Chapter 17: The Tide of War Turns (1863-1865) Section 2: War Affects Society Name ______Date ______Hour ______Main Idea: The North and the South were affected by social, economic, & political changes as a result of the Civil War.

Why it matters now: Some of these changes have continued to affect both regions even today.

One American’s Story

What caused the people to riot on April 3, 1863? ___the people had no food______(occurred in Richmond, VA)______

A. Disagreement About The War

1. What kept the Confederate states from working together in their war effort? _the principle of __ states' rights—each wanted to do what was best for themselves______

2. Who were the Copperheads? __Northern Democrats favoring peace w/South______How did Lincoln handle the protestors in the North? __they were arrested and he suspended __ _the writ of habeas corpus ______

B. The Draft Laws

1. What is habeas corpus? (see p. 254) _legal order which protects people from being held in ____ _jail/prison without being formally charged (taken into court and told why they were being held) Did Lincoln defy the Constitution by suspending habeas corpus? __no—habeas corpus can be __ _suspended in cases of rebellion or to protect public safety______

2. What is conscription? laws that required men to serve in the military; also known as the draft.

3. What did the Confederate draft law state? _all able-bodied men 18-45 years old were required _ _to join; planters owning 20 or more slaves could avoid military service; wealthy men could hire _substitutes______

4. Who used the term “rich man’s war but a poor man’s fight” & what did it mean? __poor______Southerners complained that the wealthy (planters) would get the benefit of winning the war _ _(keeping their slaves) yet the poor men were the ones fighting/dying for the cause ______

5. How was the Union draft law the same as the Confederate? __the Union could hire substitutes ______

6. Why were there only a small percentage of men in the North drafted? ______most volunteered so they could get $300 bounty (cash bonus)______

7. What led to the New York City draft riot in July, 1863? _anger over the draft and racial tensions between immigrants (mostly Irish) and African Americans What were the results of the riot? ___over 100 people killed; much destruction of property ___ Chapter 17: The Tide of War Turns (1863-1865) Section 2: War Affects Society

C. Economic Effects of the War

1. Food shortages were common in the South because a. __many farmers were fighting in the Confederate army (not planting/harvesting crops)____ b. __trains carried war material/equipment instead of food______c. __Soldiers would take food and other supplies it needed from the people ______

2. What is inflation? _increase in the price of goods (decreased value of money) ______Where was inflation the worst? __South______

3. In the South, the average food billed increased from __$6.65_____ /month in 1861 to __$68.00______/month by mid-1863.

How much was a Confederate soldier’s monthly pay? (See Daily Life, p. 509) ___$18.00______

Prices rose by __9,000______% in the South.

Explain the economic reasoning behind inflation in the South during the Civil War. Be sure to include the terms supply, demand, & price—and what caused their changes. __During the Civil War the North blockaded the port cities of the South. The effect _ was a decrease in the supply of goods available in the South. At the same time, many soldiers from both the North and the South were fighting in areas of the South which increased the demand for food and other supplies. A decrease in the supply of goods as well as an increase in the demand for those goods resulted in prices going up . This caused inflation as the prices rose higher and the value of their money decreased. ______

4. Why did the war give the North a short-term economic advantage over the South? ______war production in factories boosted Northern industry & fueled economy______

5. What was the long-term effect of the Civil War on the national economy? ______industry replaced farming as basis of national economy______

Please these terms to your notes:  Income tax—tax on earnings; est. by Lincoln to fund the war in the North  Greenbacks—green colored paper money; Lincoln hoped a common currency would help economy (provide money for spending)

16. How did slaves try to hurt the Southern economy? 1. __slowed/stopped work______2. __sabotaged crops & farm equip.____ 3. __joined Union armies rather than run ______4. __some rose up in rebellion against slave owners______

17. Significant facts:

Ran farms and took over jobs in offices served on the front lines plantations and factories as volunteer workers Chapter 17: The Tide of War Turns (1863-1865) Section 2: War Affects Society

Role of Women in the Civil War

served as spies for North & South worked at relief served as nurses (Belle Boyd—South) agencies (nursing became a respected (Harriet Tubman—North) (American Red Cross) profession)

some disguised themselves as men and served as soldiers (Emma Edmunds, MI)

18. What was life like for soldiers held at the prison camp in Elmira, New York? ______24% died of sickness/exposure to severe weather; winters were very hard here (North)______malnourished, unclean water______

19. What was life like for soldiers held at the prison camp in Andersonville, Georgia? ______overcrowded (held more than 3 times as many as they had room for); no shelter from ______extreme southern heat; starvation; disease; 100 per day died here______