Associazione on Lus E Solidarieta

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Associazione on Lus E Solidarieta

Sports Group SdP Policemen - Crotone - Italy Affiliate N.P.D.F National Police Defense Foundation Italian Section






For the year 2012, the Sporting Group SdP of Croton Union of Police organized the 4 th edition of the tournament called the World Cup trophy to five "Magna Grecia". In this tournament on representative members of the Police Forces, the Armed Forces, the IPA and N.P.D.F, setting up teams with their employees. This association also hopes that the spirit which gives life to the tournament can merge on the principle of amateur football to be played, respected and developed in all its forms. These Regulations are drawn up by the Organization of the tournament in order to preserve the spirit of amateur and correctness of the Executive Representative of the participants and their athletes. We recommend that you take accurate vision. The registration and participation in the tournament will result in the tacit approval.

1 For purely technical rules relating to the game (this constitutes an adaptation Rules) shall comply with the tournament rules of the national futsal currently in force. This organization also undertakes not to provide excuses for behaviors that are not included in the canons amateur 'and that may be inconsistent with the Rules of the tournament, pointing out that compliance with the standards is prerequisite for a sporting event.


Representatives with all the features mentioned in the introduction, can apply for participation in the tournament by submitting the application form. The application form, duly completed in all its parts and signed, must be sent to the organization by April 30, 2012 and must be accompanied in the following months by the following documentation must be COMPLETE. 1- Declaration of election of the two referees are qualified to represent the communication and companions for any formal relationship with this organization. They may be athletes or others on the list may be invited to any meetings on behalf of their team (it requires the presence of at least one of them) and in the case of impediments may delegate another partner. 2. List showing the list of athletes to be made available from a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 15 athletes. It must be completed in its entirety. 3. Photocopy of identification document legibly valid for each athlete included in the list. 4. Self-certification of professional membership to the Representative of each athlete included in the list except for the exterior. 5. Disclaimer in the event of an injury to all members of the tournament is no liability insurance coverage. Athletes, therefore, if they deem it appropriate, will provide insurance for any accident at their expense. The Organization shall not be liable for injuries noticed during the game. The disclaimer must be signed by all athletes included in the lists of Representatives. However, it is stated that the playgrounds are insured. 6. Registration fee for the tournament only equal to the amount of €. 150.00 (One hundred and fifty).


The event will be developed in two phases: a first group stage of qualifying and a second phase with the direct elimination matches. STEP ONE: Depending on the number of teams entered the qualifying rounds will consist. Each Representative will be guaranteed a minimum of the first games all day and pass on the second day. In the qualification phase, each Representative will play a match against all other teams in their group, and included will be assigned three points for a win, one for a draw and zero for a loss. To determine the placement of the various teams in the standings, rankings themselves from each group will be determined in order of priority, as follows: 2 1.Points accumulated. 2.In case of equality of points will prevail on goal difference. 3. In case of further tie will be attested by the highest number of goals scored during the round. 4. In case of further tie shall prevail direct confrontation occurred during the round. If the tie will be more teams, the ranking will attest detached (accumulation of points scored in head to head, then as the criteria in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3); 5. In case of persistent gender (unlikely but possible) you will: • A draw (which this organization will perform in the presence of Referrals of Representatives involved) to determine the ranking of teams in the standings if still qualified.

