Club Elections for 2005 Nominations Are Complete
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Hotline: 977-7432 M/S H9903 January 2005 Club Elections for 2005 – Nominations Are Complete Nominations were closed at the December General meeting. Ballots are included in this newsletter. Position Nominee Nominee Nominee President Aubrey Pharo Vice President Tim Anderson Dave Mulholland Keith Davis Recording Secretary Ron Gorski Rick Webb Corresponding Secretary Mike Jacobs Treasurer Gene Adamson Mike Sullivan Bob Cohan Director ‘07 Ken Ruiz Wally Hill Reminder To All Members Lockheed Martin's Workplace Security policy, CPS-565 is strictly enforced. One provision of the policy is a workplace free of weapons, including firearms. The club must emphasize this policy to our members. Additionally, a state issued CCW permit does not supersede nor over ride this LMA policy. Firearms are only allowed onto the property under the following conditions: Skyline members in good standing, signed in at the gate, must proceed directly to and from the range and while on the range itself. Annual Banquet The annual SHFC Banquet will again be held at Pinehurst Country Club, 6255 W. Quincy Avenue. Date: Sunday, 2/27/05. Arrival at 11 AM, Buffet at Noon, Officer Installation at 1:30 PM, Socializing from 3-4. Tickets are available now, admission: adults- $20, children ages 5-12 - $7, children aged 4 and under are free but will not be eligible for door prizes. Contact the following individuals to buy your tickets:
Dick Donovan RDL, EMF, Eng 303-977-9456 Garland Judd 303-971-9076 Dave Mulholland Deer Creek 303-977-3674 Bob Cohan SSB area 303-977-4573 Rich Hammel GPL, VTF, Inv, Fab 303-977-4249 Keith Davis Off campus 303-929-6060 Mitch Arnold TSB 303-977-2117 Gene Adamson All areas 303-971-1531 Jeff Lawrence Admin 303-977-5806 Tim Anderson TSB 303-977-6187 Steve Kanizay IRF, LSTTB 303-977-9488 Ken Ruiz SSN area 303-977-7827 Hermann Dudik Off-campus 303-979-0839 Ed Clas Off campus 303-971-7197 Workbond Credit for 2004 Please ensure that if you have done work for the club in 2004 that you get credit. Send an email to the person that organized the event, or if you don’t know contact a Board member to get a contact. Do it now. The Annual club dues are due in February. The membership guys will be starting to put together the dues that each member owes. Get the credit you deserve. Foul Weather Shoot DATE Change Date/Time : Sat. 1/29/05 . show up @ 9AM , 1st shots @ 9:30AM Rifle : any Center Fire Hunting Rifle 6mm/.243 or larger, min 70 gr. bullets. (No Bench Rest or Heavy Varmint Rifles) must use same rifle for entire match unless mechanical failure. The following will be allowed: hunting slings, packs to use as a rest, sitting against post/bench. No Spotting Scopes. Course of Fire: 10 shots Off Hand (slings OK)@ 100yds. @ paper target max – 100 pts. Then 15 shots any position On Ground ( packs or sitting against posts OK ) @ Silhouettes : 5 @ Chickens @ 100yds. max- 50 pts, 5 @ Pigs @ 175yds. max- 50 pts, 5 @ Turkeys @ 200 yds. max- 50 pts, 5 shots any position on ground @ 300yds @ paper target - max- 50 pts. up to 10 shots Running Deer , 2 round trip passes , if time and equipment allows, max-100 pts. Total Possible 400 pts. For additional info call Keith Davis @ 303-972-1661 or Bob Cohan @ 303-977-4573. See You Snow/ Sleet/ Fog / or Sunshine on Sat. 1/29/05. Fun Practical Pistol Shoot The Practical Pistol boys will be shooting in the pistol house "Sunday, Jan 2, 9am-2pm, special 22 cal pistol shoot, RESTRICTED” This shoot will be with 22 cal pistols only, 2 mags, 10 round max per mag, bring a brick. Mostly steel targets. Should be great fun. Come on OUT!!! Email & Snail Mail Help!!!!!!! People call and tell me they aren’t receiving the newsletter. Help! Leave me your phone number, tell me you get it hand mailed to you, or email me @ [email protected]. The club has a website above. The newsletters are available there. If your email changed….how would I know? Send me an email, it’s easy. IF YOU HEAR OF SOMEONE NOT GETTING THEIR NEWSLETTER, tell them to call or email me. Gene 303-971-1531. Muzzle Loading News and Score Sheet The Muzzle Loaders held their monthly shoot on Saturday, 11 December 2004 with a good turn-out of ten (10) shooters. The relays were all held at 25 yards due to the lack of target stands, which required doubling up. If interested, come on out to our next shoot on Saturday, January 10, 2005, with a start time of 10:00 AM. For additional information, call Ken Ruiz at ext 7-7827.
