JTA 2004 Technical Workshop Schedule

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JTA 2004 Technical Workshop Schedule

Provisional DBCP 2005 Scientific and Technical Workshop – Program (vA)

Presentation slots – 20 mins including 15 mins presentation + 5 mins questions / discussion (except where variation agreed) THEMES: Vision and Possibilities / Technological Developments – including novel or emerging demands for new or improved technology and network performance (applications pull); and developments in buoys / instruments (technology push). Operational Enhancements – evaluation / analysis of operational performance or trials; data communications and data assimilation; performance and efficiency benchmarking; new systems and practices; Applications of Collected Data – research and operational data applications; case studies, with a particular focus on the host country’s region.


N 09:00 – 09:15 Opening of Scientific and Technical Workshop David Meldrum, DBCP Chair O I

S 09:15 – 09:25 Technical Workshop Program (whole) Ken Jarrott S

E 1st Session Organisation Chair – 1st Session S


S 1 Applications / 09:25 -09:45 Data Collection Platforms off the Coast of Argentina Ariel H Troisi et al I Research 2 Applications / 09:47 – 10:07 Indian Perspectives of Early Warning System for K Premkumar Research Oceanographic Disasters 3 Applications / 10:09 – 10:29 Comparison of Forecast and Observed Internal Tides in C Horton (Beth Horton presenter) Research the Eastern Mediterranean Sea 4 Applications / 10:31 – 10:46 ARGO Buoys Deployment in Eastern South Pacific for the Alexis Chaigneau Research 2005-2007 Period – Motivation – Technique – Deployment Sites 10:48 – 11:00 Session Close Remarks & Quests + Announcements Chair – 1st Session 11:00 – 11:30 Morning Break

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4TH SESSION 3RD SESSION 2ND SESSION 13 12 11 10 7 6 5 # 9 8 Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Research Applications / Research Applications / THEME 16:52 – 16:52– 17:05 16:32– 16:52 16:10– 16:30 16:06– 16:08 15:36– 16:06 15:31– 15:36 15:11– 15:31 14:49– 15:09 14:27– 14:47 14:05– 14:25 14:00– 14:05 13:00– 14:00 12:56– 13:00 12:21– 12:56 11:59– 12:19 11:37– 11:57 11:30– 11:35 TIME SessionOrganisation / Introduction of Speakers TOPIC CLOSE OF DAYOFCLOSE SessionRemarks Close Quests & + Announcements ***********************POSSIBLESLOT SPARE Method for EvolutionEstimating of a SizeNetwork's AModel forSimple Buoy Drifting Life-Times, a and Seas Intricacy in SustainingMooredthe Network Buoy Indian in SessionOrganisation / Introduction of Speakers BreakAfternoon SessionRemarks Close Quests & + Announcements DataManagement and Communications ChainDrifters in Rita Hurricane ThePerformance of MinimetWind Temperatureand Network Salinityof Driftersin Surface Bay of Biscay Pacific Gyre Minimet Drifter SessionOrganisation / Introduction of Speakers Lunch SessionRemarks Close Quests & + Announcements minspresentation required) Atlantic Demonstration Preliminary ResultsBuoys: (30 ObservingSystems CellularGPS Drifter Technologyfor CoastalOcean AObservatoryGlobalTimeseries System (OceanSITES) Page Page 2 Chair –Chair 3rd Session EtienneCharpentier KPremkumar –Chair Session4th –Chair 3rd Session WilliamBurnett William Scuba Pierre Blouch AndrewLowy Sybrandy –Chair 2nd Session –Chair 2nd Session Engler,Craig PazosMayra Ohlman Peter (presenter Niiler SendUwe –Chair 2nd Session / PRESENTER AUTHOR ) , Peter , Niiler Carter Carter TUESDAY 18 OCTOBER # THEME TIME TOPIC PRESENTER / AUTHOR

st N 09:00 – 09:10 Session Organisation / Introduction of Speakers Chair – 1 Session O I

S 14 Vision, Possibilities, 09:10 -09:30 Technical challenges facing the DBCP David Meldrum S

