Turk Participation Rubric
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Mrs. Turk’s Class Participation Rubric
4 3 2 1
Student is Student is late Student is always rarely late to no more than a Student is late to class Attendance / prompt and class and few times and often and/or has poor Promptness regularly attends regularly regularly attends attendance of classes. classes. attends classes. classes.
Student often Student Student usually contributes to sometimes contributes to class Level Of class by contributes to Student rarely contributes by offering ideas Engagement In offering ideas class by offering to class by offering ideas or and usually asks Class and sometimes ideas and/or asking questions. questions during asks asking class. questions. questions.
Student listens Student when others talk, Student mostly Student rarely listens when usually listens both in groups and listens when others talk, both in groups when others Listening Skills in class. Student others talk, both and in class. Student talk, both in incorporates or in groups and in interrupts when others groups and in builds off of the class. speak. class. ideas of others.
Student Student rarely Student never occasionally displays Student often displays displays disruptive displays Behavior disruptive disruptive behavior during behavior during disruptive behavior class. class. behavior during during class. class.
Student is Student is usually Student is always sometimes not prepared for Student is often not prepared for class prepared for class with prepared for class with Preparation with assignments class with assignments assignments and required and required class assignments and and required class materials. materials. required class class materials. materials. Total---->
Teacher Comments:
Lesson Plan: Wings 6
SWBAT: Create and understand the participation rubric used in determining that portion of their grade for the quarter.
Process: 1. Divide the class into five groups 2. Ask them to brainstorm a list of the perfect student’s behaviors in class 3. Collect the list on chart paper 4. Give each group one category to create performance indicators for including attendance, level of engagement, listening skills, behavior, & Preparation – scale is 1 – 4 5. As a class, create the rubric on chart paper – explain that 20% of their grade comes from class participation – I will have a typed copy for them next week 6. Assessment – exit ticket – why does class participation matter so much in school?