Standard for Management of Guide Technical Specifications and Technical Supplementals
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16878 – Gas Insulated Switchgear Equipment Table of Contents 16878.1 General...... 2 16878.1.1 Scope of Supply...... 2 16878.1.1.1 Contractor’s Services...... 4 16878.1.2 Items Furnished by Others and Interfaces...... 4 16878.1.3 Performance and Design Requirements...... 5 16878.1.4 Codes and Standards...... 5 16878.1.5 Technical Attachments...... 7 16878.1.6 Supplemental Specifications...... 8 D100.6 Building Code and Site Conditions...... 8 D200 Design Ambients...... 8 E100 Wiring Methods, Cable, and Raceway...... 8 E520 Terminal Blocks and Fuse Holders...... 13 16878.1.7 GIS Equipment Ratings and Service Conditions...... 17 16878.1.8 Specific Equipment Requirements...... 19 16878.1.9 Circuit Breakers...... 21 16878.1.10 Disconnect and Grounding Switches...... 21 16878.1.11 Gas System...... 22 16878.1.12 Current Transformers...... 24 16878.1.13 Inductive Voltage Transformers...... 24 16878.1.14 Metal-Enclosed Surge Arresters...... 25 16878.1.15 SF6 Gas-to-Air Bushings...... 25 16878.1.16 GIS to Cable Connections...... 25 16878.1.17 Local Control Cabinets...... 25 16878.1.18 Audible Noise...... 27 16878.1.19 Ladders, Platforms, Stairs, and Walkways...... 27 16878.1.20 Special Tool Requirements...... 28 16878.1.21 Factory Testing...... 28 16878.1.22 Studies...... 28 16878.1.23 Final Exhibits...... 29 16878.1.24 Training...... 29 16878.1.24.1 GIS Application Theory - Overall Introduction...... 29 16878.1.24.2 Equipment Principles of Operation...... 30 16878.1.24.3 Assembly...... 30 16878.1.24.4 Testing...... 30 16878.1.24.5 SF6 Gas...... 30 16878.1.25 Videos and Photographs...... 31 16878.1.26 Tests...... 31 16878.1.27 Gas Leak Detector...... 33 16878.1.28 Gas Handling Equipment...... 33 16878.1.29 Shipment...... 34 16878.1.30 Packaging...... 35 16878.1.31 Spare Parts...... 35 16878.2 Erection, Site Testing, and Commissioning Specifications...... 35 16878.2.1 General...... 35 16878.2.2 Equipment Erection...... 36 16878.2.3 Miscellaneous Material...... 36 16878.2.4 Equipment Protection...... 36 16878.2.5 Cleaning...... 36 16878.2.6 Maintenance Tools...... 37 16878.2.7 Contractor’s Inspection and Supervision...... 37 16878.2.8 Testing...... 37 16878.2.9 Commissioning...... 41
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16878.1 General
16878.1.1 Scope of Supply
The Contractor shall design, manufacture, test, ship, deliver, offload, assemble, gas fill, field test, assist SMUD during commissioning, and guarantee all equipment, material, and services for a complete GIS facility as shown on the drawings included in Section 16878.1.5.
The GIS shall consist of circuit breakers, disconnect switches, maintenance grounding switches, high speed grounding switches, voltage transformers (VTs), current transformers (CTs), surge arresters, buses, local control cabinets (LCCs), cable sealing ends (CSE), elbows, expansion bellows, controls, low voltage cables for control, protection and monitoring of the GIS equipment systems, gas density monitors, platforms, surge arresters, special tools (including leak detection and gas handling equipment), and SF6 gas for initial filling.
The Contractor shall provide the following:
The complete GIS equipment with associated circuit breakers, disconnect and grounding switches, CTs, and VTs.
All metal-enclosed bus for interconnecting various switchgear assemblies, including flexible joints to ensure service continuity during thermal cycling and vibration.
All necessary fixed permanent supports, platforms, stairways, and walkways, including fasteners to foundation. This includes all required steel supports for the gas insulated bus (GIB) up to the defined termination point. Final design of platforms and walkways shall be acceptable to SMUD.
All auxiliary equipment for emergency control and local supervision, including interlocks; operating mechanisms; and control, monitoring and protective devices, installed in suitable cabinets.
All LCCs with respective mimic buses, internal wiring, and terminations.
All wiring of devices and terminations internal to the GIS and all shielded control cables (and associated raceways), above foundation, between the GIS equipment and the GIS LCCs. Wiring between the GIS equipment terminals and the LCC shall be with dedicated factory prefabricated cables with modular plugs and receptacles (only for the device end, terminate the LCC end with lugs/terminal blocks). Raceways and conduits shall be installed so as not to present a safety hazard or impediment to personnel servicing the equipment.
Ground buses and grounding connection pads for connection to the station ground grid. The grounding design shall meet IEEE/IEC requirements.
Gas density monitors (with alarm contacts), pressure relief devices, and gas filling connections.
New gaskets, sealant, and desiccant for permanent sealing of all field assembled joints and all access covers removed during assembly. No gaskets are to be reused for any permanent seal broken or disturbed in the field. If pressure relief devices are rupture disks or other self-destructive devices, then at least six spare discs and associated gaskets are to be provided. Rupture disks and gaskets are also to be included as part of normal replacement parts stock.
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Initial filling (plus 5 percent as spare) of SF6 gas and any fluids, greases, etc., as required.
Any other equipment that is not specifically noted herein but that is necessary for trouble-free operation, installation, and maintenance of the GIS.
GIS Contractor to provide all, personal, equipment, facilities, and competent engineering/supervisory staff required to for assembly, installation and training SMUD's personnel during the installation of the GIS at site.
All high voltage and low voltage test equipment, materials, and testing personnel required, including transportation to and from the jobsite, to fully test the GIS and accessories at site to certify the equipment ready for energization done by contactor.
Any special tools, lifting devices, cover plates, and gas manifolds necessary for erection. All such materials, required for maintenance purposes, will be retained by SMUD to be turned over to SMUD.
External surface preparation and coating. The Contractor shall include detailed coating information in the proposal, and a minimum of 4 liters of touchup coating shall also be provided after the Contractor has completed the work and left at the site.
Anchor bolts and/or other embedded steel/materials, if part of foundation pouring, required by the GIS Contractor for providing a level mounting surface for the GIS equipment and for mitigating ground potential rises around the GIS.
The Contractor shall include in the proposal documents any costs associated with providing recommendations for grounding the GIS to mitigate step and touch potentials during normal operation and fault interruption conditions.
All provisions necessary to mitigate very fast transients (VFTs) in the GIS during switching operations.
Equipment identification nameplates for each main GIS component and operating device must be delivered and installed with the equipment.
Equipment rating nameplates for each main GIS component and operating device must be delivered and installed with the equipment.
Complete design documentation for GIS equipment including but not limited to physical drawings, schematics and wiring diagrams.
Training for SMUD’s operation and maintenance personnel.
An insulation coordination study shall be performed to verify the location and number of air-insulated switchgear (AIS) surge arresters for protection of the GIS equipment, interconnected underground cable circuit insulation systems, and other equipment. The Contractor shall include in the proposal a listing of the information needed to perform the insulation coordination study, the breakout of the cost of the study, and the estimated time to perform the study. The Contractor shall also include in the proposal (should the study results indicate GIS metal-enclosed surge arresters are required at the underground cable circuit terminations) the physical ramifications of adding GIS metal- enclosed type surge arresters into the arrangement as far as change in overall GIS equipment footprint inside the GIS Building.
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The grounding and bonding design shall be prepared and all enclosure bonding provisions shall be included to mitigate induced currents in the GIS. The Contractor shall include specific recommendations for grounding the GIS to mitigate step and touch potentials, as well as mitigating VFTs and induced sheath currents.
The short-time current withstand ratings of all equipment and components comprising the equipment shall be coordinated.
Drawings and calculations for SMUD's review and approval indicating the Contractor's grounding and bonding requirements for the GIS equipment.
Drawings for SMUD's review and approval indicating the Contractor's raceway design for the cabling internal to the GIS equipment and cable design between the GIS equipment and the LCCs.
Drawings indicating the Contractor's proposed LCC design and layout.
Calculations and a report documenting the technical aspects of VT ferroresonance suppression for the GIS station.
16878.1.1.1 Contractor’s Services.
The Contractor's services shall be in accordance with the following:
Contractor shall be responsible for all aspects of furnish and install (F&I) process, the completed GIS system shall be warranted against all defects or failures resulting from faulty design, manufacturing, workmanship, installation and testing.
Duration of the Contractor's services shall be based on project needs.
The Contractor shall provide field-experienced (minimum of 5 years experience) and certified (by the Contractor) technicians in the quantity required to perform installation/erection work for the GIS and accessories. The Contractor's technicians shall be on the site at all times during the GIS and accessories installation.
16878.1.2 Items Furnished by Others and Interfaces
Items furnished by others and not in this scope of supply include the following:
Permanent building completed by the date for receipt of the GIS equipment.
Permanent building services, e.g., ventilation, lighting, and hoisting equipment (maintenance crane), completed by the date for receipt of the GIS equipment.
Concrete foundations for indoor GIS equipment.
Air-insulated substation and transmission system equipment (AIS) outside the GIS.
Underground cable circuits connecting to the GIS.
Below grade station ground grid and ground connections of adequate length to connect the GIS equipment to the station ground grid.
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DC power and other station service equipment such as panelboards and associated raceway.
AC auxiliary power and other station service equipment such as panelboards, safety switches, and associated raceway.
DC batteries and battery chargers.
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) remote terminal unit (RTU) equipment.
Raceway and wiring from the Contractor-furnished equipment to equipment that is provided by others.
Protective relaying and control systems.
16878.1.3 Performance and Design Requirements
Performance and design requirements are as follows:
All equipment and material shall be prefabricated, factory assembled, tested, and shipped in the largest practical assemblies. All equipment ratings shall be equal to or greater than the GIS standards (IEEE C37.122/IEC 62271-200) for this class of equipment except where specifically noted otherwise.
Assembled equipment shall be capable of withstanding electrical, mechanical, and thermal ratings of the specified system. All joints and connections shall be able to withstand the forces of expansion, vibration, contraction, and specified seismic requirements without deformation, malfunction, or leakage. Equipment shall be capable of withstanding the specified environmental conditions.
Optimized arrangements are required to reduce installation time, provide ease of operation, minimize maintenance and repair costs, and facilitate future additions as described in these specifications. The space or area limitations for the GIS are shown on the drawings included with these specifications. Final arrangement shall be as approved by SMUD.
Optimized arrangements shall permit full opening of each manhole, cover, and door. Sufficient space and access areas shall be provided to permit the removal and reinstallation of each internal and external equipment and component. The access areas around the equipment shall accommodate the use of overhead cranes, maintenance fixtures, jigs, and any other required test and maintenance equipment. All gauges, viewports, and gas fill points shall be located so as to be readily accessible/viewable by maintenance personnel.
16878.1.4 Codes and Standards
GIS equipment and work performed under these specifications shall be done in accordance with the following codes and standards:
ANSI (US) C2, National Electric Safety Code.
