Sait Instrumentation Club
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CONSTITUTION 1. Name The club will have two names: For campus recognition purposes the club will have the name SAIT INSTRUMENTATION CLUB (the Club). This will be the ‘common’ name of the club.
For recognition in the instrumentation community the club will have the name SAIT ISA Student Section. This name will also reflect the 1981 Charter the Club has from ISA – the Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society
2. Affiliation 2.1. The SAIT INSTRUMENTATION CLUB is affiliated with the ISA Calgary Section. The Club advisor (SAIT faculty) is a member of the ISA Calgary Section Executive.
2.2. The Club also has a Charter with ISA, the international instrumentation society, dating back to 1981.
2.3. The SAIT INSTRUMENTATION CLUB is also affiliated with SAITSA (Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Students Association). The Club will be registered with SAITSA.
2.4. All Club executive members will hold current membership in the ISA- The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society in order to retain their positions on the executive.
3. Objectives 3.1. The purpose of the Club is to provide a non-academic focus for students and a window into the instrumentation field.
3.2. The objectives of the Club include, but are not limited to, the following: To organize events and activities of interest to SAIT students enrolled in the Industrial Instrumentation Technology (IIT) program. To provide an opportunity for students to take and practice leadership roles. To promote networking opportunities between instrumentation students in both first and second year and between students and the instrumentation community as a whole. To promote instrumentation, as a career, on the SAIT campus.
D:\Docs\2018-01-01\0a60347e9df38e683e6ff24a40dae384.doc 8-Apr-18 4. Membership 4.1. All students in the Industrial Instrumentation Technology (IIT) program at SAIT are assumed to be members of the Club.
4.2. Students are encouraged to join the ISA as student members – this is not mandatory. More information can be obtained from the Club Advisor or from the ISA web page (
4.3. All members shall comply with the requirements of the Club Constitution and Bylaws.
5. Executive 5.1. The executive of the Club shall consist of: Group 1 President First Vice-President Program Director Financial Director Group 2 Second Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Assistant Program Director Group 3 (optional positions) Membership Director Web Master and Assistant Student Advisor
5.2. The ‘term of office’ for Group 1 and Group 2 positions shall be one (academic) year. Group 3 positions can be extended to two years.
5.3. The IIT Program Co-coordinator will appoint the Student Advisor. The Student Advisor will have an indefinite term of office. The Club Executive committee can replace the Student Advisor through a majority vote, by a formal resignation, or by request of the IIT Program Co-coordinator.
5.4. Group 1 executive positions will be nominated/volunteered/elected in the spring (March or April). The nominees will be ‘second’ year IIT students unless there are extenuating circumstances.
5.5. Group 2 executive positions will be nominated/volunteered/elected in the fall (September or October). The nominees will be ‘first’ year IIT students. If the positions are not filled (within a specified time) with first year students then second year students can volunteer for the positions.
D:\Docs\2018-01-01\0a60347e9df38e683e6ff24a40dae384.doc 8-Apr-18 5.6. The duties and responsibilities of the executive positions are included in an appendix (as a reference) to the Constitution. They are not intended to be a part of the Constitution and therefore do no fall under the amendment rules of the Constitution.
5.7. An executive member can be relieved of his/her position and responsibilities by the Student Advisor for any of the following reasons: loss of integrity (trust, honesty, etc) or confidence poor academic performance upon request from the individual failure to attend meetings regularly and/or performance of duties The decision of the Student Advisor is final.
6. Executive Committee 6.1. The Executive Committee shall constitute the executive as identified in Section 5 and the Student Advisor.
6.2. A minimum of three (3) executive members including the President (or designate) or Student Advisor shall constitute an executive quorum.
6.3. Voting shall be by a show of hands or by secret ballot – the President or Student Advisor shall decide which method is to be used at the time of the vote or situation.
7. Amendments 7.1. The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the executive members at a meeting, which must include the Student Advisor.
7.2. A written notice of the proposed amendment must be submitted to a member of the executive and the Student Advisor at least two weeks prior to a meeting.
7.3. The Bylaws to the Constitution may be amended by a majority vote.
D:\Docs\2018-01-01\0a60347e9df38e683e6ff24a40dae384.doc 8-Apr-18 BYLAWS 1. Order of Business 1.1. The order of business shall be that of sound business principles and procedures.
2. Meetings 2.1. The Executive Committee will hold regular (preferably monthly) meetings. These meetings will be open to the general membership. Meeting notices will be sent out to the general membership via email, website, and/or posters.
2.2. The President shall call the meeting. The Student Advisor can also call a meeting in extenuating circumstances. An agenda for the meeting will be created by the President (or his designate), and sent out to the executive members at least two days before the meeting.
2.3. Minutes of the meeting will be recorded by the Secretary and will be posted on the website whenever possible. The Student Advisor will be given a copy of the minutes to keep on record.
2.4. Special meetings may be called by any of the executive members to deal with specific issues (ex. coats, speakers, etc.). These meeting require at least one week notification (unless extenuating circumstances) via posters, email, and/or website.
3. Finances 3.1. All financial matters (specifically the disbursement of funds) shall require a motion. The motion can only be voted upon by the Club Executive and requires a majority (50% plus 1) agreement to pass.
3.2. All fund disbursements (cheques) issued on behalf of the Club must have (as a minimum) the signature of the Treasurer and the Student Advisor.
