Mental Health Bulletin, July 2008 s6
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Guidelines Bulletin June 2014
The bulletin is intended as an information tool to help you keep up to date with developments in your area of clinical expertise and interest. It is not an expression of organisational policy. The inclusion of a guideline in this bulletin does not imply that it is used, or should be implemented, within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. The bulletin is produced monthly.
Many of the following articles are available online via the NHS Scotland Knowledge Network. Please use the links where provided and your ATHENS password. A complete list of available online journals and registration for ATHENS can be found at
If the article you require is not available via the NHS Scotland Knowledge Network and you would like to request a print copy, please submit your request online at
This bulletin contains a selection of material gathered from a search of the evidence base, and is not intended to be comprehensive. Professional judgment should be exercised when appraising the material. The Library takes no responsibility for the wording, content and accuracy of the information supplied, which has been extracted in good faith from reputable sources. NHSGGC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
Compiled by: Catriona Denoon Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties) Maria Henderson Library Gartnavel Royal Hospital Glasgow G12 0XH Tel: (0141) 211 3913 ; Fax: (0141) 211 0348 ; email: [email protected]
Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 1 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network Contents
A. UK Guidelines …………………………………………..………….……………….……………. p.2
1. General Health Care ……………………………………………………………………….… p. 2 2. Cardiovascular Health ………………………………………………………………. p. 4 3. Cancer Care/Palliative Care ………………………………………………………………. p. 4 4. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities ……………………………………………………. p. 5 5. Oral Health and Dentistry…………………………………………………………………………. p. 5 6. Sexual Health, BBV and related Topics ……………………………………………………. p. 5 7. Maternal and Child Health………………………………………………..……………………. p. 5
B. International Guidelines …………………………………………………………………………. p. 6
1. General Health Care …………………………………………………………………………. p. 6 2. Cardiovascular Health ………………………………………………………………. p. 9 3. Cancer Care/Palliative Care ……………………………………………………. p. 10 4. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities ……………………………………………………. p. 11 5. Oral Health and Dentistry…………………………………………………………………………. p. 12 6. Sexual Health, BBV and related Topics ……………………………………………………. p. 13 7. Maternal and Child Health…………………………………………….………………………. p. 13
C. Guidelines Implementation …………………………………………………...…………………. p. 14
A. UK Guidelines
1. General Health Care (UK)
Healthcare Improvement Scotland (2014) Comment. NICE Single Technology Appraisal Guidance No. 315. Canagliflozin in combination therapy for treating type 2 diabetes al_315.aspx?iru=QZH3142M46 [25.6.14]
HOFFMANN, T.C., et al, 2014. Better reporting of interventions: template for intervention description and replication (TIDieR) checklist and guide. BMJ, 348, pp. g1687. Check for full text. Athens login required.
KILLICK, S.B., et al, 2014. Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of adult myelodysplastic syndromes. British journal of haematology, 164(4), pp. 503-525. Check for full text. Athens login required.
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. Head injury. Triage, assessment, investigation and early management of head injury in children, young people and adults. NGC, May 2014 [25.6.14]
NICE (2014) Alemtuzumab for treating relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. TA312. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 2 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network NICE (2014) Arthroscopic radiofrequency chondroplasty for discrete chondral defects of the knee. IPG493. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Canagliflozin in combination therapy for treating type 2 diabetes. TA315. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy for primary hyperhidrosis of the upper limb. IPG487. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Gastroelectrical stimulation for gastroparesis. IPG489. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Managing overweight and obesity in adults – lifestyle weight management services. PH53. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Platelet-rich plasma injections for osteoarthritis of the knee. IPG491. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Pressure ulcers: prevention and management of pressure ulcers. CG179. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Radiofrequency tissue reduction for turbinate hypertrophy. IPG495. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Transcutaneous neuromuscular electrical stimulation for oropharyngeal dysphagia. IPG490. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Ustekinumab for treating active psoriatic arthritis. TA313. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
SIGN (2014) Care of deteriorating patients. No. 139. SIGN, May 2014 [24.6.14]
STANSBY, G., et al, 2014. Prevention and management of pressure ulcers in primary and secondary care: summary of NICE guidance. BMJ, 348, pp. g2592. Check for full text. Athens login required.