ASTM (US) D2472, Specification for Sulfur Hexafluoride.
IEC 60044-1, Instrument transformers – Part 1: Current transformers (latest edition including amendments)
IEC 60050 (all parts), International Electrotechnical Vocabulary.
IEC 60060, High Voltage Test Techniques.
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IEC 60068-2-11, Basic environmental testing procedures – Part 2-11: Tests – test Ka: Salt mist
IEC 60071 (parts 1 and 2), Insulation Coordination.
IEC 60137, Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1000V.
IEC 60270, High-voltage test techniques – Partial discharge measurements
IEC 60376, Specification of technical grade sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) for use in electrical equipment.
IEC 60480, Guidelines for the checking and treatment of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) taken from electrical equipment and specification for its re-use.
IEC 61462, Composite hollow insulators – pressurized and unpressurized insulators for use in electrical equipment with rated voltage greater than 1000V – Definitions, test methods, acceptance criteria, and design recommendations.
IEC TS 61639, Direction connection between power transformers and gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages of 72.5kV and above.
IEC 61869-1, Instrument transformers – Part 1: General requirements
IEC 61869-3, Instrument transformers – Part 3: Additional requirements for inductive voltage transformers.
IEC 62155, Hollow pressurized and unpressurized ceramic and glass insulators for use in electrical equipment with rated voltages greater than 1000V.
IEC 62271-1, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 1: Common specifications.
IEC 62271-100, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 100: Alternating- current circuit-breakers.
IEC 62271-102, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 102: Alternating- current disconnectors and earthing switches.
IEC 62271-200, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 200: AC metal- enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1kV and up to and including 52kV.
IEC 62271-203, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 203: Gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear rated for voltages above 52kV.
IEC 62271-209, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 209: Cable connections for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV – Fluid-filled and extruded insulation cables – Fluid-filled and dry-type cable- terminations
IEC TR 62271-303, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 303: Use and handling of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).
IEEE 80, Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding.
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IEEE C37.04, IEEE Standard Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Basis.
IEEE C37.06, IEEE Standard for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis—Preferred Ratings and Required Capabilities for Voltages above 1000V.
IEEE C37.017, Bushings for High-Voltage [over 1000 V (ac)] Circuit Breakers and Gas- Insulated Switchgear
IEEE C37.122, High Voltage Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV
IEEE C37.122.1, Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV.
IEEE C37.122.2, Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
IEEE C37.122.3, Guide for Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) Gas Handling for High-Voltage (over 1000 Vac) Equipment
IEEE C57.19.01, Performance Characteristics and Dimensions for Outdoor Apparatus Bushings.
IEEE Std C57.13, IEEE Standard Requirements for Instrument Transformers.
ISO 3231, Paints and varnished – Determinating of resistance to humid atmospheres containing sulfur dioxide.
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) CC 1, Electric Power Connectors for Substations.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) (US) 70 (NEC), National Electrical Code.
16878.1.5 Technical Attachments
The following attachments accompany these specifications in either paper or electronic format. The information contained in these documents constitutes requirements under the defined Scope of Work:
Document Number/Description Title Revision STG-A1C-D001 Architectural Sub Level Floor (EL -10’-0”) B STG-A1C-D002 Architectural Level Floor (EL 4’-0”) B STG-A1C-D003 Architectural Level Floor (34’-4”) B STG-A2H-D001 Architectural Section (Sheet 1) A STG-A2H-D002 Architectural Section (Sheet 2) A STG-E1B-D001 One Line Station Switching D STG-E1B-D002, D003, Functional One Line 115kV Station Control & A D004, D005 Relay SS1009 Districts Equipment Wiring Requirements 5 SS0001 (W001) Drawings and Technical Data 9
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Document Number/Description Title Revision S001 Field Engineering Services Requirements 1
16878.1.6 Supplemental Specifications
Technical supplemental specifications that are applicable to the work required shall be incorporated in equipment design by Contractor.
D100.6 Building Code and Site Conditions
Table D100-2 Building Code and Site Conditions General Design Data: Building Code N/A Occupancy Category N/A Ft (Finished Grade Elevations) See 16878.1.5 Wind Design Data: per ASCE 7 N/A Seismic Design Data: Seismic design zone IEEE 693 high
D200 Design Ambients
Area Specific Design. The general design ambient air conditions shall be used unless area specific or equipment specific conditions are indicated below:
Table D200-1 General Ambient Air Conditions Temperature, °C Relative Humidity, % Area Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum General Outdoor Area -30 39.5 44 100
E100 Wiring Methods, Cable, and Raceway
E100.1 General Requirements
In general, all devices furnished under these specifications and requiring electrical connections shall be designed for wiring into electrical enclosures with terminal blocks. Terminal blocks shall be furnished for conductors requiring connection to circuits external to the specified equipment, for internal circuits crossing shipping splits, and where equipment parts replacement and maintenance will be facilitated.
Splices in wiring will not be acceptable.
Banding of the cable to the structure or equipment will not be permitted.
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Unless otherwise specified, all spare contacts on all electrical devices, including (but not limited to) each control switch, auxiliary relay, control relay, and lockout relay, shall be wired out to terminal blocks.
All wiring exiting an enclosure shall be from terminal blocks and not from other devices in the enclosure.
Auxiliary equipment including terminal blocks, auxiliary relays, or contactors shall be readily accessible. Auxiliary equipment shall be located in compartments, enclosures or junction boxes in such an arrangement that service personnel will have direct access to the equipment without removal of barriers, cover plates, or wiring.
Terminal blocks (GE EB-25) for external connections shall be grouped in the LCC for easy accessibility, unrestricted by interference from structural members and instruments. Sufficient space shall be provided on each side of each terminal block to allow an orderly arrangement of all wiring to be terminated on the block.
Terminal blocks shall not be mounted in compartments containing uninsulated conductors operating at voltages above 1000 volts.
Current transformer leads shall be terminated on shorting type terminal blocks (GE EB-27)
For safety reasons, the current transformer shall be grounded but the grounding shall occur only at the shorting terminal blocks.
All electrical cables shall be conservatively selected for the electrical and environmental conditions of the installations and shall be of the best construction for the service where unusual service conditions are encountered. Proper temperature application cable shall be used throughout. All electrical power and control conductors shall be Class B, stranded copper conductors, 14 AWG or larger, voltage transformer conductors shall be 12 AWG or larger, and current transformer conductors shall be 10 AWG or larger.
Electrical cables shall not include PVC. Shielded control cable shall be required.
Control conductors 8 AWG (10 mm2) and smaller shall be terminated with compression ring tongue type lugs properly sized for the conductor and the terminal. Terminal connectors for connecting to screw terminals shall be pre-insulated ring type terminal connectors. The terminal connectors shall be constructed of copper and shall be tin-plated. The interior surface of the connector wire barrel shall be serrated, and the exterior surface of the connector wire barrel shall be furnished with crimp guides. Except for internal wiring of factory prewired electronic system cabinets, crimping ferrules with plastic insulating sleeves shall be provided on all stranded control conductors that are to be terminated to compression Type IEC terminal blocks. Conductors for current transformer circuits shall be terminated with uninsulated compression ring type terminal connectors. (see SMUD wiring Standard SS1009)
Pre-insulated ring type terminal connectors with solid barrel (shank) shall be used on all control circuits.
Pre-insulated terminal connectors shall include a vinyl sleeve, color coded to indicate conductor size. Pre-insulated terminal connectors shall include a metallic support sleeve bonded to the vinyl insulating sleeve, designed to grip the conductor insulation.
Enclosure internal wiring shall utilize stranded copper conductors with flame retardant, cross-linked polyethylene or flame retardant, ethylene-propylene rubber insulation rated 600 volts and shall meet the requirements of UL (US) 44 for Types SIS and XHHW. The cables shall also meet the UL (US) 44 VW- 1 flame test.
General service power and control cables, integral to the equipment furnished, but not internal wiring of control cabinets or panels, shall be rated for the maximum service voltage, but not less than 600 volts.
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Single conductor cables shall have ethylene-propylene rubber insulation with a chlorosulfonated polyethylene (Hypalon®) jacket. Multiconductor cables shall have flame retardant, cross-linked polyethylene conductor insulation and an overall chlorosulfonated polyethylene (Hypalon®) jacket or equal insulation system.
Silicone rubber insulated cable with braided glass jacket or fluorinated ethylene-propylene insulated cable shall be used where ambient conditions cause conductor operating temperatures to exceed the temperature ratings of the general service cable insulation specified.
Each terminal block, terminal, conductor, relay, breaker, fuse block, and other auxiliary devices shall be permanently labeled to coincide with the identification indicated on the drawings. All terminals provided for termination of external circuits shall be identified by inscribing terminal designations acceptable to SMUD on the terminal block white marking strips with permanent black ink. All internal wiring terminations shall be identified by printing on conductor identification sleeves. A conductor identification sleeve shall be provided on each end of each internal conductor. Each sleeve shall be marked with the opposite end destination identification using permanent black ink. Conductor identification shall be permanent, unaffected by age, heat, or solvents and not easily dislodged. Adhesive labels are not acceptable.
The arrangement of connections on terminal blocks shall be acceptable to SMUD.
All connections requiring disconnect plug and receptacle type devices shall be provided with factory terminated conductors on each plug and receptacle. Plugs and receptacles shall be factory wired into junction boxes containing terminal blocks for external connections. All conductors on the disconnect portion of plug-receptacle assemblies shall be in a common jacket. The plug-receptacle assemblies shall have provisions for locking the devices together.
All temporary wiring installed in the factory for equipment testing shall be removed prior to shipment of the equipment.
Reference to NEC means the codes and standards as defined by the USA National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.
All shielded control, relay, power, or instrument cable overall shield shall be bonded at ONE end of the cable by a cable shield connector. The cable shield shall be bonded to the grounding system by a green #12AWG conductor. Acceptable shield connector bonding clips shall be 3M, Cat. #4460-D.
E100.2 Equipment Safety Grounding (Earthing)
All electrical equipment that is part of an integral shipping unit or assembly shall be furnished with a bare copper grounding pad. The pad shall be suitable for field connection to the station ground grid by SMUD.
Isolated logic system or single-point ground connections required for proper operation of electronic equipment shall be insulated from the equipment safety ground. Such connections will be extended, using insulated cable, to a single termination point suitable for field connections to the appropriate ground system by SMUD.
Electrical equipment requiring grounding provisions shall include all enclosures containing electrical connections or bare conductors with the exception of control devices, such as solenoids, pressure switches, and limit switches, unless such devices require grounding for proper operation.
The raceway system shall not be used as a ground conductor except for itself. All metal conduits containing power circuits shall be provided with grounding type bushings and shall be wired together inside enclosures and connected internally to the enclosure grounding pad or grounding bus with bare copper conductor. The grounding bushing ground conductor shall be sized in accordance with NEC or
Source: 16878, (2016), v.1.0 Gas Insulated Switchgear Equipment Page 10 of 43 Final STG-GIS SMUD STATION G GIS 01/31/2017 other internationally recognized standard but shall not be less than 8 AWG (10 mm2) bare copper conductor.
