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REITE, Martin Page 1
Born: 22 May 1936, Oakland, California
Education and Training
Years Schools Degrees
1953-56 University of California A.A., 1955 Berkeley, CA
1956-60 Yale University School of Medicine M.D., 1960 New Haven, CT
1960-61 Internship, Medical Service, UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
1961-64 Residency in Psychiatry M.S., 1964 Neuropsychiatric Institute UCLA Medical Center
1962-64 Research Fellow (part time) with Drs. Henry Lessee and W. Ross Adey, Brain Research Institute UCLA Medical Center
University of California Alumni Honorary Scholar, 1953-54 Associate in Arts with Honorable Mention, University of California, 1955 M.D. cum laude, Yale University, 1960 Parker Prize, Yale University, 1960 Alpha Omega Alpha, Yale University, 1960 Recipient, NIMH Research Scientist Development Awards, Types I and II, and Research Scientist Award, 1971-1996 Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA, 1988-1989 The Martin Reite Student and Post Doctoral Award will be given at the Bi-Annual DPRG retreat, beginning May 2004. REITE, Martin Page 2
Academic Positions
Professor of Psychiatry, UCHSC, 1979 - 2007. Clinical Professor 2007 - Adjunct Professor of Psychology, University of Denver, 1987 - 2012 Associate Professor of Psychiatry, UCHSC, 1974-1979 Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Colorado School of Medicine, 1967-1974 Member of the Graduate Faculty, University of Colorado, 1979 - 2012 Adjunct Professor of Engineering, University of Denver, 2004 - 2012
Departmental and Medical Center Activities
Director, University Insomnia and Sleep Disorders Clinic, 2000 - 2005 Director, EEG and Biomagnetic Imaging Laboratory, UCHSC 1968 - 2008 ( Medical Director, Neuromagnetic Imaging Lab, UCHSC. 2008-2012 Director, Postdoctoral Research Training Program in Developmental Psychobiology, Department of Psychiatry, UCHSC, 1978 - 2006 ( Chief, Psychiatry Service, Denver VA Medical Center, 1994 – 2000 Member, Admissions Committee, University of Colorado School of Medicine, 1998 - 2005 Chairman, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Department of Psychiatry, 1998 – 2005, Member 1985 - 2005 Member, Executive Committee, Developmental Psychobiology Research Group, Department of Psychiatry, 1992-1998. Previously Member of Executive Committee 1974 - 1985, Acting Director, 1980 - 1981, Director, 1982-1985. Director, Department of Psychiatry Primate Laboratory, UCHSC, 1979 - 1994 Director, Non-respiratory Sleep Disorders, NJH/University Sleep Disorders Center, 1991 - 1994 Member, Dean's Standing Committee on Space, UCHSC, 1991-1994 Member, Animal Resource Center Oversight Committee, School of Medicine, 1991 - 1994 Founder and Director, University Sleep Disorders Center, UCHSC, 1983-1991 (an ASDA Accredited Sleep Disorders Center) Member, Animal Care and Use Committee, UCHSC, 1984-1988. Elected to Faculty Senate, University of Colorado School of Medicine, 1982-84; 1986-1988 Chairman, Biomedical Research Assistance Committee, UCHSC, 1986-1987; Member, 1985 - 1987 Member, Bioengineering Committee, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 1974- 1978 (Chairman, 1975-1978) Member, Research Affairs Committee, University of Colorado School of Medicine, 1975- 1978; 1986-1987 Member, Internal Selection Committee, University of Colorado School of Medicine, 1980- 1985; Chairman, 1982-1985
Consultant and Staff Positions
Staff Physician, Denver Veteran's Administration Hospital, 1994 - 2000 Member of the Medical Staff, University Hospital, 1967 - present Member of the Medical Staff, Colorado Psychiatric Hospital, 1967 - 2000 Director, and Staff Psychiatrist, Day Hospital Program, Denver Veteran's Administration Hospital, 1967-1970 Consultant in Psychiatry and Electroencephalography, Colorado State Hospital, Pueblo, Colorado, REITE, Martin Page 3
1968-1987 Member of the Medical Staff, St. Mary Corwin Hospital, Pueblo, Colorado, 1976-1987 Member of the Medical Staff, Presbyterian Denver Hospital, 1981-1987. Member Sleep Disorders Panel Staff Physician, National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, 1991 – 1994
Professional Affiliations
Distinguished Life Fellow: American Psychiatric Association President : American Psychiatric Electrophysiology Association 1996-1998 Fellow: American Clinical Neurophysiology Society Fellow: American Academy of Sleep Medicine Fellow: American Sleep Disorders Association Member: American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Member: American Psychosomatic Society Member: Colorado Psychiatric Society Member: Society for Neuroscience Member: Society of Biological Psychiatry
Military Experience
Captain, USAF (1964-67). Rated Flight Surgeon. Staff Psychiatrist, Wilford Hall USAF Hospital, June 1964-April 1965. Consultant in Psychiatry and Electroencephalography, 6580th USAF Hospital, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, May, 1965 - June, 1967. Chief, Neurophysiology Section, 6571st Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, May, 1965 -June, 1967. 1st Lt. USAF Reserve, 1961-1964. Airman, Calif. Air National Guard, 1954-1957, USAF Reserve, 1957-1961.
