Staff Council Annual Report s2

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Staff Council Annual Report s2

Southwest Texas State University Staff Council Annual Report: Calendar Year 1996

The SWT University Staff Council presents its fourth Annual Report to Southwest Texas State University President, Dr. Jerome Supple as follows:

As the SWT University Staff Council convened for its fourth year, we suffered the unfortunate loss of our then newly-elected Chair, Angie Burgess. Angie's death created a solemn atmosphere within the Staff Council for some time as Angie was indeed a friend as well as colleague to many of the Staff Council Representatives. Staff Council, with assistance from SWT Physical Plant, arranged the placement of a tree and plaque in Sewell Park as a memorial to Angie.

This year saw a change in meeting venue, from Alkek 105 / 106 to JCK 880 (Faculty Senate Room), and an updating of the Staff Council Bylaws. The revised Bylaws re-organized the Executive Committee, moved Staff Council representative election and meeting schedule from the calendar year to academic year, and clarified the Bylaws language. Staff Council Executive Committee also developed strategies to stream-line the handling of routine administrative procedures such as handling input from constituents and UPPS review.

Staff Council 1996 sought to improve communications with the University Community by updating and improving the Staff Council WEB Page.

The WEB page now includes an archive of minutes, reports, and links to related material as well as lists of members and committees. The WEB Page is now updated monthly or whenever necessary. Thanks to the Media Services Department for providing server space for the Staff Council WEB Page. (

During 1996, Staff Council provided input to the University Administration by making recommendations concerning the following issues: 1) Distribution of holidays and energy conservation days. 2) Summer hours. 3) University Longevity Program. 4) Summer School Task Force proposal. 5) "Other Paid Leave" for employees working other than regular 8-5 schedule such as Good Friday. 6) University Convocation - name change and recognition of Staff. 7) University calendar.

The Staff Council appreciates the opportunity to provide input on these issues and recognizes an increased interest from various administrative councils and committees in Staff Council's contribution.

Staff Council also provided review and/or comments on:

1) UPPS that affected Staff such as, Affirmative Action Program, University Classification and Compensation, Years of Service Awards, Sick Leave Pool. 2) September 1996 pay raise (Merit/Market/Equity) allocation. 3) Staff Compensatory time. 4) New employee evaluation process. 5) Athletic Task Force report. 6) Hospital Satisfaction Survey. 7) University Parking 8) 1996 Mini-Session.

Additionally, as mentioned earlier, Staff Council made several internal changes including:

1) Update of Staff Council Bylaws. 2) Placing Staff Council on academic year instead of Calendar year. 3) Revising and improving Staff Council WWW Pages. 4) Providing Welcome Letter and other information to new SWT Staff employees. 5) Creation of new Compensation Subcommittee (for 1997).

Finally, Staff Council provided representatives to other campus committees and councils including University Council, Registration Coordinating Committee, Insurance Committee, Mediation Advisory Council, Transportation and Parking Committee, University Longevity Committee, and several Faculty Senate Subcommittees.

1996 Staff Council Representatives

Mike Aleman Don Anders Emily Ando Angie Burgess (Chair) John Campbell Sandi Carlisle Mark Carter (Chair-Elect) Mary Cauble Jerry Cochran Rosie Farias Oscar Flores Amy Galle Sarah M. Garrison Georgia Hamilton Terry Hernandez (Secretary) Jane Hughson Danny Hurtado Bonnie Inglet Cindy Kruckemeyer Rick Lattie Michelle Massey Earl Mosley Robert Niemietz John Parker Willie Pineda Dianna Richards Kate Robbins Deborah Simpson Terry Taylor Terry Toler (Chair) Susan Warren Carolyn Sue Wells

1996 Staff Council Subcommittees Executive: Terry Toler, Mark Carter, Michelle Massey, Mary Cauble, Terry Hernandez, Terry Taylor

Elections: John Campbell, Mike Aleman, Oscar Flores, Daniel Hurtado, Carolyn Sue Wells

Public Relations: Emily Ando, Michelle Massey, Terry Toler

Bylaws Committee: Jane Hughson, Earl Moseley, Deborah Simpson

UPPS : Sarah Garrison, Bonnie Inglet, Mike Aleman, Willie Pineda, Emily Ando

"Perks" Committtee: Susan Warren, John Parker, Mark Carter

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