Ringrose Public School 2012 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 15

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Ringrose Public School 2012 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 15

SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY Literacy S E T M E 2012 2013 2014 O Increased level of literacy G C R T achievement for every A U T  At least 90% of Year 3  At least 92% of Year 3 students  At least 95% of Year 3 students O student. students achieving at or achieving at or above minimum achieving at or above minimum above the minimum standard in NAPLAN reading standard in NAPLAN reading standard in NAPLAN reading  At least 88% of Year 5 students  At least 90% of Year 5 students  At least 85% of Year 5 achieving at or above minimum achieving at or above minimum students achieving at or standard in NAPLAN reading standard in NAPLAN reading above minimum standard in  At least 92% of Year 3 students  At least 94% of Year 3 students NAPLAN reading achieving at or above the minimum achieving at or above the  At least 90% of Year 3 standard in NAPLAN writing minimum standard in NAPLAN students achieving at or writing  At least 92% of Year 5 students above the minimum achieving at or above the minimum  At least 94% of Year 5 students standard in NAPLAN writing standard in NAPLAN writing achieving at or above the  At least 90% of Year 5 minimum standard in NAPLAN  At least 65% of Year 5 students students achieving at or writing achieving greater than or equal to above the minimum expected NAPLAN growth in  At least 70% of Year 5 students standard in NAPLAN writing reading. achieving greater than or equal  At least 60% of Year 5 to expected NAPLAN growth in students achieving greater reading. than or equal to expected NAPLAN growth in reading.

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 1 FUNDING STRATEGIES INDICATORS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILITY SOURCE/BUDGET Consistent whole school approach to 2012 2013 2014 literacy.  Communicate the school’s  All staff are clear about their role and T1 * * Executive management plan and responsibility in meeting the schools intended literacy outcomes to goals as expressed in the School’s staff Mission Statement.

 Provide staff with professional  All staff will implement a balanced * * Executive PL $5000 learning on the effective literacy program which evident through teaching of aspects of literacy planning. Resources $8000 (see action plan) Executive

 Professional sharing of  Staff engaging in mentoring with competencies. executive and colleagues. * Executive  Engaging a consultant to work with All Staff  Introduce the new NSW executives English K-6 syllabus  TPL on the new English syllabus T2 English Committee  Trial new English syllabus All Staff  Implementation of English Syllabus *

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 2  Involvement of all staff in the  The policy is used to inform teaching, -- T1 English Committee development (and subsequent learning, assessing and reporting review) of a Literacy Policy K-6  Consistency in understanding of what we teach and why

 Conduct information sessions  Parents are informed about their T1 T1 All staff about the school’s literacy children’s literacy learning and the programs as part of the ‘Meet school’s targets in literacy the Teacher’ sessions K-6

 Conduct information sessions  Parents are informed about the new T3 Executive about the new English English Syllabus English Committee Syllabus with parents and community.

 Provide differentiated  Develop “professional buddies” to professional learning provide differentiated professional * * All Staff led by opportunities for staff. learning training for staff as required executive

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 3 Quality Teaching  L3 Program  Kindergarten staff to participate in Kindergarten staff L3 program T1 * Executive leading staff

 Monitor assessment practice  Consistency in teacher judgement T1 * * All staff including the moderation of student work samples

 Clarify with staff how best to  Students have an understanding of give quality feedback through the purpose of learning. T1 * * Executive the use of learning intentions  Learning intentions and success All Staff and success criteria. criteria to be evident through planning and in programs.

 Stage planning days at the  Collaborative team planning, end of each term to plan for evidence of consistent teaching and Executive the following term learning programs across each T1 * * All Staff grade

 Brief staff on DEC documents  Utilisation of DEC documents for – English syllabus, support teaching programs T1 * * Stage Supervisors and documents and continuum Stage Teams framework

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 4  Reading Recovery and STLA  Teachers are aware of specific * * STLA teachers to share ‘best strategies to address students’ varied Executive practice’ literacy learning needs in reading and writing. All Staff methodologies across stages.

 Review and update existing  Scope and sequences drive planning stage scope and sequence and programming. * * Executive plans in order to develop a K-6 English Committee scope and sequence, as part of the school’s literacy policy.

