Minutes of Cramond Parents & Staff Council Meeting
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Minutes of Cramond Parents & Staff Council meeting held at Cramond Primary School on Tuesday 2 May 2017
Present Apologies Caroline Duff (Acting Chair) Tammie Fletcher Caroline Duguid Claire McDowell Alexis Ovenstone Emma Walker Linda Campbell Niketa Platt Victoria Bowes Steph Croan Kari Cessford Nicola McKirdy Helen Donaldson Jim Poseley Debbie Smith Louise Taylor Sarah Anderson Kathryn Garvie Maggie Smith Joanne MacLeod Claire Hunter Livia Wright Fiona Pengelly Simon Oliphant Fran Warren Katie Bruce Celina Davis Nick Balchin Agenda Item Discussion Action Date for completion
Welcome Helen welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies Apologies were given as above. Acceptance of The minutes were reviewed and accepted minutes of last as an accurate reflection of the meeting. meeting
Clare McDowell spoke to the group about Event Planning the CPSC Fundraising events and how we would love for parents to get more involved.
Cramonds Got Talent – 12 May 7-9 in gym hall. Still spaces. Please contact Fiona Pengelly for futher information. Summer Fair – 3 June. Help still needed. Jobs can be divided up into year groups. Year group reps will be emailed tasks and all parents are welcome to volunteer help at the event. P7s always do a Games Room, which leaves the P7 parents available to help in other areas. Food areas are always popular. Popcorn, candy floss, ice cream, ice lollies were all possibilities discussed. Perhaps hiring an ice cream van who come and supply and serve, but they take quite a bit of the profits. Looking for ideas of new things to do at the summer fair. Jam jars which are filled and decorated by children, which are sold or auctioned off on the day is one idea already in the mix. The raffle is a task which needs forward planning. If anyone has any links or help they can give with this, it would be much appreciated. We did not do a Christmas Raffle this year, so we are hoping for a really good one this year. Groupcall will go out to parents in the next week with requests for help. Playground ROSPA Report. Action plan had to be Update submitted which lists everything we have done in the past as well as our future plans. They have changed the format of the Report. Nothing major we need to do. Gardening Group are going to meet in the next week to make an action plan, but hopefully there is nothing costly in this.
Scottish Hazards also came to visit and will Parent reps to send urgent email to parents to ask if anyone produce a report. We have to date not seen could give half an hour, once the children are dropped off, to or heard about this and hope they will share come with rakes – the sandpit can be checked and we can it with us. reopen it.
Some of the work which happened was different to what we thought was going to happen. We are waiting for CEC to come out and sign off the safety of this area. We need to ensure the space is safe for children, before opening it up to pupils once more.
We have been trying to set up a meeting about the work done on the retaining wall. This is still being worked on. We have created quite a lot of pressure on less space.
Vandalism – safety barriers and new fencing has been kicked in. Police are investigating. There were a lot of youths hanging about at the weekend and parents have been helpful in providing information. We need to try and get this sorted, to hopefully stop a spate of vandalism from starting.
The back gate will be locked, so anyone coming in has to come via the cameras. Next ROSPA Inspection is in June. The latest Report will be published soon on our website.
Scottish Water squad are coming in to paint some of the School on 24 May. If any parents wish to help out, they are more than welcome.
Interim Parent 88 responses so far (as of 2 May 17) Parent reps to encourage parents to reply to the survey asap. Survey Results Q6 related to which events would you support/attend?
Parents responses: School disco 66.28% Family Treasure Hunt 65.12% Movie Evenings 53.49% Quiz 53.49%
Pupils responses: School Fairs 90+% Ceilidh 38.37% Glow party 32% Bike or scooter 36.05% Family Water Fight 30.23%
Q7 related to ways in which you would be willing to get involved with the Parent Council. Responses so far are:
Help at an event 77.14% Support learning in class eg as a parent helper 45.71%
Pupil responses: Movie Evenings 77.27% Family Treasure Hunt 70.45% School Disco 70.45%
Family Treasure Hunt was way out in front, followed by School Disco, Movie Evenings.
School Fair, Glow Party and Meet as a group were popular in responses from pupils.