E100.3 Electrical Interconnections
All electrical interconnections between devices, panels, and boxes shall use one of the following wiring methods as specified on the table at the end of this section:
NonShielded Cable. Non-shielded cable which is continuously supported and protected by conduit or installed in cable tray.
Shielded Cable. Shielded cable which is continuously supported and protected by conduit or installed in cable tray.
The installation of the cable and raceway system shall meet the requirements of NEC or other internationally recognized standard.
E100.4 Cable
Unless otherwise specified on the table at the end of this section, both nonarmored and armored cable shall meet the following minimum requirements:
Stranded copper conductors.
Flame retardant cross-linked polyethylene (FRXLPE) or ethylene propylene rubber (FREPR) on power and control cables.
General service power and control cables, integral to the equipment furnished but not internal wiring of control cabinets or panels, shall be rated for the maximum service voltage but not less than 600 volts.
Unless otherwise specified on the table at the end of this section, fiber optic and communication cable shall meet the following minimum requirements.
Fiber Optic Cable
Duplex fiber
Minimum buffer thickness of 900um
Minimum OD of 2.0 mm
Jacket shall be OFNR rated and RoHS compliant
Jacket color shall be Orange for Multimode and Yellow for Singlemode
Multimode fiber shall be 62.5/125 graded index type
Singlemode fiber shall be 9/125 graded index type
Communications Cable
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Category 5E, shielded
4-pair stranded, 26AWG
Must meet ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B latest revision
Jacket shall be plenum rated
E100.5 Conduit
All conduit interconnections between devices, panels, boxes, and fittings shall be rigid metal conduit which conforms to NEMA C80.1 and UL 6 and shall be constructed of aluminum. All conduit connections shall be of the threaded type, and all conduit, couplings, and fittings shall be aluminum. Liquidtight flexible metal conduit may be used as long as the length does not exceed 3 feet (1 meter). All conduit which enters the top of an enclosure shall enter through raintight steel or malleable iron hubs or threaded openings.
All liquidtight flexible metal conduit shall be constructed of continuously interlocked rust resistant metal core. Conduit shall be coated with sunlight resistant thermoplastic jacket. The conduit shall also resist heat, oil, and chemical breakdown and shall be UL listed. Liquidtight flexible conduit shall be Sealtite® Type EF or SMUD approved equal.
One exterior locknut, one interior locknut, and one bushing shall be provided at the termination of each rigid metal conduit not terminated in a hub. Locknuts shall be designed to securely bond the conduit to the box or cabinet when tightened. Locknuts shall be constructed to mitigate loosening by vibration.
Grounding type insulated bushings with insulating inserts in metal housings shall be provided on all conduits not terminated in hubs and couplings. Bushings shall be galvanized.
All conduit fittings shall conform to the requirements of UL 514. All liquidtight flexible metal conduit fittings shall be galvanized steel or malleable iron with insulated throat (Appleton Type STN, STB, or SMUD approved equal) and shall be UL listed.
All conduit runs shall be rigidly supported at intervals not exceeding 10 feet. Each conduit shall be supported within 12 inches of junction boxes and fittings.
Conduit shall be securely fastened to all boxes and cabinets. Threads on metallic conduit shall project through the wall of the box to allow the bushing to butt against the end of the conduit. The locknuts both inside and outside shall then be tightened sufficiently to bond the conduit securely to the box.
The raceway system provided for all interconnecting wiring shall be acceptable to SMUD.
E100.6 Terminations
The capacities of conduit entrances and terminal enclosures for terminating SMUD's cable shall be coordinated with SMUD. Final sizes shall be acceptable to SMUD.
The following criteria apply to wiring methods, cable, and raceway specified herein:
Wiring Methods, Cable, and Raceway Electrical Interconnections Between Nonarmored cable routed in tray and/or conduit Electrical Enclosures, Devices, or Lighting Armored cable routed in tray Armored cable for lighting routed
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Wiring Methods, Cable, and Raceway Thermocouple Cable Insulation Color Coding per thermocouple type Cable - Additional Requirements 600 volt power and control cable shall supply power to loads at 480 VAC and 125 VDC or less. 600 volt power and control cable shall have FR-EPR or FR- XLPE insulation with flame-retardant jacket. Instrument cable shall be twisted shielded pairs or triads with 300 volt class insulation (minimum). This cable shall have XLPE insulation with flame retardant jacket (minimum). Single and multiple pairs shall have an overall shield. Multiple pairs shall also have pairs shielded. Switchboard and panel wire shall be multi-stranded XLPE insulated for 600 volts.
E520 Terminal Blocks and Fuse Holders
E520.1 General
In general, manufacturer standard terminal blocks will be accepted provided they meet the requirements of this specification and quality levels equivalent to the manufacturer's terminal blocks listed in the table at the end of this section. Self-stripping terminal blocks, multiple deck (step type) terminal blocks, and angled terminal blocks will not be acceptable. Screw type terminals suitable for ring lug termination shall be furnished for all current transformer secondary lead connections shorting terminal block.
Each terminal block shall be provided with a unique identifier. All terminal points shall have provisions to be uniquely identified on the terminal block white marking strip and, where permitted by the safety codes and standards, shall be without covers. Spare points shall be provided with blank strips that can be field marked with a permanent ink marking pen. Spare (unused) terminals shall be furnished evenly distributed on the terminal blocks for circuit modifications. No fewer than two spare unused terminals shall be furnished for every ten terminals used.
Terminal blocks shall be manufactured from materials that will not support combustion. Terminal blocks shall meet the Inflammability Class V0 rating in accordance with UL 94. All terminal blocks, except internal terminal blocks in factory prewired electronic systems cabinets and terminal blocks for thermocouple extension wire, shall be rated for 600 volts or greater. No more than two conductors shall be terminated at one connection point. For terminal blocks interfacing with SMUD's field cabling, one side of the terminal block shall be used by the equipment manufacturer for factory wiring and the other side of the terminal block shall be reserved for SMUD's field cabling terminations.
E520.2 Not Used
E520.3 Strap Screw Terminal Blocks
Strap screw terminal blocks shall be of heavy-duty construction capable of terminating a conductor from 16 AWG (1.5 mm2) to 10 AWG (6 mm2). The point-to-point spacing shall not be less than 0.375 inch (9.5 mm).
E520.4 Power Terminal Blocks
Power terminal blocks shall be used for conductors 8 AWG (10 mm2) and larger.
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E520.5 Not Used
E520.6 Fuse Holders for Power Circuits
When fuses rated from 1 to 30 amperes at 250 volts maximum are required, the fuse holders shall be suitable for 30 amperes, 250 volts, Class H cartridge fuses. The fuse holders shall be in accordance with ANSI/UL 521, shall have a withstand rating of 10,000 rms symmetrical amperes, and shall have reinforced fuse contact clips. (BUSSMANN CH14)
The fuse bases shall be molded phenolic, polyester, or other plastic having a Flammability Rating of V-0 when tested in accordance with UL 94. Porcelain is not acceptable materials for fuse holder bases.
The following criteria shall apply to terminal blocks and fuse holders:
Terminal Blocks and Fuse Holders Acceptable Terminal Termination Acceptable Acceptable Block Type Applications Methods Construction Manufacturers Feed- General Purpose Strap Screw, Manufacturer's SMUD-Approved Equal Through Standard Shorting Current Strap Screw Grouped Block, GE EB-25 or SMUD- Transformer Bolted Approved Equal Power 600 Volt Power Screw, Grouped Block, GE EB-27 or SMUD- (8 AWG through Compression, Bolted Approved Equal Stud 4/0 AWG [10 mm2 through 95 mm2])
E530.1 Electrical Indicating Instruments
All annunciators devices shall be designed for flush mounting.
E530.2 Control Relays
General service auxiliary relays shall be ABB, Siemens, GE, Allen-Bradley Bulletin 700 Type P, Schneider, Potter Brumfield, Agastat, Square D or SMUD approved equal. Where current carrying requirements exceed the capacity of the general service auxiliary relays, auxiliary relays shall be ABB, Siemens, GE, Allen-Bradley Bulletin 700 Type PK, General Electric or SMUD approved equal.
Timing relays for general service where the delay period is 1 minute or less shall be either pneumatic or solid-state. Timing relays for critical service shall be solid-state. Timing relays shall be Agastat Series 7000, ABB, Siemens, GE or SMUD approved equal.
If the manufacturer proposes the use of auxiliary or timing relays other than the ones listed above, technical data sheets for the proposed relays shall be submitted for approval by SMUD.
Unless otherwise specified, DC relays that interface with SMUD's control system shall have a diode surge suppressor installed across the relay coil.
E530.3 Electrical Switches
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Control switches shall be 600 volt, 20 ampere, multistage, rotary type. Unless otherwise specified, switches shall have black, fixed, modern, pistol grip type handles and engraved black plastic escutcheon plates with targets.
Push buttons and selector switches shall be heavy-duty oiltight.
E530.4 Indicating Lights
Indicating lights in the LCC shall be heavy-duty oiltight and shall permit light changing from the front. Luminous output shall be suitable for the location and ambient lighting conditions. Unless otherwise specified, LED type indicators are preferred on panels.
E530.5 Contacts
Contact ratings for all electrical accessory devices shall be suitable for interface with SMUD's control system. SMUD's control system interrogation voltages will range up to 230 volts ac and 125 volts DC.
All contacts that interface with SMUD's control system shall be electrically "dry." Solid-state switches or triac outputs are not acceptable for contacts that interface with SMUD's electronic equipment.
Alarm contacts shall consist of one normally open and one normally closed contact "Form C."
All contacts shall be rated a minimum 1.0 ampere make or break at 125 volts DC.
E530.6 Fuses and Circuit Breaker
Fuses shall be provided with ampere ratings sized for the application. Circuit breakers required for all equipment electrical systems (TRIP, CLOSE, ETC)
E530.7 Colors of Indicating Devices and Actuators
Coding of indicating devices and switch actuators (push button, knob, selector switch, or handle) shall be subject to SMUD review. If words or recognized abbreviations are required to describe the function of the indicating device or actuator, the language used shall be English. Indicating lights shall be energized when the condition described in the following table exists, and shall be de-energized when the condition does not exist.