Data collection and Analysis  Review current systems for  Improved ability to identify the literacy T1-4 * Executive the collection and analysis for needs of students K-6. English Committee student performance data in literacy and refine the systems to ensure they are manageable.

 Provide opportunities for all  Literacy programs incorporate * * Principal staff to analyse the schools strategies that target support for NAPLAN data and discuss at individuals and groups of students. stage/staff meetings

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 5 Support for diversity of student learning  Provide professional learning  Demonstration of student outcomes T1 * STL/ESL activities on meeting the adjusted to individual needs through CRT literacy needs of students the development and implementation Executive with specific learning needs of Individual Learning Plans by introducing Module 1 of Every Student Every School  Individual learning plans for Aboriginal * * STL/ESL students and students on funding CRT support Executive

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 6 SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY Numeracy S E T M E 2012 2013 2014 O Increased level of numeracy G C R T achievement for every A U T  At least 88% of Year 3  At least 90% of Year 3 students  At least 92% of Year 3 of students O student. students achieving at or achieving at or above minimum achieving at or above minimum above minimum standard in standard in NAPLAN numeracy standard in NAPLAN numeracy. NAPLAN numeracy.  At least 88% of Year 5 of students  At least 90% of Year 5 of students  At least 85% of Year 5 of achieving at or above minimum achieving at or above minimum students achieving at or standard in NAPLAN numeracy standard in NAPLAN numeracy above minimum standard in  At least 42% of Year 3 students  At least 45% of Year 3 students NAPLAN numeracy achieving in the proficiency level in achieving in the proficiency level  At least 40% of Year 3 NAPLAN numeracy. in NAPLAN numeracy. students achieving in the  At least 30% of Year 5 students  At least 35% of Year 5 students proficiency level in NAPLAN achieving in the proficiency levels in achieving in the proficiency level numeracy. NAPLAN numeracy. in NAPLAN numeracy.  At least 25% of Year 5  At least 65% of Year 5 students  At least 70% of Year 5 students students achieving in the achieving greater than or equal to achieving greater than or equal to proficiency level in NAPLAN expected growth in NAPLAN expected growth in NAPLAN numeracy. numeracy. numeracy.  At least 60% of Year 5 students achieving greater than or equal to expected growth in NAPLAN numeracy.

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 7 FUNDING STRATEGIES INDICATORS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILITY SOURCE/BUDGET

2012 2013 2014 Consistent whole school approach to numeracy.  Communicate the school’s  All staff members are clear about their T1 * * Executive and management plan and role and responsibility in meeting the numeracy committee PL $3000 intended numeracy outcomes schools goals to staff Resources $4000 T1 * *  Investigate the systems and  Awareness of variance in practices structures that are already in across the school in order to target place for the teaching of professional learning appropriately numeracy

 Involvement of all staff in the  Consistency in understanding of what T1 * All staff development (and subsequent we teach and why review) of a Numeracy Policy and Scope and Sequence K-6

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 8  Implement professional  Teachers are able to use the Numeracy T1 * Executive development on the Continuum to plan. Maths committee Numeracy Continuum. All Staff

 Conduct information sessions  All staff are aware of the structure of * * All Staff about the school’s numeracy various ‘number’ programs as well as programs as part of the ‘Meet various assessment procedures the Teacher’ sessions K-6 associated with these programs

 Conduct information sessions  Parents are informed about the new T3 Executive about the new Mathematics Mathematics Syllabus Mathematics Syllabus with parents and Committee community.

Executive  Introduce the new NSW  TPL on the new Mathematics syllabus T2 Mathematics Mathematics K-6 syllabus Committee  Trial new Mathematics syllabus T3 *  Implementation of Mathematics Syllabus

 Provide differentiated  Develop “professional buddies” to All Staff led by professional learning provide differentiated professional * * executive opportunities for staff. learning training for staff as required

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 9 Quality Teaching  Provide staff with a K-6  ‘Number Mania’ program * * All Staff number program to improve implemented in all classes K-6 automatic recall of number facts.

