Parenting Plan of Mother Father Both Parents
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Parenting Plan of ^ Mother ^ Father ^ Both Parents ^ For Final Judgment Parents Mother's name: Mother's address: Mother's phone number: Mother's e-mail address: Father's name: Father's address: Father's phone number: Father's e-mail address: Attorneys Mother's attorney's name: Mother's attorney's address: Mother's attorney's phone number: Mother's attorney's fax number: Mother's attorney's bar card number: Father's attorney's name: Father's attorney's address: Father's attorney's phone number: Father's attorney's fax number: Father's attnrnev's bar card number Amicus attorney's address: Amicus attorney's phone number: Amicus attorney's fax number: Amicus attorney's bar card number: Child[ren] Name Date of Birth Home State (Attach another page for additional children) Party to designate primary residence of child[ren]: ^ within the following geographical area: ^ without regard to geographic location also has the right to receive and give receipt for periodic payments for th support of the child[ren] and to hold or disburse those funds for the benefit of the child[ren]. Child support to be paid byto Amount to be paid on a monthly basis: $ To be paid ^ weekly ^ biweekly ^ semimonthly ^ monthly Beginning date: Income withholding order ^ will be served ^ will not be served unless is delinquent To be reduced as follows: (complete as applicable) when any child is no longer eligible to receive child support when another child is no longer eligible to receive child support when another child is no longer eligible to receive child support when another child is no longer eligible to receive child support when another child is no longer eligible to receive child support when another child is no longer eligible to receive child support (Attach another page for additional reductions) Medical insurance for the child[ren]: will carry health insurance on the child[ren] [21 ^ will reimburse the other party for carrying health insurance on the child[ren] Uninsured medical expenses to be paid as follows: If the health-care expenses are incurred by using an HMO or a PPO plan, in an emergency, or with the written agreement of the other party: % by the party providing the insurance % by the other party Except in an emergency or if the other party agreed in writing, if a party incurs healthcare expenses for the child by using the services of health-care providers not employed by the HMO or approved by the PPO: % by the party incurring the services % by the other party If a party provides health insurance for the child through an HMO or a PPO that does not provide coverage for the child where the child resides or have network providers in the area where the child resides: % by the party providing the insurance % by the other party If the child is enrolled in a health-care plan that is not an IMO or a PPO: % by the party providing the insurance % by the other party The rights and duties of the parties should be allocated as follows: should have the following rights at all times: the right to receive information from any other conservator of the child[ren] concerning the health, education, and welfare of the child[ren]; the right to confer with the other parent to the extent possible before making a decision concerning the health, education, and welfare of the child[ren]; the right of access to medical, dental, psychological, and educational records of the child[ren]; ^ the right to consult with a physician, dentist, or psychologist of the child[ren]; ^ the right to consult with school officials concerning the child[ren]'s welfare and educational status, including school activities; ^ the right to attend school activities; ^ the right to be designated on the child[ren]'s records as a person to be notified in case of an emergency; ^ the right to consent to medical, dental, and surgical treatment during an emergency involving an immediate danger to the health and safety of the child[ren]; and ^ the right to manage the estate[s] of the child[ren] to the extent the estate[s] [has/have] been created by the parent or the parent's family, should have the following rights at all times: ^ the right to receive information from any other conservator of the child[ren] concernir the health education_ and welfare of the childirenl ^ the right to confer with the other parent to the extent possible before making a decision concerning the health, education, and welfare of the child[ren]; ^ the right of access to medical, dental, psychological, and educational records of the child[ren]; ^ the right to consult with a physician, dentist, or psychologist of the child[ren], ^ the right to consult with school officials concerning the child[ren]' s welfare and educational status, including school activities; ^ the right to attend school activities; [21 the right to be designated on the child[ren]' s records as a person to be notified in case of an emergency; ^ the right to consent to medical, dental, and surgical treatment during an emergency involving an immediate danger to the health and safety of the child[ren]; and ^ the right to manage the estate[s] of the child[ren] to the extent the estate[s] [has/have] been created by the parent or the parent's family. and have the following duties by law: the duty to inform the other conservator[s] of the child[ren] in a timely manner of significant information concerning the health, education, and welfare of the child[ren]; and the duty to inform the other conservator[s] of the child[ren] if the conservator resides with for at least thirty days, marries, or intends to marry a person who the conservator knows is registered as a sex offender under