Criteria to Assess the Contribution of a Project to Gender Equality Gleichstellung Von

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Criteria to Assess the Contribution of a Project to Gender Equality Gleichstellung Von

Gender self-assessment concerning the contribution of a project/programme to the equality between women and men, women’s and girls’ human rights and women’s empowerment

The Gender self-assessment has to be conducted by partners at the project/programme identification or formulation stage. The consideration of the following questions is required to ensure compliance with ADA Joint Principles for Crosscutting issues and Minimum Standards for Gender Mainstreaming and Women empowerment1. Partner Institutions are requested to integrate all gender related information directly in the project document. In case of non-provision of relevant information and data please provide the reasons in the questionnaire below.

Project title: Organization/Contact person: Question: Please indicate where these YES/NO/ issues are captured in the not project document/ project applicable application Summary Does the summary reflect gender aspects of the chapter xx of project intervention? document If not why not:

I. Identification/Formulation Phase Has the national gender framework been analysed, the chapter xx of project conclusions taken into account and described? document If not why not:

Has information been provided on target group presented on chapter xx of project the basis of sex/gender? document If not why not:

Has a gender analysis been carried out? Is the gender chapter xx of project analysis based on relevant gender publications, studies, document research, assessments? Are these reference documents listed accordingly? If not why not:

Have systemic barriers for equal access to resources and chapter xx of project services of women and men, including gender inequalities document within marginalized groups been identified and referred to? Have obstacles to participation in decision making processes at household level and in public and to the realization of women’s rights been considered? If not why not:

chapter xx of project Have gender-sensitive indicators been developed on document (impact), outcome and output level? Are the costs for gender sensitive measures as well as for monitoring and assessment adequately considered within the project budget?

1 in line with and informed by main dimensions as included in the “EU Toolkit on mainstreaming gender equality in EC development cooperation” and the “UNCT Performance Indicators for Gender Equality”. Gender Assessment | page 1 If not why not:

II. Implementation Phase Has it been planned to monitor the gender-sensitive chapter xx of project indicators and/or sex-disaggregated data on a regular basis? document

If not why not:

Which mechanisms are in place to ensure that steering chapter xx of project measures will be taken in case necessary? document If not why not:

III. Evaluation Phase Has it been foreseen to assess the promotion of gender chapter xx of project equality, women’s (girls’) rights and women’s empowerment? document If not why not:

IV. Gender Competence and Capacity Development Do project/programme partners and all other relevant parties chapter xx of project concerned dispose over adequate gender competence and document capacities? Are accompanying measures (such as the involvement of a gender expert and/or specific capacity development) foreseen in order to promote gender awareness and provide knowledge and to enable partners/parties to apply and pass on the knowledge they have acquired for the implementation and for monitoring the project? Are these costs included in the budget?

If not why not:

Gender Assessment | page 2

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