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Back-To-School Night
Dapplegray Elementary 4th Grade
September 20, 2018 6:00 pm in Court 24 Back-To-School Night
Dear Fourth Grade Families:
Thank you for supporting your child by going to Back-To-School Night! I believe when parents and teachers work together they provide children with the best educational experience possible and guarantee success in learning. On Wednesday, September 20 I would like to familiarize you with the curriculum and methods used in the fourth grade. If you have any questions that are not answered that evening, please feel free to set up an appointment to speak with one of us at another time.
What’s New in Education?
The fourth grade teachers at Dapplegray, as well as teachers throughout the district, will be implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in order to prepare our students for college and career readiness. These shifts in our standards will be taught with an emphasis on critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills.
Classroom Goals-To have each child proficient in :
* Balanced Curriculum-Common Core State Standards, critical thinking skills, and creative expression.
* Language Arts-Reading, writing, speaking, listening, spelling, and grammar.
* Math-Basic facts, problem solving, critical thinking, and hands-on activities.
* Collaborative/Cooperative Learning-including academic and social skills.
* Responsibility, personal achievement, independence, and enjoyment of learning!
2 Daily Classroom Schedule
8:30-8:50 Morning Business-Wake-Up Work
8:50-9:40 Writing
9:40-10:30 Reading
10:30-10:50 Recess
10:55-11:30 Spelling/Grammar
11:30-12:30 Math
12:30-1:15 Lunch
1:15-1:30 Silent Reading/ Accelerated Reader
1:30-2:30 Science/Social Studies
2:30-2:56 Closing of the Day/ Pack Up
Special Schedules: -P.E.-Tues/Thurs 9:25-10:15 *Please be sure your child comes dressed appropriately. -Wednesday-Music 9:40-10:30 * Please be sure your child brings their instrument every Wednesday -Every Monday we will be getting out of school at 1:30. -Library-Friday 1:30-2:00
* Regular classroom schedules will be flexible to unscheduled items such as assemblies and AAYFT.
3 Goals for Grade Four
Responsibility-Students will learn to accept increasing responsibility. Please do not do for your child what he/she can do for him/herself.
1. Homework, about one hour to an hour and thirty minutes Monday through Thursday. 2. Daily Agenda Book filled in every day. 3. School related books and supplies need to be at school each day.
Students will learn to better organize materials and their use of time. Completing assignments neatly and on time is a major goal. You can assist your student by going over parent communications like: 1. Weekly Update 2. Agenda Books 3. Edlio Students will learn to enjoy the feeling that they will be life-long learners. 1. They will be reading for meaning. 2. They will work on writing to communicate ideas and feelings. 3. We will be building on strategies for becoming better readers, writers, and problem solvers. 4. Most importantly, they will be reading, writing, and communicating daily in an environment where they feel free to take risks. Your child will grow this year in self-confidence and self-esteem. 1. Together we will emphasize what a child “can do”. 2. We will encourage their educational efforts. 3. We will provide opportunities for self-expression.
Students will learn to enjoy positive relationships with others. They will learn to work in teams effectively, to listen to each other, respect each other’s feelings, and value the point of view of others.
4 Fourth Grade Policies Homework: 1. Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday. (Approximately one hour to an hour and thirty minutes per evening.) 2. During the year, some long-term projects will be assigned. The students will be instructed on how to organize and budget time for these projects. However, these assignments are usually in addition to normal homework. 3. Students are responsible for all assignments. Late or missing work cannot be made up for credit, but will still need to be completed. 4. Students’ missing assignments for the week will be identified on the Weekly Update. Please use this communication to keep informed of your child’s progress in class.
Absences: 1. We encourage you to call the absence hotline. Please leave your child’s name, reason for absence, court number, and date of absence. 2. If your child is absent, he/she is responsible for finding out about any missed work. They need to complete all absent work, both class and homework. If you arrange to have your child get missed assignments before a planned trip, the work is due the day your child returns. 3. If you plan to pick your child up early from school for an appointment, please let your teacher know before school starts that day so that your child can write down any homework or assignments they will be missing.
Grading: Your child will be graded on a rubric detailed on the report card. This rubric score will be based on the essential standards for fourth grade. The goal for all fourth graders to is achieve a 4 in all subject areas. In math, the tests score will also be a rubric score of 2, 3, or 4. Otherwise, scores for class work, homework, and assessments will be shown as a fraction. Points are cumulative and will help us determine their overall rubric score.
Effort Grade: Throughout the year, anecdotal records will be kept in order to help determine effort grades. Completion of homework, attitude, and cooperation contribute to this grade.
5 Fourth Grade Routines and Procedures
1. Weekly Update This is a recap of the previous week’s events and reminders of upcoming responsibilities. It is the tool for communication between teacher, student, and parent. This communication is invaluable. Please go over the update and use it as a tool for communication with your child and with me. Comments are always welcome and appreciated. Attached to the update will either be a Let’s Celebrate if your child turned in everything or a Missing Work Report if they are missing any work. Items that will be listed on the Missing Work Report include: -Missing (mi) work-this is work that wasn’t turned in during the week, or work that was turned in without a name. This work cannot be made up but will still need to be completed. -No Name (nn) or (mi)-if your child turns in work, but it does not have their name on it, this will appear on the Missing Work Report and cannot be made up but will still need to be completed. -Absent (ab) work-this CAN be completed and turned in for credit. In order to finish the work your child will be given the amount of days equal to the number of days absent, unless they brought the missing work with them. Then the work is due the day they return. -Late (Lat) work-this will appear for work that was turned in beyond the date which it was due and will not count but will still need to be completed.
