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ZAB Staff Report Template




S t a f f R e p o r t

For Committee Discussion/ Majority Recommendation APRIL 15, 2010 1425 HENRY AVENUE CONTINUED PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW

Design Review #09-30000095 of a renovation and expansion of an existing grocery store (Safeway). Improvements will include a 17,861 sq. ft. expansion of the floor area for a new total of 46,111 sq. ft., as well as an on-site parking garage ramp and new landscaping throughout. Off-site improvements include new street trees and expanded planting in city right of way.

I. Introduction This project is located on the east side of Henry Street, between Shattuck Place and Vine Street, and is in the North Shattuck Commercial (C-NS) zoning district. It is before the Design Review Committee (DRC) for Preliminary Design Review.

The project has not yet been scheduled for the Zoning Adjustments Board (ZAB) meeting.

II. Background The current Safeway store is housed in a 1960’s suburban style building. The main entrance faces the parking lot to the North. Solid precast concrete and river rock walls face Shattuck and Henry Streets to the East and West. There is an existing lower level parking garage.

III. Project Setting

A. Neighborhood/Area Description: This parcel is in the North Shattuck Commercial (C-NS) district, consistent with the parcels to the north, south, and east. The Restricted Multi-family Residential (R-2A) district is located just to the west of the parcel and is in part of the south parcel as well. See Land Use table below for more information.

2120 Milvia Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 510.981.7410 TDD: 510.981.7474 Fax: 510.981.7420 1425 HENRY STREET DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE Page 2 of 6 April 15, 2010

Table 1: Land Use Information

Location Existing Use Zoning District General Plan Designation Subject Property Grocery store/ Safeway North Shattuck Neighborhood Commercial Commercial (C-NS) Surrounding North Restaurant/ Retail North Shattuck Neighborhood Commercial Properties Commercial (C-NS) South Residential/ Restaurant Restricted Multiple-family Medium Density (Vegi Food)/ Bank (Bank Residential (R-2A)/ North Residential/ Neighborhood of the West) Shattuck Commercial (C- Commercial NS) East Retail (CVS)/ Restaurant/ North Shattuck Neighborhood Commercial Laundromat Commercial (C-NS) West Residential Restricted Multiple-family Medium Density Residential (R-2A) Residential

Table 2: Development Standards

Standard Existing Addition/ Proposed Permitted/ BMC Sections 23(click and enter (Reduction) Total Required #).070-080 Lot Area (sq. ft.) 89,576 0 89,576 N/A Gross Floor Area (sq. ft.) 28,250 17,861 46,111 89,576 Dwelling Units Total N/A N/A N/A N/A Affordable N/A N/A N/A N/A Building Average (ft.) 34’-9” (2’-4”) 32’-5” N/A Height Maximum (ft.) 42’-5” (7’-11”) 34’-6” 35’-0” Stories 2 0 2 3 Building Front (East) 34’-6” 34’-6” 0’-0” 0’-0” Setbacks (ft.) Front (West) 18’-0” 18’-0” 0’-0” 15’-0” Side (Southeast) 1’-1” (0’-3”) 0’-10” 5’-0” Side (Southwest) 42’-6” (32’-6”) 10’-0” 10’-0” Lot Coverage (%) 30.5% 14.1% 44.6% N/A FAR .32 .20 .51 1.0 Usable Open Space (sq. ft.) N/A N/A N/A N/A Parking Automobile 143 (21) 122 90 Bicycle — — 10 8

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IV. Project Description

A. Requested Use Permits 1. Reduced Side Yard - Southeast corner of site (23E.04.050; 23C.04.070): Small expansion of pre-existing non-conforming side yard to 10" (existing is approximately 13"), when 5' required. 2. Reduced Front Yard – West (23E.04.050): Providing 0', when 15' is required. 3. Creation of more than 2,000 square feet of gross square area (23E.48.050): 17,897 square feet. 4. Food Service Establishment Modification (23E.48.030; 23C.04.060B): Modify existing use (pre-existing, legal, non-conforming) as a “Carry Out Food Store” to a “Quick Service Restaurant”. 5. Outdoor Seating (23E.48.030; 23E.24): To provide outdoor seating for four (4) tables, 16 chairs. 6. Increase space devoted to sales of wine, beer and other alcoholic beverage sales (23E.16.040): From 750 square feet to 1700 square feet. 7. Use Permit for Food Product Store Specialized: (23E.48.040): To add coffee kiosk.

V. Design Review Summary from March 18, 2010

Preliminary Design Review was continued with the following recommendations: MOTION (Allen, Williams) VOTE (5-0-0-1) Olson – absent.

