Later That Morning They Headed out on Their Expedition. They Were Headed to an Isolated
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They got up early on the mid-June morning to prepare for a three-day hike through the great northern forest. Jim had organized the outing and knew everything that they would have to bring with them. The previous day they had gone to town to buy everything that they would need. They did not plan to bring their cell phones with them on this journey. Dave brought a good camera and wanted to take some pictures during this adventure into the wild outdoors.
Later that morning they headed out on their expedition. They were headed to an isolated lake far into the forest. They planned on fishing when they arrived at this lake.
They walked through the woods at a steady pace. The Bright sun was shining down from above making it warm and humid. The blood-thirsty mosquitoes were out in force. Birds could be heard above chirping in the tree tops.
Jim brought a machete to cut brush that blocked their passage. He led the hike single file through the woods at a steady pace swinging his machete to and fro. Dave followed behind Jim. They kept a steady pace of hiking.
They were two long-time friends who were taking a break from their normal lives to enjoy the great outdoors of the wild forest. Jim was an insurance salesman. Dave was a police officer. They both lived and worked in the same city. They had known each other for years.
Jim knew a lot about hiking and the outdoors. He had already been to the hidden lake once before.
Dave, the youngest of the two was the most physically fit. He worked out and jogged on a regular basis to stay in shape. He was also an expert marksman who went hunting on a regular basis. He brought his best rifle with him. This rifle gave him a
1 sense of security out in this untamed wilderness. He thought that he might practice his aiming skills.
Jim liked the wilderness. He began to think about how relaxing it would be to fish at the hidden lake. There would be peace and tranquility while he sat on the lake’s shore while casting his rod into the crystal clear waters of the lake. This was something he had been looking forward to for some time. He was beginning to have a deep feeling of happiness. Then he remembered when he caught the large walleye while fishing there.
“Look at that moose”, Dave exclaimed in a low voice. He did not want to spook the animal which was grazing in a swampy area at a lower elevation to their far right up ahead. He had a momentary thought of unslinging his rifle and taking aim at the large herbivore, but thought better of it. They had plenty of food at this point.
“That’s a big one”, Jim responded.
They continued on their journey after shortly looking at the moose. They hiked for another few hours. Then they stopped to have a light lunch.
They ate some crackers, beef jerky, and had some Dasani water to wash it down.
After the meal they relaxed for a short while, commenting about how nice it was to be out in the wilderness away from their city lives.
“Having this wilderness adventure was a great idea”, Dave said.
“It is good to get away from civilization every once in a while,” Jim responded.
There was a pause in their conversation as they began hiking up a hill. After reaching the hill’s top they continued in conversation.
“When was the last time you were out of the city?” Jim asked Dave.
2 “It has been about a year. It’s nice to not be off the beat for a change.” He responded.
“It is so peaceful out here and the air is so fresh.” Dave added.
They were beginning to enter a small valley which had a small stream going down its central basin. A lone doe deer and its kid could be seen moving near the stream. It was early afternoon and it was a sunny and warm day. There were few clouds in the sky above. They had a great view of their way ahead.
“We are making good progress. We should reach the lake by early evening.” Jim related.
They had planned to spend the whole second day at the lake. They were going to fish, relax, and enjoy their lake surroundings this whole day. They thought that they just might catch some fish. If they did not catch any fish that would be okay too, they had brought enough food with them. Hopefully this day would be enjoyed with good weather. Then they would head back to the farm house on the morning of the third day.
“Lets stop for dinner”, Jim said.
They stopped on a medium hill top and took off their backpacks. They both sat down and began to eat.
“This will have to be a quick simple meal. We have to make the lake by nightfall”, Jim said while they ate.
The time was 7:30PM and they were tired. They had been hiking at a steady pace for most of the day.
3 “We should reach the lake in a hour or so”, Jim said.
“Hear that loud tapping sound?”, Jim questioned.
“Yeah, what is it?”, Dave responded in a low voice.
“It’s a woodpecker on a tree.”