chapter 62 of the Code of Criminal Procedure or is currently charged with an offense for which on conviction the person would be required to register under that chapter. This information should be tendered in the form of a notice made as soon as practicable, but not later than the fortieth day after the date the conservator of the child[ren] begins to reside with the person or on the tenth day after the date the marriage occurs, as appropriate. The notice must include a description of the offense that is the basis of the person's requirement to register as a sex offender or of the offense with which the person is charged. During [his/her] parenting times, should have the following rights and duties: ^ the duty of care, control, protection, and reasonable discipline of the child[ren]; ^ the duty to support the child[ren], including providing the child[ren] with clothing, food, shelter, and medical and dental care not involving an invasive procedure; ^ the right to consent for the child[ren] to medical and dental care not involving an invasive procedure; and ^ the right to direct the moral and religious training of the child[ren]. During [his/her] parenting times, should have the following rights and duties: ^ the duty of care, control, protection, and reasonable discipline of the child[ren]; ^ the duty to support the child[ren], including providing the child[ren] with clothing, food, shelter, and medical and dental care not involving an invasive procedure; ^ the right to consent for the child[ren] to medical and dental care not involving an invasive procedure; and ^ the right to direct the moral and religious training of the child[ren]. should have the following rights: ^ the ^ exclusive right ^ right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to consent to medical, dental, and surgical treatment involving invasive procedures; ^ the ^ exclusive right ^ right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to consent to psychiatric and psychological treatment of the child[ren]; ^ the [:1 exclusive right ^ right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to represent the child[ren] in legal action and to make other decisions of substantial legal significance concerning the child[ren]; I:I the ^ exclusive right ^ right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to consent to marriage and to enlistment in the armed forces of the United States; ^ the ^ exclusive right ^ right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to make decisions concerning the child[ren]'s education; ^ except as provided by section 264.0111 of the Texas Family Code, the ^ exclusive right ^ right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to the services and earnings of the child[ren]; ^ except when a guardian of the child[ren]' s estate[s] or a guardian or attorney ad litem has been appointed for the child[ren], the ^ exclusive right 1:1 right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to act as an agent of the child[ren] in relation to the child[ren]'s estate[s] if the child[ren]'s action is required by a state, the United States, or a foreign government; and ^ the ^ exclusive right ^ right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to manage the estate[s] of the child[ren] to the extent the estate[s] [has/have] been created by community property or the joint property of the parents. should have the following rights: ^ the ^ exclusive right ^ right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to consent to medical, dental, and surgical treatment involving invasive procedures; ^ the ^ exclusive right ^ right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to consent to psychiatric and psychological treatment of the child[ren ^ the ^ exclusive right ^ right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to represent the child[ren] in legal action and to make other decisions of substantial legal significance concerning the child[ren]; ^ the ^ exclusive right ^ right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to consent to marriage and to enlistment in the armed forces of the United States; ^ the ^ exclusive right ^ right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to make decisions concerning the child[ren]'s education; ^ except as provided by section 264.0111 of the Texas Family Code, the ^ exclusive right ^ right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to the services and earnings of the child[ren]; ^ except when a guardian of the child[ren]'s estates] or a guardian or attorney ad litem has been appointed for the child[ren], the ^ exclusive right ^ right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to act as an agent of the child[ren] in relation to the child[ren]'s estate[s] if the child[ren]'s action is required by a state, the United States, or a foreign government; and ^ the ^ exclusive right ^ right, subject to the agreement of the other parent conservator, ^ independent right to manage the estate[s] of the child[ren] to the extent the estate[s] [has/have] been created by community property or the joint property of the parents. should have the exclusive right and duty to prepare and file income tax returns for the child[ren]'s estate[s]. Parenting Time with Children] (Please check boxes for requested periods) When resides 100 miles or less from the primary residence of the child[ren], that party shall have parenting time with the child[ren] as follows: a. Weekends—on weekends beginning on the first, third, and fifth Friday of each month at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- the time the child[ren]'s school is regularly dismissed -OR- other time after school dismissal: . M. and ending at: ^ 6:00 P.M. on the following Sunday -OR- the