E Tech. Developments S


S 15 Vision, Possibilities, 09:47 – 10:07 Argos 3 – The Next Generation Bill Woodward, Christian Ortega I Tech. Developments 16 Vision, Possibilities, 10:09 – 10:29 A Novel Ice-Drifting Platform For Deployment During The David Meldrum Tech. Developments International Polar Year 17 Vision, Possibilities, 10:31 – 10:46 Radioscience and Buoys Merge in the Southern Ocean Rick Cole et al (USA) Tech. Developments

10:48 – 11:00 Session Close Remarks & Quests + Announcements Chair – 1st Session

11:00 – 11:30 Morning Break

N 11:30 – 11:3 5 Session Organisation / Introduction of Speakers Chair – 2nd Session O I

S 18 Vision, Possibilities, 11:37 – 11:57 Developments in Telemetry, Data Collection Systems and Mark Blaseckie S

E Tech. Developments Hydrogen Gas Mitigation at Axys Technologies Inc. S

D 19 Vision, Possibilities, 12:00 – 12:20 Telemetry Solutions for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Neil Trenaman, Rick Cole, et al N

2 Tech. Developments Measurements of Waves and Currents 20 Vision, Possibilities, 12:22: 12:42 The Results of the New Drifters Development and Testing Sergei Motshev, Beth Horton, et Tech. Developments In-situ al

12:44 – 12:50 Session Close Remarks & Quests + Announcements Chair – 2nd Session

12:50 – 12:55 Workshop Close Ken Jarrott

13:00 – 14:00 WORKSHOP CLOSE


VENUE: Buenos Aires, Argentina DATE : October 17-18, 2005

WORKSHOP CHAIRS: Ken Jarrott1 / William Scuba2 Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Scripps Institute ******************************************************************************* THEME: APPLICATION OF COLLECTED DATA : research and operational applications; case studies. Session 1: Monday 17th 09:15 hrs – 11:00 hrs Session 2: Monday 17th 11:30 hrs – 13:00 hrs Session 3: Monday 17th 14:00 hrs – 15:30 hrs

1. Data Collection Platforms off the Coast of Argentina

Authors: Ariel H. Troisi, Fabian A. Vetere, Aldo C. Firpo (Armada Argentina – Servicio de Hidrografía Naval)

Abstract: In the framework of the Project “Prevención de la Contaminación Costera y Gestión de la Diversidad Biológica Marina” (PNUD ARG/02/018) and in order to obtain a continuous time series of oceanographic and meteorological data of the Argentinean marine coast, two collection platforms were installed in positions 40.938º S, 65.074º W and 43.833º S, 59.674º W. These platforms, “Wavescan” type from Fugro-Oceanor, transmit the environmental data via Inmarsat C to a land station for analysis and processing. One of the aims is to create an information system that will contribute to decision making in environmental management issues as well as to operational purposes. Preliminary results are hereby presented.

2. Indian Perspective on Early Warning System for Oceanogenic Disasters

Author: K. Premkumar (National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai, India)

Abstract: The Tsunami on December 26, 2004 generated by an earthquake off the west coast of Northern Sumatra caused a major disaster for the Indian Ocean rim countries, which were not prepared for the ocean’s fury of this vast magnitude. No countries in the region had an early Tsunami warning system to identify the generation of a Tsunami or could get little help from the International community regarding its formation. India was one among the worst affected nations which suffered loss of 12,405 human life and damages around USD 2.56 billion was the first to announce to build a

039bd527d8c097f39238e8a47283c3ec.doc Page 4 Tsunami warning system for the Indian Ocean region. India systematically carry out observation in its waters using Drifting Buoys, Moored Buoys, Argo Floats, Tide Gauges, Satellites, Research Vessels, Voluntary Observing ships etc. India is an active participant in various international programmes and most of the data collected are shared with international community through GTS and. Government of India through Department of Ocean Development (DOD) is now in the process of establishing a tsunami warning system for the Indian Ocean region. National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) Chennai under the DOD is already maintaining 20 buoy network in Indian Seas through National Data Buoy Programme (NDBP) and is poised for further growth. Bottom Pressure Recorders (BPR) integrated with these buoys can be used for Tsunami warning. India has a plan to deploy such 10 buoys in the Indian Ocean region. Along with the Tsunami buoys, dedicated networks of seismic stations, HF radars, Tide gauges, Current meters etc. having realtime communication will form an integrated tsunami warning system. The time series data from this network will enhance the predictive capability of existing warning systems for other oceanogenic disasters like cyclones, storm surges etc.

