Teacher Name: Ms. Jennifer Sawin
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Course Syllabus Photography 3 Teacher Name: Ms. Jennifer Sawin Telephone Number: 832-484-4786 E-mail Address: [email protected] Contact Times: M-F 6:45-7:20, or after school by appointment.
TEKS for Course: The student is expected to...
• analyze visual characteristics of natural and human-made subjects in a variety of ways, illustrating flexibility in solving problems, creating multiple solutions, and thinking imaginatively.[1.A] • analyze visual qualities to express the meaning of images and symbols, using precise art vocabulary. [1.B] • solve visual problems by planning and attempting a variety of solutions. [2.A] • solve visual problems and develop multiple solutions for designing ideas, clarifying presentations, and evaluating consumer choices, using design skills. [2.B] • select from a variety of art media and tools to express intent in drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, photography/filmmaking, and electronic media-generated art. [2.C] • study a selected period, style, or movement in art. [3.A] • trace influences of various cultures on contemporary artworks. [3.B] • analyze a selected career opportunity in art, identifying the training, skills, and plan of action necessary for realizing such a goal. [3.C] • select artworks for a personal portfolio based on evaluation of developmental progress, competency in problem-solving, and a variety of visual ideas. [4.A] • analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions to form conclusions about formal qualities, historical and cultural contexts, intents, and meanings and to show innovation and provide examples of in-depth exploration of one or more themes. [4.B]
Grading Determination Your Accountability to Your Education Includes: Completing and meeting deadlines, Applying the objectives of assignment, Displaying sound compositional skills, Implementing elements and principles of design intellectually, and Maintaining quality craftsmanship.
60% Major Grade – major projects, formal research, notebooks, In-depth complex, layered assignments, etc. 40% Daily Grade – daily assignments, quizzes, worksheets, project statements, research, progress grades, etc. Sketchbook: Students are expected to maintain a notebook/sketchbook where they will experiment with a variety of concepts, techniques, & Medias. Notebook work is an ongoing process that uses informed & critical decision making to determine outcomes to artistic problems & includes printing studies, artist facts, critiques, journaling (http://www.journalforyou.com/ ), compositional thumbnails, & darkroom notes. Late Work Procedure Late work will be lowered ten (10) points each day it is late up to three days. (For example, assignments submitted three or more days after the due date will lose thirty (30) points from the assigned grade.) Reteach / Retest Procedure Tutorials / M – F / 6:45 – 7:20 by appointment Outline/Calendar of Projects: 1st Semester 1st 6-weeks: Week 1 1. Review Quiz and review of portfolio/body of work 2. Portrait Package 3. Richard Avedon Article & Worksheet 4. Portrait Lighting quiz 5. Photo-Collage Week 2 1. Richard Avedon quiz 2. Darkroom set-up 3. Darkroom Days 4. Irving Penn Article & Worksheet 5. Portrait Lighting Shoot(1 ex. Of each technique) Week 3 1. Jerry Uselmann-Art Criticism 2. Irving Penn quiz 3. Darkroom Days 4. Printing worksheet Week 4 1. Mood Portrait Shoot 2. Darkroom Days Week 5 1. Assign Abstracts(Due every Friday) 2. Darkroom Days 3. Costume Portrait Shoot Week 6 1. Darkroom Days 2. Notebook/ Portfolio Critiques/ contacts & prints due 2nd 6-weeks: Week 1 1. Darkroom Days 2. How to Photograph people Worksheet. 3. People Shoot 4. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 5. Edward Weston Read & worksheet Week 2 1. Quiz on Edward Weston 2. Darkroom Days 3. Contact sheet 3-4x6 for people shoot 4. Bell Pepper shoot 5. Abstracts(Due every Friday) Week 3 1. Environmental Photographer article 2. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 3. Environment shoot 4. Edward Steichen Read & worksheet 5. Darkroom Days Week 4 1. Quiz on Edward Steichen 2. Organic Shoot 3. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 4. Darkroom Days 5. Contacts for shoots due Week 5 1. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 2. Darkroom Days Week 6 1. Darkroom Days 2. Notebook/ Portfolio Crits/ contacts & prints due 3rd 6-weeks: Week 1 1. Lee Friedlander Article notes 2. Torn Collage Photograph 3. Quiz on Lee Friedlander 4. Store Window Shoot 5. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 6. Darkroom Days Week 2 1. “Graphic Design in the city” Article and worksheet 2. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 3. Quiz on Graphic design article 4. Darkroom Days Week 3 1. Toning & Partial Toning 2. Ralph Gibson Artist Crit/info. 3. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 4. Darkroom Days Week 4 1. Gibson Quiz 2. Bones Shoot 3. Graphic City Shoot 4. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 5. Darkroom Days Week 5 1. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 2. Darkroom Days Week 6 1. Darkroom Days 2. Notebook/ Portfolio Critiques/ contacts & prints due 3. Final Exam Review
2nd Semester 4th 6-weeks: Week 1 1. Elliott Erwitt Notes 2. Critique 3. Elliott Erwitt quiz 4. Hands shoot 5. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 6. Darkroom Days Week 2 1. Accordion Print 2. Notes- Art & Man worksheet-“Creating w/light” 3. Quiz “Creating w/light” 4. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 5. Darkroom Days Week 3 1. Unusual Viewpoints of People Shoot 2. Research Paper! 3. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 4. Darkroom Days Week 4 1. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 2. Darkroom Days Week 5 1. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 2. Darkroom Days 3. Contacts & prints due Week 6 1. Darkroom Days 2. Notebook/ Portfolio Critiques
5th 6-weeks: Week 1 1. Diane Arbus Worksheet 2. Diane Arbus quiz 3. Negative sandwich 4. Odd People Shoot 5. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 6. Darkroom Days Week 2 1. Imogen Cunningham Art & Man Worksheet 2. Imogen Cunningham Quiz 3. Crit. of Diane Arbus or Imogen Cunningham Photo 4. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 5. Darkroom Days Week 3 1. Expressive Portrait shoot 2. Sepia Toned Print 3. Partial Sepia Toned Print 4. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 5. Darkroom Days Week 4 1. Shadow People Shoot 2. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 3. Darkroom Days Week 5 1. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 2. Darkroom Days Week 6 1. Darkroom Days 2. Notebook/ Portfolio Critiques/ contacts & prints due
6th 6-weeks: Week 1 1. William Klein Information & Crossword 2. William Klein Quiz 3. Warped Image 4. Night Picture Information 5. Night Quiz 6. Darkroom Days 7. Abstracts(Due every Friday) Week 2 1. Brassai Information & quiz 2. Night Shoot 3. Interior Window Shoot 4. Darkroom Days 5. Abstracts(Due every Friday) Week 3 1. Abstracts(Due every Friday) 2. Darkroom Days Week 4-5 1. Darkroom Days 2. Notebook/ Portfolio Critiques/ contacts & prints due 3. Colored Image with Repetition Final Project Week 5-6 1. Darkroom Days 2. Final Exam Review Student Absence Procedure: Make-up work is your responsibility! If absent, you are responsible for obtaining quizzes, assignments, worksheets, lecture notes, etc. SEE ME! Your make-up time begins the evening of the day you return. HOW? You must take your project home that night. WHY? Every day you miss requires 1 hour at home to make-up the class time missed. Test Days: One of the summative assessment tools will include critiques of projects. There will be quizzes throughout the year over notes and vocabulary on scheduled Tuesdays and Thursdays. Calendar of dates will be on LMS by units.