2. Homework Expect your child to have approximately one hour to an hour and thirty minutes of homework each evening, Monday through Thursday. Encourage your child to be responsible for him/herself and to work independently. Each child is required to write down the night’s assignments in their agenda book. Here is an example of the homework you can expect to see throughout the year- *Math = most nights of the week *Spelling/Grammar = 2-3 times a week *Writing = Tues. /Thurs. Please know that your child has been given time in class to work on his or her writing. Any writing homework is unfinished class work. *Reading, Social Studies, and Science will be assigned intermittently throughout the week. Your child is responsible for: *putting their name on their work *turning assignments in on time *filling in their agenda books
6 3. Report Cards Report cards are sent home three times a year. Our goal is for every child to be at a 4. If a student is performing below a 4 we will be working to bring them up to proficiency by the next reporting period.
4. Parent Conferences Parent conferences are held in the winter and in the spring. Conferences are an important part of your child’s education and I hope to meet with all parents during the first conference period. If the December date causes a scheduling conflict, I would be happy to set up an alternative date or time so that we are still able to meet and discuss your child’s progress. *Please feel free to schedule a conference with me, telephone, or email about anything that is concerning you at any time. Communication between home and school is of utmost importance.
5. Birthdays If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday with the class by bringing a treat, please do not bring in any edible items. The fourth grade team has made this decision based on the increase in children’s food allergies and the district’s focus on healthy choices. If you would like to share a treat, small goodie bags with items such as pens, pencils, stickers, or erasers can be a fun alternative. Dapplegray is dedicated to helping our students make healthy choices.
6. Long-term Projects There will be a few long-term projects throughout the year. Encourage your child to plan ahead and work at a steady pace as opposed to leaving everything until the night before.
7 Helpful Homework Hints Each year we are asked by parents for some help with the homework routine. These are some ideas and suggestions that we have come up with.
-Minimize distractions by keeping the television off. Establish a family policy: i.e. homework first, TV later.
-Designate a homework spot where kids can sit upright, spread out their books and papers and focus on their work. If children don’t have their own desks, give each their own portable box or caddy where they can easily store their school supplies.
-Having trouble with a homework question? Google it! Many search engines will be able to direct you to websites that may have the explanations that you need.
-Having trouble with math homework? Got to Drexel University’s, where hundreds of college math students answer kids’ (and parents’) math questions.
-Interested in providing your child with extra practice or review? One option is where, for a fee, you can print out an unlimited number of K-8 worksheets in many different skill areas.
-Lastly, to ease the morning rush, prepare as much as possible the night before. Have a designated area where your child always keeps their packed backpack so they know right where to find it in the morning.
8 Tips for Battling Test Stress In the fourth grade students are asked to study for many tests. A week prior the teachers will always provide an outline of the material covered on the test, but we know that some students have a hard time studying and are often anxious before an exam. Here are some ideas to help your child be comfortable and prepared before a test.
Plan ahead: As soon as your child knows that they are going to have a test have him/her put it on the family calendar so that tests aren’t a last-minute crisis.
Discuss Pressure: Have frequent discussions about pressure or stress. Relate it to your own life so that your child can see that stress happens to everyone. Give your son or daughter details like, “I’m really worried about getting this report in by tomorrow. Do you get anxious like that?”
Discourage Cramming: Kids shouldn’t wait until the night before the test to try and pack their heads full of facts. Instead make sure your child spends some time each day with his/her notes, outline, or book.
Teach Strategies: Remind your child always to read test directions carefully and to go over all of the questions before starting, so he/she will know how long to spend on each. If your child is having trouble finishing tests, have him/her prepare by making up possible questions and answering them within a specific time period. (You can use a timer.)
Keep It Real: Remind your child that all of his/her goals, hopes and dreams won’t go down the tubes from one bad experience. There will always be another chance for success. You want your child to understand that his/her overall learning experience is more important than a single test or grade.
9 Our Behavior Plan Each fourth grade class has developed their own individual classroom rules. These rules are based on mutual respect between teacher and student. Every student is held accountable for his/her actions. Consequences: If your child chooses to break the classroom rules the consequences are as follows: 1. They will receive a warning and owe a ticket. 2. Next they will miss recess. 3. Then they will receive a note home. 4. Lastly, they will be sent to the principals’ office. Tickets-Each week your child will be given three tickets to start the week. Your child uses these tickets to use the restroom during class time, to pay for missing materials like pencils or textbooks left at home, or the tickets may be taken by the teacher for inappropriate behavior. However, throughout the week your child may also earn additional tickets for helping out, exceptional behavior, or being consistently prepared for class. The goal is to accumulate as many tickets as possible because about every month and a half the fourth grade will have a Friday Fun Time. That afternoon, if your child has collected enough tickets, they will be able to choose among arts and crafts, free play on the field, or watching a movie. However, if your child does not have enough tickets they will go to study hall. Each student begins the day with a fresh start! If they choose to follow the rules they will be successful in the classroom. Each student also has the opportunity to earn an additional ticket by “being caught” doing something especially awesome! Other Information Students should not come to school before 8:10 in the morning unless they attend Kids Corner. The playground is not supervised until 8:10 so they are not allowed to play on the playground. Please pick up students at the end of the day in the appropriate place by 3:15 or by 2:00 on Monday. Please send a note when your child is absent or leave a voicemail.
Thank you for participating in Back-To-School Night. We appreciate your support and cooperation. We look forward to an exciting year ahead with our classes!