time the child[ren]'s school resumes after the weekend -OR- other time before school resumes: -OR- other weekend times: If a weekend period of parenting time begins on a Friday that is a school holiday during the regular school term or a federal, state, or local holiday during the summer months when school is not in session, that weekend period of parenting time shall begin on Thursday at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- the time the child[ren]'s school is regularly dismissed -OR- other time after school dismissal: -. M. If a weekend period of parenting time ends on or is immediately followed by a Monday that is a school holiday during the regular school term or a federal, state, or local holiday during the summer months when school is not in session, that weekend period of parenting time shall end at: ^ 6:00 P.M. on the Monday holiday or school holiday -OR- :I 6:00 P.M. on the Monday holiday or at the time the child[ren]' s school resumes after the school holiday -OR- D other time: Weekdays On Thursday of each week during the regular school term, beginning at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- D the time the child[ren]'s school is regularly dismissed -OR- ^ other time after school dismissal: . M. and ending at: ^ 8:00 P.M. -OR- D the time the child[ren]' s school resumes on Friday -OR- On ^ Tuesday -OR- ^ Wednesday of each week during the regular school term, beginning at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- D the time the child[ren]' s school is regularly dismissed -OR- ^ other time after school dismissal: . M. and ending at: ^ 8:00 P.M. -OR- D the time the child[ren]' s school resumes the next morning c. Spring Break in Even-Numbered Years—beginning on the day the child[ren]' s school is dismissed at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- ^ the time the child[ren]' s school is regularly dismissed -OR- ^ other time after school dismissal: . M. and ending at: ^ 6:00 P.M. on the day before school resumes after that vacation -OR-the time the child[ren]'s school resumes after that vacation -OR-other time before school resumes: d. Summers With written notice to the other parent by April 1: ^ thirty days during the summer, beginning no earlier than the day after the child's school is dismissed for the summer vacation and ending no later than seven days before school resumes at the end of the summer vacation in that year, to be exercised in no more than two separate periods of at least seven consecutive days each, as specified in the written notice. If the other parent is the father, the period or periods of extended summer parenting time should not interfere with Father's Day Weekend. These periods of parenting time shall begin and end at 6:00 P.M. -OR- other periods of summer parenting time: If written notice is not given by April 1 of a year specifying an extended period or periods of summer parenting time for that year, summer parenting time for that year: ^ shall begin at 6:00 P.M. on July 1 and end at 6:00 P.M. on July 31 -OR- ^ other thirty-day period during the summer months: shall have a superior right of parenting time with the children] as follows: a. Spring Break in Odd-Numbered Years—beginning on the day the child[ren]'s school is dismissed at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- the time the child[ren]'s school is regularly dismissed -OR-other time after school dismissal: . M. and ending at: ^ 6:00 P.M. on the day before school resumes after that vacation -OR- ^ the time the child[ren]' s school resumes after that vacation -OR- D other time before school resumes: b. Summer Weekend Parenting Time ^ With written notice to the other parent by April 15, on any one weekend during any one period of the other parent's period of extended summer parenting time, beginning at 6:00 P.M. on Friday and ending at 6:00 P.M. on Sunday, provided that the parent picks up the child from the other parent and returns the child to the same place. If the other parent is the father, the weekend selected should not interfere with Father's Day Weekend. -OR- D other times: c. Extended Summer Parenting Time ^ With written notice to the other parent by April 15 or fourteen days' written notice on or after April 16, the parent may designate one weekend beginning no earlier than the day after the child's school is dismissed for the summer vacation and ending no later than seven days before school resumes at the end of the summer vacation, during which an otherwise scheduled weekend period of parenting time of the other parent shall not take place in that year, provided that the weekend so designated does not interfere with the other parent's period or periods of extended summer parenting time. If the other parent is the father, the weekend selected should not interfere with Father's Day Weekend. -OR- D other times: ^ Other summer arrangements: When resides more than 100 miles from the primary residence of the child[ren], that party shall have parenting time with the child[ren] as follows: a. Weekends Select one of the following provisions, depending on the distance between the present residence of party B and that of the child[renJ ^ is currently residing 100 miles or less from the primary residence of the child[ren]. If that situation changes, within ninety days after begins to reside more than 100 miles from the primary residence of the child[ren] shall give notice to specifying which option for weekend parenting time will exercise. At that time, may select either Option One or Option Two. Complete Option One and Option Two Option One: On weekends beginning on the first, third, and fifth Friday of each month at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- the