CPT Vo if some of the Company Grade Officers could help out on Saturday with the silent auction and the wine bag event. Probably need at least four of them. c. State Conference – Golf Event: COL (Ret) Janssen stated 1SG Jones has the event pretty much wrapped up. He’s looking for a catchy title for the event. If you think of anything please let her or 1SG Jones know. He is looking at “The First Annual Presidents’ Scramble.” She will be getting more information in the near future and will get it out to everyone and also the website.
d. Discuss on Speaker: COL (Ret) Janssen stated at this point, she sent letters to the Governor and Senator Wyden. Fritz Graham is working on getting Senator Wyden to attend the conference. We may have to adjust our schedule around his schedule. We also have someone coming in from NGAUS for the second part of the conference. COL (Ret ) Janssen also indicated she has not heard anything on the Company Grade speaker. CPT Vo indicated MG Bunting is one option if his price is reasonable; we are also looking into a couple of others.
6. Corporate Partner’s 2014: Maj Choy stated there are a few Corporate Partners from last year they have not heard back from yet. They are working those issues. COL (Ret) Janssen stated she still shows Boeing, WelFab, and Big Ass Fans that have not paid yet so she sent them all an invoice. She also indicated we received Force Protection Gear in at the Bronze level and Lektro at the Gold level and Gerber Legendary Knives at $2,500 which just came in today. She also indicated she has not heard from USAA yet. Maj Choy will follow up with them. BG Plimpton requested a spreadsheet that shows who has donated in the past over the last couple of years and who are the current sponsors. He would also like to see the amounts on both. In the next 5 to 6 weeks we need to really look at the current sponsors and who we are missing out there. COL (Ret) Janssen said she will request money from AUSA’s board and also she requested Benefits Inc. who will be giving $500. Capital Projects will make a donation of $500 to the Scholarship Fund. A suggestion was given to add the Corporate Sponsors Icons onto the back of the Agenda. Suggestion was received well, she will add.
7. NGAUS Conference:
a. Budget: COL (Ret) Janssen stated she put together a spreadsheet for charges and are a little over $5,000 compared to last year. We are up to $46,000 if we take the same amount of people that we took last year from the Board and Company Grades. She believes it’s within our reach if we double up and the fact that we won’t have a rental car in Chicago, we should be pretty good.
b. Transportation: Maj Gen O’Hollaren brought up the issue related to transportation. He indicated the conference this year was not providing transportation to the Hotels from the airports at this time. He wanted to know if it would be an additional charge if we were to end up hiring a shuttle or paying for a cab. COL (Ret) Janssen stated there probably would be and that if you fly into Midway airport which is much closer to the down town, their schedule from Portland is ridiculous. She further stated the States are not happy. BG Plimpton suggested she look into the cost of Cabs and see what the costs for travel will be.
8. Old Business:
a. 150 Yearbook – request to EANGOR: COL (Ret) Janssen indicated EANGOR has their 150 books and she should be receiving a check from 1SG Jones of $4,500.
b. Bylaw changes: COL (Ret) Janssen stated the committee is continuing to work on the By-Laws. Will have them ready by the next Board meeting.
c. ANG Awards Banquet: COL (Ret) Janssen stated they have a long way to go to get over 80. We will wait for that to happen.
d. She also sent a check for $500 for the WW2 Memorial Foundation.
e. Contract for 2015: COL (Ret) Janssen stated it was signed with the Salem Conference Center for 2015. 9. New Business:
a. Army Aviation Association: COL (Ret) Janssen stated she received a request from the Army Aviation Association and the Infantry Association to share a table at the conference. She also mentioned that we usually are a Corporate Partner for AUSA; do we want to continue to be a $150 partner? We receive $500 back from them. COL Smothers stated he is on the Board of AUSA and would recommend we continue what we are doing. No objection from the Board.
b. Chief Swartwout attended the NGAUS Board meeting last weekend. General Grass, Chief NGB, was in attendance and spoke about our current relationship with the Army as an “out and out battle.” We need to continue our legislative initiatives and keep the National Guard out in front as the best investment for America’s future defense.
10. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be Thursday, April 3, 2014 at 5:30 PM at the ARC in Salem. Pizza will be served. Meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM.