Student Learning Outcome

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Student Learning Outcome

English A Student Learning Outcome

Write a multi-paragraph expository composition with an introduction and conclusion that responds to a text already covered in class. A clear position reflecting other points of view should be developed and sustained through the entire essay. The writer’s ideas should be insightful, focused, and organized. Sources must be attributed and incorporated into the writer’s argument. Word choice, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling should not hinder readability.

Holistic Scoring Rubric Grading A B C D F Criteria Superior (Thought provoking Very Good Adequate Weak Poor & insightful) Purpose The thesis is The thesis takes a The thesis states a A topic is The topic is compelling, stance on an issue topic but lacks a announced but the unfocused, and the complex, and has a even if it falters at thoughtful position. author’s position is thesis is never rationale. times during the unclear. clearly stated. essay. Development The paper’s central The paper uses Support is obvious Little support is Support is vague & Support idea is backed up by details for support and generic. given. What is and undeveloped concrete, thoughtful, even if they are not provided frequently when present. and consistently always consistently drifts away from Other times relevant details. well used. the central idea. nothing is offered.

Documentation Documentation and Documentation, if Documentation, if Documentation, if Documentation is source use, if needed, is used needed, lacks needed, is needed and not needed, is used regularly but not proper attribution inconsistently and used correctly. exceptionally well. always in a and/or poorly used. sophisticated manner. incorporation into the text. Organization The paragraphs are Parts of the The structure reads The paper has no The paper contains very carefully paragraphs may like a list. It is visible method of numerous short and planned and occasionally drift formulaic and development or disconnected organized. The from the central point repetitive. order. paragraphs. thinking is logical, but not enough to focused and unified. diminish the overall sense. Language Word choice is lively Words are Word choice and Words are Words consistently and appropriate. appropriately used spelling may be frequently misused are not used or Words are spelled and spelled correctly. awkward at times. and spelled poorly. spelled properly. correctly.

Sentence structure is Sentence structure is Sentence structure Sentences are Sentences are sophisticated, varied, generally sound but is simple, poorly constructed confusing. and complex may occasionally inconsistent, and and unclear. throughout the essay. break down. repetitive. Grammar The essay has almost The essay has a few The essay has a The essay has The essay has so no grammatical or minor errors, but few major errors many grammar and many basic punctuation errors. these do not and multiple minor punctuation errors. grammar and Nothing interferes dramatically interfere errors in grammar The meaning is punctuation errors with readability. with the and punctuation. sometimes unclear that it cannot be understanding of the or takes the reader readily understood. essay. some effort to figure out. Revised 3/08

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