National Board of Medical Examiners, Cert. No. 62348, July 1961 Medical Licensure in California (1961, #G7194) and Colorado (1967, #15673) Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (Psychiatry), 1968 Diplomate, American Board of Sleep Medicine, 1984 Commercial Pilot, Airplane Single and Multiengine Land, Instrument, Certificate, No. 1714884 Certified Flight Instructor, Airplane, Instrument, No. 1714884CFI, and Advanced Ground Instructor, Instrument
Other Local and National Activities
Member, External Advisory Committee, COBRE Grant “Neural Mechanisms of Schizophrenia”, MIND Institute, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 2008 - present Member, Scientific Advisory Board, The MIND Institute, Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque,2002- 2007 Member, NIH Neural Basis of Psychopathology, Addictions and Sleep Disorders (NPAS) (formerly REITE, Martin Page 4
BDCN-6) Research Review Committee, 1998 - 2006 Member, Conservation Research Review Committee, Denver Zoological Foundation, 1997 –2000 Member, Editorial Board, Biological Psychiatry, 2000 - Member, Editorial Board, Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging, 1997- 2000 Member, Operating Board, Colorado Advanced Software Institute, 1996-1998 Member, Advisory Board for the National Center for the Study of Aging in Chimpanzees, Coulston Foundation, Alamogordo, NM. 1996- 1999 Member, NIMH Clinical Neuroscience and Biological Psychopathology (CNBP) Research Review Committee, 1995-1998 Member, Editorial Board, Infant Behavior and Development, 1992-1996 Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, American Psychiatric Electrophysiology Association. Chair, subcommittee on Sleep Studies, 1993 - 1995 Member, Standards of Practice Committee, American Sleep Disorders Association (ASDA), 1990- 1994 Member, National Research Council / Institute of Medicine ILAR Committee on Well-being of Nonhuman Primates, 1 June 1992 - 29 September 1993. Member, Editorial Board, Child Development, 1991-1993 Chairman, NIMH Psychopathology and Clinical Biology Research Review Committee (PCB-2), 1989-1991, Member, 1987-1991 Member, NIH Panel for Consensus Development Conference on the Treatment of Sleep Disorders of Older People. Bethesda, MD. March, 1990 Member, Task Force Three, National Academy of Sciences/Institute of Medicine Committee on a National Neural Circuitry Database, March, 1990. Member, Organizing Committee and Workshop, NIMH Conference on Primate Models in Psychiatry, 1986-1987 Member, Organizing Committee and Workshop, FFRP Workshop on Animal Models in Psychiatry, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, California, 1986 Organizer and Co-Chair, National Workshop on Methodology in Behavioral Immunology, Tucson, Arizona, October, 1986 Consultant, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Health Program, 1984 - 1987. Member, NIMH Small Grant Review Committee, 1979-1982 Member, Organizing Committee, ADAMHA Conference on Clinical Investigation in Mental Health, 1979 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Developmental Neuroscience, 1978-1981 Member, Editorial Board, American Journal of Primatology, 1980-1988 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Electrophysiological Techniques, 1983-1987 President, Philips School PTA, 1986-1988 Member, Board of Directors, Denver Council PTA, 1986-1988 Schools Committee Interviewer, Colorado Yale Association
Current and Recent Primary Research Support Principal Investigator USPHS 1 RC1 MH 088623-01 “Parsing the schizoaffective-bipolar spectrum: an MEG based schizoaffective phenotype. Project period -9/30/09- 8/31/12. Principal Investigator, USPHS 1R01 MH47476 "MEG Evoked Fields in Schizophrenia". Project period 2/1/91-4/30/10. Principal Investigator, S10 RR17203-01 “ Whole-Head MEG System for Brain Research” REITE, Martin Page 5
7/15/2002 – 7/15/2003 Principal Investigator, R01 MH63442 “Brain Lateralization in Adolescent Psychosis” 4/01/2001- 3/31/2006 Principal Investigator, R01 MH64502 “The Brain & Psychosis: Asymmetry & cortical organization” 9/25/2001-8/31/2007
Program Director, USPHS Institutional Postdoctoral Research Training Grant, 5T32 MH15442, “Development of Maladaptive Behavior.” Project period 7/1/78-6/30/06. Principal Investigator, Project One “Neuromagnetic Investigation of Adults with Autism”, USPHS 1P01 HD 35468, “Definition and Development of the Phenotype in Autism”, S. Rogers, Ph.D., P.I. , Project period 5/1/97-4/30/03
Principal Investigator, USPHS 5K02 MH46335 "Models of Psychobiological Development" - Research Scientist Development Award Types I and II, and Research Scientist Award. Project period 7/1/71-6/30/97 (on leave 1994-1995). Principal Investigator, "Functional imaging of human memory", Alzheimer's Association pilot research award, PRG 93-143. December 1993 - May 1995. Principal Investigator, "Multiple source modeling". Contract with the Zentralinstitut für Biomedizinische, Universtät Ulm, December 1993- May 1995. Principal Investigator, USPHS 1RO1 MH19514 - "Physiology of Agitation Depression Reaction." Project period 5/1/71-6/30/95. Co-Investigator, NIDA 1R18 DA06941 "Drug-abusing and Conduct Disordered Youth: Treatment and Research. T. Crowley, P.I. Project period 10/1/90-9/30/95.
A. Original Articles
1. Reite, M.L., Rhodes, J.M., Kavan, E., Adey, W.R. Normal sleep patterns in Macaque monkey. Arch. Neurol. 12:133-144, 1965.
2. Reite, M.L., Stephens, L., Pegram, G.V. Uncal spindling in the chimpanzee. Brain Res. 3:392-395, 1967.
3. Kavan, E.M., Reite, M.L., Rhodes, J.M., Adey, W.R. Effect of innovan on subcortical structures in monkeys. Acta Anaesth. Scandinav. 11:109-113, 1967.
4. Kripke, D.F., Reite, M.L., Stephens, L.M., Lewis, O.F., Pegram. G.V. Nocturnal sleep in Rhesus monkeys. Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 24:582-586, 1968.
5. Reite, M.L., Pegram, G.V. Cortical temperature during paradoxical sleep in the monkey. Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 25:36-41, 1968.
6. Reite, M.L., Stephens, L., Lewis, O., Pegram. G., Bixler, E. Effects of reserpine and monoamine oxidase inhibitors on paradoxical sleep in the monkey. Psychopharmacol. (Berl.) 14:12-17, 1969.
7. Barter, J.T., Reite, M.L. Crime and LSD: The insanity plea. Am. J. Psychiat. 126:531-537, 1969.
8. Fee, W.E., Marks, M.L., Kardash, S., Reite, M.L., Seitz, C. The longterm prognosis of aseptic meningitis in childhood. Dev. Med. Child Neurol. 12:321-329, 1970. REITE, Martin Page 6
9. Reite, M.L., Davis, K., Solomons, C., Ott, J. Osteogenesis imperfecta: Psychological function. Am. J. Psychiat. 128:1540-1546, 1972.
10. Pauley, J.D., Reite, M.L. An implantable seven channel biotelemetry system for use in infant monkeys. P 42A-B, Digest of Papers, 4th Canadian Med. and Biol. Eng. Conf., Winnipeg, Canada, Sept, 1972.
11. Reite, M.L., Swett, J., Jackson, D. Electrode localization in large brains: A rapid and inexpensive technique. Physiol. Behav. 9:859-861, 1972.
12. Walker, S., Reite, M. A simple capacitative discharge welder for use in neurophysiological implant surgery. Behav. Res. Methods Instrum. 5:311-312, 1973.
13. Reite, M., Walker, S.D., Pauley, J.D. Implantation surgery in infant monkeys. Lab. Primate Newslet. 4:1-6, 1973.
14. Reite, M., Pauley, J.D., Walker, S., Kaufman, I.C., Stynes, A.J. A systems approach to studying physiology and behavior in infant monkeys. J. Appl. Physiol. 37:417-423, 1974.
15. Pauley, J.D., Reite, M., Walker, S.D. An implantable multi-channel biotelemetry system. Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 37:153-160, 1974.
16. Reite, M., Pauley, J.D., Kaufman, I.C., Stynes, A.J., Marker, V. Normal physiological patterns and physiological- behavioral correlations in unrestrained monkey infants. Physiol. Behav. 12:1021-1033, 1974.
17. Reite, M., Kaufman, I.C., Pauley, J.D., Stynes, A.J. Depression in infant monkeys: Physiological correlates. Psychosom. Med. 36:363-367, 1974. Reprinted in: American Psychosomatic Society, Eds. Toward an Integrative Medicine: Classics from Psychosomatic Medicine, 1959-1979. American Psychiatric Press, Washington, D.C. 1995, Chapter 14, pp 273-279.
18. Reite, M., Jackson, D., Cahoon, R., Weil, J.V. Sleep physiology at high altitude. Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 38:463-471, 1975.
19. Reite, M. Noninvasive recording of limbic spindles in man. Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 38:539-541, 1975.
20. Walker, S., Reite, M. Computer correlation of telemetered physiological data with behavior. Biomed. Sci. Instrum. 11:175-177, 1975.
21. Zimmerman, J., Reite, M., Stoyva, J. A device for inverting the visual field of animals. Behav. Res. Methods Instrum. 7:455-458, 1975.
22. Reite, M., Zimmerman, J.E., Edrich, J., Zimmerman, J. The human magnetoencephalogram: Some EEG and related correlations. Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 40:59-66, 1976.
23. Reite, M., Stynes, A.J., Vaughn, L., Pauley, J.D., Short, R. Sleep in infant monkeys: Normal values and behavioral correlates. Physiol. Behav. 16:245-251, 1976.