3. Comparison of Forecast and Observed Internal Tides in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

Authors: C. Horton and M. Clifford (Naval Oceanographic Office, Stennis Space Center, USA)

Abstract: The Naval Oceanographic Office operationally runs a forecast system for the Mediterranean Sea built around a version of the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) forced by winds and tides. The model implementation has 3.2-km horizontal resolution and 47 sigma levels in the vertical. The original pressure gradient scheme has been replaced with one allowing steep bathymetry, and the model bathymetry has been only minimally smoothed and has no restriction upon steepness. The relatively high resolution of the model, the incorporation of barotropic tides, and the realistically steep bathymetry allow the model to generate internal tides. In order to facilitate the testing of the forecast system, profiling drifters have been deployed in the Mediterranean Sea, and the CTD profiles from these drifters (available on the ARGO server) are assimilated by the modelling system. Normally, these profilers measure only a single deep cast each cycle, but we worked with the manufacturer to allow a “bounce” cycle to be inserted between each deep cycle. A bounce cycle is a sequence of 7 consecutive shallow profiles at 2-hour intervals, and each profile extends from 140-m to 40-m depth with a 20-m resolution. Only temperature is measured in this cycle. Profiling drifters with the bounce cycle have been deployed south of Crete and Cyprus and have provided new bounce cycles at 5- or 6-day intervals. The drifting of the profilers has provided for some measure of the spatial and temporal variability of the internal tide signal. A compilation of observations will be shown along with a discussion of the usefulness and limitations of the bounce cycle. Specific observations will be compared with model forecasts for the purpose of understanding how well the forecast system predicts the strength and spatial variability of internal tides.

4. ARGO buoys deployment in the Eastern South-Pacific for the 2005-2007 period - Motivation –Technique - Deployment Sites

Author: Alexis Chaigneau (COPAS, Centre for Oceanographic Investigation for SE Pacific)

039bd527d8c097f39238e8a47283c3ec.doc Page 5 Abstract. The Eastern South-Pacific (ESP) offshore Northern Chile and Peru is characterized by the presence of the most pronounced and extended oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of the world ocean. Located at intermediate depths (<1000 m), this OMZ plays a crucial role on the greenhouse gases (like CO2 and N2O) exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere, but also on the adaptation of the ecosystems in such an anoxic environment. The ESP also exhibits a complex three-dimensional circulation and T-S structure, with the presence in the upper 2000 m of distinct water masses originated from equatorial, subtropical, subantarctic, and the Antarctic regions. Superimposed to these rather large-scale characteristics, the mesoscale activity is seen as an important actor for both the transfer of heat and salt from the offshore waters to the surface coastal layers, and for the offshore propagation of physical and biogeochemical properties from the coastal upwelling regions. Despite its important physical and biogeochemical characteristics, the ESP is still relatively under- sampled and badly known. In order to evaluate spatial distribution and variability of the OMZ and the water masses in the ESP, and to determine the vertical structure of the mesoscale eddies in this region, two independent but complementary international projects have led to obtaining 30 ARGO buoys. Some of these floats (16-20) will be equipped with Optode Aanderaa oxygen sensors, and the deployments will take place between the end of 2005 and 2007 at different sites offshore the Peruvian and Chilean coasts.

5. A Global Timeseries Observatory System (OceanSITES)

Author: Uwe Send (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)

Abstract: An international effort (OceanSITES) will be presented for coordinating and facilitating the implementation of a sustained open-ocean timeseries observatory system. The Steering Team consists of scientists involved in or with an interest in operating sites that would contribute to the system. All major ocean research disciplines are represented. A goal is that this system serve both the research and operational communities, and to reach pre-operational and sustained status. A number of developments are needed for this, including technology and data management, and it will be shown that these are well on the way or existing already.