E530 Electrical Accessory Devices - Supplemental Requirements
Colors of Indicating Devices Color Meaning Explanation Examples
Green Equipment de-energized; Normal off condition Motor stopped; valve process stopped requiring no action by (damper) closed; breaker the operator open, contactor de- energized Red Equipment energized; Normal running Motor running; valve process normal condition requiring no (damper) open; breaker action by the operator closed, contactor energized; process within normal limits; cabinet/panel power available
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Colors of Indicating Devices Color Meaning Explanation Examples Orange Equipment abnormality; Abnormal condition Motor trip; breaker trip, process abnormality requiring monitoring contactor trip; tripping by a and/or fault by the protective device or operator interlock; electrical lockout relay tripped; position change from normal; pressure or temperature beyond normal limits; overload Orange Flashing Emergency Dangerous condition Pressure or temperature requiring immediate beyond safe limits; loss of action by the operator critical process Blue Mandatory Indication of a Instruction to enter a condition which value; paralleled electrical requires action by the power sources to bus operator causing bus rating to be exceeded White Permissive Normal condition; General information; Healthy condition; electrical lockout relay reset Equipment start permissive; equipment protective relay reset
Colors of Actuators Color Meaning Examples Red Emergency Emergency-stop/off Black Normal stop/off Normal stop; open breaker, contactor de-energized Black Normal start/on Normal start; closed breaker, energize contactor
Electrical Switches Application Description Manufacturer/Style Breaker Control Switches Control Panel LCC Electroswitch Control Switches #88PD907LA / #88PB907LA
Push Buttons and LCC ABB, Siemens, GE, Electroswitch Selector Switches SMUD Approved Equal Toggle Switches Control Panel ABB, Siemens, GE, Electroswitch SMUD Approved Equal
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Fuses and Fuse Blocks Application Manufacturer/Style Slow Blow Fuses SMUD Approved Equal Bussman/NON Fast Acting Fuses SMUD Approved Equal Bussman/NON Extremely Fast Acting Fuses SMUD Approved Equal Bussman/NON
16878.1.7 GIS Equipment Ratings and Service Conditions
The GIS equipment shall be provided with the specified ratings, considering the electrical and environmental service conditions listed below:
Service Conditions Enclosure Enclosed in a building Site Conditions See Section 16878.1.5 Ratings GIS Rated maximum voltage, kV 145 kV rms Rated insulation level – basic impulse level (BIL) 650 kV (across the isolating distance), kV minimum peak value Rated low frequency phase-to-ground withstand 275 kV voltage, kV rms Rated frequency, Hz 60 Hz Rated minimum current, main buses, A 2000 A Rated minimum current, cross buses, and bus 2000 A taps, A Rated short-time withstand current, kA rms 40 kA Rated withstand current, kA peak 104 kA Rated duration of short circuit, seconds (minimum) 3 seconds Circuit Breakers Rated maximum voltage, kV 145 kV Rated maximum interrupting time, cycles Three on a 60 Hz Rated minimum current, all breakers, A 2000 A Rated short-circuit breaking current, kA rms 40 kA Rated closing and latching current, kA peak 104 kA
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Rated operating sequence Duty Cycle: O-t1-CO-t2-CO where t1 = 0.3 second, and t2 = 3 minutes Rated capacitive switching currents IEC 62271-100 Table 9 Number of mechanical operations 10,000 (minimum) Number of trip coils Two Disconnect Switches Rated minimum current, all disconnect switches, A 2000 A Rated short-time withstand current, kA 100 kA Rated peak withstand current, kA peak 141 kA Rated duration of short circuit, seconds 3 seconds Mechanical endurance 1,000 cycles (minimum) Grounding Switches Rated minimum current, all grounding switches, A 2000 A Rated short-time withstand current, kA 40 kA Rated peak withstand current, kA 60 kA Rated short-circuit making current (high speed 40 kA grounding switch only), kA Electrical endurance (high speed grounding switch E1 (Two minimum full fault closing operations, only) before inspection/contact replacement) Rated duration of short circuit, seconds 3 seconds Mechanical endurance 1,000 cycles (minimum) Current Transformers Ratio, rated primary current, A Five lead, multi-ratio (IEEE C57.13 Table 8), 2000 A Rated secondary current, A 5 A Rated continuous thermal secondary current, A 10 A (RF = 2.0) Rated 1 second thermal equivalent primary 63 kA current, kA Relay accuracy class C800 (IEEE C57.13) Voltage Transformers Application Three-phase, phase-to-ground in an effectively grounded system Rated primary voltage, line-to-ground, kV 66.4kV Ground Y (Max Operating Voltage 69.0 kV) Rated secondary voltages, V 115V and 66.4 V (two secondary windings, two taps in each winding) Rated output, VA 400 volt-amperes (VA) (minimum), each winding Accuracy class and burden IEEE C57.13, 0.3 at W, X, Y, Z, ZZ
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Metal-Enclosed Surge Arresters Type Metal oxide varistor (MOV), station class Application Metal-enclosed, phase-to-ground in an effectively grounded system Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) 76 kV rating, kV Rated frequency, Hz 60 Hz A discharge counter and leakage current monitoring system shall be provided for each surge arrester.
16878.1.8 Specific Equipment Requirements
The GIS electrical configuration (line and bus layout), and equipment rating/features shall be in accordance with the drawings listed in Article 16878.1.5.
Disconnect switches shall be gang and motor-operated, and capable of interrupting the charging current of the connected GIS bus and associated components.
Maintenance grounding switches shall be gang and motor-operated.
High-speed grounding switches shall be gang and motor charged spring-operated.
High-speed grounding switches shall be capable of handling the charging currents associated with the GIS bus, high voltage overhead transmission lines, and high voltage underground cable termination lines. High-speed grounding switches shall be capable of accidentally closing in on an energized bus without damage to the switch or the enclosure.
Each disconnect switch, maintenance grounding switch, and high-speed grounding switch shall be equipped with mechanism-actuated auxiliary switches for indication of the contact position.
Visual inspection means shall be provided to observe disconnect switch, maintenance grounding switch and high-speed grounding switch contact positions. A mechanically connected external position indicator shall be provided for each switch.
Electrical interlocks shall be furnished to prevent incorrect sequential operation or equipment malfunction that might result in equipment damage or personnel injury. Electrical interlock schemes shall provide the interlock function upon loss of the control power.
Mechanical blocking devices (not interlocks) shall be provided to block (disable) operation of all disconnect switches and grounding switches. Provisions for pad-locking shall be provided on each blocking device and disconnect switch.
Proper grounding for mitigating overvoltages during disconnect switch or circuit breaker operation shall be included. Ground pads (NEMA 2 hole) for connection to SMUD's grounding system shall be stainless steel, unless otherwise approved by SMUD.
Heaters shall be installed in control cabinets and equipment housings to avoid condensation.
High voltage conductors shall be made of aluminum tubing suitable for the specified current and voltage ratings. The enclosure shall be aluminum. Adjoining enclosures shall be bolted together, and connected to ground.
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The GIS equipment shall be designed to prevent mechanical failure and withstand pressure buildup if the breaker fails to interrupt full rated fault current. The use of a rupture disk as a pressure relief device is acceptable. Each SF6 gas-filled enclosure shall be in complete compliance with the requirements of established national pressure vessel code standard requirements. The Contractor shall identify in the proposal the methodology for calculating the thickness and construction of the enclosures and the applicable pressure vessel code standards.
Pressure relief devices shall be provided with a shield and shall be vented to provide a safe environment for personnel, and for equipment, during operation. The bursting pressure of the relief device shall be effectively coordinated with the rated gas pressure and the pressure rise due to arcing as described in IEEE Std. C37.122/IEC 62271-203.
Expansion and installation alignment shall be considered in the design of the bus and the enclosure. If required, expansion joints shall be provided with compensators for the enclosure and sliding plug-in contacts used for the conductors. Support insulators shall maintain the conductor and enclosure in the proper relation for the rated maximum voltage, rated insulation level (BIL), and rated low frequency phase-to-ground withstand voltage.
Connections between adjacent conductor sections shall be made by means of plug-in type contacts. Shields shall be placed to capture metallic particles that may result from contact rubbing. All welding of high voltage conductors shall be made in the Contractor's fabrication facilities. Field welding of the conductors is not acceptable.
Shipping sections shall be joined in the field using bolted, gasketed, flange connections of the enclosure. Flanged connections shall have a gas seal between the flange surfaces. A second seal ring, sealants, or other suitable means are required to protect the gas seal from the external environment. Connections, including bolts, washers, and nuts, shall be adequately protected from corrosion and shall be easily accessible with the proper tools.
Field welding of the enclosure is not acceptable.
Structures to support the equipment, platforms, and walkways for operation and maintenance access to operating and monitoring devices shall be designed to permit access without use of special devices or portable ladders.
GIS grounding pad terminals shall be located to permit proper connection to SMUD's station grounding grid and to minimize external bus enclosure voltage gradients to a safe limit. All support structures and control cabinets shall be grounded.
Surge arresters/surge suppressors across the insulating joint of enclosures to eliminate VFT due to switching or circuit breaker operation shall be provided by the Contractor.
All wiring of devices and terminations internal to the GIS and all shielded control cables (and associated raceways), above foundation, between the equipment and the GIS local control cabinets (LCC), and all low voltage raceways and wiring furnished by the Contractor are to be designed in accordance with NFPA (US) 70 (NEC) and the local authority’s requirements. Raceways and conduits shall be installed so as not to present a safety hazard or require removal by personnel inspecting, maintaining, or servicing the equipment.
16878.1.9 Circuit Breakers
Circuit breakers shall be the SF6 gas-insulated type, dead tank design, and with the ratings as specified. The breaker shall have ratings described in IEEE Std C37.122/IEC 62271-100 and 62271-203, and specific ratings in accordance with other applicable IEEE/IEC standards. The breaker shall be capable of performing the specified duty cycle without derating.
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Each circuit breaker shall be factory assembled, adjusted, and tested, and shall be shipped as a complete three-phase, gang-operated unit.
The breaker shall include a suitable operating mechanism to ensure proper opening and closing and shall permit checking adjustments and operating characteristics. The mechanism shall be capable of reclosing within the time range specified.
Each breaker shall include a weatherproof (NEMA 3X) cabinet for housing the operating mechanism and all accessories. Necessary valves and connections (DN8) as manufactured by Dilo shall be provided to ensure ease in handling the SF6 gas.
Each circuit breaker shall be equipped with an operation counter. The preferred arrangement for this device is to operate only during the opening cycle. An indicator that shows the position of the contacts should be provided. All gauges, counters, and position indicators shall be readable by an operator standing near the equipment at floor level (additional portable ladders or platforms shall not be required). All gauges, counters, and position indicators shall be in (English) and shall utilize (US) units of measurement.
Closing resistors, when required, shall meet the rated line-closing switching surge factor as specified in the applicable standards.
A minimum of 18 "a" and 18 "b" auxiliary contacts shall be provided for SMUD’s use.
The circuit breaker operating system shall be spring-operated. Pneumatic, hydraulic, or hydraulic- spring operating systems are not acceptable.
The circuit breaker spring charging motor shall be a universal AC/DC motor. Operating on an AC supply under normal conditions and DC as a backup. A manual throw-over switch shall be provided at the circuit breaker to allow maintenance personnel to switch from AC to DC supply.
Circuit breaker trip and close coils shall be low-energy type requiring not more than 6 amperes at 125 VDC nominal for proper operation.
Each circuit breaker shall have dual trip coils.
Each LCC cablinet shall have SEL-2523 ( Part # 252301H13A0AXXX) annunciator to monitor breaker health.
16878.1.10 Disconnect and Grounding Switches
Disconnect switches shall be gang and motor-operated, non-load break, with one operating mechanism per three-pole switch. Operating mechanisms shall be provided with position indication.
Grounding switches shall be gang and motor-operated.
The motor-operated disconnect and grounding switches, shall be equipped with electrically and mechanically operated devices to uncouple the motor when the switch is operated manually to prevent coincident power operation of the switch and the drive mechanism(s).
