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Newcastle High School

Newcastle High School 2014-2015 Racer Choir Syllabus / Handbook

A. Course Description Students in choir will study and sing a wide variety of choral literature from different time periods and styles, including music of today. Students will acquire appropriate performance and rehearsal skills necessary to develop a choral ensemble including: vocal and choral technique, music reading skills, sight-reading, solfege, musicianship and performance skills. Concert and contest performances outside of class time are a class requirement and a percentage of the grade. Students are required to purchase a choir t-shirt and to meet other special clothing requirements for performance. Extra rehearsal outside of the school class period may be scheduled for performance preparation. Previous participation in choir is not required.

Lisa McLean [email protected] High School office 387-4304 ext. # 6319 Planning period 7th hour 2:10-3:00 Available before school 7:45-8:00 and after school until 3:15

B. Course Content 1. The class objective is to learn and apply the music reading skills, vocal techniques and performance skills necessary to develop a well-balanced choral ensemble. 2. Singing Technique:  breathing  physical stance (posture)  diction, enunciation, pronunciation  Proper tone production  vowel shape  warm-up exercises and vocalizes 3. Reading music:  Rhythm  standard choral notation  part singing  sight-singing skills  learning and applying the solfege system  singing good choral literature of many types and styles 4. Musicianship:  Dynamics  Phrasing  expression 5. Performance: memorization, stage presence and concert etiquette  1st nine weeks - Fall concert  2nd nine weeks - Christmas concert  3rd nine weeks - District Contest  4th nine weeks - State Contest, Spring concert

C. Course Materials 1. Black 1 inch, 3-ring notebook for music. 2. Students should have pencil in binder for marking music at all times. 3. Music is purchased by the choir program and remains the property of the choir. 4. Special clothing requirements:  Each choir student is required to purchase a Racer Choir t-shirt which will be required attire for some performances and events. (see attached order form)  For formal performances the choir will wear robes, which are the property of the choir. When wearing the robes students must wear black closed-toe shoes. No shirt collar should show at the neck and only black slacks may show beneath the hem of the robe.  Alternate formal performance attire is the wearing of concert black. Students are required to wear solid black slacks, shirts, polos, blouses, dresses, skirts etc. with black shoes. Newcastle High School page 2 Racer Choir Syllabus

D. Course Policies and Procedures 1. Choir rehearsal rules:  Come prepared to sing.  Participate fully.  Be in your seat when time for class to begin.  No food or gum while rehearsing.  Focus on the music.  No cell phones, electronic devices, make-up, homework or other distractions.  Refrain from talking when: the choir is singing, a section is practicing a part, the director is giving instruction, or a student is addressing the class.  No use of strongly fragrant or aerosol substances.  Treat people, equipment and instruments with respect.  Every voice is important. 2. Other class procedures:  ALL rules, policies and procedures in the STUDENT HANDBOOK relating to behavior and discipline will be followed  Work from other classes will not be done during this class unless approved by the teacher  Students are not to talk during announcements. 3. Disciplinary Consequences for inappropriate behavior by a student may consist of the following actions  verbal warning  student/teacher conference  teacher instituted consequence  parent or guardian notification  office referral

E. Grading Policies 1. 34 % Performances and Concerts- 100 points for each performance  Participation at performances and concerts is required. The schedule will be given well in advance.  An unexcused absence at a required performance will lower your grade substantially, since missing a concert is like taking a zero on a final exam.  If missing a performance is unavoidable the director (not the office) must be notified with a note or phone call from the parent before the concert explaining the reason for the absence.  If missing a performance because of sudden illness, family emergency or unforeseen event not in student control, the director must be notified in advance if at all possible and receive a written note from the parent explaining the reason for the absence within a week.  The director will make final decisions about the status of an absence (excused or unexcused) and give an alternative assignment for full or partial credit if appropriate.  It is important to remember that as a member of the choir you are part of a group which depends on you and that every voice is important.  Other performances in the community may be scheduled during the school year and while attendance is strongly encouraged these performances are not part of the student’s grade. 2. 33% Rehearsal - One 10 point grade will be given each week.  Visual and aural assessment  Learning of the part and memorization of music.  Sight-reading skills  Vocal technique and warm-up  Music theory  Adherence to rehearsal rules and attention to direction 3. 33% Participation - One 10 point grade will be given each week.  Daily attendance and punctuality. A missed rehearsal cannot be made up like homework in other classes. You will lose participation points for absences and being tardy.  Cooperation and treating classmates, director and other adults with respect. 4. Progress reports will be distributed to students every three weeks. 5. Students may request and receive complete grade information on most Fridays. Newcastle High School page 3 Racer Choir Syllabus

F. Additional Information 1. Fundraising:  The choirs have an activity account which pays for contest fees, OSSAA fees, music, clinicians, supplies, robes, awards, food etc.  Every choir student is expected to support the choir by participating in the choir fundraisers.  Our goal is to fully and completely fund the choir resources and activities through the activity account. 2. Choir officers: The choir will elect the following officers each year. These students will have leadership responsibilities within the choir for concerts and events. All officers with the exception of the freshman representative should have been in NHS choir the previous year.  President-The president should be an upperclassman and the main person responsible for assisting the director and organizational planning of student activities.  Vice-President-The vice-president will assist the president with organizational planning and also communication.  Secretary/reporter-The secretary should keep a record of choir activities and work with the director to write reports for the local newspaper.  Freshman representative-This officer represents the freshman class at officers meetings.  Classroom representative-This person represents each class period at officers meetings. 3. Ensemble and solo opportunities  All students have the opportunity to perform in ensembles and solos at district contest.  Solos and ensembles receiving a superior rating at district qualify to perform at state contest. 4. RETURN: Choir participation contract, trip permission slip, t-shirt form and money, drug testing permission form

G. Choir Performance Schedule

Fall Concert Mon. October 13 Auditorium

Middle School Christmas Concert Tues. December 16 Auditorium

High School Christmas Concert Thurs. December 11 Auditorium

District Choir Contest Tues. February 24 Western Heights HS (High School only)

Contest Preview Concert Thurs. February 26 Choir Room

District Solo/Ensemble Contest Sat. February 28 Western Heights HS

District Choir Contest Wed. March 4 Mustang High School (Middle School only)

State Vocal Contest Thurs and Fri. April 23 - 24 OBU in Shawnee (High School only)

Spring Sing! Concert Thurs. May 7 Auditorium

Graduation Mon. May 18 Lloyd Noble Arena Choir Participation Contract

2014 - 2015


To: Mrs. McLean

I have read the RACER CHOIR syllabus/handbook and I understand what is required of a member of the Newcastle Racer Choir Program. This includes the performance attendance policy and the dress requirements.

Student signature______

Parent signature______

Date______Choir T-Shirts

As a Newcastle Racer Choir member you are required to purchase a choir t-shirt. The t-shirt will be worn for some performances and choir activities.

The t-shirts are $15. You may purchase additional t-shirts for parents and other fans.

Payments may be cash or check made out to: Newcastle Choir Parents Booster Club

Return this order form along with payment by FRIDAY, AUGUST 29.





QUANTITY ______X $15.00 = ______AMOUNT DUE

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