6. GPS-Cellular Drifter Technology for Coastal Ocean Observing Systems

Author: Peter Niiler (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) Abstract: New drifter technology utilizing GPS and terrestrial cellular communications allows inexpensive collection of high-resolution trajectories in the near-shore region to address questions related to small-scale advection and dispersion. The drifter uses GPS to determine its position, and the Mobitex terrestrial cellular communications system to transmit the position data in near-real- time. This configuration allows position data with order meter accuracy to be sampled every few minutes, and transmitted inexpensively. Near-real-time transmission of highly accurate position data enables the drifters to be easily retrieved and redeployed. Near 300 drifter tracks collected off the Santa Barbara and San Diego coasts show validations of high frequency (HF) radar observations of near-surface currents improve by roughly 50% when comparisons are made with average values computed from more than 15 drifter observations collected on time and space scales commensurate with HF radar observations. The improvement is due to drifter resolution of sub-grid-scale eddies that are included in time-space averaged HF radar fields. The drifters resolve scales of motion not present in HF radar surface current maps, and are thus complementary in coastal ocean observing systems.

039bd527d8c097f39238e8a47283c3ec.doc Page 6 THEME: OPERATIONAL PRACTICES AND ENHANCEMENTS evaluation / analysis of performance; trials; data communications and data assimilation; performance benchmarking; new systems and practices. Session 2: Monday 11:30 hrs – 13:00 hrs (final paper) Session 3: Monday 17th, 14:00 hrs to 15:30 hrs Session 4: Monday 17th, 16:00 to close

7. Atlantic Demonstration Buoys: Preliminary Results

Authors: Craig Engler and Mayra Pazos

Abstract: The Global Drifter Center is conducting a comparison study of SVP drift buoys built with the mini drogue. The study is being called Atlantic Demonstration Buoys (ADB). In this study, we will be comparing the performance of the drifters: transmitter performance and lifetime, submergence or strain sensor performance, drogue lifetime, SST thermistor performance, and anomalous behavior with respect to other drifters in the cluster. The SVP drift buoys with mini drogue are being deployed as Clusters in open ocean regions of the Atlantic Ocean.

Each Cluster consists of four buoys, one buoy from each manufacturer. Buoys are activated before deployment and deployed within minutes of each other. As of this time four cluster of ADB buoys have been deployed in the Atlantic Ocean. Preliminary results will be discussed at the workshop.

8. Pacific Gyre Minimet Drifter

Author: Andrew Lowy Sybrandy (Pacific Gyre Inc)

Abstract: Pacific Gyre built the 20 drifting buoys purchased by Peter Niiler of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and deployed by the NOAA Hurricane Research Division into Hurricane Rita in September 2005. Twelve of these drifters were Pacific Gyre Digital Minimet platforms, and 8 were Temperature Chain drifters with Pacific Gyre Digital Minimet electronics installed. Much of the work was done in cooperation with Peter Niiler and Bill Scuba of the SIO, Etienne Charpentier of the DBCP, and Mayra Pazos of AOML/NOAA. The drifter construction, packaging, and data formats were modified, were tested at sea off the coast of California, shipped to Keesler Air Force Base in Mississippi, survived their first hurricane in storage, shipped to Atlanta Georgia and deployed into Hurricane Rita. All 20 drifters survived air deployment from a C-130 aircraft and collected data throughout the hurricane, and transmitted that data into the GTS.

9. Network of Surface Salinity Drifters in Bay of Biscay

Author: Pierre Blouch, MeteoFrance

Abstract: Drifting buoy platforms for measuring the sea surface salinity have under development for the past several years. In order to test the validity of theses platforms over time in a biologically

039bd527d8c097f39238e8a47283c3ec.doc Page 7 rich region of the ocean, 16 salinity drifting buoys were deployed in the Bay of Biscay. The results of this experiment are discussed as well as any conclusions that can be drawn from it.