STEP TWO OR FINAL PHASE: established, as the above criteria, the finalist teams, the tournament will continue with direct elimination matches. The Qualified Representative will be located in the final scoreboard. For the first knockout round, quarter finals, semifinals and final matches being single elimination, the final result is not expected to break even, therefore, in the case of equal position at the end of regulation time will move to the formula of penalty kicks, three (3) for each team, with the following procedure  The referee will choose the port to which must be broken shoots and will proceed in the presence of the Captains, the draw to determine which team will start to beat the first series of penalties.  They will be kicked 3 penalty shots per team, alternately by the two teams, with three different players. Athletes who beat all three free throws will be the same, including the goalkeeper, who were in the field at the time of the closing whistle of the encounter. The order to stop, freely chosen from each Representative, must be notified, before the penalty shoot out, the representative of the Organization in this field.  Exceed the turn, the Representative who, at the end of the series of penalty kicks, has signed multiple networks.  In case of equal position at the end of the first three penalty kicks will proceed to the bitter end and always alternately. The players who beat the free throws to the bitter end will be different from those who have kicked the first three shots. Each Representative will use all the available players on the same list-match made early in the race. If it persists, and a Representative will balance out the athletes available in the list, it will start over and take over to pull all the players, including rigorists to the bitter end, in reverse order (the last will be the first penalty taker, will be the penultimate the second, etc..).  The number of penalties at all costs will continue until one team will stop making the balance in equal shots, a network into the other. Exceed the representation that the turn will lead to the end of the shootout. No athlete may be expelled during the meeting can take part in the execution of the penalty shots. An athlete, obviously because it prevented injured during the meeting, if deemed appropriate by their managers and with the approval of the Director, may be exempted from the rigors beat. Any player can be used to replace the doors. All players, managers and attendants, except the person taking the kick and the two goalkeepers, must remain in the court opposite to that in which they are made free throws. The goalkeeper, whose partner runs the penalty, must remain in the court in which they

3 are made free throws away the penalty area and under no circumstances hinder the development of the game.


In the tournament will be played in the days 10/09/11 September 2012 from 8.00 am onwards, on the football field with synthetic grass 5 of the tourist complex "Costa Tiziana Hotel" where all national teams will stay. 11th September at 18.00 SUPER FINAL will be played between the winner of the tournament under 35 tournament and the winner of over 35.


Each Representative must present at registration for the tournament through Annex 3 to this Regulation, completed in its entirety, a list of athletes available. To honor the spirit of the amateur event, the ideal would be that each Representative would address the tournament with the sole force of its employees. (We'll call "regular"). However, in order to allow the tournament to the Representative over 35 athletes who do not have regular enough to set up a list or who think they have a team competitive enough, was expected to attend no. 1 (a) 35, but NOT necessarily belonging to the Police or the Armed Forces.

NUMBER OF COMPETITORS: Each list must contain a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 15 athletes, is recommended to prepare a list containing more athletes as possible so as to overcome any defections. MODIFICATION OF THE LIST: This list can not be changed after the start of the tournament and any athlete who is not present in the initial list will be able to play during the tournament. However, before the tournament, a possible request for modification of all or part of the list may be made to this organization. REGULAR ATHLETES: We report the general characteristics of the athletes so-called "regular" who will compose the vast majority of athletes list.  They will be required to direct employees to the quality of play regardless of the task assigned to them.

ATHLETES OUT FEE: We report the characteristics of the athletes "quota" that is permitted but not required to enter the lists.  They must belong to the Representative or as part of a Police Force or the Armed Forces.  ATHLETE OUT OVER 35 TOURNAMENT FEE: It 'allowed to enter the list number. 1 (a) athlete so-called "quota", which at the date of commencement of the tournament has not completed 35 years of age provided that employee representation in which are inserted or belonging to the Police or the Armed Forces.  TOURNAMENT FREE OUTDOOR ATHLETE: It 'allowed to enter the list number. 1 (a) athlete so-called "external", provided it is inserted or employees belonging to the Police or the Armed Forces. Example (the team of the State Police of Crotone can play in his team to a financier, a Policeman, a Soldier etc.. He has been employed at any Police Force or the Armed Forces of Italy).

4 Each Representative shall provide, at registration for the tournament through Annex 3 to these Regulations, be completed in its entirety, a list of athletes available. To honor the spirit of the amateur event, the ideal would be that each Representative would address the tournament with the sole force of its employees. (We'll call "regular"). However, in order to allow participation in the tournament for over 35 Representatives who do not have enough athletes to set up a regular list or who think they have a team competitive enough, was scheduled to be no. 1 (a) OFF-PRICE NOT 35 year old necessarily belonging to the Police or the Armed Forces.