Other pupil suggestions – Children’s; Bake Off, Capture the Flag, Family Football Derby, Family Cycle to Cramond Island and Picnic, Tennis Tournament, Karaoke, Go Karts, Nerf Gun Fight, P6&P7 Hang out Zone, More Sports Days.
Christmas Fair – did not take place last year (as part of the CPSC. It was run as a School run event. It is difficult to recruit staff and parent helpers to this event, as it is such a busy time of year. Raffle, Movie Night, Bar, Café, Santa’s Grotto could be reinstated for this year. Perhaps arrange for Tricky Rickie or Magic Ian to come in too. A more up to date movie could be obtained to view, with parents being advised in advance of the Title, more families would come to watch it. Food cannot be cooked on the premises, but we do have hotplates to keep food warm. We have a member of staff qualified in food preparation, and we could ask parents to donate dishes to be sold on the evening.
Couple of Movie Nights, Treasure Hunt, (possibly at Lauriston Castle in September) Christmas Fair (during School day, but extending to a Movie Night), 2 School Discos, Pinewood Derby.
Confusion about P4 Learning Wall – will report back on 12 June.
Next meeting Monday 12 June 2017
Friends of Cramond Campus gave a presentation about the Cramond Campus Playing Fields. They would like to see it being used for its original intention, which is sports facilities. Planning permission has been granted. They are working with City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) and various councillors and feel things are moving in the right direction. It has been lying derelict for years and lots of people in the area could make great use of this space. Robin Yellowlees (Strategic Development Manater, Sport and Physical Activity for CEC) was present and has been a great help in getting the campaign to this stage. Richard Bright gave the presentation: explaining the story behind the Cramond Campus playing fields/informing us about the actions so far/to obtain support for discussions with AMA so that we get sports facilities on the site.
The Friends are made up of the Cramond Association/people living in Cramond Road North, Brighouse and near the former playing fields/Cramond and Barnton Community Council/People who want to make sure there are sports facilities in Cramond. Originally the Cramond Campus was part of Dunfermline College, then Edinburgh University sold the land in 1998. Planning permission has been given by CEC for housing and sports facilities. This planning permission will lapse in 2020, unless the developers build the sports facilities before this. Developers have proposed many ideas including cricket pitch, 2 football pitches, 2 tennis courts, pavilion with changing rooms, etc. AMA has said it does not have the capital to build sports facilities. In April 2014, the Council decided AMA must temporarily grass over or ‘green’ about half of the former playing fields. To date, AMA has neither built sports facilities nor greened the field.
Friends of Cramond Campus (FOCC) are concerned the sports facilities will never be provided by AMA, and that they will try use the land for more housing. FOCC thing the land should be kept for recreational use for the benefit of the community and that is why FOCC was set up. Some members have suggested the land could be used for a natural play area, meadowland, woodland, nature trail, path for dog walkers and cyclists’ path. There has been a lot of interest for Corstorphine Cricket Club for cricket pitches and also as playing fields for children from Cramond Primary School. This could be used for Sports Days and After School activities as well as Physical Education. Councillor Lunn met with AMA and wrote to FOCC saying the developer has no plans at present to build on the site.
Parents are invited to tell people and Councillors about why the school needs playing fields and to email [email protected] to show your support.
Robin Yellowlees spoke to the audience: There are a lot of grand ideas about the use of the ground, but a low cost option might be more practical at present. Corstorphine Cricket Club have a lot of facilities, currently stored at Royal High School. They have the machines, etc to look after this ground and may be the best start for this ground to be used.
Q: Have AMA been approached about selling or leasing the ground? In discussions with AMA, the question about putting the ground into trust for the foreseeable future. One of the next steps is for the Friends of Cramond to get into direct discussion with AMA.
Q: Is there a public right of way through this ground? A lot of children have to walk up the narrow pavement at that area to get to Royal High School. There is currently no public access to this area, probably because AMA would have to apply for public insurance for the area, at a cost.
Perhaps areas like the Airport Community Fund and the Big Lottery could be used/contacted for funds to help if the School was to get involved.
Mrs Donaldson thanked the group for coming. The CPSC Meeting followed.