24. Pauley, J.D. Reite, M. A command receiver for use with low power implantable biotelemetry systems. In: T. Fryer, H. Miller, and H. Sandler (Eds.) Biotelemetry III. New York: Academic Press, 1976, pp. 83-86.
25. Walker, S., Reite, M. SLEEPSTA: Sleep stage data handler. Psychophysiol. 13:159, 1976.
26. Pauley, J.D., Reite, M. Automatic antenna selector for use in biotelemetry applications. Physiol. Behav. 18:169- 170, 1977.
27. Walker, S., Reite, M. DATASTOR: A multivariable data handling system. Behav. Res. Methods Instrum., 9:299, 1977. REITE, Martin Page 7
28. Reite, M., Short, R. Nocturnal sleep in isolation-reared monkeys: Evidence for environmental independence. Dev. Psychobiol. 10:555-561, 1977.
29. Reite, M., Short, R., Kaufman, I.C., Stynes, A.J., Pauley, J.D. Heart rate and body temperature in separated monkey infants. Biol. Psychiatry, 13:91-105, 1978.
30. Reite, M.L., Seiler, C.,, Short, R. Loss of your mother is more than loss of a mother. Am. J. Psychiatry. 135:370- 371, 1978.
31. Zimmerman, J., Stoyva, J., Reite, M. Spatially rearranged vision and REM sleep: A lack of effect. Biol. Psychiatry, 13:301-316, 1978.
32. Reite, M., Edrich, J., Zimmerman, J.T., Zimmerman, J.E. Human magnetic auditory evoked fields. Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol., 45:114-117, 1978.
33. Reite, M., Short, R., Seiler, C. Physiological correlates of maternal separation in surrogate-reared infants: A study in altered attachment bonds. Dev. Psychobiol., 11: 427-435, 1978.
34. Reite, M., Short, R. Nocturnal sleep in separated monkey infants. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 35:1247-1253, 1978.
35. Walker, S., Reite, M. A PDP-12 interface for time code generator/readers. Behav. Res. Methods Instrum. 10:710- 711, 1978.
36. Seiler, C., Cullen, J.S., Zimmerman, J., Reite, M. Cardiac arrhythmias in infant pigtail monkeys following maternal separation. Psychophysiology, 16:130-135, 1979.
37. Reite, M., Short, R. A biobehavioral developmental profile (BDP) for the pigtailed monkey. Dev. Psychobiology, 13:243-285, 1980.
38. Reite, M., Solomons, C. The EEG in osteogenesis imperfecta. Clin. Electroencephalog., 11:16-21, 1980.
39. Reite, M., Short, R., Seiler, C., Pauley, J.D. Attachment, loss and depression. J. Child Psychol. Psychiatry, 22:141- 169, 1981.
40. Reite, M., Zimmerman, J.T., Zimmerman, J.E. Magnetic auditory evoked fields: Interhemispheric asymmetry. Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol., 51:388-392, 1981.
41. Reite, M., Harbeck, R., Hoffman, A. Altered cellular immune response following peer separation. Life Sci., 19:1133-1136, 1981.
42. Caine, N., Reite, M. The effect of peer contact upon physiological response to maternal separation. Am. J. Primatol., 1:271-276, 1981.
43. Zimmerman, J.T., Reite, M., Zimmerman, J.E. Magnetic auditory evoked fields: Dipole orientation. Electroen- cephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol., 52:151-156, 1981.
44. Reite, M., Short, R. Circadian rhythms in monkeys: Variability and behavioral correlations. Physiol. Behavior, 27:663-671, 1981.
45. Pauley, J.D., Reite, M. A microminiature hybrid multichannel implantable biotelemetry system. Biotelem. Patient Monit., 8:163-172, 1981.
46. Reite, M., Snyder, D. Physiology of maternal separation in a bonnet macaque infant. Am. J. Primatol., 2:115-120, 1982.
47. Rasmussen, K.L.R., Reite, M. Loss-induced depression in an adult Macaque monkey. Am. J. Psychiatry, 139:679- REITE, Martin Page 8
681, 1982.
48. Reite, M., Seiler, C., Crowley, T.J., Hydinger-Macdonald, M., Short, R. Circadian rhythm changes following maternal separation. Chronobiologia, 9:1-12, 1982.
49. Reite, M., Zimmerman, J.T., Zimmerman, J.E. MEG and EEG auditory responses to tone, click and white noise stimuli. Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol., 53:643-651, 1982.
50. Reite, M., Zimmerman, J.T., Edrich, J., Zimmerman, J.E. Auditory evoked magnetic fields: Response amplitude vs. stimulus intensity. Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol, 54:147-152, 1982.
51. Laudenslager, M.L., Reite, M., Harbeck, R. Suppressed immune response in infant monkeys associated with maternal separation. Behav. Neural. Biol., 36:40-48, 1982.
52. Reite, M., Balkany, T.J., Blanton, F.L., Short, R. Behavioral effects of deafening in young monkeys: A pilot study. Otolaryngol. Clin. North Am., 16:217-226, 1983.
53. Caine, N., Earle, H., Reite, M. Personality traits of adolescent pigtailed monkeys (Macaca nemestrina): An analysis of social rank and early separation experience. Am. J. Primatol., 4:253-260, 1983.
54. Zimmerman, J.T., Reite, M., Zimmerman, J.E., Edrich, J. Auditory evoked magnetic fields: A replication, with comments on the magnetic P50 analog. Il Nuovo Cimento, 2D:460-470, 1983.
55. Snyder, D.S. Graham, C.E., Bowen, J.A., and Reite, M. Peer separation in infant chimpanzees, a pilot study. Primates, 25:78-88, 1984.
56. Field, T., Reite, M. Children's responses to separation from mother during the birth of another child. Child Dev., 55:1308-1316, 1984.
57. Cheney-Thamm, J., Reite, M., Alianiello, E., Yamamoto, B.K., Capitanio, J.P., and Freed, C.R. Caudate electrochemical response following amphetamine administration in pigtail monkeys. Life Sci., 35:1453-1460, 1984.
58. Capitanio, J.P., Reite, M. The roles of early separation experience and prior familiarity in social relations of pigtail macaques: A descriptive multivariate study. Primates, 25:475-484, 1984.
59. Laudenslager, M., Capitanio, J.P., Reite, M. Some possible consequences of early separation experiences on subsequent immune function. Am. J. Psychiatry, 142:862-864, 1985.
60. Balkany, T.J., Reite, M., Rasmussen, K., Stypulkowski, P. Behavioral effects of cochlear prosthesis on deafened monkeys. Otolaryngol. Clin. North Am. 18:435-446, 1986.
61. Capitanio, J.P., Rasmussen, K.L.R., Snyder, D.S., Laudenslager, M., Reite, M. Long-term follow-up of previously separated pigtail macaques: Group and individual differences in responses to novel situations. J. Child Psychol. Psychiat., 27:531-538, 1986.
62. Reite, M., Short, R. Behavior and physiology in young bonnet monkeys. Dev. Psychobiol., 19:567-579, 1986.
63. Reite, M., Laudenslager, M., Jones, J., Crnic, L., Kaemingk, K. Interferon decreases REM latency. Biol. Psychiat. 22:104-107, 1987.
64. Cheney-Thamm, J., Alianiello, E., Freed, C.R., Reite, M. In vivo electrochemical recording of acetominophen in nonhuman primate brain. Life Sci. 40:375-379, 1987.