NUMBER OF ATHLETES: Each list must contain a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 15 athletes, including 1 (one) quota for the over 35, and 1 (one) for free outside. It is advisable to prepare a list containing more athletes as possible so as to overcome any defections.

AMENDMENT OF THE LIST: This list may not be amended after the start of the tournament and that no athlete is not present in the initial list will be able to play during the tournament. However, before the tournament, a possible change request all or part of the list will be submitted to the organization.

REGULAR ATHLETES: We report the general characteristics of the athletes so-called "regular" who will compose the vast majority of athletes lists. They will have to be mandatorily direct employees to the quality of play regardless of the task assigned to them.

ATHLETES OFF FEE: We report the characteristics of the athletes "quota" which is permitted but not required to enter the lists. They must belong to a representation or be part of a Police Force or Air Force.

ATHLETE OUT OVER 35 TOURNAMENT FEE: E 'permitted to enter the list number. 1 (one) athlete so-called "quota", which at the date of commencement of the tournament has not yet reached 35 years of age provided that employee representation in which are inserted or belonging to the Police or the Armed Forces.

TOURNAMENT FREE OUTDOOR ATHLETE: E 'permitted to enter the list number. 1 (one) athlete so-called "external", provided it is employed in or belonging to the Police or the Armed Forces. Example (the team of the State Police of Croton may play in his team a policeman, a policeman, a soldier etc.. He has been employed in any police force or armed forces of Italy).


To regulate a game should be, the start time of the race or during it, a representation could to field at least four athletes.

5 The timetable must be respected as it will play simultaneously on four fields, then both the beginning and the end of the matches will be signaled by an acoustic sound. It is not permissible delay. Pena lost game.

Article 8 - GAME LIST

Each game will be played by two teams. Each team is allowed to field five athletes, one of which the goalkeeper and will deploy all the other athletes on the list available to join the tournament as reserves. There shall be no limit to the number of athletes, owners or reservations which may be present at the meeting. They will, however, the only ones, together with leaders and their companions, who can enter the field of play. Before the race, the Referee or the Captain of a Representative must deliver to note the details of the Organization present at the race, the list-filled game in its entirety, in printed and legible handwriting, complete with the names of the athletes present on that day to the start time of the race, covered by the shirt number assigned during the presentation of the list of athletes and the precise nature of the athlete as described in Article 5. The presentation of this list is mandatory. In-game list will be included only athletes present to the start time of the race. The reference time for all matches, is established in the official calendar. The list-match should be prepared with care and dedication and the information contained in it must be legible. This Organization does not assume any liability for allocation of network or disciplinary action to an athlete rather than another for any error of matching the name of the athlete with the wrong jersey number. For the completion of these steps each Representative will be in the field 10 minutes before the timetable set for the start of the race. Even better would be if the list could be prepared in-game elsewhere before the game and delivered ready. Annex 6, in this respect, is a facsimile of how to prepare the list-match. Who had the opportunity may just set it up using a similar format, using a computer or a typewriter. Although custom-list game will still contain all the information it requests.


Any representation, before the tournament, you must supply the necessary equipment for their athletes to the dispute of the games. Since the first game of the tournament each Representative must be present with the equipment in order as requested below. All representatives, where there was a possibility, also builds up a sponsor. The name of the team during the tournament fees will still be representative and not that of the sponsor. The equipment required consists of a player jersey, shorts, socks, and shoes. The "complete" must be equal for all athletes of any representation, proprietors and

6 reserves, except for goalkeepers. The players' jerseys must be numbered on the back. When submitting the list athletes each player must be marked with a different jersey number and must use the same shirt number for all matches until all of the tournament. The colors of the numbers must contrast clearly with the colors of the jerseys. E 'admitted causing the writing the name or logo of any sponsor on the front of the shirt. The goalkeeper is permitted to wear long trousers. He should wear a shirt bearing the colors that easily distinguishes them from other players and the referees. It may also wear the goalkeeper's gloves and hat. An athlete can not wear during the matches, anything that is dangerous to himself or another player (glasses, watches, bracelets, necklaces, rings, etc.). E 'instead permitted to wear shin guards made of plastic and other accessories provided preventive or protective in cotton or similar material (bands sweatband and wristbands, gloves, dust-proof, anti-stretching bands).