Double Double Medium ISSA Red Fer-Du-Lac Total Place Buffalo L Buffalo R Bull Club Distance 25 yds 25 yds 25 yds 25 yds 25 yds Max Score 50 50 50 125 50 325 Don Hodder P 44 45 39 108 39 275 1 Arne Truman P 46 34 43 111 36 270 2 Ray Ziehm P 47 46 37 113 23 266 3 Pat Carroll P 44 37 30 103 37 261 4 Mike Jacobs F 43 43 31 106 34 257 5 Gerry Moody P 35 38 40 100 34 234 6 Richard Hurley F 34 34 29 106 30 233 7 Eric Jacobs F 26 25 37 98 33 219 8 Frank Jarossy P 7 39 30 108 27 211 9 Geoffrey Brinker F 8 16 27 50 24 125 10 “P” = percussion, “F” =Flintlock
2004 BIG GAME HUNTING CONTEST The contest is for male elk, deer, & pronghorn with one trophy for each first place in each class. A trophy will be given to anyone entering a bear, big horn sheep, mountain goat, desert sheep, moose or lion. There will be three separate classes: l) rifle 2) archery 3) muzzle loader/or pistol. The biggest head will win for each class regardless of which season it was taken (legally of course). New for 2004, we will have separate categories for youth (under 18) and for women. The entry deadline is December 31, 2004 and the winners will be announced and trophies awarded at the annual club banquet. CONTEST RULES: 1. Contest limited to SHFC members and their immediate family. Contestant must completely fill out the entry form (attached) and it must be received by Dennis Casey at MS: DC5030 no later than January 21, 2005. 2. All measurements must be made with a 1/4 inch flexible steel tape to the nearest 1/8 of an inch. Enter all fractional figures in eighths. 3. If the SHFC member or the member sponsoring someone in the immediate family is not a club member in good standing prior to the final judging or the entry is deemed to be otherwise invalid, that entry will be disqualified. 4. Big game animals being entered must have been taken in the state of Colorado in the year of 2004. 5. The hunt must have been conducted in compliance with all state game regulations. 6. Scoring of deer and elk will be the inside spread (d), plus total length of both main beams (c), plus the length of the longest point on each antler (b). The tie breaker will be total # of points on both beams to be counted as a point, the protrusion must be one (l) inch or greater (includes brow tines). 7. Scoring of pronghorns will be total inches of both horn lengths (a), plus total inches of circumference of both bases (b), and both circumference lengths (c). The tie breaker will be the total circumference length of both horns (c). 8. Trophy must have been hunted and taken by the person entering such, without the services of a professional guide for harvesting the animal. 9. Final judgment will be left to the discretion of the hunting chairman and board of directors. 10. All entries are subject to verification by the Hunting Committee chairmen. S k y l i n e HSkyline u n t i n Hunting g a n d F& i sFishing h i n g CClub, l u b ,Inc I n c . 1 9 9 8 B2004 i g G Big a m Game e H u Hunting n t i n g C Contest o n t e s t O f f i c iOfficial a l E n tEntry r y F oForm r m 1 . N a m e : T e l e : M a i l S t o p : 2 . S p e c i e s o f A n i m a l B e i n g E n t e r e d : A n t e l o p e , E l k , D e e r N O T E : U s e a s e p a r a t e f o r m f o r e a c h e n t r y 3 . S p e c i a l m e r i t s h a l l b e g i v e n t o a n y o n e e n t e r i n g t h e f o l l o w i n g : B e a r , B i g H o r n S h e e p , M t n . G o a t , D e s e r t S h e e p , M o o s e , L i o n 4 . H o w t h e a n i m a l w a s t a k e n : R i f l e , M u z z l e L o a d e r , B o w , P i s t o l 5 . L o c a t i o n a n i m a l w a s t a k e n ( n e a r e s t t o w n ) : D a t e : / / P r o n g h o r n E l k A
B C o l 1 C o l 2 C o l 3 C o l 1 C o l 2 L e f t R i g h t S p r e a d L e f t R i g h t A n t l e r A n t l e r C r e d i t H o r n H o r n A . N u m b e r o f P o i n t s A . L e n g t h o f H o r n B . L e n g t h o f L o n g e s t P o i n t B . C i r c u m f e r e n c e o f B a s e C . L e n g t h o f M a i n B e a m C . C i r c u m f e r e n c e o f P r o n g D . I n s i d e S p r e a d M a i n B e a m T o t a l T o t a l I n c h e s o f L e n g t h D . T o t a l o f C o l ' s 1 & 2 : / 8 t h s E . T o t a l I n c h e s o f C o l ' s 1 & 2 & 3 : / 8 t h s M u l e D e e r W h i t e T a i l D e e r