65. Reite, M., Kaemingk, K. Social environment and nocturnal sleep: Studies in peer reared monkeys. Sleep, 10:542- 550, 1987.
66. Skavlen, P.A., Speers, W.C., Peterson, R.R., Stevens, J.O., Reite, M.L. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma in a bonnet REITE, Martin Page 9
macaque (Macaca radiata). Lab. An. Sci., 38(3):310-311, 1988.
67. Reite, M., Teale, P. Zimmerman, J., Davis, K., Whalen J., Edrich, J. Source origin of a 50 msec latency auditory evoked field component in young schizophrenic males. Biol. Psychiat. 24:495-506, 1988.
68. Reite, M., Teale, P., Zimmerman, J., Davis, K., Whalen J. Source localization of a 50 msec latency auditory evoked field component. Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 70:490-498, 1988.
69. Boccia, M., Laudenslager, M., Reite, M. Food distribution, dominance, and aggressive behaviors in bonnet macaques. Am. J. Primatol. 16:123-130, 1988.
70. Reite, M., Kaemingk, K., Boccia, M.L. Maternal separation in bonnet monkey infants: Altered attachment and social support. Child. Dev. 60:473-480, 1989.
71. Reite, M., Teale, P., Goldstein, L., Whalen, J., Linnville, S. Late auditory magnetic sources may differ in the left hemisphere of schizophrenic patients: A preliminary report. Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 46:565-572, 1989.
72. Boccia, M.L., Reite, M., Laudenslager, M. On the physiology of grooming in a pigtail macaque. Physiol. Behav. 45:667-670, 1989.
73. Boccia, M.L., Reite, M., Kaemingk, K., Held, P., Laudenslager, M. Behavioral and autonomic responses to peer separation in pigtail macaque monkey infants. Dev. Psychobiol. 22:447-461, 1989.
74. Laudenslager, M.L., Held, P.E., Boccia, M.L., Reite, M.L., Cohen, J.J. Behavioral and immunological consequences of brief mother-infant separation: A species comparison. Dev. Psychobiol. 23:247-264, 1990.
75. Cox, M., Garrick, N., Reite, M., Gennaro, M. Minipump clorgyline administration and CSF amine metabolites in unrestrained monkeys. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior 38:677-679, 1991.
76. Boccia, M.L., Reite, M.L., Kaemingk, K., Held, P., Laudenslager, M.L. Social context and reaction to separation in peer-reared pigtail macaques: Some preliminary observations. Primates 32(2):255-263, 1991.
77. Scheuneman, D., Teale, P., Linnville, S., Goldstein, L., Reite, M. Magnetic auditory M100 source location in normal females. Brain Res. Bull. 26:747-751, 1991.
78. Boccia, M.L., Reite, M., Laudenslager, M.L. Early social environment may alter the development of attachment and social support: Two case reports. Inf. Behav. Dev. 14:253-260, 1991.
79. Reite, M., Scheuneman, D., Gilger, J., Teale, P., Goldstein, L., Boccia, M. Auditory magnetic source localization in twins. Brain Res. Bull. 28:641-644, 1992.
80. Liggon, C., Weston, J., Ambady, N., Colloton, M., Rosenthal, R., Reite, M. Content-free voice analysis of mothers talking about their failure-to-thrive children. Inf. Behav. & Dev. 15:507-511, 1992.
81. Boccia, M.L., Laudenslager, M.L., Reite, M. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors affect infant responses to maternal separation. Psychiatry 57:43-50, 1994.
82. Reite, M., Cullum, C.M., Stocker, J., Teale, P., Kozora, E. Neuropsychological and MEG based brain lateralization: Sex differences. Brain Research Bulletin 32:325-328, 1993.
83. Teale, P., Reite, M., Simon, J. A non-magnetic stereotaxic head holder for macaque monkey. Beh. Res. Methods, Instruments, and Computers 25(4):468-471, 1993.
84. Higgs, L., Reite, M., Barbault, A., Lebet, J-P., Rossel, C., Amato, D., Dafny, U., Pasche, B. Subjective and objective relaxation effects of low energy emission therapy. Stress Medicine. 10:5-13,1994.
85. Reite, M., Higgs, L., Lebet, J-P., Barbault, A., Rossel, C., Kuster, N., Dafni, U., Amato, D., Pasche, B. Sleep REITE, Martin Page 10
inducing effects of low energy emission therapy. Bioelectromagnetics 15:67-75, 1994.
86. Teale, P., Delmore, J., Simon, J., Reite, M. Magnetic auditory source imaging in macaque monkey. Brain Res. Bull. 33:615-620, 1994.
87. Reite, M., Adams, M., Simon, J., Teale, P., Sheeder, J., Richardson, D., Grabbe, R. Auditory M100 component 1: relationship to Heschl's gyri. Cognitive Brain Research 2:13-20, 1994.
88. Reite, M., Sheeder, J., Teale, P., Richardson, D., Adams, M., Simon, J. MEG based brain laterality: Sex differences in normal adults. Neuropsychologia 33(12): 1607-1616, 1995.
89. Linnville, S., Teale, P., Scheuneman, D., Reite, M. Schizophrenia may alter neuromagnetic representations of attention. J. Neuropsychiatry and Clin. Neurosci. 7(1):92-95, 1995.
90. Laudenslager, M.L., Boccia, M.L., Berger, C.L., Gennaro-Ruggles, M.M., McFerran, B., Reite, M.L. Total cortisol, free cortisol, and growth hormone associated with brief social separation in young macaques. Dev. Psychobiol. 28(4):199-211,1995.
91. Reite, M., Sheeder, J., Richardson,D., Teale, P. Cerebral laterality in homosexual males: Preliminary communication using magnetoencephalography. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 24(6): 587-595, 1995.
92. Boccia, M.L., Laudenslager, M.L., Reite, M.L. Individual differences in Macaques' responses to stressors based on social and physiological factors: implications for primate welfare and research outcomes. Laboratory Animals 29:250-257, 1995
93. Reite, M., Teale, P., Sheeder, J., Rojas, D.C., Schneider, E.E. MEG evidence of abnormal early auditory memory function in schizophrenia. Biol. Psychiat., 40:299-301,1996.
94. Lebet, J.P., Barbault, A., Rossel, C., Tomic, Z., Reite, M., Higgsm L., Dafni, U. Pasche, B. Electroencephalographic changes following Low Energy Emissions Therapy. Ann. Biomed. Eng. 43(9):967-969, 1996.
95. Pasche, B., Erman, M., Hayduk,R., Mitler, M.M., Reite, M., Higgs, L. Kuster, N., Dafni, U., Amato, D., Barbault, A., Lebet, J.P. Effects of Low Energy Emissions Therapy in chronic psychophysiogical insomnia. Sleep 19(4):327- 336, 1996.
96. Teale, P., Goldstein, L., Reite, M., Richardson, D., Sheeder, J., Edrich, J. Reproducibility of MEG auditory source localizations in normal human subjects. IEEE Transactions in Biomedical Engineering 43(9):967-969, 1996.
97. Laudenslager, M.L., Berger, C.L., Boccia, M.L., Reite, M. Natural cytotoxicity toward K562 cells by macaque lymphocytes from infancy through puberty: Effects of early social challenge. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 10:275- 287, 1996.