The duration of each race is set in one time 15 or 20 minutes depending on the number of participating teams. The time control will not be made by the Race Director. Both the beginning and the end of the game will be signaled by an audible sound for all 4 teams will play simultaneously. There will be no recovery except in the case of rigor. There shall be no time-outs. In the final stage of the tournament or in any playoffs, in the event of a tie score at the end of regulation time, will be kicked directly penalties.

Article 11 - THE REFEREE

For the direction of each race will be designated an arbitrator in writing to the Roman Referees Association. His authority and the exercise of the powers conferred on him by the rules of the game, starting the moment arrives at the place where there is the field of play and stop when they will be removed permanently. Its main tasks will be: Apply the rules of the game and take disciplinary action against athletes found guilty of offenses punishable by reprimand or expulsion. Make a note of facts relating to race and give the organization a scoresheet that includes information on any sporting event, on any disciplinary measure taken against the athletes and / or managers of each Representative and any occurrence or accident before, during and after the race. Stop, pause, or decree the end of the race in case of any event required by the Rules or any type of internal or external interference that does not allow the regular and / or smooth running of the game. Stop the game if an athlete incurs an injury and make sure that it be brought by the health care of the case.

7 The arbitrator's decision on the facts of the game, even if they are "mistakes" are final.


Fouls and unsportsmanlike conduct are punished with direct and indirect free kicks or penalty kick. The only sole judge and deputy to take these decisions is the referee. He will also punish the bad behavior of players with cautions and dismissals. The athlete who incurs a yellow card during the course of the game will stay on the pitch or continue to be available, if at that time held the position of "reserve". The athlete should be cautioned twice in the same game, a second warning will be automatically ejected, even if at that time held the position of "reserve". He will definitely leave the playing field and this will result in automatic disqualification for the next game. If at that moment is "owner" to restore equal numerical his team will have to wait 2 minutes before you can put in place a new player, with zero of the timeout in case of realization of a network from one of the two competing teams. The second caution in the same game, and then the expulsion, will zero in the total count of cards against the athlete, the first yellow card received in the current game. The athlete who incurs a direct expulsion must abandon the playing field and even in this case, if an owner to restore equal numbers, his team will have to wait 2 minutes before you can put in place a new player . This interval is reset to zero when one team achieves a network. The expulsion of an athlete may be direct, even if it covers at that time the role of "reserve", even when the athlete has been in the same game, previously warned. In this case the first "yellow card" will not cease in counting cards laden athlete. The direct ejection from the playing of an athlete's results in the automatic disqualification for one or more subsequent batches depending on the severity of the event for which has become the protagonist. The institutions responsible for taking such a decision will be a committee of the Organization in collaboration with the Clerk of the meeting. The expulsion or expulsion for a direct sum of admonitions in the same game does not reset to zero count of other "yellow cards" may have already been charged to a player. A player will be suspended for the next game in the third admonition incur if distributed in more games but not consecutive. The count of the cards will never be cleared until the end of the tournament except for the case of disqualification of office following the third yellow card in most games. We therefore recommend extreme caution (to managers to manage the rotation of the athletes and the athletes themselves to manage their behavior in the field) because incurring an athlete (for example) in the third yellow card in a semi-final will not be fielded in the final. In case of serious or violent episodes during the matches, which hopefully will not happen ever, this Organization, please do not disturb the tournament, will not take half measures in taking disciplinary measures and will have no hesitation to exclude athletes from the tournament, which become share of serious or even to exclude the whole performance, especially if the characters were unpleasant episodes of the Executives or their companions.



CONSTRUCTION OR USE OF ATHLETES NOT COMPLY WITH LISTS ART. 5: It is not allowed to set up lists by including athletes whose characteristics are not consistent with Article 5.