Each disconnect and grounding switch shall open or close only due to manual or motor driven operation. The switch blade shall not move due to gravity or other means, if a part fails. Once initiated, the motor mechanism shall complete an open or close operation without requiring the initiating contact to be held closed.
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Each disconnect switch and grounding switch shall be furnished with electrically independent auxiliary switches. The auxiliary switches shall indicate the position of the switch blades and shall be provided so that the contacts can be adjusted to be fully engaged and in proper alignment when in the closed position. A minimum of 12 "a" and 12 "b" auxiliary contacts shall be provided for each disconnect and maintenance grounding switch for SMUD's use. A minimum of 8 “a” and 8 “b” auxiliary contacts shall be provided for each high-speed grounding switch for SMUD’s use.
Visual verification, via a viewport accessible by personnel, shall be provided to verify each pole position of each disconnect switch and grounding switch blade. External position indicators connected directly to the mechanism shaft shall be provided. The switch position indicator shall not contain removable links.
Viewport removable covers, if supplied, shall be easily removable without the use of any tools. The covers shall be permanently attached or fixed such that loosening finger-tight captive hardware will permit the cover to be shifted to view the switch enclosure interior. SMUD’s personnel shall not be required to remove, reposition, etc., any other devices/mechanisms/hardware in the vicinity or to engage any type of mechanism or tool to access the viewport.
All viewports shall be a minimum of 4” diameter and easily accessible If an external light source is required, the viewports shall be arranged such that one person has the ability to operate the light source and inspect the main switch contacts.
The area around the viewport shall have a weatherproof identification tag or sign shall be installed in accordance with IEEE C37.122.
Suitable means of access shall be provided to each disconnect switch and grounding switch housing and mechanism for repair and/or maintenance of contacts. Viewports connection point shall be accessible from fixed maintenance platforms or the floor.
Low voltage test provisions shall be supplied to permit testing of each grounding switch at voltages up to 10 kV, and up to 200 A. The provisions shall allow the test voltage and current to be applied to the conductor without removing SF6 gas or other components.
16878.1.11 Gas System
The GIS shall be furnished, with sufficient SF6 gas to pressurize the complete system in a sequential approach, one zone or compartment at a time, to the rated nominal density. The SF6 gas shall conform to ASTM (US) D2472 and IEC 60376 and shall be at least 99 percent pure. An amount equal to 1 percent of the SF6 gas in the total GIS assembly for this project shall also be included as spare gas. The spare gas shall be delivered in conventional quantity (weight) of SF6 gas shall be documented for each SF6 gas cylinder shipped to SMUD.
The Contractor shall provide guidelines and recommended practices for the reuse and recycling of SF6 gas removed from the equipment.
The GIS enclosure system shall be divided into several sections separated by gastight barrier insulators (identified using orange color paint marks). Each section shall be provided with the necessary piping and valves to allow isolation, evacuation, and refill of gas without evacuation of any other section. Location of gas barrier insulators shall be clearly discernable outside the enclosure by a band of distinct color normally used for safety purposes and acceptable to SMUD.
For the purpose of gas monitoring and maintenance, each circuit breaker assembly (including circuit breaker, CTs, disconnect switches, and maintenance grounding switches), high-speed grounding switch, voltage transformer, metal-enclosed surge arrester, cable sealing end enclosure, bus sections to gas-to-air-bushings, bus sections to cable sealing end enclosures, and interface connections for future expansion of the GIS shall be independent from all other gas compartments, as a minimum.
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Buffer gas compartments shall be provided between circuit breakers and associated disconnect switches; cable sealing ends and bus compartments; voltage transformers and buses, to allow maintenance to be performed on the circuit breaker, cable termination, bushing, or VT without having to depressurize the adjacent gas compartment.
Gas zones for main buses shall be segregated on a per diameter basis. Main bus Gas zone should account for future expansion of ring bus without taking two line positions out at same time for future addition. (i.e., gastight barriers shall be installed in the main bus enclosures between each ring bus position connected to the bus).
Gas zones shall be arranged such that the boundaries of the electrical outage(s) required to maintain any piece of equipment shall be minimized. The Contractor shall furnish with the proposal a description of the work rules associated with taking elements out of service during maintenance activities.
Gastight barrier insulators shall be designed to withstand the differential pressures to which they may be subjected during preventive or corrective maintenance. This shall not require lowering of gas pressure in the adjacent gas zones or disturbing the adjacent compartments.
A gas schematic diagram shall be provided including the necessary valves, connections, density monitors, gas monitor system and controls, indication, orifices, and isolation to prevent current circulation. Once the gas schematic diagram is approved, it shall be used to create suitable gas zone diagram plates for each bay of GIS equipment monitored by an LCC. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings for review/approval by SMUD prior to fabricating these plates.
The gas system shall be provided with means of calibrating density monitors without de-energizing the equipment.
The external fixtures shall be made of corrosion-resistant material and shall be capped.
For 3-in-1 enclosure type GIS equipment, three-phase gas pressure and density monitoring shall be provided. For single-phase encapsulated type GIS equipment, single-phase gas pressure and density monitoring shall be provided. Interphase piping (connecting phases) shall not be allowed for single- phase encapsulated type equipment.
The leakage rate of SF6 gas from an individual gas compartment shall be guaranteed not to exceed 0.5 percent (V/V) per year. The total leakage rate from the total GIS system shall be guaranteed not to exceed 0.5 percent (V/V) per year.
Each gas zone with a switching device shall be furnished with a gas density monitoring device (manufactured by Trafag, Solon, or Wika) capable of signaling two adjustable, independent alarms. Each device shall be individually adjustable, and shall have electrically-independent contacts that operate at the following alarm levels:
First alarm - Low gas density (nominally 5-10 percent below nominal fill density) to local annunciator and to SMUD’s SCADA RTU.
Second alarm – Block trip circuit breakers associated with the affected gas zone before minimum gas density to achieve equipment ratings is reached and block closing of circuit breakers associated with the affected gas zone.
Each gas zone without a switching device shall be furnished with a gas density monitoring device (manufactured by Trafag, Solon, or Wika) capable of signaling two adjustable, independent alarms. Each device shall be individually adjustable, and shall have electrically-independent contacts that operate at the following alarm levels:
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First alarm - Low gas density (nominally 5-10 percent below nominal fill density) to local annunciator and to SMUD’s SCADA RTU.
Second alarm - Minimum gas density to local annunciator and to SMUD’s SCADA RTU.
The Contractor shall provide connections for a gas density relay/monitoring system, the gas handling equipment, and moisture detection instrumentation to each one of the gas compartments. Facilities utilizing Dilo DN type fittings (no substitute will be allowed) shall be included that permit addition of SF6 gas while GIS components are in service (energized).
The Contractor shall also supply a stand-alone GDM system using SF6 gas density transducers. The GDM shall have Ethernet communication with distributed network protocol (DNP) version 3.0 to transmit gas zone and system alarms to the future SMUD SF6 gas monitoring system.
The GDM system shall be capable of trending densities and pressures, identifying a leak by gas zone, and maintaining a complete gas inventory.
The GDM system shall include a gas zone mimic diagram local display which indicates alarm level by zone on a schematic.
16878.1.12 Current Transformers
Each current transformer shall be provided so that the enclosure current does not affect the accuracy or the ratio of the device or the conductor current being measured. Provision shall be made to prevent arcing across the enclosure insulation.
Current transformer secondaries shall be terminated to six-point shorting terminal blocks in the LCC. Testing of each current transformer shall be possible without the removal of the SF6 gas. The current transformer location, polarity, ratios, and accuracy shall be as specified and in accordance with IEEE C57.13
16878.1.13 Inductive Voltage Transformers
Each voltage transformer shall be SF6 gas insulated type.
Each voltage transformer shall be fabricated to mitigate the possibility of ferroresonance during operation. If damping equipment connected to a secondary winding is necessary to mitigate ferroresonant effects, it is preferred that such damping equipment be mounted in the voltage transformer secondary wiring junction box on the voltage transformer.
Transformers shall be of either plug-in construction or the disconnect-link type, and shall be attached to the GIS system in such a manner that they can be easily disconnected while the system is being dielectrically tested. The metal housing of the transformer shall be connected to the metal enclosure of the GIS with a flanged, bolted, and gasketed joint so that the transformer housing is grounded to the GIS enclosure.
Special covers and any necessary corona shields shall be supplied so that the system can be pressurized and dielectrically tested after removal of the transformer.
Primary and secondary terminals shall have permanent markings, for identification of polarity, in accordance with IEEE C57.13.
Voltage transformer secondaries shall be fused (except the neutral) and connected through a Visible Secondary Break (VSB) disconnect device and then terminated on terminal blocks in the LCC.
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Each secondary lead (except the neutral) shall be connected through the VSB disconnect device. Additional test switches to be added in the LCC after VSC to provide additional isolation. Test switches to be ABB FT-1 switches, with red handles (See attached SMUD test switch Color definitions sheet)
16878.1.14 Metal-Enclosed Surge Arresters
High voltage surge arresters of the voltage rating called for herein before shall be either "plug-in" type construction or disconnect-link type construction and shall be attached to the GIS in such a manner that they can be readily disconnected from the GIS while the GIS is being dielectrically tested. The metal housing of the arresters shall be connected to the metal enclosure of the GIS with a flanged, bolted, and gasketed joint.
The arrester grounding connection shall be sized for the fault level of the GIS, insulated from the GIS enclosure, and grounded externally to permit periodic maintenance and monitoring of the arrester leakage current. Access to the arrester grounding connection shall not be obstructed.
If the arrester is not equipped with removable links, special covers and any necessary corona shields shall be supplied so that the GIS system can be pressurized and dielectrically tested after removal of the arrester.
16878.1.15 SF6 Gas-to-Air Bushings
16878.1.16 GIS to Cable Connections
GIS CSE enclosures for cable terminators (provided/installed by others) shall be provided for connecting SMUD’s high voltage underground cable circuits to the GIS equipment. The CSE enclosure shall be proportioned to permit independent testing of the connecting cable and shall provide means to permit such testing. The CSE enclosure shall be equipped with a removable link to permit separation of cable and GIS for high voltage testing. The Contractor shall include in the proposal, the maximum voltage which can be applied to the gas-filled CSE enclosure while the removable link is removed for testing of the underground cable system.
The CSE enclosure and connection support structure shall be equipped with provisions for isolating the cable sheath to permit effective bonding of the cable system, as necessary. The Contractor shall coordinate placement, ratings, and testing of the cable circuit bonding system with SMUD’s underground cable circuit supply/installation Contractor/Contractor to ensure effectiveness of the bonding system in handling power frequency fault current within the GIS.
To ensure accurate alignment/mating/dimensioning of the GIS CSE enclosure and the underground cable circuit cable terminator, the GIS Contractor shall coordinate the interface design directly with the underground cable circuit cable terminator Contractor in accordance with IEC 62271-209 and other applicable standards.
