Draft Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of the Parish Council of Ecton held in The Village Hall, High Street, Ecton on Tuesday 17th November 2015 at 7.30p.m.

Mrs. S. Bresnahan - Chairperson

PRESENT: Mr R East, Mr T Moffett, Mr D Dicks, Mrs J Jones, Mr P Godby, Mr W Brophy, Mrs M Mulvey and Mrs A Fernley

IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs S Wong – Clerk, Highways Representative Andy Leighton and 11 Residents

302/15 APOLOGIES: Apologies were received from Borough Councillor Jennie Bone (Bereavement), Borough Councillor Clive Hallam and County Councillor Paul Bell both of who were attending other Parish Council Meetings.

303/15 DECLARATION OF INTEREST – None declared.

As there was a good attendance of residents at the meeting item 309/15 was brought forward on the agenda as the next item for discussion.

309/15 DISCUSS RECENT TRAFFIC SURVEY REPORT AND ANY HIGHWAY CONCERNS WITH HIGHWAYS REPRESENTATIVE ANDY LEIGHTON A traffic survey report was carried out between the 11th September and 16th September in the village. A total of 3853 vehicles were recorded during the period with volumes principally around the rush hour peaks. The report did not show a speeding problem in the village. No HGV lorries were recorded. The maximum speed recorded for motorcycles was 32mph, cars 36mph and vans / small lorries 23mph. The maximum speed recorded was 36mph. 85% of vehicles were travelling at 24 mph or less. A discussion was held on whether it was possible to reduce the speed limits through the village to 20 mph. Andy Leighton will consider whether this is feasible

Residents asked Highways Representative Andy Leighton what measures could be implemented to curb Ecton being used as a cut through during peak times in the day. It was suggested that a dedicated third lane could be created at the roundabout to Ecton Brook, Weston Favell and Rectory Farm along the A4500 Wellingborough Road, turning left towards Ecton Brook. This would ease congestion backing up to Ecton during busy times and make the use of the village as a cut through less attractive. Andy Leighton will look into this option and report back but feels the costs involved would not make it a viable option.

It was noted that bus user’s lives are at risk when they try to cross the A4500 from the bus stop into Ecton Village due to the speed of the Traffic. The speed limit on the road cannot be reduced as it is an A road. It was agreed that the Clerk would enquire if any speed surveys had been carried out on the A4500 and contact the bus companies to enquire if they could arrange for up to three of their scheduled buses to be replaced with three small buses a day that could drive through the village dropping Residents off safely?

Action: Clerk to contact the bus companies and enquire if any speed surveys have been carried out on the A4500 Wellingborough Road and request sight of them. The Parish Council will follow up on 20mph speed zone suggestion.

It was reported to Andy Leighton that along Lower Ecton Lane (before the Travellers site) there is a piece of kerbing that is sticking up and could potentially cause damage to a vehicle if drivers are not aware of it, could this be removed for safety? Andy Leighton agreed to investigate could this be removed for safety.

Andy Leighton left the meeting at 8.28pm.

304/15 TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE FULL COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON THE 15TH SEPTEMBER 2015 Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on the 15th September 2015 as previously circulated were read, confirmed and signed as a correct record of account.

305/15 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES No matters arising.

306/15 TO RECEIVE A REPORT FROM POLICE REPRESENTATIVES PCSO Paul Hurst arrived to the meeting but was called immediately away on police matters. The Chair Mrs S Bresnahan read out the crime stats for October 1 x theft/handling – East lodge Farm (Theft of sheep hurdles). 1 x violent offence – Assault without injury (domestic related – no further action).

The Police JAG Meeting took place on the 11th November 2015, no Parish Councillors were available to attend. Fly Tipping along Lower Ecton Lane and HGV’s in Ecton were discussed. Lorry watch letters have been delivered to houses in the village and the first breach had been reported within hours of the letters being delivered. PCSO Paul Hurst will follow up with the company concerned as would any further breaches which will help identify if Police intervention would be required.

307/15 TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM BOROUGH AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS No Borough or County Councillors were in attendance.

308/15 RECEIVE UPDATE REPORT REGARDING SYWELL AERODROME No new updates were given due to Jennie Bone’s absence.

310/15 DISCUSS ANY UPDATES REGARDING THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN / LOCALISIM BILL Members of the Neighbourhood Plan Group have had one more meeting with Mike Haybyrne since appointing him to work on the plan. More information is required to complete the plan which could take up to a further two years to complete. Mrs Jones stated that residents and councillors are encouraged to visit the website placecheck.info and complete a 21 question walkabout survey on Ecton (this asks for residents views and opinions of the local area) this information can then be accessed by the group which can greatly help with the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan as it is a good way to get access to parishioners views of Ecton. 311/15 VILLAGE SERVICES A. UPDATE REPORT ON THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PLAYING FIELD AND FUND RAISING EVENTS AND DISCUSS AND AGREE COSTS TO INSTALL A NEW GATE IN THE PLAYING FIELD Donations totalling £250 have been received towards costs of purchasing new play equipment in the Play Area. £100 from Mums and Tots raised at the local fete, £100 from the Witches and £50 balance left after the winding up of the Mums and Tots group. Thanks are given to both these groups for their kind donations.

A grant application has been submitted to Grant Weston, no updates have been received as yet.

Prior to the meeting the clerk had submitted quotes to install a new gate at the Play Area. It was resolved to appoint Hayeswood Landscapes to install a galvanised gate with mesh on one side and Mr D Dicks will purchase a padlock and spare keys for it.

The Clerk had produced a mock up safety sign to be installed at the play area: some amendments were made at the meeting. It was resolved to purchase two signs.