DEPLOYMENT OF MILITANT ATHLETE AT THE SAME TIME IN OTHER TEAM: It is not possible that an athlete is enrolled simultaneously in two or more lists of different representations, although in different groups. It will not be considered an excuse the fact that a representation was not aware of the inclusion of an athlete in other lists.

DEPLOYMENT OF ATHLETE ATHLETES NOT PLACED ON THE LIST: It is not allowed any representation is a game by including in its ranks players that do not appear in the official list athletes presented at registration for the tournament.

DEPLOYMENT OF ATHLETE Suspended: It is not allowed to deploy, even as a reserve, an athlete that is disqualified. The reporting of violation of the foregoing points, it can be done if the Organization would escape, even from other representations by the application. In case of recidivism, the representation that incur again in violation of the rules will be punished.

Article 14 – APPEALS

In the event that a Representative deems unfair and unsportsmanlike conduct by any competitor Representative before, during or after a game or that have been violated provisions of these Regulations by another representative and that they have escaped from the Organization, it will right to appeal. Appeals must be submitted by Referrals to the organization in writing, and may not relate in any way for errors or oversights arbitration. Appeals may be of two types. Action for subsequent events during a specific game: the complaint must be made immediately to the organization. Action for violation of the rules: this claim can be filed at any time during the tournament. It must be reasoned and must be submitted before the Organization of the accurate and documented about the reason for the complaint. The relevant documentation in paper form on the appeal must be hand delivered to the organization. The appeal, if the reasons are contained in it or the documentation produced in support of the same is not deemed appropriate or satisfactory, may be rejected directly by the office. In case, by contrast, appeal to be deemed valid will be set up a Disciplinary Commission: two references and a delegation of the Organization of five randomly selected among the referents of all the other teams (except of course the direct interests). The decision made

9 by this Commission, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations and in the opinion of the majority, will be final.


• SHOOTING WITHIN FUOR SECONDS OF THE GAME: On the occasion of the resumption of play from the baseline, from the lineout, a corner or free kick, unless there are no obvious impediments (eg an injury), the team intended to do so within 4 seconds, otherwise the inversion of the resumption of play or indirect free kick when the goalkeeper is to delay the referral. • A GOAL: A network is marked valid, and then when the ball has completely crossed the goal line, between the goalposts and under the crossbar, but the referee has stopped before the game because of any infringement. A goal may be scored by kicking anywhere inside the rectangle of play.

• RANGE: The goalkeeper is the only athlete who is allowed entry into the slip when it is in his penalty area if he did not run in a reckless, reckless or with excessive vigor. He steps back from his companions may receive but can not, if the back pass is voluntary, taking the ball with his hands. Can not hold the ball for more than four seconds inside his penalty area. Can not raise the ball with his hands over the halfway line without it having touched the ground or has touched an athlete in their own half. The recovery made by the foot from his own penalty area has no limits, he can even score a goal. The goalkeeper can also leave their own penalty area, but outside it, can not play the ball with his hands or arms. No athlete is entitled to call into play the ball following a goal kick without it was first staked by the goalkeeper. • REPLACEMENT: To change means the change in the field of play between the two athletes from the same team. The change can be made either when the ball is in play (replacing "flying") and when it is not at stake. Only the goalkeeper to replace the game will necessarily be stopped. During a race is allowed unlimited substitutions. A replaced player can rejoin the game, substituting in turn another player. The goalkeeper can exchange its role with that of any other athlete. The reserve players, who are called or not to participate in the game, are also subject to the authority and jurisdiction of the referees and, as such, may incur disciplinary sanctions. They will stay with composure, waiting to enter the field, behind the sideline. They can not stand behind the baseline.

Article 16 – AWARDS

• 1st place: trophy. • 2nd place: trophy. • 3rd place: trophy. • All other participants will receive a trophy Representatives of the tournament. 10 • Trophy Best Player: will be awarded to the player who will be judged the best by a jury by the Sporting Group UGL State Police. • Trophy Best goalkeeper: the goalkeeper will be awarded to the best that will be judged by a jury by the Sporting Group UGL State Police.


