Greater St. Louis Jazz Festival
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Welcome to the Greater St. Louis Jazz Festival, presented by the College of Fine Arts and Communication and the Music Department of the University of Missouri, St. Louis. The following materials have been designed to provide you with all of the information necessary to insure that you and your band members have the best musical and educational experience possible.
ENTRANCE TO JAZZ AT THE BISTRO AND PARKING: All of the Combo Performances will be held at Jazz at the Bistro, 3536 Washington Ave. (across from the Fox) in St. Louis, MO. Jazz at the Bistro is located one block east of Grand Ave on the south side of the street. Entrance will be through the regular front door. Parking is available in several lots in the immediate area. The Festival has not made any special arrangements for parking.
EQUIPMENT: There are no assigned storage areas for cases, coats, etc. We will be storing cases, coats, etc. in the Balcony area above the club level. The Festival Staff will be available to assist you if necessary. We will be providing all of the rhythm equipment including drum set, piano, vibes, and amplifiers. We ask that you use the equipment provided to simplify the change over from group to group. Drummers should bring their own sticks and cymbals.
WARM UP AND PERFORMANCE: There will not be any warm up areas assigned. Your performance time must include set- up, individual warm-up, performance, and clinic.
CLINIC SESSIONS: Every group has been assigned a 40-minute block of time. We suggest that you perform for 20 minutes, and leave the remainder of the time for your clinic session. Our guest artists Tom Scott, Shelly Berg and Paul McKee will provide the clinics. Each of these three outstanding personalities will be commenting on your performance. (The appearance of any of our clinicians could be subject to changes due to weather, flight schedules etc. Please be understanding if changes should occur.) The clinicians will not be making tapes or filling out sheets. You may wish to assign someone to videotape your performance and the clinic session. Please note that the Festival must stay on schedule. Please be available at least 30 minutes before the time indicated for your performance.
PERFORMANCES THROUGHOUT THE DAY: You and your students, as well as parents and friends are encouraged to listen to the performances and clinics throughout the day free of charge. Come early and stay late.
AWARDS: Each of the performing combos will receive a Participation Certificate at the completion of your performance.
WEDNESDAY EVENING CONCERT: There will be a special Greater St. Louis Jazz Festival Concert on Wednesday night at the Bistro. Featured performers include our guest clinicians, Shelly Berg and Paul McKee with the addition of Jim Widner on Bass and Miles Vandiver Drums. By agreement with the Bistro, all tickets for this performance must be purchased by calling Metrotix at 314- 534-1111, or the Bistro Box Office at 314-289-4030. Tickets are $20.00 for the entire evening. The student ticket price will be $10.00. The concerts are scheduled at 8:30 PM and 10:15PM.
FOOD SERVICE: No food will be served by the Bistro during the day. Several restaurants are located in the area, and the Festival staff will provide you with a list of places available on request. The Bistro will be serving dinner for the Wednesday evening concert. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, APRIL 18 & 19, 2008 TOUHILL PERFORMING ARTS CENTER UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST. LOUIS
ENTRANCE TO THE CAMPUS AND PARKING: The most direct route to the Touhill Performing Arts Center on the UMSL campus will be from HWY 70 Exit No. 240, “Florissant Road/University Blvd..” After exiting the Highway, go south on Florissant Road/University Blvd. to the first stop light past the Highway. (Look for the Touhill signs.) Turn right at this stop onto University Place Dr., and go a short 1/2 block to the next intersection. Turn left at this intersection onto Mark Twain Dr. Continue on Mark Twain Dr. (the Mark Twain Gymnasium will be on your right) to the first stop sign. Continue straight ahead through the stop sign to the Circle Drive of the Touhill PAC where you will check-in and unload. Buses will be parked in Lot K. Equipment may be unloaded at the circle drive. Additional maps may be viewed at
CHECK IN: Festival personnel will be at the check-in area to provide you with final instructions. A student host will also greet you at the entrance to the circle drive, and will stay with you until after your performance and clinic. Your host will be able to provide you with instructions on unloading your equipment, storage areas, etc. A map of the campus has been included with this packet and festival signs will be posted on the day of the event to help you get where you need to be.
EQUIPMENT STORAGE: Your storage room assignment is listed on the “Jazz Festival Schedule.” You are scheduled to enter this room at the time indicated, and we ask that you vacate the room no later than 20 minutes after your clinic has ended. Schools with multiple bands performing will be allowed to stay in the same room throughout the day until 20 minutes after the end of your last band’s clinic. Storage of equipment before or after the times indicated will have to be on your bus, in your equipment trailer, or in private vehicles.