98. Reite, M., Sheeder, J., Teale, P., Adams, M., Richardson, D., Simon, J., Rojas. D.C. Magnetic source imaging evidence of sex differences in cerebral lateralization in schizophrenia. Arch. Gen. Psychiat., 54:433-440,1997.
99. Boccia, M.L., Scanlan, J.M., Laudenslager, M.L., Berger, C.L., Hijazi, A.S., Reite, M.L. Juvenile Friends, Behavior, and Immune Responses to Separation in Bonnet Macaque Infants. Physiol. Behav. 61(2):191-198, 1997.
100. Rojas, D.C., Teale, P., Sheeder, J., Simon, J., Reite, M. Sex-specific expression of Heschl’s gyrus functional and structural changes in paranoid schizophrenia. Am. J. Psychiat. 154:1655-1662, 1997.
101. Laudenslager, M.L., Aasal, R., Adler, L., Berger, C.L., Montgonery, P.T., Sandberg, E., Wahlberg, L.J., Wilkins, R.T., Zweig, L., Reite, M.L. Elevated cytotoxicity in combat veterans with long-term posttraumatic stress disorder: Preliminary observations. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 12:74-79, 1998.
102. Rojas, D.C., Walker, J.R., Sheeder, J.L., Teale, P., Reite, M.L. Developmental changes in refractoriness of the neuromagnetic M100 in children. NeuroReport 9:1261-1265, 1998. REITE, Martin Page 11
103. Teale, P., Sheeder, J., Rojas, D.C., Walker, J., Reite, M. Sequential source of the M100 exhibits interhemispheric asymmetry. Neuroreport, 9:2647-2652, 1998.
104. Arciniegas, D., Rojas, D.C., Teale, P., Sheeder, J., Sandberg, E., Reite, M. The thalamus and the schizophrenia phenotype: Failure to replicate reduced volume. Biol. Psychiat., 45(10):1329-1335, 1999.
105. Arciniegas, D., Adler, L., Topkoff, J., Cawthra,E., Filley, C., Reite, M. Attention and memory dysfunction after traumatic brain injury: cholinergic mechanisms, sensory gating, and a hypothesis for further investigation. Brain Injury, 13:1-13, 1999.
106. Reite, M., Teale, P., Rojas, D.C., Arciniegas, D., Sheeder, J. Bipolar disorder: Anomalous brain asymmetry associated with psychosis. Am. J. Psychiatry 156(8):1159-1163, 1999.
107. Reite, M.L., Teale, P.D., Rojas, D.C., Sheeder, J., Arciniegas, D. Schizoaffective disorder: Evidence for reversed cerebral asymmetry. Biol. Psychiat., 156(8):1159-1163, 1999.
108. Beresford, T., Arciniegas, D., Rojas, D., Sheeder, J., Teale, P., Aasal, R., Sandberg, E., Reite, M. Hippocampal to pituitary volume ratio: A specific measure of reciprocal neuroendocrine alterations in alcohol dependence. J. Stud. Alcohol 60(5):586-588, 1999.
109. Rojas, D.C., Teale, P., Sheeder, J., Reite, M. Sex differences in the refractory period of the 100-ms auditory evoked magnetic field. NeuroReport 10:1-5, 1999.
110. Loo, S.K., Teale, P.T., Reite, M.L. EEG correlates of methylphenidate response among children with ADHD: a preliminary report. Biol. Psychiatry 45(12), 1657-1669, 1999.
111. Arciniegas, D., Olincy, A., Topkoff,J., McRae,K., Cawthra,E., Filley, C.M., Reite, M., Adler, L. Impaired auditory gating and P50 non-suppression following traumatic brain injury. J. of Neuropsychiatry and Clin. Neurosci. 12(1): 77-85, 2000.
112. Rojas, D.C., Teale, P.T., Sheeder, J. L. Reite, M.L. Neuromagnetic alpha suppression during an auditory Sternberg task: Evidence for a serial, self-terminating search of short term memory. Cog. Br. Res. 10:85-89, 2000.
113. Teale, P.T., Reite, M.L. Rojas, D.C., Sheeder, J., Arciniegas, D. Fine structure of the auditory M100 in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Biol. Psychiat. 48(11):1109-1112, 2000.
114. Rojas, D.C., Benkers, T., Rogers, S.J., Teale, P.T., Reite, M.L., Hagerman, R.J. Auditory evoked magnetic fields in adults with fragile X syndrome. Neuroreport 12(11):2573-2576, 2001.
115. Arciniegas, D.B., Topkoff, J.L., Rojas, D.C., Sheeder, J., Teale, P., Young, D., Sandberg, E., Reite, M., Adler, L. Reduced hippocampal volume in association with P50 nonsuppression following traumatic brain injury. J. Neuropsychiat Clin. Neurosci. 12:213-221, 2001.
116. Rojas, D., Bawn, S., Carlson, J., Teale, P., Reite, M. Alterations in tonotopy and auditory cerebral asymmetry in schizophrenia. Biol. Psychiat. 52(1):32-39, 2002.
117. Teale, P., Benkers, T., Rojas, D., Reite, M. Determination of the sphere origin for MEG source modeling in temporal regions. Physics. Med. Biol. 47:1161-1166, 2002.
118. Rojas, D. C., Bawn, S., Benkers, T. L., Reite, M.L. & Rogers, S. J., Smaller left hemisphere planum temporale in adults with autistic disorder. Neuroscience Letters, 328 (3), 237-240, 2002.
119. Loo, S.K., Specter, E., Smolen, A., Hopfer, C., Teale, P.D., Reite, M.L. Functional effects of the DAT1 polymorphism on EEG measures in ADHD. J. Am. Acad. Child. Psychiat. 42(8), 986-993, 2003
120. Teale, P., Carlson, J., Rojas, D., Reite, M. Reduced laterality of the source locations for generators of the auditory REITE, Martin Page 12
steady state field in schizophrenia. Biol. Psychiat. 54:1149-1153, 2003.
121. Reite, M., Teale, P., Rojas, D., Benkers, T., Carlson, J. Anomalous somatosensory cortical localization in schizophrenia. Am. J. Psychiat. 160(12):2148-2153 , 2003.
122. Rojas, D.C., Smith, J.A., Benkers, T., Camou,S.L., Reite, M.L., Rogers, S.J. Hippocampus and amygdala volumes in the parents of children with autistic disorder. Am J Psychiat. 161:2038-2044, 2004
123. Rojas, D. C., Camou, S., Reite, M. & Rogers, S. J.. Planum temporale volume in children and adolescents with autism. J. Autism and Dev. Disabilities, 34(4):479-486, 2005.
