How a Bill Becomes a Law s1

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How a Bill Becomes a Law s1

Influencing Government! Political Parties, Interest Groups, and the Media

The American political system is greatly influenced by political parties, interest groups, and the media. Some people believe these groups positively impact the government, others think they negatively impact the government. In this activity you and your partner will choose one [1] of the three [3] groups discussed above, and develop a 6-8 page children’s storybook that will make the topic come alive!

Put on your “teacher hat” and start brainstorming! Being able to explain a difficult concept to someone is the easiest and most reliable way to test your own knowledge. Can you simplify the influence of one of these groups on the American political system? Can you highlight the positive and/or negative impact of this group on the government and the people? k Imagine you are a 5th grade teacher. Your ultimate goal is to teach your 5th graders about your topic. This means that you need to clearly articulate your thoughts, and be as humorous and original as possible. Be creative and have fun with this assignment. Make your book come alive with pictures, illustrations, and an interesting storyline. l This is your chance to make the children’s book you always wish you had! l Your story can be a fictional account, a “fact book”, or a comic book on Interest Groups, Political Parties, OR the Media. No matter what creative avenue you take all books must somehow answer 4-5 of the questions outlined on the following page. Pick a group from the three below, and use the questions to help guide your brainstorm. The answers to 4-5 of the questions should be incorporated into your storyline in some way.

Political Parties Interest Groups The Media . What is politics? . What are special . What is the role of . What is a political interest groups? the media in elections? party? . How do interest . How does the media . What function do groups use lobbyists to inform people about political parties serve? influence politics? politics and shape the . What are the major . What are some issues? beliefs of the specific functions of . Are there limits to Democratic party? interest groups? the way that . What are the major . What are some information is beliefs of the Republican examples of interest presented to viewers on party? groups? the evening news? . Do you think . How do interest . What are some political parties have a groups use money to examples of types of positive or negative influence politics? media? impact on the American . Do you think . Do you think the political system? interest groups have a media has a positive or positive or negative negative impact on the impact on the American American political political system? system?

In addition to the focus questions listed above, feel free to include information about political ideologies, campaign finance, and the election process to make your story book more informative and exciting! k Hint – use your final exam review sheet as a reference when brainstorming your storybook

Sequence: 1. Pick your partner 2. Who will draw? Who will write? Will you share tasks? 3. Brainstorm story ideas 4. Brainstorm character ideas 5. What is the setting? 6. What is the plot? 7. How will the details of your chosen topic be incorporated? 8. Design your book! a. Use construction paper! Glitter! Stickers! Anything unique and unusual! b. How will it be bound? Ribbon? Yarn? Staples? Names:

Topic Chosen:

CATEGORY 10-9 8-7 6-4 3-0

4-5 questions relating Most of the Some of the Many components to the group (political components of the components of the of the group were Children’s Book parties, interest Required Elements group were present group were present in missing from the groups, the media) in the book. the book. book. were incorporated.

Engaging and creative Weak story that did Story attempts to story that successfully Entertaining story not explain the explain the topic but explained and that explains and topic. Children’s Book confusion abounds. Narrative illustrated the selected illustrates the Reader is more More detail on process topic selected topic. confused after was needed. (1 of 3 groups) reading than before.

Details of the topic Topic Details of the topic Details of the topic Details of the topic were not completely __ Interest Groups were explained in were not explained were accurately explained in the story. __ Political Parties the story with a few at all. More work is explained in the story. Numerous errors were __ the Media minor errors. needed. present.

Was extremely clever Added a few original Little creative Was clever at times; and presented with touches to enhance the energy used during thoughtfully and Creativity originality; a unique project but did not the project, was uniquely written and approach that truly incorporate them bland, and lacked illustrated enhanced the book throughout the “wow factor”

Book is extremely Some more work and pleasant to look at. Book is put together detail needed on Little time or effort Pictures/illustrations well with pictures Overall Presentation completing the overall was used in creating add to the reading and illustrations presentation of the this book. experience. “Wow” present. book. factor is present. Title of Storybook: Name:

Project Reflection Please be thoughtful with this!

1. Division of Labor Briefly describe the role each group member played in the creation of this storybook.

2. What did you learn from this activity?

3. What grade do you believe you deserve on this activity (*50 total points)?

4. Do you like project-based assessments, or do you prefer cumulative unit tests?

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