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All persons baptized with water & the Spirit in the Name of the Trinity are invited to receive the THE FOURTH SUNDAY of EASTER Eucharist. Those who wish to only receive a blessing may cross their arms. It is perfectly acceptable to receive the Eucharist in only one kind (i.e. the Host), and then decline the chalice, crossing your May 15, 2011 arms. Year A & Daily Office Year One 5-15-11 BCP Page 323 8:00 AM HOLY EUCHARIST RITE I Page 172 Traditional Collect Page 340 Eucharistic Prayer II The FOURTH SUNDAY of EASTER 9:15 & 11:15 AM HOLY EUCHARIST RITE II The WORD of GOD PROCESSIONAL HYMN 645 "The King of love my shepherd is" Page 355 Acclamation HYMN 178 "Alleluia, alleluia! “ Give thanks to the risen Lord” Insert Collect (BCP p. 225); SUNDAY SCHOOL goes to "Upper Room" ACTS 2:42-47; PSALM 23 (p. 612); I PETER 2:19-25 GRADUAL HYMN 654 (twice) "Day by day, dear Lord" Insert The Gospel: JOHN 10:1-10 GRADUAL HYMN 654 (twice) The Sermon: The Rev. Scott Fisher Page 358 The Nicene Creed Page 392 The Prayers of the People, Form VI Page 360 The Peace ( no Confession during Easter) Page 830/431 Announcements, Introductions, Birthdays, Anniversaries The HOLY COMMUNION OFFERTORY HYMN (9:15) R&C Choir "Alleluia" (11:15) Choir Anthem "Christ the Lord is Risen Again" Hymnal 380, verse 3 THE DOXOLOGY Page 361 The Great Thanksgiving (Eucharistic Prayer A) Page 362 Sanctus (Hymnal S-129) Page 364 Fraction Anthem (Hymnal S-155) COMMUNION HYMNS: Song Book 111, 74, 46, 51b, 98 ~mother Jane Taylor & newly baptized Leandra Aisling Grace Taylor Page 365/6 The Post Communion Prayer & Blessing at the Easter Vigil, Saturday night, April 23rd, 2011 [Photo by Laura Vines] RECESSIONAL HYMN 213 "Come away to the skies, my beloved" The Dismissal St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church Celebration of the printing of the new Gwitch'In New Testament Fairbanks, Alaska w/Bishop Lattime ~ Covered dish/potluck following.