124. Yaron, M., Lindgren K., Halbower, A.C., Weissberg, M., Reite, M., Niermeyer, S. Sleep disturbance after rapid ascent to high altitude among infants and preverbal young children. High Alt. Med & Biol. 5(3):314-320, 2004
125. Rojas, D.C., Maharajh, K., Teale, P.D., Kleman, M.R., Benkers, T.L., Carlson, J.P., Reite, M.L. Development of the 40Hz steady state auditory evoked magnetic field from ages 5 to 52. Clin. Neurophysiol., 117:110-117, 2006
126. Peterson, Eric, Schmidt,G.L., Tregellas, J., Winterrowd, E., Kopelioff, L., Hepburn, A., Reite, M., Rojas, D.C. A voxel-based morphometric analysis of gray matter in parents of children with autism. NeuroReport 17:1289-1292, 2006
127. Rojas, D.C., Peterson, E., Winterrowd, E., Reite, M.L., Rogers, S.J., Tregellas, J. R. Regional gray matter volumetric changes in autism associated with social and repetitive behavior symptoms. BMC Psychiatry, 6:56, 2006
128. Wilson T.W., Hernandez, O.O., Asherin, R.M., Teale, P.D., Reite, M.L., Rojas, D.C. Cortical gamma generators suggest abnormal auditory circuitry in early-onset psychosis. Cerebral Cortex , Advance Access, 8 June 2007
129. Wilson, T.W. Rojas, D.C., Teale, P.D., Hernandez, O.O., Asherin, R.M., Reite, M.L. Aberrant functional organization and maturation in early-onset psychosis: Evidence from magnetoencephalography. Psych. Res: Neuroimaging. 156:59-67, 2007
130. Wilson, T.W., Rojas, D.C., Reite, M.L., Teale, P.T., Rogers, S.J. Children and adolescents with autism exhibit reduced MEG steady-state gamma responses. Biol. Psychiat. 62(3):192-197, 2007
131. Arciniegas, D.B., Rojas, D.C., Kleman, M.R., Asherin, R., Reite, M.L. Neurological signs and cognitive performance distinguísh between adolescents with and without psychosis. J Neuropsychiat Clin Neurosci 19(3):266- 273, 2007
132. Rojas, D.C., Slason, E., Teale, P.D., Reite, M.L., Neuromagnetic evidence of broader auditory cortical tuning in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 97(1-3): 206-214, 2007.
133. Maharajh, K., Abrams, D., Rojas, D.C., Teale, P., Reite, M.L. Auditory steady state and transient gamma band activity in bipolar disorder. International Congress Series 1300: 707-710. 2007.
134. Wilson, T.W., Hernandez, O.O., Asherin, R.M., Teale, P.D., Reite M.L., Rojas, D.C. Cortical gamma generators suggest abnormal auditory circuitry in early-onset psychosis. Cerebral Cortex 18:371-378, 2008.
135. Ross, R.G., Greco-Sanders, L., Laudenslager, M., Reite, M. An institutional post-doctoral research training program: Predictors of publication rate and federal funding success of its graduates. Academic Psychiatry 33(3):234-240, 2008
136. Teale, P., Collins, D., Maharajh, K., Rojas, D.C., Kronberg, E. Reite, M. Cortical source estimates of gamma band amplitude and phase are different in schizophrenia. NeuroImage, 42:1481-1489, 2008
137. Winterrowd, E., Hepburn, S.L., Kimel, L.K., Reite, M.L., Rojas, D.C. Relationship of psychiatric disorders the measures of child function in parents of children with autism. Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities 11(2):1-13, 2008. REITE, Martin Page 13
138. Reite, M.,. Teale, P., Rojas, D.C., Reite, E., Asherin, R., Hernandez, O. MEG auditory evoked fields suggest altered structural/functional relationships in primary but not secondary auditory cortex in bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 11:371-381, 2009
139. Reite, M.,, Teale, P., Rojas. D. Schizoaffective disorder – a possible MEG auditory evoked field biomarker. Psych. Res. Neuroimag. 182:284-286, 2010.
140. Reite, M. Reite, E. Collins, D., Teale, P., Rojas, D.C. Sandberg, E. Brain size and brain/intracranial volume ratio in major mental illness. BMC Psychiatry, 10:79, 2010
141. Maharajh, K., Teale, P., Rojas, D.C., Reite, M.L. Fluctuation of gamma-band phase synchrony within the primary auditory cortex in schizophrenia. Clin. Neurophysiol. 121:542-548, 2010.
142. Wilson, T.W., Slason,R., Asherin, R., Kronberg, E., Reite, M.L., Teale, P., Rojas, D.C. An extended motor network generates beta and gamma oscillatory perturbations during development. Brain and Cognition 73(2)75-84, 2010
143. Teale, P., Pasko, B., Collins, D., Rojas, D., Reite, M. Somatosensory timing deficits in schizophrenia. NeuroImage, in press
B. Chapters and Books
1. Rhodes, J.M., Reite, M.L., Brown, D., Adey, W.R. Cortical-Subcortical Relationships of the Chimpanzee During Different Phases of Sleep. In M. Jouvet (Ed.) Neurophysiologie des Etats de Sommeil. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1965.
2. Koestler, A.G., Reite, M.L., Kratochvil, C. Studies in High Altitude Decompression. Lectures in Aerospace Medicine: Sixth Series. USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, Texas, 1967.
3. Jackson, W.J., Reite, M.L., Buxton, D.F. The Chimpanzee Central Nervous System: A Comparative Review. In Goldsmith and Moor-Jankowski (Eds.), Primates in Medicine, Volume IV. S. Karger: New York, 1969, pp. 1-51.
4. Reite, M. Maternal Separation in Monkey Infants: A Model of Depression. In I. Hanin and E. Usdin (Eds.) Animal Models in Psychiatry and Neurology. Pergamon Press: New York, 1977, pp. 127-140.
5. Reite, M. Genetic Factors in Mental Illness. In R. Simons and H. Pardes (Eds.), Understanding Human Behavior in Health and Illness, 2nd Edition, Williams and Wilkins Co.: Baltimore, 1981, pp. 505-513, and 3rd Edition, 1985, pp. 541-553.
6. Crnic, L.S., Reite, M.L., Shucard, D.W. Animal Models of Human Behavior: Their Application to the Study of Attachment. In R.N. Emde and R. Harmon (Eds.), The Development of Attachment and Affiliative Systems. Plenum Press: New York, 1982, pp. 31-41.
7. Reite, M., Caine, N. (Eds.) Child Abuse: The Non-human Primate Data. Alan R. Liss, Inc.: New York, 1983.
8. Caine, N., Reite, M. Infant Abuse in Captive Pigtailed Macaques: Relevance to Human Child Abuse. In M. Reite and N. Caine (Eds.), Child Abuse: The Non-human Primate Data. Alan R. Liss, Inc.: New York, 1983, pp. 19-27.
9. Reite, M. (rapporteur) et al. Animals Models. In J. Angst (Ed.), The Origins of Depression: Current Concepts and Approaches, Dahlem Konferenzen. Springer-Verlag: Berlin, 1983, pp. 405-423.
10. Reite, M., Short, R. Maternal Separation Studies: Rationale and Methodological Considerations. In K.A. Miczek REITE, Martin Page 14
(Ed.), Ethophar macology: Primate Models of Neurop sychiatric Disorders. Alan R. Liss, Inc.: New York, 1983, pp. 219-253.
11. Reite, M. Touch, Attachment and Health: Is There a Relationship? In C.C. Brown (Ed.), The Many Facets of Touch. Johnson and Johnson Pediatric Round Table, No. 10. Johnson and Johnson Co.: Skillman, N.J., 1984, pp. 58-65. Reprinted 1986. Reprinted in Barnard, K.E., and Brazelton, T.B. (Eds.) Touch: The Foundation of Experience. International Universities Press, Madison, CT. 1990. pp195-225.
12. Laudenslager, M.L., and Reite, M. Losses and Separations: Immunological Consequences and Health Implications. In P. Shaver (Ed.), Review of Personality and Social Psychology (Vol. 5) Special issue on emotions, relationships, and health. Sage Publications: Beverly Hills, CA, 1984, pp. 285-312.