time the child[ren]'s school is regularly dismissed -OR-other time after school dismissal: . M. and ending at: ^ 6:00 P.M. on the following Sunday -OR- the time the child[ren]'s school resumes after the weekend -OR-other time before school resumes: Option Two: Not more than one weekend per month of 's choice, with fourteen days' notice to preceding each chosen weekend, beginning on the day school recesses for the weekend at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- the time the child[ren]'s school is regularly dismissed -OR- other time after school dismissal: . M. and ending at: ^ 6:00 P.M. on the day before school resumes after the weekend -OR- ^ the time the child[ren]' s school resumes after the weekend -OR- D other time before school resumes: The weekend chosen should not conflict with provisions regarding Christmas, Thanksgiving, a child's birthday, or [Mother's/Father's] Day Weekend. Under either option, if a weekend period of parenting time begins on a Friday that is a school holiday during the regular school term or a federal, state, or local holiday during the summer months when school is not in session, that weekend period of parenting time shall begin on Thursday at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- ^ the time the child[ren]' s school is regularly dismissed -OR- ^ other time after school dismissal: M. Under either option, if a weekend period of parenting time ends on or is immediately followed by a Monday that is a school holiday during the regular school term or a federal, state, or local holiday during the summer months when school is not in session, that weekend period of parenting time shall end at: ^ 6:00 P.M. on the Monday holiday or school holiday -OR- D 6:00 P.M. on the Monday holiday or at the time the child[ren]' s school resumes after the school holiday -OR- D other time: -OR- D is currently residing more than 100 miles from the primary residence of the child[ren]. shall have weekend parenting time with the child[ren] as follows: Select and complete Option One or Option Two Option One: On weekends beginning on the first, third, and fifth Friday of each month at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- the time the child[ren]'s school is regularly dismissed -OR-other time after school dismissal: . M. and ending at: ^ 6:00 P.M. on the following Sunday -OR- the time the child[ren]'s school resumes after the weekend -OR-other time before school resumes: -OR- Option Two: Not more than one weekend per month of 's choice, with fourteen days' notice to preceding each chosen weekend, beginning on the day school recesses for the weekend at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- the time the child[ren]'s school is regularly dismissed -OR- other time after school dismissal: . M. and ending at: ^ 6:00 P.M. on the day before school resumes after the weekend -OR-the time the child[ren]'s school resumes after the weekend -OR- other time before school resumes: The weekend chosen should not conflict with provisions regarding Christmas, Thanksgiving, a child's birthday, or [Mother's/Father's] Day Weekend. Under either option, if a weekend period of parenting time begins on a Friday that is a school holiday during the regular school term or a federal, state, or local holiday during the summer months when school is not in session, that weekend period of parenting time shall begin on Thursday at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- the time the child[ren]'s school is regularly dismissed -OR- other time after school dismissal: . M. Under either option, if a weekend period of parenting time ends on or is immediately followed by a Monday that is a school holiday during the regular school term or a federal state, or local holiday during the summer months when school is not in session, that weekend period of parenting time shall end at: ^ 6:00 P.M. on the Monday holiday or school holiday -OR- D 6:00 P.M. on the Monday holiday or at the time the child[ren]'s school resumes after the school holiday -OR- D other time: b. Spring Break Every Year—beginning on the day the child[ren]' s school is dismissed for the school's spring vacation at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- ^ the time the child[ren]'s school is regularly dismissed -OR- ^ other time after school dismissal: M. and ending at: ^ 6:00 P.M. on the day before school resumes after that vacation -OR- D the time the child[ren]' s school resumes after that vacation -OR- D other time before school resumes: c. Summers With written notice to the other parent by April 1: ^ forty-two days during the summer, beginning no earlier than the day after the child's school is dismissed for the summer vacation and ending no later than seven days before school resumes at the end of the summer vacation in that year, to be exercised in no more than two separate periods of at least seven consecutiv( days each, as specified in the written notice. If the other parent is the father, the period or periods of extended summer parenting time should not interfere with Father's Day Weekend. These periods of parenting time shall begin and end at 6:00 P.M. -OR- ^ other periods of summer parenting time: If written notice is not given by April 1 of a year specifying an extended period or periods of summer parenting time for that year, summer parenting time for that year: ^ shall begin at 6:00 P.M. on June 15 and end at 6:00 P.M. on July 2 i -OR- ^ other forty-two-day period during the summer months: When resides more than 100 miles from the primary residence of the child[ren], shall have a superior right of parenting time with the child[ren] as follows: a. Summer Weekend Parenting Time ^ With written notice to the other parent