 Provide TPL on ‘Newman’s  Teachers confident in using the ‘steps’ T1 * All Staff Error Analysis’ for problem to support students’ problem solving solving and working skills and identify their areas of mathematically weakness

 Implement ‘Problem a Day’  Collegial reflection and feedback. T2 * All Staff (Year 1-6) to develop  Evident in classroom teacher programs consistency of mathematical and practice. Consistent language used. language and processes across  Students apply problem solving the school. strategies.

 Evaluate and upgrade the  Examine syllabus outcomes to T1 Mathematics current mathematics determine required equipment Committee resources.  Purchase equipment to meet the short fall.

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 10 Data collection and Analysis  Collecting, collating and  Increased awareness by all staff of * * Executive analysing school based and student achievement across the school SMART data to guide programming and improve  Programs reflect data analysis and student outcomes. individual student needs. -Best Start -A-E spreadsheets from school  K-2 Stage supervisors to collect and * * K-2 Executive database report on Best Start results each term. Improvements are tracked and communicated. Students in need of intensive support are identified

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 11 Support for diversity of student learning

 Provide professional learning  Demonstration of modified activities * * Executive activities on the and outcomes to meet the individual STL differentiation of lessons to needs of groups or individual students CRT meet the numeracy needs of students with specific learning needs.  IEPs for Aboriginal Students and * * STL, LST, Stage leaders students receiving integration support and CRT

SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY Leadership S E T M E 2012 2013 2014 O Strengthened leadership and G C R T management capacity of A U T  Increased number of staff  All leaders to be effectively leading  All leaders demonstrating O school staff, executive and initiating and undertaking professional learning for teacher effective leadership and principal to drive school leadership roles and quality. management skills for school responsibilities improvement. improvement.  All teachers to have a professional  Increase in levels analytical development plan linked to  All teachers utilise a professional framework for leadership of professional learning and development plan linked to literacy and numeracy performance. professional learning, performance and student outcomes.

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 12 FUNDING STRATEGIES INDICATORS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILITY SOURCE/BUDGET

2012 2013 2014

 Participation in the ‘Team  Proposed timeline developed for TPL T1 * * Principal Leadership for School sessions and program structure to suit Improvement K-12’ Program Ringrose P.S. (run by the Professional  Greater leadership capacity for guiding * Learning and Leadership and managing results-focused whole Executive Directorate) school improvement  Self assessment against  Evidence of collaborative processes to * Institute standards influence continuous school improvement and the capacity building of teachers, teams and leaders.  Awareness by staff of current research * in effective teaching, leadership, professional learning and school improvement  Increase in leadership capacity based on Institute of teachers teaching * standards

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 13  Build leadership capacity  Consistency in managerial and T1-4 * * through TPL to improve operational practices across all teams. NP funding TPL teacher quality through lesson $15000 study, leadership programs  Staff supported by executive who apply * * and consistent leadership the Leadership Capability Framework. practices.  Increased professional dialogue * * opportunities resulting in consistency and quality of the implementation of the teaching and learning cycle in all KLAs.

 Increased student outcomes as * * teachers are more effective in implementation of the teaching and learning cycle and supported by school executive.

 Timelines for professional practice followed by all staff, e.g. TARS and * * program review.

 Improved staff knowledge of NSW BOS syllabus documents and DEC policies * * and practices.

 Sustainability of school programs and initiatives , e.g. CMIT, PSSA * *

 Increased numbers of staff leading, sharing and presenting professional * * learning that caters for differentiated development levels.

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 14 SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY Curriculum & Assessment S E T M E 2012 2013 2014 O Clear alignment between the G C R T implementation of curriculum, A U T  Increase. In QT framework in  All teachers engage in sharing of QT  All teachers embed Quality O professional learning and programs and practices across practice. Teaching into everyday practice. student learning needs. KLAs  All teachers utilising SMART2  Increase in the use of SMART data analysis and strategies in  All teachers utilising SMART2 data data to inform programs and their literacy and numeracy analysis and strategies in their practices feedback and programs. literacy programs. assessment.  All teachers engage in consistent  All teachers utilise explicit criteria  Increase in quality feedback and effective assessment and and provide relevant feedback for and assessment practices feedback practices from K- 6. improved student outcomes. . FUNDING STRATEGIES INDICATORS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILITY SOURCE/BUDGET

2012 2013 2014

 Raise awareness of the Quality  Quality teaching elements are evident T1-4 * * Executive Teaching documents in stage in the teaching and learning activities team meetings and how the (that are designed collaboratively). elements impact on teaching and learning.