A. Building Form & Massing, Site Plan & Parking Setback:  There should be a bigger landscaped setback on Shattuck, since no entrance.  There is concern with the loss of setback on Henry. Look at alternatives which keep some planting strip. Building Massing:  Lower southwest corner as much as possible – de-commercialize the extension to the southwest.  Consider a step back in the Shattuck elevation to get a better relationship between the massing and the landscape. Look at the experiential sequence when moving along Shattuck. Relationship to Surroundings / Neighborhood Pattern:  This site is a gateway to Shattuck and the Downtown from the north.  Rethink the Shattuck elevation.  Shattuck façade is out of scale with the existing small-scale retail context.  Look at pushing the mechanical equipment back with a screen so that the building could make a smaller-scaled gesture on Shattuck.  Most critical are the Shattuck and Henry edges of the project. Look carefully at fitting these into the neighborhood for any design re-submittals.  Design this project as if you lived across the street, or even next door.

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 Southwest corner is too harsh as designed.  Ramp appears to be a net loss – more negatives than positives. Public Open Spaces / Landscape Concept:  Consider pulling the plaza around so that it faces Shattuck.  Shattuck plaza could be raised and still contribute to the vitality of the street life.  Look at the Shattuck edge as an art opportunity. Parking & Driveways:  Recommend moving one of the curb cuts further north and expanding the building’s presence on Shattuck. Pedestrian Circulation:  Incorporate recommendations from the City’s Bike and Pedestrian Planner that were included in the March staff report. Schematic Building Design:  Consider the location of the hvac equipment carefully, as well as other possible noise impacts.  Get mechanical equipment closer to Shattuck to reduce noise to the neighbors.  Consider enclosing the loading and trash areas.  Further extend the screen for loading and trash, and add sound attenuation to the east side of the screen.

B. Building Design Window & Door Treatment:  Clarify the use of the southwest door at staff lounge – which hours? for egress only? Building Entrances:  Open the Shattuck side up to the street and introduce entries. Building Materials & Colors:  Materials and design should be more Berkeley.

C. Landscape, Open Space & Circulation Public/ Common Open Space Areas / Plantings:  There are not enough trees in this project.  Shattuck elevation is too closed. It would be better to hide it with trees and landscape if it remains this way.  Concrete wall appears to be too brutal for the Henry side of the site. Consider adding trellises and vines to soften it.  Curved wall at Henry pedestrian stair also appears to be harsh. Consider setback with a significant landscape buffer.  Add more landscape to the walls on Henry and southwest corner to soften.  There needs to be more trees on the southwest corner for a buffer to adjacent residential structure.  Green-up Henry side of project, as well as the southwest corner.

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 Applicant to check with Public Works – C3 requirement is for the building drainage only or the entire site?  May need to meet Bay-friendly landscape standards – check with Public Works on the City’s policy. Sidewalk Areas / Streetscape Elements:  Landscaped setback should add to and strengthen the existing streetscape along Shattuck.  There appears to be a loss of trees over the whole site. Why are so many trees being removed on Shattuck? Parking:  Get rid of the harsh surface parking feel of the existing lot. Add more tree coverage. Work toward the 50% canopy coverage in the guidelines.  Consider photovoltaic shade structures in the parking lot for solar power and adding more scale to the flat surface.

D. ZAB issues:  DRC did note that the neighbors brought up many operational issues (maintenance, trash, loading) which should be discussed in more detail and better resolved at ZAB.

VI. Issues and Analysis

A. Design Review Issues: This submittal includes the key drawings which show changes since the last review. Additional perspectives, as well as revised streetscape elevations and roof plan will be presented at the meeting. A list of key changes follows below. Refer to the applicant’s response and summary of changes included in this submittal for a more complete list of changes.

 Parking lot spaces have been reconfigured to accommodate a gateway park feature at the north point of the site, better pedestrian access through the parking lot, and more tree canopy coverage of the existing asphalt surface.  New entrance has been added on the Shattuck elevation near the coffee kiosk and deli counter. Proposed outdoor seating remains at the northeast corner of the building, but a planter and seat wall have been added on the north elevation.  Massing and elevations on Shattuck and on the northeast corner have been reconfigured for better articulation and scale.  Building addition on the southwest corner has been lowered 2’ and a row of evergreen trees has been added to the planting areas at the south property line.  The door on the south elevation at the staff lounge and offices has been relocated to the new stair with egress directly onto Henry Street.  Sound wall at the loading dock area has been extended for a better sound buffer to adjacent residences on Henry Street.

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B. Issues for Discussion:  Relationship to the neighborhood  Building massing  Elevation design  Pedestrian circulation  Landscape concept  Colors and materials

VII. Recommendation Staff recommends that the DRC discuss the above issues and give specific direction on these and any other issues raised at the DRC meeting for the next review.


1. Project Drawings, received April 06, 2010 2. Applicant’s Summary of Changes, received April 06, 2010

Staff Planner: Anne Burns, [email protected], (510) 981-7410

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