10. The Performance of Minimet Wind and Temperature Chain Drifters in Hurricane Rita

Authors: William Scuba and Peter Niiler (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)

Abstract. Between 1998 and 2003 wind drifters have been deployed in the tropical Atlantic in regions where hurricanes tend to develop in strength or approach landfall, however, projection of winds from NCEP reanalysis on these drifters has revealed that during that time period no wind drifter south of 30N has experienced winds in excess of 27m/sec. Starting in 2003, fifty five buoys have been deployed directly in front of hurricanes and have measure sea surface temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind direction, and wind speed below 25 m/s. In order to test whether wind speeds above 25 m/s and subsurface temperatures down to 100m can be measured from a drifting buoy platform, twelve standard Minimet buoys and eight Minimet buoys fitted with a 100m long temperature chains were successfully deployed on September 21, 2005 at a distance of about 24 hours in front of the projected path of a category-5 hurricane, Rita, in the vicinity of 26N, 92W. The data from this experiment is presented and reviewed.

11. Data Management and Communications

Author: William Burnett (National Data Buoy Center, Stennis Space Center, USA)

Abstract: The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) reorganized on May 1st, 2005 and created the Data Management and Communications (DMAC) Branch. This reorganization allows NDBC to align their Center with the Integrated Ocean Observing System’s (IOOS) goals and principles – specifically addressing data management. The DMAC branch will focus on five key areas: o Obtain marine weather and ocean observations from NDBC platforms, NOAA observatories, IOOS Regional Associations, oil companies and universities. o Ensure the quality of these observations in a timeframe consistent with needs of forecasters, mariners, modelers, and archive centers. o Disseminate the data to diverse user communities via multiple transmission pathways. o Take a leadership role in developing and setting IOOS standards and protocols through workshops, meetings, etc.... o Coordinates with National Weather Service offices, NOAA and IOOS partners to effectively and efficiently interoperate between diverse organizations (both public and private) and validates user requirements.

039bd527d8c097f39238e8a47283c3ec.doc Page 8 12. Intricacy in Sustaining the Moored Buoy Network in Indian Seas

Authors: Tata Sudhakar, D. Rajasekhar, G. Rajesh, K. Jossia Joseph and K. Premkumar, National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai

Abstract: India with a 7500 km long coastline and about 2.02 million sq km area within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) offers immense scope for exploration and sustainable utilisation of marine resources. With this as a prominent facet, Department of Ocean Development, Government of India established the National Data Buoy Programme (NDBP) in 1997 at the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) Chennai. A network of twelve data buoys was deployed both in Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal during 1997 - 2002, this was subsequently increased to twenty and poised for further growth. The time series observations are widely used by various end users for weather forecast, operational activities, navigation, research and development etc. Most of the applications require realtime data to improve predictive capability and for effective planning and management of various operations. To cater the end user demand, uninterrupted data collection is to be ensured and calls for increased buoy network. However the major constraints faced by NDBP are vandalism, bio-fouling, unavailability of ship time as and when required, prolonged high sea state associated with monsoon etc. Vandalism is the major constrain faced by NDBP, which causes serious damages resulting in partial or total loss of buoy system. Buoy drifting due to mooring cut to save the entangled fishing net, communication failure due to mast damage, loss of solar panel which causes low battery power resulting in buoy stoppage, removal of electronic components and sensors are common in Indian Seas. Tropical waters are highly productive especially the coastal waters cause serious bio fouling resulting in loss of performance and subsequent stoppage of underwater sensors. Lack of a dedicated vessel to handle deployment and maintenance operations, prolonged monsoon period with high sea state hampers immediate maintenance of buoy system. NDBP has incorporated various preventive measures to minimize vandalism and biofouling. A dedicated buoy tender vessel is in the advance stage of construction and is expected by the end of the year.