UNITED THANK OFFERING SPRING INGATHERING this month. You can bring your filled blue boxes or put a check in the offering marked “UTO.” WELCOME to everyone visiting from throughout the Interior and THIS WEEK at SAINT MATTHEW’S 2011 beyond. You are invited to join us at our coffee hour in the parish hall Sunday, May 15 th (The Fourth Sunday of Easter) after each service. 8 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I (Nursery available for children three years & younger) COMING: NEXT SUNDAY, BISHOP MARK LATTIME visits during regular 9:15 & 11:15 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II ~ Sunday School dismissed after Collect of the Day to "Upper Room" celebrations of the Eucharist at 8 & 9:15 services; for Baptism, Confirmation & 1:00 PM Adult Confirmation/Inquirers class ~ Church Dedication of the Gwich'In Bible at the 11:15 service. 1:30 PM Fairbanks Correctional Center Men's Eucharist WOMEN'S SPRING FLING ~ Thursday, May 19, 6 pm - Friday, May 20, 3 Sunday-Friday 12 AM Compline PM. To register or for more info, contact The Rev. Ginny Doctor 452-3040. Monday, May 16 TH Noon Ecumenical Mission for Homeless Shelter (Parish Library) INTERIOR DEANERY MEETING ~ Fri-Sat, May 20-21 ~ St. Matthew's 6 PM Education for Ministry (EFM) (Parish Library) Delegates are The Rev. Deacon Bella Jean Savino & Bonnie Marsh, alternates 6 PM Youth Ministry Committee Meeting (Upper Room) Roxy Wright, Linda Demientieff, & Bernice Aragon. Tuesday, May 17 th Wednesday, May 18 th 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist w/Healing Prayers~Deacon Bella Jean Savino THANK YOU to Bernice Aragon for working in the Church Office while 5:30 PM St. Matthew's Round & Chant Choir practice Hilary takes a week's vacation this coming week. 5:30 PM Youth Confirmation Class ~ Upper Room w/Dawn Jagow 6 PM Choir Rehearsal 7 PM Evening Prayer & Holy Eucharist Thursday, May 19 th 3 PM Prison Ministry meeting (Parish Library) FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP thru March 31, 2011 6 PM Diocesan Women's Spring Fling traditional food dinner (Parish Hall) Friday, May 20 th Operating Income (Month) $17,601 (YTD) $55,318 9 AM - 3 PM Diocesan Women's Spring Fling ~ call Canon Ginny Operating Expense -22,612 -76,015 Doctor to register (452-3040) ~ see flyer on parish hall bulletin board Surplus/(Deficit) $ (5,011) $(20.698) 4:30 PM Wedding rehearsal Weekly offering to meet 2011 budgeted ministry needs $6.120.10 6 PM INTERIOR DEANERY dinner followed by Village reports Last Sunday's offering (operating fund): $3,807.18 Pay-pal donations during April: $950 Saturday, May 21 st 9 AM - 3 PM INTERIOR DEANERY 5 pm Wedding of Carey Erhart & Dwayne Roberts Sunday, May 22 nd (The Fifth Sunday of Easter) THOSE ASSISTING IN THE LITURGY 8 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I w/Bishop Mark Lattime YOU, The COMMUNION of SAINTS and (Nursery available for children three years & younger) 8:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 9:15 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II w/Bishop Lattime First Lesson: Pat Sackinger Carol Holz Helen Howard ~ Sunday School dismissed after Collect of the Day to "Upper Room" 11:15 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I, Holy Baptism, Confirmation, & a Psalm: Jeremy Johnson Epistle: Pat Sackinger Will Haight Bernice Aragon The emphasis is on God’s forgiveness & love, not our guilt. Prayers: Karen Kiss Shirley Gordon Barb Hameister Traditionally, therefore, no Confession nor kneeling during Easter. Acolyte/Crucifer: Jesse Taylor/Sarah Reed Chalice: Karen Kiss Ann Fleenor Roslyn Allen/Bernice Aragon Ushers: Gene Freeman Nursery: ------Millie Ambrose ------St. Matthew’s Health Ministry reminds us that MAY is Organist: Laura Vines Laura Vines Small Changes make BIG DIFFERENCES MONTH Altar Guild: Dee Daniels Marie Reid Dawn Jagow Coffee Hour: Helen Howard COME, O LORD, in mercy to my soul and dwell there forever. Give to me Thyself without whom nothing can satisfy and with whom is joy unspeakable. OUR PRAYERS OF INTERCESSIONS Let me seek Thee with all the strength of my being and the ardent longing of my Parish Intercessions soul. And, finding Thee, let my life show forth the glory of Thy Name in the Fr. Wilford Lane Ernie Bella Jean Richard flowers of good works and the fragrance of holy living. Amen. Hannah Nora Billy Fr. Steve Frank St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church Helen Mary Eleanor Fred Fairbanks, Alaska Kitson Florence Franklin & Lillian Walter May 15, 2011 Elisabeth Cathy Gidget Parker OUR PRAYERS OF INTERCESSIONS Phyllis Larry Arnold Diana Joan Sharron Kyle Vince Diocese of Alaska & Diocese of Yukon Intercessions Howard Isaiah Byron Robert St. Matthew’s, Beaver; St. Andrew’s, Stevens Village; Rampart; St. Jude’s, North Pole, St. Mark’s Nenana; St. Francis by-the-Sea, Kenai/Church of the Apostles, Faro, Yukon Territory Linda Maggie Woody John The Anglican Communion & The Indian Ministries Cycle of Prayer Harold Amanda Beau Beverly The Philippine Episcopal Church /the Native people in the Diocese of El Camino Real Rosalie Bert Lona Harry Thanksgivings Mandy Evelyn Jessica Sean for Albert Henry, Mary Katharine, Elizabeth Rosemund, Elmer Fred Jr (1910), Charlotte Emily (1917), Lyman Henry (1943), Barbara Jean, Sharon Kay (1949), Ruth Elenor, Hannah Edna Jaclyn Alberta Con Irene (1952), whose baptismal anniversary at St. Matthew’s is May 15th Fr. Layne Casey Rich Michelle For the Departed Those traveling; those in recovery; all those serving overseas & their JOE HERBERT of Chalkyitsik; SHANE CHARLIE of Minto families; our family in various homes and programs; and all those grieving. (Please keep these people in your prayers, as we will be rotating FLOWER and CANDLE OFFERING The flowers on the Altar and the sanctuary candle are given to the Glory of God, names every three weeks or so to include those currently asking for prayer.) and in thanksgiving for all those Graduating this Spring.

th An Easter Liturgical Reminder: The Easter Season lasts 50 days, until June 12 . The flowers on the Altar are prepared and provided at minimum cost by College Floral & Gift. Those preparing for Baptism and Confirmation May 22nd: VICTOR APODACA, FAITH DENNING, ANNA JOSEPH, CAR'MEL LOUD, ALLEN L. MITCHELL, ROBERT PARSONS, DARCY PETER, TESSA PETER, SARAH REED, ALLEN MICHAEL TODD.

The paper plate figures on the church walls are our Easter alleluias, drawn by the Sunday School and hidden throughout Lent.


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