16878.1.17 Local Control Cabinets
The Contractor shall furnish one local LCC for each circuit breaker. Each cabinet shall be completely fabricated, wired, assembled, and tested at the factory. Each cabinet furnished shall be fully equipped and completely wired to the terminal blocks for termination of circuit breaker and switch control, instrument transformer, indication, gas alarm and other miscellaneous cables.
Each indoor cabinet, junction box, or marshalling box shall be a NEMA 12 enclosure, as a minimum.
Each cabinet shall have stainless steel hinges, door hardware, fastening hardware, and pad lockable etc.
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Each cabinet shall have a rear access door. All external cabling shall be brought into and terminated in the rear of the cabinet.
Each cabinet shall contain the following equipment, as a minimum, for control, indication and protection of switches, circuit breakers, and associated components: (utilize LEDs provided by Electroswitch)
One combined open-close control and remote-local switch for each three-phase circuit breaker. (Electroswitch 88PD907LA)
One open-close control and remote-local switch (Electroswitch 24204B) for each motor-operated disconnect switch. (Electroswitch 88PB907LA)
One open-close control switch for each motor-operated or spring-operated grounding switch.
One or two (one for each circuit breaker trip coil) red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and one green for each circuit breaker (utilize Electroswitch lights), each disconnect and grounding (maintenance or high-speed) switch, or contact position indication on the mimic diagram. LEDs shall be visible when illuminated from a minimum of 2 meters (6 feet) away in bright sunlight. All indicating lights shall be capable of being seen without the necessity of opening any doors on the LCC.
Control switches, fuse blocks, fuses, etc., for alternating current (ac) and dc supply to each LCC and for each device being controlled electrically from the LCC.
A mimic diagram showing connections of all furnished equipment and showing location of all gas zones.
An annunciator with the following alarms connected (one SEL-2523 36 point annunciator per LCC):
Gas system alarms for each gas zone.
Circuit breaker close system discharged alarm.
Loss of dc alarm for each supply.
Loss of ac alarm for each supply.
Charging motor excessive run alarm.
All other equipment trouble alarms for the GIS bay.
The following points, as a minimum, shall be wired out to terminal blocks for connection to SMUD’s SCADA system:
Circuit breaker position (52a and 52b).
Disconnect switch position (89a and 89b).
Ground switch position (57a and 57b).
High-speed grounding switch position (57a and 57b).
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Interlocking status for each circuit breaker, disconnect, grounding switch, and high-speed grounding switch.
Control switch remote-local status.
ABB Test switches shall be utilized to isolate the contacts from control switches in the trip and close circuits of circuit breakers, disconnect switches, grounding switches, and high-speed grounding switches.
Terminal blocks and terminations for each temperature compensated gas density relay and/or density monitoring equipment.
Terminal blocks and terminations for electrical interlock contacts.
Terminal blocks and terminations for alarm and miscellaneous remote control circuits.
Terminal blocks and terminations for all instrument transformer leads. A lead shall be installed and terminated for each tap of a multi-ratio current transformer and all secondary winding taps for voltage transformers.
VSB disconnect devices in the voltage transformer wiring circuit for isolating all ungrounded voltage transformer secondary wiring circuits (refer to Article 16878.1.13).
Terminal blocks and terminations for all required spare contacts.
Terminal blocks and terminations for the external control, instrumentation, and protection equipment wiring of SMUD.
A total of 20 percent spare termination points per LCC.
Engraved nameplates for each device in the cabinet.
Other nameplates as discussed in IEEE Std. C37.122/IEC 62271-203 and SMUD wiring standard SS1009.
16878.1.18 Audible Noise
All apparatus (i.e., operating mechanisms) shall operate within OSHA levels of sound generation for an industrial area. In no case shall the apparatus exceed 65 decibels (dBA) sound levels for a time period in excess of 5 minutes.
16878.1.19 Ladders, Platforms, Stairs, and Walkways
Safe, efficient access is required to all viewports, actuator mechanisms, switch operators, gas density monitoring equipment, etc., for maintenance personnel. In accordance with OSHA standards, permanent facilities shall be provided to meet this requirement. Appropriate railings and toeplates shall be installed on all ladders, elevated platforms, and maintenance walkways. Open grating shall be employed for all platforms and stair/ladder treads. Treads shall be painted yellow. Each structure shall have provisions for safety grounding at two points on diametrically opposite sides.
The intent is to eliminate the need for climbing on the apparatus or for portable ladders to perform routine operations or view routine indicating devices, switch positions (viewports), or alarms. Working or performing routine maintenance inspections from a ladder or stairway is not acceptable. Tethering will not be accepted as a method of compliance with OSHA fall prevention regulations.
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Each ladder, platform, stair, or walkway shall be a minimum of 800 mm (30 inches) in width, and be clear of overhead or projecting obstructions for a minimum of 2000 mm (6 feet-6 inches). The main operations platform or walkway shall have egress means at either end as a minimum. Each stairwell shall have a top landing area of at least 1200 mm (48 inches) by 1200 mm (48 inches).
16878.1.20 Special Tool Requirements
The Contractor shall provide one set of special tools or devices required for installation/maintenance of the GIS.
A removable, manual charging wrench for a spring-charged operating mechanism shall be furnished by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall also describe the preferred type of tools (e.g., box-end wrenches, open-end, deep socket set).
16878.1.21 Factory Testing
Factory testing of the GIS equipment shall be provided as specified in Article 16878.1.26 and additionally as follows:
The GIS equipment shall be high voltage tested as a complete assembly (unless test facility restrictions necessitate testing in sections). The Contractor shall include in the proposal any restrictions on the amount of GIS equipment that can be factory tested as an assembled unit.
SMUD shall have the right to witness factory testing.
16878.1.22 Studies
The studies shall include but not be limited to the following:
Transient/overvoltage (TRV) conditions.
Insulation coordination studies.
GIS Resistance and Capacitance.
Grounding and bonding of the GIS and the secondary equipment.
The following are study specifics related to some of the required studies:
The Contractor shall perform insulation coordination studies as specified hereinbefore and the supplemental requirements specified below.
The Contractor shall perform a review of the GIS design to establish if any transients generated during a switching operation may lead to significantly elevated and damaging voltage levels.
The Contractor shall furnish all necessary remedial measures and protective devices to limit over voltage transients, particularly at transitions (e.g., GIS gas-to-air bushing interface, etc.).
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The Contractor shall provide the calculated and measured capacitance and resistance values for each component in the GIS, including, but not limited to, the bushings, bus runs, switches, and circuit breakers.
The Contractor shall ensure that the GIS equipment grounding is in conformance with IEEE 80 and IEC
All studies shall be provided in formal reports forwarded to SMUD according to the Schedule of Submittals. All documentation including, but not limited to, calculations, curves, assumptions, graphs, computer outputs, etc., shall be provided to support the conclusions reached.
16878.1.23 Final Exhibits
As part of the "as-built" documentation for the GIS equipment, the Contractor shall provide two full-size copies, suitably framed, of the final overall GIS equipment gas zone diagram (GZD) for mounting in SMUD’s GIS and/or control building. The GZD shall cover the entire GIS. All text and other information shall be fully legible from a distance of 2 meters (6 feet away). These final GZD framed items are in addition to the GZD plate(s) required in IEEE C37.122.
16878.1.24 Training
The Contractor shall provide the services of one or more GIS factory representative(s) fluent in oral and written English to train SMUD’s operating and maintenance personnel. The training shall cover both classroom theory and practical "hands-on" training. Prior to commercial operation, the Contractor shall conduct training of SMUD’s personnel. SMUD has the need to train up to 40 operating and maintenance personnel. There shall be 2 repeat, 1 day classroom sessions (maximum 20 persons/session) and 8 repeat, 1 day hands-on training (maximum five persons/day to train field personnel) sessions. The hands-on training should emphasize activities that SMUD’s test and maintenance personnel will have to perform. These are maximum numbers and may be adjusted to fit specific training requirements.
The Contractor shall submit to SMUD in writing a detailed outline of the proposed training course curricula for review/approval at least 60 days prior to the scheduled presentation of the training. As a minimum, the following topics shall be included in the classroom session.
16878.1.24.1 GIS Application Theory - Overall Introduction
SF6 As An Insulating Medium.
Advantages of GIS.
Review of Similar Installations.
Ferroresonance and Voltage Transformers.
Very Fast Transient Conditions.
Testing Methods.
16878.1.24.2 Equipment Principles of Operation
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Grounding and Grounding Switches.
Voltage and Current Transformers.
Surge Arresters.
Bus/Insulators/Particle Traps.
Gas Zones.
16878.1.24.3 Assembly
Flange Connections and Bus Plug Arrangements.
Alignment/Thermal Expansion.
Cleanliness/Particle Contamination.
16878.1.24.4 Testing
Insulation Resistance Test.
Series Resonant Tests (AC versus DC).
Breaker Tests:
Contact Resistance.
Partial Discharge.
SF6 Gas Sampling.
16878.1.24.5 SF6 Gas
Handling and Storage Requirements.
Safety Considerations.
Arc Byproducts.
Gas Processing/Handling Equipment.
Gas Analysis.
Leak Detection.
The total number of SMUD’s training session attendees will be approximately 40 persons. The Contractor shall supply a copy of all drawings, texts, overheads, or other instructional materials for each individual trainee as well as additional copies for SMUD’s training usage for future in-house training. SMUD will arrange for the classroom facilities.
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A complete understanding of the GIS equipment furnished for the project on the part of the instructor is essential. The training shall cover the specific types of GIS equipment provided.
16878.1.25 Videos and Photographs
The Contractor shall provide videos which provide an overview of the operation and maintenance of the GIS equipment provided for the project. The videos shall cover the safety aspects, contact relationship observable through the view ports when the switch is open/closed, the means available to determine the switch positions, and additional information necessary for SMUD’s operation/maintenance personnel involved with the GIS. Three copies of each set of videos shall be furnished to SMUD.
The Contractor shall provide photographs in both hard copy and electronic format of the external GIS apparatus configuration and the internal mechanisms or interior of each type of apparatus. The intent is to have a ready reference in the event of an equipment problem or maintenance question. The photographs shall be approximately ISO A4 (8-1/2 inches by 11 inches) in size, shall be in color, and shall be taken from all four sides, top, and bottom of the equipment. Three copies shall be provided. Where multiple pieces of the same apparatus are involved, a single set of photographs is sufficient. Photographs shall be taken of the following, including but not limited to:
Breaker, mechanism, contacts, closing resistors, operating cabinet.
Disconnect and grounding switches, contacts, drive mechanism.
Expansion joints (bellows).
GDM. For circuit breaker and other gas density monitored "zones."
Rupture disk assembly.
Voltage transformers.
Surge arresters.
Gas handling equipment.
Gas leakage detector.
CSE enclosure.
16878.1.26 Tests
The tests shall verify that all components of the GIS perform satisfactorily, both electrically and mechanically, at the specified ratings. The tests shall establish that production sections have been properly assembled and that they have essentially the same characteristics as those sections subjected to type tests.