Rhythm equipment: The festival is providing a drum set without cymbals, piano, amplifiers for bass and guitar, and a vibraphone, in each of the three performing areas, i.e. warm-up room, Anheuser-Busch Performance Hall, and the Lee Theater. The Yamaha Drum sets are provided by Mozingo Music and all amplifiers are being provided by the Ampeg Corporation. A nine-foot Steinway Grand Piano is on stage in both the Anheuser Busch Hall and the Lee Theater. All of this equipment will be of the highest professional quality. In addition, a sound system will be available for your performance in Busch.
The rhythm section equipment provided in all warm up, performance and clinic sites must be used by all participating bands. This will save time moving between sites.
Please be sure your band members know that the storage rooms are of moderate size and are to be used for storage only. Do not play or warm up in these rooms, and do not use them as a social center during your stay on campus. Also note that the storage areas are for band members and staff only. Family members and friends should enter Touhill through the East or West Main Entrances.
WARM-UP: The warm-up room will be equipped with a full drum kit, except for cymbals, as well as bass and guitar amps and vibes. You must use the provided equipment for warm up. Bands will be directed from their storage room to the warm up room according to the schedule. Please be sure to take all of your equipment with you when you vacate this area.
PERFORMANCE: All performances will take place in the Anheuser-Busch Performing Hall, according to the schedule. Please note that your 1/2 hour of stage time includes set-up and take- down. Please plan your program accordingly. We will stay on schedule. A full drum kit, except for cymbals, as well as guitar and bass amps and vibes will be provided for your use.
A professionally prepared audio recording of your performance will be included in your packet. There are no extra charges for this service.
Ross Gentile from radio station WSIE in Edwardsville, and Herb Duncan Greater St. Louis Jazz Festival staff, will act as hosts and Master of Ceremonies throughout the day.
CLINIC SESSIONS: Clinic Sessions will take place in the Lee Theater according to the schedule attached. This year our clinicians include; Shelly Berg, Tom Scott and Paul McKee. A full drum kit, except for cymbals, as well as guitar and bass amps and vibes will be provided for your use. You must use the festival equipment for your clinic session. Please let the festival staff know if you have any special needs.
Video or audio recordings of the clinic sessions will not be provided by the festival. You are encouraged to designate one student, parent, or other staff member to video tape your clinic session. Check with the room chairman when you enter.
ADMITTANCE TO THE CONCERTS AND CLINICS THROUGHOUT THE DAY: All of the performances throughout the day in the Anheuser-Busch Performing Hall are open to the public free of charge. We encourage you to bring parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, cousins, church members, groupies, etc. to the concerts. We also encourage you to have your students listen to the other bands perform. This is one of the great benefits of any festival experience. Clinic sessions will also be open to the public. We encourage you and your students to attend these sessions. Please note that no-one will be admitted to a concert or a clinic session once it has begun except in the break between selections. Be sure your band members and supporters understand the importance of proper audience etiquette.
AWARDS: Our two Theater Adjudicators will provide critiques of each band’s performance during the day in the Anheuser-Busch Performing Hall. These adjudicators are Mary Jo Papich, President Elect IAJE and Steve Roach Director of Jazz Studies Cal State Sacramento. Comment sheets and tapes along with a participation certificate will be presented to each group following the completion of their performance. Solo award certificates will also be presented for outstanding solo achievement.
FRIDAY EVENING CONCERT: Friday evening beginning at 8:00PM in the Anheuser-Busch Hall of the Touhill Performing Arts Center we are proud to present the University of Missouri-St. Louis Jazz Ensemble under the direction of Jim Widner, Director of Jazz Studies and guest artist Shelly Berg Trio with Tom Scott and Paul McKee. This concert is free to all participating bands and combos. Directors are asked to request the number of tickets in advance of the evening concert. Requests can be made on Wednesday and Thursday at the Bistro. During the day on Friday directors should report to the Festival Office in the back-stage area Room 134 with your requests (Please do not send students to this office for this purpose). Those schools participating on Saturday may make ticket requests for Friday night’s concert by phone (314-516-2263) or e-mail ([email protected]). These tickets will be held for the directors in the Festival Office room 134. In order for participating bands to receive this complimentary ticket all requests must be made in advance of the event on Friday. Ticket prices for non-participating individuals are: $10, $15 and $20.
SATURDAY EVENING CONCERT: The 8:00 PM Saturday evening concert will feature Wayne Bergeron and Buddy DeFranco with the UMSL Jazz Ensemble. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Touhill Box Office at 314.516.4949 or 866.516.4949. Ticket prices are $10, $15, and $25. Group discount of 20% will be given to groups of 10 or more students.
FOOD SERVICE: Food service will be available on the UMSL Campus April 18 and 19, during the lunch hour. Several restaurants for the evening meal are available in the area, but none of them are within walking distance. A list of restaurants and their locations will be available in the Festival Office. FESTIVAL ADMINISTRATORS: Jim Widner, Festival Director 314 - 516 - 4235 Gary W. Brandes 314 - 516 – 2263 or [email protected] C. Herb Duncan