Grateful Giving October 18/19, 2014

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Grateful Giving October 18/19, 2014

Grateful Giving – October 18/19, 2014 Week 29 (A)

Last Saturday, when I received my mail and my mother texted me at the same time stating that her letter from Saint Paschal’s contained incorrect tithing information, I knew it was going to be a long weekend and a long week.

I hope you heard my “robo call” and also received an apology letter in the mail. Again, I want to stress how sorry I am about this computer glitch and the amounts that were reported in the letters. We accurately record our tithing information – and you may come into the office to check this out. Just call our Business Manager, Patty, for an appointment or you may speak with her on the phone.

What a way to start our reflection on our parish’s stewardship! But that is what has happened. This whole event highlights for me how thankful I am for all of you to be part of such a dynamic, caring, loving parish. You love our parish – we love our parish and we want what’s best for it – and making sure that our sacrifices to God our accurately kept. I can assure you that the ushers, money counters and parish office staff take this all very seriously – for they, like you, also are making their sacrifices to insure that our parish stays great. Thank you for the ways you give and share your time, talent and treasure.

Now for those of you who are wondering, the last time we spoke about our parish’s regularly offertory collection since September 2010. So that’s a long time, especially when sacred scripture regularly brings this topic of tithing and stewardship. Annually before Lent the diocese reminds us about Catholic Charities, and in December 2010 the diocese asked us to participate in a capital campaign that has had it’s benefits for us. But these were diocesan programs. We have not focused on our own stewardship and tithing as a faith community since September 2010. Here’s a renewed

1 opportunity for each of us to reflect and pray on our sacrificial offerings to God & our faith community.

With other parishes across the diocese, we are joining in this spiritual matter of reflecting on our tithing, our charitable giving, especially to our church. Our sacred scriptures remind us of how important it is. Jesus is always asked questions about the secular business of the world. Jesus reminds the people of his time as he reminds us of an important lesson: we have financial concerns; however, it is important that we always give to God what is God’s. We cannot divorce ourselves from the world and Christian living – Christ never wanted us to do this as we hear in his answer to the authorities.

And what is God’s? Everything! Everything belongs to God – all is gift from God, from our family and children, our talents, all our belongings. Christ holds up for us that we would not exist if it weren’t for the fact that all is rendered to God. And that we also have to take care of the matters of this world.

So we return to the purpose of the letter and grateful giving program: we are asked to prayerfully reflect on how we support the mission of our parish. Despite our efforts at cost cutting, frugality, having few priests on staff and more, our operating expenses have increased and continued to be a challenge. We know we all have been challenged through tough economic times. We are all making sacrifices to God and I am grateful for your past sacrifices and gifts to God.

It is good for us to reflect on these sacrifices, and our stewardship - -our personal and communal tithing. God’s needs and our church’s needs and to remember what we can do to reach out and help our vibrant community to grow and be further enhanced. With so many ministries, over 60, we know and see daily how our parish is active and needs the financial means to help sustain and improve

2 our parish’s life. As we look forward to implementing the strategic plan for the next 5 –years, we will need your continued financial support.

You have been so generous in the past, even with difficult times. I congratulate you and am happy to announce this weekend – we are able to pay off our loan on the church heating and AC. Congregations and thank you for your hard work on this! (APPLAUSE)

Now, however, we continue with the loan for the school roof, gym and Father O’Brien Hall – and I am grateful that you continue to support this loan repayment with the collection envelope for this on the first Sunday of the month.

Today, I would like every household to make a decision in regard to your offertory giving to our parish. I ask the ushers to now distribute our Commitment Cards.

I have been thinking and praying for this issue a lot. I am personally grateful for all that God has given me: my family, my vocation as a religious of the Blessed Sacrament, an ordained priesthood and a wonderful parish family. I, too, have been taking a deeper look at my financial blessings. Our discipleship is what is most important in our lives. Our decision to follow Christ and to live our lives in total trust of God is a challenge, but at the heart of who we all are.

Now that you have your Commitment Cards, please fully complete them at this time. This is an intention card – not a legally binding document. It indicates what you intend to do to support our parish. No one will question you about it. It serves two purposes. It helps you to plan and be specific about what you will do to help out our parish financially.

3 It will help the parish plan a budget for the financial management of our parish. Also, we encourage you to make your gifts to the parish electronically to make sure that your intentional gift is used to its fullest.

Also sent to your homes, and in the pews right now, is a document that has a “Take a Step in Giving” chart. You are the one in the best position to know what sacrifice your means allow at this time. If you can do even more than what is suggested, thank you! We are hoping for equal sacrifice, not equal gifts.

We really need to increase our level of giving if we are to make good progress in maintaining the vitality of our parish life. With your help, we can do it.

PAUSE You will notice that there is a box on the intention card for those who have not been receiving envelopes. If you would like to have envelopes, which I encourage, simply check that box and parish envelopes will be provided.

You will also notice additional information regarding our Electronic Giving Program. Check that box if you would like more information sent to you.

Once you have finished please place your commitment card in the collection basket as the ushers come by in the next few minutes for the regular collection.

Thank you for listening these past two weekends. Thank you for your continued dedication, love, care and support of SPB.


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