13. A Simple Model for Drifting Buoy Life-Times, and a Method for Estimating Evolution of a Network's Size

Authors: Etienne Charpentier, Mathieu Belbéoch, Julien Bourcier

Abstract: Using JCOMMOPS database, and series of actual drifter life-times, it was shown that -αt survivability of a drifting buoy network fits very well with an exponential model N(t)=N 0 e . Using regression method, α coefficient can be estimated. This coefficient is directly linked to the theoretical network half life L1/2: α=ln(2)/L1/2. Assuming a constant deployment rate of Rx drifters per day, it is therefore possible to estimate evolution with time of the size of a network of consistent buoys: N(t)= -αt (N0 - Rx/ α) e +Rx/ α. Network size will eventually tend towards theoretical limit of Rx/ α buoys. In order to maintain a buoy network at a target level of Nt units, it is therefore recommended to deploy buoys at a rate of Nt α units per day. A higher deployment rate will be needed in case the initial number of buoys is substantially lower than the target. New JCOMMOPS web page permits to query the database in order to make quick estimation of α coefficient and to simulate network evolution based on provided criteria. This works, of course provided that buoy deployment information, and particularly deployment date is made available to JCOMMOPS. Recently developed buoy metadata collection system and deployment notification scheme permits to collect required information and to assist buoy operators in managing their networks.

039bd527d8c097f39238e8a47283c3ec.doc Page 9 THEME: VISION /TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS Vision / Possibilities / Technological Developments – potential or demand for new or improved technology and network performance; and developments in buoys / instruments. Tues 18th Session 1: 09:00 hrs – 11:00 hrs Tues 18th Session 2: 11:30 hrs – 13:00 hrs

14. Technical Challenges Facing the DBCP

Author: David Meldrum, Chair DBCP

Abstract: The DBCP was formed in 1985 to address a number of pressing issues concerning data flowing from the new networks of drifting buoys that had recently been deployed in the global oceans. Key amongst its objectives were a) to improve the quality, quantity and timeliness of drifter data reaching the forecast agencies and designated archives, b) to approach the oceanographers with a view to persuading them to put their data on the GTS, and c) to encourage the formation of regional action groups as a means of promoting drifting buoy activities. To a large extent the panel has been successful, principally through the actions of its technical coordinator, in achieving these aims, and the panel now needs to redefine its mission to ensure that it remains a key force in future ocean observation. Many of the issues that now lie before the panel are organisational in nature, but it also faces a number of new technology challenges, many of which are common to other observational platforms. A number of these challenges will be discussed, and the debate on the future mission of the panel opened.

15. ARGOS 3 – The Next Generation

Authors: Bill Woodward (Service Argos), Christian Ortega – (CLS)

Abstract: The French-U.S. Argos system has been reliably satisfying the real-time data collection demands of the global oceanographic and meteorological communities for nearly three decades. By pacing the science and operational requirements of the ocean and meteorological community the satellite-based Argos data collection and location system enables fixed weather stations and moored and drifting buoys and floats to continue to provide valuable research and operational data supporting the description, understanding and prediction needs of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system. In early 2006 the third generation Argos system will become available. Scheduled for launch on the EUMETSAT METOP 1 satellite in April this new generation of Argos will provide a number of significantly improved features and capabilities to the community, including, among other things, an order of magnitude higher data rate and two-way communications. This presentation will outline these new capabilities, describe how they can be applied using the Argo float program as a case study, present the launch schedule for satellites that will carry the new Argos 3 systems and provide some insight into what is being considered for the next generation of capabilities – Argos 4.

039bd527d8c097f39238e8a47283c3ec.doc Page 10 16. A Novel Ice-Drifting Platform for Deployment During the International Polar Year