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Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 3 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network 2. Cardiovascular Health (UK)
Healthcare Improvement Scotland (2014) Comment. NICE (Multiple) Technology Appraisal Guidance No. 314. Implantable cardioverter defibrillators and cardiac resynchronisation therapy for arrhythmias and heart failure ces/appraisal_314.aspx?iru=QZH3142M46 [25.6.14]
Joint British Societies' consensus recommendations for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (JBS3). Heart, 100(Suppl 2) 2014. pp. 1-67. Check for full text. Athens login required.
NICE (2014) Atrial fibrillation: the management of atrial fibrillation. CG180. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Bioresorbable stent implantation for treating coronary artery disease. IPG492. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Endoscopic saphenous vein harvest for coronary artery bypass grafting. IPG494. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Implantable cardioverter defibrillators and cardiac resynchronisation therapy for arrhythmias and heart failure (review of TA95 and TA120). TA314. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) The geko device for reducing the risk of venous thromboembolism. MTG19. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
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3. Cancer Care/Palliative Care (UK)
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. Prostate cancer : diagnosis and treatment. NGC, May 2014 [25.6.14]
NICE (2014) Chemosaturation via percutaneous hepatic artery perfusion and hepatic vein isolation for primary or metastatic liver cancer. IPG488. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Pemetrexed maintenance treatment following induction therapy with pemetrexed and cisplatin for non-squamous non-small-cell lung cancer. TA309. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 4 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network SIGN (2014) Management of primary cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. No. 140. SIGN, June 2014 [24.6.14]
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4. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities (UK)
KUIPERS, E., et al, 2014. Management of psychosis and schizophrenia in adults: summary of updated NICE guidance. BMJ, 348, pp. g1173. Check for full text. Athens login required.
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5. Oral Health and Dentistry (UK)
No new guidelines found this month.
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6. Sexual Health, BBV and related Topics (UK)
GUPTA, N. and KINGHORN, G., 2014. Current recommended management of common STIs in primary care. Prescriber, 25(11), pp. 13-24. Check for full text. Athens login required.
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. United Kingdom national guideline on the management of Trichomonas vaginalis 2014. NGC, May 2014 [25.6.14]
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7. Maternal and Child Health (UK)
JENKINS, L., 2014. Managing shoulder dystocia: Understanding and applying RCOG guidance. British Journal of Midwifery, 22(5), pp. 318-324. Check for full text. Athens login required.
Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 5 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network Back to the Contents page
B. International Guidelines
1. General Health Care
AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGISTS/THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF ENDOCRINOLOGY. OBESITY SOCIETY. GONZALEZ-CAMPOY JM. ST JEOR ST. CASTORINO K. EBRAHIM A. HURLEY D. JOVANOVIC L. MECHANICK JI. PETAK SM. YU YH. HARRIS KA. KRIS-ETHERTON P. KUSHNER R. MOLINI-BLANDFORD M. NGUYEN QT. PLODKOWSKI R. SARWER DB. THOMAS KT. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGISTS/THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF ENDOCRINOLOGY AND THE OBESITY SOCIETY, 2013. Clinical practice guidelines for healthy eating for the prevention and treatment of metabolic and endocrine diseases in adults: cosponsored by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/the American College of Endocrinology and the Obesity Society: executive summary. Endocrine Practice, 19(5), pp. 875-887. Check for full text. Athens login required.
CAMPOS-OUTCALT, D. and ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON IMMUNIZATION PRACTICES OF THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND,PREVENTION, 2014. Immunization update: the latest ACIP recommendations. Journal of Family Practice, 63(3), pp. 137-140. Check for full text. Athens login required.
DALL, T.M., et al, Detecting type 2 diabetes and prediabetes among asymptomatic adults in the United States: Modeling American Diabetes Association versus US Preventive Services Task Force diabetes screening guidelines. Population Health Metrics. 2014 12(1) pg12 Check for full text. Athens login required.
DAWSON, C. and FARRINGTON, M., 2014. Clinical consensus statement: tracheostomy care- putting statements into action!. ORL - Head & Neck Nursing, 32(1), pp. 14-19. Check for full text. Athens login required.
FIELD, N., et al, 2014. Strengthening the Reporting of Molecular Epidemiology for Infectious Diseases (STROME-ID): an extension of the STROBE statement. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 14(4), pp. 341-352. Check for full text. Athens login required.
FLEMING, P.S., et al, 6407. Blinded by PRISMA: Are systematic reviewers focusing on PRISMA and ignoring other guidelines?. PLoS ONE, 9 (5), 2014: 01 May 2014. Check for full text. Athens login required.