The following type tests as specified in IEEE/IEC standards shall have been performed prior to equipment delivery:
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a. Impulse withstand voltage (BIL).
b. Power frequency withstand voltage.
c. Circuit breaker and disconnect switch open-gap withstand voltage.
d. Rated continuous-current carrying tests.
e. Short-time current rating test.
f. Mechanical operation tests.
g. Pressure tests.
h. Circuit breaker tests (including short-circuit testing for the short-line fault condition).
i. Disconnect switch tests.
j. Instrument transformer tests.
k. Surge arrester tests.
l. Grounding (maintenance and high-speed) switch tests.
m. Arc burn-through tests.
n. Radio interference voltage (RIV) tests.
o. Switching impulse voltage tests.
p. Degree of protection tests.
q. Temperature tests.
Routine tests shall be made in the course of component assembly and at the complete or shipping assembly state. Tests shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. Circuit breaker test in accordance with IEEE C37.09/IEC 62271-100/IEC 62271- 203.
b. Pressure test on all individual enclosures and barrier insulators.
c. Gas tightness tests of enclosure and barrier insulators, if applicable.
d. Mechanical operation test.
e. Low voltage wiring test, including insulation tests.
f. Voltage drop measurement of the conductor and contacts.
g. Power frequency withstand voltage.
h. Partial discharge test of insulators and/or shipping sections.
i. Current transformer and voltage transformer tests.
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j. Surge arrester tests.
k. Functional tests on control and indication circuits.
Field tests performed and successfully completed prior to achieving the Substantial Completion by the Contractor shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. Gas tightness test.
b. Operational test.
c. Gas moisture measurement.
d. Resistance test of conductor.
e. CT testing.
f. High voltage tests.
g. Partial discharge tests.
h. Control and installation wiring checks, including insulation tests.
i. Inductive voltage transformer tests.
j. Capacitive coupler test, if applicable.
k. Circuit breaker contact timing travel and velocity, contact resistance, and power factor.
l. Disconnect and grounding switch contact resistance and proper operation.
m. GIS bus power factor.
16878.1.27 Gas Leak Detector
The Contractor shall furnish SF6 gas leak detection equipment capable of "sniffing" SF6 gas leaks in the GIS. The leak detector shall be portable and hand-held for operation by one person.
16878.1.28 Gas Handling Equipment
The gas handling unit shall be as manufactured by Dilo.
The Contractor shall furnish a mobile SF6 gas handling unit for the recovery, storage, transportation, conditioning, and dispensing of SF6 gas for maintenance of the GIS equipment and will remain on site for use by SMUD and SMUD. The unit shall be capable of performing the following functions:
a. Removing SF6 gas from the GIS compartment and storing it in a storage tank or in SF6 gas cylinders.
b. Recharging the gas compartment with the stored gas.
c. Drying, filtering and purifying of the SF6 gas.
d. Evacuating moisture and air from the gas compartment prior to refilling.
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The unit shall be capable of degassing, storing, and evacuating, as a minimum, the SF6 gas from the largest gas compartment in the GIS, plus one half of the gas from each of the adjacent gas compartments within 8 hours. The Contractor shall state in the proposal the amount of SF6 gas that the unit can process as well as the time required to evacuate and fill the largest gas compartment in the GIS.
The unit shall be designed to perform the intended functions while operating over the environmental range of –30° C to + 40° C and as high as 100 percent humidity.
A service hose shall be provided that will enable the unit to service all the GIS components from the maintenance aisles provided.
Electric power supply for the unit shall be 208Y/120 VAC three-phase, 60 hertz. The electrical system shall be protected by a circuit breaker, and motor circuits shall be protected by thermal overloads of equivalent devices.
Starting buttons and indicating lights for each major electrical system, such as the gas compressor, vacuum pump, tank heater, etc., shall be provided on the unit control panel.
Thirty meters (30 m or 100 feet) of 600 volt power cable shall be provided on a reel mounted on the unit for connecting the unit to a power source.
The gas handling unit shall be mobile with heavy-duty casters and allowing movement by one person. The gas handling unit shall be usable and accessible without removing from the trailer.
The gas handling unit shall be leak tested using a helium leak detector while the system is under high vacuum.
The gas handling unit shall be functionally tested prior to shipment to SMUD. Factory test reports shall be forwarded to SMUD confirming the passing of all functional and other testing at the factory before the gas handling unit is shipped.
16878.1.29 Shipment
All equipment shall be suitably packed and protected during shipment. Each shipping unit shall be sealed in a clean, dry condition with leaktight shipping covers securely mounted for shipment. Each shipping section shall be carefully sealed and filled with dry gas to a slightly positive pressure or sealed in evacuated plastic with a desiccant to prevent the entrance of moisture and contamination. The Contractor shall place temporary labels on the shipping sections stating whether the shipping sections contain SF6 gas or another type of dry gas under pressure.
Components requiring indoor storage shall be identified. The Contractor shall provide complete, detailed, customized instructions for the receiving, handling, storage, installation, operation, and maintenance of the equipment.
The Contractor shall affix mechanical shock monitoring devices to each shipping section. Each monitor shall be inspected by SMUD and Contractor's shipper/transporter at time of delivery to SMUD’s site. The Contractor will be notified by the shipper/transporter/representative and/or SMUD if any shock monitors indicated possible damage or if visible damage is apparent.
The Contractor shall notify and allow SMUD to inspect the equipment at the port of entry to the destination country.
16878.1.30 Packaging
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The size of transportation units shall be as large as possible so as to reduce the amount of field installation work.
The type of packing used must be suitable for the means of transportation used from the manufacturer location to the installation site.
The packing must, if required, be suitable for outdoor storage of the equipment. In this case, sufficient drying agent shall be provided in the packing to absorb condensed moisture.
Marking of transportation containers must be approved by SMUD. Guidelines for special marking must be followed meticulously to ensure positive identification at the jobsite.
A packing list must be provided for each individual packing unit.
All packaging shall be subject to the approval of SMUD.
16878.1.31 Spare Parts
In addition to the replacement (spare) parts identified elsewhere in these specifications or on the drawings, the Contractor shall furnish the following parts for each item of equipment he furnishes. All spare part shall be packed and crated separately from rest of GIS equipment and clearly marked as spare parts.
50 percent or manufacturer recommendation replacement of fuses for each type and size of fuse.
50 percent or manufacturer recommendation replacement of each type of lamp, bulb, etc., for each type of indicating light and light fixture.
Gaskets (no gaskets shall be reused for any permanent seal broken or disturbed in the field). Spare gaskets and O-rings shall be supplied in a vacuum sealed package.
Pressure relief devices (if pressure relief devices are rupture disks or other self- destructive devices, then at least six spare disks and associated gaskets/O-rings of each pressure rating shall be provided. Rupture disks and gaskets/O-rings shall also be included as part of normal replacement parts stock). Gaskets/O-rings shall be supplied in a vacuum sealed package.
Circuit breaker trip and close coils - at least two of each unique type.
16878.2 Erection, Site Testing, and Commissioning Specifications
16878.2.1 General
The Contractor shall provide the services of one (or more) factory trained personnel to perform the erection personnel, supervise the erection of the complete GIS equipment at the site, field test the GIS equipment after erection, and assist SMUD during energization/commissioning of the GIS facility.
The Contractor shall furnish with the proposal a complete listing of all tools, consumables, lifting/handling equipment, etc., required for the complete assembly/erection and disassembly of the GIS. This shall include all commonly available tools, "special" tools, and jigs necessary for equipment alignment/erection.
The Contractor shall furnish a complete set of the "special" hand and power tools required to completely disassemble and reassemble the complete GIS facility. These tools shall be new at the start of installation. These tools are those that are not commonly available or are of non-standard manufacture.
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These tools shall be furnished with the equipment and will be stored inside the GIS Building at the site for installation/maintenance/repair purposes.
The Contractor shall include a list or description of all labor, tools, equipment, etc., required for the receiving, unloading, handling, and erection of the GIS at the site.
16878.2.2 Equipment Erection
Erection work by the Contractor shall include receiving, unloading, storage, removal from storage, hauling, cleaning, erection on foundations, and other work necessary to place all equipment into successful operation.
In addition, erection work shall include complete assembly of equipment shipped unassembled; dismantling and reassembly of equipment to make adjustments; and provisions for personnel and equipment in testing and placing the equipment into operation.
Erection procedures not specified herein shall be in accordance with the recommendations and drawings of the Contractor and submitted to and approved by SMUD. In general, the erection and handling of the equipment shall consider the guidelines described in IEEE Std C37.122.1, Section 4.2. Safe SF6 gas handling during the filling and removal of gas from the GIS shall consider the guidelines described in IEEE Std C37.122.1, Section 4.4.
16878.2.3 Miscellaneous Material
All miscellaneous materials, except those specified to be furnished by SMUD or other Contractors, shall be furnished as required for the complete erection of the equipment. These materials shall include, but shall not be limited to, shims, wedges, dowels, anchors, supports, bolting, and gaskets.
16878.2.4 Equipment Protection
All equipment shall be protected from damage of any kind from the time it is unloaded until it is ready for initial operation.
During the erection period, all equipment having drive motors or rotating parts shall be protected with a weatherproof flame-resistant sheeting which completely covers the exposed parts of the equipment. Sheeting shall be PYRO-KURE 613 or acceptable equal.
No welding shall be allowed on site unless for anchor welding for connecting GIS to building floor.
Equipment housed or covered with glass or equipped with easily broken components shall be protected, as required, to prevent damage throughout the construction period.
16878.2.5 Cleaning
The exterior and interior surfaces of each equipment item shall be cleaned of sand, dirt, and other foreign materials after removal from storage and immediately before movement to the final location.
Before initial operation of the individual items of equipment, the Contractor shall remove all dirt, mortar, and other material which has been spilled, misplaced, or otherwise been allowed to mar the finish surfaces. The interior of all electrical equipment, including relays and electrical contacts, shall be thoroughly wiped and vacuumed clean before the equipment is energized. All debris shall be removed from the site and disposed of as directed by SMUD.
16878.2.6 Maintenance Tools
All "special" tools furnished with the equipment for maintenance shall be stored as directed by SMUD.
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16878.2.7 Contractor’s Inspection and Supervision
Competent and experienced installation, commissioning, and service staff, including a minimum of one full-time, factory-trained Contractor's supervisor, shall be present at the erection site throughout the installation, testing, and commissioning of the equipment.
16878.2.8 Testing
The Contractor shall perform field (acceptance) testing of all of the GIS equipment installed at the project site as part of achieving “Substantial Completion”. Final commission testing (connections to equipment outside of GIS, e.g. control and relay panels in control building) will be performed by SMUD. It is the intent of this specification that field testing be extensive and complete, as specified, to provide positive assurance of totally correct installation and operation of equipment. The final acceptance tests for the GIS shall be as approved by SMUD and shall be certified by the Contractor. SMUD will review and approve the proposed test procedures and test results (refer to Article 16878.1.26). Testing hold points will be established by SMUD. Continued testing beyond the hold points must be approved by SMUD.
The following list summarizes the tests and checks that shall be performed on the GIS control system, as a minimum, and the associated activities and/or responsibilities. All test equipment type and manufacturer shall be approved by SMUD. These tests may need to be witnessed by SMUD and/or SMUD while being performed. Which tests will require witnessing will be determined at a later date.