The final article of the Regulations is placed in the minds of the athletes, managers and carers of Representatives participants. This organization points out that the tournament was set for a recreational purpose, relaxing and, above all, fun. As a result, sporty, although considered important, may not necessarily be the most significant element. It has, therefore, honesty, loyalty, sportsmanship, moral commitment and respect towards all comrades, opponents and referees, along with a healthy sense of competition that sporting events need to have.



Gianfranco De Carlo


Article 7 - DELAYS AND ABSENCES To be a game needs to regulate, the start time of the race or during the course of the same, a Representative can be fielded at least four athletes. The timetable must be respected because it will play simultaneously on 4 fields, so that the end is the beginning of the matches will be reported by an acoustic sound. It is not permissible delay. Worth losing game.

Article 8 - GAME LIST Each match will be played by two teams. Each team will be able to field five athletes, one of which the goalkeeper and will deploy all the other athletes on the list available to join the 11 tournament as reserves. It is not no limit to the number of athletes, owners, or reserves that may be present at the meeting. They will, however, the only ones, together with leaders and their companions, which can enter the field of play. Before the game, the Referee or the Captain of a Representative shall deliver to the clerk of the Organization in this match, the list-match completed in its entirety, in print and handwriting, complete with the names of the athletes present on that day at the start of the race, covered by the shirt number allocated during the presentation of the list with an indication of athletes and athlete characteristics as described in Article 5. The presentation of this list is mandatory. In the list-match should be included only athletes present to the start time of the race. The reference time for all games, is determined by the official calendar .. The list-match should be prepared with great care and dedication and the information contained in it must be legible. This Organization does not assume any liability in case of allocation of networks or disciplinary measures for an athlete rather than another for a possible error of matching the name of the athlete with the wrong jersey number. For the accomplishment of these operations will occur in every Representative field 10 minutes before the start of the timetable set for the race. Even better would be if the list- match could be prepared elsewhere and delivered before the game ready. Annex 6, in this regard is a facsimile of how to be prepared a list-match. Who had the possibility can set it up using its own similar format, using a computer or a typewriter. Although custom-match the list will still contain all the information it requests. Article 9 - EQUIPMENT FOR ATHLETES

Each Representative, before the tournament, you must supply the necessary equipment for their athletes to the games of the dispute. Since the first game of the tournament every Representative should occur with the equipment in order as requested below. All Representatives, where there was a possibility, also builds up a sponsor. The name of the team during the tournament fees will still be representative and not that of the sponsor. The equipment required consists of a player jersey, shorts, socks, and shoes. The "complete" should be equal for all athletes of every Representative, and reserves holders, except for the goalkeepers. The players' jerseys must be numbered on the back. When presenting the list athletes every player should be marked by a different shirt number, and must use the same shirt number for all matches of the tournament until exhaustion. The colors of the numbers are clearly against the colors of shirts. And 'allowed as making written the name or logo of a sponsor on the front of the jersey. The goalkeeper is permitted to wear long trousers. He must wear a shirt bearing the colors that can be distinguished easily from other players and the referees. It may also wear goalkeeper gloves and hat. An athlete may not wear during the matches, anything that is dangerous to himself or another player (glasses, watches, bracelets, necklaces, rings, etc..). And 'instead permitted to wear shin guards and other plastic accessories provided preventive or protective cotton or similar material (sweatband bands and cuffs, gloves, dust, anti-stretching bands). Article 10 - DURATION OF THE MATCH

The duration of each race is determined in one half of 15 or 20 minutes depending on the number of participating teams. The time control will not be made by the Race Director. Both the beginning and the end of the match will be signaled by an audible sound for all 4 teams that will play at the same time. There will be no recovery except in cases of hardship. It is expected the time-out. In the final stage of the tournament or in any playoff games, scoring in the event of a tie at

12 the end of regulation time, will be kicked directly penalties.