GILLET, J., 2014. Complications and side effects: European Guidelines for Sclerotherapy in Chronic Venous Disorders. Phlebology, 29(1), pp. 34-38. Check for full text. Athens login required.
Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 6 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network GRUNBERGER, G., et al, 2014. Consensus statement by the American association of clinical endocrinologists/American college of endocrinology insulin pump management task force. Endocrine Practice, 20(5), pp. 463-489. Check for full text. Athens login required.
IAGNOCCO, A., et al, 2014. The Italian MSUS Study Group recommendations for the format and content of the report and documentation in musculoskeletal ultrasonography in rheumatology. Rheumatology, 53(2), pp. 367-373. Check for full text. Athens login required.
Improving Clinical and Managed Care Outcomes in Rheumatoid Arthritis: New Guidelines, Therapies, and Challenges. 2014. American Journal of Managed Care, , pp. S153-5. Check for full text. Athens login required.
MAESSEN-VISCH, M. and DE ROOS, K., 2014. Dutch Venous Ulcer guideline update. Phlebology, 29(1), pp. 153-156. Check for full text. Athens login required.
MARTIN, M.A., et al, 2014. Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium Guidelines for HLA-B Genotype and Abacavir Dosing: 2014 update. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 95(5), pp. 499-500. Check for full text. Athens login required.
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. AARC clinical practice guideline : effectiveness of nonpharmacologic airway clearance therapies in hospitalized patients. NGC, Apr 2014 [25.6.14]
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. Acute pain assessment and opioid prescribing protocol. Health care protocol. NGC, Apr 2014 [26.5.14]
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. Clinical practice guideline : acute otitis externa. NGC, Apr 2014 [25.6.14]
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. Clinical practice guidelines for the perioperative nutritional, metabolic, and nonsurgical support of the bariatic surgery patient – 2013 update : cosponsored by American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, the Obesity Society, and American Society for Metabolic and Bariatic Surgery. NGC, Apr 2014 [25.6.14]
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. Esophageal varices. NGC, May 2014 [25.6.14]
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. Guidelines for safety in the gastrointestinal endoscopy unit. NGC, May 2014 [25.6.14]
Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 7 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. Guidelines for the prevention of stroke in women : a statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. NGC, Apr 2014 [25.6.14]
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. Guidelines of care for the management of atopic dermatitis. Section 1. Diagnosis and assessment of atopic dermatitis. NGC, May 2014 [25.6.14]
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. Practice guidelines for the perioperative management of patients with obstructive sleep apnea : an updated report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Perioperative Management of Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. NGC, May 2014 [25.6.14]
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. Work-related carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis and treatment guideline. NGC, May 2014 [25.6.14]
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline syntheses. Diagnosis and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). NGC, Jun 2014 [25.6.14]
Navigating a Compliant Breach Management Process... practice guidelines for managing health information. 2014. Journal of AHIMA, 85(6), pp. 56-58. Check for full text. Athens login required.
PANNIER, F. and RABE, E., 2014. Results from RCTs in Sclerotherapy: European Guidelines for Sclerotherapy in Chronic Venous Disorders*. Phlebology, 29(1), pp. 39-44. Check for full text. Athens login required.
PATEL, T. and CHANG, F., 2014. Parkinson's disease guidelines for pharmacists. Canadian Pharmacists Journal, 147(3), pp. 161-170. Check for full text. Athens login required.
RABE, E. and PANNIER, F., 2014. Indications, contraindications and performance: European Guidelines for Sclerotherapy in Chronic Venous Disorders*. Phlebology, 29(1), pp. 26-33. Check for full text. Athens login required.
ROBERTS, C., et al, 2013. Guidelines in Emergency Medicine Network (GEMNet): guideline for the use of thromboprophylaxis in ambulatory trauma patients requiring temporary limb immobilisation. Emergency Medicine Journal, 30(11), pp. 968-982. Check for full text. Athens login required.
RYDEN, L., et al, 2014. ESC Guidelines on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases developed in collaboration with the EASD - Summary The Task Force on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and developed in collaboration with the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research, 11(3), pp. 133-173. Check for full text. Athens login required.
Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 8 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network SAMARASEKERA, E.J., et al, 2014. Psoriasis: guidance on assessment and referral. Clinical Medicine, 14(2), pp. 178-182. Check for full text. Athens login required.