Author: David Meldrum

Abstract: The International Polar Year in 2007-8 is giving birth to a number of large international programmes aimed at better understanding the cryosphere and its interaction with climate change. Within the UK, we have proposed a basin-wide study of the Arctic Ocean, using a large Canadian icebreaker as the vehicle for a number of experiments and deployments. A key component of this work will be the deployment of a number of autonomous CTD and ice mass balance stations. The free-drifting stations, tracked by GPS, will make observations of key environmental parameters above, within and immediately below the ice, and will feature a novel autonomous CTD package for making full-depth hydrographic measurements. In addition to meteorological and solar radiation measurements, thermistor chains will be frozen into the ice: one to measure the diffusive heat flux within the floe, the other two to infer the position of the ice-water and ice-air interfaces respectively. These latter chains will also be operated in a 'hot-wire anemometer' mode to estimate boundary layer water and air speeds. Daily CTD profiles will be performed using a sensor package attached to an autonomous winch. The winch will lower the CTD from just below the ice to full ocean depth, using knowledge of its GPS position to consult a bathymetric look-up table. Data transfer between the CTD and the surface will be accomplished using an infra-red transceiver suspended below the ice. These measurements will be used to support oceanic heat flux determinations and to provide information on the halocline and deeper ocean. The equipment will be powered for up to two years using conventional alkaline cells backed up by solar panels and lead-acid batteries. A webcam at each site will record twice-daily images of surface conditions. Data, commands, image 'thumbnails' and diagnostics will be transmitted in near real time via the Iridium satellite system, with the option to request full-resolution images as required.

17. Radioscience and Buoys Merge in the Southern Ocean

Authors: Rick Cole1, Noah Reddell2, Umran Inan3, Sean Kery4, James Cappellini5, Pierre Smit6 and George Greider7 ¹RDSea and Associates, Inc., St. Pete Beach, Florida, ²LTJG, United States Navy, ³Stanford University, VLF Research Group, Stanford, CA, 4Oceaneering International, Inc., Upper Marlboro, MD, 5Mooring Systems, Inc., Cataumet,MA, 6Air Force Research Laboratory, 7Gilman Corp., Gilman, CT

Abstract: This paper discusses research conducted by The Very Low Frequency (VLF) Group at Stanford University introducing them and a project called the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). This project utilizes the latest oceanographic and ocean-engineering technologies for exciting applications to space physics and radio science research. The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) jointly manage HAARP. The program’s facility is a high power transmitter located in Gakona, Alaska, capable of broadcasting powerful VLF radio waves into the Earth’s ionosphere. These waves propagate along the Earth’s magnetic field lines to the system’s geomagnetic conjugate point situated nominally 600 miles south of New Zealand in the southern Pacific Ocean. By studying the radio signals at this point, the VLF Group seeks to discover how energetic particles in the planet’s radiation belts interact with very low frequency electromagnetic waves.

039bd527d8c097f39238e8a47283c3ec.doc Page 11 A major application of this investigation is to better understand, simulate, and control the physical processes that affect the performance of military and civil space systems. Unfortunately, the project investigators require four years of continuous observation at the conjugate point, which rests on top of 5400 meters of a rough and often violent ocean. This ambitious challenge of operating an autonomous, stationary, floating observation platform is known as the HAARP One-Hop Experiment – South Pacific Buoy. The successful design, build and deployment of the buoy were due to careful collaboration between oceanographic, engineering and ocean technology experts. A detailed overview will be as follows: Project Introduction, System Overview, Science Payload, Main Structure/Buoy, Mooring System, Deployment, Recovery, Conclusion and Future, Acknowledgements.

18. Developments in Telemetry, Data Collection Systems and Hydrogen Gas Mitigation at Axys Technologies Inc.

Author: Mark Blaseckie (Axys Technologies Inc. CANADA)

Abstract: Over the last year, a number of developments at Axys Technologies Inc. have resulted in new applications and advantages for buoy owners and operators. We have begun outfitting our TRIAXYS Directional Wave Buoys and Moored Meteorological Buoys with Iridium and INMARSAT D+ transceivers. This has given us the capabilities to reconfiguring remote buoys from our office. Our development of a light weight/short deployment term wave buoy is complete. Our next generation payload, the Watchman 500 is being deployed this year on three buoy systems. As a result of Axys’ continued research into Hydrogen gas mitigation in solar power buoy systems, all systems shipping are now fitted with our hydrogen-scrubbing module. Our Service Partnership with Environment Canada has been renewed for another three-year term for both marine and AVOS systems. Recent problems/solutions and concerns will be presented. This presentation will discuss each of these topics and other developments at Axys Technologies Inc.