Primary Equipment Tests AC high potential test (may include partial discharge) Primary current injection Gas tightness test Moisture, purity test Contact/connection resistance test Switch Alignment test Alarms for gas monitoring system Interlocking CT Equipment Tests Insulation resistance test Visual inspection of all equipment, wiring, etc. Verification of polarity and ratio on all taps Saturation excitation Verification of single point grounding on CT circuits VT Equipment Tests Insulation resistance test Visual inspection of all equipment, wiring, etc. Verification of polarity and ratio on all taps Polarity High voltage ratio verification (if possible) Control Cable and Secondary Wiring Visually inspect all wiring for damage Insulation resistance test Continuity Proper installation and latching of plugs Tightness of all connections Proper operation of any shorting devices Primary Switches Synchronization of all phases Proper operation of motor-operators Visual inspection of all equipment
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Verify proper operation of auxiliary contacts Contact resistance Circuit Breakers Verify nameplate data Contact timing Travel and velocity Contact resistance Operating mechanism alarm testing Equipment ground verification Verify proper operation of auxiliary contacts Check breaker control (including, but not limited to, anti-pumping, gas tripping, etc. Minimum DC voltage for operation Surge Arresters (prior to installation) Power factor testing LCCs Annunciator testing Proper operation of control switches Molded-case circuit breaker trip test Proper operation of indicating lamps Proper installation of fuse blocks Tightness of all connections Verification of proper wiring (according to drawings) Functional testing of the overall LCC controls (including all interlocking) Equipment ground verification
This specification includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Testing all wire, cable, electrical equipment, and systems installed or connected to the GIS, up to and including the LCCs, to ensure proper installation, adjustment, setting, connection, and functioning in accordance with the Contractor's and SMUD's drawings, these specifications, and the Contractor's recommendations.
Furnishing all qualified personnel and labor required for and incidental to testing.
Furnishing all test equipment required and qualified personnel and labor, including special equipment for testing of all protective relays, instruments, and meters furnished with the Contractor's equipment.
This specification includes all testing required during installation and energization of GIS equipment and Contractor-provided electrical systems.
All factory calibrated equipment (transducers, pressure switches, etc.) shall be tested to verify calibration. The Contractor shall not modify calibration settings without agreement from SMUD. If equipment does not meet specifications, SMUD shall be notified of the problem immediately.
The typical drawings indicating the types of systems to be tested should include one-line diagrams for the station, "typical" ac and dc elementary diagrams, circuit lists, and other miscellaneous drawings. These documents do not represent a complete set of drawings, but are indicative of the types of systems to be tested.
The Contractor shall submit reports for all tests performed. The reports shall be in accordance with the following:
Maintain a written record of all tests showing date, personnel making test, equipment or material tests performed, and results. A copy of these reports shall be submitted to SMUD as required by SMUD.
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Notify SMUD 2 weeks prior to commencement of all testing.
Submit two copies of final test reports, as specified.
The Contractor shall document test results as specified by SMUD. The Contractor may use standard report forms, if approved by SMUD.
The types of tests covered by this specification shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Insulation resistance tests of all 600 volt power and control cable with a 1000 volt insulation resistance tester for 1 minute. Values at the end of one minute must be 1 megohm, at a minimum.
Insulation resistance tests of all instrument cable with a 500 volt insulation resistance tester for 1 minute, including each conductor of a multiconductor cable to all other conductors and the shield.
Values with all switchboards, panelboards, fuse holders, switches, and overcurrent devices (fuses and/or molded case circuit breakers) in place. Do not connect motors and transformers during the insulation resistance test. Insulation resistance tests should be performed on wire and cable after installation, not on the cable reels.
Visually check polarity mark orientation on all CTs with respect to three-line diagrams in the Contractor's drawings. Check all CT polarity markings.
The following CT tests shall also be performed in accordance with IEEE C57.13:
Complete testing of all CTs as follows:
Ratio CTs at all ratios.
Perform demagnetization and excitation tests on CTs.
Check excitation test data against CT excitation curves.
Insulation resistance tests on all CTs to ground.
All CTs are to remain shorted until testing procedures show the CTs are properly loaded.
Check all voltage transformer polarity markings with a transformer turns ratio tester.
Alarm sensor tests shall be performed in accordance with the following:
Insulation resistance tests of all leads of device to case. (Consult instruction manual for voltage level to be used to ensure no damage across open contacts.)
Induce the device to operate with the proper input medium (heat, cooling, pressure, vacuum, voltage, current, etc.) and verify operation of the device at the correct input medium level by monitoring the output contacts with an ohmmeter. All analog type devices shall be checked at 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 percent of scale.
Check each unit of annunciators by closing or opening the trouble contact and observing operation of the control board. Check all annunciator lamps, bell and cutoff and reset operation.
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The Contractor shall submit to SMUD a proposed plan for testing which shall show that it possesses qualified personnel and test equipment to satisfactorily perform the testing required. All wire, cable, and electrical equipment installed or connected by the Contractor shall be tested to ensure proper installation, setting, connection, and functioning.
The Contractor shall furnish the services of a factory trained engineer, who is an electrical engineer, thoroughly familiar with GIS and GIS controls who shall perform the following:
Be personally present on the jobsite during the testing of all wiring, controls, and systems furnished, installed, or connected by the Contractor until they are all in complete and satisfactory operation and the substation is in full operation.
Conduct and direct the complete program of testing specified herein.
Personally check all wiring installed by the Contractor for proper connection according to the diagrams shown in the plans and connection diagrams.
Testing requirements shall include all tests recommended by the Contractor. Additional tests shall be performed as deemed necessary by SMUD because of field conditions or to determine that equipment material and systems meet SMUD’s requirements.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage to equipment or material because of improper test procedures or test apparatus handling.
SMUD reserves the option to assign personnel to assist the Contractor in checking out certain control schemes where SMUD concludes such assistance is necessary to meet the project schedule. If SMUD should exercise this option, the Contractor will be notified in advance of the extent of SMUD's involvement. SMUD will witness tests and review and approve test results.
After completing testing and checkout of equipment, wiring, control schemes, and other items associated with individual systems, and believing a system to be ready for operation, the Contractor shall notify SMUD, and SMUD may elect to witness a final operational test of each individual system.
After the Contractor has completed all testing and turned the systems over to SMUD, no further modifications or testing shall be done by the Contractor without providing SMUD and SMUD with a written plan for said modifications and testing.
It is anticipated that there will be frequent occasions when testing will have to be performed outside regular working hours. This testing would primarily be related to work during initial energization testing and load testing of equipment and systems. Other possible work of this nature would be under critical situations where the safety of men or equipment and progress of the overall project work is concerned.
Connections shall not be made or testing done on existing equipment, facilities, circuits, or systems without receiving proper authorization from SMUD. SMUD reserves the right to have personnel present when connections are made or testing is done on any piece of equipment installed by the Contractor. Scheduling for such work shall be through SMUD. Work may be rescheduled at SMUD's discretion.
Test procedures, equipment, temporary circuits, etc., shall be designed and utilized to minimize danger to testing technicians and surrounding personnel, e.g., CT temporary test circuits utilizing alligator clips will not be permitted. Safety devices such as rubber gloves and blankets shall be furnished and used. Protective screens and barriers, yellow tape, and danger signs shall be provided to adequately protect and warn all personnel in the vicinity of the tests.
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All electrical controls shall be tested by trial operation of control equipment in the presence of SMUD and Contractor after all wiring is completed, to verify that each interlock and control function operates according to the Contractor's schematics and operating instructions.
The Contractor shall furnish all necessary labor, supervision, testing equipment, and tools required to locate the cause of any malfunction and shall make the necessary corrections in wiring, equipment, or connections furnished by the Contractor, as necessary, to obtain the intended operation.
All terminal block disconnecting links shall be tightened before testing. All control cable terminations shall be verified and tightened before testing.
All control, interlock, etc., functions shown on the Contractor's drawings shall be tested. Any malfunctions noted in the operations shall be recorded, and when repairs are completed, the tests shall be repeated and the date that the scheme functioned satisfactorily and who conducted the tests shall be recorded on the connection drawing.
The Contractor shall use the "yellow line" method of recording that functional tests have been completed. This method requires that a yellow highlighter be used to mark those portions of the control circuits, potential circuits, or CT strings that have been tested and are functioning correctly.
The following tests and checks shall be performed on all CT circuits:
Injection of currents at the source of each CT string and checking of the string at each device with a clamp-on ammeter to verify that the CT strings are connected in accordance with the drawings.
Simulation of actual load current and fault current operation of the substation electrical systems by injecting appropriate currents in the CT strings.
Measurement and record of the burden of each connected CT.
The following tests and checks shall be performed on all potential circuits:
Pulling of fuses from voltage transformer junction boxes and application of proper phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground voltages to the load side of the fuse blocks. A check for proper voltages at all relays, instruments, switches, etc., to verify that the potential circuit is connected in accordance with the drawings.
Measurement and record of the burden of each potential circuit.
16878.2.9 Commissioning
Commissioning/energization shall proceed as outlined in this section.
A commissioning/energization procedure shall be developed by the Contractor and submitted for approval by SMUD at least 2 months prior to energization. SMUD will conduct the necessary cutover work prior to each step. SMUD will ensure that the cutover sequence is being followed and that proper switching and tagging procedures are being followed. All switching and tagging will be under the control of the switching and tagging authority. The following individuals are to be present during energization:
SMUD's Construction Manager or authorized representative(s).
SMUD or authorized representative(s).
Contractor or authorized representative(s).
Source: 16878, (2016), v.1.0 Gas Insulated Switchgear Equipment Page 41 of 43 Final STG-GIS SMUD STATION G GIS 01/31/2017
Responsibilities of those present during energization are as follows:
SMUD Energizing or operation of equipment. Obtain and hold work clearances on existing facilities to allow final permanent connections to be made. SMUD may stop work from proceeding if such work will cause the SMUD’s electrical system to operate unsatisfactorily or to drop load. Ensure that the cutover sequence is followed. Perform or witness final tests on equipment and install final relay settings and perform final relay testing. Make final HV GIS connections as required for initial energization Be responsible for the installation of all equipment and materials. Perform necessary switching to energize the station in accordance with the cutover sequence. Contractor Certify that equipment is ready for energization and supply SMUD with a letter stating this certification/guarantee. Perform all corrective work required during initial energization. Ensure that the initial energization procedure is followed
Prior to SMUD’s energization, the Contractor shall submit final as-built drawings with the field markups incorporated and final field test reports.
The Contractor shall provide personnel during initial energization of the GIS, as required, on a 24-hour- a-day, 7-day-a-week basis. Contractor shall assume a minimum of 40 hours will be required for first energization.
Following energization, partial discharge measurements shall be made by the Contractor to benchmark the GIS equipment.
Source: 16878, (2016), v.1.0 Gas Insulated Switchgear Equipment Page 42 of 43 Final STG-GIS SMUD STATION G GIS 01/31/2017
Source: 16878, (2016), v.1.0 Gas Insulated Switchgear Equipment Page 43 of 43