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SACRE D HEART CHURCH ST. MARY’S CHURCH ST. ROBERT’S CHURCH CANEY, KS MOLINE, KS SEDAN, KS. PHONE 620-879-2360 PHONE: 620-647-3577 NO PHONE FATHER ROBERT SPENCER RECTORY: P.O. BOX 276, 320 N. Main, MOLINE, KS. 67353 Web Site: Mission Statement: To become Eucharistic Parishes by showing Reverence and Devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament through Adoration, Prayer, Worship and Ministry to one another. Prepare the Way! December 10, 2017 Our Lady of Guadalupe
Second Sunday of Advent
December-Month of Divine Infant Mass Intentions 12/9 Saturday 5:00 pm Moline St. Juan Diego All People 12/10 Sunday 7:00 am Moline Second Sunday of Advent For All People 9:00 am Sedan Father Vall Serra/STA 11:00 am Caney For Parishioners 12/11 Monday No Mass St. Damascus +Ruth Rosillion/Dwerlkotte 12/12 Tuesday 6:30 pm Caney Our Lady of Guadalupe Debbie Lynn/Beverly Lynn 12/13 Wednesday 6:00 pm Moline St. Lucy +Lynn Welch/Viola Welch 12/14 Thursday 8:00 am Moline St. John of the Cross +Bruce D Fickle/Nadine Fickle 6:00 pm Caney Jim Parr/Beverly Lynn 12/15 Friday 8:00 am Caney St. Christina Fr. Spencer/Beverly Lynn 12/16 Saturday 8:00 am Moline St. Eusebius of Vercelli +Leo/ Wright/Tom/Terrie Eckberg 12/17 Sunday 7:00 am Sedan Third Sunday of Advent +Bruce D. Fickle/Viola Welch 9:00 am Caney For Parishioners 11:00 am Mariam Staton Family/Beverly Lynn Respectful Silence is Requested While in Church Confessions: Moline-Sat @ 3-4 pm Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: If there is a serious illness Sedan-Sun @ 8:35 am Caney-Sun @ 10:35 am or accident call 620-647-3577 at Moline and at Caney call 620- Baptism: By appointment 879-2360 or 620-879-2728. In case of an emergency at Caney, Weddings: Schedule with priest six months before wedding. call Holy Name @ 620-251-0475 or St. Andrew’s at 620-331- Adoration in Moline: First Sunday of each month 7:30 to 1:30 1789 pm Adoration in Caney-First Sunday of each month 12-6 pm Video posted on Web Site: “Simplicity” Fr. John Lanzrath Christmas Call to Sharing: “We can’t fully practice our Gospel Reflection: “As the journey of Advent continues, as Catholic faith without the life and ministry of priests. You we prepare to celebrate the nativity of Christ, John the should have received an invitation to consider a gift to the Baptist call to conversion sounds out in our communities. It Christmas Call to Sharing- a gift of gratitude to support is a pressing invitation to open our hearts and to welcome retired priests and the education of seminarians. God has the Son of God Who comes among us to make divine blessed us this year with 46 men in the seminary and judgment manifest. John made the way ready for the continues to bless us with so many retired priests who serve coming of the Messiah. We too, are called to give the Church in many ways. I would ask that you be as testimony to the light and truth of Christ.” generous as you possible can be at this most Holy time of Jerusalem: Our Jerusalem has four strata. The bottom year.” Bishop Kemme most layer is the Jerusalem of the Jews, the land where How do we make sure we are prepared for our final day? Jesus began his mission of redemption. 1. Begin and end your day in prayer, making time to listen The second layer is the Jerusalem of Christians, God’s not just talk. kingdom on earth, the holy Church. 2. Read Scripture daily. Invite the Holy Spirit to teach and The third layer is the heavenly Jerusalem at the end of inspire you as you read. time. For during Advent we await the Savior who will 3. Receive the Sacraments; Daily Mass is the greatest appear on the Last Day to take all into the New Jerusalem treasure we have as Catholics. Our spirits need to be fed and The fourth layer, our souls in sanctifying grace. We must nourished by Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. be adorned and prepared for the King will want to enter. 4. Hold all things lightly. This world is passing away. Cling Epiphany the climax, we prepare for the King’s visit to to things that will last forever. our city. The whole week must be devoted to it. Daily Mass Readings for the Week Prayer Lists Mon Is 35: 1-10; Ps 85: 9-14; Lk 5: 17-26 Tues Zec 2: 14-17; Jdt 13: 18-19; Lk 1: 26-38 For our Parish: Pope, Bishops, Bishop Eugene Gerber, Wed Is 40: 25-51; Ps 103: 1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30 Priests, Religious, Fr. Spencer, for an increase in Thu Is 41: 13-20; Ps 145: 1, 9-13; Mt 11: 11-15 vocations, the leaders of our country, for world Fri Is 48: 17-19; Ps 1: 1-6; Mt 11: 16-19 peace, all those in the Military and their families, for Sat Sir 48: 1-4, 9-11; Ps 80: 2-3, 15-19; Mt 17: 9-13 an end to abortion, for neglected children, for the Sun Is 61: 1-2, 10-11; Lk 1:46-50,53-54; 1Thes 5: 16- unemployed, and for protection of religious freedom. 24, Jn 1: 6-8, 19-28 “ Stewardship” “Who Are You Following?” Sedan: John Wilson “John the Baptist was not tempted to conform to this world. He knew who was coming after him, and he Caney: For those in our parish who are sick or who wasn’t afraid to shout it out. He proclaimed an are in need of our prayers especially for Jillian authentic baptism in the Holy Spirit-a baptism we all McIntosh and Freida Freisberg, Max and Bernice share in! In this baptism, we are not only called to be Roe, Marian Staton(Richey) family . stewards of God’s gifts, but we also hope to be found “without spot or blemish” at this time. Diocesan News: Advent season is a time to reflect on our baptismal Advent: The readings of Advent open up to us a promises, to clean up the blemishes, and look whole series of promises, full of powerful images. forward to the coming of the Savior who is already God knows our life and its struggles and offers us the among us.” hope of the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives every Word of Life day. “ If you know someone who has had an abortion, Slow Down! Breathe Deeply! Trust in God! Pray! express your sympathy for her loss. Assure her of “Come, Lord, Jesus” several times a day. God’s unconditional love, and encourage her to seek God wants to be with us. Advent is letting God’s will healing and forgiveness.” USCCB be done in our hearts and in our everyday lives. Parish News Moline: Knights of Columbus has placed a baby crib in all Sedan: three parishes at the back of the Church for infant Caney: Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe ends 12/12 items or clothing that will be taken to the Midwest Poinsettias may be purchased in memory of a loved Pregnancy Center. one. Give your money ($11) to Sara Shively. Christmas Basket is at the back of the Church. Please Contacts for Parishes bring nonperishable items. Basket to family on 12/18 Moline: Christmas Dinner is 12/17 after Mass. Covered Dish Parish Council President: Ed Morgan-316-640-3528 dinner, bring 1dish of meat, vegetable, salad or Altar Society President-Sally Morgan-316- 640-3528 desert Knights of Columbus: Jim Taylor-647-3063 Decorate Mon @ 6pm on 12/18, Set up Tree and Stable Secretary: Ruth Walker-647-3406 only. Will wait and finish after morning Mass on 12/24 Sedan: New Parishioners Parish Council President: Kelley Grady-316-200- Welcome to our parish! Please contact Father for a 1320 registration form to fill out. Thank You Altar Society President-Sandi Adcock-725-5398 Caney: Anointing for the Sick Parish Council President: If you know of someone who is seriously sick or Altar Society President-Janette Buster 1-918-766- scheduled for major surgery, please inform Father so 4672 that the Sacrament of Anointing may be given to that Knights of Columbus: Steve Buster 1-918-766-4671 person. Notify Father of any shut-ins or homebound Bulletin/Secretary: Beverly Lynn-879-2728 people so arrangements can be made for them to receive Holy Communion. Collections Receipts for Dec 3 Caney: Weekly Expenses: $890.00 Collected $997.00 ($+107.00) Yearly Budget: $46, 312.00 Yearly Total: $44,862.00