Article 11 - The Referee For the direction of each race will be designated an arbitrator in writing to the Roman Association Referees. His authority and exercise of the powers conferred on him by the rules of the game, starting the moment comes in the place where you will find the field of play, and cease when they will be removed permanently. Its main tasks are:  Apply the rules of the game and take disciplinary action against athletes found guilty of offenses punishable by reprimand or expulsion.  Make a note of the facts relating to the race and give the organization a scoresheet that includes information on any sporting event, on any disciplinary action taken against athletes and / or managers of each Representative and any fact or incident before, during and after the race.  Stop, pause, or decree the end of the race in case of any event required by the Rules or any type of internal or external interference that does not allow the regular and / or smooth running of the game.  Stop the game if an athlete incurs an injury and make sure that it be brought from appropriate health care. The decisions of the referee regarding facts in the game, even if they are "oversights" are final. Article 12 - ACTIONS IN THE FIELD

Fouls and unsportsmanlike conduct shall be punished with direct and indirect free kicks or penalty kick. The one and sole judge responsible for making these decisions is the referee. He will also punish the misconduct of players with cautions and dismissals. The athlete who incurs a warning during the course of the game will remain on the pitch, or continue to be available if at that time held the position of "reserve". The athlete should be cautioned twice in the same game, a second warning will be ejected automatically, even if at that time held the position of "reserve". He must permanently leave the playing field and this will result in automatic disqualification for the next game. If at that moment is "owner" to restore numerical parity his team will have to wait 2 minutes before you can put in its place a new player, with zero of this interval in case of realization of a network from one of two teams contenders. The second caution in same game so the expulsion, will zero in counting cards laden athlete, received the first yellow card in the game. The athlete who incurs a direct expulsion must abandon the playing field and also in this case, if an owner to restore equality of numbers, his team will have to wait 2 minutes before you can put in its place a new player . This interval is reset to zero when one team scores a goal. The direct ejection of an athlete can be, even if at that time covers the role of "reserve", even if the same athlete has been in the same game, previously warned. In this case, the first "yellow" will not be zero in the count of tags laden athlete. The direct ejection from the playing of an athlete involves the automatic disqualification for one or more games later depending on the severity of the event for which it has become the protagonist. The organ responsible for making such a decision will be a committee of the Organization in collaboration with the Clerk of the meeting. The direct ejection or expulsion for yellow card in the same game does not count will reset the other "yellow cards" may already be at the expense of a player. A player will be suspended for the next game if it incurs in the third admonition distributed more games though not consecutive. The counting of the cards will never be cleared up at the end of the tournament except for the case of disqualification of office after the third warning in more games. Therefore, we 13 recommend great caution (to managers in managing the rotation of the athletes and the athletes themselves to manage their behavior in the field) because incurring an athlete (for example) in the third yellow card in a semi-final will not be deployed in the final. In case of serious or violent episodes during the matches, which hopefully will not happen ever, this Organization, to ensure the tranquility of the tournament, will not take half- measures to take disciplinary action and will have no hesitation to exclude athletes who make the tournament share of serious or even to exclude the whole performance, especially if the characters were unpleasant episodes of the executives or carers. Article 13 - ACTIONS FOR BREACH OF REGULATION INSTALLATION OR USE OF ATHLETES NOT CONFORM TO ART LIST. 5: It is not allowed to set up lists entering athletes whose characteristics do not comply with Article 5. DEPLOYMENT OF MILITANT THE SAME TIME IN OTHER ATHLETE TEAM: It is not possible that an athlete is simultaneously enrolled in two or more lists of different representations, although in different groups. It will not be considered an excuse the fact that a representation was not aware of the inclusion of an athlete in other lists. DEPLOYMENT OF ATHLETE ATHLETES NOT included in the list: It is not allowed any representation present in a game including players in its ranks that do not appear in the official list of athletes presented at registration for the tournament. DEPLOYMENT OF ATHLETE disqualified: It is not allowed to deploy, even as a reserve, an athlete that is disqualified. The report of a violation of the above points, it can be done, should escape the organization, from other Representatives, by an appeal. In case of recurrence, the Representative who incurs again in violation of the rules will be punished. Article 14 - APPEALS In the event that a Representative deems unfair and unsportsmanlike conduct by a competitor's Representative before, during or after a game or that have been breached the rules of this Regulation by another representative and that they have escaped the Organization, it will leave to appeal. Appeals must be submitted by this organization Referrals in writing, and may not relate in any way for errors or oversights arbitration. Appeals may be of two types. 1. Action for success events during a specific game: the complaint must be presented immediately to the organization. 2. Action for Violation of Rules: This complaint may be filed at any time during the tournament. It must be motivated and must be provided to this organization and documented about the precise reason for the complaint. The eventual documentation in paper form on the appeal must be hand delivered to the organization. The appeal, if the reason for the documentation contained in, or presented in support thereof is not deemed appropriate or satisfactory, can also be directly rejected by the office. In the presence, on the contrary, appeal considered valid, a Disciplinary Committee will be established: two Referrals Organization and by a delegation of five people chosen by lot among all Referrals to other teams (except of course the direct stakeholders). The decision made by the Commission, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation and in the opinion of the majority, will be final. Item 15 - ADJUST THE MAIN RULES OFFICIAL RULES • restart of play within four seconds: During the restart of play from the baseline, from the lineout, a corner or free kick, unless there are no obvious impediments (eg an injury), the team intended to do so within 4 seconds, otherwise the inversion of the restart of play or indirect free kick when the goalkeeper is to delay the referral. • a goal:

14 A network is marked as valid, and then the ball has completely crossed the goal line, between the goalposts and under the crossbar, but the referee has stopped before the game due to any infraction. A goal may be scored by kicking anywhere inside the bounding game. • GOALIE: The goalkeeper is the only athlete who is allowed entry into the crash when it is in his penalty area, provided that he does not perform in a careless, reckless or with disproportionate vigor. He steps back from his companions can receive but can not, if the back pass is voluntary, taking the ball with their hands. Can not keep the ball for more than four seconds inside his penalty area. Can not raise the ball with his hands over the halfway line without it touching the ground or has touched an athlete in their own half. The raise in his feet from his own penalty area has no limits, he can even score a goal. The concierge can also get out of his own penalty area, but outside it, can not play the ball with his hands or arms. No athlete is allowed to put the ball into play following a goal kick without it was first staked by the goalkeeper. • Substitutions: To change means the change on the court between two athletes on the same team. The exchange may occur either when the ball is in play (replacing "flying") and when it is not at stake. Only the goalkeeper to replace the game will necessarily be stopped. During one race is allowed an unlimited number of substitutions. A replaced player can rejoin the game, replacing another player in turn. The goalkeeper can exchange its role with that of any other athlete. The reserve players, who are called to participate in the game or not, are also subject to the jurisdiction and authority of the referees and, as such, may incur disciplinary sanctions. They will stay with composure, waiting to enter the field, behind the touchline. They can not stand behind the goal line.

Article 16 - AWARDS

• 1 st place: trophy. • 2 nd place: trophy. • 3 rd place: trophy. • All other participants will receive a trophy Representatives memory of the tournament. • Best Player Trophy: awarded to the player who will prove to be judged the best by a jury by the Sporting Group LgP Croton. • Trophy Best goalkeeper: the goalkeeper who will be assigned will be judged by a jury of the best by the Sporting Group LgP Croton.


The final article of the Regulations is placed in the minds of the athletes, managers and carers of Representatives of the participants. This organization recalls that the tournament was set up for a weekend amateur, relaxing and, above all, fun. The sporting results, as deemed important, may not necessarily be the most significant element. It has, therefore, honesty, loyalty, sportsmanship, moral commitment and the respect of all companions, opponents and referees, along with a healthy competitive sporting events need to have.


THE PRESIDENT Gianfranco De Carlo





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