TARUSCIO, D., et al, 2014. European recommendations for primary prevention of congenital anomalies: a joined effort of EUROCAT and EUROPLAN projects to facilitate inclusion of this topic in the National Rare Disease Plans. Public Health Genomics, 17(2), pp. 115-123. Check for full text. Athens login required.
VITI, F., et al, Guidelines for managing data and processes in bone and cartilage tissue engineering. BMC bioinformatics. 2014 15(Suppl 1) pg:S14. Check for full text. Athens login required.
WALTHER, C.P., et al, 2014. Summary of clinical practice guidelines for acute kidney injury. Hospital practice (1995), 42(1), pp. 7-14. Check for full text. Athens login required.
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2. Cardiovascular Health
BRENNEMAN, A., 2014. Understanding the AHA/ACC's new cholesterol treatment guidelines... American College of Cardiology. JAAPA: Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), 27(6), pp. 42-43. Check for full text. Athens login required.
CABORAL-STEVENS, M. and ROSARIO-SIM, M., 2014. Review of the Joint National Committee's Recommendations in the Management of Hypertension. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 10(5), pp. 325-330. Check for full text. Athens login required.
COHEN, M. and TRIEDMAN, J., 2014. Guidelines for management of asymptomatic ventricular pre-excitation brave new world or pandora's box?. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 7(2), pp. 187-189. Check for full text. Athens login required.
GARBI, M., et al, 2014. Appropriateness criteria for cardiovascular imaging use in clinical practice: a position statement of the ESC/EACVI taskforce. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, 2014 May; 15 (5): 477-82. Check for full text. Athens login required.
RYDEN, L., et al, 2014. ESC Guidelines on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases developed in collaboration with the EASD - Summary The Task Force on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and developed in collaboration with the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research, 11(3), pp. 133-173. Check for full text. Athens login required.
Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 9 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network WIJDICKS, E.F., et al, 2014. Recommendations for the management of cerebral and cerebellar infarction with swelling: a statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke, 45(4), pp. 1222-1238. Check for full text. Athens login required.
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3. Cancer Care/Palliative Care
AMANT, F., et al, 2014. Gynecologic cancers in pregnancy: Guidelines of a second international consensus meeting. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 24(3), pp. 394- 403. Check for full text. Athens login required.
AMERICAN GASTROENTEROLOGY ASSOCIATION., 2014. AGA institute guidelines for colonoscopy surveillance after cancer resection: clinical decision tool. Gastroenterology, 146(5), pp. 1413-1414. Check for full text. Athens login required.
BAGARIA, S.P., et al, 2014. Compliance with National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines in the use of radiation therapy for extremity and superficial trunk soft tissue sarcoma in the United States. Journal of surgical oncology, 109(7), pp. 633-638. Check for full text. Athens login required.
BROWN, T.E., et al, 2013. Validated swallowing and nutrition guidelines for patients with head and neck cancer: identification of high-risk patients for proactive gastrostomy. Head & neck, 35(10), pp. 1385-1391. Check for full text. Athens login required.
CARLSON, R.W., et al, 2014. International adaptations of NCCN clinical practice guidelines in oncology. JNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 12(5), pp. 643-648. Check for full text. Athens login required.
CHEUNG, L.L., et al, 2014. Neuropsychology reports for childhood brain tumor survivors: implementation of recommendations at home and school. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 61(6), pp. 1080-1087. Check for full text. Athens login required.
COIT, D.G., et al, 2014. Melanoma, version 4.2014: Featured updates to the NCCN guidelines. JNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 12(5), pp. 621-629. Check for full text. Athens login required.
CRAWFORD, J., et al, 2013. Myeloid growth factors. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 11(10), pp. 1266-1290. Check for full text. Athens login required.
DENLINGER, C.S., et al, 2014. Survivorship: Pain version 1.2014 - Clinical practice guidelines in oncology. JNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 12(4), pp. 488-500. Check for full text. Athens login required.
Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 10 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network ILLIDGE, T., et al, 2014. Modern radiation therapy for nodal non-Hodgkin lymphoma-target definition and dose guidelines from the International Lymphoma Radiation Oncology Group. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 89(1), pp. 49-58. Check for full text. Athens login required.
KOWALCZYK, J.R., et al, 2014. Towards reducing inequalities: European Standards of Care for Children with Cancer. European journal of cancer, 50(3), pp. 481-485. Check for full text. Athens login required.