D C C C o l 1 C o l 2 C o l 3 C o l 1 C o l 2 C o l 3 L e f t R i g h t S p r e a d L e f t R i g h t S p r e a d A n t l e r A n t l e r C r e d i t A n t l e r A n t l e r C r e d i t A . N u m b e r o f P o i n t s A . N u m b e r o f P o i n t s B . L e n g t h o f L o n g e s t P o i n t B . L e n g t h o f L o n g e s t P o i n t C . L e n g t h o f M a i n B e a m C . L e n g t h o f M a i n B e a m D . I n s i d e S p r e a d M a i n B e a m D . I n s i d e S p r e a d M a i n B e a m T o t a l I n c h e s o f L e n g t h T o t a l I n c h e s o f L e n g t h E . T o t a l I n c h e s o f C o l ' s 1 & 2 & 3 : / 8 t h s E . T o t a l I n c h e s o f C o l ' s 1 & 2 & 3 : / 8 t h s
I declareI declare the above that animalthe animal was taken was intaken the state in the of Coloradostate of Colorado,in 2004 and in in 1998compliance and in with all state game laws. Under 18 years of age at the time the animal was taken ___ yes ___ no. Female ___ yes ___ no. compliance with all the state game regulations.
SignatureSignature: ______Date Date: ______CLASSIFIEDS
(Please contact Gene at (303) 971-1531 or by email at [email protected] for additions or changes.) RULES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS Ads will ONLY be run for three months unless I hear from YOU. No exceptions. The new stuff will be listed first..
For Sale: Glock 19 9mm $400, Weatherby Mark V Deluxe LH 270 wby mag with scope $800, Browning lever action BLR 308 w/scope $400, Browning BAR 270 (Belgium) $475, CCI Large Rifle Bench Rest Primers $20 per thousand. Call Roger Applegate @ 303-977-5464 or 303-989-6559
WANTED: Anyone interested in purchasing guns, barrels, stocks, etc. from Thompson Center Arms? That means Contenders, G2 and Encore stuff, including shotguns and muzzleloaders. I'm trying to get a dealership started with them. Let me know your interests ASAP. vito 7-9527 [email protected] (H) 303-730-3459
Wanted: Youth 20g shotgun (may also be interested in a 410). Also wanted youth model bolt action rifle. Looking for something suitable for a "first shotgun/rifle" suitable for target shooting and learning to hunt. Contact Phil 303-971-3300 or email [email protected] or [email protected]
For Sale: NEW, IN BOX with all papers - Stainless 30.06 Model 70 Classic with BOSS. $550 (Blue Book is $645). 1000 CCI Magnum Percussion Caps. $25. Cabella’s Muzzle Loader Lube $2.50. 1000 Legend 9mm, 124gr RN bullets $30. Don Hodder 303- 278-2949 Browning Sweet 16. $600. Don Hodder 303-278-2949 (
FOR SALE: Bianchi M12 Universal Military Holster. Fits Beretta 92F, 96F, 92FS and 96 Vertec. Olive green color. New. Never used. List is $62. Make offer. Vito 7-9527
For Sale: Reloading supplies for .338 Winchester Magnum includes the following: RCBS reloading dies for .338 Win, Mag. # 16301, 1 Box (50) Nosler 250 gr. Spitzer partition bullets (#35644), 1 Box (100) Hornady 200 gr. Spire point (#3310), 2 Boxes (100 ea.) Hornady 200 gr. Flat point, (40) .338 brass (I believe unfired) + some once fired brass $60.00 for all - do not want to separate. Item # 2 Reloading dies for .44 Magnum # 18605 - $25.00. Item # 3 Colt Scope 4X20 - fits AR-15 style rifle - mounts on carry handle. Almost new condition - still in box. $275.00. SKS rifle - pre-ban - includes several stripper clips $150 O.B.O. Call Luke Starcevich 303-971-1553
FOR SALE: Redding 3BR pistol metering chamber: excellent, retail is $51, asking $25. RCBS Little Dandy powder measure rotors #16, 17, 18 & 19: never used, $6 each. RCBS #3 shell-holder: never used, $4. Neil Jones sizer body die, 308 size: excellent, $15. Neil Jones sizing bushings: .2455”, .246, .2465, .247, .2485, .249, .2505, .255, .3315, .334, .335, .336, .337: most never used, $3 each. Forster/Bonanza Bullseye pistol powder measure rotors #6.5, 6.5 & 6.0: never used, $3 each. Pachmayr Signature grips for 1911 auto: excellent, $15. Pachmayr Signature grips for Ruger 22 auto: excellent, $20. 'Vito’ DeAngelis 7- 9527