The sun was setting in the sky.
Both Jim and Dave were looking foreword to reaching their destination. They wanted to relax and rest after the long days hike. Jim was looking forward to seeing the lake, it had been some time since he had been there, it was a very peaceful place.
“The lake should be on the other side of this next hill”, Jim said as they began ascending the hill.
It was now dusk and the air temperature was decreasing.
“It is sure nice to be able to return to this lake. It is a very peaceful place”, Jim commented as they descended the hill with lake in view between the trees.
“We have arrived,” Dave said.
After reaching the lake shore they began preparing their camp. Jim began clearing an area on the ground near the lake among the trees. He moved dead wood and cut brush to make a smooth surface to put their bedrolls on. They would then put their sleeping bags on top of these bed rolls.
Next, Jim prepared a place to put the fire. They would use the fire for cooking and warmth while they stayed at the campsite.
“Get some wood for the fire”, Jim said.
Dave began to collect wood and small sticks.
By the time the fire was started it was nighttime.
4 They relaxed and talked about the day’s hike as they were warmed by the fire.
They went to sleep after they put the fire out, planning to get up early the next morning.
They would sleep well this night.
Both waking early they dressed and began preparing breakfast. Jim heated some water for instant oatmeal and coffee. Dave opened his backpack to get dried fruit and nuts. They enjoyed their breakfast quietly and slowly.
“Mary and Beth are probably going out to breakfast at IHOP now”, Jim said while they ate.
Mary was Jim’s wife while Beth was Dave’s wife. They had been going out to breakfast every Wensday morning for the past few months. They would always meet at the restaurante at 7am sharpe and would spend a good hour enjoying their breakfast before they went to their jobs. Both women did not have young children.
“I’m ready to fish”, Jim said.
“Me too”, Dave responded.
“Didn’t you tell me once that you had caught a large walleye at this lake”, Dave said.
“Yes”, Jim responded.
Both men took out the pieces of their fishing poles and assembled them. Next they took out their fishing tackle and thought about what should be used for bait. They decided to use lures that resembled minnows. Each lure they used had two small three-
5 pronged hooks on them, one on the lower midsection and the other on the end part of the lure.
Jim made the first cast into the lake. His lure went a good seventy-five feet out onto the central surface of the lake. Then he began to real in his lure, pausing every now and then to make the lure’s movement more sporadic. Jim knew that fishing this way would make the bait more appealing to the fish he hoped to catch.
Dave walked a little ways down the shoreline to fish.
There were few clouds in the sky above and there was a light refreshing breeze coming through the trees on the lake’s shore. The lake’s surface was calm and peaceful.
The water of the lake was crystal clear and there was a smooth sandy descending bottom to the lake.
Both men fished until lunch time. Then they had lunch at their campsite. They both had not caught any fish up to that point. They were both enjoying the golden peaceful silence of their natural surroundings. There were no sounds of the city here.
Jim and Dave continued to fish at the lake for the rest of the day enjoying themselves immensely. Jim stayed fishing in one small area while Dave would change to a new fishing spot from time to time.
At sundown they both headed back to their camp area.
They did not succeed in catching any fish but their day of fishing had been successful. They had a great time. They would not be eating fish for their evening meal.
While they sat eating their evening meal near the fire both men took in their surroundings and said nothing. They both simply ate, drank, breathed, and relaxed while they enjoyed their dinner.
6 “Are you ready to head back in the morning?”, Jim asked.
“No, I want to stay longer.”
“You know that you have to go back.”
“I know,” Dave responded.
They both stayed up late that evening watching the wood in the fire burn into glowing reddish ashes. Both men were relaxed, quite, and at peace. After the fire had finished burning both men went to sleep.
Jim woke up first and started the fire. After the fire was burning good he heated some water for their oatmeal, dried fruit, and coffee breakfast.
“Wake up!”, Jim said loudly in Dave’s direction.
“wwwhhaatt…”, Dave said, he turns over and dozes off again.
