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JOYCE X. ZHOU School of Business Emporia State University 1200 Commercial Street Emporia, KS 66801 Telephone: (620) 341-6594 Email: [email protected]
Ph.D. in Marketing & International Business Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, MO May 2009
Master of Business Administration Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL May 2004
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies with Minor in Management (Magna Cum Laude) Centenary College, Hackettstown, NJ August 2001
Worldwide Who’s Who, 2012 Nominee for “One in a Million” of the National Teachers Hall of Fame, 2012 Nominee for the SPURS Outstanding Faculty Award, Emporia State University, 2012 Faculty Advisor to the recipient of Graduate School Scholar’s Circle Fund, Emporia State University, 2012
Faculty Advisor to the recipient of Student Research Grants (3 grants in total), Emporia State University, 2012
Outstanding Recognized Student Organization Advisor of the Year, Emporia State University, 2011
Recipient of International Partnership Travel Grant, Emporia State University, 2011
Marquis Who is Who, 2011 Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2009 as a Highly Commended Award Winner - Magnusson, Peter, Rick Wilson, Srdan Zdravkovic, Joyce Zhou, and Stan Westjohn (2008) “Breaking Through the Cultural Clutter: A Comparative Assessment of Multiple Cultural and Institutional Frameworks,” International Marketing Review, 25(2): 183-201.
Graduate Teaching Award (sole winner chosen from all graduate teaching instructors in the university), Saint Louis University, MO, 2008
1Updated 01/02/2014 Brennan Dissertation Award (one of two winners selected from all doctoral candidates in the university), Saint Louis University, MO, 2008
Certificate in University Teaching Skills. Reinert Center for Teaching Excellence, Saint Louis University, MO, 2008
Doctoral Student Award for Academy of Marketing Science Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference, New Orleans, LA , January 2008
Society of Marketing Advances Doctoral Consortium Fellow, San Antonio, November, 2007 Brennan Summer Fellowship Award, Saint Louis University, MO, 2007
College of Business and Management Outstanding Academic Achievement, Northeastern Illinois University, IL, 2004
Award of Merit in Recognition of Outstanding Research, Northeastern Illinois University, IL, 2004
Scholarship for Outstanding Student, Centenary College, NJ, 2000-2001
Han, Yan, Joyce X. Zhou, and Jun Yu (2013), “Gender Stereotypes in Gift Purchasing and Giving in the Chinese Context”, International Journal of Business, Marketing, and Decision Sciences, Vol. 6,No. 1, 13-24. Yu, Jun, Kevin Coulson, Joyce X. Zhou, and Joseph Wen (2013), “Substantive and Associative Claims in Environmental Communication: A Study of Fortune 500 Websites", Journal of Promotion Management, Vol. 19, No. 2, 211-223. (Cabell’s directory: 3-Blind review and 18- 21% acceptance rate). Yu, Jun, Joyce X. Zhou, Yagang Wang, and Youmin Xi (2012), “Reading Institutional Perspective from Entrepreneur Stories”, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 51, No. 2, 183-195, (Cabell’s directory: 3-Blind review and 11-20% acceptance rate). Yu, Jun, Joyce X. Zhou, and Joseph Wen (2011), “New Product Concept Generation: The Case of B2B E-marketplace in Developing and Developed Markets”, International Journal of Management Theory and Practices, Vol.12, No.1, 24-43 (Cabell’s directory: 2-Blind review and 17% acceptance rate). Yu, Jun, Kevin Coulson, Joyce X. Zhou, Joseph Wen and Qiang Zhao (2011), “Communicating Corporate Environmental Citizenship: An Examination of Fortune 500 Web Sites”, Journal of Internet Commerce, Vol. 10, No. 3, 193-207 (Cabell’s directory: 2-Blind review and 25% acceptance rate). Park, Ji Eun, Jun Yu, and Joyce X. Zhou (2010) “Consumer Innovativeness and Shopping Styles”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 27, No. 5, 437-446 (Cabell’s directory: 3-Blind review and 23% acceptance rate).