13. Capitanio, J.P., Weissberg, M., and Reite, M. Biology of Maternal Behavior: Recent Findings and Implications. In M. Reite and T. Field (Eds.), The Psychobiology of Attachment and Separation. Academic Press: New York, 1985, pp. 51-92.
14. Reite, M., Capitanio, J.P. On the Nature of Social Separation and Social Attachment. In M. Reite and T. Field (Eds.), The Psychobiology of Attachment and Separation. Academic Press: New York, 1985, pp. 223-255.
15. Reite, M., Field, T. (Eds.), The Psychobiology of Attachment and Separation. Academic Press: New York, 1985.
16. Reite, M. Sleep and Sleep Disorders. In R. Simons (Ed.), Understanding Human Behavior in Health and Illness. Williams and Wilkins: Baltimore, 3rd Edition, 1985, pp. 569-585.
17. Reite, M. Implantable Biotelemetry and Social Separation in Monkeys. In G. Moberg (Ed.), Animal Stress. American Physiological Society: Bethesda, MD, 1985, pp. 141-160.
18. Field, T., Reite, M. The Psychobiology of Attachment and Separation: A Summary. In M. Reite and T. Field (Eds.), The Psychobiology of Attachment and Separation. Academic Press: New York, 1985, pp. 455-479.
19. Balkany, T.J., Larsen, S.A., Reite, M., Rasmussen, K., Stypulkowski, P., Burgio, P., Asher, D., Rucker, N.C., Blanton, F.L., Arenberg, I.K. Morphological and Behavioral Effects of Chronic Electrical Stimulation of the Primate Cochlea. In R.A. Schindler and M.M. Merzenich (Eds.), Cochlear Implants. Raven Press: New York, 1985, pp. 83-92.
20. Reite, M., Capitanio, J.P., Child Abuse: A Comparative and Psychobiological Perspective. In: R. Gelles and J. Lancaster, (Eds.), Child Abuse and Neglect: Biosocial Dimensions. Aldine De Gruyter, 1987, pp. 149-174.
21. Freed, C.R., Richards, J.B., Sabol, K.E., Reite, M.L. Fetal substantia nigra transplants lead to dopamine cell replacement and behavioral improvement in Bonnet monkeys with MPTP induced Parkinsonism. In: Beart, P.M., Woodruff, G.N., and Jackson, D.M., (Eds). Pharmacology and Functional Regulation of Dopaminergic Neurons, Macmillan Press, 1989 (p353-360).
22. Freed, C.R., Richards, J.B., Reite, M.L. Behavioral performance improves after fetal substantia nigra transplant in Bonnet monkeys with MPTP induced Parkinsonism. In: Hefti, F.F., and Weiner, W.J., (Eds.) Progress in Parkinsonism Research. Plenum Press, N.Y., 1988 (p193-196).
23. Reite, M. Magnetoencephalography in the study of mental illness. In Sato, S. (Ed.), Advances in Neurology, Vol 54: Magnetoencephalography. Raven Press, New York, 1990. (p207-222).
24. Reite, M. Treatment of sleep disorders in psychiatric practice. In: Dubovsky, S. and Shore J., (Eds.) Current Therapies in Psychiatry, B.C. Decker, Inc., in press.
25. Laudenslager, M.L., Boccia, M.L., Reite, M. Biobehavioral consequences of loss in nonhuman primates: Individual differences. In: Stroebe, M.S., Stroebe, W., and Hansson, R., (Eds.), Handbook of Bereavement. Theory, research, and intervention. Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp129-142. REITE, Martin Page 15
26. Reite, M., Boccia, M. Physiological Aspects of Adult Attachment. In: Sperling, M.B. and Berman, W.H. (Eds.) Attachment in Adults: Clinical and Developmental Perspectives, Guliford Publications, N.Y., 1994.
27. Reite, M. Magnetoencephalography in normal and clinical populations. In: Eiselt, M., Zweiner, U., and Witte, H. (Eds.) Quantitative and topological EEG and MEG analysis. Iniversitätsverlag Druckhaus-Mayer GmbH, Jena. 1995. pp 27-41.
28. Reite, M. Sleep disorders presenting as psychiatric disorders. Psych. Clinics of N. America 21(3):591-607, 1998.
29. Reite, M., Ruddy, J., Nagel, K. Diagnosie e Terapia dei Disturbi del Sonno, Centro Scientifico Editore, Torino, 1999
30. Rojas, D.C., Teale, P., Reite, M. Magnetoencephalography. In: M. Ernst and J. M. Rumsey, eds., Functional neuroimaging in child psychiatry. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 2000.
31. Reite, M. Sleep Disorders in Psychiatric Practice. In: Jacobson, J.L. and Jacobson, A.M. Eds. Psychiatric Secrets. Hanley & Belfus, Inc. Publishers, Philadelphia. Chapter 29; pp156-160,1995. Second Edition, Chapter 29; pp142- 148, 2001.
32. Reite, M., Nagel, K., Ruddy, J. Concise Guide to the Evaluation and Treatment of Sleep Disorders. American 39and Croatian editions published by Manual Moderno, Mexico, D.F. and Nakiada Slap., 2003
. 33. Reite, M. Treatment of Insomnia. In: Schatzberg, A. & Nemeroff. C. (Eds.) Textbook of Psychopharmacoogy. American Psychiatric Press, Second Edition, 1998. Third edition published 2004. Fourth Edition in press, 2009
34. Reite, M. Insomnia. Rakel, R.E. & Bope, E.T. Eds., Conn's Current Therapy 2005. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, PA. pp 37:42, 2005.
35. Reite, M. Insomnia. Rakel, R.E. & Bope, E.T. Eds., Conn's Current Therapy 2006. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, PA. pp 34:39, 2006
36. Reite, M., Weissberg, M., Ruddy, J. Clinical Manual for the Evaluation and Treatment of Sleep Disorders. American Psychiatric Publishing, Washington, D.C. 2009
37. Reite, M. Sleep. In: Arciniegas, D., Anderson, C.A., Filley, C. Eds. Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry, Cambridge University Press, in press 2013
C. Reviews and Symposium Papers
1. Reite, M.L., Stephens, L., Lewis, O. An advanced life support capsule for the chimpanzee: A brief critique. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of Air Force Behavioral Scientists, C.L. Jennings and C.J.G. Perry (Eds.) USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, Texas, 1966.
2. Buxton, D.F., Reite, M.L., Jackson, W.J. Some research techniques applicable to study of the chimpanzee nervous system. In: Goldsmith and Moor-Jankowski (Eds.) Primates in Medicine, Vol. IV. Basel and New York: S. Karger, 1969, pp. 52-61.
3. Reite, M., Pauley, J.D. Multichannel implantable biotelemetry: Problems, pitfalls, and rewards. In T. Fryer, H. Miller, and H. Sandler (Eds.) Biotelemetry III. New York: Academic Press, 1976, pp. 59-62.
4. Pauley, J.D., Reite, M. A simple, stress resistant implantable electrode. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 1977, p. 266.
5. Zimmerman, J.T., Edrich, J., Zimmerman, J.E., Reite, M.L. The human magnetoencephalographic averaged visual evoked field. In J.I. Martin and E.A. Calvert (Eds.) Proceedings of the San Diego Biomedical Symposium, Vol. 17, REITE, Martin Page 16
1978, pp. 217-221.
6. Pauley, J.D., Reite, M.L., Weeks, R.W., Long, F.M. A hybrid multi-channel implantable biotelemetry transmitter. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 1978, p. 132.
