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Edited By Mrs. Brown Volume 1, Edition 7 March 31, 2017 Literacy News By: Natalia Lin space for the students to draft. The subtopics In reading we are learning about the were a whole different matter. The students Revolutionary War. When we first started in chose a subtopic to write about. If someone had March, we took notes about the Revolutionary the Intolerable Acts, then they could write about War. We read books and thought about what we some of the acts. The mini-story was my read. We used prompts like: I think…I wonder… favorite. The students wrote a mini-story about a If I were…. character who took place during their subtopic. On the 3rd of March, the students and The students had to also write an essay and come their partner made a slide in Google Classroom up with a thesis statement and reasons about why talking about their subtopic. Then, we started to their subtopic was important. After the students prepare for a debate we were going to have on finished drafting, Mrs. Brown made a Google the 20th. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Updegraff were Classroom for us to type our chapters. Mrs. the moderators and we were either Loyalists or Updegraff said that the students were allowed to Patriots. A Loyalist was somebody who liked put text features. Also, the students are making two more chapters. They include a new mini- King George Ⅲ and thought he was good. They story and either an essay or an all about someone also thought that they should pay all the taxes. from the Revolutionary War. If they are all done Patriots didn't like King George. They thought with that they could make another chapter or do that the taxes were bizarre! So, the question all an all about the author…themselves! through the debate was, “Should the colonists be apart from England?” The debate lasted about 20-30 minutes. The students went on and Social Studies on. When the students agreed on what one By: Vedika Sharma person was saying they said “Here, Here!” When the students didn’t agree they said, “Nay!” This month felt a lot like Revolutionary Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Updegraff said that we did War month! In Social Studies, we learned about a great job keeping the conversation going! the Declaration of Independence. It was written Then, the students chose a new subtopic by Thomas Jefferson. We even got to see the to research. After choosing a subtopic, the actual declaration! Everybody got a copy of it, students started to paraphrase parts of a book. and we highlighted words and quotes that stood Then, Mrs.Updegraff gave the students an out to us such as “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of organizer to organize their information. The happiness.” After that, we were split into groups, students wrote all they knew about their and each group got a small part of the subtopic. Also, to go with our Revolutionary declaration. We highlighted important words, War topic the students started book clubs. and wrote it in our own words (without using That’s all the students learned in reading this long and confusing words). We also read the book Battling for Independence by Terry Miller month. Shannon and collected notes on the Second In writing, the students are making a Continental Congress and more! We also did Revolutionary War book. There are four parts of Kahoots on the Revolutionary War, and once, the book. The parts are the overview, subtopic, Mrs. Brown’s very own students got to make the mini-story and an essay. In the overview, the questions in Kahoot! students worked on picking one or two things to list in their overview. Mrs. Updegraff is teaching writing. So, she got our notebooks and separated the students pages in their notebooks and made See reverse Mathematics Health/Responsive Classroom/Other By: Maya Shamiyeh By: Mrs. Brown This month we started Geometry. In the Our Morning Meetings are a continuing beginning of the month, we took our show what success. The students are enjoying their time as you know, and most people knew a lot about the “host” for the day. We even learned some Geometry! new greetings and activities, thanks to some of A couple of days after that, we were our hosts, such as What’s Different and Follow learning about line segments, points, rays, and the Leader and 20 Questions! lines. We learned how to draw them, and how to The students enjoyed Read Across write/label them too. Then we learned about America week in school. I loved seeing all of acute, right, and obtuse angles (surprisingly most the students participating in the spirit days of the class knew about it)! We also learned how throughout the week. My personal favorite was to draw them. Pajama Day! We especially enjoyed the time A day after that, we got our protractors. with our “Special Reader” Mrs. Schantz, who We then went back and learned how to draw and read us the books Red by Michael Hall and The measure acute, right, and obtuse angles. Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt and After that, we slowly started to measure Oliver Jeffers. and draw angles that were in increments of five The students enjoyed a visit from The and some that were not in increments of five. American Boy Choir. They enjoyed their That sure was tricky! Then, a couple of days ago, amazing singing talents and were surprised to we were drawing perpendicular, parallel, and hear that one of the members was from intersecting lines. We came up with ideas on Montgomery and even attended VES! We also how to make it easier to draw parallel lines. In had a visit this month from children’s author, the end, just about everyone came up with their Ralph Fletcher. The students learned a lot about own idea, and most of the ideas worked! being a professional writer! Right now, we are learning about We have decided to take a break from rectangles and squares, and I think, Geometry exclusively completing Xtra Math for will soon be over! After Spring Break, we will homework. Instead, the students have a choice have our PARCC. I hope everyone studies for it! as to how they would like to practice their math Good luck! skills at home each night. They now have a choice of Prodigy, Splash Math, Xtra math or another fact practice activity. The students should practice for 10+ minutes each night (unless otherwise noted). Thank you in advance for your support at home. Have a wonderful weekend! Dates to Remember April 4th-7th: Early Dismissal (Parent/Teacher Conferences) April 10th-17th: Spring Recess April 19th-28th: PARCC testing April 21st: Mrs. Updegraff’s Last Day :( April 27th: Take Your Child to Work Day (No PARCC)