2Updated 01/02/2014 Yu, Jun and Joyce X. Zhou, (2010) “Segmenting Young Chinese Consumers based on Shopping Decision Styles: A Regional Comparison”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 22, No. 1, 59-71(Cabell’s directory: 3-Blind review and 11-20% acceptance rate). Zhou, Joyce X., Mark J. Arnold, Arun Pereira, and Jun Yu (2010) “Chinese Consumer Decision-Making Styles: A Comparison between the Coastal and Inland Regions,” Journal of Business Research, Vol. 63, No. 1, 45-51 (Cabell’s directory: 3-Blind review and 6-10% acceptance rate; impact factor: 0.943). Westjohn, Stanford A., Mark J. Arnold, Peter Magnusson, Srdan Zdravkovic, and Joyce X. Zhou, "Technology Readiness and Usage: A Global-Identity Perspective," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol, 37, No.3, 2009, 250-265 (Cabell’s directory: 4-Blind review and 10-15% acceptance rate; impact factor: 2.570). Liang, Beichen and Joyce X. Zhou, “Book Review: Selling to New Chinese Consumers” (2009), Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 21, No.1, 87-88 (Cabell’s directory: 3-Blind review and 11-20% acceptance rate). Magnusson, Peter, Rick Wilson, Srdan Zdravkovic, Joyce X. Zhou, and Stan A. Westjohn, “Breaking through the Cultural Clutter: A Comparative Assessment of Multiple Cultural and Institutional Frameworks,” International Marketing Review, Vol. 25, No.2, 2008, 183- 201(Cabell’s directory: 3-Blind review and 21-30% acceptance rate). Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2009 as a Highly Commended Award Winner CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS & PROCEEDINGS
“Peers Influence in Gift Giving in the Chinese Context: The Consumer Socialization Perspective” with Jun Yu and Guizi Liang, Society of Business Research Conference, Nashiville, TN, October 2013
“ Pinterest Usage in Fortune 50 Companies” with Jun Yu and Yohan Kim, 2013 Korean Scholars and Marketing Science Spring International Conference (KSMS), Kyeonggi-do, South Korea, June 2013 “Pinterest Usage in Fortune 50 Companies” with Jun Yu and Yohan Kim, Poster Presentation, Research and Creativity Day, Emporia State University, May 2013 “Promoting Business Schools”, with Kevin Coulson, Jun Yu, and Zhen Yin, Poster and Oral Presentations, Research and Creativity Day, Emporia State University, May 2013 “Promoting Business Schools” , with Kevin Coulson, Jun Yu, and Zhen Yin, the International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines conference , Dallas, TX, April 2013. (The paper won the Outstanding Research Paper Award). “Consumers’ Global Identify and National Identity: An Empirical Study”, with Jun Yu and Nitish Sigh, American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Chicago, IL, August 2012
“Gender Stereotypes in Gift Purchasing and Giving in the Chinese Context”, with Jun Yu and Han Yan, The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference, Dallas, TX, April 2012
“Gender Stereotypes in Gift Purchasing and Giving in the Chinese Context”, with Jun Yu and Han Yan, Creativity and Research Day, Emporia State University, April 2012
3Updated 01/02/2014 “Effect of Teaching Method on Students’ Perceptions of Instructor Attributes”, with Marian Riedy and Jun Yu, (poster presentation), Assessment Forum, Emporia State University, February 2012
“Green Marketing on the Internet: An Examination of Fortune 500 Firms”, with Jun Yu, Kevin Coulson, Joseph Wen and Qiang Zhao, (poster presentation), Creativity and Research Day, Emporia State University, April 2011
“Green Marketing on the Internet: An Examination of Fortune 500 Firms”, with Jun Yu, Kevin Coulson, and Qiang Zhao, The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference, Orlando, FL, January 2011
“The Impact of Consumer Innovativeness on Shopping Styles: The Case of Young Chinese Consumers”, with Ji Eun Park and Jun Yu, American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, Tampa, FL, February 2009
“Consumer Shopping Styles and Life Satisfaction”, with Jun Yu, Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, November 2008
“Consumer Shopping Decision Making Styles”, Academy of Marketing Science Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference, New Orleans, LA, January 2008
“Attitudes toward Advertising: Region Differences in China”, with Maxwell Hsu, Arun Pereira and Bin Yu, Society of Marketing Advances Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, November 2007
“Advertising Perceptions and Culture: A Comparison between Taiwan and US Consumers”, with Maxwell Hsu, Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators Annual Conference, Houston, TX, March 2007
“National Culture, Team Learning and Team Innovations”, with Janet Murray, American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, San Diego, CA, February 2007
“Influence of Attitude toward Statistics and Technology on Statistical Package Usage Behavior”, with Maxwell Hsu, Society of Marketing Advances Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, November 2006
“Untangling Cultural Distance: A Comparison of Nine Measures and Their Effect on Foreign Entry Mode Selection”, with Peter Magnusson, Rick T. Wilson, Srdan Zdravkovic and Stan Westjohn, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, August 2006
4Updated 01/02/2014 “Global Identity and National Identity: An Investigation across Cultures”, with Nitish Singh and Jun Yu
“National Culture, Team Learning and Team Innovations”, with Janet Murray
“Attitudes toward Advertising: Regional Variations in an Emerging Market”, with Maxwell Hsu, Arun Pereira, and Jun Yu; data collection completed, data analysis in progress
“Product Naming and Consumer Experience”, with Brian Till and Ji Eun Park; majority of data collection completed
“Cultural Influence in the Dark Side of Gift Giving”, with Mark Arnold and Jun Yu; data collection completed
Track Chair for Social Media Marketing, Chinese Marketing International Conference, 2013
Reviewer for International Joint Conference on Service Sciences (IJCSS), 2011