“We have to head back this morning,” Jim said assertively.
After a little time, Dave responds, “What?”
“It’s time to get up and have breakfast.”
Dave wakes up, gets dressed, and goes over near the fire by Jim. Then they have their breakfast with a little small talk. This time they do not take their time and enjoy their breakfast knowing that they will soon have to head back to the farm house.
7 As they hike forward, again in single file, Jim points to his front right, “Look at those bones.”
Dave looks in that direction and sees some bright white bones partially submerged in dead tree leaves.
Later, as they begin descending into a small valley with sparsely spaced trees Jim looks up into the sky and notices that there are many dark clouds forming there.
He turns back to Dave, “there is going to be a storm.”
The densely packed clouds are now blocking much of the sunlight from the sun above. Their surroundings become dreary and the air around them becomes chilled.
Suddenly, in the sky above a very loud “TttthhAAAAcckkk” followed by very loud chaotic rumbling can be heard. This high volume noise is accompanied by a bright flash of light as a lightning bolt strikes a tall tree on the top of a hill ahead of them. Next a light chilled drizzle begins to fall from the clouds above.
As they begin ascending the hill there is more thunder followed by bright light.
This light does not quickly fade this time. Looking up the hill Jim and Dave see several medium sized spheres of lightning descending onto the tree tops. This lightning burns parts of the trees generating some smoke.
“What is that?,” Dave asks looking at what is happening ahead of them.
“I think that is ball lightning.”
One of the larger spheres of lightning floats to the ground igniting some dead debris there.
Avoiding the fire they continue forward on their hike.
8 As they reach the summit of the hill, a loud vicious throaty
“GGGRRRAAARRGG” can be heard from their left hand side. Quickly charging toward them, mouth wide open with dripping glistening foamy slobbers, is a large black bear.
Surprised, Dave quickly tries to unsling his rifle to take aim at the vicious predator charging them. Jim, experiencing a sudden rush of adrenaline, immediately begins climbing the nearest tree as fast as he can. Dave’s aim is not accurate missing the bear.
Dave quickly sprints in the opposite direction of the fast approaching bear.
Seeing that one of its prey had climbed a near tree the bear stops and begins to climb this tree. Jim has nearly reached as far up into the tree as he can climb. The heavy set bear’s bodily muscles ripple as it scrambles up the tree.
Dave stops sprinting away and runs back to the tree with his rifle in hand. At the tree he aims at the bear and fires. The bear is hit in its rear, but this does not slow it down any.
Jim is now as far up into the tree as he can climb. Fearing for his life Jim positions his legs so that he can kick at the nearing bear to protect himself.
Again, Dave takes aim at the bear and fires. He hits the bear in the back of its head causing it to stop its ascent of the tree. The bear then looses its grip of the tree and falls to the ground.
“You are a good aim,” Jim said as he began climbing down the tree.
“Another ten seconds and you would have been the bear’s lunch.”
“I know.”
9 Deep in thought, Dave leaned his rifle against the tree, and took off his backpack.
Opening the top of the backpack he reaches in and takes out his camera. Stepping about ten feet back from the dead bear, looking at Jim, “Jim take this picture.”
Jim walks over to Dave and gets the digital camera. Once Dave is next to the bear with rifle in both hands, Jim takes the picture. The picture taken is of Dave standing to the right of the bear with his rifle aimed to the left at the bear’s center mass.
“This will a great story to tell the guys at work,” Dave said.
“You saved my life.”
Dave puts his camera in his backpack and slings his rifle. They continue on their hike back.
There are more distant thunders and the rain is now coming down thick and heavy on Jim and Dave. They head straight back to the farm house, without stopping for lunch and dinner, solely intent on reaching the shelter of Jim’s house.
“I’ve never seen a black bear that big before,” Jim said as they drove back to
Grand Rapids, Minnesota.
For the next hour they continued on at the posted speed limit of 60MPH in silence. When the city was in sight they both smiled.
“It sure is nice to be back in the city,” Jim said.