7. Walker, S., Reite, M. BEIN11: On-line behavior input. Proceedings of the Digital Equipment Users Society, San Francisco, November, 1978, pp. 715-717.
8. Reite, M., Zimmerman, J.E. Magnetic phenomena of the central nervous system. Annual Review of Biophysics and Bioengineering 7:167-188, 1978.
9. Mast, R.T., Reite, M.L., and Pauley, J.D. Long term physiological monitoring of biotelemetry data using an on-line real-time system. In "IEEE 1980 Frontiers of Engineering in Health Care," Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of IEEE/Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Washington, D.C., September 28-30, 1980.
10. Mast, R.T., Short, R., Reite, M. A biobehavioral biotelemetry system. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation 18:29- 36, 1982.
11. Zimmerman, J.T., Reite, M., Zimmerman, J.E., Daspit, J.A., Teale, P. Topographic distribution and orientation of the neuromagnetic field pattern associated with click and tone auditory stimuli. In H. Weinberg, G. Stroink, and T. Katila (Eds.) , Biomagnetism: Applications and Theory. Pergamon Press: New York, 1985.
12. Edrich, J., Zimmerman, J.T., Reite, M., Zimmerman, J.E. Magnetoencephalography: Instrumentation, results and applications. Proc. AAMI 20th Ann. Meeting. Boston, May, 1985.
13. Reite, M. Some additional influences shaping the development of behavior. Child Dev., 58:596-600, 1987.
14. Reite, M. Infant abuse and neglect: Lessons from the primate laboratory. Child Abuse and Neglect, 11:347-355, 1987.
15. Reite, M., Teale, P., Neumann, R., Davis, K. Localization of a 50 msec latency auditory evoked field component. In: R. Johnson, Jr., W.W. Rohrbaugh, R. Parasuraman, (Eds.). Current Trends in Event-Related Potential Research. (EEG Suppl. 40) pp. 487-492, 1987.
16. Teale, P., Edrich, J., Reite, M. A current dipole model for localization of neurological sources. Biomed. Sci. Instrument. 24:115-118, 1988.
17. Goldstein, L., Teale, P., Reite, M. Monte Carlo study of confidence region accuracy for MEG inverse dipole solutions. In: Williamson, S.J., Hoke, M., Stroink, G., and Kotani, M., Eds. Advances in Biomagnetism. Plenum Press, New York. 1989. pp. 555-558.
18. Teale, P., Zimmerman, J., Edrich, J., Linnville, S., Reite, M. Subject and gradiometer positioning for MEG recording: A preliminary report. In: Williamson, S.J., Hoke, M., Stroink, G., and Kotani, Eds. Advances in Biomagnetism. Plenum Press, New York. 1989. pp. 697-700 .
19. Reite, M. Effects of touch on the immune system. In: Gunzenhauser, N. Ed., Advances in Touch: New Implications in Human Development. Johnson & Johnson Consumer Products, Inc., Pediatric Roundtable Series: 14, Skillman, N.J. 1990. pp. 22-31.
20. Edrich, J., Teale, P., Reite, M., Zimmerman, J. Doorless and economic shield for clinical magnetoencephalography. Proceedings of BIOMAG 93, Vienna, 1993.
21. Reite, M., Buysse, D., Reynolds, C., Mendelson, W. The Use of Polysomnography in the Evaluation of Insomnia. Sleep 18(1):58-70, 1995.
22. Reite, M., Teale, P., Sheeder, J., Rojas, D., Simon, J. Neuropsychiatric applications of MEG. In: Hashimoto, I., Okada, Y.C., Ogawa, S. Visualization of Information Processing in the Human Brain: Recent Advances in MEG and REITE, Martin Page 17
Functional MRI. Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. Suppl. 47, 1996.
23. Reite, M., Rojas, D. MEG Correlates of Psychoses: Anomalous Lateralization and Abnormal Memory Function. In: Witte, H., Zwiener, U. ,Schack, B., Doering, A. Eds. Quantitative and Topological EEG and MEG Analysis. Druckhaus Mayer Verlag GMBH Jena, Erlangen, 1997. pp 150-154.
24. Reite, M., Teale, P., Rojas, D.C. Magnetoencephalography: Applications in psychiatry. Biol. Psych. 45(12):1564- 1571, 1999.
25. Arciniegas, David; Adler, Lawrence; Topkoff, Jeannie; Cawthra, Ellen; Filley, Christopher M.; Reite, Martin. Attention and memory dysfunction after tramatic brain injury: cholinergic mechanisms, sensory gating, and a hypothesis for further investigation. Brain Injury, 13:1-113, 1999
26. Rojas, D.C., Sheeder, J.L., Teale, P., Walker, J.R., Robertson, B.A., Selig, S., Reite, M. MEG measurement of auditory sensory memory persistence via the M100 in children and adults. In: Aine, C., Okada, Y., Stroink, G., Swithenby, S., and Wood, C. (Eds.) Advances in Biomagnetism Research: Biomag 96. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2000.
D. Other Publications
1. Reite, M.L., Stephens, L., Bixler, E.O., Rhodes, J.M. Section II: Physiology and Neurophysiology. In A. Koestler (Ed.), Replication and Extension of Rapid Decompression of Chimpanzees to a Near Vacuum. Aeromedical Research Laboratory Technical Report No. 67-2, Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Holloman AFB, New Mexico, 1967.
2. Buxton, D.F., Reite, M.L. Confirmation of the chimpanzee stereotaxic atlas: Electrode placements in one animal. Aeromedical Research Laboratory Technical Report No. 67-7, Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Holloman AFB, New Mexico, 1967.
3. Barter, J.T., Reite, M.L. Reply to Glickman, L.: LSD, alcohol and the courts. (Letter to the Editor) Am. J. Psychiat. 125:1181-1182, 1970.
4. Reite, M. Review of "Measurement of Neurotransmitter Release In Vivo," C.A. Marsden, Editor. J. Electrophy- siol. Tech. 13:52-53, 1986.
5. Reite, M. Review of "Female Primates: Studies by Women Primatologists," M.F. Small, Editor.. Psychosom. Med., 48:286-287, 1986.
6. Reite, M. Review of "Animal Models of Psychopathology," N. Bond, Editor. Psychosomatic Med., 48:448-450, 1986.
7. Reite, M. Attachment relationship has impact on patient's physiological functioning. The Psychiatric Times, V.7, No. 2 February 1990, pp. 41-44.
8. Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee, American Academy of Neurology (M. Reite, expert panelist). Assessment: Techniques associated with the Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Disorders. Neurology, 42:269-275, 1992.
9. Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee, American Academy of Neurology (M. Reite, expert panelist). Assessment: Magnetoencephalography (MEG). Neurology, 42:1-4, 1992.
10. Standards of Practice Committee, American Sleep Disorders Association (M. Reite, member). The clinical use of the multiple sleep latency test. Sleep, 15:268-276, 1992.
11. Reite, M., Boccia, M. Psychosocial support during high-risk pregnancy. Letters to the Editor, New England Journal REITE, Martin Page 18
of Medicine, 328:887, 1993.
12. Standards of Practice Committee, American Sleep Disorders Association (M. Reite, member). Practice Parameters for the use of polysomnography in the evaluation of insomnia. Sleep 18(1):55-57, 1995.
13. Reite, M. Review of The Nature of Grief: The Evolution and Psychology of Reactions to Loss. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 77(2):242, 2002.
E. Abstracts : 216 (list available upon request)
Oct-15 2012