by April 15, on any one weekend during any one period of the other parent's period of extended summer parenting time, beginning at 6:00 P.M. on Friday and ending at 6:00 P.M. on the following Sunday, provided that if a period of parenting time by the other parent in that year exceeds thirty days, the parent may have parenting time with the child[ren] under the terms of this provision on any two nonconsecutive weekends during that period, and provided that the parent picks up the child[ren] from the other parent and returns the child[ren] to the same place. If the other parent is the father, the weekends selected should not interfere with Father's Day Weekend. -OR- other times: b. Extended Summer Parenting Time ^ With written notice to the other parent by April 15, the parent may designate twenty-one days beginning no earlier than the day after the child's school is dismissed for the summer vacation and ending no later than seven days before school resumes at the end of the summer vacation in that year, to be exercised in no more than two separate periods of at least seven consecutive days each, during which the other parent shall not have parenting time with the child[ren], provided that the period or periods so designated do not interfere with the other parent's period or periods of extended summer parenting time. If the other parent is the father, the periods selected should not interfere with Father's Day Weekend. -OR- D other times: ^ Other summer arrangements: Holidays Unaffected by Distance: a. Christmas Holidays in Even-Numbered Years shall have parenting time with the child[ren] beginning on the day the child[ren] are dismissed from school for the Christmas school vacation at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- D the time the child[ren]'s school is regularly dismissed -OR- D other time after school dismissal: M. and ending at: ^ noon on December 2 -OR- ^ . M. on December shall have parenting time with the child[ren] beginning at: ^ noon on December 2 -OR- ^ . M. on December and ending at: ^ 6:00 P.M. on the day before school resumes after that Christmas school vacation -OR- D m. on Christmas Holidays in Odd-Numbered Years shall have parenting time with the child[ren] beginning on the day the child[ren] are dismissed from school for the Christmas school vacation at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- the time the child[ren]'s school is regularly dismissed -OR-other time after school dismissal: . M. and ending at: ^ noon on December 2 -OR- ^ _. M. on December shall have parenting time with the child[ren] beginning at: ^ noon on December 2 -OR- M, on December and ending at: ^ 6:00 P.M. on the day before school resumes after that Christmas school vacation -OR- the time the child[ren]'s school resumes after that Christmas school vacation -OR- ^ . M. on c. Thanksgiving in Odd-Numbered Years shall have parenting time with the child[ren] in odd-numbered years beginning on the day the child[ren]'s school is dismissed for the Thanksgiving holiday at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- the time the child[ren]'s school is regularly dismissed -OR- other time after school dismissal: . M. and ending at: ^ 6:00 P.M. on the Sunday following Thanksgiving -OR- the time the child[ren]'s school resumes after that Thanksgiving holiday -OR- other time before school resumes: d. Thanksgiving in Even-Numbered Years shall have parenting time with the child[ren] in even-numbered years beginning on the day the child[ren]'s school is dismissed for the Thanksgiving holiday at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- ^ the time the child[ren]' s school is regularly dismissed -OR- ^ other time after school dismissal: M. and ending at: ^ 6:00 P.M. on the Sunday following Thanksgiving -OR- D the time the child[ren]' s school resumes after that Thanksgiving holiday -OR- D other time before school resumes: e. Child's Birthday If a parent is not otherwise entitled to present parenting time with a child on the child's birthday, that parent shall have parenting time with the child ^ [check if desired] and the child's minor sibling[s] on the child's birthday beginning at 6:00 P.M. and ending at 8:00 P.M. on that day, provided that the parent picks up the child[ren] from the other parent's residence and returns the child[ren] to that same place. f. Father's Day Weekend Father shall have parenting time with the child[ren] each year beginning on the Friday preceding Father's Day at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- D other time: M. and ending on Father's Day at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- D other time: . M. -OR- D Father shall have parenting time with the child[ren] on Father's Day from A.M. until P.M. If Father is not otherwise entitled to present parenting time, he shall pick up the child[ren] from Mother's residence and return the child[ren] to that same place. g. Mother's Day Weekend Mother shall have parenting time with the child[ren] each year beginning on the Friday preceding Mother's Day at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- other time: M. and ending on Mother's Day at: ^ 6:00 P.M. -OR- ^ other time: M. -OR- ^ Mother shall have parenting time with the child[ren] on Mother's Day from A.M. until P.M. If Mother is not otherwise entitled to present parenting time, she shall pick up the child[ren] from Father's residence and return the child[ren] to that same place. h. Other Periods shall have parenting time with the child[ren]: shall have parenting time with the child[ren]: shall have parenting time with the child[ren] at all times not assigned to If is deployed in military service (name, address, and telephone number of designated person).