Reviewer for American Marketing Association Educators’ Conference, Winter 2006, Summer, 2006, Winter 2007, Summer 2007, Winter 2008 Reviewer for Academy of International Business Annual Conference, 2006, 2007 Reviewer for Academy of Marketing Science conference, 2008 Reviewer for Journal of Small Business Management Reviewer for Multinational Business Review Session Chair for Contemporary Advertising track at the American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, San Diego, CA, February 2007
Member of Graduate and Career Services Coordinator Search Committee, School of Business, ESU 2013
Faculty Advisor to the Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone Project for Shevette Scott, ESU, 2013 Member of Ethics and Gender Studies Committee, Emporia State University, 2013
Chair of the Marketing Curriculum Committee, School of Business, ESU, 2013
Member of Management Search Committee, School of Business, ESU, 2013
Member of Robert J. Grover Scholarship Committee, Emporia State University, 2013
5Updated 01/02/2014 Member of Higher Learning Commissions Criterion One Committee, Emporia State University, 2012-Present
Member of Marketing and Retention Committee, Emporia State University, 2012-2013
Member of Special Event Board, Emporia State University, 2012
Judge of Kansas District VII FBLA Contest, Emporia State University, 2012
Member of Learning Management System Selection Task Force, Emporia State University, 2012
Member of Career Fair and Graduate School Fair Planning Committee, Emporia State University, June 2012---Present
Member of School of Business Student Committee, Emporia State University, January 2012-- Present
Member of Kansas Business Hall of Fame, 2011-Present
Member of University Honors Program, Emporia State University, September 2011—Present
Member of Graduate Council, Emporia State University, September 2009-Present Member of Graduate Faculty Criteria Committee, Emporia State University, October 2010- Present Member of Durst Research Committee, Emporia State University, September 2009-Present Member of Boylan Thesis Award Committee, Emporia State University, September 2012- Present Teamed up with ESU Foundation on promoting the Sam E & Jeannene Hayes Lecture Series – Colonel Cameron Leiker, 2012
Advised Sakura Choir on promoting the concert in Emporia Community, April 13, 2013
Co advisor to the Enactus (previous SIFE) organization, Emporia State University, KS, 2012- Present Co advisor to Marketing Club, Emporia State University, Kansas, September 2009- Present
Co advisor to the ESU Chinese Student Association (CSA), Emporia, Kansas, September 2009- Present
Initiated the exchange program between ESU and HwaNan Women’s College, 2010
Faculty sponsor to the Scholars Circle Fund graduate student award recipient, 2012
Faculty sponsor to the Scholars Circle Fund graduate student award recipient, 2013
6Updated 01/02/2014 Faculty sponsor to the student award recipients of Undergraduate Travel Grant for the Scholarly, Research, or Creative Activities, 2013
American Marketing Association Academy of Marketing Science Society of Marketing Advances Asian Women Professionals’ Network American Advertising Federation OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE
Teaching and Research Assistant Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, MO 2005-2009
Operation Management Intern Venus Processing & Storage, Franklin Park, IL 2004
Research Assistant Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL 2002-2004
Teaching and Research Assistant Chapman University, Orange, CA 2001-2002
Assistant Manager NewAlways Computer Inc., Fuzhou, China 1999-2000
Chairperson of Timmerman Elementary Site Council, Emporia, KS, 2013
Member of Young Emporia Professionals, Emporia, KS, 2013-Present
Member of Emporia Chamber of Commerce, Emporia, KS, 2012-Present
Member of Emporia Main Street, Emporia, KS, 2012-Present
Member of American Business Woman Association (ABWA), 2009-2011
Mentor for undergraduate IB major, Saint Louis University, MO, 2006-2009
Interpreter, NOVUS International Inc., Saint Louis, MO, Summer 2007
Organizing Assistant, Annual Awards Ceremony by Boeing Institute of International Business, Saint Louis University, MO, 2007
7Updated 01/02/2014 Organizing Assistant, Culture Event held by Boeing Institute of International Business, Saint Louis University, MO, 2006
Organizing Assistant, Distinguished Guest Lecture by W. James McNerney Jr., Chairman, President and CEO, The Boeing Company, Saint Louis University, MO, 2006
Organizing Assistant, 2005 International Business Conference by Boeing Institute of International Business, Saint Louis University, MO, 2005
Voluntary service worker for nursing homes, a hospital for the disabled, and other charitable organizations, Fuzhou, China & Hackettstown, NJ, 1997-2001
Playwright, director, and costume and props designer for English Drama Competition, Fuzhou, China, 1997-2000
Leading dancer and choreographer for campus extracurricular events, Fuzhou, China, 1998
Kansas Downtown Symposium, Emporia, Kansas, October 2012
Setting up a Business Facebook Page workshop, KSBDC, Emporia, September 2012
Instructional Ideas and Technology Tools for Online Success (Free) Class, April-June, 2012
UInnovate Series Teaching Technology Training, Emporia State University, Fall 2012
Zoomerang Basics Training, Emporia State University, July 2012
How to Be a Successful and Effective Teacher presented by Harry and Rosemary Wong, Emporia State University, June 2012
Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program workshop, Emporia State University, December 2011
Quality Matters: Using Multimedia Technology in Student Engagement workshop, Emporia State University, October 2011
Catch the Buzz with Web 2.0 Tools, Jones Institute for Educational Excellence, Emporia State University, Emporia State University, March 2011
Principles of Instruction: What Works, Jones Institute for Educational Excellence, Emporia State University, Emporia State University, February 2011
8Updated 01/02/2014