A. Before Entering the Classroom, Students Will
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Ms. Lovett’s Classroom Procedures & Incentives
A. Before entering the classroom, students will Stand QUIETLY in a SINGLE file line near classroom door. Perform a dress code self check Check to make sure they have textbook, notebook, library book, writing utensil and assignments B. When the bell rings students will: Already or have started working on bell ringer (5 minute timed assignment). Check make up work station (IF NEEDED) *****If finished with bell ringer before timer, students should read library book C. How to head your paper: Papers must include name, student #, date, class period, assignment title, and page # (include pg # only if placed in classwork section). D. What to do with assignments: When instructed, students will place completed classwork on the student center counter (late assignments will result in point deduction). All students should place assignments in their notebooks according to section, page # and by date (unless given other instructions). E. Forms, notes & slips for Mrs. Lovett: Excused absence slips, tardy slips, progress reports, behavior reports, notes from parents, and any other items I need to see or fill out should be placed in the tray next to the door. F. Make-up work station Before the bell, students are to visit the make-up station to check the folder labeled with his/her class period and then sign the log when make-up work has been picked up, as well as, when it has been completed Also, students who need to check my notebook to make sure their notebook is organized correctly may visit the make-up station before the bell rings. Students have 3 days to make up work and once completed, it must be placed in the make-up work tray. However, if it is not made up the student receives a zero. G. Passing assignments in: The classroom is set up with various groups and students must pass papers towards the front to the group leader. The class leader must make sure: *** All papers are in numerical order *** Check with group leader to make sure ALL students from their group have turned in his/her assignment H. Dismissal: I will dismiss you when the time arrives, but you must wait for my instructions. A bell will not always ring for dismissal. All students must be in their assigned seats and quiet. All paper and trash must be picked up from around your desk. I. Group Activity Each student will work with the group they have been assigned Students will decide together who will take certain responsibilities, roles and duties determined by the teacher Students will whisper and use inside voices during ALL group activities!! Students will be respectful, responsible and resourceful J. Fire Drill Students will make a right as they leave out of the classroom (RM 124). Then make a left at the end of the hallway and students will head towards the front office and exit the building and proceed across the parking lot to the field and face the street in a single file line the entire time they leave out of the classroom and NO TALKING during the entire time of the drill!!! THE DESIGNATED SPOT TO STAND IS “in front of the principal’s parking spot” across the street in the field K. Tornado Drill Students will make a left as they leave out of the classroom (RM 124). They will proceed to Room 132 in a single file line and there is NO TALKING during the entire time of the drill!!! Listen and follow directions of the other teachers and administrators in the tornado safe room
L. Incentives Students will randomly receive prizes for correct answers, participation, and for “being caught doing something good”.
Student/Teacher Pact
I have read and I understand all class rules and procedures.
I will also follow all class rules and procedures.
Students Name______(print)
Students Signature______(sign)