19. Telemetry Solutions for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Measurements of Waves & Currents

Authors: Neil Trenaman1, Rick Cole2, Robert Weisberg2, Kevin Amundsen3

Abstract: Real-time Ocean Observation systems are becoming an expected and required component of coastal and oceanographic science and engineering endeavors. The use of moored buoys has for many years provided a reliable and durable platform for conducting oceanographic and atmospheric measurements. There is an ever increasing the demand for more intensive data collection and an expanding suite of parameters to be measured. Evolving technical solutions are required to meet the demands. This paper evaluates the success in collecting wave measurements with a bottom mounted RD Instruments (RDI) acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP™) with Waves Technology, and NEMO, RDI’s new Real Time Waves Processing Module, designed specifically for RDI Waves users condensing currents and waves data at the ADCP for transmission to the surface, and then

039bd527d8c097f39238e8a47283c3ec.doc Page 12 sending these data via acoustic modems (wireless, Benthos, Inc.) through the water column to the surface. Results from recent field testing at the University of South Florida’s (USF) College of Marine Science (CMS), Ocean Circulation Group (OCG), who maintain a real-time monitoring program in the eastern Gulf of Mexico called the Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System (COMPS), an array of surface and bottom mounted buoys and moorings offshore spanning the west Florida shelf (WFS) from the panhandle to the Dry Tortugas. The site, components, data collection, and comparison between recorded data vs. transmitted data will be discussed and summarized. We conclude that this is a viable yet not trivial means of data collection and telemetry for ocean buoy platforms.

20. The results of the new drifters development and testing in-situ

Authors: Motyzhev S.*, Horton E.**, Lunev E.*, Kirichenko A.*, Tolstosheev A.* * Marine Hydrophysical Institute NASU/Marlin-Yug Ltd, Ukraine ** Naval Oceanographic Office, Stennis Space Center,USA

Abstract: During this intersession period, the further development of drifter technology, to have operational temperature profiles of active layer by means of bathythermographic drifters, has been carried out. Two experimental buoys were deployed in the Black Sea in April 2005 to investigate the technology as a whole. A few short boat expeditions were carried out to test new system of tether and temperature chain setting to have the buoy air deployed without meshing of these buoy's parts during automatic deployment after air dropping. The software for data processing from this kind of drifter was developed and a few versions of the software were created in coordination with NAVOCEANO and Meteo-France. Joint experiment with bathythermographic drifter and Argo profiling float was carried out in the Black Sea to compare the temperature profiles provided by both buoys, when they had approximately same locations. To provide the further data assimilation by a user, the method, to have the buoy's data put on GTS, has been developed. Evaluation of the results of barometric pressure (BP) measurement by means of SVPB drifters with smaller hull as well as by bathythermographic buoys deployed in the Black Sea for the first part of 2005 showed that there are the problems with accuracy of BP measurements for new buoys when some wind took place. On the other hand, the analysis of so called storm buoys in operation showed that 2003 generation of this buoy did not have any problems with accuracy of BP samples. A few buoys deployed in 2003 had been keeping high quality of BP measurements for 2003 storm season as well as for next 2004 storm season even during strong hurricanes. All this has become a reason to organize additional investigation of this matter to understand the entity and eliminate the problem. Intercalibration of Ukrainian BP state standard was done to remove systematic BP shift near 0.9 hPa between Marlin and other drifters.

***(PAPER WITHDRAWN)*** Evolution of the Global Drifter Array Author: Rick Lumpkin and Mayra Pazos Abstract: The evolution of the Global Drifter Array is examined for the period 1995 – 2005. The growth of the array from one month to the next is due to: 1. the number of drifters deployed that month, and

039bd527d8c097f39238e8a47283c3ec.doc Page 13 2. number of drifters that died (failed on deployment, ceased transmitting, ran aground, or picked up) that month. Both (1) and (2) have increased over the period 1995 – 2005. (2) can be simulated – to lowest order – as a function of the size of the array. The robustness of this model for drifter “deaths” is examined for the historical period, and is used to predict the future evolution of the array. From this study, we estimate how many drifters must be deployed each month to maintain a global array of 1250 drifters.

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