3.3. The Club will leave a minimum of $1000 in the bank for next year’s club.
3.4. There is no membership fee to join the Club.
3.5. The Treasurer will keep an accurate account of the Club funds and will present a Treasurer’s report at the executive meetings.
D:\Docs\2018-01-01\0a60347e9df38e683e6ff24a40dae384.doc 8-Apr-18 4. Elections 4.1. The current executive will make a motion to have nominations open for one week in the spring (March/April) and in the fall (September/October). This will be posted on the web page, emailed to all members, and (if possible) by bulletin board posters.
4.2. Potential executive members are invited to volunteer for the position of their choice. Volunteers must submit their names and desired position (verbally or in writing) to the Student Advisor. The Advisor may encourage volunteers to apply for open positions.
4.3. Executive members must be students in the IIT program.
4.4. Voting, by secret ballot, will only be required if there are more than one nominations for a position.
5. Committees 5.1. The President shall be empowered to appoint standing or special committees necessary for the efficient administration of the Club.
5.2. The President is an ex-officio member of all committees.
5.3. Individual executive members may request the formation of committees.
6. Website 6.1. The Club should maintain (including regular updates) a website.
6.2. The website will be created/maintained by the Club Webmaster under the authority of the Student Advisor.
6.3. The website will, as a minimum, contain: The Club executive names and contact information (email) Club news (meetings, speakers, etc.) A SAIT Pipeline link An ISA (student section) link
D:\Docs\2018-01-01\0a60347e9df38e683e6ff24a40dae384.doc 8-Apr-18 APPENDIX (Executive Duties)
GROUP 1 PRESIDENT Appointed in the spring (usually the Second Vice-President from the previous year)
Directs, through the wishes of the Club members, the Executive
Calls executive meetings
Prepares the agendas for, and chairs the Executive meetings
Chairs (or organizes others to chair) the General Meetings
FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Appointed in the spring (usually occupied an Executive position in the previous year)
Organizes guest speakers and field trips with the assistance of the Student Advisor
Assists the President in his/her duties
May chair some Executive and General Meetings
Direct and execute an annual Christmas fundraising campaign on behalf of the ISA club for a charitable donation to a local registered charity of the residing IIT executive body’s choice. This activity is done to provide students with a greater perspective of life outside of SAIT, and to get involved in the Calgary community to provide a gesture of goodwill and humanity during the holiday season. The First Vice President will choose and coordinate a group of volunteers to be known as the Christmas Fundraising Committee to do fundraising planning in October, fundraising in November, and delivery of donation in December before Christmas break.
PROGRAM DIRECTOR(S) Appointed in the spring (usually the Assistant Program Director from the previous year)
Plans and organizes the social functions for the Club
Chair’s committees delegated with the planning and organizing duties of a particular function.
D:\Docs\2018-01-01\0a60347e9df38e683e6ff24a40dae384.doc 8-Apr-18 FINANCIAL DIRECTOR Appointed in the spring (usually the Treasurer from the previous year)
Overseas all fund-raising activities
Trains and assists the treasurer as required
Chairperson of the Joe Wolkowski Scholarship Committee
GROUP 2 SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT Appointed in the fall from the first year class. This position is intended as a president-elect for next year and thus is seen as a training position.
Assists the President in his/her duties
May chair some Executive and General Meetings
SECRETARY Appointed in the fall (ideally from the first year class)
Records minutes of the Executive meetings and any business conducted at the General meetings. Minutes should be distributed to the Student Advisor within one week of the meeting
Prepares (or arranges for) and sends out speaker ‘thank-you’ letters
TREASURER Appointed in the fall (ideally from first year class)
Holds position into the second year until a new Treasurer is appointed
Keeps an up-to-date record of all Section financial activities including a written monthly financial statement (submitted to the secretary for inclusion with the minutes) and which is presented orally at Executive and General meetings.
Conducts all Section banking business
Usually takes over the Financial Director Position in the second year
ASSISTANT PROGRAM DIRECTOR(S) Appointed in the fall (ideally from first year class)
D:\Docs\2018-01-01\0a60347e9df38e683e6ff24a40dae384.doc 8-Apr-18 Assists the Program Director(s) in their duties
Usually takes over Program Director for the second year
GROUP 3 (optional positions) MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Appointed as the need arises. May be a two-year position.
Assists the Student Advisor in developing an awareness of ISA membership opportunities after graduation.
WEB MASTER and Assistant (optional position) Appointed as the need arises based on a one-year appointment.
Creates and maintains The Instrumentation Club website.
Updates, as often as required, the website with current Club news, events, notices.
Trains an assistant to take over in the following year.
Responsible to the Student Advisor and the Club for appropriate material on the website. Keeps the Advisor informed and trained to be able to make changes to the website.
PHOTOGRAPHER (may also include assistants from each class) Appointed as the need arises based on a one-year appointment.
Consult with the Instrumentation Program Coordinator regarding FOIP issues.
Photograph instrumentation instructors and students in various settings around the campus.
Upon request, provide photographs in an electronic format (i.e. CD where the requestor provides the CD) for use by the ISA Student Club, the Instrumentation Section, or by the energy Department.
Maintain an organization system (i.e. electronic folders) for photographs
D:\Docs\2018-01-01\0a60347e9df38e683e6ff24a40dae384.doc 8-Apr-18