B. RECEIVE UPDATES AND DISCUSS ANY VILLAGE MAINTENANCE MATTERS – INCLUDING BOUNDARY WALL AND BOUNDARY FENCING AT THE PUMP HOUSE, FRANKLINS CLOSE The Clerk sent a letter to the Worlds End Pub requesting they secure the wall surrounding the pub near the picnic area as there are large holes in it and rocks are failing onto the pavement. A request was also made to repair the gate pillar which had been knocked down by a car. The Clerk has been informed this is an insurance matter and will be repaired shortly.

The Clerk has secured a site meeting at the Pump House in Franklins Close with Sabrina Filbee from Anglian Water on the 19th November to discuss the area behind the pump house. Clerk to re-schedule the meeting as Mr D Dicks is unable to make the appointment.

C. DISCUSS ONGOING RUBBISH DUMPING ISSUES AT LOWER ECTON LANE Rubbish dumping at Lower Ecton Lane still remains a problem in the village. As soon as dumped rubbish has been removed it is immediately replaced by a fresh batch of dumped rubbish. Helen Howard from Highways has agreed the fence / gateway can be moved forward at the Anglian Water - Billing Works to effectively remove the “layby” which will help alleviate rubbish dumping there. This will be actioned in the current financial year (by the end of March 2016).

The Chair Mrs S Bresnahan gave special thanks to Mr & Mrs Stephens for their continued efforts helping combat the rubbish issue in the village. They both work tirelessly (almost daily) to collect and bag up dumped rubbish along Lower Ecton Lane and report it to the relevant authorities to remove it.

D. APPROVE WORDING ON THE PROPOSED GOOD NEIGHBOUR LETTER Prior to the meeting the Clerk circulated a proposed Good Neighbour letter to Councillors. This letter is to be presented to General Managers of local companies in the area / Crow Lane Industrial Estate inviting them to join the “Good Neighbour initiative”. This would involve their lorry drivers agreeing not to use Ecton as a cut through route. Anglian Water and Clancy Docwra will be approached first. If one large organisation signs up to the scheme then more local companies are likely to sign up as well. A few amendments were made to the letter and it was resolved that the Chair Mrs S Bresnahan would contact the local companies with the help of local resident, Mr Ian Stephens who drafted the letter.

E. RECEIVE UPDATE REPORT REGARDING STREET LIGHTING MATTERS The street light at the corner of Church Way has been out of order now for three months. Mr P Godby reported quotes should have been received from EON for replacement parts – Clerk to chase up quotes as they have not been received. Mr P Godby will report street light number 30 that requires a new glass pane. The Clerk has asked Eon to quote to paint / refurbish the Lantern Style Street Lights in the spring tie. Quote is yet to be received.

312/15 PLANNING APPLICATIONS WP/15/00563/FUL – 25 Church View – Extension to entrance and extension to create first floor en-suite bathroom. No comments or observations were made.


313/15 FINANCIAL MATTERS - A. REVIEW OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT The Clerk presented a balance sheet as at 17th November 2015. The current bank balance stands at £34,366.48 of which £4340 David Cross funds, £4764.66 Play Equipment Fund and £25,261.82 Parish Council Funds. This figure also includes £4763.00 the final precept payment received from WBC for the current financial year.

B. REVIEW BUDGET AND DISCUSS AND AGREE SETTING OF THE PRECEPT FOR 2016 / 2017 Prior to the meeting the Clerk circulated a budget for setting the precept for 2016 / 17. This detailed estimated spend to 31st March 2016 of £20,020.82 and an estimated spend for 2016 / 17 of £10,918. It was resolved to keep the precept level the same as this current financial year in of £11,908.00.

C. PROPOSE PAYMENTS AND SIGN CHEQUES Resolved that the balances as presented be accepted. Resolved that the following accounts be paid.


451 Eon Street Lighting Maintenance to 30.9.15 146.66 452 EON Electricity Costs to 30.09.15 Price increase from 8.24p per kWh to 12.400p per kWh 328.81

453 Hayeswood Landscapes Grass Cutting 16.9.15 & 19.10.15 432.00

454 S Wong – Salary (15.9.15 to 17.11.15) Salary 27 hrs 302.13 Expenses Use of clerks home as office – Oct / Nov £305/12 50.84 Broadband 20.00 Mileage 44.2 miles 28.73 Less Tax Deductions -60.40 ------341.30 455 H M Revenue & Customs Tax and NI Deductions – S Wong 60.40

456 BDO External Auditors External Audit Fees – Year Ending 31st March 2015 120.00

457 Ecton Systems Limited Web Hosting of the Ecton Plan 166.32


D. UPDATE REPORT REFERENCE DAVID CROSS BEQUEST The last trip of the current year has now taken place nothing new to report.

315/15 DISCUSS ANY CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED The Clerk has received a letter of thanks from Mrs M Tinston on behalf of the Ecton Village Youth Club thanking the Parish Council for their recent donation of £200.

The Chair Mrs S Bresnahan also received a letter from Mr Adam Simmonds – Police Crime Commissioner that was read out. Mr Simmonds has been meeting Parish and District Councillors and local people to get an understanding of the concerns and challenges of busy roads, open spaces, rural life and the perceived lack of visible policing and activities for young people. Steps are being worked out how to meet these expectations. The general direction is to increase visible policing in local communities, encourage more police volunteers, work with Highways to look into measures to make roads safer and improve roads by improving signage and make changes to key roads by example, installing traffic lights, changing of priorities or creating a new junction.

316/15 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Resolved that the next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 19th January 2016 at 7.30pm.

Meeting ended at 8.40pm.