 Conduct stage planning days  Effective teaching and learning T1-4 * * Stage teams at the end of each term for programs are designed which are stages to plan teaching, implemented consistently across the learning and assessment grade/stage. Directions are set to guide activities for the following future learning. term.

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 15  Staff to collate and analyse  Information to be recorded on the * * school-based A-E assessment school database data twice per year (Year 1-6).  Stage leaders to demonstrate with * * their teachers the criteria for the  STLA to target Year 3 and Year allocation of A-Es 5 students for support in Term 1.

 Moderation of tasks and  Demonstration that assessment tasks * * comparison of work samples have preceded planning across grades, leading to consistent teacher judgement of A-E reporting. *  Reflect on the triangulation of data from school-based assessments, NAPLAN results and students’ own impressions of their performance in literacy and numeracy. *  Teachers utilise the ‘teaching strategies’ that are aligned with SMART2 data package.

 Share and discuss the current * assessment practices across KLAs K-6.

 Involvement of all staff in the development (and subsequent * review) of an Assessment Policy K-6.

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 16 SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY Engagement S E T M E 2012 2013 2014 O Students and their families G C R T experience a challenging, A U T  Increase in the number of  Teachers provide increased  All teachers provide flexible and O flexible, personalised and safe students receiving positive opportunities for student directed challenging learning across the learning environment. rewards. learning. curriculum K – 6.  Reduction in the number of  Students are recognised in the areas of:  Review and evaluate procedures for discipline cards issued. academic, behavioural, sporting and recognising student’s attainments in attendance all areas  To provide an explicit social skills program K-6  Evaluate the effectiveness of the K-6  Investigate new and different social skills program. Revise as approaches to promote student well- necessary being within the school


2012 2013 2014 Kylie to lead  Implement a whole school 40  Students participating in social skills * * week Social Skills Program, program (involving the community through newsletter  Students instructed on and * * Stage leaders/ Linda advertisement etc) demonstrate the ‘Ringrose Core Values Program’  Investigate an anti-bullying and leadership program for stage 3 students, targeting  Anti-bullying policy and practices * * Year 6 in particular implemented.

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 17  Review the current system for reporting misdemeanours to  Accurate information regarding student * * Executive executive (‘white slips’) and behaviour is reported to executive and adjust as necessary recorded on Student Database  All stake holders have the opportunity Principal, executive  Review the current Student to participate in the review of the SW * * and stakeholders Welfare Policy and make the policy necessary changes. Upgrade data base $8000 Communicate the revised  Updated policy is shared with all * * Sentral? policy to all staff regularly stakeholders

 Monitor attendance data, in  Provide acknowledgement for students particular for whole school displaying excellent behaviour * * events (carnivals, assemblies etc) and partial absences.  Utilise the skills of the Home School,  Develop and implement a Liaison Officer to assist families whose ‘School Attendance Policy’ children are displaying unsatisfactory * * with a particular focus on the behaviour system(s) for following up absences  Formally congratulate those students *  Continue to use the ‘Ringrose who are displaying excellent P.S School-Wide Behaviour attendance Expectations’ (A3 blue chart) that links the school rules to the behaviour(s) expected in all school settings

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 18  Support teachers in the  LST and stage leaders to assist teachers * * Stage leaders delivery of a curriculum to identify and meet the needs of relevant to the needs of every individual students learner, through TPL in quality teaching, use of IWB’s to support learning, methods for curriculum differentiation etc

 Provide opportunities to * celebrate and recognise student attainment:

- Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards - ‘Congratulations’ letters each term and Principal’s morning tea - Merit Certificates (fortnightly assemblies) - ‘Instants’ - Raffle Tickets (playground) - House Points -

Ringrose Public School 2012 – 2014 School Plan Key - * Ongoing Program Page 19

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