FOR SALE: FORT KNOX gun safes. Best gun safe made. Volume discounts. Free shipping to Fort Collins or have it delivered and installed in your home. J&M LTD (John 'vito' DeAngelis) Evenings at 303-730-2678. Miscellaneous rifle and pistol brass, mostly once-fired. Too much to list. Vito 7-9527
FOR SALE: Model 1911 Colt Gov't 45 cal. Circa 1927 made in Argentina under lic from Colt. Very nice condition. $469. 8 boxes of Winchester 9mm 115 grain FMJ . 50 to a box. $6.25 per box 1 box of Federal Premium 9mm 135 grain Hydra-Shok Personal Defense JHP . 20 to a box. $11 box. 1 Colt factory magazine. Fits Govt Model 1911, rare 9mm, 9 rounds, blue. New, but used for fit checks. $30 [email protected]
For Sale: Beretta AL390 Auto Shotgun, walnut stock, 8 years old, $400. Ruger single six, .17 HMR, NIB, never fired, $300. Bryan Bachman, 971-9339, 303-932-8147, [email protected].
For Sale: RUGER MINI-14 .223 Remington (5.56mm NATO) Semi-Auto Rifle, Pre-Ban. Early Model 1982, serial number 182- 35XXX. For sale by original owner. Unmodified. Blued Finish. Wood Stock w/Wood Upper Handguard. No Slide Guard (early models did not have slide guard). Magazines: 2 Ruger Factory New 5 round; 2 Ruger. Factory New 20 round (Pre-Ban, purchased in 1982 with rifle). Condition: Excellent, 90 rounds fired since new. Photo available on request. Price $600.00. Contact: Richard Kapp [email protected] 303-730-1962 (H) Skyline Hunting & Fishing Club 2005 Board of Directors Election Ballot
President Aubrey Pharo Yes No
Vice President Keith Davis Dave Mulholland Tim Anderson
Recording Secretary Rick Webb Ron Gorski
Corresponding Secty. Mike Jacobs Yes No
Treasurer Bob Cohan Gene Adamson Mike Sullivan
Director ‘07 Wally Hill Ken Ruiz
Cast your vote for one candidate for each office. Place an “X” or check mark to the left of the name of your candidate of choice, or, if only one candidate is listed, please cast a “yes” or “no” vote for that candidate.
Completed ballots may be returned via e-mail to Jim Harvey at or via company mail to Dennis Casey at DC 5030. Ballots may also be hand delivered to the SHFC Board of Directors at the January SHFC Board or Membership meetings. Mailed and hand delivered ballots must be signed, e-mailed ballots will be validated by e-mail return address. One ballot per member only.
I certify that I am a member of Skyline Hunting & Fishing Club good standing, that I am eligible to vote in this election, and that I will submit only one ballot.
Signed name/date
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 31st January 1st SHFC January 2005 CalendarOFF FRIDAY CMP Shoot 9:00 @ 200 yard range Gene 1-1531
2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Practical Pistol SHFC Board Edgewater Edgewater PD Muzzleloading Shoot .22 shoot Pistol Meeting PD on on range 8am 200 yard range House 9am to 5:15pm @ range 8am to 4pm 10am start 3pm Clubhouse to 4pm Gene 1-1531 Ken Ruiz 7-7827 Tom –15493 Gene 1- RESTRICTED 1531
9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th General OFF FRIDAY 3-Gun match, 8AM-1 PM Membership CMP Shoot 9:00@ 100, & 200/300 yd 200 yard range Ranges, Restricted Mtg 5:15 @ D. Mulholland, 7-3674 Clubhouse Gene 1-1531
16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd Mountain Mountain View View PD PD on range on range 8am to 4:30pm 8am to Gene 1-1531 4:30pm Gene 1- 1531
23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th CSP on range CSP on CSP on range CSP on range OFF FRIDAY Foul Weather Shoot 7am to 4:30pm range 7am 7am to 4:30pm 7am to 4:30pm CMP Shoot 9am to ??? Gene 1-1531 to 4:30pm Gene 1-1531 Gene 1-1531 9:00@ 200 yard Bob Cohan 7-4573, Gene 1- range Gene 1- Keith Davis 972-1661 1531 1531 See Article for details
30th 31st Holiday Range Open