English 9: The First Stone, Themes

1. Circle FIVE themes that you feel that The First Stone could address. Abandonment Escape Opportunity Acceptance Excellence Optimism Accomplishment Exploration Order vs. Chaos Adventure Facing Fear Origins Anxiety Fairness Parallelism Appreciation Faith Patience Appreciation of Fame Patriotism Nature Family Patterns Attitude Fear Peace Balance Forgiveness Peer Pressure Belonging Freedom Perseverance Brotherhood Friendship Perspectives Cause and Effect Generations Possibilities Challenge Goals Power Change Gratitude Prejudice Choices Heroism Pride Collaboration Honesty Problem Solving Coming of Age Honor Reciprocity Commitment Hope Reflection Communication Humility Relationships Community Humor Relativity Culture Identity Resourcefulness Compassion Imagination Respect Compromise Individuality Responsibility Concern Influence Self Awareness Conflict Ingenuity Self Discipline Conflict Initiation Self Esteem Resolution Innocence Self Respect Conformity Innovation Self Sacrifice Connections Inspiration Sensitivity Consequences Integrity Social Change Consideration Interdependence Structure Cooperation Isolation Success Courage Justice Survival Cycles Kindness Sympathy Denial Leadership Systems Determination Loneliness Tolerance Devotion Loss Tradition Differences Love Tragedy Dignity Loyalty Transformation Discovery Magnitude Uncertainty Empathy Memory Virtue Enthusiasm Nature Wisdom Environment New Experiences Work 2. For three of the themes you identified, write a full sentence about what you think the novel is trying to say about that theme. For two, you must also provide a piece of evidence(s) that support your interpretation.

Theme 1: Theme Statement (what you think the novel is trying to say about that theme):

Theme 2: Theme Statement (what you think the novel is trying to say about that theme):

Evidence from the text to support why you think this. Either a quotation or something specific that happens.

Theme 3: Theme Statement (what you think the novel is trying to say about that theme):

Evidence from the text to support why you think this. Either a quotation or something specific that happens.

B A G