MOHLER, J.L., et al, 2014. Prostate Cancer, Version 2.2014 Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. JNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 12(5), pp. 686-718. Check for full text. Athens login required.
MORGAN, R.J.,JR, et al, 2013. Ovarian cancer, version 2.2013. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 11(10), pp. 1199-1209. Check for full text. Athens login required.
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline syntheses. Pharmacologic interventions for breast cancer risk reduction in women. NGC, May 2014 [25.6.14]
PARTRIDGE, A.H., et al, 2014. First international consensus guidelines for breast cancer in young women (BCY1). Breast, 23(3), pp. 209-220. Check for full text. Athens login required.
VON MEHREN, M., et al, 2014. Soft tissue sarcoma, version 2.2014: Featured updates to the NCCN guidelines. JNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 12(4), pp. 473-483. Check for full text. Athens login required.
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4. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities
BHAVSAR, V., et al, 2014. Medical guidelines for PICU seclusion reviews. Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, 10(1), pp. 40-50. Check for full text. Athens login required.
CHOU, R., et al, 2014. Methadone safety: A clinical practice guideline from the American Pain Society and College on Problems of Drug Dependence, in collaboration with the Heart Rhythm Society. The Journal of Pain, 15(4), pp. 321-337. Check for full text. Athens login required.
Guidelines for Prevention in Psychology. 2014. American Psychologist, 69(3), pp. 285-296. Check for full text. Athens login required.
Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 11 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network KALES, H.C., et al, 2014. Management of neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia in clinical settings: recommendations from a multidisciplinary expert panel. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 62(4), pp. 762-769. Check for full text. Athens login required.
MATTHYS, F., et al, 2014. Guideline for screening, diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in adults with substance use disorders. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Check for full text. Athens login required.
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. Evidence-based guideline : assessment and management of psychiatric disorders in individuals with MS. Report of the Guideline Development Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. NGC, March 2014 [25.6.14]
SPÖRRLE, M. and BEKK, M., 2014. Meta-analytic guidelines for evaluating single-item reliabilities of personality instruments. Assessment, 21(3), pp. 272-285. Check for full text. Athens login required.
TEYBER, E. and TEYBER, F.M., 2014. Working with the process dimension in relational therapies: Guidelines for clinical training. Psychotherapy, April 28, 2014. Check for full text. Athens login required.
VALLERAND, I.A., et al, 2014. Behavioural treatment recommendations in clinical practice guidelines for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A scoping review. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Check for full text. Athens login required.
WIENER, L., et al, 2014. Pediatric psycho-oncology care: Standards, guidelines, and consensus reports. Psycho-oncology, Check for full text. Athens login required.
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5. Oral Health and Dentistry
BORNSTEIN, M.M., et al, 2014. Consensus statements and recommended clinical procedures regarding contemporary surgical and radiographic techniques in implant dentistry. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, 29(Suppl), pp. 78-82. Check for full text. Athens login required.
GALLUCCI, G.O., et al, 2014. Consensus statements and clinical recommendations for implant loading protocols. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, 29(Suppl), pp. 287-290. Check for full text. Athens login required.
HEITZ-MAYFIELD, L.J., et al, 2014. Consensus statements and clinical recommendations for prevention and management of biologic and technical implant complications. International
Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 12 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, 29(Suppl), pp. 346-350. Check for full text. Athens login required.
MORTON, D., et al, 2014. Consensus statements and recommended clinical procedures regarding optimizing esthetic outcomes in implant dentistry. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, 29(Suppl), pp. 216-220. Check for full text. Athens login required.
WISMEIJER, D., et al, 2014. Consensus statements and recommended clinical procedures regarding restorative materials and techniques for implant dentistry. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, 29(Suppl), pp. 137-140. Check for full text. Athens login required.
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6. Sexual Health, BBV and related Topics
ALTHOF, S.E., et al, 2014. An update of the International Society of Sexual Medicine's guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of premature ejaculation (PE). Journal of Sexual Medicine. May 22, 2014. Check for full text. Athens login required.
CADDY, S., et al, 2014. Best practices to minimize risk of infection with intrauterine device insertion. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Canada: JOGC, 36(3), pp. 266-276. Check for full text. Athens login required.
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in pediatric HIV infection. NGC, May 2014 [25.6.14]
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7. Maternal and Child Health
ANDREWS, N., et al, 2014. Our 'Bundle' of Joy: Reducing Post Caesarean Infections Using Published Guidelines to Develop and Deploy a Comprehensive Prevention Strategy. American Journal of Infection Control, 42, pp. S116-7. Check for full text. Athens login required.
DOZIER, M., et al, 2014. Consensus statement on group care for children and adolescents: A statement of policy of the American Orthopsychiatric Association. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 84(3), pp. 219-225. Check for full text. Athens login required.
Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 13 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network GOPALAN, P., et al, 2014. Managing benzodiazepine withdrawal during pregnancy: Case- based guidelines. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 17(2), pp. 167-170. Check for full text. Athens login required.
HAGERMAN, N.S., et al, 2014. Quality and safety in pediatric anesthesia: How can guidelines, checklists, and initiatives improve the outcome?. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology, 27(3), pp. 323-329. Check for full text. Athens login required.
LIPMAN, S., et al, 2014. The Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology consensus statement on the management of cardiac arrest in pregnancy. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 118(5), pp. 1003-1016. Check for full text. Athens login required.
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. Multifetal gestations : twin, triplet, and higher-order multifetal pregnancies. NGC, May 2014 [25.6.14]
National Guideline Clearinghouse (2014) Guideline summary. Screening for gestational diabetes mellitus : US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. NGC, Apr 2014 [25.6.14]
NICE (2014) Constipation in children and young people. QS62. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) The MAGEC system for spinal lengthening in children with scoliosis. MTG18. NICE, June 2014 [27.6.14]
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C. Guidelines Implementation
COFER-CHASE, L., 2014. Implementing new guidelines changing paradigms for the prevention of cardiovascular events. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 10(5), pp. 293-301. Check for full text. Athens login required.
COOK, A.N., et al, 2014. Using structured professional judgment guidelines in threat assessment and management: Presentation, analysis, and formulation of a case of serial intimate partner violence. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 1(2), pp. 67-86. Check for full text. Athens login required.
DOUGLAS, M.K., et al, 2014. Guidelines for implementing culturally competent nursing care. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 25(2), pp. 109-121. Check for full text. Athens login required.
Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 14 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network HOPKINS, L., et al, 2014. Implementing a urinary tract infection clinical practice guideline in an ambulatory urgent care practice. Nurse Practitioner, 39(4), pp. 50-54. Check for full text. Athens login required.
NICE (2014) Alemtuzumab for treating relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. TA312. NICE, June 2014 Implementation resources: [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Atrial fibrillation: the management of atrial fibrillation. CG180. NICE, June 2014 Implementation resources: [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Canagliflozin in combination therapy for treating type 2 diabetes. TA315. NICE, June 2014 Implementation resources: [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Constipation in children and young people. QS62. NICE, June 2014 Implementation resources: [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Implantable cardioverter defibrillators and cardiac resynchronisation therapy for arrhythmias and heart failure (review of TA95 and TA120). TA314. NICE, June 2014 Implementation resources: [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Managing overweight and obesity in adults – lifestyle weight management services. PH53. NICE, June 2014 Implementation resources: [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Pemetrexed maintenance treatment following induction therapy with pemetrexed and cisplatin for non-squamous non-small-cell lung cancer. TA309. NICE, June 2014 Implementation resources: [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Platelet-rich plasma injections for osteoarthritis of the knee. IPG491. NICE, June 2014 Implementation resources: [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Pressure ulcers: prevention and management of pressure ulcers. CG179. NICE, June 2014 Implementation resources: [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) The geko device for reducing the risk of venous thromboembolism. MTG19. NICE, June 2014 Implementation resources: [27.6.14]
Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 15 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network NICE (2014) The MAGEC system for spinal lengthening in children with scoliosis. MTG18. NICE, June 2014 Implementation resources: [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Transcutaneous neuromuscular electrical stimulation for oropharyngeal dysphagia. IPG490. NICE, June 2014 Implementation resources: [27.6.14]
NICE (2014) Ustekinumab for treating active psoriatic arthritis. TA313. NICE, June 2014 Implementation resources: [27.6.14]
RAVEIS, V.H., et al, 2014. Translating infection control guidelines into practice: Implementation process within a health care institution. Qualitative health research, 24(4), pp. 551-560. Check for full text. Athens login required.
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Sources used for this bulletin : Medline, Embase, Cinahl, Psycinfo, SIGN, NICE, NHS Evidence, National Guideline Clearinghouse.
Guidelines current awareness bulletin June 2014 16 C Denoon, Library Services Manager (Subject Specialties), NHSGGC Library Network